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Senior High School Department

Brgy. Ilog Infanta, Quezon



A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Mount Carmel School

of  Infanta Senior  High School Department in Partial Fulfillment

for the Subject Practical Research II

Presented By:


Ms. Caryl Fritzie P. Zacarias


School Year: 2021-2022




Dash and Chakraborty (2021), states that the intensification of COVID-19 creates

an economic imbalance that leads individuals to adjourn their choices for extra security.

The nation worldwide starts lockdowns, turning everything into virtual mode. It greatly

affects the business industry. Digital marketing transfigures how businesses manage and

engage with customers and society with the current difficulties. Not all products and

services advertises virtually can satisfy a customer because of the good's issues; it can

ruin the business. Hence, customer satisfaction significantly affects the purchase intention

of an individual.

Meanwhile, Lavilla (2020), states that some businesses encounter various

challenges in engaging with digital transformation, such as understanding the intricacies

of new technology. He further adds that a company that is not open to an innovative

culture might experience difficulties; in investing in information and communication

technologies for its business operations. Lavilla mentions that an appropriate instrument

could empower a business and make it sustainable.

The CoViD-19 significantly affects a massive population of businesses as it

hinders both supplier and consumer from performing trading. It also results in consumers

having a new taste in digital marketing. Somehow, consumers need a more effective and

efficient strategy to ensure that what they will get is worth their money. Understanding

the consumer’s preferred digital marketing strategy helps meet their expectations and

provide them with a better service than before. Even though the whole community is
under lockdowns and monitoring, business owners must know how to keep the

satisfaction and loyalty of the consumers. Furthermore, gaining the competitive

advantage amidst CoVid-19 through advanced technology techniques ensures a bright

future for all businesses.

In this light, the researchers decided to determine the digital marketing strategies

among selected businesses in the REINA Area during the pandemic and provide business

plan development.

Theoretical Framework

The more familiar a company is with its customers, the better it aligns its strategies and

increases conversion rates. The Marketing Theory of 4Cs, also known as “4C marketing theory”,

was put forward by Professor Robert F. Lauterborn, an American Marketing Expert, in 1990. It is

the 4C theory corresponding to the 4P of traditional marketing. Guided by consumer demand, it

redefines the four basic elements of the marketing mix: Customer, Cost, Convenience, and

Communication, (Chunling, 2020). The 4C theory focuses research on customers and believes

that the fundamental goal of marketing is to satisfy customers, emphasizing the influence of

customer demand and willingness. (Hou, 2018)

The customer is the first C in this marketing theory. The first C focuses on

addressing the needs and wants in the customer's life. This kind of marketing strategy is

essential for companies that want to learn more about their customers. Once been

understood the customer, it is easier to create products that benefit the customers.

Customers are the most valuable resource in any marketing strategy because they make

purchasing decisions.(Hester, 2019)

Cost as the second C includes the production cost of the enterprise, purchase cost

of the customer, and means of the product. The idea of pricing should be lower than the

psychological price of customers that can also make the company profitable.

Furthermore, the intermediate customer’s purchase cost includes its currency

expenditure. Includes also the time, physical and energy, and purchase risk it consumes.

When buying goods, customers always want to minimize the relevant costs such as

currency, time, spirit, and physical strength, to maximize their satisfaction. (Wang, 2020)

Convenience is the third C that provides customers with the best convenience in

shopping and use. According to 4C marketing theory, when developing a distribution

strategy, businesses should prioritize the convenience of their customers over the

convenience of the company itself. With having good pre-sale, sale, and after-sales

service, customers can enjoy convenience while shopping. Convenience is a necessary

part of customer value (Wang, 2020)

The four C's would be ineffective without it. Communication is a customer-

focused approach to the task of selling products. Communication generally requires

interaction between the buyer and seller. This marketing strategy is simple to implement

using social media (Hester, 2019).

Conceptual Framework


1. Distributes
online the survey
questionnaire to
selected business
2. Determines the
selected business’
Digital Marketing digital marketing Proposes Business
Strategies of strategy. Plan Development
Selected Business 3. Recognizes the
during Pandemic challenges
encountered in the
implementation of
digital marketing.
4. Examines input
data statistically.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Research Paradigm

Shown in Figure 1 is the conceptual framework to guide this study. The

researchers use the input, process, and output approach.

The input box addresses the digital marketing strategies of the selected business

during the pandemic.

The process box involves the distribution of the survey questionnaire to the

selected business owners in the REINA Area that supported the researchers to gather
data, observe, and interpret data collected to come up with conclusions and


Moreover, for the output box, the proposed business plan development is the

output of this study.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to determine the digital marketing strategies used by selected

businesses in the REINA area and develop a business plan. This research specifically

seeks to address the following questions:

1. What are the digital marketing strategies among the selected businesses in the

REINA area during a pandemic?

2. What are the challenges encountered in the implementation of digital marketing?

3. What are the necessary recommendations or suggestions for the business plan



There are no digital marketing strategies among the selected businesses in


Significance of the Study

The output of this study is helpful to the following.

Local Municipality

The study helps the municipality recognize the difficulties local businesses

encountered during the pandemic. Also, this can be a starting point for the municipality to

give local businesses the support they need in terms of financial and recognition.


The study is helpful to the community, especially the buyers, as they will be

aware of the difficulties that business owners encounter during a pandemic. Furthermore,

this can help them not make fun of the business owners in the future.

Business Owners and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

The result of the study contributes to the business's success, as this research's

objective is to provide digital marketing strategies a business can use to make a better

business plan development. It is helpful to them to develop innovative products or

services using innovative technology.

Future Researchers

This study can serve as their source for their upcoming study about business.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited to the selected business in the REINA Area. Its primary goal

is to determine the digital marketing strategies among selected businesses to develop a

plan during the pandemic. Meanwhile, this research depends on quantitative research

with a descriptive research design.

Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarification, the important terms use in the study have been

defined operationally.

● Business. It is an entity that aims to make a profit.

● Business Owner. It refers to the person or group who owns a business.

● Business Plan. It is a blueprint of a business's future.

● Business Plan Development. It is an improvement of the current business plan for

the future.

● Buyer. An individual who makes a purchase.

● CoVid-19. It is an infectious disease that spreads worldwide.

● Competitor. It refers to a person or another business competing with another


● Customer. It refers to the person who buys goods or services.

● Customer Relationship - relationships that a business has with its customers

● Development. It refers to the change that happens in a business.

● Digital Marketing. It is a tool used by business owners to promote their products

using new technology.

● Digital Marketing Strategies. It is specific for promoting more goods or services

digital businesses competing.

● Goal. It is what a business aspires to achieve.

● Industry. It is an association or group which comprises manufacturers or business

owners that produce particular goods.

● Innovation. It refers to upgrading a product or service's quality to become unique

from other competitors.

● Pandemic. An outbreak of disease spread to other countries and disturbed the

business industry.

● Seller. It refers to the person who sells goods or services.

