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Unit 2: Respectful Relationships at KDC Poster

Your task is to create a poster that explains how students can build Respectful Relationships at KDC.

Your poster must include the following:

1. A catchy slogan/title

2. A description of the term ‘respectful relationships’

3. Outline of 4-6 characteristics of a healthy relationships

4. Provide examples of how we build respectful relationships within the classroom (students and

5. Provide examples of how we build respectful relationships outside the classroom (school

6. Provide examples of how we build respectful relationships within the local community
(excursions, camps, interschool sport)

Please ensure that you refer to the marking guide on the opposite side of this sheet, and that you
complete all components of the poster before submitting the task.
Year 7 Explore: Respectful Relationships
Unit 7: Respectful Relationships @ KDC - Poster
Victorian Curriculum Standard and Capability 5 4 3 2 1 0

7/8.CIHW. 3 Investigate the benefits of relationships and examine their impact on their own and others’ health and wellbeing
- Describe the term ‘Respectful Relationships’

- Outline 4-6 characteristics of a healthy relationship

7/8. RD 1- Explore their personal values and beliefs and analyse how these values and beliefs might be different or similar to those of others
- Provide Examples of how we build respectful relationships within the classroom
(with students and teachers)
- Provide Examples of how we build respectful relationships outside of the classroom
(school yard)

- Provide Examples of how we build respectful relationships within the local community
(excursions/camps/interschool sport)
- Inclusion of a catchy slogan and overall presentation of the task

TOTAL MARKS: /27 marks = %

Teacher Feedback:

Well above Above the At the Working towards Below the

standard standard standard the standard standard

90 – 100% 80-89% 40-79% 20-39% 0-19%

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