Wccicpis Index

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GENERAL: —The Annual Conferences at Novi Sad and Sofia
Theological Opinion from Erlangen on the Admission of Christians
of Jewish Origin to Office in the German Uvangelical Church
ei sees of the Theological Faculty of the University of
REP OL i s) 6) ya . ATR RS Are MUERTE Sh iat at emir ee tate pept.1933
The New Testament and the Race \ProOpiem!. s).0 8 Siew) ee bow das
Declaration of the Group "Evangelium und Kirche" et the
General Synod of Prussia
_ Lettcr to Reichsbishop Mtlller from the President of the
Universal Christian Couneil for Life and Work... . Oct. 1933
_The Situation of the Churches in Germany ... wh ita NOW 5 OS
Survcy of the League of Nations Assembly of 1933. rsh san MUON: « tO OO
international Christian Work in the East and in thc est Nov. 195%
Poectuav one, Oonrerence Of FeorCuR. % se eile ise tere EO Mie LD
The Christian Church and the Disarmament Geiie cence Dene Cer |54
survey of Church Developments in Germany .... «4. ., Dec. 1953
Interview with Mr. James G. McDonald .. . i a ee ess
—Reply of the Reich Bishop of the German Bvang. Church
to the President of the Universal Christian Council Dec. 1933
The Church and the Problem of State .... P54 CUE
Evangclistic Campaigns in French and Swiss Universitics 1
Christ and \jorld Fricndship Competition... erties 1
A Day of Praycr for the Reunion of the Churches geen 2-6
Oecumenical Relations ... EER Nmeiar Laney e! \a tha scas les 2-6
Occumcnical Spirit in the Salvation ATMY tis is on a ks 2-6
An Important Advance in the Orthodox Church World ; ; 2-6
Reaction of Politics on the Church Life of a Nation. . 2-6
SMG ObANE Wa Ais els le leas. SOw@i eres 2 « 6 ee 2-6
Pee eorbanceAppeak Fh sh Ee) eee) eee He te eh eye bape 7-10
The rcligious orld and Conscicntious Objcctors ... . 7-10
TWewworlad Alijence weccives a Peace Prize . «s+ + «2» 7-10
Summer Confcrence of the /.S.C.F. at La Chataigneraic . 7-10
Pere VACA DLONS Rk) wa Rel whee 8 ew ee ee 7-10
Kagawa PONE eee. 8 ORME Cer aati he. green ga 11-15
a Jewish Voice on the Jewish. ROT te ia ey ga at ae lie 11-13
oe EEG BIS a het a a, a a a 11-13
Peo rvemneoecumenLoCal MeoGtings “woes woah wwe wow os ws 11-13
The Churches and the International Labour Conference . 11-13
DUBAMATMENTSADGGSSCUPLTY ws eee el wee wR Oe as oo 14--18
BiSnuBGtenrCOnTeRence 6 wie. ey ee PONE oan) se 14-18
Christ and ‘jorld Friendship Competition sitet’ see ete a6 t's 19-20
"POU eaaE thORME TO 6 6 8 fee tw le kw 8 ee 19-20
Occumenical Loan ..... Ti Cee ey yao a a ae 21-24
in Intcrnational Theological Course in Geneva ah Lig Wah naps 21-24
A Prayer for Peace among the Nations . 0 ss « ee es 25
International Quaker Confcrencc at Praguc.. . Beas oie 25
Vacation Course of the Intcrnational Committce of Schools
SECO OOb VyUmea phir ie Se ve eee CMe Lae tek dae
Progr3ss in Intcrnational Labour Organisation Sh Na ali 25
An anti-militarist's Repentance .....« . Rifai hie 26
Death of the President of the Occumcnical Youth Commission 27-50
Hecumenical Scminarvati Geneva. wos. ley ewe wow ele 27-30
Summer. Os
CON ETONGmM tint ligw wep MR Gis whieh 2 we 27~-30
Sbucyrcourses of, thes Worla%a YWCA eke eke 27-30
De Ge ine of Youngs Thc OLOgLaNSh Wi (ee ee 27-30
Chairmanship of the Universal Christian Council... . 31-32
The Universal Christian Council, the Yorld Alliancc and
Soviet Russia «. .:. f Pe i a tips Sobre) earniae eT ai bet 31-52
Declaration of Sympathy for the Jv. Church in Austria . 31-32