● SME - Small and Medium Enterprise

● Strategy. A business plans to reach the business's goal.



This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researchers are

considering to strengthened the current study’s importance. It also shows the synthesis of

the art to understand the research for better comprehension of the study.

Local Literature

SMEs Urged to Digitize Operations

Lorenciana (2017) stated that SMEs in Cebu urged to digitize their operations to

expand into new markets outside Cebu. In today's hyper-evolving world, digitalization

continues to impact how people and companies do things daily, Senior Advisor Derrick

Heng said. This aim is to enhance SME operations through digitization and help them

expand and reach new markets outside Cebu City and the Visayas using up-to-date digital

tools and methods, Heng further noted.

In 2015, over 53,000 registered small and medium-sized enterprises in Central

Visayas, said the Department of Trade and Industry. Heng claims that these businesses

using digital marketing could reach 60 million Filipinos who now have access to the

internet and spend more time online than any other Southeast Asian country. He believes

that through the technology and tools they offer, they can help Cebu's businesses to

become key movers in their economy.

The Philippines has the world's fastest-growing internet population, increasing in

the last five years. In a day, an average Filipino spends 6.3 hours on the internet.
However, the country's e-commerce adoption has been slow, as it showed the missed

opportunities that the digital world offers amid difficulties of slow internet connectivity

and infrastructure.

Digital Marketing Rates in the Philippines during Pandemic

There are different ways for a business to market a business digitally. Adricula

(2020) stated that there are three (3) categories on finding the best way to do digital

marketing. The three categories are low-cost, affordable or mid-market, and expensive.

These ways require capital yet can guarantee help to the business.

Under the low-cost category, one can hire a freelancer or a fresh college graduate

who has experience in digital technology. A newbie freelancer has a P5, 000.00 charge

minimum. Adricula informed that she saw a newbie freelancer’s minimum service

charge. If a business does not have enough capital to hire a fresh graduate or a freelancer,

one can do ‘do-it-yourself’ digital marketing. This strategy is budget-friendly for a

business that just started operating.

The affordable or mid-market and expensive categories are ideal for businesses

with a budget ranging from P30, 000.00 and above per month. A company can hire an

experienced freelancer or start-up agency.

The expensive category was acquired mainly by large companies with enough

marketing budget and team to manage marketing operations. Those companies can have a

larger digital marketing team that requires more money than the previous two.
Because of the current pandemic, many people have lost their jobs. Some people

do work from home jobs, such as starting their own business. Since many people started

their businesses, most of them have used digital marketing to market their products. With

this in mind, the pandemic can reshape the digital marketing industry. (Adricula, 2020)

Worth-Knowing and Implementing Digital Marketing Trends in the Philippines

As stated by Corre (2014), Digital marketing trends are worthy of your time and

money, for it helps you build a competitive advantage. It gains the loyalty of your

customers and maintains a good company image. It creates successful one-upmanship

and presents ongoing updates from Google searches, aims, conferences, and other reliable

sources. She mentioned the Philippines’ capability to cope with digital marketing since

many Filipinos use the Internet and technology. She advised that instead of sticking with

desktops, more advanced technology offers will be implemented:

1. Diversified search, such as Google, which has a wide variety of channels such as

voice reader and image scanner;

2. Machine learning, which will make it easier to complete tasks and duties;

3. AR enhancement, which attracts and persuades customers' interest;

4. Conversational commerce, which does not require one-on-one interaction because of

provided guidelines that may automatically respond to queries;

5. Live video is the least expensive of all, but it is one of the most effective

implementations used in online marketing;

6. Humanizing brands allow consumers to evaluate the pros and cons of the brands;

7. Social advertising, which enables brands to reach global audiences;

8. Micro-moments in which customers get a guide for their need to purchase a product;

9. Futuristic SEO, which innovates from text search alone to the availability of image,

audio, and voice search;

10. Voice search is a hassle-free way to search for everything you need; and

11. Sentiment analysis evaluates all positive, negative, and neutral information to have a

balanced system.

She reminded everyone that adapting to and innovating on the most recent digital

marketing trends ensures a bright future. To overcome increased technological

competition, we must engage in discoveries. Companies that are willing to explore and

test these emerging digital marketing trends will find success.

How Social Media Marketing in the Philippines Can Help Your Business Grow

Chico (2020) stated that almost everyone in the Philippines is on social media

these days, and the inferential statistics prove it. In the Philippines, there are an estimated

74 million Facebook users, with that figure predicted to rise to 80 million by the end of

2020. It equates to roughly over 53 million of the Philippine population. Ordinary

Filipinos interact more with one another due to social media. However, this means a new

approach for business owners to communicate with their customers. Many firms in the

Philippines have substantially engaged in social media marketing during the last ten
years. Small businesses have profited vastly from using social networking platforms to

continue their transactions.

Maintaining a social media presence in a company expands the locale of

coverage for the consumers and potential clients. It could even find new consumers who

have never heard of a company before. A social media profile might serve as a link to its

website, improving inbound traffic. The more high-quality material you publish, the more

fresh visitors your website will obtain.

In the Philippines, social media marketing is cost-effective and saves you a lot of

money. You are not required to pay for television or print advertisements. Even merely

posting high-quality material on your social media channels can have a massive impact.

When combined with SEO, your brand will be able to reach far-flung corners of the


It has a large following (audience and subscribers). The opportunity to establish a

following is one perk of the social media marketing that most business owners overlook,

especially in the Philippines. You will surely acquire those following if your consumers

are genuinely delighted with the products or services you supply. From there, your brand

will reach a broader audience.

The Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in the Philippines

As stated by Jazbec (2020), if you talk to business owners who are investing in

the Philippines, you will almost certainly hear about digital marketing. With the country's

growing middle class, a growing number of internet users (roughly 76 million in 2019),
and high online activity per user (an average of 9 hours and 45 minutes per day),

entrepreneurs are well-positioned to reach more Filipino consumers through strategic

online marketing and advertising.

Digital advertising spending shows no signs of slowing down. The Philippines has

a tremendous e-commerce growth potential, with online shopping growing increasingly

popular among young Filipinos. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and boardroom.

Of these five segments, social media advertising has shown the highest expected annual

growth rate. Why? In the Philippines, Facebook is mostly used by social media users,

making it an appealing platform for businesses large and small to raise brand awareness,

generate leads, and drive revenue.

Many firms like corporations reaching out to Filipino consumers might benefit

from social media marketing and paid advertising. When deciding the type of digital

advertising to use for your organization, be sure you've determined your goals and target

audience. Finally, make it a habit to track and analyze your marketing results to discover

what's working and what needs to be tweaked.

Social Media Marketing Gains Importance after CoVid-19

Mason et. al. (2021) conducted a study about Social media marketing gaining

importance after Covid-19. This research examined what are the new behaviors in the

United States during the pandemic. To investigate the situation that changed consumer

behavior, they used the Consumer Decision-Making Model. According to this study they

collected surveys through questionnaires from 372 U.S. consumers and it shows that it

increased the use of social media.

