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Streamlining Employee Leaves: A Web-Based Implementation of the Leave Credit

System for JH Cerilles State College Employees

A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty of the School of

Engineering and Technology

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Luzveminda Mission
Flordelyn Almacen
Sharmaine Trinidad
Nenita Masibog

August 2023

This chapter presents a related studies of the project titled “A streamlining Employee
Leaves: A web-based implementation of the leave credit system for JH Cerilles State
Collage employee. The Leave Management System automates the process of
managing and tracking multiple types of employee leaves. Employees are able to
submit the leave form, cancel previously submitted leave requests, check the status of
leave requests and view completed leave transactions. The Leave Management System
maintains a database to keep a running balance of each employees account, accrues
employee vacation and sick credits and provides individual reports on employees leave
accruals. The researcher learned that in their system the employee can check the leave
request status in their leave transactions, keep an accurate records and provide
individual report

Leave Management System (LMS) is an easy-to-use and efficient full web based

application to replace the previous LMS that was developed in 1999. The new LMS

streamlines communication between the HR and every individual staff and facilitates a

simple-to-use yet efficient system to manage all employee leave matters. At the same

time, the LMS ensures that all leave application and request are accurately accounted

so that staffs can apply, approve and view leave records without the hassle and delay

through admin staffs – it’s all at a few mouse click anytime, anywhere with broadband

Internet access. The minimum system requirement is any Windows-based computer (or

PC notebook) that can run Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and above efficiently on any

broadband connection (512Kbps and above).

Related Studies

When it comes to managing employees’ vacations, days off, etc., the employer
deals with numerous challenges: last-minute requests, a lot of paperwork, necessity to
comply with the company’s policies. All this can make the entire thing a huge headache.
A leave management system is an online time-off manager that allows you to automate
leave requesting and approval (or denial). This software helps you to operate more
effectively due to possible integration with payroll and timesheet management tools.
The leave management system enables employees to request time-off, vacations, and
maternity leaves as well as automates workflows that route these requests to relevant
managers and HR specialists for approval, and notifies employees about the decisions.
related study

An online leave management system is a web-based leave management that

automates every step of the employee leave management process without
compromising on functionality. Unlike on premise leave management tools, an online
leave management system gives employees the freedom to apply, approve, reject, and
manage leave requests from any place, any time, and from any device.

The literature review section is a chapter that describes the Leave Management
System in general applied by companies, analysis, summary and findings on passed
research leave Management System. It also will review the selected objectives used in
the system development. This review will give a better understanding to the need for
this project and also help in designing the building method that will be implemented in
this project. Selecting the suitable method will increase and improve the end-result and
quality of the system application.

Foreign Studies

Adamu, A.,(2020).FUDMA Journal of Sciences, employee leave management

system. Employee leave management system combine number of processes and
systems to automate and easily manage employee data, leave request, track and grant
leave. In many institution staff are entitled to different types of leave, these leave are
granted according to institution policy. Administrative department is mostly responsible
for managing and granting leave request. To this end, most institution used
conventional method of requesting, granting and managing leave. In conventional
method, leave is manually request by writing letter to head of department. The head of
department minutes and forward the request to higher staff for approval. This method is
time consuming, prone to error, require more paper work and difficult to manage. Hence
the need for an automated leave management system that is faster, error free, less
paper work and easy to manage.

Alade, S.M.,Adejuno, S.,and Alade,TJ. (2022). Department of Computer Science,

Design and Implementing of a Web Based Leave Management System. In current era
of net-centric computing, the availability of a web-based leave management system has
become on essential and indispensable tool for any organization and corporation. It can
track and manage a variety of employee leaves, as well as process request for time off
of employees. However, there are were issues raised concerning inefficiency,
downtime, and delays in the processing and approval of leave request in the human
resources department of cooperation and agencies.

Huang, B., W., and Jiao, Y.,(2014). Applied mechanism and materials, Design
and implementation of network leave examination and approval system. Aim at leave
examination and approval requirements of digitization and networking, we use J.Office
cooperative office platform as developing platform of design and implementation of
network leave examination and approval system of CRP digital campus network
information platform (CRP), we use leave examination and approval process of Hainan
Vocational College of Political Science and Law as an example to give specific
implementation steps and demo about network leave examination and approval system.

