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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Sta. Fe, Borongan City

GRADE 8 School NATIONAL Grade Level GRADE 8
LESSON Teacher
Learning Area ENGLISH
PLAN Date & Time Aug. 29-Sept. 1,
I. Objectives
A. Grade Level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her
Standards understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Learning Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture
Competencies by noting context clues.
III. Learning
A. Teacher’s Guide None
B. Learner’s Material Grade 8 Learning Modules
C. Additional None
Materials From LR
D. Other Learning Google, Slides, Scribd
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing Previous (Flashcards)
Lesson/Presenting Random words from a passage will be shown to and read by the students aloud.
New Lesson

B. Establishing A Have students discuss the importance of context clues in reading comprehension
Purpose For The and vocabulary development. Ask them to share their experiences of encountering
Lesson unfamiliar words or phrases while reading and how context clues helped them
understand the meaning.
C. Presenting Let the students read a short passage about the Philippines. (page 4)
Of New Lesson The Philippines is considered a melting pot which is a place where people of
different races, religion, beliefs, and tradition blend together as one. This diverse
and varied culture makes Filipinos unique from the rest of the world. Filipinos give
much importance to their values. Despite of the modern influence, they still retain
their traditional practices. One of their trademarks is hospitality like welcoming the
guests with a big smile and treating them warmly. In times of challenges and
catastrophies, they don’t easily give up as resilience is one of their traits.

Did you enjoy reading the text?

Are the underlined words familiar to you?
Do you know the meaning of the underlined words?
D. Discussing New Context Clues Discussion
Concepts And The teacher will discuss what context clues are and its types.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Sta. Fe, Borongan City

Practicing New Explain to students that context clues are textual hints that might assist them in
Skills1 understanding the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions. Encourage the
students to participate in the discussion by giving their own examples or answering
the questions of the teacher.
E. Discussing New ORAL ACTIVITY: Eye for the Clue (p. 11)
Concepts And On the board, students will analyze each sentence carefully. They will identify the
Practicing New meaning of the underlined words using context clues. Answers will be chosen from
Skills 2 the words/phrases inside the box.

F. Developing Mastery GROUP ACTIVITY: I MEAN IT!

Group the class into four (4). In doing this activity, refer to the passage from
Component B. Let them write the unfamiliar words they have encountered from the
text and try to give meaning to the words by analyzing its use in the sentence. Let
them write their answers on a manila paper and assign each student from every
group to discuss one word in front of the class.
G. Finding Practical GAME 1: Cultural Charades
Applications On strips of paper, write a combination of local culture words and expressions as
well as more popular words.
Form two groups from the class. While the opposite team guesses, each team takes
turns selecting a slip of paper and acting out the word or statement without
Discuss the meanings of the cultural words and phrases after each round, stressing
the context clues that helped students estimate their meanings.

GAME 2: Activity Stations

Set up different stations around the classroom, each focused on a different type of
context clue.
Divide students into small groups and assign each group to a station.
Provide index cards with context clue types at each station.
Give each group a printed passage with underlined words.
Instruct students to work together at their station to determine the meanings of the
underlined words using the designated context clue type.
H. Making Bring the class back together and ask a few students to share their insights and
Generalizations experiences from the activity. Reiterate the skill of using context clues as a
valuable tool for deciphering unfamiliar vocabulary.

 What is the importance of using context clues to understand local culture

through language?

Also, have them finish the open-ended questions.

I learned that… I realized that…
I. Evaluating Answer the following questions on a ½ sheet of paper.
Directions: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local
culture by noting context clues
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Sta. Fe, Borongan City

1. Filipino athletes during the 2020 Summer Olympics felt victorious. They knew
they would never be defeated again.
A. champion B. beaten C. afraid D. weak

2. Sumpa and gaba are forms of curse. In sumpa, the curse is inflicted by a human
being. Moreover, gaba is a curse inflicted by a divine being and it is usually god.
This is inflicted to a person because he/she committed a social sin.
A. god B. beliefs C. curse D. reward

3. Maria was swayed by Mario’s angelic voice in his harana, a traditional form of
courtship wherein men introduce themselves by singing underneath the window at
A. dance B. song C. poem D. story