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INDEX 1933=—1934

Meeting of Faith and Order... ee Net nes Wa eet 31-52

second International Calvinist Comerese we ia uae he Beene itis 31-32
TUVETBACTOnAL CAVIAR ERAS: oy ls) bw ie a ee ior lel 31-32
Documentationy sone eee « ayy ‘4s 535—55.
The Group Movement and the iasene of Nations elec % 33~55
Retreat of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation 36-37
Universal Congress of the International Esperantist
Ci ee RAGE RCC be gece ges tS ea a ae in! oo tae Bolas 36-37
LuthereniWorlanMomventaots Siew ol eigietk 8) Sees : 36-37
Catholic Ex-Séerviier, Menvand) Peace sinuses otis abe. 8 36-37
Christ and World Friendship A shaleiibanah SAMs ee Ga dog 36-37
The Universal Week of Prayer . Pe NEN GE 38~39
A Declaration of the Rights of the “Mother pith as abe Os 38-39
YLCA International School at Geneva ... +... » ; 38-39
Universal Christian Council's Service of Documentation 40-41
imbernpatiionad Consud tative: Grour:) oSrurule Som Bossy 42-43
The International Order of the King.'s Daughters and Sons 42—44
Women's International Disarmament Committee ..... 42-43
Protection, of, Native Work... js... SS CEE 42-45
Conference of Bulgarian and Yugoslavian Youth Leaders 42-43
oe eee Od ove Seas sULUSAOE ~~ 5 5. es 6) e808) 44-45
ARTICLE Pot loms Ene sOnuron end the new Dead sie sos 0 ates 1
International Youth Competition... ‘ : , fe
The Universal Christian Council and the Church Crisis
peo Rogil git Sa ae ae a ee a ee a a Feb.1934
hetorm ofitmewienewe Cte Nate ongtun. CiMiatilwas.s 2 es ri
Industrialisation of Africa and Missionary Work... Feb.1934
Latest Developments in the Church Situation in Germany Feb.1934
Christian Organisations and the League's Social “ork: Feb.1934
Theworthodox, Church’ incthe Balkan Countries ... »'‘* March 1944
Important Events in the latest Developments within the
ree ee Ca Ea Bessa s ie eel at ede. 8 fe ee
women! Pte Loerie 2h oie. Jew, Gia ey ss seh 8's
Ce eis iri. Lil AOL sje Aah ee oh way es
The German Church Situation suai March ah
Geneva Letter: . » . eT ee
The Church and the Probien of State Sa pe a a
(No English Edition of No. 10)
New Developments in the German Church Controversy . .
The international Congress on the Cinema in Education
Important Developments in the German Church Situation
A Message regarding the German Evangelical Church to
the Representatives of the Churches from the Bishop
of Chi chestern(.srkiei. . FEDER Pag? ay eae) CR era bn
An Enquiry into the Opinion of American Clergy .
Oecumenicalvscemimarrrlans < « »« .« . « see WY Nera aa oe Tan
The Protestant Church of Austria under the new Constitution
ostatelessness ... . Na tek 4 , * :
An Important Event in Church Development in Germany :
A Goide. Book. au, 3264. MM ee ach Na vilen ye a y Yew tee ae poe ge
The Outlook for Preaknnte nt ee oe Ri A Oe a
Summary History of the Relations between Soviet Russia
and the League (1919-1934) .... DV eI MSI GPL
Note on the last Session of the havisory Committee on
Traffic in Opium and other dangerous Drugs. .
The Swiss Federation of Protestant Churches... .
International Labour Conference and Christian Opinion
Reports of Assembly of Ad Interim Committee of the I.M.C
and Meetings of the World's Committeeof YMCAs . .
Service through Credit (APIDEP) .... ae aretha ge es
Opinions concerning the possible Entry of Soviet Russia
og ivito. tie League’ oO. Watione.» 2 6. sees 6 8 ee
Page 3 INDEX 1955-1954
Pie DeRose, GNtl ake POroed ab Works oi) ete. so ele ae us en
International Quaker Conference at Prague ...... 30
MODEL OTS Ck. BIO EOLONGO sais) eM Gil ee he el om ls ; aie
The Universal Christian Council and the German Reich
SNL OLn SO WER EMME UM ey len lp'e!,-0 ies MeN bE ie 8 IMR Ee Le ve of
American Refugees . ° . . 33
Survey of the Work of the “xVth Assembly of the League
ofvationg Tea teas s re ty eR) oh) ark ae
Latest Developments in the German Church Situation .
Vhat is the Christian Youth of Europe thinking? ...
Clearing the Fronts in the German Church Controversy
Drees Per ee BO natin Mists whee eg Soe ale Ta oe Cel mah ar ee ee rape
Ave eeCUDLG Lo, sa on ie cus . Pea a Vp eat wate? ie
The Struggle for Unity in the German Dvangelical Church
American Churches saw AN isYara ge an 1 = eae RR
— Developments in the German Church Struggle for Unity .
Tieiroteetantothurcres Of, AUSEYL as oy ee es oleiieeies shoals
or the Legal Construction of the German Evang. Church
APRICA: southern Rhodesian Mission Conference with Dr. Mott
SoMa ULGLon Of gUNAat Oneal’ VYLCA in Cameroon -. .'. 0.4%,
DWLee Mission in South Arrica <>...
AUSTRALIA: Church Union in Australia ° ry . ° ° . ° ° e e ° °

AUSTRIA: Declaration of Sympathy for the Evangelical Church:

Pr TRaeers aloe h. Gi. Obes eet Mona roebhG al 08 0'= eh atlas le
Appeal on Behalf of the Papceetaat SMUTCHEE > a\- "dhe ware
Mercini noe SCA beaders’ Course . . « 6 « #06 8 8 ee
aM aig cy ee oy Aad asia! Sp
8 en a Sc
SE Oe ree see NOO Lr ele ok ig ie e's ee ge ae ws
Seeeeee sent Om Of Churches sp ne eg te tte
ieee ren Cnureh — esr eee pee shies Relate wt Okie eA? me to
Morrison Centenary Celebrations URED 64) 6 Hed «emcee weeds
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: International Quaker Conference at Prague .
ESTONIA Collaboration between Orthodox and Lutherans . ,
PRANCE: Vitality of French Protestantism... . oe
French federation of Societies against Immorality ‘
Protestant Press. . : Bf er gue dt Cae oe ae
National Council of "La Jeune "République" BSG vale s
National Synod of the Reformed Churches ......
Annual Synods . . . e ° . . ° ° e 2 ° e . ° ° . . . °

[International Friendship . . 2°. 6.4 . . e e . e

Harsh Sentence on a Christian Conscientious “Objector °

Museum of the Désert ......-. PMs eee tevane |
Centenary of the "Christian Institutions" sin sl puny etaes
Pleo LY AGLON) APM Min. Deli sthiancs @o¥ <8 ° e s s e
J °


