Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology LEVEL - II

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic

Control Technology LEVEL –


Based on November, 2021 (V-I) Occupational
standard (OS)

March, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard
for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented –
considering international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven comparable TVET-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the
training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational standards

This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different Regional
TVET Bureaus, colleges, Industries, Institutes and universities based on the occupational
standard for Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level II.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by Ministry of
Labor and Skills.

1. TVET-Program Design
1.1. TVET-Program Title: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
Technology Level II
1.2. TVET-Program Description
The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the trainees
to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line with the
occupational standard. The Trainees who successfully completed the Program will be qualified
to work as an Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology servicing worker with
competencies elaborated in the respective OS. Graduates of the program will have the required
qualification to work in the economic infrastructure sector in the field of Industrial
Electrical/Electronic Control Technology.

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Apply 5S Procedures,

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Perform Electrical Measurement and Calculation, Test Electrical and Electronic
Components/Parts, Operate application software packages, Design and Construct Simple
Printed Circuit Board, Test and Construct Linear and Switch Mode Power Supply System,
Install and Terminate Electrical wiring System, Perform Installation of Motor Controller
System, Rewind single/three phase induction machine, Maintain and Repair Industrial Electrical
Machines and Drives, and Perform Commissioning of Electrical Equipment/System, in
accordance with the performance criteria and evidence guide described in the OS.

1.3. TVET-Program Training Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following
units of competences:
EIS IEC2 11 0322 Apply 5S Procedures
EIS IEC 01 0322 Perform Electrical Measurement and Calculation
EIS IEC2 02 0322 Test Electrical and Electronic Components/Parts
EIS IEC2 03 0322 Operate application software packages
EIS IEC2 04 0322 Design and Construct Simple Printed Circuit Board
EIS IEC2 05 0322 Test and Construct Linear and Switch Mode Power Supply System
EIS IEC2 06 0322 Install and Terminate Electrical wiring System
EIS IEC2 09 0322 Maintain and Repair Industrial Electrical Machines and Drives
EIS IEC2 07 0322 Perform Installation of Motor Controller System EIS IEC2 08
0322 Rewind single/three phase induction machine
EIS IEC2 10 0322 Perform Commissioning of Electrical Equipment/System

1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program

The Program will have duration of 1025 hours including the on school/ Institution training and
on-the-job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on realities of
the industry, nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institution, and other factors will be
considered in the training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and workplace

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II Unit competency TVET Institution Cooperati Total Remarks
training ve training hours
Theory Practical
1. Apply 5S Procedures 11 14 10 35
2. Perform Electrical Measurement and 24 32 24 80
3. Test Electrical and Electronics 24 32 24 80
4. Operate application software packages 24 32 24 80
5. Design and Constructing Simple Printed 36 48 36 120
Circuit Board
6. Test and Construct Linear and Switch 15 20 15 50
Mode Power Supply System
7. Install and Terminate electrical wiring 18 24 18 60
8. Maintain and Repair Industrial Electrical 54 72 54 180
Machines and Drives
9. Perform Installation of Motor Controller 45 60 45 150
10. Rewind single/three phase induction 45 60 45 150
11. Perform Commissioning of Electrical 12 16 12 40
Total hours 308 410 307 1025

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
1.5. Qualification Level and Certification
Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification Framework
(NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is Level II.

The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be awarded
the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only institutional
certificate of training accomplishment will be awarded.

1.6. Target Groups

Any citizen with or without disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7 and
capable of participating in the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or
directive of the Ministry of Labor and Skills.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills. The
mode of delivery is co-operative training. The time spent by the trainees in the real work place/
industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get
hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation

and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the
industry environment.

Hence based on the nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institutions, and interest of
the industry alternative mode of cooperative training such as apprenticeships, internship and
traineeship will be employed. In addition, in the areas where industry is not sufficiently
available the established production and service centers/learning factories in TVET institutions
will be used as cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and identified companies
have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to the implementation of this program.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
1.9. TVET-Program Structure
Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Training Outcomes Duration
(In Hours)

EIS IEC2 11 0322 Apply 5S EIS IEC2 M01 0322 Applying 5S  Develop understanding of quality 35
Procedures Procedures system
 Sort needed items from unneeded
 Set workplace in order
 Shine work area
 Standardize activities
 Sustain 5S system
EIS IEC 01 0322 Perform EIS IEC M02 0322 Performing Electrical  Plan and prepare tasks 80
Electrical Measurement and  select tools and measuring instrument
Measurement and Calculation  Use hand tools and measurement
Calculation instrument
 Carry out measurements & calculation
 Maintain measuring instruments and
hand tools
EIS IEC2 02 0322 Test Electrical EIS IEC2 M02 0322 Testing Electrical and  Plan and prepare electrical/electronics 80
and Electronic Electronic component/ parts
Components/Parts Components/Parts  Identify and test Electrical/electronic
component/ parts
 Test the construction of electrical/
electronic circuits
EIS IEC2 03 0322 Operate EIS IEC2 M03 0322 Operating application  Plan and prepare 80
application software packages  Select and Use electrical drawing
software  software packages,
packages perform finalize works

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
EIS IEC2 04 0322 Design and EIS IEC2 M04 0322 Designing and  Plan and prepare to construct/ 120
Construct Simple Constructing Simple electrical/electronics circuits
Printed Circuit Printed Circuit Board  Construct electrical /electronics circuits
Board on PCB
 Test the construction of electrical/
electronic circuits
EIS IEC2 05 0322 Test and EIS IEC2 M05 0322 Testing and  Prepare product and work station for 50
Construct Linear Constructing Linear troubleshooting
and Switch Mode and Switch Mode  Diagnose faulty parts of power supply
Power Supply Power Supply System  Maintain/repair the power supply unit
System  Test and inspect repaired products

EIS IEC2 06 0322 Install and EIS IEC2 M06 0322 Installing and  Plan and prepare for electrical 60
Terminate Terminating Electrical installation and connection of
Electrical wiring wiring System  electronic circuits
System Perform installation and termination of
wiring system/ electronic circuits
 inspect and notify completion of work
EIS IEC2 09 0322 Maintain and EIS IEC2 M09 0322 Maintaining and  Plan, prepare and coordinate works 180
Repair Industrial Repairing Industrial  Diagnosis and rectify faults in
Electrical Electrical Machines Electrical System or equipment
Machines and and Drives  Maintain and electrical system
Drives  Complete and report fault diagnosis and
rectification activities

EIS IEC2 07 0322 Perform EIS IEC2 M07 0322 Performing  Plan and Prepare for Motor controller 150
Installation of Installation of Motor Installation
Motor Controller Controller System  Inspect electrical materials and tools
System  Perform Installation Works
 Install electrical motor controller system

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Technology LEVEL – II
 Notify completion of work and Clean-

EIS IEC2 08 0322 Rewind EIS IEC2 M08 0322 Rewinding  Prepare to rewind single/three phase 150
single/three phase single/three phase induction machines
induction induction machine  Wind electrical coils
machine  Rewind single/three phase induction
 Complete workplace report
EIS IEC2 10 0322 Perform EIS IEC2 M10 0322 Performing  Plan and prepare commissioning 40
Commissioning Commissioning of activities
of Electrical Electrical  Commission electrical
Equipment/Syste Equipment/System equipment/systems
m  Documentation commissioning

*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
1.10 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which training outcomes
are achieved. The specific training outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them,
verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the
training process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success
or failure in attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to
be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher,
formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines..

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are B Level and above who have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Applying 5S Procedures
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE:Industrial Electrical/ Electronics Control Technology Level II
MODULE TITLE:Applying 5S Procedures
MODULE DESCRIPTION:This module cover the skills, attitudes and knowledge required by
an employee or worker to apply 5S procedures (structured approach to housekeeping) to their
own job and work area and maintains the housekeeping and other standards set by 5S. The
module assumes the employee or worker has a particular job and an allocated work area and that
processes in the work area are known by the individual.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Develop understanding of quality system
LO2. Sort needed items from unneeded
LO3. Set workplace in order
LO4. Shine work area
LO5. Standardize activities
LO6. Sustain 5s system
LO1. Develop understanding of quality system
1.1. Understanding quality system and continuous improvement
1.2 Elements of quality assurance (QA)
1.2.1 Corrective Action
1.2.2 Monitoring Procedures
1.2.3 Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs)
1.2.4 PDCA concept
1.3 Benefit of KAIZEN
1.4 Explaining ‘5S’ system
LO2. Sort needed items from unneeded
2.1. Techniques of identifying necessary and unnecessary items
2.2. Categorizing unnecessary items
2.2.1. Re-Using
2.2.2. Re-Cycling
2.2.3. Disposing and waste management
2.3. Housekeeping Techniques and Strategy
LO3. Set workplace in order
3.1. Location selection methods for essential and non-essential items
3.2. Methods of evaluating assigned location
3.3. Strategies of set in order

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Technology LEVEL – II
3.3.1. Visual Control
3.3.2. Motion Economy
LO4.Shine Work Area
4.1 Benefit of Shine
4.2 Shining techniques of work area
4.3 Tools and equipment for shine activities
4.4 Schedule daily/weekly activities
LO5.Standardize Activities
5.1. Purpose and Benefits of Standardize
5.2. Standard for set in order and shine
LO6. Sustain 5S system
6.1. Techniques of Sustain 5S
6.2. Planning Stage
6.3. 5S Organizational Structure
6.4. Method of evaluating current condition and taking action
6.5. Strategy of continuous improvement sustainability

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Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
impaired Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture- 
Provide large print text 
Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating room seating

Organize the class room seating 
Arrange the class room arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to trainees seating to be conducive for accessible to trainees accessible for

Write short notes on the black/white eye to eye contact 
Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
board using large text 
Make sure the luminosity of Ensure the attention  Facilitate and support

Make sure the luminosity of the light the light of class room is kept of the trainees the trainees who have
of class room is kept 
Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in severe impairments

Use normal tone of voice vocabularies video format on their upper limbs

Encourage trainees to record the lecture 
Use short and clear sentences 
Ensure the attention to take note
in audio format 
Give emphasis on visual of the trainees 
Provide Orientation

Provide Orientation on the physical lecture and ensure the on the physical
feature of the work shop attention of the trainees feature of the work

Summarize main points  Avoid movement during shop
lecture time

Present the lecture in video

Summarize main points

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Technology LEVEL – II
Demonstrat  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and support
ion 
Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method the trainees having

Provide special attention in the process 
Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
of guidance trainees material impairment to operate

facilitate the support of peer trainees Provide structured training Ensure the attention
  equipments/ machines

Prepare & use simulation Show clear and short method  of the trainees 
Assign peer trainees
Use gesture Provide tutorial to assist

Provide tutorial support support 
Conduct close follow
(if necessary) (if necessary) up

Provide tutorial
(if necessary
Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members 
Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers

Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group

Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member 
Introduce the trainees with Conduct close follow

Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member up

Introduce the trainees
with other group

Inform the group
members to speak

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Technology LEVEL – II
Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and guidance 
Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees

Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance up and guidance 
Use additional

provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if 
Provide tutorial nominal hours if
necessary support if necessary necessary

provide special attention in 
provide special
the process/practical training attention in the

Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter 
Provide briefing
Individual large text 
Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on the
assignment 
Encourage the trainees to prepare and on the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts 
Provide visual recorded 
Provide visual

Make available recorded assignment material recorded material

Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Technology LEVEL – II
Interview 
Use sign language interpreter 
Speak loudly 
Use written response

Ensure or conform whether Using sign language interpreter
 as an option for the
the proper communication if necessary trainees having
was conducted with the speech challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter

Use short and clear

Time extension
Written 
Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
test texts sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, an option to give

Use interview as an option if True or False, matching and true or false, matching and answer for trainees
necessary short answers short answers if necessary. having severe upper