According to this study, in early 2020 the pandemic began and caused a huge

impact to the U.S. This research mainly focuses on healthcare and the changes of the

behavior of the consumer. They investigate the consumer’s behavior and it shows that

they changed the way they purchased and their decision making, it also because they

were scared of physical contact with other consumers. The business creates more

opportunities that can gain advantages to them and reach their goal faster. To examine the

changes of behavior of the consumer they used Nicosia’s Consumer Decision-Making

Model to explain what makes the consumer change their behavior.

This research found why consumers are scared of having physical contact and

what the solutions are for that. The strategy is to use smartphones to purchase what they

need since they are afraid of going outside and physical contact. According to the model

they used, consumer behavior increased the use of smartphones and online platforms as a

tool for purchasing they need. Therefore, the business changes their strategies and the

way they contact their consumer.

Digital Marketing in the Philippines: The Land of Social Media Super Users

Fallarme (2021), Filipinos are the world's most active social media users because

they are always on their phones. Filipinos have a great urge to watch videos; digital

marketing in the Philippines is most focused on these three issues. Most clients in most

countries use search engines to find information initially.

As a result, an influencer ecosystem has emerged, with specific organizations and

influencers seeing the value of coordinating and standardizing the influencer economy.

For many Filipinos, Facebook is more than just another social media platform; it is the
internet. If the Philippines is a big market for you, you'll need active social media

accounts as well as a well-planned strategy for managing your whole online presence.

It's vital to remember that the Philippines, like many other Southeast Asian

countries, is still in its infancy when it comes to internet marketing. Infrastructure issues

remain unaddressed, ranging from internet reliability and availability to digital payments

and the country's talent ecosystem.

Small Business Marketing Trends in the Philippines

The Philippines manifest for economic growth; hence a business would help.

Starting a business, small or big, can contribute to the country’s economy. The article

written by Velasco (2019) contains small business trends that business owners can use in

operation. He provided six (6) small business trends: (1) online videos, (2) using an app

for everything, (3) jump on the e-commerce bandwagon, (4) influential market, (5) go

cashless or go home, and (6) business models and workforce: the new generation. The

said trends are further explained in the following:

• Online videos pertain to the visuals, such as the graphics and contents. People

love watching videos, and some people even feel peers when watching a creative and

appealing one. However, developing creative content for a business is not always easy;

because it requires skills and time.

• Small businesses’ way of advertising is different from big companies. Small

business owners use more accessible platforms to promote their business. Businesses

cannot just use applications for advertising; they can also use applications to manage
business operations. An example of a platform a business can use is the G Suite. G Suite

is a virtual storage for digital files, such as documents, business’ spreadsheets containing

financial statements, and presentations.

• A business must jump on the e-commerce bandwagon to fully adapt customer’s

loyalty to the brand. By adapting the e-commerce bandwagon, a business can have a

clearer view to know their specific target market. This would also allow the business to

have a smooth transaction with the customer.

• Many personalities in the internet started to gain their popularity in the social

media, turning them into an influencer. Some businesses ask an influencer to have

collaboration with their brand by sending them a sample or packages of the product. This

strategy works a lot, since people tend to listen more to their idols.

• Online banking such as GCash, PayMaya,, and Google Pay make

customers have an easy payment method. Adapting to this trend can encourage customers

to perform a transaction because there is a convenience in time.

• Hiring employees and adapting to the new technology and machineries can

make a business future-proof. When workforce and technology are combined, there

would be fast production and creative product content to offer. During this time, fast

production is important as consumer behavior changes frequently and companies should

adapt to the new needs and wants of consumers.

Shifts in Digital Marketing

According to Lugtu (2021), Covid-19 pushed the small and big companies to shift

to e-commerce business and other digital marketing strategies. There is a significant

growth in digital advertising and digital media, specifically social media. Because of that,

business owners tend to invest in other digital channels such as Google, TikTok,

YouTube, and Instagram.

They mentioned the contribution of ads in the marketplace, wherein it opened the

opportunity for brand discovery. In addition, they also noticed the effectiveness of search

engines, websites, apps, blogs, and vlogs to the businesses because Filipino citizens were

spending their time using social media for so long. Consumers went through work-from-

home and FOGO or Fear of Going Out, so they instead purchase online than risk

themselves in the malls.

Companies should reorganize their marketing techniques such as time-friendly

presentation content on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The first three seconds of the

video should attract consumers’ attention. It must inform the consumers regarding the

deals and offers they may get. Lastly, the content they create must provide relevant

details about the business.

Digital Marketing Amidst Coronavirus (COVID-19)

According to Cassells (2020), the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak became a

threat to population health and daily life. Governments are increasing restrictions and

face-to-face interactions, so it's no wonder that businesses are failing. This article seeks to

gather some of the most recent COVID-19 information online for marketers.
Quarantines and exclusion are now in demand, leading to no business for physical

and store retailers. On the other hand, internet businesses are experiencing difficulties

meeting demand because of limited operations. Companies that rely on personnel, as well

as face-to-face transactions, will be unable to reopen. These restrictions will make it

difficult for non-essential firms to continue operating or producing income.

One of the best reasons to keep online marketing strategies during the crisis is to

help fill the void by the opponents. Businesses can use it to achieve better growth and

market share results. Companies that were protective during a crisis performed less in the

after. People will be much more careful with their purchasing during the pandemic. This

crisis will not last indefinitely. Making the brand accessible to the target market even

during and after the pandemic can help keep things fresh in consumers' eyes.

Foreign Literature

Ten Reasons You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy in 2022

Chaffey (2021) aims to prove that digital marketing strategies are indeed

beneficial nowadays. He showed their planning framework called RACE (Reach, Act,

Convert and Engage), wherein it serves as a training guide that provides techniques to

improve and expand the businesses. He also mentioned the struggles of digital marketing:

the decision to do the digital marketing plan and facing the reality of trial and error.

Hence, there are ten reasons why digital marketing may bring the best outcome

for different and increased businesses’ needs:

● Digital marketing strategy encourages business owners to have clear and specific

goals to accomplish virtually.

● The strategy deepens their understanding of the significant distinction between

traditional and online marketplaces.

● It increases their competitive advantage over their competitors and gives them the

ability to attract both existing and new customers.

● As technology becomes the most reliable medium in the modern world, it

determines how customers behave and ways to approach them.

● It copes with the new normal through advanced techniques integrated with

traditional ones.

● Online marketing techniques enhance the company's potential in e-marketing.

● It utilizes the resources and platforms.

● It offers more significant improvements and changes to the companies.

● It enables continuous progress using different online marketing strategies.

