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Western Mindanao State University

College of Engineering
Geodetic Engineering Department
Normal Rd. Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

Subject Code: ETHICS 101 Date: August 23, 2023

Schedule: WS 7:00-8:30 AM
Name: Ahmad, Rayhana A.
Section: BSGE 3

Instructions: Individually recall an ethical decision made in the past, and to create a two page
long personal reflection and evaluation on the ethical decision that was made base on the steps of
ethical decision making.

Every day we live we make different decisions in life. We often make wrong decisions
and blame ourselves. Sometimes we think our decision is right but it turns out we step on others.
Sometimes we make decisions not for ourselves but for other people. Decision making has a
consequence, whether it's good or bad, let's not let ourselves fall, and if we fall, get up. The
mistakes we have made are not enough to bring ourselves down to earth. The mistake we made is
not enough for others to say you are a bad person because they don't know the story behind the
decision you made.

Let me take you back to a time when things were simpler, and friendships were like
treasure. I had a friend I trusted a lot, but then I heard they were saying mean things about me
when I wasn't around. It felt like a punch in the gut, and I was really mad. So, I decided to get
back at them, thinking it was the right thing to do. But as I look back, I realize I might have
missed a better way to handle things.

Back then, I didn't stop to think if my decision was okay. I was just so angry that revenge
seemed like the best idea. But what if I had known about the steps to make good choices? Maybe
I would have seen that revenge isn't a great solution. Those steps would have helped me think
about what might happen if I did something mean back to my friend.

Learning about these steps made me think differently. It's like having a map to guide you
when you're lost. If I could go back, I'd slow down and think before acting. When we're mad, it's
tough to make good choices. But these steps remind us to think about how our choices affect us
and others. It's like taking a moment to see the bigger picture.

Moving forward, I want to get better at making good choices. I'll try to remember these
steps: first, think about why I'm feeling this way; second, think about different things I could do;
third, think about what might happen because of each choice; fourth, think about how my choice
Western Mindanao State University
College of Engineering
Geodetic Engineering Department
Normal Rd. Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

will affect others; and lastly, choose what feels right and fair. I want to learn from what happened
and make choices that will make things better, even if I'm upset.

In conclusion, the story of my friend's betrayal and my revenge taught me that making
choices isn't always easy. But knowing the steps to make good choices can help us make better
decisions, especially when we're angry. I want to remember these steps so I can make choices
that make me proud, even when things are tough. It's like having a superpower that guides me to
do what's right. There are many ways to improve making the right decision, one here is to make
sure that the impact of our decision is good for everyone. Understanding the problem will also
help us find the right answer. We can also get a second opinion from the elders because they are
the knows better what the right decision is. Above all, let's think first before making a decision.
In other words, let's consider whether it is for the good of everyone, and what will be the effect
of the decision we have chosen.

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