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Assessment Task - “Bullying No Way”

This assessment task will require you to create an informative brochure targeted at Year 7
students, focusing on the impact of bullying, and what Year 7’s can do to report bullying.

Your task must address the following:

1. Describe bullying in your own words

2. List the types of bullying, including detailed examples of each

3. Outline in detail three strategies to respond to bullying. In your answer, identify the
type of bullying each strategy is best suited to.

4. Explain in detail 3 ways that you can be safe online (‘Cybersmart’)

5. Investigate two positive and two negative outcomes of social media use for teenagers

6. Identify 2 ways that you can report bullying at Keilor Downs College

Please ensure that you have read the marking guide on the next page, and that you include all
components of the task into your brochure before submitting the task.
Year 7 Explore: Unit 3 Bullying Unit
Bullying: No Way Brochure

Victorian Curriculum Standard 5 4 3 2 1 0

Very High High Medium Low Very Low Not shown
7/8.DR.2 Discuss the range of strategies that could be used to cope with difficult tasks or changing situations

- Describe bullying in your own words (Q1)

- List the types of bullying, including detailed examples of each (Q2)

- Explain 3 strategies to respond to bullying (Q3)

7/8.C.2 Identify ways to be proactive in initiating strategies to prevent and/or accomplish positive resolutions to conflict

- Explain in detail 3 ways that you can be safe online (Q4)

- Investigate two positive and two negative outcomes of social media use for teenagers

7/8.CIHW.2 Analyse factors that influence emotions, and develop strategies to demonstrate empathy and sensitivity

- Identify 2 ways you can report bullying at Keilor Downs College (Q6)

- Presentation / Creativity – Visually appealing and targeted at Year 7 students

TOTAL MARKS: /28 marks %

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