Therefore, a business needs a digital marketing strategy to increase its chances of

persuading its clients. Considering online marketing strategies in a business enables the

entity to fulfill its marketing goals. Furthermore, digital marketing strategy urges people

in business to go out of their comfort zone to try out these enhanced marketing


Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Business

According to Ames, (2021) there are strategies in digital marketing that are best to

use in a business such as: Search Engine Marketing, Local Search Marketing, Content
Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Pay-Per-Click

Marketing, and The Bottom Line. The strategies that can make the business have a higher

search engine and use it as a keyword, link, and relevant information is Search Engine

Marketing. The strategies that can help the business to integrate the engine’s maps

function is Local Search Marketing. The strategies that can make information such as:

product or service, delivery, and article about the business more visible to the consumer

is Content Marketing. The strategies that use as a building of a relationship between the

consumer and the business, and can create a good reputation and loyalty is Social Media

Marketing. The marketing strategies, that are important to the business and can use an

update of the business to the consumer is Email Marketing. The marketing strategy that

can easily reach a consumer and can increase consumers to the business is Mobile

Marketing. The strategies that can make the business easily see is Pay-Per Click

Marketing, also called as an advertisement that makes the business only pay if the ad has

been clicked. And last, According to Ames, the strategies that can help the business

manpower that have to handle and create a plan and the goal of the business is the

Bottom Line.

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Strategies & How to Improve Your Digital


Hudson (2021), because of the pandemic, consumers are spending more time with

their mobile gadgets. This became an opportunity for business owners to apply the digital

marketing strategy to their business to still connect with the customers, virtually.
She stated that it is a natural move for a business to build a plan, goals, and tools

that are needed for the success and growth of an entity. Providing a website for a business

is an important thing for an entity to keep their business ongoing, as they can have a

larger scope of audiences that can turn into their customers. Thus, Hudson provided some

important things to remember on how to efficiently create a digital marketing strategy.

Before anything else, the most significant part of operating a business is to know,

“Who will be the consumer?” And, to choose the best target market, building a buyer

persona would be a great help. The question is, what is the buyer persona and how to

make one? A buyer persona is a description of an individual - including demographic

profile such as location, age, income, and job title, and psychographic information which

contains the goals, interests, challenges, and priorities of a possible customer. Basically, a

buyer persona is a research-based document to effectively choose who will be the

business’ target market.

A business should clearly identify the goals and digital tools it would need. The

goes for when a business is going to apply digital marketing, it also needs its objectives.

The fundamental goals of a business should be the basis for developing the business’

digital marketing goals.

Hudson also added that a business must evaluate its existing assets and channels

to assimilate what it can add to push an improvement to the strategy. Along with this, is

the auditing planning of media campaigns of a business’ website or channel. These are

important as these would help the business to set up a new and upgraded marketing plan

in the future. Furthermore, an evaluation of the earnings of a business can help the
business itself to get another idea of what it should have focused on in the near future. An

evaluation of the media that a business used on its marketing may give the business

owners a clear picture of what platform helped the business a lot

What Are the Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies?

According to the Digital Marketing Institute (2018), there are so many strategies

that the business should look at, understands the business, product, and consumer to reach

their goal for their business. This study mainly focuses on how to get effective strategies

that need to be considered in a business. Email and Video content is one of the strategies

to get a consumer in a market. There are campaign and strategies such as:

● Stay Nimble, Deeply Understand the Consumer

● Focus on the end result

● Use Content for Lead Generation

● Go Live and Use Audio

● Focus on Mobile

● Use Content to Show Authority & Authenticity

● Review and Refine

● and The Bottom Line According to Digital Marketing Institute

Stay Nimble can be flexible to a shifting of SEO patterns, can easily provide the

upcoming trends, focus on social media channels, focus on how to get a progress, and

lastly it can easily make a strategy that can monitor and adjust if the business needs it.

This strategy is to understand more the consumer wants and needs, and it focuses on the

action-oriented experiences and the outcome of their business, this is called Deeply
Understand Your Customer. Focus on the End Result: these strategies mainly focus on

the progress of the business. This strategy provides written content and blog and article of

the business, it is Use Content for Lead Generation. This strategy is used as an

establishing authority and connection for the business it is Go Live and Use Audio.

According to this study, this strategy focuses on how to get more consumers through

social media platforms and through advertisement it is called Focus on Mobile Strategy.

Use Content to Show Authority & Authenticity is using channels or tools that will be

needed on a business. This strategy refers to understanding the business and goal of the

business, it also helps to analyze, and measure the business to find what is needed to fix,

and it is called Review and Refine Strategy. And last, this campaign mainly focuses on

the benefits, social media trends that help the business focus on their goal, business, and

to their consumer, it is called The Bottom Line.

Which is the BEST Digital Marketing Strategy?

According to Koepp (2021), determining where to spend their time and, more

crucially, their money can be tricky, whether the owners are just getting started or

looking to rework their digital marketing strategy. Marketers would be wise to take an

integrated approach that employs strategies at various stages of the buying cycle. With

the year 2022 rapidly approaching, it's time to start planning budgets and marketing


While no comprehensive digital marketing strategy has yet been developed,

search engine optimization, or SEO, is an absolute must. SEO is the technique of utilizing

keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for in relation to your
business. It's crucial at every level of the buying process, from early research to

completion. It's a smart plan, but getting decent outcomes takes time and work. Content

production, keyword research, link building, and a well-designed website are all part of


PPC or Pay-Per-Click, helps you to rank almost immediately, with minimal

downtime and less Google requirements. While sticking to SEO techniques, content

marketing should attempt to give clients with information that will eventually guide them

through the purchasing process. By doing so, you can build familiarity and trust with

potential customers. Blogs, eBooks, case studies, info graphics, and other forms of

content may be beneficial to your marketing efforts. The information must be informative

and relational rather than transactional.

Digital Marketing Strategy: How to structure a plan?

A digital marketing strategy must always be updated with the new trends in the

modern era. This is due to the diverse wants of the consumer, that if they have the chance

they create new trends and business must comply with it. Businesses should not only

focus on the consumer’s behavior but also on their competitors. Furthermore, online

platforms should not only be the basis for digital marketing strategy; businesses must also

base their strategy on offline platforms as it can also affect their strategy. Complying with

digital marketing equates to the power to encourage the consumers to use the platforms

that businesses use to market their goods or services. However, if a business encourages

lots of consumers, it must have the ability to manage channel integration. This is to avoid

difficulties or problems that consumers may encounter.

Smart Insights believes that an Omni channel marketing strategy is crucial for a

business, as it will help the business to increase its capability of improving its digital

marketing strategy. Through an Omni channel marketing strategy, it is possible for a

business to gain more revenues from acquiring consumers with the use of online and

offline platforms. Smart Insights recommended five (5) steps to develop a marketing

strategy using the RACE Framework. RACE Framework is consolidated with Plan,

Reach, Convert and Engage. The RACE Framework aims to give the business some

guides on how to develop a winning strategy that would set an improvement to their

business and business’ digital marketing strategy.