COMMGNUVA bay GP OMMIVA Mess se, we ee ewe ye, ae ee

PPSNCO~LTELIAM YMCA REUNLON «| Sey eh we oe cee le eee eye
Melee fegatewen (ol Paghai. sf SNESeri: ESPe a an, oi ae are ea oer
Towards an Enquiry into the Traffic in Arms . .
» The Churches and Unemployment Relief . . « «© « « « «.-
GERMANY: Evangelical Students in Catholic Associations .. ;
Pie Diam ssakwGlOPastoOns Ad. wie yer 6) ere Fey eye. ere
Disciplinary Action in the German Bvangelical Diticeh :
Strengthening sof Churchitbiteoeewhs te 0 ene pe iene :
The German Church in the Post Var Years in the Struggle
Beat Met PUG RPO cass Lah ois PAS, 8 Le ees teria eee
AeSicnificant upeleeyColehration tow dyed. wi eel eis
At the Turning Point in the German Church Controversy
Page 4 INDEX 19353-1934
RR ee Ce UNE ONGE ts a eter pias.) 6,0 edie p carn: ecm. Nags alee y© hip 38-39
PEUren LANGed Properee dds oe secrete Stila itamare eae va Ng 38-39
Denominational Figures .... ehaatiras is 56) aie a Wa Ge ie 40-41
Oecumenical Attitude in Missionary Work . Ph hd AY ata 44—45
Dee ues MEREOI cite ts es “se Mantle te Bh ea ls RU lata aad gins 44-45
Be tah AeSie tee DT INETYY oe 6 alia eyes sie. Pouae we he, 8) 6 44-45
GREAT BRITAIN: A Significant Meeting at the Mansion House;London 21-24
CE GOs} ian! o Meg cel ben Jb ue) ¥ fuariden ne ube. 31-32
The Salvation Army Unity . Set ae RRNT Ye 38-~39
Unification of Methodist Youth Activities ARES We ae eae 38-39
Par eae ACh Ns i gA niet ia’ hak “6! )s.0) toy tet Win Val) o.lah open em eM fw cb 44-45
eee indian Women vote for Peace o's eel fe wide, lel 1
Pieiiodwniciuae Lim kMiGke i. 6 ss te. white ee PRI a ek ts 7-10
Missionary Society in India and Cooperation Sie Mee are 40-41
LETS ASSig ONtals 3D As a al la DP a DO 44-45
Meee ere TOS LOM LMIOCLGGY) yah e ele uke) oe whe ieee be 44-45
Re ee ea onary CONTeRGN O ). <a ie Cosel Vili al ceitw) ol, ole Lal ele 38-39
EGveL DISTRICT: Church Situation in the Memel District ... 38-39
EN 9RR aA A OR a AO i 44—45
eo Clie LOU SL UUe LON... is «6 is is we tw ote te ewe 44~45
NETHSRLANDS: An Oecumenical Youth Commission ......4.% 7-10
Pirst Oecumenical Congress of The ologians Soe aha an ib ieee, 27-30
Bae Wampaten apainst War +. 5 5 '%.*. 's AM ie PO 36-37
First Oecumenical Conference: of Theologians Dias Sea aha ee t e 36~37
Se eC OR ra t Wael Aine eS Mes ie fe allie ie, 6 ie te te ftw 36-37
eon International Calvinist ‘Congreas %. sls ee 38-39
eee COM UTE Vamos! ea |e? ee) 6 odie ee eee oe 40-41
Pe owr cr NOUN IOM MI SCUBRGO 6 fo os oe 8 wk ke Se la
Pee Rite GALS tlanwASGOCLOGLONGI hi. se ke 8 wg 44-45
mer CONCermning the Liberty of the Press . . 2. + +» 9 » » * 26
Meeruivos The Church of Scotland ‘and Peace . 1... +... y 26
er Perper GAUL SI UNL UGS! ss se 'e ew Se wee 8 ts le ee 11-13
SWITZERLAND: Practical Christianity and Questions of the Day 21-24
Congress of the "Fédération du Christianisme Social": . 27-50
eee tS, OGTR eGOthOP UNS cen eile) ence fens ssiheenis 9 ee 8 53-35
PSGereLie Pelle OUss COCLALASTS 41.6 Vee de 5s 8 ee Ss 36-37
An oecumenical Conference... Seabees Maks, Cn Nay eabatig’ “1S 36-37
ylic4A International School at Geneva DEN RO Ngee er a SEA ee 38-39
Swiss Mission in South Africa. . cara 42-43
Synod of the National Church of the Canton of Vaud ae 42-43
UNITED S?T..TES: The Federal Council and the ‘ieeo of Labour 26
Campaien-Tor better Movies . 6 ee wes ere Bele te) te tt 33 —35
Statistics of religious Bodies ... its sate 36-37
Church Council fights Proposal for Secret Hearings re 38-39
Our poor dying Churches... Bite sy he tetris ta) Seta ie ia 38-39
Episcopal Bishop in Orthodox gren DO Te Leth . 40-41
Motion Picture Campaign .... » A Ce Re ea ere 40-41
Significant Church Views on Calendar RST OCT as tei ton Sey th 40-4]
Disciples of Christ SER De tals ate. Neale, Oe ten oe te 42~—43
U.S.S.R.: din imerican Priest in Moscow . .. «++. «2 « « @ 2-6
1) ‘The "religious" Members of Collective Farms ...... 2-6
, USSR and the League of Nations ~- Two Points of View. . 19-20
Reorganisation of anti-God Movement . .. + ..++.-.a4a 19-20
Ronee al 8. LOVeTEG POMUTCDk ies si ieece callie) bo l6f teh Ss el ew 8 21-24
Strengthening of the Religious Front. . 40-41
activity of the Faithful and Inactivity of the “Godless. 42-43
URUGUAY: Congress of the Evangelical Women's League .... «° 44-45
TO Dut BER 1935
GENERAL: Present Day Quaker Internationalism.... ,
* No.
Pever Wor aie rmee et The
The Buropean Central Office and the ieschot ah: Assyrians {
Report of the World's YWCA on Future Policy |
Conscientious Objectors and Law ... +. + >
International Civil Service in India hi t
1935 Peace” Year” Book™’... . A i OI
World Conference on Church and State haliesten
The numerical Strength of Baptists in all Countries
A World Plebiscite for Peace . . a
The Documentation Service of the Dives ae) Cheick eer,
gS 0s 9paBa aM aeBo Mat Mee Te, ar Re a On ae
International Theological Summer School . . OI
The totalitarian Claim of the State and the prundisda ae:
Conception of Preedom'. .'%. 4 RE,
Further Preparations for the Herve Conference of 1937"
Conscientious Objectors and the Law ... . :
Oecumenical: Youth Commission. .: ow «) 0 0! 0 ots
ou Oot ig GOLA Reg me 6s 2
I, <i ne ee
Oecumenical Seminar .. , a cae :SU
European Central Office for Hiverlniic dh fie
Dicer racine. ry re Here hod fest at ahah oe" at wh es
crigicg Wenge a 24 ngMiro
Op a A dla dal ye le a a a er a
International Pro Deo Commission ..... .
Preparations for World Conference ....
Prayer “eek € Faith and Order Movement
International Student Conference on Missions St
Note concerning International Christian Organisations
See une WP bL an IOUS UY Y ee sas’ os 9’ oh 8
Application of Labour Legislation ..... °

Calendar of Christian Congresses .«. . 2. »« » « « «

Federation of French-speaking Christian sudisiiads
eee Ot Ue Ake weds ee 6s) gee ee 8 ye
Calendar of Christian Conferences. Corrections
international Conference, at Leeds ... . + » . °

Oecumenical Study Conference at Hemmen Castle

Oecumenical Meetings .. . Pte amar ath lr
Oecumenical Conference in the Balan Countries
Conscientious Objectors before the Law... .
Herrnhut Watchwords in many Tongues .... . °

Latin Conference of the World Alliance... . °

World Conference on Faith and Order ... .

An International Group on Hitler's Reichstag Speech
The International Academy of Christian Sociologists
Addition to the Calendar of Christian Congresses
Pagan Tendencies... Pie Ce eet Veh, eT Lake
World's YWCA Executive Horm tee ss a hie
GTI. Saae a
World's YMCA Executive. Committee . . .
« « 2 »
Six Press Communiqués from the International Gourd
of the World Alliance meeting at Chamby (Aug.12-18, 1935)
Telegram: The Italian--Ethiopian Conflict, Aug. a2, i eae
Oecumeni Cal Youwun Conrerence.. . « « » » -.» « « .

