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The Quest Level - ?

The King’s only daughter, Princess Elinore has been kidnapped by a band of bloodthirsty Orcs! They have been tracked and are now hiding out in an abandoned
castle. The King has all ready spread his men all over the country to protect the local roads, villages and towns. After all, where there is one band of green-skins, there
is bound to be more. His only group of troops available were the one's escorting the Princess. So the King is turning to Hero Adventures to save his daughter. The
promised reward of 500 gold coins to whoever returns his daughter to him safely.
Good luck Heroes!

This quest can be played by 2-4 Heroes. Search the abandoned castle and free the Princess and put an end to the Orcs reign of terror.

Location Table 2D6 Doorway Table D10

Roll Location Roll Doorway Type
2 Room 6x6 (2 door) 1-7 Unlocked Door
3 Room 6x4 (4 doors) 8-1 Locked Door Dif:2
4 T Intersection 11+ Great Door - after second Great
Door becomes unlocked door
5 Room 6x6 (3 doors)
6 Room 6x6 (4 doors)
Chest Lock Table D6
7 Hallway
Roll Result
8 X Intersection
1-3 Locked Dif:2
9 Corner
4-6 Unlocked
10 Room 6x4 (4 doors)
11-12 Special
Chest Trap Table D6

Special Location Table (D6) Roll Chest Trap

Roll Room 1-4 Chest is not trapped

1-3 Fountain Room 5-6 Snapper – WIT -1

Mechanical Jaws are hidden within the lock ready to crunch the
4-6 Sarcophagus would-be disarmer. This trap only affects the hero opening the
chest or door. The Jaws make a 3d6 attack against the hero. The
hero rolls DEF but without Armor or Shield Bonuses
Unique Location Chart
Door Type Location
First Great Door Boss' Lair Random Event Table D6
Second Great Door The Cell Block Roll Random Event
1 Broken Weapon - Weapon last used by the Hero is broken, must be
Monster Table D6
2 Quake Crevice - A ground tremor shakes the dungeon and a crack
Roll Monsters (#)
opens in the floor. Roll a D6.
1 Wolves (D4) On a1,3,5 the crevice goes across the room.
On a 2,4,6 it goes down the room.
2 Wolves(D6) Roll the appropriate coordinate die to determine which row or column
of squares is now a crevice.
3 Orcs (D4)
Make a DEX check to jump if caught in a crevice square. Even or
4 Orcs (D6) odd to determine which side they land. Chests on the Crevice are
5 Ghoblins (D4) & Orc(D4) To cross the crevice, a Hero must get 2 successes on a DEX roll.
6 Ghoblins (D6) & Wolves (D4) 3-5 Monster Patrol - Monsters appear at the Doorway through which
you entered the room or hallway. Roll on the Monster Table and
place the Monsters at the Doorway.
Encounter Table D8
6 Nothing
Roll Encounter
1-4 Monsters
5-6 Chest & Monsters
7-8 Chests (D4)

Roll Door Trap Result
1-2 Door not trapped
-4 Spiked Ball – (DEX -2) - A giant spiked ball on a chain swings down in front of the door. All Heroes in its line of travel from wall to wall suffer an
3D6 ATK. Each Hero gets to roll DEF but without Armor or Shield bonuses.
5 Sleep Trap – (WIT -1) - When sprung a sleep gas fills the room, opposed by RES roll and must get 2 success or fall asleep. Heroes may make
no actions on each following turn except to repeat the RES roll, when two successes are achieved that Hero wakes up and may make one action
this turn. A Hero must be adjacent to another Hero to awaken them. Once a Hero is awakened, they can make one action this turn. Any attack
against a sleeping Hero will also awaken them with the same results.
6 Expanding Pit – (DEX -2) - When sprung a pit appears in the four squares in the front of the door. Heroes can make a DEX -2 roll to jump to an
adjacent square to avoid falling. Each turn the Pit expands by 1 square around and heroes still in the room must make another DEX -2 check.
Heroes have 2 turns to exit the room or fall to their death! All chests in the room are lost.

Treasure Table D6 (+2 for Locked Chests) Special Treasure Items

Roll Treasure Result Item Name Item's Use Notes
1-2 5 Gold Coins This is a onetime use item. When used on a dead Hero,
Potion of Revival
he revives with full life.
3-4 Potion of Healing
The Orc blood Whetstone can be used to sharpen a
6 Great Key (Unique – Re-roll this result)
Orc Blood bladed weapon. That weapon then gets a +1 when
7 Potion of Revival Whetstone fighting Orcs and Green skins (as well as its normal other
bonus). The whetstone is discarded after use.
8 Orc Blood Whetstone

Having decided to aid the King and rescue his daughter, you make your way to the old Castle. You enter the foyer and by the light of two torches, find three unlocked
doors leading into the depths.

As per the rules these will not be locked or trapped. Where to next . . . ?

