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9. Arrange as:
Principles: high-level statements of corporate
governance good practices
Definition of Terms Recommendations: objective criteria that are
Operational audit refers to a systematic process of
intended to identify the specific features of
evaluating an organization’s effectiveness, efficiency
corporate governance good practices.
and economy of operations under management’s
Explanations: additional info on the
control and reporting to appropriate persons the
recommended best practice.
results of the evaluation along with recommendations
for improvement. - THE INSTITUTE OF INTERNAL
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE- system of stewardship
and control to guide org in fulfilling their long-term
Stakeholders- parties interested to and affected by
economic, moral, legal and social obligations.
the affairs and operations of the business.
*Hold board and senior mgmt. accountable for
Stock and profit org.= stockholders and BODirectors.
ensuring ethical behavior
Non-stock and non-profit= members and BOTrustees.
*reconcile long-term C.S with shareholder value
*Maximize the organizations long-term success.
Comply or explain approach- voluntary compliance
with mandatory disclosure.
Principle of proportionality- allowed flexibility in
1. FAIRNESS- receive equal consideration,
establishing corporate governance policies.
sense of justice and avoidance of bias
Chief Audit executive- responsible for managing the
2. RESPONSIBILITY- carry out duties with
internal audit activity.
honesty, probity and integrity.
3. ACCOUNTABILITY- held accountable for
decisions and submit themselves to scrutiny
Corporate governance- helps ensure proper
4. TRANSPARENCY- make clear why every
stewardship over an entity’s assets.
decision was made to shareholders.
• Utilize the entity’s resources in the best
interest of absentee owners
• Faithfully report the economic condition BOARD’S GOVERNANCE RESPONSIBILITIES
and performance of the enterprise 1.ESTABLISHING A COMPETENT BOARD
Board of Directors => Management oversight Principles:
Audit Committee => Internal and external audit work -headed by a competent board
Management=> decides on mission, vision, and goals -collective working knowledge
-5-15 members, elected by shareholders.
REVISED CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN THE -at least 2 independent directors or 20% of the
PHILIPPINES members of the board.
Salient features: Independent Director-person who is independent of
1. Released Nov. 22, 2016, effective Jan 1, 2017 management and the controlling shareholder
2. Intended to raise the corporate governance Recommendations:
standard at par with reginal and global cp.  Appropriate mix of competence and
3. Comply or explain approach feature added. expertise relevant to industry.
4. No “one size fits all” framework, principle of  Majority of non-executive directors who
proportionality is considered in application. possess the necessary qualifications
5. Increase responsibilities of the board.  Policy on training of directors, orientation
6. competence and commitment of directors. for first timers and annual training for all
7. Protection of shsholders and stakeholders.  Policy on board diversity
8. Full disclosure and transparency