Prepare the exam in audio 
Avoid essay writing limb impairment
format 
Time extension 
Time extension for

Assign human reader (if trainees having
necessary) severe upper limb

Time extension impairment
Demonstrati 
Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter 
Provide activity based 
Provide activity
on/Observati provide them in large text 
Brief on the instruction of the assessment based assessment
on 
Time extension exam 
Brief on the instruction of the 
Conduct close

Provide activity-based/ exam follow up
practical assessment method 
Use loud voice 
Time extension

Time extension 
Time extension

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Technology LEVEL – II
LO.1Develop understanding of quality system
 Discuss quality assurance procedures of the enterprise or organization
 Understand the relationship of quality system and continuous improvement in
the workplace
 Identify and relate to workplace requirements the purpose and elements of quality
assurance (QA) system
 Explain the 5S system as part of the quality assurance of the work organization
LO.2 Sort needed items from unneeded
 Identify all items in the work area
 Distinguish between essential and non-essential items
 Sort items to achieve deliverables and value expected by downstream and
final customers
 Sort items required for regulatory or other required purposes
 Place any non-essential item in a appropriate place other than the workplace
 Regularly check that only essential items are in the work area
LO.3 Set workplace in order
 Identify the best location for each essential item
 Place each essential item in its assigned location
 After use immediately return each essential item to its assigned location
 Regularly check that each essential item is in its assigned location
LO.4 shine work area
 Observed OHS
 Keep the work area clean and tidy at all times
 Conduct regular housekeeping activities during shift
 Ensure the work area is neat, clean and tidy at both beginning and end of shift
LO5.standardize activities
 Follow procedures
 Follow checklists for activities, where available
 Keep the work area to specified standard
LO6. sustain 5s system
 Clean up after completion of job and before commencing next job or end of shift
 Identify situations where compliance to standards is unlikely and take
actions specified in procedures
 Inspect work area regularly for compliance to specified standard
 Recommend improvements to lift the level of compliance in the workplace

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Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS AEE1 M01 0322 Applying 5S Procedures

Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by Trainers 25pcs 1:1
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Class room 2 30 1.2:1
2. Whit-board/Blackboard 240 x 120 cm 1pcs 1:25
3. Arm Chair 55 X 100 x 70 25 1:1
4. Workshop 2 112.5 4.5:1
5. LCD Used to display 1pcs 1:25
6. Laptop or Computer 32-bit OS; 3 GB RAM; Intel 1pcs 1:25
core i5 (Processor)
7. Library 2 100 4:1
8. Printer Laser type 1pcs 1:25
9. Photocopier Non-colored 1 pcs 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Printer toner/ink Compatible with the existing 5 pcs 1:5
2. Photocopier ink/toner Compatible with the existing 1pcs 1:25
3. CD/DVD RW 5 pcs 1:5
4. Paper A4 80gms 5 reams 1:25
5. Dose Blue ,green, yellow and red 50 pcs 1:25
6. Bond paper A4 size; 20 gsm 5 reams 1:25
7. Flip chart Sinarline 5 pads 1:25
8. Colored pens Blue, red, green and black 5 sets 1:25
9. Candies Different color 5 pack 1:25

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Technology LEVEL – II

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level II

MODULE TITLE: Performing Electrical Measurement and Calculation
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required
to identify and testing of electrical & electronics Components /parts.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1.Plan and prepare tasks
LO2. select tools and measuring instrument
LO3. Use hand tools and measurement instrument
LO4 Carry out measurement’s calculation
LO5. Maintain measuring instruments and hand tools
LO1: Plan and prepare tasks
1.1 Identifying personal protective equipment’s
1.2 Identifying Shand tools and measuring instrument
1.3 Making ready work stations
1.4 Identifying object or component to be measured.
1.5 Obtaining correct specification
LO2: Select measuring instruments
2.1.Checking hand tools and measuring instruments
2.2.Identifying and marking unsafe or faulty tools
2.3.Selecting measuring instruments
2.4. Obtaining accurate measurements
2.5.Checking and correcting numerical computation
LO3: Using hand tools and measurement
instrument 3.1 Cleaning measuring instruments
3.2 Undertaking instruments store in proper manner
3.3 Using standard operating procedures
3.4 Reporting malfunctions, unplanned or unusual events
3.5 Identifying secondary instrument and absolute instrument

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Technology LEVEL – II
LO4: Carry out measurements & calculation
4.1 Calculating fraction, percentage and mixed numbers
4.2 Checking and correcting numerical computation for accuracy
LO5 Maintain measuring instruments
5.1 Handling tools without damage
5.2 Performing preventive maintenance
5.3 Identifying object to be measured
5.4 Obtaining correct specification

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Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  interpreter room seating room seating

Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for accessible to trainees accessible for
trainees eye-to-eye contact 
Speak loudly wheelchairs users.

Write short notes on the black/white 
Make sure the luminosity of  Ensure the attention 
Facilitate and
board using large text the light of class room is kept of the trainees support the trainees

Make sure the luminosity of the light  Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in who have severe

of class room is kept vocabularies video format impairments on

Use normal tone of voice 
Use short and clear sentences Ensure the attention
 their upper limbs

Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual of the trainees to take note
lecture in audio format lecture and ensure the 
Provide Orientation

Provide Orientation on the physical attention of the trainees on the physical
feature of the work shop 
Avoid movement during feature of the work

Summarize main points lecture time shop

Present the lecture in video

Summarize main points

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Technology LEVEL – II
Demonstratio 
Conduct close follow up 
use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and
n 
Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method support the trainees

Provide special attention in the Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded having severe upper
process of guidance trainees material limbs impairment to

facilitate the support of peer trainees 
Provide structured training  Ensure the attention operate equipments/

Prepare & use simulation Show clear and short method  of the trainees machines

Use gesture Provide tutorial 

Assign peer trainees

Provide tutorial support support to assist
(if necessary) (if necessary) 
Conduct close
follow up

Provide tutorial
(if necessary

Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters 
Facilitate the  Introduce the
discussion with group members 
Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their

Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group peers

Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
group member 
Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow

Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member up

Introduce the trainees
with other group

Inform the group
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Technology LEVEL – II
members to speak

Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and guidance 
Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow 
Assign peer

Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance up and guidance trainees

provide special attention in the 
Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial  Use additional
process necessary support if necessary nominal hours if

provide special attention in 
provide special necessary

the process/practical training attention in the

Introduce new and relevant process/ practical

vocabularies training

prepare the assignment questions in 
Use sign language interpreter 
Provide briefing
Individual large text 
Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on the
assignment 
Encourage the trainees to prepare and on the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts 
Provide visual recorded  Provide visual

Make available recorded assignment material recorded material

Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Technology LEVEL – II
Interview 
Use sign language interpreter 
Speak loudly 
Use written response

Ensure or conform whether the Using sign language interpreter
 as an option for the
proper communication was if necessary trainees having speech
conducted with the trainee challenges
through the service of the sign
language interpreter

Use short and clear questioning
Time extension

Written test  Prepare the exam in Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as

large texts sentences, multiple choices, True sentences, multiple choices, true an option to give

Use interview as an or False, matching and short or false, matching and short answer for trainees

option if necessary answers answers if necessary. having severe upper

Prepare the exam in 
Avoid essay writing limb impairment

audio format 
Time extension 
Time extension for

Assign human reader trainees having severe
 (if necessary) upper limb impairment

Time extension
Demonstration 
Brief the instruction  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
/Observation or provide them in 
Brief on the instruction of the assessment assessment
large text exam 
Brief on the instruction of the  Conduct close follow

Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  exam up
assessment method Use loud voice 
Time extension

Time extension 
Time extension

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
LO1Select measuring instruments
 Tasks to be undertaken are properly identified
 Appropriate hand tools and measuring instruments are identified and selected according
to the task requirements
 Workstation is made ready in accordance with job requirements/specifications
 Object or component to be measured is identified according to procedures
 Correct specifications are obtained from relevant source
LO2: Select tools and measuring instrument
 Appropriate hand tools and measuring instrument are checked for proper operation and
 Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair according to standard
company procedure
 Appropriate measuring instrument is selected to achieve required outcome
 Accurate measurements are obtained for job
 Numerical computation is checked and corrected for accuracy Instruments are read
to the limit of accuracy of the tool.
.LO3: Use hand tools and measurement instrument
 Measuring instruments are cleaned before and after using.
 Proper storage of instruments is undertaken according to manufacturer’s specifications and
 standard operating procedure stools are used according to tasks undertaken
 All safety procedures in using tools are observed at all times and appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE) are used
 Malfunctions, unplanned or unusual events are reported to the supervisor
 Secondary instrument and absolute instrument are identified according to standards
LO4:Carry out measurement’s calculation
 Calculation involving fractions, percentages and mixed numbers are used to complete
workplace tasks.
 Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process
of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and division (/)
 Numerical computation is checked and corrected for accuracy
LO5: Maintain measuring instruments and hand tools
 Tools are handled without damage according to procedures
 Routine Preventive maintenance of tools and measuring instruments are undertaken
according to standard operational procedures, principles and techniques
 Object or component to be measured is identified according to procedures
 Correct specifications are obtained from relevant source

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of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS IEC2 02 0322Testing Electrical and Electronic Components/Parts

Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the trainers 5 1:5

2. Reference Books
2.1 Electronic Devices and Thomas F. Schubert, Jr. and
Circuit Applications Ernest M. Kim, 2015 5 1:5

2.2 Introductory to circuit th 5 1:5

10 edition, Boy lestad,

2.3 Fundamental Electrical and Third Edition, 5 1:5

Electronic Principles Christopher R Robertson

2.1 PPE book OSHA Manual 1:1

2.2 Electrical hand tools and Paper back-30 November 2007 5 1:5
measuring instrument book By Rajput R.K

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Work Shop 112.5 4.5:1
2. Library 2 100 4:1
3. Lecture room 2 30 1.2: 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1pack 1:25
2 Marker Maxflow different color 1set 1:5
3 Chalk Different color 1pack 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment’s
screw drivers, Insulated handle, stainless steel, 5
1. dimension 2mmx100mm, 1:5
3mmx120mm, 3.7mmx4.5mm
or sorted

2. pliers, Different pliers 5 1:5

3. wrenches, Different wrenches 5 1:5

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Technology LEVEL – II
4. files, Different files 5 1:5
5. hammers Different hammers 5 1:5
6. Multimeter + 5 1:5
Digital fluke 15B
7. Digital Clamp meter Fluke 302+ F303 F305 Digital 5 1:5
Clamp Meter Ammeter AC/DC
Multimeter Tester
8. Digital Insulating tester Insulation Resistance Tester 5 1:5
(Megger) 5000V

9. frequency meter Digital 5 1:5

10. power meter, Digital 5 1:5
11. Kwh meter, Digital 5 1:5
12. tape rule 3-5m folding 5 1:5
13. straight edge 30cm 5 1:5
14. torque gauge Digital torque gauge 5 1:5

15. try square Stainless steel 30cm length 5 1:5

16. protractor 0 5 1:5
Starrett-C493B, 0-180 , 6inch
17. Combination gauge Vertical type EA729PA-12 5 1:5
18. Vernier caliper Digital 0-25cm, 0.02 5 1:5
19. Micro meter Digital 025mm, 0.01 5 1:5
20. Sprite level Bubble level aluminum 5 1:5

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of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level II

MODULE TITLE: Testing Electrical and Electronics Components/Parts
MODULE DESCRIPTION:This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required
to identify and testing of electrical & electronics Components /parts.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1.Plan and prepare electrical/electronic component/ parts
LO2.Identify and test Electrical/electronic component/ parts
LO3. Test the construction of electrical/ electronic circuits
LO1. Plan and prepare electrical/electronic component/ parts
1.1. Planning and Following (OHS) guidelines and procedures
1.2. Selecting test instrument
LO2. Identify and test Electrical/electronic component/ parts
2.1 Preparing and Testing Electrical/electronic components and parts for de-soldering
2.2 Using appropriate methods in testing electrical /electronic circuits
2.3 Following Correct use of test/measuring instrument
2.4 Confirming the electrical/electronic parts data, function and value
LO3. Test the construction of electrical/ electronic circuits
3.1 Conducting test for the completed construction of electrical/electronic circuits
3.2 Checking the accurate operation of the constructed circuit
3.3 Responding to unplanned events or conditions

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of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text 
Assign sign language 
Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating room seating

Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to accessible for
trainees contact trainees wheelchairs users.

