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THINGH, Sangay (Sancho)

EARP, Class 13 Jan & Stacey

Part A

Describe two negative effects of living in a fast-paced, modern society.

The living standards of modern society affect the life of people. According to Svensson, 2015

he stated that, modern expectations of working late or arriving late and trying to impress

their boss leads to sleep deprivation which indeed can affect mental health, poor

performances, or grade. For example, sleep deprivation in medical profession can make

mistakes in their surgeries due to fatigue. On the other hand, working late hours and

economic pressure of rising medical and accommodation cost can lead to stress. The study

reveals that 43 percentage of Americans dies prematurely due to stress. This stress can

affect the mental health of a person, as it can cause heart disease, that is chronic stress

related to cardiovascular disease (Cavanagh, 2017). Therefore, the psychological fear or

worry of future, fear of losing job and fear of not being able to support family can cause

acute stress which can affect the mental health (Ogawa, 2016). Thus, in this modern world,

due to changes it can affect the livelihood of people.

THINGH, Sangay (Sancho)
EARP, Class 13 Jan & Stacey
Part B

What should people do to reduce the negative effects of living in a fast-paced, modern

The change in modern society can cause many negative effects, to overcome that there are

many ways. Firstly, stressing is common in our day-to-day life due our work loads and

financials pressure. The research investigated to see if a person knowing about their stress

can make them healthier. The scientific evidence that the body response changes as a

person change their mind about stress (Svensson, 2015). In addition to that to overcome

stress an individual must find a solution like a leisure time, exercising, doing what you like to

cope up the stress. Moreover, eating healthy diet and sleeping on time can enhance the

mental health of a person to be more productive and efficient. Counselling is another

method of releasing stress; more people believe that taking counselling can get a different

aspect of looking into their life. Finally, spending time with family can relieve the stress and

mend the person. In conclusion, taking counselling, looking after the diet, and spending time

with family can enhance the living style of people.

THINGH, Sangay (Sancho)
EARP, Class 13 Jan & Stacey
EAP 2 W10 IST Crite ria High Distinction Distinction Cre dit Pass Marginal Fail Fail Low Fail
7 (above 85%) 6 (84% - 75) 5 (74% - 65%) 4 (64% - 50%) 3 (49% - 40%) 2 (39% - 25%) 1 (24% or be low)
Task Achievement (15%) • All requirements of the task • Most requirements of the task • May be problems with • May be problems with a • Some requirements of the task • Most requirements of the task • Requirements of the task not
appropriately met (genre, word appropriately met (genre, word requirements of the task (genre, number of requirements of the not met (genre, word count) not met (genre, word count) met (genre, word count)
count) count) word count) task (genre, word count)
Integration of sources • Full and accurate • Accurate understanding of • Mostly accurate understanding • Some accurate understanding of • Limited understanding of most • Limited and inaccurate • No evidence of understanding
(25%) understanding of all source most source materials (R and L) of most source materials (R and L) some source materials (R and L) source materials (R and L) understanding of most source of source materials (R and L)
materials (R and L) • Appropriate and accurate • Mostly appropriate selection • Some appropriate selection of • Limited selection of relevant materials (R and L) • No selection of information from
• Fully appropriate and selection of relevant information of relevant information from most relevant information from some information from some sources • Irrelevant selection of sources
accurate selection of relevant from all sources sources sources • Limited ability to identify information from sources • No connections made across
information from all sources • Good ability to identify • Adequate ability to identify • Some ability to identify connections and common themes • Very limited ability to identify source material
• Excellent ability to identify connections and common themes connections and common themes connections and common themes across source material connections and common themes • No synthesis or integration of
connections and common themes across source material across source material across source material • Some synthesis and integration across source material sources
across source material • Effective synthesis and • Good synthesis and integration • Adequate synthesis and of sources but paraphrasing, • Limited/ irrelevant synthesis
• Effective and skilful synthesis integration of sources using of sources using relevant integration of sources using summarising and direct and integration of sources
and integration of sources using relevant paraphrasing, paraphrasing, summarising and relevant paraphrasing, quotation/s may be irrelevant/
relevant paraphrasing, summarising and direct direct quotation/s summarising and direct inappropriate
summarising and direct quotation/s quotation/s
Communicative Effect and • Holds the target reader's • Holds the target reader's • Holds the target reader's • Holds the target reader's • Holds the target reader's • May have difficulty • Has difficulty communicating
Cohesion (15%) attention effectively attention throughout attention throughout attention despite occasional attention only some of the time communicating ideas, but the ideas and the text requires
throughout • The response is well organised - • The response is well organised - lapses • The response is adequately reader can still extract meaning considerable effort from the
• The response is very well It is logical, and has a clear central It is logical, and has a clear central • The response is mostly well organised but may not be logical with minimal effort reader to extract meaning
organised. It is logical, and has a topic. Development of supporting topic. Development of supporting organised - It is mostly logical, and / or the central topic may not • There is some evidence of • There is limited organisation
clear and precise central topic. ideas is very good. ideas is good and has a central topic. be clear. There may be some organisation and only some and / or connection between ideas
Development of supporting ideas • Effectively uses a good range •  Generally uses a good range of Development of supporting ideas problems with development of connection between ideas in the in the response
is very good of simple and complex cohesive simple and complex cohesive is adequate supporting ideas. response • Uses basic, high frequency
• Effectively uses a wide range of devices devices • Uses an adequate range of • Uses a range of cohesive devices • Uses basic and/or a limited linking words only
simple and complex cohesive simple and complex cohesive but these may be faulty, number of cohesive devices
devices devices inappropriate, or overused

Grammar (15%) • Uses a wide range of both • Uses a wide range of both • Uses a wide range of both • Uses a good range of both • Uses a range of simple • Uses a range of simple • Uses simple grammatical forms
simple and complex grammatical simple and complex grammatical simple and complex grammatical simple and complex grammatical grammatical forms with a good grammatical forms with a good with a degree of control but
forms with full control, forms with firm control and forms with a good degree of forms with a good degree of degree of control but only degree of control but only a only occasionally attempts
flexibility, and some precision some flexibility control control some complex grammatical limited number of complex complex grammatical forms
• Errors, if present, are related • Errors are mostly related to • Errors are limited with many • Although errors are present, forms grammatical forms • Errors can cause
to complex structures but the complex structures but most sentences accurate some sentences are accurate • Errors do not affect • Errors are present in complex comprehension problems for
vast majority of sentences are sentences are accurate comprehension but are frequent structures and have a minor the reader
accurate in complex structures effect on comprehension
Vocabulary (15%) • Uses a wide range of • Uses a wide range of • Uses a wide range of • Uses a good range of • Uses a range of appropriate • The range of vocabulary is only • The range of vocabulary is
appropriate vocabulary, appropriate vocabulary, appropriate vocabulary, appropriate vocabulary, vocabulary, but only attempts adequate limited
including less common vocabulary, including some less common including some less common including attempts at less less common vocabulary with • Errors are noticeable and have • Errors can cause
flexibly and with some vocabulary, with flexibility vocabulary, with some flexibility common vocabulary, but with limited success a minor effect on comprehension problems for the
precision • Errors tend to occur with less • Errors related to both common limited flexibility • Errors are noticeable comprehension reader
• Errors, if present, are related to common vocabulary and less common vocabulary • Errors are present and tend to
less common vocabulary are minor occur with more common
Comprehension Qs (15%) scores 10 or more scores 8 or 9 scores 6 or 7 scores 5 scores 4 scores 3 scores 2 or below

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