1 (OpsAud)
 Should have a corporate secretary and -property of a corporation is considered as a funds
compliance officer. held in trust for the creditors
CORPORATE SECRETARY- separate from compliance -directors are entrusted to manage the funds
officer. prudently for the benefit of creditors and
-not a member of BOD shareholders.
-annually attend training on corporate governance 3. ESTABLISHING BOARD COMMITTEES
COMPLIANCE OFFICER- rank of a senior VP or Principles:
equivalent -set up to the extent possible to support the effective
-not a member of BOD performance of the board’s function
- annually attend training on corporate governance -composition, functions and responsibilities of all
2.ESTABLISHING CLEAR ROLES AND should be contained in publicly available charter
Principle:  Establish committees that focus on specific
-roles and responsibilities, by-laws, legal board functions
pronouncements should be clearly made known to all AUDIT COMMITTEE- oversight responsibility for
Recommendations: internal and external audit functions
 Members should act on a fully informed  At least 3 qualified non-executive directors,
basis and best interest of the company majority including chairman, Independent.
 Board should oversee development and  Relevant background, skills and experience
approve objectives and strategy, monitor to accounting, auditing and finance
and implement  Chairman of audit com. should not be
 Should be headed by a competent and chairman of any other.
qualified chairperson. NOMINATION COMMITTEE- review and evaluate the
 Responsible for ensuring and adopting an qualifications of all persons nominated to the board
effective succession planning program and other appointments.
 Align renumeration of key officers to long-  Of at least 3 members, 1 should be
term interest of the company independent director.
 Formal and transparent board nomination COMPENSATION OR RENUMERATION-establish a
and election policy formal and transparent procedure for developing a
 Ensure group-wide policy and system policy on renumeration of directors and officers.
governing RPT’s and other unusual transac  Of at least 3 members, 1 should be
 Primarily responsible for approving the independent director.
selection and assessment of management. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE - assist the board in
 Establish effective performance performing corporate governance responsibilities,
management framework to ensure at par incl functions of nomination and renumeration, if they
with standard sets by higher-ups. opted not to have.
 Oversee internal control system is in place.  of at least three members, all of whom
 Oversee ERM framework is in place. should be independent directors, including
 Board should have a Board Charter to the Chairman.
formalize its duties and responsibilities. BOARD OVERSIGHT- recommended for issuers of
PRINCIPAL-AGENT RELATIONSHIP debt securities and for companies with a high-risk
-fiduciary duty of a director to the corporation creates profile.
a principal-agent relationship.  of at least three members, the majority of
-coz directors have the control and guidance of whom should be independent directors,
corporate affairs and property and hence of the including the Chairman.
shareholder’s property interest.

2 (OpsAud)
 One member have relevant and thorough
knowledge and experience on risk and risk Principles:
management. Recommendations:
review all material related party transactions of the Principles:
company. Recommendations:
 Includes transfer of sources, services or
obligations, outstanding transactions of
unrelated that eventually become related.
 Of at least 3 non-executive directors, 2
should be independent including chairman.
Principles: Directors should devote time and attention
 Attend and participate in all meetings
 Non-executive directors of the board should
concurrently serve max of 5 publicly listed
Principles: endeavor to exercise an objective and
independent judgement on all corporate affairs.
 Of at least 3 ind. Directors or 1/3 of the
members of the boards, whichever is higher
 Possess the necessary qualifications and
none of the disqualifications.
 Maximum of 9 years cumulative
 Chairman and CEO should be separate indiv
 Designate a lead director among the
independent directors if the chairman is not
 Director with material interest should
abstain from taking part in the deliberations
for the same
 NEDs should have separate periodic
meetings with the external auditor and
internal audit to ensure check and balances
Principles: best measure is through assessment



3 (OpsAud)
Internal auditing-

Foundation of the institute of Internal Auditors in

 Centralization
 Defined hierarchy

4 (OpsAud)
CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING EFFICIENCY AND 7. Develop a work program- outlines the key
EFFECTIVENESS task in the engagement process.
A major challenge- no well-defined criteria 8. Allocate resources to the engagement.
In financial audit-standards -not limited to money
Specific criteria- usually favorable -includes time, and personnel
Sources of criteria: General rule: with each passing audits, auditors
-historical performance-comparison of prior-period should be a little faster than before.
and current period operations. Exception: when there are changes in process,
-benchmarking- should be in similar nature workers, systems, or auditors.
-engineered standards
-discussion and agreements Planning also requires:
• Conduct a preliminary risk assessment
PHASES IN OPERATIONAL AUDITING • Gather top management input
-PLANNING • Prepare a draft annual audit plan
-EVIDENCE ACCUMULATION AND EVALUATION • Obtain the formal approval of the audit
-REPORTING AND FOLLOW UP committee or the board.
PLANNING • Distribute annual audit plan to senior
-most important phase management.
“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” • Keep senior management informed of
-when planning is done poorly, rework is common. any changes.
• Ensure management is informed
First determine the scope of engagement and about internal audit work at least a
communicate it to the organizational unit. month before.
It is also necessary to: • Special requested assignments require
-staff the engagement properly different procedures
-obtain background information • If there any special assignment going
-understand the internal control parallel with the normal audit
-decide on the appropriate evidence to accumulate
• If there is a need for additional person,
raise requisition at most appropriate
-Proper prior planning prevents poor performance
Fraud considerations- intentional deception or
Steps in planning an engagement.
-managing the risk of fraud is the responsibility of
1. Determine the engagement objectives and
2. Understand the auditee.
1. Evaluation of operation or programs being
3. Identify and assess risks.
carried out
Risk factor- conditions or variables in which
2. Monitoring and evaluating governance
their presence or absence may exacerbate
or diminish the underlying risk.
3. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness
4. Identify key controls-integral controls.
of the organization’s risk management
5. Evaluate the adequacy of the controls- first
key evaluation.
4. Evaluating the performance of external
6. Create a test plan- outlines how each key
control are tested.

