Grade 5

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What is a Chemical Change?

A chemical change is a change of materials into another, new materials with different
properties and one or more than one new substances are formed.

It results when a substance combines with another to form a new substance (synthesis or
either decomposes to form more substances). The oxidation reaction is a chemical
change example that causes a chemical reaction.

They are generally irreversible except by further chemical reactions. Chemical change
examples include chemical reaction which develops the dye in the colour and creates a
chemical change in the hair. There are three types of chemical changes namely organic,
inorganic and biochemical change.

Examples of Chemical Change in Everyday Life

Chemical changes happen around us all the time and not just in a chemistry lab. Some
chemical change examples in our everyday life are mentioned below.

• Burning of paper and log of wood

• Digestion of food
• Boiling an egg
• Chemical battery usage
• Electroplating a metal
• Baking a cake
• Milk going sour
• Various metabolic reactions that take place in the cells
• Rotting of fruits
• Decomposition of waste
• The explosion of fireworks
• The reaction between salts and acids.
• Rusting of iron
• Lighting a matchstick
Chemical Changes Involving Organic Compounds
Organic Compounds are complex compounds of carbon in which one or more atoms are
covalently linked to atoms of other elements. Some examples of chemical change
involving organic compounds are stated below.

1. Burning of a Natural Gas

This is a clear example of a combustion reaction. Natural gas comprehends methane gas.
When methane reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere it produces water and carbon
dioxide. Hence, it is an example of chemical change.

2. Ripening of Fruits

It involves a series of changes. Fruits consist of ethylene. There is an increase in ethylene

production when fruit gets damaged or when it is plucked. This results in the production of
new enzymes which in turn reacts with the chemical present on the fruit. So, the fruit may
witness several changes. Some changes are mentioned below.

• The fruit becomes more juicy and soft.

• Due to the breakdown of chlorophyll, the outer skin of fruit changes its colour.
• Aroma emits from ripe fruit.

Chemical Changes Involving Inorganic Compounds

The reactions of compounds and elements that do not involve carbon atoms are the
chemical changes involving inorganic compounds. Some examples of chemical change
that involves inorganic compounds are mentioned below.

1. Formation of Steel

It is an irreversible process. Steel is formed by the addition of several other elements in

definite quantities to iron, the basic element being carbon. This results in the formation of
new substances, thus considering it has a chemical change. The properties of the newly
formed substances are different from that of iron.
2. The lighting of a Firework

Firework consists of metal nitrates thus constituting burning compounds. When a firework
is lit, combustion takes place leading to the formation of a new substance with the
emission of light and heat. Thus, it can be considered a chemical change.

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