Rajakumar, S., Anakath, AS. Kannadasan, R., and Ambika, S., (2019). South
eastern University of Sri. Langka, ease and secure leave management system in Cloud
Computing Environment. Provisions on availing different categories of leaves are
important in any type of organization in this world of information technology. Providing a
system on the internet intended to solve the leave problems of the employees in an
organization is inevitable now a days. This system assumes that the level of authority in
organizations follows a tree structure. An employee is viewed as internal node of a tree
in an organization and involves in two roles, one as a supervisor and another as a
supervisee. An employee is properly authenticated before allowed to enter into this
system. There is an admin other than is responsible for adding and removing
employees from an organization i.e. adding and removing nodes from a tree. This
system is planned to be implemented in a cloud environment. The results show that this
system is implemented and used in ease manner and enhanced authentication and
approval of leave process is achieved.

Khim, CY., (2001)T. University of Malaya, Leave Management System (LMS).

This project attempts to further enhance and develop new features and functionalities
for the existing Leave Management System (LMS) in the Faculty of Computer Science
and Information Technology (FCSIT). The existing LMS is a web-based application
designed to automate leave processing system in the faculty. Briefly, this project strives
to test the efficiency of the system, to ease the process of leave application, to make the
system user-friendlier, and to enhance the integrated system with the Attendance
Management System (AMS).

Hoo, LC., (2000). University of Malaya, Leave Management System (LMS). This
project is carried out based on the study of the Leave Management System (LMS) in
Faculty of Science Computer and Information Technology (FSCIT). The study shows
that the above system implemented in FSCIT is inefficient and most of the documents
are not well organized. Therefore a further study has been done to determine the
feasibility of the LMS in FSCIT. At the end of this report, it is clear that, by computerizing
the existing leave application process through the business process reengineering,
overall performance will be boosted and it will help to promote a paperless environment,
revolutionizing the way of how the office operates. Leave Management System
proposed in this project is a Web based application.

Win, KK., (2006). Assumption University, Leave Management System. The

Management of information technology in organizations has changed drastically in the
past years. In the early years, the big job was to manage the technology get it to work,
keep it running, and thus reduce the cost of doing business. Later, the main thrust was
to manage the information resources of the organization, particularly to support
management decision making by delivering information when and where it was needed.
Today, because IT has become pervasive in most organizations and affects every
aspect of organizational performance, it is a driving force within which organizations
operate; therefore its proper deployment can determine an organization's growth,
direction, structure and viability.
Olakunle, A., (2016). Al-Hikman University Iloin, Nigeria, Design and
Implementation of Electronic Leave Management System. The aim of this project is to
develop a web-based and user friendly leave management system that could be used to
support leave application, management, and to enhance employee-based decision
making processes. The system is designed using Universal Modeling Language tools
such as use case diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram and so on.

Yadav, A., (2022). Employee leave management in SAP. The project for
employee leave management system focuses on integrating a number of procedures
and addressing a few issues with employee management. The project aims to automate
and streamline the administration of employee data, leave requests, and leave grants.
Employees must have a streamlined, automated system in place to handle leaves and
manage work issues in preparation, as well as plan their extended breaks well in
advance. It streamlines the working process and shows a strong work ethic. A good
leave management system benefits the company as well as its employees.

Mohammed, AM., (2020). Bazed University, Design and Implementation of

Employee Management System. Over the years, paper-based system for information
management has been carried out across most of business and organizational sectors.
Overcoming this problem is the main focus of this project in order to reduce the risk of
redundancy. This thesis describes the design and implementation of a system that will
have the capability for storing related information about employees through database.
The system serves as a bridge between the database and the users that helps in
maintaining and retrieving records, it also focuses on each employee’s attendance and
number of leaves taken by employee per year with the help of full-edged computer
software and computerized tools, so that personal data can be stored for future

Sommerville, K., L., (2007).Hospitality employee management and supervision:

concepts and practical applications. HOSPITALITY EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT AND
IN HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES In many hospitality establishments, one manager or
supervisor is the entire human resources department, making all the hiring and training
decisions, often without having a formal human resources background. Filling this
knowledge gap, Hospitality Employee Management and Supervision provides both busy
professionals and students with a one-stop comprehensive guide to human resources in
the hospitality industry. Rather than taking a theoretical approach, this text provides a
hands-on, practical, and applications-based approach. The coverage is divided into four
sections: legal considerations, employee selection, employee orientation and training,
and communication and motivation.