5 (OpsAud)
5. Performing consulting and advisory • Evidence obtained directly by the internal
services. auditor is more reliable.
6. Reporting on internal audit activities • Documented evidence is more reliable.
7. Reporting on risk exposures and control • Timely evidence is more reliable.
issues. • Corroborated evidence is more sufficient.
8. Evaluating specific operations • Larger samples produce more sufficient
AUDITS Types of audit evidence
-diverse objective Testimonial- consist of verbal or written statements
Financial audit- objective examination and evaluation or assertions given by someone as proof regarding the
of the financial statements of an organization to make matter being discussed.
sure that the financial records are a fair and accurate
representation of the transactions they claim to Types:
represent. 1. Testimony- it is what the individual states
Operational audit- an operational audit refers to a about on his own personal knowledge
method of examining how an organization conducts 2.
business. Physical can be either through observation or
This type of audit identifies areas where a company inspection:
can improve. Observation- visually evaluate physical facilities,
EVIDENCE ACCUMULATION AND EVALUATION OR conditions and practices to verify their existence,
FIELDWORK condition, valuation and protection.
Conduct the following steps: -the auditee knows that the auditor is observing
• Conduct test to gather evidence. -doesn’t know the observation
• Evaluate the evidence gathered and read Document inspection- another common way of
conclusion. collecting evidence is by reviewing documents.
• Develop observations and formulate DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE
recommendations. -created information whose reliability is affected by
AUDIT EVIDENCE- Information or data that the auditor the source.
collects during the audit process to support their ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE- analysis or verification of
findings and conclusions. information.
Analytical procedure entail assessing information
PROFESSIONAL SKEPTICISM- sufficiently suspicion of obtained during an engagement:
data received and reasonably verify that the -by comparing the information with expectations
information is free from manipulation or identified or developed by the internal auditor
REASONABLE ASSURANCE- strive to obtain sufficient Audit procedures are specific task performed by the
appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis internal auditor to gather the evidence required to
for formulating conclusions and advice. achieve the prescribed audit objectives.
To be persuasive, evidence must be:
-relevant, reliable and sufficient -obtain a thorough understanding of the auditee
-teste the design adequacy and operating
Guideline effectiveness
• Evidence obtained from independent third -analyze plausible relationships among different data
parties is more reliable. -directly test recorded financial and non-financial
• Evidence produced by a process or system information
with effective controls is more reliable.

6 (OpsAud)
Obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to achieve the
prescribed audit objectives.


-relates to the types of tests the internal auditor
performs to achieve his or her objective.