Having an optimized digital marketing strategy can help the business to be on its

right path to achieving its goals. Smart Insights stated in their article the seven (7) core

capabilities that a successful marketing strategy must bear. The seven capabilities are

strategic approach, performance improvement process, management buy-in, resourcing

and structure, data and infrastructure, integrated customer communications, and customer

experience. An effective digital marketing plan will assist a business in making the best

decisions for its development. And, the strategically process provides a framework for

following a logical order to ensure that all critical activities of strategy formulation and

implementation are included. (Smart Insight, 2021)

Digital Marketing Strategy: Companies Experience during A Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in main developments, most notably in

digital technology for product and service promotion, which led to firms as a pandemic

marketing plan. Owing to the economic impact of COVID-19, most companies adjust
their business strategies by using digital marketing techniques. These digital marketing

tools assist businesses in obtaining real-time consumer information, developing and

communicating value to customers in a more inventive manner. Usability, physical value,

high return, quality of digital services, quality of digital information, quality of digital

systems, and predictability of projected outcomes are all important aspects of a digital

marketing plan.

The factors for successfully implementing change is too quickly and thoroughly

assess the efficacy of a company's marketing operations, then make the necessary

changes by real-world business environment dynamics. Because an adequate response to

changes in the external environment should be a change in the organization's strategy,

this is the foundation for long and short-term firm operations planning. If businesses

survive and thrive in the new environment, they must accelerate their digital changes with

a clear goal in mind.

To identify growth opportunities and focus personnel on the qualitative growth of

competitive business advantages through an effective Key Performance Indicator System,

company executives must develop a systematic approach for digital financial

management, distribution, and marketing models in times of crisis. Furthermore, during a

period of dropping sales, rising loan rates, changing supplier conditions, and violations of

temporary supply chains, it is critical to pay special attention to companies' financial

models. (Meshko and Savinova, 2020)

6 Post-Pandemic Marketing Strategies with Long-Term Benefits

Berger (2021) mentioned that despite the covid-19 battle, there is something to

look forward to on online businesses. Digital marketing strategies like Amazon and

Zoom have been one of the most effective reliance amidst this pandemic.

So, to have some ideas concerning the digital marketing techniques, he gave six (6)

strategies to apply during and even after this crisis.

1. Concentrate on the consistent consumers. It may be hard for marketers to

attract customers, but they can gain the loyalty of past consumers. It is also relevant to

consider the benefits owners can provide their consumers, like services or jobs. On this

basis, they are building a give-and-take relationship with their customers.

2. Shift to online marketing. Business owners may use webinars, emails, and

work-from-home to address both employees and customers to protect their health and

compete with the new technology-reliant competition.

3. Invest in Facebook ads. It is reasonably priced and can be beneficial in

promoting products and services. Marketers can easily show details about their business

through advertisements. Because Facebook is one of the most popular social media

platforms, it will undoubtedly attract audiences.

4. Have special deals and offers. Discounts, freebies, and membership rewards

that owners may offer will be crucial yet efficient to create a competitive advantage.

5. Rethink of the communication strategy. To enhance traditional ways, they

can instead use blogs, podcasts, ads, and webinars to reach consumers. And to understand

the customers towards the business, marketers may provide easy-to-answer survey

6. Try other advertising channels. Evaluate various media platforms based on

what the company needs. For example: Google for a broader engagement and Instagram

for the beauty industry. Marketers will be able to meet their business objectives and reach

their target market in this manner.

7. Digital marketing strategies empower business owners to surpass this covid-19

challenge and empower their businesses. Digital marketing strategies introduce the value

of technology in everyone’s lives. Covid-19 has been undeniably challenging but

encourages marketers to enhance and update their marketing techniques.

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy for Beginners in 10 Steps

According to Jager and Andony (2020), there are plenty of big and little things

that could help or hinder a digital marketing strategy's success. He stated that there are

ten steps in creating a digital marketing strategy. It includes creating a customer's persona

and identifying goals and tools that you will use. The importance of blogging in creating

quality content and evaluating existing digital marketing channels are also important in

making a successful strategy.

Using technology to your advantage gives a huge impact on your success. By

marketing automation, improving the site for a better mobile experience will make it

easier to connect with potential customers. A marketing effort is wasted if an ineffective

technology is used. Choosing the right tools that will help you during every stage will

drastically improve your strategy.

In conclusion, you should know what makes your company different from your

competitors and make use of the right tools to implement them properly. Constant
monitoring of your process is one way to ensure that your strategy is working effectively

as well as remembering to learn from mistakes to find improvement opportunities.

Digital Marketing Strategy: Your Company’s Frameworks For Success

The digital marketing strategy is designed to attract more potential customers to

your website, convert those visitors into customers, and then convert those customers into

sales. The term "digital marketing" is self-explanatory; it refers to online and internet

marketing that utilizes digital tools. However, digital marketing also refers to the

methodology we use to USE such technologies – inbound marketing.

Inbound marketing, as opposed to outbound or "interruption" marketing, focuses

on developing a consumer experience based on trust (telemarketing, billboards, spam,

etc.) However, there are (3) three critical parts of a plan to make digital marketing work.

The first is to Attract Website Traffic. This uses content marketing (blogging), email

marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click marketing (PPC), and social

media to increase website traffic. The second part is to convert more leads. Once your

website has more visitors, you must convert them from anonymous internet visitors to

identified customers.

This could be accomplished through enticing downloadable content offerings

(such as eBooks and webinars), email lead nurturing, A/B testing, and appealing videos.

The third part is to close more sales. Such Inquiries or Leads are useless if they do not

result in sales/profit. Providing additional tools and data to your sales staff is very

essential to assist them to close more of the leads we deliver. (Vital., 2021)

Operational Strategies of Online Food Delivery Businesses in Camarines Norte,


According to Abasolo and Lamug (2021), businesses want to stay globally

competitive and sustainable, which is why they are evolving and adapting to the changing

business landscape. One way to assure long-term viability is to strengthen their

operational plan. Functional strategies are "the development and detailing of a firm's

business strategy, as well as the development of strategic actions and operational plans to

aid customers in effectively executing the overall strategy for their enterprises" Raounas

2021. Monitoring riders' performance, using cellular cell phones, desktops, tablets, and

laptops to monitor customer needs, optimizing marketing budgets through the use of low

advertising campaigns and advertisements, promotion through various social media

platforms, and checking customers with their purchases from time to time via chat or

Short Message Service are some of the operational strategies used by online food

delivery businesses.

Before the COVID-19 epidemic, only a few internet food delivery firms

functioned in Camarines Norte. However, as demand for these services increased, the

number of internet meal delivery firms in the region grew from three to over twenty. The

growing number of rivals prompted them to concentrate on marketing tactics to retain

and attract new clients. Due to a rush in demand during peak hours, they were obliged to

deny orders from definite clients, forcing them to switch to alternative delivery services.

These are just a few of the issues they face as they continue to operate their firm. As a

result, to stay in business, they had to rethink their business plans.