Word Conterence on Waten anda Order’ ....48 ¢s

Christians and the Maintenance of Peace ...
IXth Congress of the World's Christian Endeavour Union
Ceo Cay) TOME GCOnPerenee “wl e eee ee .

W.o.C.F. General Committee. .'.°. eae a «iat fag

Central European Office for Inter=Cimath aa
International Missionary Conference for Students .
An urgent appeal . . o « * . ° . . « . . . 6
Page 2 INDEX BOs
GENERAL: First Oecumenical Conference in the Baltic Countries 19-20
BUCe Meee LAO. ee Crm! ONWUP OMG ca al cedia on) oe a we lel 19-20
oR emis it MU e : site ase ils et e wi Se veh a ae ee ky 19-20
Salvation Army ... ET Nee AT id) GRUMPY eA ear ale eg 19-20
International Labour Office a ae ae abe KP aa 19-20
A Universal Religious Youth's Beate bition. 0 e 19-20
IVth International Conference of the Society of Friends Es
VOnSCLUne LOU Ube ChOrecOndwtie Uae «le no wiv eiiegiaceawed << 21
Third Conference of the International Union of Anti-
MiEULbArI Sti. Man evere, AM CLEP EMG sda se als 86's eal
Ae ete Oak aL PEL es UTIOM .. 'e leauhes Po le ievin mee, i bi gs & Mbeuy au: 21
1SS MORSE LAVer ¢Ous SOC wR PCs WW Aw. <9, dae 6 eb ke 21
International Temperance Union .. en 2 ii
Latest Publication of the Research Department of the
Universal Christian Council). jens. Ae ene ray 22
Competiton on "Christ and ‘orld Prickuen: ot ae, ateea tte ne
The Oecumenical Meeting of the Lutheran Academy... .% 22
Social Christian Congress of the Latin Countries .. . oe
For Peace. .-+% Ps Ma en a Rr hha Nat ce pas
Italo-—Lthiopian pantie t. Late ty She Ge REN UE F RR OC OMe ate wie ee ee
Arthur Henderson . SRM te Wate aR Or da Rane ae et rg a>
The Italo~Ethiopian Conflict Merrie) niece tai! eo Set od SH anh 25
Documentation Service of the Universal Ghia than! Couneil 25
ee er UC tend Ge AIC ALN eo ibiat pe! we Ale Keo halme Warmialt's teche Be fe 23
Pee omen
een t ho Wy KCGNTeETENCE: 1 ope scne pe cena hehe te Wate he be 23
Bees pa tpive sGroupe rey, aha. bok. as
The end International Congress of ola Testament Scholars 23
Resolution of the German Evangelical Church of the Danube
Basin .. URC G Ce cea, ek ek ee aw ay eo sie Ge 3
Oecumenical Youth Commission anes He: Mk Wale e) Mas kak ea Wah lie We 24
Universal Week of Prayer (.... SES e Merde Me Lees e a
International Sunday of Religious Liberals SA Mm ales ae 24
World Lutheran Convention... é Aas 24
The International Academy of Christian Sociologists <P 24
The Anglo-Russian Conference .. : as 2
The Principal Resolution of the nerd Horie: Boy eeation 2
ee ee CO airy (ULC ig st ec la e) 6 cele 6 eule ee 8 20
For Readers of Reviews, Newspapers, etc. ... . Ag, 2D
Reconstruction of the Russian Orthodox Church of che
Tee his Bele hee, bs te vel ine Suites Abs Worthen Mele Velie hin, He 25
Plans: aid: for World: Council ‘of humenes SAS 3 ite ian Me, ck 26
Pe eae Ler ae ans and DtRLOplans *< As) e e e rete ee Me 26
POE ra BevoneeteouelVe. COMMITTEE oe) ervecuic pe ees be 27
ee te ABs ole beh Miele joe ie. eee eee ee es 27
RESIS VenCo LOD ao UOURODOTES Oo. tele te fe felt be Tete Tate Ve 7

ARTICLE SERI=ZS: Some Problems of the Russian Church in Diaspora at

The Task jot) thesChurch Today §°.) :« *s MyteaNy 2
The Attitude of the Becaten, suitor of Austria to the
Sta tevPederguron St Pert. PEA oo aia Meo Kets atk 3
Peeat SNOSTICUEE eM DMOTLY Gere Kelte we ra ta hw Me be te fe % 4
Unemployment among Young People... abe icts 3:
The religious Element in President Masaryk's ‘Life Work 6—7
The Problem of the Refugees ail Me ere ol. ee ee ae 8
The Senate Vote on the ‘/Jorld Court. of Wet Haute . 9
Religious Life with the Knowledge of the tiocaa “state
BAUCe GLOW AUVs UTS ARVUSSR. 6 te ve iy ca he He te fe fe 9
The Church and the Race Question in USA . 2 is “© 16 g
Note concerning [fnternational Christian Organisations Bnd
Pie Mun PLUCIS Ch er Ae ete bse ee be ta iw be he 8 10
Gmirchy hate ys: ama CommanTy ere eee de net bebire ve fe os Li
John Mott's seventieth Birthday . . «2 «2 « « 2
INDEX 1935