Write short notes on the black/white 
Make sure the luminosity of 
Speak loudly  Facilitate and
board using large text the light of class room is kept 
Ensure the attention support the trainees

Make sure the luminosity of the light  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees who have severe
of class room is kept vocabularies 
Present the lecture impairments on their

Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences in video format upper limbs to take

Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention note
lecture in audio format and ensure the attention of the of the trainees 
Provide Orientation

Provide Orientation on the physical trainees on the physical
feature of the work shop 
Avoid movement during feature of the work

Summarize main points lecture time shop

Present the lecture in video

Summarize main points

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108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Demonstratio 
Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and support
n 
Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method the trainees having

Provide special attention in the process  Ensure attention of the trainees 
Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
of guidance 
Provide structured training material impairment to

facilitate the support of peer trainees 
Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention operate equipment/

Prepare & use simulation 
Use gesture of the trainees machines

Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Assign peer trainees
(if necessary) support to assist
(if necessary) 
Conduct close
follow up

Provide tutorial
(if necessary

Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters 
Facilitate the  Introduce the
discussion with group members 
Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their

Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group peers

Introduce the trainees with other group 
Conduct close follow up members
member 
Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close

Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up

Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

Inform the group
members to speak

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108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II

Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and guidance 
Conduct close follow up and 
Conduct close Assign peer trainees

Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and Use additional

provide special attention in the 
Provide tutorial support if guidance nominal hours if
process necessary 
Provide tutorial necessary

provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training 
provide special

Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical

prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter 
Provide briefing
Individual large text 
Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment 
Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts 
Provide visual recorded  Provide visual

Make available recorded assignment material recorded material

Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Interview 
Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly 
Use written response as

Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language interpreter if an option for the
proper communication was necessary trainees having speech
conducted with the trainee through challenges
the service of the sign language

Use short and clear questioning
Time extension

Written test 
Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an
large texts sentences, multiple choices, True or sentences, multiple choices, true or option to give answer

Use interview as an False, matching and short answers false, matching and short answers for trainees having

Avoid essay writing

option if necessary  if necessary. severe upper limb

Prepare the exam in Time extension
 impairment
audio format 
Time extension for

Assign human reader trainees having severe
 (if necessary) upper limb impairment

Time extension
Demonstration 
Brief the instruction  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation or provide them in 
Brief on the instruction of the exam  Brief on the instruction of the assessment
large text 
Provide activity-based/ practical exam 
Conduct close follow up

Time extension assessment method 
Use loud voice 
Time extension

Time extension 
Time extension

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
LO.1Plan and prepare electrical/electronic component/ parts
 Appropriate test instrument is selected according to task requirements
 Task is planned to ensure occupational health and safety (OHS) guidelines and
procedures are followed
 Electrical/electronic component and parts are identified correctly and prepared
for testing, de-soldering/soldering of electronic component in accordance with
instructions and work procedures
LO.2 Identify and test Electrical/electronic component/ parts
 Important Electrical/Electronic Components/parts are identified
 Appropriate range of methods in testing electrical /electronic circuits & parts
(capacitor, diode, resistor, transistor, power supply and other electrical/electronic
component) are used according to specifications, manufacturer’s requirements
and safety
 Correct use of test/measuring instrument is followed according to
electrical/electronic parts function and specification
 Confirm the electrical/electronic parts data, function and value in accordance
to parts/component specification

LO.3Test the construction of electrical/ electronic circuits

 Testing of the completed construction of electrical/electronic circuits is conducted
for compliance with specifications and regulations using appropriate procedures and
 Check the accurate operation of the constructed circuit
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with
established procedures.

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of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements

Module Title- Testing Electrical and Electronic Components/Parts

Module Code: EIS IEC2 M03 0322
Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended
No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Material,but not limited

1. TTLM prepared by the trainer 25 1:1
By: Bogdan M.
2. 3. The Industrial Electronics Wilamowski, J. David 5 1:5
Handbook Irwin

5. Starting Electronics (Fourth Author: Keith Brindley

4. 5 1:5

6. Journals/Publication/Magazines
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure(included but not limited to)
1. Contextual area /Lecture room 8*7m 01 1:25
2. Library 100 4:1
4. Practical/assessment area 2 112 1:25
5. Computer lab 2 112.5 4.5:1
6 Lecture Room 2 30 1.2:1
C. Consumable Materials(included but not limited to)
1. Paper A4 set 5 rim 1:
2. Pencil HB 25 1:1
3. Pen Ball point 25 1:1
4. White board 2m*1m 1 1:25
5. copper wire Flexible 1.5mm 3 Roll
6. Jumper wire 0.25,0.5mm 5
7. Resistor Color-coded resistor 1k, 25 1:1
2k, 10k, 50k

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of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
8. capacitor Electrolytic capacitor 25 1:1
100uF, 1000uF, 470uF,
and 4700uF
9. Inductor LED 3mm, 2V-3V red, 25 1:1
yellow, green, and white
10. Diode Power diode 1N4001- 25 1:1
11. Transistor BC547 NPN and PNP 25 1:1
12. power supply Variable DC/AC power 25 1:1
supply 0-30V or DC 0-
D. Tools and Equipments(included but not limited to)
1. Multimeter Digital/ Analogue 05 1:5
2. Insulation tester/megger Digital 05 1:5
3. Clamp meter Digital 05 1:5
4. Oscilloscopes Digital 05 1:5
5. Signal generators Digital 05 1:5

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level II
MODULE TITLE:Operating application software packages
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required
to identify, select and operate commercial electrical drawing software packages, programming
software for electrical drawing
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Plan and prepare
LO2. Select and use electrical drawing software packages,
LO3. perform finalize works
LO1: Plan and prepare
.1 Appling safe work practice and ergonomic.
1.2 Using anti-glare mechanism for high radiation screens
1.3 Obtaining Proteus, CAD, vision, Arduino software, tools and equipment.
LO2.Select and use electrical drawing software packages,
2.1Selecting electrical drawing software packages properly
2.2 Identifying document Purposes and organizational requirements
2.3 Matching document requirements with Electrical drawing software
2.4 Determining Design, detailed drawings and layouts required
2.5Developingelectrical drawing using electrical software
LO3. Perform finalize works
3.1 Interpreting Technical data of system components
3.2 checking detailed drawings based on job specification
3.3 Finalizing documents by using technical functions
3,4 Responding unplanned situations according to work place procedure.

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of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text 
Assign sign language 
Organize the class 
Organize the class
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in interpreter room seating
arrangement to be
room seating
arrangement to be
Audio/video 
Arrange the class room accessible to accessible for
 Organize the class room seating seating to be conducive for trainees wheelchairs users.
eye to eye contact
arrangement to be accessible to
trainees 
Make sure the luminosity of

Speak loudly  Facilitate and
support the
 Write short notes on the
the light of class room is 
Ensure the attention trainees who have
kept of the trainees severe
black/white board using large text
 Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture impairments on

Make sure the luminosity of the vocabularies in video format their upper limbs
light of class room is kept to take note

Use normal tone of voice  Use short and

clear sentences 
Ensure the attention 
of the trainees
 Give emphasis on
Encourage trainees to record the lecture and ensure the visual Orientation on the
physical feature of
lecture in audio format attention of the trainees the work shop

Provide Orientation on the  Avoid movement during
physical feature of the work shop
lecture time

Summarize main points  Present the lecture in video

Summarize main points

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Demonstratio 
Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter 
Illustrate in clear& 
Facilitate and
n 
Use verbal description Use video recorded material
 short method support the
trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the

Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
material impairment to
process of guidance trainees
 Ensure the attention operate

facilitate the support of peer Provide structured training

of the trainees equipment’s/
trainees machines

Show clear and short method

Prepare & use simulation

Provide tutorial 
Assign peer
 Use gesture support
trainees to assist
 provide tutorial support (if necessary) 
Conduct close
(if necessary) follow up

Provide tutorial
(if necessary

Group 
Facilitate the integration of 
Use sign language 
Facilitate the 
Introduce the
discussion trainees with group members interpreters integration of trainees with their

Conduct close follow up  Facilitate the integration of trainees with group

trainees with group members

Introduce the trainees with other 
Conduct close
group member 
Conduct close follow up follow up

Brief the thematic issues of the Introduce the trainees with
 
Introduce the
work other group member trainees with other
group member

Inform the group

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Technology LEVEL – II
members to speak

Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and 
Conduct close follow up and 
Conduct close 
Assign peer
guidance guidance follow up and trainees

Provide tutorial support if Provide tutorial support if
 guidance 
Use additional
necessary necessary 
Provide tutorial nominal hours if
support if necessary necessary

provide special attention in the 
provide special attention in
process the process/practical training 
provide special
attention in the

Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

prepare the assignment questions 
Use sign language interpreter 
Provide briefing
in large text 
Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on the

Encourage the trainees to prepare on the assignment
and submit the assignment in 
Provide visual recorded

Provide visual
large texts recorded material

Make available recorded
assignment questions

Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
LO1. Plan and prepare
 Use safe work practices to ensure ergonomic, work organization, energy and resource
conservation requirements are addressed
 monitor anti-glare and radiation reduction screens where appropriate is Use
 Proteus, CAD, visor, Arduino software, tools and equipment required for work are obtained in
accordance with workplace procedures
 select appropriate electrical drawing software, appropriate to perform activity
LO.2 Select and Use electrical drawing software packages
 Use safe work practices to ensure ergonomic, work organization, energy and resource
conservation requirements are addressed
 monitor anti-glare and radiation reduction screens where appropriate is Use
 Proteus, CAD, vision, Arduino software, tools and equipment required for work are obtained
in accordance with workplace procedures
 select appropriate electrical drawing software, appropriate to perform activity
LO.3 .perform finalize works
 Technical data of system components is interpreted to determine parameters included in
detailed drawings
 Detailed drawings are checked for accuracy and compliance with job specifications Relevant
software tools are used to
 Use technical functions, other data and formatting to finalize documents
 Unplanned situations are responded to in accordance with workplace procedures and approval
with authorized person/s

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of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
EIS IEC2 M03 0322: Operate application software packages
Item No. Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended Ratio
(Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the trainer 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
Process Software and 2012 by Béla Lipták
2.1. Digital Networks 5 1:5
Handbook for Design Tietze, U.; Schenk, Ch.: 1:5
2.2. and Application 2nd 5
Schaltungstechnik. 12.
edition, 2002
Electronic Circuits 2nd edition 1:5
2.3. Handbook for Design 5
and Application
2.4. PROTEUS DESIGN SUITE V8.0 , NI-Mutism V14.2 5 1:5
Gettingstarted Gide
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture room M2 30 1.2:1

2. Laboratory 2 112.5 4.5:1

3 Library 2 100 4:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper Duplicating paper pack 1:25
2 Marker Different color pcs 1:1
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Projector LED type pcs 1:25
2 Pc for trainer Laptop pcs 1;25
3 Computer Desktop Pc s 1:1
4 LCD display board Portable Projector Screens Pcs 1:25
30 Up to 40 inches

 Proteus
5 Visio, Package 1:1
 Arduino,

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Technology LEVEL – II
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level II
MODULE TITLE:Designing and Constructing Simple Printed Circuit Board
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required
to identify, select and operate commercial electrical drawing software packages, programming
software for electrical drawing.