Furthermore, the operational strategies of online food delivery businesses include

the following: monitoring of riders' performances, use of cellular phones, desktop, tablet,

and laptops for monitoring customer needs, optimizing marketing budget through the use

of low-cost marketing campaigns and promotions, while the problems encountered by

online food delivery businesses are a lack of available riders during peak hours and the

threat of a cyber-attack.

The “New Normal” of Increased Online Business Transactions, and Revisiting

Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 55-2013

Arreola (2020) conducted a study about The “New Normal'' of Increased Online

Business Transactions, and Revisiting Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 55-2013. This

research indicated that 64% of Filipino internet users are spending more time on social

media as they strive for the new normal. It also indicated that 23% increased their activity

in online shopping that makes the entrepreneurs embrace the digital phenomenon.

Lazada and Shopee are the most online platforms that are always used by the consumer, it

surges sales revenues in millions of pesos because of that E-Commerce website. And it

shows that Online Business transactions are now more convenient and efficient for


According to this research, July 31, 2020, the online businesses are encouraged to

register their business under RMC No. 60-2020 entitled “Obligations of Persons

Conducting Business Transactions Through any Forms of Electronic Media and Notice to

Unregistered Businesses.” RMC No. 55-2013 explains that online sellers and online

trading have a different function and responsibilities. Revisiting RMC No. 55-2013
explains that online sellers and other facilitators of online trading have different functions

and responsibilities.

Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in the Challenging Age: An Empirical Study

International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration

Yasmin et. al. (2015) stated that, digital marketing is a sort of marketing that is

frequently utilized to promote products or services and reach out to customers through

digital networks. Digital marketing includes outlets that do not require the use of the

online in addition to internet marketing. Mobile phones (including SMS and MMS),

social media marketing, display advertising, search engine marketing, and a variety of

other digital media are all covered. Consumers can get information from digital media at

any time and from any location. Consumers can now not only rely on what the firm says

about their brand, but also on what the media, friends, associations, peers, and others are

saying. Customer information satisfaction (CIS) for digital marketing, can be defined as a

sum of affective responses of varying intensity that occur after consumption and are

triggered by focal aspects of sales activities, information systems (websites), digital

products/services, customer support, after-sales service, and company culture. Companies

can utilize social media to convey their messages to their target audience without paying

for the publishers or distributors that are typical of traditional marketing, which is one of

the most essential techniques in digital marketing.

Many Asian countries are taking advantage of e-commerce by opening up, which

is critical for boosting competition and the spread of Internet technology. Consumers in

metropolitan India are currently led by E-commerce these consumers are booking travel,
purchasing consumer devices, and purchasing books online. The most well-known type

of marketing is traditional marketing. It has brought various advantages to the consumers

like Greater engagement, Stay Updated with Products or Services, Clear Information

About the Products or Services, Easy Comparison with Others, Apparent Pricing and

24/7 Shopping. In marketing, the digital channel has become an important aspect of many

organizations' strategies. Even tiny businesses can now sell their products or services in a

very cost-effective and efficient manner. Just as "Rome wasn't built in a day," neither can

digital marketing success come without effort and experiment.

Business Struggles in Quarantine: Digital Marketing during COVID-19 in the


Quiocho (2020) stated that during COVID-19 in the Philippines, digital marketing

would be the deciding factor for the future of many brands. The pandemic brought

disturbance to society affecting the living habits of people, companies, and businesses.

Because of the disruptions made by the pandemic, consumer behavior changes, hence

businesses ought to think of new marketing strategies. Even if there are delays in

business operation, an entity should think of new ways to maintain its connection with

their consumer.

Digital platforms have become critical for staying in touch with your audience

amid a crisis. Whether you're a digital marketing agency in the Philippines or the owner

of a small or large business, navigating the pandemic and learning how to apply digital

marketing during COVID-19 in the Philippines might make or break your brand or

Creating an agile, adaptive digital marketing approach will decide your brand's

performance in the months, with more people using their phones during this period of

uncertainty. With consumer behavior and company models altering to react to the global

crisis, digital marketing will be critical during COVID-19 in the Philippines.

Online Marketing of Small and Medium Enterprises in Samar. Philippines

Patimo and Dollado (2021) implied that websites, social media sites, and e-mail

are the most popular or generally utilized for purchasing products online. They can be

more successful than the other forms of online marketing. It suggests that SMEs should

invest far more resources in these three kinds of product marketing.

People would buy a product online because it is more convenient than going to a

store. Online marketing requires significant investment making it one of the main

reasons SMEs are hesitant to adopt this approach. Utilizing an online marketing approach

requires finances, facilities and equipment, and data and information security

The use of the internet as a marketing approach has grown in utilization for

promoting products and services. Because of the advantages that digital marketing

provides, many businesses have adopted it today and onwards. Digital marketing

developed into a powerful tool in promoting and advertising businesses and services.

The study concluded that SMEs in Samar were more likely to use online marketing.

Effective Internet Marketing Strategies for Online Food Business in Rizal Province

According to Castaneda (2020), internet marketing links the creative and

technical aspects of the internet. When internet marketing is composed of social media
sites, a company's website, and other media for specific goals, it is considered as digital

marketing. Digital marketing helps the growth of a company and contributes to the

growth and development of the Digital Media and Digital World.

In her study, she showed the marketing strategy used by the fast-food restaurant

McDonald’s. The overall content of a website, distribution method, price of the product,

and terms of payment of McDonald’s play an essential role in the satisfaction of

consumers. However, despite the excellent marketing strategy, customers tend to get

confused about the prices of their products. Having an innovative marketing strategy is a

lot better to make their company’s website and product more effective and to be able to

meet their customer’s needs through digital aspects.

When it comes to local restaurants, it is usually hard to compete with big

restaurants because big restaurants have the budget and employees to manage their

website, unlike local restaurants. It is a critical mistake for a brand to not market and

build a more significant business people brand correctly. Local restaurants might have

their own social media profiles but tend to forget about updating and maintaining the

shape. Regularly updating a company’s website and engaging with digital customers

significantly contribute to a restaurant or brand’s identity.

Creative Marketing Strategies of Food Park Businesses in Batangas, Philippines

Magboo et al. (2020) aims to share with everyone the effectiveness of creative

marketing strategies they used in Food Park Businesses in Batangas City. It became

helpful for them to survive using creative branding and merchandising. It is one way of
engaging with globalization wherein there are higher competitions, faster connections,

and more extensive obligations.

They gave five (5) creative marketing strategies:

● Branding emphasizes the uniqueness of the company.

● Products and services wherein there will be advertisements used to introduce


● Promotion that persuades the customers to purchase the products.

● Customer experiences where they prioritize what the consumers may feel towards

their products and services.

● And visual merchandising that organizes the image of the entire business leads to

continuous engagement of the customers. Those strategies develop the appearance

of the product, the impression of the customers, and the inventiveness of the

producers. Marketing strategies do not just set the businesses but also help in

solving challenges and criticisms.