Simamora, B., H., (2015). Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information

well known as a foundation for creating a competitive advantage for the company, so
that Knowledge Management (KM) is very important for organizations to improve
process performance and hence service to customers. This research aims to determine
the application and use of the Request Tracker application as a KMS in handling
Customer Request (CR) at one of IT Company in Indonesia based on people, process
and technology factors, and its influence on employee performance. Data is processed
and analyzed using reliabilities testing, validity testing and linier regression. The result
shows that request tracker application able to assist employees in CR handling process,
and have a positive effect on employee performance. The result of this case study may
be used as recommendation for the improvement of the application from people,
process and technology aspect.

Rothwell, W., (2010). Amacon, Effective succession planning: Ensuring

leadership continuity and building talent from within. The definitive guide to a timely and
timeless topic now fully revised and updated. As baby boomers continue to retire en
masse from executive suites, managerial offices, and specialized or technical jobs, the
question is, who will take their places? This loss of valuable institutional memory has
made it apparent that no organization can afford to be without a strong succession
program. Now in its fourth edition, Effective Succession Planning provides the tools
organizations need to establish, revitalize, or revise their own succession planning and
management (SPand M) programs. The book has been fully updated to address
challenges brought on by sea changes such as globalization, recession, technology,
and the aftereffects of the terror attacks. It features new sections on identifying and
assessing competencies and future needs; management vs. technical succession
planning; and ethics and conduct; and new chapters on integrating recruitment and
retention strategies with succession planning programs. This edition incorporates the
results of two extensive new surveys, and includes a Quick Start guide to help begin
immediate implementation as well as a CD-ROM packed with assessments, checklists,
customizable guides, and other practical tools.

Carrolle, C., Rick, J., Pilgrim, H., Cameron, J., and Hillage, J., (2010). Disability
and rehabilitation, Workplace involvement improves return to work rates among
employees with back pain on long-term sick leave. Long-term sickness absence among
workers is a major problem in industrialised countries. The aim of the review is to
determine whether interventions involving the workplace are more effective and cost-
effective at helping employees on sick leave return to work than those that do not
involve the workplace at all.

Sowjna.K.Shetty, Pruthvi.R.Raju, Garima Jha, and Sai Sagar.K.R.,(2017).

Computer Science and Engineering, Cloud Based Employee Leave Management
System. management system or an intelligent employee information system with an
inbuilt mechanism to meet the requirements of employee-related information
management as well as to serve the purpose of a school management system. It
summarizes the evaluation of the literature relevant to the Employee Leave
Management System. An ELMS refers to the systems and processes at the intersection
between employees leave management (ELM) and cloud technology. It merges ELM as
a discipline and in particular it’s basic EL activities and processes with the cloud
technology field whereas the programming of data processing systems evolved into
standardized routines and packages of employee leave planning (ELM) software. An
organization or company with a very large number of employees manages a greater
volume of data. This activity can be daunting without a more sophisticated tool to store
and retrieve data.
Bambang Hariadi, M.J. Dewiyani S., and Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas, (2016).
Development of Web-Based Learning Application for Generation Z, International
Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education. The implementation of this application
is in the form of hybrid learning by using Google Apps for Education (GAfE), called
Brilian. This study aimed to develop a web-based learning application as a form of
learning revolution. The form of learning revolution includes the provision of unlimited
teaching materials, real time class organization, and is not limited by time or place.