At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1.Plan and prepare to construct/ electrical/electronic circuits
LO2.Construct electrical /electronic circuits on PCB
LO3.Test the construction of electrical/ electronic circuits
LO1. Plan and prepare to construct/ electrical/electronic circuits
1.1.Planning tasks to ensure occupational health and safety (OHS)
1.2.Observing and Undertaking safety procedures and sequence
1.3.Using personal protective equipment
1.4.Checking tasks and materials
1.5.Selecting appropriate tools and equipment
1.6.Preparing Electrical/electronic circuits for connecting and soldering
LO2. Construct electrical /electronic circuits on PCB
2.1.Identifying important electrical/electronic components
2.2. Following Correct sequence of operation
2.3.Constructing electrical/electronic circuits
2.4.Confirming adjustments of accessories
LO3. Test the construction of electrical/ electronic circuits

3.1.Testing constructed electrical/electronic circuits

3.2.Checking the accurate operation of the constructed circuit

3.3.Responding to unplanned events

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of 108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating

Organize the class room seating be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to contact accessible to accessible for
trainees 
Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.

Write short notes on the black/white light of class room is kept 
Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
board using large text 
Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the attention the trainees who have

Make sure the luminosity of the vocabularies of the trainees severe impairments
light of class room is kept 
Use short and clear sentences  Present the lecture on their upper limbs

Use normal tone of voice  Give emphasis on visual lecture in video format to take note

Encourage trainees to record the and ensure the attention of the 
Ensure the attention  Provide Orientation
lecture in audio format trainees of the trainees on the physical

Provide Orientation on the physical 
Avoid movement during lecture feature of the work

feature of the work shop time shop

Summarize main points Present the lecture in video format

Summarize main points

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Demonstrati 
Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and support
on 
Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method the trainees having

Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
process of guidance 
Provide structured training material impairment to operate

facilitate the support of peer trainees 
Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention equipment/ machines

Prepare & use simulation 
Use gesture of the trainees 
Assign peer trainees

Provide tutorial support Provide tutorial to assist

(if necessary) support 
Conduct close follow
(if necessary) up

Provide tutorial
(if necessary

Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees 
Use sign language interpreters 
Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members 
Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers

Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group

Introduce the trainees with other 
Conduct close follow up members
group member 
Introduce the trainees with other 
Conduct close

Brief the thematic issues of the work group member follow up

Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

Inform the group
members to speak

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control
108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and 
Use additional

Provide tutorial support if necessary Provide tutorial support if
 guidance nominal hours if

provide special attention in the necessary 
Provide tutorial necessary
process 
provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training 
provide special

Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical

prepare the assignment questions in 
Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text 
Provide briefing /orientation on the /orientation on the
assignment 
Encourage the trainees to prepare assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in large 
Provide visual recorded material 
Provide visual
texts recorded material

Make available recorded assignment


Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Technology LEVEL – II
Interview 
Use sign language interpreter 
Speak loudly 
Use written response as an

Ensure or conform whether the proper 
Using sign language option for the trainees
communication was conducted with interpreter if necessary having speech challenges
the trainee through the service of the
sign language interpreter

Use short and clear questioning
Time extension

Written test 
Prepare the exam in large Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using  Use oral response as an

texts sentences, multiple choices, True or short sentences, multiple option to give answer for

Use interview as an option False, matching and short answers choices, true or false, trainees having severe

if necessary Avoid essay writing

 matching and short upper limb impairment

Prepare the exam in audio Time extension
 answers if necessary. 
Time extension for
format trainees having severe

Assign human reader upper limb impairment
 (if necessary)

Time extension
Demonstrati  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
on/Observat provide them in large text 
Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment assessment
ion 
Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction Conduct close follow up
assessment method of the exam Time extension

Time extension 
Use loud voice

Time extension

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Technology LEVEL – II
LO.1: Plan and prepare to construct/ electrical/electronic circuits
 Materials are checked according to specifications and tasks
 Appropriate tools and equipment are selected according to task requirements
 Task is planned to ensure occupational health and safety(OHS) guidelines and
procedures are followed
 Electrical/electronic circuits are correctly prepared for connecting and soldering in
accordance with instructions and work site procedures
LO.2: Construct electrical /electronic circuits on PCB
 Safety procedures in using hand tools/equipment are observed at all times and
appropriate personal protective equipment are used
 Work is undertaken safely in accordance with the workplace and standard procedures
 Important electrical/electronic components are identified
 Appropriate range of methods in constructing electrical / electronic circuits are used
according to specifications, manufacturer’s requirements and safety
 Correct sequence of operation is followed according to job specifications
 Accessories used are adjusted, if necessary Confirm the construction undertaken
successfully in accordance with job specification
LO.3Test the construction of electrical/ electronic circuits
 Testing of the completed construction of electrical/electronic circuits is conducted
for compliance with specifications and regulations using appropriate procedures
and equipment
 Check the accurate operation of the constructed circuit
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with
established procedures

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Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS IEC2 M05 0322: Designing and Constructing Simple Printed Circuit Board

Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended

No. Ratio
(Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by Trainers 5 1:5
Fundamentals of Electronics: Thomas F. Schubert, Jr. and
1 Book 1 Electronic Devices Ernest M. Kim, 2015 5 1:5
and Circuit Applications

8 Edition, Albert Malvino
2 Electronic Principles, David, McGraw-Hill 5 1:5
Education, 2016

3 Complete Electronics self- by Earl Boysen and Harry 5 1:5

teaching guide with project, Kybett, 2012

1. IEEE Journal of Solid-

4. Journals/Publication/Magazin State Circuit
es 2. IEEE Signal Processing

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Lecture room 2 30 1.2:1
2. Workshop/practical area
3. Computer lab 112.5 4.5:1
4. Library 100 4:1
5. Visual training Media projector, Epson Power 1 1:25
6. Teaching boards White color Flip chart, 700 x 1 1:25
1.050 mm (W x H)

7. Notice board 200cm x 100 Cm 1 1:25

8. White board 240 Cm x120 Cm 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Soldering lead 63/37 tin Roll 1:25
2. Flux 1pcs 1:25
3. Ferric-chloride, 25PCS 1:1

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Technology LEVEL – II
permanent(ink) marker,

4. Printed circuit board (PCB) 1.6mm-2mm 25PCS 1:1

Electrical/Electronic Color Code Resistor, 1:1
5. components and elements Capacitor, power Diode, 25
Zeener Diode, VREG-IC,
LED, step down Transformer

6 Wires Jumper/ circuit connector, 1m 25m

insulated 0.1mm – 6mm’’

D. Tools and Equipments

1 Pliers Stainless steel 8mm – 12mm 25 1:1
for electronics

2 Cutters Finder 8mm 25 1:1

3 Screw drivers Sorted 25 1:1
4 Steel rule 20cm -30cm 25 1:1
1 Soldering gun 63/37 tin/lead 25 1:1
2 Hand drill 1mm -2mm small 5 1:5
3 Multi-tester Digital or analog multimeter 5 1:5

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Technology LEVEL – II
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Electrical/Electronic Technology Level II
MODULE TITLE: Testing and Constructing Linear and Switch Mode Power Supply System

Module Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to troubleshoot
and repair Linear and switch mode Power Supply system that includes transformer rewinding
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare product and work station for troubleshooting
LO2. Diagnose faulty parts of power supply.
LO3. Maintain/repair the power supply unit
LO4. Test and inspect repaired products
LO1. Prepare product and work station for troubleshooting
1.1 Consulting responsible person
1.2 Preparing and Checking materials, tools and equipment
1.3 Obtaining Parts needed to complete the work
LO2. Diagnose faulty parts of power supply
2.1 Following troubleshooting procedures
2.2 using test instruments
2.3 Identifying and explaining defects/fault parts
2.4 Advising customers regarding the status of the unit
2.5 Documenting results of diagnosis and testing
LO3. Maintain/repair the power supply unit
3.1 Replacing defective parts/components
3.2 Mounting and Soldering Repaired or replaced parts/components
3.3 Performing Control settings/adjustments in accordance with service-manual
3.4 Performing repair activity within the required timeframe
3.5 Performing Cleaning of unit
LO4. Test and inspect repaired products
4.1 Visual inspection and testing of repaired products

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Technology LEVEL – II
4.2 Observing Housekeeping procedures
4.3 Disposing Waste materials
4.4 Documenting Work completion

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Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)

Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text

Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
interpreter room seating
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video 
Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be seating arrangement to be

Organize the class room seating to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to contact trainees wheelchairs users.
 Speak loudly

Facilitate and support the

Make sure the luminosity of

Write short notes on the black/white the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention
trainees who have severe
board using large text impairments on their

Introduce new and relevant of the trainees

Make sure the luminosity of the vocabularies  Present the lecture
upper limbs to take note

light of class room is kept 

Use short and clear sentences in video format 
Provide Orientation on

Use normal tone of voice 
Give emphasis on visual lecture
 Ensure the attention
the physical feature of the

Encourage trainees to record the and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
work shop
lecture in audio format trainees

Provide Orientation on the physical
feature of the work shop

Avoid movement during
lecture time

Summarize main points Present the lecture in video


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Technology LEVEL – II

Summarize main points
Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and support the
Demonstratio  

Use video recorded material short method

n 
Use verbal description  Ensure attention of the trainees
trainees having severe

Provide special attention in the  Provide structured training  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance material operate equipments/

facilitate the support of peer trainees

Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention machines

Use gesture

Prepare & use simulation of the trainees 
Assign peer trainees to

Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial assist

(if necessary) support

Conduct close follow up
(if necessary) 
Provide tutorial support
(if necessary

Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees 
Use sign language interpreters 
Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees

Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
discussion with group members trainees with group members trainees with group

Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up members

Introduce the trainees with other  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
group member
other group member follow up

Brief the thematic issues of the work 
Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control

Technology LEVEL – II
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108 Ministry of Labor and Skills

Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and 
Conduct close follow up and

Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance
follow up and 
Use additional nominal
guidance hours if necessary

Provide tutorial support if necessary 
Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial

provide special attention in the necessary
support if necessary
process 
provide special attention in the 
provide special
process/practical training attention in the

Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

prepare the assignment questions in 
Use sign language interpreter 
Provide briefing
large text 
Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
Individual 
Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
assignment submit the assignment in large texts 
Provide visual recorded 
Provide visual

Make available recorded assignment material recorded material


 Facilitate the trainees to

prepare and submit the assignment
in soft or hard copy

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108 Ministry of Labor and Skills March, 2022
Technology LEVEL – II
Interview 
Use sign language interpreter

Speak loudly 
Use written

Using sign language interpreter if response as an

Ensure or conform whether necessary option for the
the proper communication trainees having
was conducted with the
speech challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter

Use short and clear

Time extension
Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short Prepare the exam using short Use oral response
Written test   
sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true as an option to give
texts True or False, matching and or false, matching and short answer for trainees

Use interview as an option short answers answers if necessary. having severe upper
if necessary 
Avoid essay writing limb impairment

Prepare the exam in audio 
Time extension 
Time extension for
format trainees having

Assign human reader severe upper limb
 (if necessary) impairment

Time extension
Demonstrati 
Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment
  
Provide activity
Brief on the instruction of the Brief on the instruction of the based assessment
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March, 2022
Control Technology
on/Observati provide them in large text exam exam
Conduct close
on  Time extension
 Provide activity-based/  Use loud voice follow up
practical assessment method  Time extension Time extension
 Time extension