ARTICLS Jonltioquahyral
§ tLetevbunday inethe, USA, .yee le ls en fede Le
Mmternational Colbaberatianof Youth in USA |. os... i2
VAST UereiuaClmOPPeRU ren and Stabe Noss lec eh a ee ee Set 15
Chamby Conference and Calendar Reform (spec.ed.) Aug.30, 1935
Italian-Dthiopian Conflict (spec. ed.)
orld Alliance for International Friendship .... . 16-19
ans OReumeniealsounday.). 2.) sep ey He Ge F 16-19
Executive Committee of the Universal Guriaddon Gonneal 16-19
The Oecumenical Seminar in Geneva .. WAR faa. 16-19
The League Assembly - A Contest of Creeds. Saad erated a)= Haire 20-21
A Remarkable League of Nations Achievement. The Pro-
¥Vection of the Assyrian Christiansof Iraq,... .,s..:3 22-253
foo teeevanenneesian Orthodox Church.» sive. ele ye es 24
Reporen-ywadeaNidatonery Oudleok -..5. eee lel el ey yey 25-26
Sheypvnuvenser Ligland sand social Problems .. 9.03.0) .,. 27
AFRICA: An Important DARNOR mee erSee Ge ee en oe es het a ecw al 9g
Bacewne LAGPoOnbd 2 ei tel Sixes Sie Ab ey gem 10
The Use of Films for religious Propaganda Bes hk wtia fhe ome 43
eee wee Vice HO alo eT ee a ee ee a ee o=%
Serer Toolese LOL VIC ONOS |p ise ie era ie eR ha es 14
WUDTaLAS. Keligious Conversion Movement .... 2, se. ee. 6.6, % 08 8
Bi echvaratonsyctebistice:<prgh934 .. se. es eve. ey Bae 10
Teams Jork in Austria «2 1% A . wh ake: 13
The Svangelical Clergy and the "Patriotic. Front" “ok pet ee
BALTIC COUNTRIZS: Sunday School Vork in Estonia and Latvia . 14
First Oecumenical Conference in the Baltic Countries . 19-20
BELGIUM: «Belgian Missionary Church .. 6 « see 6 6 e's % @ 19-20
DA eT EOC VeMPOUL SALTON, oh ei sk wi eh ences ey e ey ee gly ii
Meise ce Oveoualiy KEQETAULON s . ec se fw 8 8 we ee 1
CANADA: Evangelism Campaign opens in Montreal 6
ree Tere PO ENBOR ie 6. 5,6, +, ou aye 8 lec ey eye el ene 's 8
ereCMe titer POLL
UL CO sig. ge ee 88 eee ee 8 we 14
CHINA: The Present Situation. Conference on Chureh Unity . . 9
POM GGemen nee won G6 Meh bien le. ee ey eo or iey 8 9
Peer meen OAS 4 oy eg ene y 82) #4 8 des he ek wey Ode Pi
peaeveas ‘ancrCnurcheUnity Groups) Cheyeie. es, shy See rae
SELNeseviigmno tunes Cobian Oath eGsora laltwit +. 6, « 25
DUTCH GUIANA: end Centenary of the lloravian Mission ... . Ee
Peer: De RomareavlerServyicGyine Cairo) Sewhk soe ee ye ee es “a
PINLAND: Close Church Relations with England . .°. . . «ss a)

FRANCE: Christian Conscientious Objectors . -

Church of the Augsburgian Confession in hicanccumeenane 7
Unity among Christian Revolutionaries ........ h
Church Aid for Strikers ° ° e . e a . e ° ° . . : 2-4

Consecration of an Orthodox) Bishop si6rads - are 4

Petition from the ‘Jorld Alliance to the French Government 5
Broadcast Addresses .. Pn ia oid, ads dA Mien bly: 8 Sea aes 6
Towards Fusion of Churches eins Recs ai ¢ pang $hkon A 6
Further Condemnation of a Refractory Christian ASE Ra 7
Prencne Protestants Peteravua One yey sl wre eh ee eel te aes 8
Poresec Plebiseige planned,» <6. +, 0. oh by e e ey eel ee 9
Home iiissions .... . Oo US Se ease? Re Rey ohare ee we g
"Days for Religious and Social Stud ee yi ste se, whey 10
Concerning the Lectures at Notre-Dame ....+ .: 5 14
Sat Sha CoS OL ee TORE SLA NEON .o8. e bole Gi wih Teas 2) s,s 12
Familyotllowancesator Pasitorayy (iar all @nseoeo em «6. e 2
OR eerCe iat Page yi. 6) 6.) eh ele va ie Od
RECO CLM Diy PeeMOM FPESLOGnh yo ianie ial: fait. ;
ASRS tycreerty ROM eG oe oe a acy Pp a OF aku ll OSA eR RonA Ve nee
Baptist Congress . * e . .* . « * * e . * ° . a ° ° e a

Protestant University Group for Freedom of Conscience

AV UMM Ett One Cmee LOUR OD ISC HOM er et hel ere me we e/a
TUS) MeGROAL8h SSyROd Fa ee Me et es ea ihe
Synod of the National Union of Reformed Cheanen
Synod of the National Union of Reformed Churches .
Congress of the Blue Cross. .... ah ee Rie Ce
Proceedings of the Assembly of French Protestantism at
Bebeis cubed Be TEA ey es Re OS a ee a a eee an ee e n Ue
eer RE TE PLIES POUND ee ak cae e l oe al ue aah ah eee
PECuse aed BOLUM ECE DOIN UPE GOS Wer beh Ga eh oat ct eh let lat oe ah
Ghurcivvnwon': Osu. : Pe ce" Pt a, Wee er dr Ske’
Protestant Church federation of France Getic aeh tah say) pew) teal
GERMANY: Home for Theological Students from Abroad .... .
Rt eee ON GE, VIELE BE y Stim oye |fs,oe ew eel a
PURER TIE SR aire tah) aE LM Astate a ia GN ra ah) gi an
Pe Oe Ae GLO SUMMIT MMOS LON sles do 8 wre 8 ea he
Ree eee COEON Teh ne dee eee ae 8g eee ea A
ei i ee NEL Binek taMetvadne Uae ik Poly hal Few 60) ee vee) oe ey ie
Aeuectuire DY IPLEROP MATA ENS oat ere, kim yesyie ye oie) ae °
Petey Hee Let eG aise COL LC fe. an sale we te eee
Stabilisation of.Baster .. . pe Arann Fated) ag ie saee ance
Collaboration between Pret ua) iovesones SPN doth e d
An Appeal from the Confessional Synod... .
A Declaration by the Provincial Synod of the Rheinland
Significant Utterances in the German Church Struggle .
ee PaO DeCI eK Fe Ne (ells 4k wk ee eee Bm 8S
wus tant Missi Onary Conference 2. 2) sw eee & &.
ra OTI Re ee ie, wien bie Hauiye Ne sadine, ee 8 8 e
eee eV ILOU ds hs se eth oe) ey fee Wes ee eee 8 |
A mew Press Regulation ... : Rhee) tatntG
Great Demonstration of the German Waith Movement swine
The Evangelical Federation . og TRAP wht Kes! ly hw
The Matthias Fellowship of German Gatholics SWUM esis
Phe VOneOrtLOtoae eed Marriage” . 2 sis 6 6 «© wee
ok at Mh eee ee
student Work of the Confessional Church .....
Reich Synod of the German Confessional Church. .
The Rising Generation in the Church... . ;
PLO AGO eu uncale AD GEYMaAny lee es el ee oe
The Result of the Confessional Synod .. +. +... -.
German Government favours Calendar Reform ...... %
Pacer Te eNGlem enOrOad 6 kes ew eke lee el es 8 ws
Alnthéran Assembly .« .-.«. .
General Regulations for Confessioral Youth Associations :
General Regulations for the Church Press ... +. +4 «4%
Law Court for the .Bvangelical Church ... 4 6 © © + #6
Meeting of the Evangelical Social Congress ...
The Gustav-Adolf Association in Munich .......
German Protestant Week .. . PT a at kere
Aims and Methods of the High Church Union ME PU VENT hove hava
Cee COSA eC e e OE ksh Ge 6 8 el pe ee ee Re
The Struggle over Christian Education ....+5 s.. 3%
CAVMO ue e PS BAGUIO aels 4 -¢ oe 8 eee 6 ew ee 8k
Seminar for Home Mission .. . ‘ manana
The Zxhortation of the Reich acne éAmeactoe ‘ a bokbe
First Synod of the Confessional Church of Saxony. miei?
Decisions regarding Execution of Reich Civil Law «. .
Bavarian Decisions on Lutheran Church Confessions . .
Page 5 JNDES igo?