4. Juana’s grandmother was known for executing kulam, which is a form of black
A. thanksgiving B. witchcraft C. fee D. gift
5. Juan is polite while his brother Pedro is disrespectful. This is the reason
why Juan is liked by everybody.
A. handsome B. ill-mannered C. patient D. respectful

6. Filipinos are fond of celebrations. One of these celebrations is fiesta. It is a

religious event that involves public entertainment and parties.
A. mourning B. celebration C. thanksgiving D. both B & C

7. The groom’s family gives a dowry of Php100, 000 to get his wife’s hand.
A. offering B. gift C. bribery D. threat

8. Utang na loob is a Filipino cultural trait which, when translated literally, means
"a debt of one's inner self." In the study of Filipino psychology, utang na loob is
considered an important "accommodative surface value", along with hiya and
A. a form of ritual B. a sign of community spirit
C. a debt of gratitude D. a sign of betrayal

9. Many people of different culture appreciate the ‘pamamanhikan’ custom when

men ask the parents’ permission first before marrying a woman. Because of this,
they see Filipino men as chivalrous
A. respectful B. fearful C. loyal D. modern

10. After losing the title of the beauty pageant in our barangay fiesta, I was dreary
for weeks.
A. joyless B. happy C. cheerful D. joyful
1. Remarks
J. Assignment Ask students to find a short passage from a local book, article, or story and identify
any words or expressions specific to their culture. Have them practice determining
the meanings using context clues and be prepared to share their findings in the next

Prepared by: Noted by:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Sta. Fe, Borongan City


Teacher III MT – II/Department Head

5 Types of Context Clues

1. Inference
When a reader comes to a word they do not know, they can make an inference (educated guess). This means, the
reader uses prior knowledge and experience and weaves it in with clues the author is providing.

While this is the first context clue in the acronym, I inform students that it is actually the last one we should depend on
since authors will usually try to provide some other support for us in the text (especially in nonfiction text).


My dad drinks a cup of joe every morning to help him wake up. He adds a little cream and half a teaspoon of sugar.
In order to infer that a cup of joe is coffee, a reader would need to know at least one of a few things.

Many adults like to drink coffee in the morning.

People drink coffee to help them wake up or become more alert.
Coffee drinkers sometimes add cream and sugar to their coffee.
2. Definition
This context clue is pretty straightforward. The author either knows that many readers will not know the meaning or
the author wants to make sure the reader knows the meaning of the word because it is important to the text. Authors
mostly use this technique in nonfiction texts.

The definition of the word can be shown in different ways.

One way is having the definition come right after the word with the use of commas or dashes.


The paleontologist, a scientist who studies the remains of living organisms, spent a month at the site.
The paleontologist – a scientist who studies the remains of living organisms – spent a month at the site.
Another way the author can provide the definition is by using an entire sentence that is dedicated to telling the
meaning of the word.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Sta. Fe, Borongan City


Fossils are the preserved remains of plants and animals.

In the examples above, you can see that the author provides the definition for the reader.

3. Example
This context clue takes a little bit of detective work. (At least, that is what I tell my readers.) The author provides an
example (or examples) to help the reader determine the meaning of the word.


The sun, stars, and the moon are celestial bodies.

In the example above, the author provides examples known to the reader to help them understand the term.

4. Antonym
Authors sometimes provide the reader with words that have the opposite meaning of the unknown word.

While not always the case, many times the author will use phrases that will clue the reader that an antonym is coming
such as: however, unlike, in contrast, while...


The industrious server made a lot of money off of tips from his customers while the lazy servers went home with just a
few dollars.
You can see in the example above that the author uses the word lazy as a contrast to the word industrious. This helps
the reader understand the meaning of the word industrious.

5. Synonym
This context clue provides the reader with words that have the same meaning of the unknown word.

The synonym of the word can be shown in a couple of ways.

Sometimes the word can be found as a restated sentence that emphasizes what was previously said.


The new girl was aloof. She seemed uninterested and unsociable.
In the sentence above, the words uninterested and unsociable are synonyms to the word aloof. Since it is likely that the
reader will know the words uninterested and unsociable, the author uses them to define the word aloof.

Other times, the author may include the synonym near the word. In many cases, the word “or” is used.


The new girl was aloof, or unsociable.

This form of incorporating a synonym keeps the writing concise.

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