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Technology LEVEL – II
LO1. Prepare product and work station for troubleshooting
 Responsible person is consulted for effective and proper work coordination
 Required materials, tools and equipment are prepared and checked in accordance with
established procedures
 Parts and materials needed to complete the work are prepared and obtained according to
LO2. Diagnose faulty parts of power supply.
 Troubleshooting procedures are followed in accordance with OH&S policies and procedures
 Test instruments required for the job are used to test the required parameters in accordance with
the manufacturer's data and safety procedures
 defects/fault parts are identified using specified testing procedures
 Identified defects and faults are explained to the responsible person in accordance with company
policy and procedures
 Results of diagnosis and testing are documented accurately and completely within the specified
 Customers are advised / informed regarding the status and serviceability of the unit
LO3. Maintain/repair the power supply unit
 Defective parts/components are replaced with identical or recommended appropriate equivalent
 Repaired or replaced parts/components are soldered/mounted in accordance with the current
industry standards
 Control settings/adjustments are performed in conformity with service-manual specifications
 Repair activity is performed within the required timeframe
 Cleaning of unit is performed in accordance with standard procedures accordance with
established procedures
LO4. Test and inspect repaired products
 Repaired products are subjected to final visual inspection and testing in accordance with
quality standards, procedures and requirements
 Work completion is documented and responsible person is informed in accordance with
established procedures
 Housekeeping procedures are observed in accordance with 5S discipline and established
 Waste materials are disposed of in accordance with environmental requirements

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Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS IEC2 06 0322: Testing and constructing Linear and switch mode Power Supply system
Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the 5 1:5

2. Reference Books
3.1 Albert Malvino-David J.Bates th 5 1:5
7 Edition
3.2 Electronics Principles by Albert nd 5 1:5
2 Edition

3.3 Digital Principles and Lab. Manual 5 1:5

Applications Experiments

4. Journals/Publication/Magazines 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Workshop 112.5 4.5:1
2. Lecture Room 30 1.2:1
3 Library 2 100 4:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Soldering lead 63/37 Roll 1:25
3 Cables Power Cable 1 1:5
4 Ferric-chloride, permanent(ink) Permanent 1 1:5
marker, sticker(reflector)

5 Printed circuit board (PCB) FR4 1 1:1


6 Electrical/Electronic components Passive and Active pack 1:25

and elements Components

7 Wires(Flexible) 2 m 1:1
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Conventional E-I Transformer 230v/24v,12v,18v 1 1:5

2 Soldering and de-soldering tools 20w-40w,60w,100w 1 1:5

3 Screwdriver (assorted) Flat and Phillips Set 1:25
4 M2x6 Socket set 1:25

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Technology LEVEL – II
Screws (assorted) head,6mm Button
5 Wrenches (assorted) Assorted Socket Set 1:25

6 Allen wrench/key Allen Key 1 1:5

7 utility knife/stripper Keyline Cutter set 1:25
8 multi-tester DM-820A 1 1:5
9 diodes, transistor, capacitor, 1N001/3/7NPN/PNP set 1:25
resistor, transformer 470micFar/16v

Insulated handle,
10 pliers stainless steel, set 1:25

11 ball-peen hammer B122S-Key 1 1:5

12 ESD-free work bench with mirror 6 1 1:1
1.0 x 10 Ω –
1.0 x 10 Ω
13 Digital Calliper LCD Stainless 1 1:5
14 Analogue Calliper Analogue 1 1:5

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Technology LEVEL – II

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level II

MODULE TITLE:Installing and Terminating electrical wiring System
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required
to electrical installation and terminating wiring system Indulging connect electronic circuits.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1.Plan and prepare for electrical installation and connection of electronic circuits
LO2.Perform installation and termination of wiring system/ electronic circuits
LO3. Inspect and notify completion of work
LO1: Plan and prepare for electrical installation and connection of electronic circuits
1.1. Planning and preparing OH&S policies and procedure for installation
1.2. Checking wiring systems’ components and materials
1.6 Obtaining fitting accessories
1.7 Selecting an appropriate tools and equipment’s
1.8 Preparing electrical wiring/electronic circuits
1.9 Reading and interpreting lay out diagram, circuit diagram, wiring diagram
1.10 Determining location of accessories, apparatus and circuits are to be installed
LO2: Perform installation and termination of wiring system/ electronic circuits
2.1 Installing wiring system
2.2 Terminating and connecting accessories
2.3 Advising/informing the specified time to customer
2.4 Following correct sequence of operation
2.5 Responding unplanned events or conditions
2.6 Establishing an approval procedure for diagnosis and testing
LO3: Inspect and notify completion of work
3.1 Inspecting installed apparatus
3.2 Notifying work completion
3.3 Testing completed termination / connections of wiring
3.4 Responding unplanned events or conditions

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Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in interpreter room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video 
Arrange the class room arrangement to be be accessible for

Organize the class room seating seating to be conducive for accessible to trainees wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to eye-to-eye contact 
Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
trainees 
Make sure the luminosity of  Ensure the attention the trainees who have

Write short notes on the the light of class room is of the trainees severe impairments on
black/white board using large text kept 
Present the lecture in their upper limbs to

Make sure the luminosity of the  Introduce new and relevant video format take note
light of class room is kept vocabularies 
Ensure the attention  Provide Orientation on

Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear of the trainees the physical feature of

Encourage trainees to record the sentences the work shop
lecture in audio format 
Give emphasis on visual

Provide Orientation on the physical lecture and ensure the
feature of the work shop attention of the trainees

Summarize main points Avoid movement during

lecture time

Present the lecture in video

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Technology LEVEL – II
Summarize main points

Demonstration 
Conduct close follow up  use Sign language  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and support the

Use verbal description interpreter short method trainees having severe

Provide special attention in the  Use video recorded material  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment
process of guidance 
Ensure attention of the material to operate equipments/

facilitate the support of peer trainees 
Ensure the attention machines
trainees 
Provide structured training of the trainees 
Assign peer trainees to

Prepare & use simulation Show clear and short Provide tutorial
  assist
method support 
Conduct close follow up

Use gesture (if necessary) 
Provide tutorial support

Provide tutorial support (if necessary
(if necessary)
Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees 
Use sign language 
Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members interpreters integration of with their peers

Conduct close follow up Facilitate the integration of
 trainees with group

Introduce the trainees with other trainees with group members
group member members 
Conduct close follow

Brief the thematic issues of the Conduct close follow up up

work 
Introduce the trainees with  Introduce the trainees
other group member with other group

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Technology LEVEL – II

Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance up and guidance 
Use additional nominal

Provide tutorial support if Provide tutorial support if Provide tutorial
  hours if necessary
necessary necessary support if necessary

provide special attention in the 
provide special attention in 
provide special
process the process/practical training attention in the

Introduce new and relevant process/ practical

vocabularies training

prepare the assignment questions in 
Use sign language  Provide briefing
Individual large text interpreter /orientation on the
assignment 
Encourage the trainees to prepare Provide briefing /orientation
 assignment

and submit the assignment in large on the assignment 

Provide visual
texts 
Provide visual recorded recorded material

Make available recorded material
assignment questions

Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

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Technology LEVEL – II
Interview 
Use sign language interpreter 
Speak loudly 
Use written response

Ensure or conform whether the proper Using sign language interpreter if
 as an option for the
communication was conducted with the necessary trainees having
trainee through the service of the sign speech challenges
language interpreter

Use short and clear questioning

Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short sentences,  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
texts multiple choices, True or False, sentences, multiple choices, true an option to give

Use interview as an matching and short answers or false, matching and short answer for trainees

option if necessary 
Avoid essay writing answers if necessary. having severe upper

Prepare the exam in 
Time extension limb impairment
audio format 
Time extension for

Assign human reader trainees having
(if necessary) severe upper limb

Time extension impairment

Demonstr 
Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment 
Provide activity
ation/Obse provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the exam  Brief on the instruction of the based assessment
rvation 
Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  exam 
Conduct close
assessment method Use loud voice follow up

Time extension 
Time extension 
Time extension

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Technology LEVEL – II
LO1Plan and prepare for electrical installation and connection of electronic circuits
 Installation is planned and prepared to ensure OH&S policies and procedures are
followed, the work is appropriately sequenced in accordance with requirements

 Wiring systems’ components are checked against job requirements

 Fitting Accessories are obtained in accordance with established procedures and to

comply with requirements

 Materials are checked according to specifications and tasks

 Appropriate tools and equipment are selected according to tasks requirements

 Electrical wiring/electronic circuits are correctly prepared for connecting/termination

in accordance with instructions and work site procedures

 Location in which specific items of accessories, apparatus and circuits are to

be installed is determined from job requirements
LO2: Perform installation and termination of wiring system/ electronic circuits
 Wiring systems are installed in accordance with requirements, without damage
or distortion to the surrounding environment or services
 Accessories are terminated and connected in accordance with requirements
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with established
 the specified time Customers are advised / informed regarding the status
and serviceability of the unit
 Safety procedures in using tools are observed at all times and appropriate
personal protective equipment are used
 Appropriate range of methods in termination/connection are used according to
specifications, manufacturer’s requirements and safety
 Correct sequence of operation is followed according to job specifications
 Accessories used are adjusted, if necessary
 Approval is obtained in accordance with established procedures from appropriate
personnel before any contingencies are implemented Results of diagnosis and testing
are documented accurately and completely within standard
LO3: Inspect and notify completion of work

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Technology LEVEL – II
 Final inspections are undertaken to ensure the installed apparatus
conforms to requirements
 Work completion is notified in accordance
 Testing of all completed termination/ connections of electric wiring/electronic
circuits is conducted for compliance with specifications and regulations
using appropriate procedures and equipment
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance
with established procedures

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Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS IEC M07 0322: Installing and Terminating electrical wiring System

Item No. Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
Prepared by the 5
1. TTLM trainer 1:5

2. Reference Books
2.1 Electrical wiring components and 5 1:5
accessories book

2.2 Ethiopian building code standard 5 1:5

Step by step hom wiring Book-1, Author: Ray 5 1:5

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Work Shop 2 112.5 4.5:1
2. Library 2 100 4:1
3. Lecture Room 2 30 1.2:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 Pack 1/2 1:25
2. Marker Different color Set 1:25
3. Chalk Different color Pack 1:25
4. Soldering lead 0.6mm Tin lead Roll 1:25

5. Cables 5X2.5mm 50 Meter 1:25

6. Wires 1X1.5mm 1 Roll 1:25
7. Insulating tap PVC electrical 5Pcs 1:25

8. Flux Soldering paste 1Pc 1:25

Different types switches (SPST) 10pcs each
9. (SPDT) 1:5

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Technology LEVEL – II
Intermediate switch

10. Lamp holder Round plastic base 25 1:5


11. Lamps Incandescent lamp 25 1:5

12. Conduit PVC 10 1:5
13. Junction box 65mm diameter 25 1:5
14. Circuit breaker 10A,16A,20A,25A,3 5each CB 1:5

15. Fuse 10A,16A,20A,25A,3 5each fuse 1:5


D. Tools and Equipment’s

1. screw drivers, Different screw 5 1:5

2 pliers, Different pliers 5 1:5

3 Insulation remover Different remover 5 1:5
4 hammers Different hammers 5 1:5
5 Multimeter Digital and analogue 5 1:5

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Technology LEVEL – II

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level II

MODULE TITLE: Maintaining and Repairing Industrial Electrical Machines

and Drives
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required
to performing maintenance, troubleshooting and repair works on industrial electrical machines
and drives including diagnose and rectify fault in motor drive system
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1.Plan, prepare and coordinate works
LO2.Diagnosis and rectify faults in Electrical System or equipment
LO3.Maintain and electrical system
LO4.Complete and report fault diagnosis and rectification activities
LO1: Plan, prepare and coordinate works
1.1. Identifying and requesting Materials, tools, equipment, testing devices and PPE
1.2. Identifying and selecting prevention and control measures for Potential hazards
1.3. Identifying electrical machines and principles of operations
1.4. Preparing Maintenance works and schedules of electrical machines
1.5. Preparing work instructions
1.6. Informing department/personnel on the schedule of work
LO2: Diagnosis and rectify faults in Electrical System or equipment
2.1 Isolating circuit or equipment to be diagnosed
2.2 Diagnosing and rectifying faults
2.3 Identifying Indicators/Symptoms of fault or failure
2.4 Testing and rectifying faults in electrical machines
2.5 Estimating the extent of the fault include time and spare parts
2.6 Coordinating other works associated with the problem
2.7 Preparing maintenance record
2.8 Responding Unforeseen events
LO3: Maintain electrical system

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Technology LEVEL – II
3.1. Testing/cleaning/lubricating Electrical system or equipment parts
3.2. Identifying and replacing worn-out/malfunctioning electrical system or equipment parts
3.3. Maintaining electrical machines within the time frame
3.4. Checking and identifying reading of Electrical measuring instruments
3.5. Checking and tightening connectors, bolts, nuts and screws
3.6. Advising or informing customers regarding the status and serviceability of the unit
3.7. Conducting routine/visual/sensory inspection regularly with normal operation
LO4: Complete and report fault diagnosis and rectification activities
4.1 Notifying/informing immediate superior completion of work.
4.2 Making performance test
4.3. Preparing and submitting service report
4.4. Documenting rectification of faults
4.5. Cleaning, checking and returning tools, equipment and any surplus materials
4.6. Cleaning up and making safe work area

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Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text 
Assign sign language 
Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating room seating

Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to to be conducive for eye-to-eye accessible to accessible for
trainees contact trainees wheelchairs users.