GSRLANY Cited Dee VeLeaat Ore ey. Pe OR eV SR eI oe Novuetc ¢

PempauereemouUnte vs Bea. OS NTN Oe ee RE ey oe 24
LOO LOmewmemioe SP LTs AUR RDI 6 ie eke 6) 8 le og oe 27
GREAT Phir eeeeeeue, ChureheComerress tale bekle:('s. a. je cay as i
Rae Meee ELA GC OE Stee ag Cas be ty hb) ds la ge a, 1
NeW LeaCCRerOUD, COLMNUULEN os ele eth el ee O-5
ee a OL ar wl ae)” wld wks hie te) wetwe nah. 4
RUet ee ORG rome ay. OL Ks os. 6 hel eee ea ge cea wt wl 4
SOUT Onereyen UNCMPOTCEMS, + + © sv 6 wl eres we 4.
Fara or eee OLe NUNS ee Sees Gs vl SO SOS SW 4
The: Primate’ on:Peace .%. . Na OO ae ae ad oY Oe aR | 4
Unemployment and the Church Poe Fain easNie mae tyne hae Mah WPL ap 4
Pieri ee ota AP oe tae “bO. CUE BEBE. aes ei 8 le ese lee 5
Peengenr porouen the Cmurcncg "ss s,s 66 a a ethene 5
Aupnoyt Report «.. . : : Se ena ay ee A 6
A Foreign Office for the Charches ear wie 6
Pee ie Ss Gor Chure ly SESGLVAL (6 eee le eels. 6
Pei Os Wee CA GIO LES) ele 4 lw tel ee ue Ue ele 6
Birmingham Student Missionary Campaign . .. . +... -. 6
Arms Commission Baa a Ge ah aH le Lora aw seh Se 8
orld-wide Witness .. . PRs ei dae. Vas a ee ie Worms! TE 9
Broadcast Services from St. Poult s Ban er a h well Rr te ie e e 9
The Social ielfare Department of the Wethodd at Church
Sele GAT MOMETIGE. «ec «cle (8, ele eee kn ant ve Lo
Phen rivendssofvReunione.a.s 6 cei py g eS ant RY
The Christian Spirit in Economic Life ee vale eat. ees 10
Christian Messages to the Commission on the Fabrication
Manon PALO) LR ALMG s+ 6. MoE Re ere pee sai iz
Protest of the Fellowship of Reconciliation against
Rearmament . Ao irs Ee ic E DM , TES rh iya enim ae 5 Aes 11
Is angland still Christian 2 a he ae : ay oo Ie
Veék of Prayer for the Russian Orthodox Church ae ee ia ay,
The Bible Gee Ee Nw Mei elie jel e Ww lee ee we 13
eee eae Oe ver mibeet, Ge OEM E eee a RE Le
The Durham Conference .. Tian we ee whos SR Wd ao 19
The United Society of Christian 1b8Areal” ih e's a ene Ele ae Les
Peer meen ear MaAmem us 5 6 ela <6 se oe 8. 8 Ble LS
An Appeal to Christians =... . ogee ° as ae)
The menacing 53ffects of the new Paganism a i Germany : 14
Social Reorganisation as seen by Christians .... . 14
Archbishop of Canterbury and the Reformation ..... ae
ee ee oe Ce) a) he) fe fel vie cal pte e, wile. L5
THe Per ee emt UueOLe ne ra gL ON... 5. e's phim Qe Rica. Fete Beas tses a *
The Church Union Housing Association Skee eae ty RewAde he LS
GM DANE Soy hth bates lek oe phlei: ait a-Si Taine an cee ane me nr a is
Die 2 ee EEE Ts i's ia ee) ee Ae ee ee 16
ere ee OC LD 6 a gue at eel 6s oe Se ele oe 16
The Cromer Convention .. . “Geer er REY San 16
fhe Christian \iay of Life in Thteraael onst Relationships 19-20
POG PYEDGte Sa MODeR i lakes eh 19~—20
The Union of Christendon. An lo-Catholic International
ebay okGohaiypee pag OP oR me ed eS 19-20
Aime. CONTeretice Oiethe griends of HeunioOn . «ss. i 19-20
pocial Study for Theological Students .. . ... « « » © 19-20
He COUT OL DeCLALevLLey + ° . 5 al ON el
Relations of the Free Churches with ae payaraad
Churches. of the Vontinent jo. . : aie 21
Gatherings of the Federal Council of Free Churches Ca ps 22
Three: YooraPlangier@a Migsion to the People. « 1. « « 24,
British Church Leaders on the Present ‘orld Situation o-
Bre CMU ro End -OUOLeOy: alia tec pay 8! ie) my a ile he ees 22
Ree CMO rae Ss PLCCRE set glee a) at bel os) 6 eh se tek aye, #0 24
Page 6 INDEX 1935
GREAT BRITAIN: Archbishop Dr. Temple on “Christians and Force" 24
The Oecumenical Task of the Chureh of England .... : 25
Rees pers wenry Ate ke ON AODRE hie) Sule Ckiiee se “ence lel aoye. Galle 2”
Methodism <°.-. POA AGERE ROGER W216) \abies heen yvay Ls 20
The Church and the! League ROR a eo, PR See te ae Sd pe 26
Lae Needvor Chrvegsene bviGence sages ih. VU STRR Ea Zils eT
MPSS OEE Teg oaaa ea) ae: DE ee a ke Ra eae
Deere Wmt Oe PCR RADON id pace we) eo gp MER re le He
HUNGARY: Cecumenical Meeting. . ’ “eat ta OMI geo ay top to l TS 14
The Claims of the Church In Press and Wireless ... : 14
Segre ie Une ar er DemOUr WBMD se ve owe sea wie Bk 16
Ae Or ee Ue ie OUR ie 16 alee we feiss. wep a dee 8s cio
INDIA Peer ae One AGIA Mervoe in TNdt a aly ec) hess 2-3
Pie eete eC OTASULAD. PONT OTENCE Wis eudea ee 6 we ele hk ‘4
eine eC Wee eld ealiegsh eg.) ¥ 1,8 Fk ns ab geile ey es ta 7
REG OEAGEN Se ERR Mian hha Teaa BS - OR ees a a a e nS 8
a a re 9
PN OBS MORE POMC ecuie dite Gol! ws we iean ee. She te ame ee
south India Joint Committee on Union SSM ohare akhas oat teM eet 16
See cuted bor OLMAeNCMUPrC he, i ke). xe le oe ete nl Se 25
Temperance iWork in the South India United Church .. . he
Ihe Syrian Rapprochement Association, Madras .... 26
Devolution an the’ Bengal) Paptiet Mission * 20%) otc. je a, 26
Beene onsti butzon. of avsynodal, Church. vay oe! 0) erie ges ee 1
memes) Aosocia tions’ and Churches = +. © « « je je «1 “© te te 8
Episcopal MOU OPE OEY! | Mal ae Se ted Mortnn LO LEE ee ve Le
EERE: 6Mee 6 Ue) Ot ae a a a a ae a Shin eae ee 21
Christmas Restrictions among Episcopal Methodists ate at ef
> meta. tOnat: Cnristian COunCiL « «6 2 6's 2 6 wie Ss ee 2-3
ReaWanening OL AnCreny KHELUBVONS 9. «+. ee tee te fee 4
Pee eoevinen Ss Draven ror Onur CM UNUON a be! ee ce 8 oe oe 8 12
Christians send Message of Goodwill . . 9. «. 6 6 © © « 13
Perr Maes) Oar LeS “LOT ME GEGEN Bei Oe ars 4 15
PO OC GS 6 IPO TCTLG (645 Ke We va Va He te hei Ne a fe 8a Ye he oe 4 ag
fieLege sero vestants peainst Protest... . . « « 6 «+ «© © e« «© « » 8
NEAR BAST: Sui mer School of Theological and Religious Education 2-3
NETHERLANDS: The World Alliance for International Friendship 2—3
Pie waite ety ee koT FelOe . 4) 6 8 eee ee ee 2-5
Pee eee PT ge v0 > ine bagel ee eee we le, 8 2-3
The Order of the Faithful Witnesses of Christ ..... 5
DGGUME MT OAL YoutiiecOmeerence 1 6 t 6 8 6 ete ew ee 8 s)
Duten COoMmitieg Dor Waith and Order . «6 s + 8 «© «8 « & s)
AiG PO CAMB CTL ADOT Oe LEGS + 6 «6 6 se wel me ele 8 +d:
Oecumenical Youth Conference ....- aie tine '6 Ae aot inet tial
Oecumcnical Study Conference at Hemmen Castle . «i. 8 « 3
Walch em Fel RS He [61clos Se pi a a a DS
hom Bbeleien Cansesentiouse Objectors . =... « pe 6 a es 14
SBLECe .Qnd eCnUPOns oo el Maat tens Wis Wine Pettis Ma ate Ogle! ole cS
Labour Camps for Unemployed TORRE RRR PPC” CA epee an date
Aiea NblLiteriaste sand eeGaCS os 4s 8 et he ke 19-20
Second Oecumenical Conference of Theologians .... =. 22
The Queen, .the Psychiatrists and War . . « e « « s «+ « ihe)
Christian Association of the Netherlands for Radiodiffusion 26
Message of the National Council of the World Alliance . ar
NE‘; GUIANA: Missions and Wireless . 1. «2's « + e ee e es 19=20
NORVAY: A Union of Christian Listeners . . Rube Pasi Ateas se 14
~The Conference of Bishops and the War Problem A hy eer | At
Page 7 INDEX 1925
Peigicr ihenot A Ohristian Moslem Feace Plan «so 0% 14
epee ee ne eee Wan Se ge) tatters Katie he Cael 19-20
POLAND: The Council of Evangelical Churches ...... 6
ork Chugch ULV ey Pes it Re er 2) 2 Saris i
Tenth Synod of the Slav Federation of Evangelical Christians 23
Toa POnMasveon, Of a *unurcn ot “Cnri ap 9. 759 F Smee e=3
NOPE WOG TOR PEEG ES & et Ree ee ik RB tere: es 8