Audit procedures done to get evidence:

• Inspection of documents or records
• Inspection of tangible asserts
• Observation
• Inquiry
• Recalculation -document prepared by or used by the auditor as part
• Reperformance of the work done
• Analytical procedures -collection of evidentiary material during the audit
• Vouching process
• tracing
-extent of audit procedures pertains to how much 1. narratives- consist of a description of a
audit evidence the internal auditor must obtain to process or business activity and usually
achieve his objectives prepared to explain how work is being done
An internal auditor must determine: in an area being audited.
-the right combination of procedures 2. Flowcharts- diagram of the sequence of
The degree to which individual tests are to be movements or actions of people or things
conducted. involved in a process or activity.
3. Internal control questionnaire- evaluate
TIMING OF AUDIT PROCEDURES internal controls in specific areas by asking
- when audit procedures are performed, and key questions.
the period of time covered
- -before prior end or at prior end GUIDELINES FOR WORKING PAPER PREPARATION
- Certain audit procedures can be performed CAE- responsible for establishing working paper
only at after end policies and procedures.
Relevant factors
-control environment Cross-referencing- linking information from one
-When relevant information is available
-The nature of risk Paper form
-The period or date to which the audit evidence Electronic form or both
relates. Correctly, clearly, concisely and quickly

-carry out field work as indicated in the annual audit
-obtain cooperation form the management and the
staff as necessary
-remember that if its not document it is not done
-conduct fieldwork with minimal disruption

7 (OpsAud)
Reporting Follow up review- auditor is checking to make sure the
-communicating findings, observation and best corrective action was performed.
practices noted during the review and developing
recommendations for corrective actions METRICS
-exist to assess the performance
Findings: for more serious reportable conditions -visible report and monitor them publicly
-key aspect of effective management.
1. Criteria- what should exist or occur.
2. Condition- what discovered as a result of
the performance of audit procedures.
3. Cause-reason the conditions exist and why.
4. Effect-impact of the condition
5. Recommendation-action item necessary to
correct the condition, so performance is
consistent with the criteria.
1. design- the process or program is poorly structured
and mechanism to avoid problems
2. operating


1. Dependency
2. Lack of ownership

Audit report- final engagement communication

Ways to communicate the results
-draft working papers

8 (OpsAud)
implications for policy-making and
THE 8 E’S organizational conduct.
1. Effectiveness- process of evaluating the Effects of the lack of ethics:
degree to which the organization, program 1. Legal and regulatory issues
or process is achieving its goals and 2. Decreased organizational
objectives. effectiveness.
Consist of comparing the planned outputs 3. Reputational damage.
with the actual outputs. 4. Decreased employee morale.
2. Efficiency- relates to the use of inputs and Two approaches of ethical principles
other resources towards the achievement Teleological/ prescriptive approach
of goals and objectives in some form of -focus on the “consequences of the act”
productive activity. -determine morality of a decision based on the
Two contributing factors to greater efficiency: outcome or consequences.
-Employees skills Deontological Approach
-Technology -focus on the inherent rightness or wrongness of
3. Economy refers to the price paid for actions themselves, rather than on their
organizational resources. consequences or outcomes.
-A better approach to assessing the -Immanuel Kant
economy is to consider the entire value of 6. Equity relates to the treatment of others
the item. with dignity and respect. This should be
4. Excellence- quality in all everyone does is done consistently, by everyone, always.
essential for continued success. Measuring Federally protected classes in the US.
quality is essential to determine if it is being 1. Race
achieved and always remember that people 2. Color
do what is measured, repeat what is 3. Religion or creed
rewarded and stop doing what is punished. 4. National origin or ancestry
5. Ethics define as the rules of behavior based 5. Sex
on ideas about what is morally good and 6. Age
bad, it deals with what is good and bad 7. Physical or mental disability
behavior, what is morally right or wrong, 8. Veteran status
and moral duty and obligation. Consequences: Fine, Penalties, Lawsuits.
It is a critical subject for internal auditors Management must make sure that they
because an individual’s viewpoint regarding provide their employees with enough
what is right and wrong will drive most information.
aspects of decision-making and corporate Key actions
behavior. -clearly state job requirements
Three P’s to consider: -Explain the impact of work experience.
Profit, People, Planet -provide clear performance evaluation
“The internal audit activity must assess and criteria
make appropriate recommendation for 7. Ecology- environmental concerns have
improving the governance process in the reached high levels over the past years and
promotion of appropriate ethics and values will likely continue to garner much attention
within the organization.” in the future. In addition, stakeholders
What will happened when there is a lack of increasingly expect organizations to act
ethics? responsibly toward the environment.
A key driver of inappropriate behavior in an -Beyond compliance, ecological awareness
organization and can have significant and stewardship can also have a positive