Gupta, B., (2013). IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Human resource
information system (HRIS). An HRIS, which is also known as a human resource
information system or human resource management system (HRMS), is basically an
intersection of human resources and information technology through a HR software
solution. This allows HR activities and processes to occur electronically. The Human
Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the data entry,
data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll,
management, and accounting functions within a business. The goal of HRIS is to merge
the different parts of human resource, including payroll, labor productivity, and benefit
management into a less capital intensive system than the mainframes used to manage
activities in the past. Also called Human Resource Management systems (HRMS). A
HRIS generally should provide the capability to more effectively plan, control and
manage HR costs; achieve improved efficiency and quality in HR decision making; and
improve employee and managerial productivity and effectiveness. In most situations, an
HRIS will also lead to increases in efficiency when it comes to making decisions in HR.
This research paper helps to know about how HRIS help the organization to enhance
the efficiency of work.

Chavan, V., Pawar, R., and Raskar, I., (2022). Employee Tracking System.
Every organization, whether big or small, has human resource challenges to overcome.
Every organization has different employee management needs, therefore we design
exclusive employee management systems that are adapted to your managerial
requirements. This is designed to assist in strategic planning, and will help you ensure
that your organization is equipped with the right level of human resources for your future
goals. Also, for those busy executive who are always on the go, our systems come with
remote access features, which will allow you to manage your workforce anytime, at all
times. These systems will ultimately allow you to better manage resources. One of the
main features in employee management system is time tracking for employees.
Effective time tracking mechanism saves both time and money for the organization.

Sharma, A., Kumar, A., Jha, K., and Parihar, A., (2022). EMPLOYEE
been popularly carried out among varoius Company manually. Manual attendance
problem is tackled through digitalisation, now a days we are using Digital attendance
management system, which can be implemented on any System. This solution is being
developed to make database access to Attedance information as simple as possible.
The application makes use of MYSQL as back end and JAVA, HTML, CSS is used as
front end. It tracks an employee’s attendance from beginning to end. The conventional
method of tracking attendance by writing names or signing is inefficient since it takes
time and is insecure. Additionally, some of the reasons are not communicated to
parents or guardians because telling them is a lengthy process.

Ghazal, M., Hamouda, R., and Ali, S., (2016). International Journal of Computing
and Digital Systems, A smart mobile system for the real-time tracking and management
of service queues. This paper proposes a solution to the problem of client
dissatisfaction with long waiting times associated with some services. This solution is a
smart queue management system that provides real-time visual and audio updates to
service requests via a smartphone app. Users receive digital tickets and are free to
leave the waiting area until it is their turn to be served. If they choose to remain in the
area, they have the option of listening to the signal of the television set that is typically
muted for a better experience. The system comprises connected units forming a web of
things. There are units for ticket registration and verification, audio capturing and
streaming, queue management, and user units as smartphone applications. We have
tested this system to ensure its functionality and report our results and possible
Treble, J., and Barmb, T., (2011). Cambridge University Press, Worker
absenteeism and sick pay. Absenteeism is the single most important cause of lost
labour time, yet it has received much less scholarly attention than more dramatic forms
of industrial disruption, such as strikes. Arguing that any explanation of absence rates
must take into account the interests of both employers and employees, this book
constructs a model of the markets for absence and sick pay. These are not independent
since sick pay affects workers’ incentives to be absent, and absences affect employers’
willingness to pay sick pay.

Ramanan, M., (2021). Journal of research technology and engineering, Web

Based leave management system for university college of Jaffna. In the existing Leave
Management System, University College follows paper-based procedure to maintain
leave of employee and administration department record those leave information in a
record book. At the end of each month, the administration department calculates the
leaves of every employee, which is a time-consuming process, and there are chances
of losing data. The Web-based Leave Management System is an intranet-based
application that can be accessed throughout the college. At anytime and anywhere, an
employee can apply for their leave efficiently using this application. There is no
necessity for manual filling of leave forms and wait to get higher authorities’ approval.
The Admin is responsible for creating, updating and deleting the details of the user and
creating department and leave types. Also, Admin can generate leave reports of all
employees. In the employee role, the employee can apply for leave and view the
previous leave applied. Head of Department (HOD) can accept/reject leave applications
of their department employees through this system and can view leave details of every
member of their department.