Write short notes on the black/white Make sure the luminosity of the 
Speak loudly  Facilitate and

board using large text light of class room is kept 

Ensure the attention support the trainees

Make sure the luminosity of the light 
Introduce new and relevant of the trainees who have severe
of class room is kept vocabularies 
Present the lecture impairments on

Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences in video format their upper limbs

Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention to take note
lecture in audio format and ensure the attention of the of the trainees 
Provide Orientation

Provide Orientation on the physical trainees on the physical
feature of the work shop 
Avoid movement during feature of the work

Summarize main points lecture time shop

Present the lecture in video

Summarize main points

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Technology LEVEL – II
Demonstratio 
Conduct close follow up 
use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and
n 
Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method support the trainees

Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded having severe upper
process of guidance 
Provide structured training material limbs impairment to

facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method 
Ensure the attention operate equipments/

Prepare & use simulation 
Use gesture of the trainees machines

Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial 
Assign peer trainees
(if necessary) support to assist
(if necessary) 
Conduct close
follow up

Provide tutorial
(if necessary

Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters 
Facilitate the  Introduce the
discussion with group members 
Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their

Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group peers

Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
group member 
Introduce the trainees with 
Conduct close

Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up

Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

Inform the group
members to speak

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Technology LEVEL – II

Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and guidance 
Conduct close follow up and 
Conduct close  Assign peer

Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and trainees

provide special attention in the 
Provide tutorial support if guidance 
Use additional
process necessary 
Provide tutorial nominal hours if

provide special attention in the support if necessary necessary
process/practical training 
provide special

Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical

prepare the assignment questions in 
Use sign language interpreter 
Provide briefing
Individual large text 
Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment 
Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts 
Provide visual recorded  Provide visual

Make available recorded assignment material recorded material

Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Technology LEVEL – II
Interview 
Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly 
Use written response as an

Ensure or conform whether the Using sign language interpreter option for the trainees

proper communication was if necessary having speech challenges
conducted with the trainee through
the service of the sign language

Use short and clear questioning
Time extension

Written 
Prepare the exam in large Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an

test texts sentences, multiple choices, True or sentences, multiple choices, true option to give answer for

Use interview as an option if False, matching and short answers or false, matching and short trainees having severe

necessary Avoid essay writing

 answers if necessary. upper limb impairment

Prepare the exam in audio Time extension
 
Time extension for
format trainees having severe

Assign human reader upper limb impairment
 (if necessary)

Time extension
Demonstr 
Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
ation/Obs provide them in large text 
Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment assessment
ervation 
Time extension 
Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction of the  Conduct close follow up
assessment method exam 
Time extension

Time extension 
Use loud voice

Time extension
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Technology LEVEL – II
LO1Plan, prepare and coordinate works
 Materials, tools, equipment, testing devices and PPE needed to complete job
requirements are identified and requested/obtained in line with prepared
work instructions
 Potential hazards are identified for prevention and control measures are selected
in accordance with the work plan and site procedure
 Maintenance work schedule is prepared in accordance with machine/equipment
operating time/condition
 Work instructions are prepared according to machine’s manual and
established enterprise procedures
 Safety permit/Hot work permit is secured in accordance with enterprise procedure.
 Concerned department/personnel are informed on the schedule of work according to
standard operating procedure are prepared and obtained according to requirements
LO2: Diagnosis and rectify faults in Electrical System or equipment
 Fault is diagnosed and rectified according to standard
 Circuit or equipment to be diagnosed is isolated (lockout/tag-out) in accordance with
established procedure or according to suitable accepted standard practices.
 Indicators/Symptoms of fault or failure are identified.
 Necessary electrical test on the system or equipment is performed in accordance with
established procedure or according to manufacturer’s guidelines.
 Extent of the fault to include the time to accomplish the job and the spare parts needed
is estimated according to extent of damage.
 Other works associated with the problem are coordinated with other concerned group.
 Details of fault, possible cause, corrective action, recommendation to eliminate the
problem are recorded accordingly.
 Availability of maintenance records are prepared in accordance with established
procedure, or based on enterprise Quality Management System (QMS)
 Unforeseen events are responded in line with established procedures
LO3: Maintain and electrical system
 Electrical system or equipment parts are properly tested/ cleaned/lubricated according to
manufacturer or enterprise procedure.
 Worn-out/malfunctioning electrical system or equipment parts are identified and replaced
in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements or enterprise standards

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Technology LEVEL – II
 Readings of are checked and identified Electrical measuring instruments defective
instruments are referred for calibration/replacement in accordance with enterprise
 Connectors, bolts, nuts and screws are checked and tightened according to sizes and
torque requirements
 Customers are advised / informed regarding the status and serviceability of the unit
 Routine/visual/sensory inspection is regularly conducted in line with normal operation
 Unforeseen events are responded in line with established procedures.

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Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IEC2 M08 0322 Maintaining and Repairing Industrial Electrical Machines and Drives
Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended
No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
prepared by the trainer
1. TTLM 5 1:5

2. Reference Books
Transformer and Inductor Colonel Wm. T. 5
McLyman, © 2011 by
2.1 Design Handbook 1:5
Taylor and Francis
Fourth Edition
Group, LLC

2.2 Electric Motors and Frank D. Petruzella 5 1:5

Control Systems

2.3 Ac/Dc Motors, Controls, And th 5 1:5

10 edition, Jeff Keljik

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Work Shop 2 112.5 4.5:1
2. Library 2 100 4:1
3. Lecture Room 2 30 1.2:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 Pack 1/2 1:25
2. Marker Different color Set 1:25
3. Chalk Different color Pack 1:25
4. Soldering lead 0.6mm Tin lead solder Roll 1:25
5. Cables 5X2.5mm 50 Meter 1:25
6. Wires 1X1.5mm 1 Roll 1:25
7. Insulating tap PVC electrical 5Pcs 1:25

8. Flux Soldering paste 1Pc 1:25

9. Different types switches (SPST) 10pcs each 1:5
(SPDT) Swith

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Technology LEVEL – II
Intermediate switch

10. Lamp holder Round plastic base 25 1:5


11. Lamps Incandescent lamp 25 1:5

12. Conduit PVC 10 1:5
13. Junction box 65mm diameter 25 1:5
14. Circuit breaker 10A,16A,20A,25A,32A 5each CB 1:5
15. Fuse 10A,16A,20A,25A,32A 5each fuse 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. screw drivers, Different screw drivers 5 1:5
2 pliers, Different pliers 5 1:5
3 Insulation remover Different remover 5 1:5
4 hammers Different hammers 5 1:5
5 wrenches Different wrenches
6 Torque wrench 3-8inch drive MI
7 Multimeter Digital and analogue 5 1:5
8 Insulation resistance tester 250VDC-1000VDC 5 1:5
(Megger) Digital,

9 High potential tester MS5202 Voltage tester 5 1:5

10 Phase sequence meter 60-600VAC, three 5 1:5
phase rotation tester

11 Ammeter Digital 5 1:5

12 Torque meter TQ-8800 5 1:5

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Technology LEVEL – II
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronics Control Technology Level II

MODULE TITLE: Performing Installation of Motor Controller System

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to
perform installation of motor controller and electrical machines and drives including electrical wiring
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Plan and Prepare for Motor controller Installation
LO2. Inspect electrical materials and tools
LO3 Perform Installation Works
LO4. Install electrical motor controller system
LO5. Notify completion of work and Clean-up
LO1 Plan and Prepare for Motor controller Installation
1.1 Obtaining wiring diagrams and layout/shop drawings
1.2 Reading and interpreting drawing
1.3 Verifying estimated work schedule
1.4 Identifying correct rating, quantity, sizes and type of control components & wiring devices
1.5 Verifying correct size and degree of protection of enclosures
1.6 Selecting Tools and testing instruments
1.7 Submitting complete data on inspection report
1.8 Verifying quantity, usage and specifications of materials, tools and equipment
1.9 Filling up requisition form of materials, tools and equipment
LO2. Inspect electrical materials and tools
2.1 Checking, inspecting and testing delivered materials
2.2 Identifying defective/Sub-standard electrical materials
2.3 Submitting inspected reports
LO3. Perform Installation Works
3.1 Identifying conduit accessories& bending conduits
3.2 Using cable color code according to EBCS
3.3 Installing electrical machines and drives with the conduit/trunking
LO4 Install electrical motor controller system

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Technology LEVEL – II
4.1 Mounting electrical components and devices
4.2 Wiring electrical components
4.3 Following work schedule
4.4 Seeking further instructions in a case of unplanned events
4.5 Undertaking checks of quality of the work
4.6 Conducting preliminary checks/tests
LO5 Notify completion of work and Clean-up
5.1 Notifying completion of work to immediate superior
5.2 Making Performance tests
5.3 Clearing work area and disposing materials
5.4 Checking, maintaining and storing plants, tools and equipment
5.5 Testing installed electrical machines and drives
5.6 Returning Surplus materials to warehouse

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Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class room  Organize the class
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter seating arrangement to be room seating

Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room accessible to trainees arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for 
Speak loudly accessible for
trainees eye to eye contact 
Ensure the attention of wheelchairs users.

Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees 
Facilitate and
board using large text the light of class room is 
Present the lecture in support the trainees

Make sure the luminosity of the light kept video format who have severe
of class room is kept 
Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the attention of impairments on

Use normal tone of voice vocabularies the trainees their upper limbs

Encourage trainees to record the 
Use short and clear to take note
lecture in audio format sentences 
Provide Orientation

Provide Orientation on the physical 
Give emphasis on visual on the physical
feature of the work shop lecture and ensure the feature of the work

Summarize main points attention of the trainees shop

Avoid movement during
lecture time

Present the lecture in video

Summarize main points
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Technology LEVEL – II
Demonstratio 
Conduct close follow up 
use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear& short  Facilitate and
n 
Use verbal description 
Use video recorded material method support the trainees

Provide special attention in the process 
Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded having severe upper
of guidance trainees material limbs impairment to

facilitate the support of peer trainees 
Provide structured training  Ensure the attention of operate equipments/

Prepare & use simulation 
Show clear and short method the trainees machines

Use gesture 
Provide tutorial support  Assign peer trainees

Provide tutorial support (if necessary) to assist
(if necessary) 
Conduct close
follow up

Provide tutorial
(if necessary

Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees 
Use sign language  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the
discussion with group members interpreters of trainees with group trainees with their

Conduct close follow up  Facilitate the integration of members peers

Introduce the trainees with other group trainees with group 
Conduct close follow up
member members 
Introduce the trainees

Brief the thematic issues of the work 
Conduct close follow up with other group member

Introduce the trainees with 
Inform the group
other group member members to speak loudly

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Technology LEVEL – II
Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and 
Conduct close follow up 
Assign peer

Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance and guidance trainees

provide special attention in the 
Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support 
Use additional
process necessary if necessary nominal hours if

provide special attention in provide special attention
 necessary

the process/practical training in the process/ practical

Introduce new and relevant training


prepare the assignment questions in 
Use sign language  Provide briefing
Individual large text interpreter /orientation on the
assignment 
Encourage the trainees to prepare and  Provide briefing /orientation assignment

submit the assignment in large texts on the assignment 

Provide visual recorded

Make available recorded assignment 
Provide visual recorded material
questions material

Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Technology LEVEL – II
Project 
Use sign language interpreter 
Speak loudly 
Use written response
work 
Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter as an option for the
the proper communication if necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter

Use short and clear

Time extension
Written 
Prepare the exam in large texts Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an

test 
Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, option to give answer
necessary True or False, matching and true or false, matching and for trainees having

Prepare the exam in audio short answers short answers if necessary. severe upper limb

format Avoid essay writing

 impairment

Assign human reader Time extension
 
Time extension for
(if necessary) trainees having severe

Time extension upper limb impairment

Demonstrat 
Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
ion/Observa provide them in large text 
Brief on the instruction of the assessment assessment
tion 
Time extension exam 
Brief on the instruction of the 
Conduct close follow

Provide activity-based/ exam up

Use loud voice

practical assessment method  
Time extension

Time extension 
Time extension

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Technology LEVEL – II
LO1. Plan and Prepare for Motor controller Installation
 Wiring diagrams and layout/shop drawings are obtained according to job requirements
 Drawings are read and interpreted in accordance with job requirements
 Estimated work schedule is verified with immediate superior
 Correct rating, quantity, sizes and type of control components & wiring devices and
other materials are identified in line with job requirements
 Correct size and degree of protection of enclosures are verified in line with job
 Tools and testing instruments are properly selected in line with job requirements
 Submit complete data on inspection report based on job requirements to immediate
 Quantity, usage and specifications of materials, tools and equipment are verified
according to job requirements
 Requisition form is properly filled-up according to list of materials, tools and equipment

LO2. Inspect electrical materials and tools

 Delivered materials are checked/inspected/ tested according to quantity, usage and

 Defective/Sub-standard electrical materials are identified according to physical
damaged and quality are reported to immediate superior
 Defective/sub-standard/wrong specification electrical materials are returned to
warehouseman/stockman for replacement
 Submit inspection reports on deliveries of electrical materials and tools to
immediate superior
LO3.Perform Installation Works
 Bending conduit is done according to the work requirement
 Conduit accessossary is identified according to installation type
 electrical machines and drives are installed with the conduit and trunking
 cable color code is used according to EBCS
LO4Install electrical motor controller system
 Electrical components and wiring devices are laid-out, mounted or installed according
to drawings, plans, specifications and standards
 Electrical control components are wired correctly in accordance with wiring diagrams
and standards
 Work schedule is followed to ensure job is completed on time in accordance to a
quality standard and minimum wastage.
 Further instructions are sought from the immediate superior in case of unplanned
events or conditions occurring.
 Ongoing checks of quality of the work are undertaken with strict compliance in

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Technology LEVEL – II
accordance with instructions and requirements.
 Preliminary checks/tests are conducted in line with job requirements
LO5 Notify completion of work and Clean-up
 Immediate superior is notified upon completion of work.
 Performance tests are made to ensure that work conforms to instructions and job
 Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with
legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job specification
 Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance
with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work practices
 installed electrical machines and drives are tested
 Return Surplus materials to warehouse

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Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS IEC2 M09 0322Performing Installation of Motor Controller System

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended
No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Repaired by Trainer 25 1:1
2. Reference
Modern Industrial Electrical Motor Thomas E. Kissell, 1st
2.1 Controls: Operation, Installation and Edition 5 1:5

2.2 Industrial Motor Control stephen-herman,7th


3 Journals/Publication/Magazines
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 2 30 1.2:1
2. Library 2 100 4:1
3. Workshop 112.5 4.5:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Pilot lamps 12v 30 6:5
2 Push buttons NO, NC or dual 30 6:5
3 Selector Switches. 5 1:5
4 Circuit breakers/fuse 25A,10A,16A each 5 of each 2:5
5 PVC conduit 16 mm diameter 15 3:5
6 Wire 2 1000m
7 Wire markers Permanent 5 1:5
8 Cable tie 2 1 packet
9 Cable 2 200m 40:5
10 Insulators 24v 200pcs 40:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1 Pliers Standard 15 3:5
2 Screw drivers Standard 30 3:5

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Technology LEVEL – II
3 Wrenches Set 15sets 1:5
4 Wire strippers Standard 15 3:5
5 Electrician knives Standard 15 3:5
6 Electric Hand drill 220v 5 1:5
7 Hand or electric

8 Hack saw Standard 5 1:5

9 Manual/Hydraulic puncher
Measuring tools Digital, analog multi 5 of each
10 meter , Megger 1:5
,insulation tester,
frequency meter

11 Crimping tools 5 1:5

12 Soldering tools 0 5 1:5
220v, 60 c
13 Magnetic contactors 220/380 Acv 15 3:5
14 Thermal over load relay 220v ac 5 1:5
15 three phase motor Squirrel cage induction 5 1:5
16 single phase motor Squirrel cage 5 1:5
17 induction motor Slip ring 5 1:5
18 squirrel cage induction motor Two speed, 2 poles 5 1:5

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Technology LEVEL – II
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level II

MODULE TITLE: Rewinding single/three phase induction machine

MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required
to Rewind single/three phase induction machines and Wind electrical coils
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1.Prepare to rewind single/three phase induction machines
LO2.Wind electrical coils
LO3.Rewind single/three phase induction machine
LO4.Complete workplace report
LO1. Preparing to rewind single/three phase induction machine
1.1.Identifying and applying OHS& WHS requirements and procedures
1.2.Checking tools, equipment, testing device and isolating Machines/equipment
1.3.Obtaining winding data from records and measurements of stator and core
1.4.Obtaining required materials in accordance with job specifications
1.5.Determining scope of work
1.6.Describing common terms to motor windings
1.7.Applying testing techniques to collected data
LO2. Wind electrical coils
2.1.Preparing winding electrical coils
2.2.Winding small and medium-sized solenoid coils, contactor coil
2.3. Preforming assembling processes
2.4. Dealing with unplanned events in a manner that minimizes
risk LO3. Rewind single/three phase induction machine
3.1. Dismantling, tagging and storing induction machine and parts to prevent loss or damage
3.2. Stripping winding from stator
3.3. Winding and insulating Stator
3.4. Preparing and assembling machine for inspection and testing
3.5. Completing electrical coil work within timeframe

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Technology LEVEL – II
3.6. Responding to unplanned situations in a manner that minimizes risk
3.7. Conducting routine quality checks to ensure coils are correctly wound, with correct wire,
number of turns and shape
LO4. Complete workplace report
4.1.Checking process according to established standards and requirements
4.2.Checking assembled products in accordance with quality standards
4.3.Following completion of workplace report/forms
4.4.Completing workplace report

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Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  interpreter room seating seating arrangement to

Organize the class room seating Arrange the class room arrangement to be be accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for accessible to trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees eye to eye contact 
Speak loudly  Facilitate and support

Write short notes on the black/white 
Make sure the luminosity of  Ensure the attention the trainees who have
board using large text the light of class room is kept of the trainees severe impairments on

Make sure the luminosity of the Introduce new and relevant Present the lecture in
  their upper limbs to

light of class room is kept vocabularies video format take note

Use normal tone of voice 
Use short and clear sentences 
Ensure the attention  Provide Orientation on

Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual of the trainees the physical feature of
lecture in audio format lecture and ensure the the work shop

Provide Orientation on the physical attention of the trainees

feature of the work shop 

Avoid movement during

Summarize main points lecture time

Present the lecture in video

Summarize main points

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Technology LEVEL – II
Demonstratio 
Conduct close follow up 
use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and support the
n 
Use verbal description Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe

Provide special attention in the Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment
process of guidance trainees material to operate equipment/

facilitate the support of peer trainees 
Provide structured training  Ensure the attention machines

Prepare & use simulation Show clear and short method  of the trainees 
Assign peer trainees to
Use gesture Provide tutorial assist

Provide tutorial support support 
Conduct close follow up
(if necessary) (if necessary) 
Provide tutorial support
(if necessary
Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters 
Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members 
Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers

Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group

Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
group member 
Introduce the trainees with 
Conduct close

Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up

Introduce the trainees
with other group

Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance up and guidance 
Use additional nominal

Provide tutorial support if necessary Provide tutorial support if
 
Provide tutorial hours if necessary

provide special attention in the necessary support if necessary
process 
provide special attention in 
provide special
the process/practical training attention in the

Introduce new and relevant process/ practical

vocabularies training

prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter 
Provide briefing
Individual large text 
Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on the
assignment on the assignment assignment

Encourage the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in large texts 
Provide visual recorded  Provide visual

Make available recorded assignment material recorded material

Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Interview 
Use sign language interpreterSpeak loudly
 
Use written response as an

Ensure or conform whether the Using sign language
 option for the trainees
proper communication was interpreter if necessary having speech challenges
conducted with the trainee
through the service of the sign
language interpreter

Use short and clear

Time extension
Written test 
Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short 
Prepare the exam using short 
Use oral response as an
texts sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, option to give answer for

Use interview as an option True or False, matching and true or false, matching and trainees having severe

if necessary short answers short answers if necessary. upper limb impairment

Prepare the exam in audio 
Avoid essay writing 
Time extension for trainees
format 
Time extension having severe upper limb

Assign human reader impairment
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstration/ 
Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the assessment assessment

Time extension exam 
Brief on the instruction of the  Conduct close follow up

Provide activity-based/ practical exam 
Time extension
assessment method 
Use loud voice

Time extension 
Time extension
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Technology LEVEL – II
LO.1: Prepare to rewind single/three phase induction machines
 Work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements and
workplace procedures for a given work area are identified and applied
 Machines/equipment are checked and isolated in accordance requirements and workplace
procedure Existing control work measures are followed
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out work are obtained and checked for
correct operation and safety
 types and purpose of testing devices, devices is sought from the work supervisor to ensure the
work is coordinated effectively with others
 Winding data is obtained from winding data records or directly from measurements of stator,
core and recorded in accordance with workplace procedures
 Materials required for the work are obtained in accordance with workplace procedures and
job specifications
 Scope of work is determined from job specifications and regulatory requirements
 The terms common to motor windings are described
 coil data is collected and testing techniques, is applied

LO.2: Wind electrical coils

 winding electrical coils is prepared according to standard
 electrical coils winding is done including: adhering to coil quality and workplace procedures
 Small and medium-sized solenoid coils, contactor coil, are wounded
 1Assembling processes are performed in accordance with policies and procedures
 Unplanned events is dealt in accordance with workplace procedures in a manner that
minimizes risk to personnel and equipment