Sen tie Bein. 6.07 Phang. 4+ wes oe ee ee. ee ae 1

A Blow to Protestant Liberty Ne Oe ae a ae Cree Sar 19-20
Siew mnOCLeL yy Oty. Cnet te »CPOSE ns wiih ay. oe A> (ule ers 21;
ep ee VGN CLO Gets Mi ws eR bid ck dace athena « ee
yi EDEN: Oecumenical Discussion Conference at Sigtuna. .:
pwead@sen Bishops* Conrerence /on* Abortion « << fs ¢ 8 .
one (General Church Day of POS5 o ". eo8s *. Gata he ia hs
Committee for Christian eye nheh Criticism NO Lae vier
"An Oecumenical Gesture" .. POM Ce ot ee i a aoe
Peace Demonstration in Stockholm Slew tae eee eons
Peele DOOTAL CORT Sti anity) wus ye 5 3 ee tle 8
BEBQS LOUNdEY v.60 bs 4s tO DE ere meee te ae ae ee
Federation of Druateata de OPENS ep Wate oe ee) EO RO a
Christian Social Federation of French Switzerland
Church BIN ba OE) sw are TN R A Re wine Pudi ao chalga Wal ol
The Evangelical Churches ‘im, Switzerland. A Historical
DULVey .%% : PMR EN Gah at hath ae ek ot |. s'8) ie Sow | ie
The thraveeiiee) Churches in Switzerland (continued)
De CW AN OUAGG fel 5 6 ee 8, ke 8 8 we
USRAINE: Ukrainian Evangelical Movement in Galicia... ral*
Meet we hos ee CNUren and State, Relations .‘. « « « « «
American Churches meet in Biennial Council .. .
PaGeeReIRGLONS BUNCE OY \. <2 6 2 8 8 8 ss Ase
The new Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church in USA
eee eTOCs) a ee es ps ek ee ee 6 8 wf
UES SEE TAN) one)eV0,6kd oO SS a a a en a a
Joint Oecumenical Manifestation . . . +. «.«.+ + st « » aes