Nagkirti, P., Kunjir, S., Rajput, G., Patil S., (2012). Automated Innovation Analysis
& Human Resource Management System. Resource Management System”, is a formal
mechanism, which encourages employees of an organisation to contribute constructive,
innovative innovations for improving productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in an
organization. This system will elicit various innovations from employees, classify them,
and dispatch them to experts for evaluation. After this, the posted innovation might be
adopted, in which case the Originator of that innovation (ie an employee from the
organization) may well be rewarded. With this system all employees are completely
aware of recently posted, awarded, screened, evaluated, rejected innovations & view
statistics with statistic module. Advance search module helps to search any innovation
post & their status with just putting keyword to module.

Kamble, SV., Kamble, AS., Babar, PS., Kakmare, S., SS., and Mr. Ghorpode, N.,D.
(2019). Survey Paper on Leave Automation. In the existing Leave Automation Record,
every College/Department follows manual procedure in which collage faculty enters
information in a record book. At the end of each month, Administration Department
calculates leave/s of every faculty which is a more time taking process and there are
chances of losing data or errors in the records.This module is a single leave automation
that is critical for HR tasks and keeps the record of virtual information regarding leaves.
It intelligently adapts to HR policy of the automation and allows employees and their line
managers to manage leaves and replacements (if required).

Singh, M., Singh, P., Singh, R., Singh,S., Gupta, S., (2017).IOSR Journal Of
Computer Engineering. Leave and payroll management system. Management of leave
and payroll are critical operations for each institution as it has effect on payment of staff
memebers of any institution and also to complete it accurately and on time. The Current
Leave and Payroll Manager both are paper based systems. Though the attendance is
Biometric but still it is not that much efficient in terms of matters related to leave
management. Manual payment calculation of staff members is too complex and it even
takes lot of time and also requires lot of efforts. So if these processes are automated, it
would be of great benefit as it would require less time to calculate the salary of the
employees. So, a web application that has a payroll management system is considered
as one of the way here. Mmultiple user data access is provided by these system. Users
like staff members or administrator can login into the software by writing id and
password which are allocated to them from the organization. It involves keeping track of
hours worked and can keep a record of employee data including their pay, allowances,
deductions and taxes on monthly bases so that fresh definitions are reflected from the
month onwards, which leaves all the past data intact. Similarly, for managing the entire
task related to leave such as requesting for leave and approval of leave, we have
considered leave management system as the solution.

Gonapinuwala, (2019). Leave Management System for Sri Lanka Teachers’ Service.
Sri Lanka Teachers’ service is a main important Government service in Sri Lanka, which
is included the employee group that involve with the people of future in the country.
Teachers’ role is doing valuable service for the whole country by intending the children
to the correct path and making their lives success. So, keeping satisfaction and happy
minded of teachers will be enhanced their service and it will be a good investment for
the future. There are only manual procedures to handle leaves of teachers in now a day
which is more time consuming with lots of paper works such kind of filling applications. .
It is taken more time to getting approval for some special leaves like study leaves and
foreign leaves due to the approval process is included several kind of staff. So, this
system is mainly designed for government school teachers as an effective solution to
overcome their current leave affairs.

Manvith, V., S., Madhunala, S., and Kiranmayee, BV., (2022). Proceedings of
Second International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and
Communication Systems, An Automated Gate Pass Management System. An
automated gate pass management system simplifies the manual effort of writing out
passes by requesting and granting out passes/leaves through software applications by
adopting a paperless approach. This application also helps in managing the entry and
exit of students at any point in time. In the conventional gate pass management
systems, a single admin is assigned to manage the out passes, leading to a delay in
granting the permission as each request needs to be analyzed. This work involves
building an advanced gate pass management system with interactive dashboards, a
proper and structured flow of action among students, HOD/faculty/mentor, and security
with a specific set of services and functionalities to each.

