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Western Mindanao State University

College of Engineering
Geodetic Engineering Department
Normal Rd. Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

Subject Code: ETHICS 101 Date: August 23, 2023

Schedule: WS 7:00-8:30 AM
Name: Mohammad, Fatima-Ayra A.
Section: BSGE 3

Instructions: Individually recall an ethical decision made in the past, and to create a two page
long personal reflection and evaluation on the ethical decision that was made base on the steps of
ethical decision making.

If I recall an ethical decision I have made in the past, it was the situation where I have to
change my toxic attitude. Being insensitive is really not a good one to be friends with, and many
people came to me and savagely said that my personality is sucks and they are tired of
understanding me.

Being a High school student and lives separately with my parents was really hard, and
that was the outcome of my personality because no one was there to guide me to be a good
person. I am so used to be alone and do the things I want to do alone. I am not being friendly that
much, and I only befriended the people I know just to use them in my advantage and it was really
bad. Then one day, while I am being insensitive and only think of my self I didn’t realize I hurt
my friend for being a self centered and being insensitive. I have done something bad,
unintentionally. That affect my old friend emotionally. That situation put me hot spot and for the
first time I was really worried of my action and reflected from it.

It was the worst situation I had because people I know blamed me for hurting my old
friend and stared with anger. I was High school, a grade 8 student. I know nothing and my
parents doesn’t know much about my everyday life. They only know the stories of my life which
I told them and that’s it. In their eyes, I am good being alone. I know how to handle myself. I
don’t share much about my problem to anyone. I only keep everything to myself. But with the
situation I am with. The confrontation of my attitude, I learned a lot.

I learn that being like this or having an attitude like this will put not only me but also
people I know in uncomfortable situation and might hurt them mentally and emotionally. And
my elder cousin also advise me to change my attitude and behavior, not for other people but for
my self also. I should learn how to be open to others and be considerate.

Sometimes in our we need to learn how to accept ourselves and reflected from the actions
we made and correct the things that we can correct and also learn how to forgive our own self
because no one can heal us, only our own self can. The pain I have caused my friend will serve
as a lesson that make me be a better version of myself. And when my old friend forgave me I
thought it as a second chance of our bond. It makes our friendship stronger and I realized that my
friend is really genuine. She stay even if I was the worst person and truly love me for what I am.
Western Mindanao State University
College of Engineering
Geodetic Engineering Department
Normal Rd. Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

That Situation also makes me think and tried to open up from my family, share the stories
they haven’t heard from me, the lies I told them and began telling the truth. They also felt sorry
and accept my flaws. They felt sorry because their absence makes me think and act that way and
they felt bad because I literally only had my self through out the year and never thought I have
been through a lot. Situations I never told them makes me felt the peace within was likes
the weight of things I have kept on my shoulder has finally lift up.

I was still a kid back then when I think through a lot and accepted my flaws and led me to
decide to change my bad attitude into good one. I decided that changing my attitude can help me
in a lot way. Changing your attitude doesn’t mean a bad thing sometimes. It also makes us feel
loved and secured more .

Changing into a better one can is the best decision for me, and after doing that decision I
have be so lively and my life is slowly changing also. My life from the past was really dull but
after that changes it also change. I became more comfortable with people around me, laughing
around and being naughty sometime. I became more adventurous, trying new things and do
things a lot that also help me to improve the things I thought I am not capable to do.

Now, my parents are proud of me, they saw how trying hard I am as a young age trying to
think and act maturely. As much as I can, I try to understand everything but being a kid is really
hard because we can only understand things at a level of experience. Every little thing was really
a big deal. So my parents just let me do my own thing and always reminds me to be confident
and relax, don’t be afraid to make mistake because at some point in our life, those mistakes was
actually lesson to be learn.

Guide Question:

1. Was your decision in the given personal experience “Ethical”

Yes, making decisions was really hard. We choose the option that is best not only for
ourselves but also to others. We always need to weigh down all the options we have to choose
what is the best decision to make.

2. Would you changed your decision after knowing the steps of ethical decision making? Why or
why not?

No, The decision I made that time was really for the best. It was really the best choice not
only for my sake but also for the people around me.

3. What are your insight after knowing the steps of ethical decision making?

After knowing the steps in ethical decision making it was really helpful for me to weigh
down the choices I can make and think deeply the decision I can make. If I ever face the same
Western Mindanao State University
College of Engineering
Geodetic Engineering Department
Normal Rd. Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

situation or worst situation again, I can decide more rational and ethical way. I can try to
understand any sides or point of view, I can be more considerate to others.

4. How will you improve your ethical decision making skills in your next decision?

If I am going to improve my ethical decision making skills, I will follow those steps to
decide more ethical and rational way. I will be considerate to everything as much as I can and try
to understand the complications in the situation I am in. I will weigh down the choices I have and
think more deep before deciding.

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