LO.3Rewind single/three phase induction machine

 Induction machine is dismantled and parts tagged and stored to prevent loss or damage in
accordance with workplace procedures and instructions
 Winding is stripped from stator in accordance with workplace procedures
 Stator is wound and insulated in accordance with winding data, job specifications and
workplace procedures
 Machine is assembled and prepared for inspection and testing in accordance with workplace
 Electrical coil work is completed within timeframe, environment and workplace conditions
 Unplanned situations are responded to in accordance with workplace procedures in a manner
that minimizes risk to personnel and equipment
 Routine quality checks are conducted to ensure coils are correctly wound, with correct wire,
number of turns and shape in accordance with workplace procedures and job specifications
LO4. Complete workplace report

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 Process is checked according to established standards and requirements
 Assembled products are checked in accordance with quality standards
 Workplace report, forms/data sheets are completed accurately in accordance with workplace
 work completion risk control measures are followed completing workplace report/forms

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Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS IEC2 M10 0322: Rewinding single/three phase induction machine

Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by the trainer 5 1:5
2 Reference Book
2.1 A text book of electrical B.L. Theraja& A.K. Theraja, 10 1:10
technology volume -I,

Electrical motor Augie Hand, Copyright ©

2.2 maintenance and 2011 by The McGraw-Hill 5 1:5

Troubleshooting, 2
nd Companies 2005


Practical Troubleshooting Copyright © 2005

2.3 of Electrical Equipment 5 1:5
and Control Circuits,

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Lecture room 2 30 1.2:1
2. Library 2 100 4:1

3. Workshop M
2 112.5 4.5:1

C. Consumable Materials
1. heat resistant wires 0.5 0.6mm 1mm 1
2 Insulating sleeving Thickness 7-10mm,
5 Flexible electrical 0.6mm-1mm, Available In 25 pcs 1:1
insulation Red, White, Black, Yellow
Enamel Polyurethane Round copper wire,
6 Copper Wire Coil ISO9001, UL, RoHS,
Reash, 0.3mm – 1.2mm,

7 Soldering lean 63/37 Tin/Lead 1.5mm, Roll 1;25

8 Insulation paper Thermal rating B130, 2

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Maximum voltage rating

D. Tools and Equipment

1. Drill bit Carbide drill bits: Ø 3.2. 5 1:5
Ø1.5, Ø 1.0mm
2 Adjustable wrench Sorted
3 Open end wrench Sorted
4 Screw drivers Sorted
5 Combination pliers Sorted
7 Hammers Length 130mm, weight

Mild steel, max reach

8 Bearing puller 54.0mm, max speed

9 Wire brush Steel bristles, wire: 0.30mm

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Technology LEVEL – II
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronics Control Technology Level II
MODULE TITLE : Performing Commissioning of Electrical Equipment/Systems
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required
to commissioning electrical equipment and all auxiliary system used in industrial establishments
based on the required performance standards.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1.Plan and prepare commissioning activities
LO2.Commission electrical equipment/systems
LO3. Documentation commissioning activities
LO1.Plan and prepare commissioning activities
1.3. Planning commissioning procedure
1.4. Confirming commissioning of work instruction
1.5. Obtaining, estimating and inspecting tools, equipment and testing devices
1.6. Identifying, preventing and controlling potential hazards
1.7. Coordinating commissioning activities
LO2. Commission electrical equipment/systems
2.5 Following safety policies and procedures
2.6 Following electrical testing criteria
2.7 Commissioning electrical equipment/systems
2.8 Responding to unforeseen events
2.9 Recoding and revising/updating electrical plan and schematic diagrams
2.10 Filling out test data form
LO3. Documentation commissioning activities
3.4 Inspecting electrical equipment/system
3.5 Cleaning and checking tools/equipment
3.6 Preparing commissioning report
3.7 Monitoring datasheet for newly installed system
3.8 Providing orientation and technical assistance

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Technology LEVEL – II
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture- 
Provide large print text 
Assign sign language 
Organize the class room  Organize the class
discussion 
Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter seating arrangement to room seating

Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room be accessible to trainees arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for  Speak loudly accessible for
trainees eye-to-eye contact 
Ensure the attention of wheelchairs users.

Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity the trainees 
Facilitate and support
board using large text of the light of class room 
Present the lecture in the trainees who have

Make sure the luminosity of the light is kept video format severe impairments on
of class room is kept 
Introduce new and  Ensure the attention of their upper limbs to

Use normal tone of voice relevant vocabularies the trainees take note

Encourage trainees to record the  Use short and clear 
Provide Orientation on
lecture in audio format sentences the physical feature of

Provide Orientation on the physical 
Give emphasis on visual the work shop

feature of the work shop lecture and ensure the

Summarize main points attention of the trainees

Avoid movement during
lecture time

Present the lecture in
video format

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Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language  Illustrate in clear&  Facilitate and support

Use verbal description  interpreter short method the trainees having

Provide special attention in the process Use video recorded  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
of guidance material material impairment to operate

facilitate the support of peer trainees 
Ensure attention of the Ensure the attention of
 equipments/ machines

Prepare & use simulation trainees the trainees 
Assign peer trainees to

Provide structured training Provide tutorial support
 assist

Show clear and short (if necessary) 
Conduct close follow
method up

Use gesture 
Provide tutorial

Provide tutorial support support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group 
Facilitate the integration of trainees 
Use sign language 
Facilitate the integration 
Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members interpreters of trainees with group with their peers

Conduct close follow up Facilitate the integration of members

Introduce the trainees with other group trainees with group 
Conduct close follow
member members up

Brief the thematic issues of the work  Conduct close follow up  Introduce the trainees

Introduce the trainees with with other group
other group member member

Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise 
Conduct close follow up and guidance 
Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees

Provide tutorial support if necessary and guidance up and guidance 
Use additional

provide special attention in the Provide tutorial support if Provide tutorial support
  nominal hours if
process necessary if necessary necessary

provide special attention 
provide special
in the process/practical attention in the process/
training practical training

Introduce new and
relevant vocabularies

prepare the assignment questions in 
Use sign language  Provide briefing
Individual large text interpreter /orientation on the
assignment 
Encourage the trainees to prepare and 
Provide briefing assignment

submit the assignment in large texts /orientation on the 

Provide visual recorded

Make available recorded assignment assignment material
questions 
Provide visual recorded

Facilitate the trainees to prepare and material
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Interview 
Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly 
Use written response

Ensure or conform whether the Using sign language as an option for the

proper communication was interpreter if necessary trainees having speech
conducted with the trainee through challenges
the service of the sign language

Use short and clear questioning
Time extension

Written test 
Prepare the exam in Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as

large texts sentences, multiple choices, True or sentences, multiple choices, an option to give

Use interview as an False, matching and short answers true or false, matching and answer for trainees

Avoid essay writing

option if necessary  short answers if necessary. having severe upper

Prepare the exam in Time extension
 limb impairment
audio format 
Time extension for

Assign human reader trainees having severe
 (if necessary) upper limb

Time extension impairment

Demonstration/ 
Brief the instruction or 
Use sign language interpreter 
Provide activity based  Provide activity based
Observation provide them in large 
Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment assessment
text 
Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction of the  Conduct close follow

Time extension assessment method exam up

Time extension 
Use loud voice 
Time extension

Time extension

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Technology LEVEL – II
LO.1: Plan and prepare commissioning activities
 Work instructions are confirmed to immediate to ensure clear understanding of job
 Commissioning procedures are planned according to job requirements
 Materials and PPE needed to complete job requirements are obtained in line with
established procedures
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed for commissioning procedures are
obtained, estimated and inspected for compliance with the job specifications
 Potential hazards are identified and prevention and/or control measures are selected in
accordance with the work plan and site procedures
 Commissioning activities are coordinated with the end-user or the department
involved in accordance with the established procedures
LO.2: Commission electrical equipment/systems
 Safety policies and procedures are followed in accordance with duly accepted
international safety standards
 Electrical testing criteria are followed in line with job requirements and established
 Electrical equipment/systems are commissioned in line with the established procedures
 Unforeseen events are responded in line with established procedures
 Records, electrical plans and schematic diagrams are revised /updated according to
changes incurred during commissioning
 Test data forms are filled-out and submitted to immediate superior for evaluation
LO.3: Documentation commissioning activities
 Final inspection is undertaken to ensure that commissioning of electrical system meets
job requirements
 Tools, equipment and any excess resources and materials are cleaned, checked and
returned to storage area in accordance with enterprise procedures
 Written report is prepared and submitted to immediate superior in accordance with
enterprise procedures
 Monitoring data sheet for the newly installed system is accomplished based on the job
 Orientation and technical assistance are provided to prospective operators based
on company procedures.

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Technology LEVEL – II
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IEC2 M10 0322 Performing Commissioning of Electrical Equipment/System
Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
Prepared by the
1. TTLMLG 1 trainer 5 1:5

2. Reference Books
Installation Maintenance and
2.1repair Of Electrical Machines 5 1:5
and Equipment’s

Maintaining and repairing

2.2industrial electrical machines 5 1:5
and drives

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Work Shop 2 112.5 4.5:1
2. Library 100 4:1
3. Lecture Room 2 30 1.2:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 Pack 1/2 1:25
2. Marker Different color Set 1:25
3. Chalk Different color Pack 1:25
4. Soldering lead 0.6mm Tin lead solder Roll 1:25
5. Cables 5X2.5mm 50 Meter 1:25
6. Wires 1X1.5mm 1 Roll 1:25
7. Insulating tap PVC electrical 5Pcs 1:25

8. Flux Soldering paste 1Pc 1:25

Different types switches (SPST)
(SPDT) 10pcs each
9. (DPST) 1:5
Intermediate switch

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Technology LEVEL – II
10. Lamp holder Round plastic base 25 1:5

11. Lamps Incandescent lamp 25 1:5

12. Conduit PVC 10 1:5
13. Junction box 65mm diameter 25 1:5
14. Circuit breaker 10A,16A,20A,25A,32 5each CB 1:5

15. Fuse 10A,16A,20A,25A,32 5each fuse 1:5


D. Tools and Equipment’s

1. screw drivers, Different screw 5 1:5

2 pliers, Different pliers 5 1:5

3 Insulation remover Different remover 5 1:5
4 hammers Different hammers 5 1:5
5 wrenches Different wrenches
Torque wrench 3-8inch drive MI
Multimeter Digital and analogue 5 1:5
Insulation resistance tester 250VDC-1000VDC 5 1:5
(Megger) Digital,

High potential tester MS5202 Voltage 5 1:5


Phase sequence meter 60-600VAC, three 5 1:5

phase rotation tester

Ammeter Digital 5 1:5

Torque meter TQ-8800 5 1:5

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Technology LEVEL – II
The Ministry of Labor and Skills wishes to thank and appreciation for the trainers who
donated their effort and time to develop this outcome-based curriculum for the TVET
program industrial electrical/electronic Control Technology. We also thank coordinators and
all regional TVETs and Colleges, for active facilitation of their trainers for the development
of this curriculum.

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Technology LEVEL – II
The trainers who developed the curriculum
No Name Qualific Educational background Region College Mobile E-mail
ation number
1 Tesfaye TsegayeYeshigeta BSC Industrial Automation And Amhara Kombolcha 0912797236
Control Technology PTC
2 TamratAyeleBirru MSC Elec. Communication Oromia Sebeta PTC 0913244977
3 SirgutWondmagegnwase MSC Industrial Automation And Addis Abeba Etoto PTC 0911966234
Control Technology
4 Abebe Kebede Demekssa MSC Industrial Automation And Oromia Woliso PTC 0911956760
Control Technology
5 LisaneworkMilkiasHameso MSC Electrical Engineering SNNP Arbamich 0911051351 llisaneworkmikias@yahoo.
PTC com
6 Ditame Desta G/Wold MSC Industrial Automation And Sidama Hawasa PTC 0911014492
Control Technology
7 BirukAnikley Tefera MSC Industrial Automation And Dire Dawa Ethio-Italy 0920131850
Control Technology PTC

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Technology LEVEL – II

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