Mahadzir, M., M., (2004). Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Integration of Workflow

Process in Managing Leave and Training Application in UTP. This document provides a
report for final year project of IT/ IS students. The purpose of this report is to provide
further information on research topic to allow and ensure smooth development inthis
project. The propose project is called Automated Leave and Training Management
System (ALTMS), where it will determine an important issues and requirement in
developing ALTMS. Automated Leave and Training Management System (ALTMS) is
automated web application in managing leave and training application of UTP staff. The
scope of the study will be to design a system process based on current manual
procedures to be fully automated and implemented with minimum human assistant. This
is due to the current system that is still depending on manual system which may cause
difficulties in workflow process.

Mr. Ghuge, K., Ms. Lambat, S., Mr. Rathod, Y., Ms. Supare, P., Mr. Masram, A.,
Ms. Kamble,A., and Ms. Kumar, A., (2022). LEAVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR
ACE. In the existing Leave Management System, every college follows manual
procedure. At the end of each month, administration department calculates leaves of
every faculties that why that is time taking process and there are chances of losing data
or errors in the leave register. Leave Management System for ACE is a web base
system which can be accessed all over the college. This system for managing leaves
related information of faculty’s approval of leaves from the principal and head of

Malono, L., and Lusaka, Z., (2018). International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research,
Leave management system. Information Technology has revolutionized the life of
human beings’ and has made the lives easier by the various kinds of applications. In the
light of the rapid changes with the use of IT, there are many tools, technologies and
systems that have been produced and invented. In the modern world, time is short so if
there are many processes taken place at same time within a place there is a need for
integration of all the processes, creation of paperless environment also ensures efficient
task management. Nowadays most of the institutions are shifting to computer based
system. The purpose to having a computer based system is, it helps to increase the
market share and it’s very easy for customers to use. It is increasing the demand
among the customer. This project was concerned with developing a School Leave
Management System (SLMS). In this system the leave management becomes more
efficient & easier to handle with its reliable system components.
Afsana, H., (2018). Brack university, Employee leave management system in MetLife
Bangladesh. MetLife is a multinational, health and life insurance company. MetLife
started its venture in Bangladesh back in 1952. MetLife Bangladesh is registered under
the name of American Life Insurance Company (Alico). Alongside with all the
departments, MetLife Bangladesh has a very strong human resources department
which is strategically supporting the organization to reach its goal. However, due to lack
of proper Human Resource Management System the department and the organization
as a whole is becoming inefficient. MetLife Bangladesh do not use any automated
employee leave management system. They manage the whole employee leave system
manually. Thus, there is too much paperwork, and a complex leave management
process which is causing the organization, especially HR department inefficient.
Therefore, the Leave Management System needs to be automated. Using a proposed
web-based leave management system software will help cut down paperwork,
streamline the leave application process and will increase work efficiency and
productivity among all employees. Using the proposed leave system the management
will also be able to generate error free leave report and analyze to make decisions
regarding leave affairs.

Sasikumar, S., and Marhudi, S., (2022). Applied Information Technology And
Computer Science, Web-Based Employee Management System for Keymans Malaysia.
Keymans Malaysia is still using manual method to record their employees data The
problem faced by the organization with their existing process is data related to the
employees and organization are kept in files. Next, recording and storing information
such as leave requests, attendance and report are done manually by using papers and
an Excel spreadsheet. The objective of this project is to design a web-based employee
management system using a structured approach.

Hiyama, K., Kurosawa, A., Asano, N., Onoue, R., Eguchi, S., Hanawa, N., Hori,
N., Ueda, S., Kanda K.,(2012). Real-time multi-function entry/exit management system.
This system is sharing worker’s data among workers and server manager who is inside
of or outside of building, such as worker’s positing, health condition and exposed dose.
It consists of mobile equipment’s, receivers, LAN, and servers system. This report
summarizes the system to be installed in the JMTR.

Nelson, G., and Wright, J., (2005). Real time decision support: creating a flexible
architecture for real time analytics. A vital pillar of leadership is the ability to gather,
assess and understand the right data to effectively drive change. Sharing this data with
the right people in the right time is equally important. Enterprise systems and strategic
initiatives have become increasingly commonplace for the support of organizational
activities. In the quest for more “intelligent” and informed decisions, data warehousing
and business intelligence applications are developed, collecting and delivering data to
those authorized to receive.