6 4 1 5 1 5 5 2 0 5

Law: Melee Relentless

Attach: Teeth & Claws (ATK Melee)
Powers: None
Description: Once a Wolf detects the Heroes it will always move and attack the nearest Hero. They will hunt the heros throughout the dungeon once encountered
unless blocked by a door. Wolves are large wild canines. They have fur ranging in colors from brown, red, grey, white, and black. Wolves have large sharp teeth and
equally as deadly claws.

Ghoblin Dagger
4 3 1 3 1 4 4 3 2 4

Law: Melee Pack

Attack: Dagger (ATK Melee)
Powers: None.
Description: Ghoblins are the smallest of the green-skinned races. Daggers are the cannon fodder of Greenskin armies and carry knives or small swords as their main
weapons. They are not as strong as their larger cousins, the Orcs, but they are smarter and just as cruel and vicious. They will wait and only attack the nearest hero in
an adjacent space to another monster. The monster will attack if cornered and attacked by a hero.

7 6 1 3 1 6 4 4 10 6

Law: Melee Nearest

Attack: Sword (ATK Melee)
Powers: None.
Description: - Once they detect the Heroes they will always move and attack the nearest Hero. Orcs are a brutal and savage race of green-skinned humanoids. They
delight in war and violence. They are not as smart as some of the other races, but they are cunning and clever in devising new ways to cause mayhem. Orcs dwell in
abandoned places that are avoided by other races, but close enough to civilization to occasionally attack them.

10 9 1 3 1 4 3 2 12 7

Law: Melee Revenge

Attack: Giant Club (ATK Melee). Successes apply to Heroes in the target square and one adjacent square.
Description: - Trolls are the largest of the Green-skins. However their rock like skin does not always show the green pigment and they are usually a light gray color.
Trolls are very stupid, so usually require someone to get them started in battle.

In the center of this room is a large tranquil fountain. Any Hero, who moves to the fountain, may take a drink from it. Any Hero drinking from the fountain will feel like
they have just drank a Healing Potion. The fountain water only works within this room, if the water is taken out of the room, it is just water.

Any Hero who drinks from a fountain will immediately get 1D4 LIF points restored to them up to their current maximum. A Hero can only be healed once per visit to
the fountain, any more drinking will just be refreshing! The Fountain of Healing Rooms (a 6X6 tile) will never have Treasure Chests but can have Monsters. Roll on the
Encounter Table and ignore any results for Chests and keep the results for Monsters. Proceed as normal.

This room contains a large, ornate, and empty stone sarcophagus at the center of it. The sarcophagus is slightly glowing with a magical light. Any dead or mostly
dead Hero placed inside the sarcophagus will be returned the their companions, alive once more to continue the fight against Evil!

The Hero emerges from the sarcophagus at the beginning of the next round with 1 LIF point. A Hero may only use a sarcophagus once per game. A Sarcophagus of
Reviving Room (a 6X6 tile) will never have Treasure Chests in it but, can have Monsters. Roll on the Encounter Table and ignore any results for Chests and keep the
results for Monsters. Proceed as normal.

The Cell block has 6 cells locked with a special key but none are trapped. The Orc Boss has the special key.

There is one Orc in the center of the room. When you open a cell roll a D6. On a 1, the cell contains a troll who attacks instantly, on a 2-5 the cell contains an Orc
Prisoner who attacks instantly, and on a 6 the cell contains the Princess. The Princess and Troll are unique, so if the results are rolled again, reroll until a different result
is obtained. If you get down to the last two cells without finding the Troll or Princess, a 1-3 is the princess and a 4-6 is the troll.

The Boss’ Lair tile is a 6X8 room tile with an “Orc” symbol in the center. There is only the one entrance to this room which is the Great door you enter by. This is where
Grolda, leader of the Orcish Raiders, makes his plans to steal from the Realm.

The Boss figure is located on one of the Orc squares in the center of the room. He will always detect the hero and attack immediately. Four Ghoblins and four Orcs
are also in the room, roll for their locations as normal. You must kill the Boss to retrieve the special key for the doors in the Cell block.

Life Chart – D6
Roll Result
7 8 1 3 6 4 4 12 6 8 +1 to future rolls
7 Defeated
Law: Melee Nearest - Once the Boss detects the Heroes, he will always move and attack the nearest Hero.
Attack: Sword (ATK Melee)
Powers: None
Description: The Orc Boss appears as any other Orc with the exception of his attire and attitude. He carries a sword and wears chainmail armor(+2 Def) and is much
more cruel and cunning than the Orcs that are subordinate to him.

Copyright 2008 Shaun Austin & Oversoul Games. All Rights Reserved. Website:

Converted to DP Rules,Ver3.8.8 by Pinworthy. I had to make some guesses and changes. So I'm not sure what level it is now.

Optional Changes to make it Harder to win!

1 - When Wolves and Ghoblin Daggers encountered, Dagger's will be riding Wolves. This give the Daggers a +2 on first attack due to speed of
mount and heighth of ghoblin (From the back of wolf).

2 - Give the Boss Orc a +2 Sword to fight with.

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