9 (OpsAud)
impact on the organization’s profitability.
Companies can reduce their operating
costs by limiting their water usage,
lowering their consumption of electricity
and generating electricity themselves.
-while environmental stewardship is
expected by all, some don’t respond with
equal fervor to altruistic goals. But these
same individuals may respond favorably.

Organizations embracing environmental

8. Emotion- this relates to the emotional
attachment and involvement that highly
engaged employees show while working
and interacting with others.
*all motivating

10 (OpsAud)
1. Control environment
MANAGEMENT 2. Risk assessment
3. Information and communication
Committee of sponsoring organizations of the
4. Monitoring
treadway commission (COSO)-dedicated to providing
5. Entity’s Control activities
thought leadership through the development of
frameworks and guidance on ERM, internal control
-working in an interrelated manner
and fraud deterrence. Joint initiative of:
 American Institute of Certified public
-sets the tone of an organization, influencing control
consciousness of its people.
 Financial executives international
-umbrella that covers the entire entity and establishes
 Institute of Management Accountants.
the framework
 Institute of internal auditors.
-Factors that affect the control environment are as
 American Accounting Association.
follows: (ICHAMPO)
 Integrity and ethical values communication
-designed and effected by an entity’s board of
and enforcement
directors, management and other personnel to
 Commitment to competence
provide reasonable assurance about:
 Human resources policies and practices
1. Reliability of financial reporting
 Assignment of authority and responsibility
2.Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
 Management’s philosophy and operating
3.Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Internal Control System- consists of all policies and
 Participation of those charged with
procedures and processes adopted to assist in
achieving management’s objective of ensuring the
 Organizational structure
orderly and efficient conduct of its business.
Integrity and ethical values communication and
-verifying that management has met its responsibility. enforcement
-entity needs to establish ethical and behavioral
-provide reasonable assurance that the system of
standards that are communicated to employees and
internal control is designed adequately and operating
effectively. are reinforced by day-to-day practice.
-“provide assurance and advisory support to -Senior management and BOD should lead by
example and through the use of policy statements,
management on internal control…includes evaluating
codes of conduct and training.
the adequacy and effectiveness if controls in
responding to risk within the organization’s oversight, Commitment to competence
-Competence- knowledge and skills necessary to
operations and information system.”
accomplish the tasks that define an individual’s job.
-communicates finding with the management, audit
committee and/or BOD. -must specify for a particular job and translate into
LIMITATIONS OF INTERNAL CONTROL required knowledge and skills.
Human resources policies and practices
-Customs, culture and corporate governance system
-should have sound personnel policies for hiring,
may inhibit fraud
-Mistakes of judgments, carelessness, distraction or orienting, training, evaluating, counselling,
promoting, compensating, and taking remedial
-inappropriate management override internal control
-extent is also limited by cost considerations -Causes of errors in accounting system has shown
personnel-related issues to be a major cause of error.