Chan, Y., K,. (2001). University of Malaya, Leave management system

(LMS). This project attempts to further enhance and develop new features and
functionalities for the existing Leave Management System (LMS) in the Faculty of
Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT). The existing LMS is a web-
based application designed to automate leave processing system in the faculty. Briefly,
this project strives to test the efficiency of the system, to ease the process of leave
application, to make the system user-friendlier, and to enhance the integrated system
with the Attendance Management System (AMS). Its significance includes higher quality
of the system in terms of its efficiency and effectiveness, faster processing time, and
having a centralized management of corporate resource holdings. In addition, LMS is
hoped to project the main idea of a Generic Office Environment of promoting a thorough
paperless environment with the routing of information through workflow applications.
With the systems designs at hand, the system is implemented and developed
accordingly. Step-by-step guidelines are provided to ensure clarity and avoid ambiguity.
In order to test the accuracy and reliability of the system. After overcoming a myriad of
challenges, this project has smoothen the processing of leaves without any more
hiccups, enable up-to-date information retrieval, complete an optimized database, and
include more input controls in the system. As such, it is hoped that it will serve the
faculty better and fulfill its aim in having a Generic Office Environment.
Garba, A., B., Armarego, J., Murray, D., and Kenworthy, W., (2015). Journal of
Information privacy and security, Review of the information security and privacy
challenges in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). With increasing development and
adoption of information and communication technology initiatives internationally,
evolving trends such as bring your own device (BYOD) is rapidly changing operational
methods of organizations in attempt to improve efficiency and productivity. However, for
organizations to successfully benefit from BYOD, several dynamics relating to security
and privacy in BYOD environments must be examined and understood. This article
reviews information security and privacy, mobile computing, and current organizational
practices that shed light on BYOD and the issues behind its adoption. The review will
assist organizations and IT professionals to understand the increasing demands of
BYOD, and its challenges.

Tsai, C., Y., and Yeh, J., C., (2010). African Journal of business, Perceived risk of
information security and privacy in online shopping. Consumers’ information security
and privacy for online shopping is a fundamental concern of decisionmaking for
purchase. In this study, the technology acceptance model was used as a framework to
explore website characteristics related to perceived risk of information security and
purchase intention. A survey was conducted with a sample size of 387 online shoppers,
methodology was done using LISREL 8.54 and SPSS 12.0 to perform factor analysis in
order to obtain the factors of the construct and to measure their validity and reliability,
the study revealed that website characteristics positively influence perceived risk of
information security and privacy and further, have an impact on purchase intention. This
study showed that perceived risk of information security and privacy on a website is
strongly related to purchase intention. Website management must therefore be
strengthened-first, by upgrading the network security of e-commerce technology, and
second, by developing e-commerce security management systems. Moreover, a
website platform should be constructed to improve awareness of consumer information
security and to ensure a secure environment for online shopping. Finally, it is important
to strengthen integrity management in order to enable consumers to securely buy goods

Mukherjee, M., Matam, R., Shu, L., Maglaras, L., Ferrag, M., A., Choudhury, N.,
and Kumar, V., (2017). Security and privacy in fog computing challenges. Fog
computing paradigm extends the storage, networking, and computing facilities of the
cloud computing toward the edge of the networks while offloading the cloud data
centers and reducing service latency to the end users. However, the characteristics of
fog computing arise new security and privacy challenges. The existing security and
privacy measurements for cloud computing cannot be directly applied to the fog
computing due to its features, such as mobility, heterogeneity, and large-scale geo-
distribution. This paper provides an overview of existing security and privacy concerns,
particularly for the fog computing. Afterward, this survey highlights ongoing research
effort, open challenges, and research trends in privacy and security issues for fog

