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How common are accidents and ill health at work? person include equipment such as lifting equipment, local
Health and Safety Executive Statistics in 2013: exhaust ventilation and pressure vessels.

 1.1 million people who worked during the last year were Who is affected/most at risk?
suffering from an illness (long-standing as well as new Everyone who visits your workplace or is affected by your
cases) they believed was caused or made worse by their work activities could be at risk if you fail to identify an issue
current or past work. 0.5 million of these were new that could cause harm or damage.
conditions which started during the year. (This data
What does the law say?
refers to 2011/12)
General Health and Safety Legislation requires employers
 148 workers were killed at work, a rate of 0.5 fatalities to provide a safe place of work, safe access and egress and
per 100000 workers. safe plant, equipment and systems of work. You need to
 782222 other injuries to employees were reported under carry out inspections in order to see whether you are
RIDDOR, a rate of 311.6 per 100000 employees. providing and maintaining a safe workplace and working
 27 million days were lost overall in 2011/12 due to work- arrangements.
related ill health or injury (17 days per case) 22.7 million
due to work-related ill health and 4.3 million due to What can be done?
workplace injury. Inspections can be carried out for a number of reasons.
They can be used to:
Why record and report?  check safe conditions
Recording and reporting accidents and ill health at work is  identify hazardous conditions and
a legal requirement under The Reporting of Injuries,
 allow you to put in place remedial measures to improve
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
There are many ways to carry out inspections from a
RIDDOR places a legal duty on:
simple walk through your premises and putting things right
 employers there and then, to recording your observations in a
 self-employed people notebook. You might use a checklist as a reminder of what
you’re looking for. Whatever method you choose, you
 people in control of premises.
should always be aware of why you’re carrying out the
These 'responsible persons' must record and report certain inspection and, if necessary, make sure you have gathered
incidents, injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences enough information to produce a report on your findings.
involving employees, self-employed workers and members
of the public. Who should carry out an inspection?
Many people can carry out inspections for any number of
The information provided through recording and reporting
reasons. External inspections could be carried out by
enables the enforcing authorities (either Health and Safety
enforcement officers, insurers, consultants or by a
Executive (HSE) or local authority Environmental Health),
specialist inspector or engineer, but you should not simply
to identify where and how risks arise, and to investigate
rely on these external inspections to ensure your workplace
serious accidents.
is safe. Employers, supervisors and employees, including
With this information, the enforcing authorities are able to trade union safety representatives, might carry out internal
help and provide advice on how to reduce injury, and ill inspections for their area or department.
health in the workplace. Such surveillance data can also be
Different levels of management might look for different
used to put forward an evidence-based rationale for the
things during the inspection. Make sure you include the
introduction of new legislation and/or guidance.
right people to ensure that appropriate expertise is
What do responsible persons have to do? available to offer advice and information on any issues that
Details of all reportable incidents, injuries, diseases and arise during the inspection. External inspections could be
carried out by enforcement officers, insurers, consultants or
dangerous occurrences must be recorded, including:
by a specialist inspector or engineer.
 the date when the report is made
Inspections can be planned or carried out without warning
 the method of reporting to determine whether adequate standards are being
 the date, time and place of the event maintained. 
 personal details of those involved
 a brief description of the nature of the event or disease. Good Practice