11 (OpsAud)
✓ oversight of the entity’s internal audit
Assignment of authority and responsibility function
-how authority and responsibility for operating ✓ approval of non-audit services provided by
activities are assigned and how reporting the public accounting firm performing the
relationships and authorization hierarchies are audit engagement.
established. ✓ Oversight of the anonymous Fraud hotline
-Includes policies Organizational structure
✓ Acceptable business practices, knowledge, -how authority and responsibility are delegated and
and experience of key personnel, and monitored.
resources provided for carrying out duties. -Provides framework for achieving entity-wide
✓ Directed at ensuring that all understand objectives.
the entity’s objectives.
Management’s philosophy and operating style CONTROL ACTIVITIES
-Establishing, maintaining, and monitoring the -policies and procedures that help ensure that
entity’s internal controls are management’s management’s directives are carried out and are
responsibility. Characteristics that may signal implemented to address risk identified in the risk
important information includes: assessment process.
✓ Management’s approach to taking and -automated or manual
monitoring business risks. -it includes:
✓ Attitude and actions towards financial ✓ Performance reviews- should have controls
reporting that independently check the performance
✓ Attitude toward information processing of individuals or processes in the system.
and accounting functions and personnel. ✓ Information processing controls, including
Participation of those charged with governance. authorization and document-based
-BOD and Audit committee significantly influence the controls. Two main categories:
control consciousness of the entity. Must take their -General controls-overall information
fiduciary responsibilities seriously and actively processing environment and include
oversee the entity’s accounting and reporting controls over data and network operations.
policies and procedures. -Application controls- apply to the
-Factors that can impact the effectiveness: processing of individual applications;
✓ Independence from management ensure that each transaction is properly
✓ Experience and stature of its members authorized; all relevant information must be
✓ Extent of involvement and scrutiny of the captured.
entity’s activities ✓ Physical controls-physical security of
✓ Appropriateness of its actions assets.
✓ Information it receives. ✓ Segregation of duties-segregate the
✓ Degree to which difficult qs are raised and authorization of transactions, recording of
pursued with management. transactions and custody of the related
✓ Interaction with external and internal assets.
auditors. Control activities can be categorized as:
Important duties of audit committee: Preventive-act before the error or omission can occur
✓ Dictate, compensation, and oversight of and reduce the likelihood of the event.
the public accounting firm conducting the Detective-identify errors and anomalies after they
entity’s audit. have occurred and alert the need for corrective
✓ Resolution of disagreements between action.
management and audit team Directive-temporary controls that are implemented
to redirect employee actions.

12 (OpsAud)
Compensating- put in place when a control is not PRODUCT OR SERVICE FAILURE RISK- faulty or
where it is expected as proper design would stipulate. nonperforming products and services that do not
-information system consist of infrastructure, CYCLE TIME RISK- unnecessary activities threaten the
software, people, procedures, and data. organization’s capacity to develop, produce, market
-communication involves providing an understanding and deliver goods and services in a timely manner.
of individual roles and responsibilities pertaining to PRODUCT DEVELOPMETN RISK- ineffective product
internal control over financial reporting. development threat to ability to meet or exceed
-Relevant, accurate and timely information must be customer’s expectations consistently over the long
available to individuals at all levels of an organization. term.
MONITORING HEALTH AND SAFETY RISK- failure to provide a safe
On-going and separate evaluations. Determine working environment for workers.
whether the other components of internal control Leadership risk- workers are not being led effectively.
continue to function over time. Outsourcing risk-result in third parties not performing
Reporting deficiencies- identified and communicated in a way that is consistent with the organization’s
in a timely manner to those parties for taking strategies, objectives and behavioral standard and
corrective action. expectations.
Competitor risk- actions by competitors may threaten
RISK ASSESSMENT the organization’s competitive advantage.
-risk- possibility that events will occur and affect the
achievement of objectives and strategy.
Different types of risk faced by the organizations:
-Business and process risk
-technological and information tech

Natural environment risk

-energy supply disruption
-damage from fire, water, or natural resources
-inability to secure needed resources
-dependency on carbon-based energy resources
-changes in legislation and regulation due to
government changes
-social unrest triggered by changes in government
Execution risk- inability to produce consistently
without compromising quality.
Business interruption risk- unavailability of raw
material threatens the organization’s ability to
continue operations.
Supply chain risk- being unable to maintain a steady
stream of supplies when needed.
Human resources risk- a lack of knowledge, skills and
experiences among the organization’s key personnel
that threatens the ability to achieve business

13 (OpsAud)

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