Signh, P., Fartyal, H., Zubair, K., AA., Laddha, A., (2019). Journal of Engineering
and Technology, Employee Management System. “Employee Management System” is
designing a scheduling system for a work centre. Scheduling is such a tool with which
the process of intimating activities and notifications will be easy and even online in the
organization where it is installed. But these task of scheduling the different activities if
manually done whether they may be personal or official is time consuming and also may
lead to confusion if not properly scheduled. Employee Management System is a
distributed application, developed to maintain the details of employees working in any
organization. It maintains the information about the personal details of their employees.
The application is actually a suite of applications developed using PHP. It is simple to
understand and can be used by anyone who is not even familiar with simple employee’s
system. It is user friendly and just asks the user to follow step by step operations by
giving him few options. It is fast and can perform many operations of a company or
organization. This software project has been developed using the powerful coding tools
of HTML, CSS and PHP at Front End and Microsoft Sql Server at Back End. The
software is very user friendly. The project contains modules like Employee and Admin.
This version of the software has multi-user approach. For further enhancement or
development of the package, user’s feedback will be considered.

Peiris, K., (2021). The Leave Management System for SL Navy. As a differently
located military organization in Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka Navy requires automated
information system for handling of leave of officers. The Current system is manual and
leave form is paper based and use Microsoft office package for data storing. This
process is very time consuming and it make staff extra work as well as manually
applying leave and approval process is taking so long process because the approval
persons may in different locations. Automating above manual process is essential for
Sri Lanka Navy and the author has gained an opportunity to build up an automated
information system called as called “Leave management System” which will be helpful
in naval operational work. It is prepared with specific with rules, procedures of Sri Lanka
Navy and aimed to be in work in effective and efficient manner. The technology
background of the automated system is consisting with Dot net background and there
are lots of features have been used from ASP.NET framework. In the analysis and
design of the system, it includes description about the user requirements, functional
designing of new system and non-functional designing of the new system including flow
chart, use-case diagram and database designing of the system. Apart from that, the
development practices the author has included a proper Quality Assurance process,
user training sessions, and demonstration to improve the benefits of the system. An
information system is an imperative requirement which is directly affect customer
satisfactions and the business progress. Therefore, it is essential to establish and
enforce a proper system that will serve as a tool in utilizing processes in the most
efficient manner.
Local Studies

Balauag, J.- ar. (2023). Leave Credit Management System Using Decision Tree
Algorithm. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Analysis, Education and
Development. This study is a web-based application designed to assist the human
resource management office in managing leave credit. This research aims to optimize
and computerize the manual process of leave application and give an automatic
procedure based on the decision tree model developed by the researcher. This study
aims to develop a Leave Credit Management System using Decision Tree Algorithm
specifically to identify the problems encountered in the present leave credit system, to
develop a decision tree model that will be implemented in the proposed leave credit
management system, to determine the benefits or advantages of the proposed leave
credit management system using the decision support system; and to assess or
evaluate the proposed decision support system for leave credit management system
using decision tree model using ISO/IEC 9126 standards. The system was developed
with the PHP programming language and the MySQL database. The system was
designed and developed utilizing the Agile Methodology to cope with the design and
implementation efficiently. The system's usefulness is a significant boost in production,
which resulted in Highly Accepted.

Fortich, M., S., and Marcial, D., E., (2014). Informatika, Human Resource E-
Leave management: A decision support system. The main purpose of the study was to
develop a Human Resource e-Leave Management System for the university that will be
more efficient and synchronized than the current manual system. In order to have an
efficient and effective management of leave transactions, the web-based system was
designed and implemented with modules on leave applications, leave balances
monitoring, records management, administration, and install the business intelligence
technique to aid in the decision making activities of the HRDM Officer and the
Management. It offers streamlined operations, fair application of leave policies,
introduction of more statistical reports and a more productive workforce. The
development methods used were Process Modeling and UML diagrams. The
development framework was Code Igniter. Structured questionnaires were used to
conduct the Preliminary Survey, System Usability and Web Usability Evaluation. The
main findings of this study revealed that the system is fully compliant with the standard
System Usability Guidelines. Likewise, the Web Usability showed that the employees
strongly agreed on the implementation of the system in order to have a quick response
and access to information. The results of the Web Accessibility test also showed that
the completed system is error-free and passed the standard guidelines for Web

Related System

The system stated in foreign and local literature are related to our project work because
some of the tools have the same design and functionality. And some related system has
a high-tech functionality.



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