Records can be kept in any form but must conform to Before carrying out an inspection you need to decide what
data protection requirements. your aims are. The inspection must have a purpose. Decide
what needs to be inspected, how often it needs to be
What are they? inspected, who should carry out the inspection, what
Inspections are a way of systematically checking that your specific items or areas need inspecting and what standard
working environment and procedures are meeting the you are looking for. Your standard may be determined by
required standards. An inspection should identify hazards anything from a legal requirement or local needs.
and be your first step in introducing measures to improve Your inspection might include looking for unsafe conditions
conditions. They can be formal, informal, recorded or and unsafe acts. Unsafe conditions might include damage
unrecorded, but what is important is that they are carried to floors and faulty or broken equipment. Unsafe acts could
out to a set standard at an appropriate frequency. include failure to wear PPE or failure to work in accordance
Why are they important? with safe procedures.
Inspections are a vital element of any safety management Checklists can be a useful reminder for people carrying out
system. They should be used to determine whether you are inspections of what needs to be checked. They can also act
meeting the standards you have set for your workplace and as a record that adequate standards are in place. They may
work activities. They are important because if they are also need to be specific in stating what safe condition is
carried out effectively, they allow you to identify and expected.
remedy problems before they become more serious or
result in an incident or accident. A checklist might include subjective words such as ‘suitable’
and ‘adequate’ but you might be able to use specific terms
Some inspections are required by law – most people will be such as ‘damaged’, ‘broken’ or ‘missing’. How often you
familiar with the need for an annual inspection and safety carry out inspections will depend on the level of risk a
check on gas boilers. Examples of other statutory failure might pose.
inspections that should be carried out by a competent
If you carry out monthly inspections and never encounter a The cost of poor manufacturing quality is high. Rework,
problem you might then be able to change this and carry scrap, product failures and recalls can severely damage a
out the inspection on a two- or three-monthly cycle. If manufacturer through inefficiencies, delays, direct costs,
every inspection indicates a problem you might need to customer dissatisfaction and low shareholder confidence.
carry out inspections more frequently. Today manufacturers must build products on time, first
time and every time to achieve and maintain competitive
It is useful to read through previous inspection reports to standing in global markets.
see whether any issues have been identified in the past and
check whether these have been fixed. Those carrying out Integrating Manufacturing Quality
the inspection need to have the knowledge and experience
to see whether standards are being met. In some cases this Workflows and business processes built on industry best
might include a detailed knowledge of statutory practices should provide the basis for manufacturing quality
requirements. For example, someone inspecting lifting at every step of the manufacturing process. These best
equipment will need detailed knowledge of the legal practices error-proof manufacturing processes to ensure
requirements for a crane or a forklift truck. You could that each step is executed correctly, with complete, fully
allocate responsibility for all workers to inspect the traceable data.
housekeeping standards for their immediate area and Assuring Conformance
report any concerns. The best path to quality is to prevent issues and mistakes
Once these things have been agreed, you should decide on from happening.  To meet conformance requirements,
the system you will use to make sure all issues are being manufacturing quality systems should automatically
considered. Just as important is how the reporting system enforce the use of only approved processes, materials,
will link in to the process of taking remedial action. Your equipment, tools and operators – before any step can be
procedure must ensure that someone has responsibility for performed.  These systems also ensure that all process and
remedial action by a certain date. Someone should have product tests are executed and that the results meet
responsibility to check that action has been taken in the specifications.  Manufacturing quality systems automatically
agreed time. In addition, you may also need to link with create the as-manufactured records that detail the
any relevant risk assessments, if the issues found at the processes, material, equipment, tools, operators and test
inspection suggest work procedures, etc. need to be results with time stamps and electronic signatures.
changed. In case any of a deviation in the results, the manufacturing
Small businesses often ask about the legal documentation quality system should react to quality events Further, these
required in relation to health and safety. systems should enforce structured failure analysis, root
cause identification, quarantine, and final disposition
Health and Safety Policy (release, rework, scrap, etc.) to ensure manufacturing
If you employ five or more people you must have a written quality across the enterprise. From the time a deviation
health and safety policy. This contains your statement of occurs until disposition, manufacturing non-conformance
general policy on health and safety at work and the reports should be generated to provide complete electronic
organization and arrangements for putting this into traceability and links to the root causes of manufacturing
practice. quality issues. These reports should be created
immediately, when information about product quality is
Although not legally required to do so, businesses with less most readily available, providing visibility and control of the
than five employees should also consider having such a affected material and preventing products with open issues
policy as good practice. from being processed beyond a designated step, issued to
or combined with other products, or shipped to finished
A written policy could prove useful if visited by an enforcing
stock or the customer.
Corrective Action/Preventative Action (CAPA)
Manufacturing Quality
Management of CAPA is critical to manufacturing quality.
Definition Accordingly, manufacturers are moving to incorporate
closed-loop corrective and preventive action tracking
At its most basic level, manufacturing quality is
systems that enable the identification, addressing, and
conformance to specifications. Quality of design and
quick resolution of manufacturing quality issues through
conformance to specifications provide the fundamental
integration with the invaluable data in manufacturing
basis for managing operations to produce quality products.
quality systems.  systems together facilitate the
As customer expectations have risen over time,
investigation of manufacturing quality issues such as
manufacturing quality has come to be an absolute
nonconformance, customer complaints, incidents, or
requirement, regardless of where products are
discrepancies. Real-time notification and preventive and
manufactured, distributed, and sold.
corrective action workflows enable manufacturers to
Article efficiently communicate with all affected parties to
Assuring manufacturing quality entails three principal streamline collaborative activities and resolve issues quickly
functions: quality design and engineering, quality control, and effectively. Reporting capabilities provide real-time
and quality management.  The goal of quality engineering is visibility into manufacturing trends and quality
to incorporate quality into the design of products and management issues, enabling manufacturers to take fast
processes, as well as to predict potential quality problems action to resolve problems and ensure total quality control
prior to manufacture and delivery of the product. The over all manufacturing processes.
principal task of quality control involves enforcing the use
Increasingly, manufacturing quality is seen as a strategic
of specified processes and materials, ensuring qualification
imperative for the manufacturing enterprise. The customer,
of operators and equipment, and making a series of
whose expectations of quality have reached unprecedented
planned measurements to determine if quality standards
levels, is the ultimate arbiter of quality. Value, satisfaction,
are being met. If any of these are not achieved, then
and preference are influenced by many factors throughout
corrective action and future preventive action must be
a customer’s purchase, ownership, and service experiences
taken to achieve and maintain conformance. Quality
with a product. As such, manufacturing quality must be
management involves the planning, organization, direction,
sensitive to existing and evolving customer and market
and control of all quality assurance activities. While quality
requirements, and must account for the factors that drive
control departments have historically provided technical
customer satisfaction. It also must account for
support for manufacturing quality, manufacturers have
technological development and how it can both impact and
come to understand that quality must be integrated
serve the end users of manufactured products, as well as
throughout the enterprise.
the manufacturer itself.

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