Based on their study, they mentioned that evaluation and analysis in the business

are beneficial. In such a manner, marketers see their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

and strengths. That way, the business owners will be encouraged to seek advanced

marketing techniques. They also reminded the businessmen to try out new marketing

tactics. Because of that, they will gain knowledge and deeply understand the importance

of marketing strategies in a business.

It is necessary for people who operate outside of town to go beyond and always

keep the focus on the good. When improving the bakery's operational methods, the
company should also establish a training program. Marketing helps in the development of

new markets, the identifying of target customers, and the assessment of the product’s

quality. An entrepreneur should know not only its products or services but also why or

how the business is failing or succeeding

In addition, bakery owners use significantly different marketing strategies in their

bakeries in the municipality of Ajuy and Sara. The operation was classified on distance,

length of effect, and volume created. It says that more effort should be invested in sales

growth and productivity. Marketing helps the discovery of a product in need of renewal

or innovation. It is more interested in how marketing strategies are used in bakery

businesses. The strategy should lay out how to deliver the products or services in a way

that impresses the customers.

Foreign Study

Understanding the Limitations of Digital Marketing

Dole (2021) defines digital marketing as advertising that utilizes the internet to

disseminate marketing information to consumers. Digital marketing strategies include

email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, display advertising,

and mobile advertising. The primary goal of digital marketing strategies is to promote

brands, shape preferences, and increase sales.

Digital marketing has two sides to it. While there are numerous advantages, there

are a few limitations. Disadvantages include copyright, internet penetration, virtual

experience, lack of trust, not being accepted and embraced by everyone, and reliance on

technology. These limitations are factual and likely limit the marketing method's

popularity and potential. Because the technological space is rapidly evolving, it is

necessary to overcome the limits to reap the benefits.

New digital marketing technologies emerge as the internet grows and develops,

promoting products and services efficiently. Having a clear understanding of Internet

marketing will help business owners and digital advertisers to plan and progress their

business by looking at its benefits and disadvantages. Given the limitations of digital

marketing, utilizing a blended approach will be an advantage.

A Study of Digital Marketing and Its Impact

Prajapati (2020) stated that the world is shifting from physical to virtual. As

technology evolves, users, especially internet users, increase rapidly. Along with the

technology’s development is the development of marketing strategy from traditional to

digital. Because of digital marketing, businesses earn more profit than conventional

marketing. The reason for this is that digital marketing does not require too much capital

to advertise a business.

In this study of Prajapati, he showed the five (5) crucial digital marketing

channels: social media, email, affiliate, search engine, and online display marketing. In

these channels, social media marketing is the fastest-growing channel. Facebook is an

example of a social media platform where companies can freely advertise their business.

If companies wish to reach more audiences, Facebook requires payment for it. Digitally
promoting a business is not always accessible; some applications require payment for

better marketing service.

Consumer behavior frequently changes; with the help of digital marketing,

businesses can quickly identify the new needs or wants of consumers. Companies ought

to develop a new advertising strategy to fit consumers’ behavior. Companies need to get

along with what the consumers want. A company that does not utilize the latest trend in

marketing strategy cannot compete and has a high possibility of business’ shut down.

Future of Digital Marketing in 2020

According to Narayanan (2019), digital marketing is an advanced technology

technique used by businessmen to compete among other competitors. Through digital

media, it aims to enable the customers to examine the products virtually. Marketers may

be struggling as they adjust to the digital marketing era, but the conversions they are up

to build a foundation for the future of their businesses.

From what she has mentioned, marketers need statistical models to determine the

interests of their customers. Digital marketing provides a wide variety of products with

affluent details. It allows the consumers to address the sellers regarding the design or

outcome they want. It may require us to adapt and adjust, but it brings better

opportunities for our business.

She also presented the benefits of Artificial Intelligence. It leads to more

appealing ads that promote the products. It enables the consumers to find broader

information easily; Google, a comprehensive source of searches, uses Artificial

Intelligence called Rank Brain, which gives the most acceptable search results. And,

artificial intelligence helps in evaluating the customers’ behavior by allowing the sellers

to receive feedback on their products.

She stated that digital marketing is reliable for future business competition. It

gives awareness and advantages to all the companies. With the help of digital marketing,

innovations have high quality and upgraded versions of products. Digital marketing

empowers marketers to accomplish their goals effectively.

Online Marketing Strategies for Increasing Sales Revenues of Small Retail


Lockett (2018) stated in his article that small retail shop owners can now

incorporate Internet communication into their business plans thanks to the Internet

phenomenon of social media marketing. Online communication differs vastly from

traditional marketing and has become one of a company's features. Businesses often use

social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube to raise brand

awareness, enhance consumer connections, and simultaneously reach millions of

consumers. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) gain from social networking

because it improves communication and empowers buyers, and lowers marketing

expenses. Businesses that develop social media profiles are gaining popularity within the

retail industry.

Social media gives a forum for small businesses to create goodwill and improve

their public image. Entrepreneurs are increasingly utilizing the numerous social media

options available to them.

Internet marketing trends may help entrepreneurs build a platform for expanding

brand awareness, communicating with customers, and ensuring the long-term viability of

their businesses. Understanding the advantages of social media platforms will assist

business executives in maximizing return on investment, promoting content, and

improving overall performance. Social media is an internet platform that business

executives utilize to promote their products, services, and client relationships.

Consumers Buying Behavior towards Online Shopping

According to Rahman et. al (2018), internet shopping is a practical solution to a

busy lifestyle in today's climate. During the previous decade, customers' buying habits

have shifted considerably. Because today's people are so busy, they can't or won't devote

much time to shopping, they save time by purchasing online.

Due to double-digit worldwide growth in sales and orders in all types of e-

commerce, such as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and

business-to-government (B2G), e-commerce accounted for approximately 2.29 trillion

dollars globally in 2018, and is expected to reach 4 trillion dollars by 2020. Online stores,

unlike traditional stores, use text, images, and multimedia resources to describe all of

their products. Some online shoppers are adventurous explorers, pleasure seekers, and

shoppers who enjoy buying, while others are technology muddlers who loathe waiting for

their items to arrive.

Purchasing products or services directly from a seller over the Internet is referred

to as electronic commerce. The internet-based or Click and Order business model has

supplanted the traditional Brick and Mortar business strategy. Brick and Mortar
marketing strategy is used by businesses that operate from a store or retail premises to

increase foot traffic. These marketing strategies can include digital marketing, offline,

and out-of-home promotions. Two elements influence consumer perceptions of internet

shopping: trust and perceived rewards. All trust and perceived rewards appear to drive

customer behavior toward online purchases, security, customer experience, age and

learning curve, among others.

The Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies and Approaches: A Review of


The execution of computerized promotion into business procedures has turned

into an all the more consistently utilized strategy. The new methodology assists

associations with accomplishing their showcasing objectives through setting up a

connection between customization and mass dispersion. There is an extensive number of

experts that hold to the philosophy of McCarthy, which perspectives showcasing using

the 4P model: item, spot, advancement, and cost. The conventional promoting system

utilized by McCarthy is an amazing, solid and generally perceived basic technique,

however passes on no job to the shopper. With the fast progression of innovation in the

public eye, the reception of advanced promoting systems is a higher priority than at any

time in recent memory.

The creators kept on clarifying that the execution of innovation into promoting

would help to showcase experts and contact a more youthful crowd that intensely utilize

cell phones consistently. An advertising system that utilizes innovation to upgrade an

association's capacity to acquire more openness begins with a sound technique.

Augmentation of association to customer openness must be an essential advertising

objective of an association that tries to effectively connect with forthcoming clients.

(Gibson, 2018)

Digital Marketing an Influence Towards Business Performance Among

Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Enterprises.

According to Omar et. al. (2020), digital marketing is the process of promoting a

brand by employing various forms of digital advertising to reach out to specific

demographics via radio, mobile phones, the internet, television, and social media. The

value and power of digital is an essential argument. Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs) must take initiatives to become a creative and inventive group of

people. The power of digital marketing has a considerable impact on corporate

performance, according to this study. Digital media might be a useful alternative for

entrepreneurs and business owners. With the range of options supplied by entrepreneurs

in digital media, the business sector is getting healthier and more competitive,

encouraging customers to make better decisions. This includes the purpose of using

digital marketing mediums, the benefits of using digital marketing, and the reputation of

the product after using a well-developed digital marketing. Ironically, as the world of

technology crosses borders, entrepreneurs will always have opportunities to market their

products on a more global level. This study suggests that ministries and policymakers

develop favorable internet surfing rates and e-business rules to encourage technology

adoption that will benefit the SME industry and entrepreneurs. SME owners should strive

to study and implement digital media techniques that will help them improve their

business performance by increasing sales, profitability, and creating jobs for Malaysians.
As a result, SMEs have no choice but to ensure that their employees are computer literate

or capable of using mobile internet technology and that they can engage customers in

digital media platforms for the benefit of their businesses. Investors should make an

effort to assist SMEs with digital media by providing training and entrepreneurship

solutions that bridge the current gap where some SMEs are unable to use digital media

due to a variety of constraints.

Online Strategies for Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19: A Social Media and

Social Commerce Approach

According to Itliong (2020), it is beneficial to use social media to share

information about small businesses for all the people to see. It focused on a specific

company restaurant, and it includes general business and how to apply social media tools

to maintain online purchases and customer interaction on their project plan. The COVID-

19 pandemic has changed the way many people and so many small businesses were

required to close their doors to the public for a while. This work investigates how

adopting an online ordering strategy can help these businesses avoid permanent closures.

In regards to the above mentioned small businesses have suffered massive losses

from the coronavirus pandemic, and entrepreneurs throughout the United States are

striving to keep their businesses alive. They depend on internal consumer interaction to

keep their businesses sustainable. Their financial resources discontinue since they're still

unable to open their doors to the public. For the most general, the year 2020 has been a

difficult one and most of the country has seen significant changes in their lives. This
initiative helps to stimulate small business owners, especially those who've been hardest

hit by the pandemic, to keep fighting (Itliong, 2020).



Research Design
According to Seyß (2020), the descriptive method investigates different

phenomena or situations. This method focuses on how different situations happen

regarding the date, place, and issue. In this method, manipulation of the variable does not

exist; hence researchers observe.

Research Locale

The researchers conduct this study in the Quezon province's REINA area,

including Real, Infanta, and General Nakar.

The municipality of Infanta is a 1st class municipality in Quezon. The first

congressional district in Quezon Province consists of 13 municipalities, and Infanta is

one of those municipalities.

Binangonan del Ampon was town’s first name own given by Nunong Karugtong

with his men. Later on, Rev. Fr. Esteban Ortiz, OPM - a Spanish priest arrived at

Binangonan del Ampon. He introduced Christianity to the town as he planted a wooden

cross. In 1696, Don Diego Mangilaya founded Infanta - a new name given by a Spanish

Captain Juan Salvador in 1835. Captain Juan Salvador gave the name Infanta in honor of

King Philip II of Spain’s daughter and the Jesus Infanta of Child Jesus.
Figure 3.1 Map of REINA Area

Respondents of the Study

The researchers choose 50 operating businesses in the REINA area to be the

subject and participants of the study. Only the 50 chosen operating businesses in the

REINA area are involved in the study. The participants’ responses are helpful to the

researchers, as they can use their answers to find solutions to the problems imposed in

this study.


The instrument used to conduct this study is an online survey questionnaire

through Google Forms. An online survey is used in this study because it is the most

convenient way to gather data amid the pandemic. Besides, some respondents are already
used to new technology, and answering online surveys will not be that hard. The online

survey questionnaire helps the researchers determine the digital marketing strategies

businesses operate in the REINA area and develop a business plan for business


Sample and Sampling Techniques

A population is divided into existing subgroups called clusters to keep the

heterogeneity of the groups. By that, there are different cluster samples to be used. The

members of each cluster is randomly selected to be considered in the research; determine

the tally of the small businesses that use digital marketing.

Validation of Instrument

The instrument used to conduct this study is an online survey questionnaire

through the application, Google Forms. An online survey is used in this study because it

is the most convenient way to gather data amid the pandemic. Besides, some respondents

are already used to new technology, and answering online surveys is not too complex.

The online survey questionnaire helps the researchers determine the digital marketing

strategies used by the selected operating businesses in the REINA Area and develop a

business plan for business development.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gather the list of businesses that use digital marketing in the

REINA Area. That way, the researchers can estimate the number of targeted respondents.
When the questionnaires are approved, the researchers can perform the study. Then the

questionnaires are distributed to the respondents through social media platforms. The

outcome hopefully provides the digital marketing strategies for business plan


The following statement shows the procedure that the researchers used to conduct

the study:

1. The researchers gather the list of businesses operating online in the REINA area.

2. Through the list, the researchers calculate and choose the required respondents.

3. The researchers are authorized to conduct the study after the questionnaires are


4. The distribution of online surveys through an online platform, Messenger, took

almost a week.

5. After the said time, the data are summed and tabulated.

Statistical Analysis of the Data

1. Weighted Mean - used in analyzing the digital marketing strategies among selected

businesses in the REINA Area during the pandemic. It is a calculated average based

solely on the frequency of the values of a variable.

Formula: WM =


WM is the weighted mean

Σ x is the summation of weighted frequencies

N is the number of case

2. The Likert Scale will evaluate the results of digital marketing strategies among

selected businesses in the REINA area during the pandemic.

Weighted Average Verbal Description

3:50 - 4.00 Strongly Agree

2:50 - 3.9 Agree

2.50 - 2.49 Strongly Disagree

1.00 - 1.49 Disagree


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