the Chailenge to Protestantism . « « « » © »« « 3

Rights of Agricultural Labourers .....
Lutherans Take Stand Against War . = 5 2 © « 8 6
ee eC et Ce ee ech: wee ie ie | ee lw oe oe teh >
Keeping Track of the Munition Makers ... Weare te
Catholic, Protestant and Jewish Collaboration Fe Sit
American—Japanese Relations . . 2+ « « © «© «© « + e« +.
Loans for Church’ Improvements .. . « « + « e © « «
Anti-Lynching Mass Meeting ... ae Vetiate tale a Doses RP
In Support of Child Labour Renamer e. e drt See ee
Protest against naval Manoeuvres ...+ +++ es
RECONB CO Re Ol pees) 8 tb. ele ew ac Sip yer a! ee
Wat ‘Can CNristianeecorror FOace?'~. 6a we ee Ow eve
Peace Prize for the League of Nations . . ‘
Results of Protest of the Churches against “naval “Mano “2
w Uvres
fee A A Nd ogoT fC ih oo Vag al > |:st: rc er ee
Churches, Synagogues and naval Manoeuvres .. . ;
Pile COW Or Swe ORC Geeta se ee! wile el ge om, els
Phe GMUrch.enG Wace whe achOne es el ew eee ee
American hiissionaries for Peace ... S) UE) i's. ge
Unusual Service held at North Platte, top. inlet se 4
Proposal for Commemoration of Peace Heroes .....
Federal Council and. Peace Plebiscite « . +. « « « « «
Pag 8 INDEX cS Bebe)

UNITED STATES; Next Steps for better Films ° Noe: 16

Conference on Social Action and Education . 16

Labour Sunday Message . . ° : : e 19-20

Continuing Hducation for the Ministers in Town and Country 19-20
National Committee for Religious and Welfare Recovery 19-20
Presbyterian Churches launch ‘ill-writing Campaign 19-20
Nation-wide Turn-out expected for Bee aie) ri oO
Real Unity in religious Press . . 24
Rockefeller Church Gifts to be shared by “all “Churches : 25
Clarity sought on Status of Conscientious Objectors 26
American Co-operating Committee to International Convention
will send Letter to every Priest 26
Defining Task and Message of the American Student
Cees VEO eOVEMCNU Ys a ce ewe
A Message on Peace and War .... -
Day of Fellowship and Prayer... »% . e

Statement against racial Discrimination in Germany .

lew Type of Theological Training’. . ° e .

Femeetice Day Used for ‘Peace’™ .0'.°. . . . .

Mobilising Opposition to Lotteries °.

More Vital Ministry to Prisoners ..
-R.: Declaration on the Famine in Russia (annexe to No. 2.3)
Bolshevist Thought and Religion. .
heemurch Papa invpovyiet Ruseaia . .. »
Ren AOE s CF ks ow es we
an Important Decision. . .
Resolution of the Recent Godless Meeting
Relicf Activity for the Sufferings in the USS
The Metropolitan Peter Krutizki... .

Aeaietence tor the Doukoborg. . . + e .

* *

* %

GeobaAuer gone Way Gf \Peg@e 1.6.5 8 8 PN AME a Haber ReMes Nee Te Ae No. fe
Death of the Oecumenical Patriarch Re sienna, Meal <a dolla hamn ya Ry 1
Bitth Bumnopean Conference of Theologians ..'.«. seu ,+.% 1
Paes Onli wie cLONeRULleDiIgna) es Sowee deed eee oe ee 1
PMeLVEGest GocpelcNanuserLote ! ower ie semholal sue tlhe 1
SeehOvenee Sods yorenve raion oe Shwe reewe LRT BES ls 2
Successor to late, Qecumenical Patriarch. «. . 2 «.. % 2
dimgitcan (service in Orthodox Cathedral in Paris ..... 2
PUrOReete Ne OLOs Cee eCONnTerence (eye yee pad Vey ays pay) :
The International Priests' Convenaton ei ariel, «tom ters 2
The Chureh Unity Octave . A fol Wk Be ae Nay DearS 2
Pastoral Work at ithe 1936 yar Games TROT ee RaRePe oA? fae 3
Thersbentists inthe Worldeinmvd9s5<r.ce 3% . 6 ‘61
An International Church Committee for Aida to Refugees 4
te eer lees, Mandate’ to Governments 9.3 se egies ee oa 4
For Mutual Understanding between the Churches v8 5
Teyreceee om. Every (Creed. : ai eaten 5
The Problem of an International Legal Order crak See is
International Federation for Aid to Young Women ..%. i
League of Nations Union - World Youth Congress 5
The Churches Concern in the Present International Srreis 6
Seventh Plenary Meeting of the International Protestant
Deeeue Bis SRC eho Rh EO tad ae tad, Oe
"Household Employment" Pe Fa alt a e es wh my em OF
mereuciaceal “Seminarcin) Geneva avast al ewe Biwrle «8 bee
a ee MR ESE bee i iia: Cucgos sh yk Oe han a a a a
ee MOROCCO RI Om ae © 4 2, boy has epee ee Hye ens
Peweeeepen ror Ow ents ss. oe be ee eee ee 8
Pemensen Viurehiand dnglieancgOrderde.io wt. lalavaters |
Pe Tenecer wor. a Conterence. Hand book, «item si amsine @h ei act’
Dereon reOnat tt OnerWOdayhad: MistGys cee sw he ek eh eS
Calvinist Congress of Theology oe e he a ee
International Federation for Home Missions and Christian
Secrest sWovwiw vers. Ms , a ENS CRO a NP Seats ered
The Church at the Olympic Games Oh eke eva ele ye mh eb me
Peso r Rene a torre, ee ee
el i is me there im, ofwiwie ~¢
Pee OP enSGe Ne lUENSPON Sy whys «lee Sew aa sw! els ;
rhea, eee ed MG OCI gee ie len ee Wy le ee eg hy ete
PreMmcheenvendnineiacaniChurencse i ae cede eeerane sys
POU Garb Or peeCh ON tae We 5 yw! ae Ss BO we eh 2 ed ol apwh ds
VOL ts Brower nOorm ere noraGiones } a S668 Pe vie l ewe ey eo, HH
Committee of Representatives of the International
student, Organisations) ..aiiecsu% « rine 10
Free TIhninkers' International and the Sadi coa Motonuauike 10
The, Campaden ageinee SacohOlismeosewcs we Shaye thge se + 10
World Conference on Faith and Order ... ae 12-14
The Meeting of the International Missionary. Council 12-14
The Need: for a National Church... . siitigis wht Ge rs. *S 12-14
Two Important Conferences (special edition). OE Se eee 12-14
Oecumenical Seminar in Geneva (special edition) ... 12-14
Peo: arte Coie peaee Oe Pes, tia he SOREL eTaASs.s. > 15
Pemarens COT SER DOORs SYS tRewe Geel Awl BEA SCR Ste laws 2
Oecumenical Youth Work... . si atatuns Sea ras 3 15
Oecumenical Study Meeting for Workers. among “Boys and
Girig an) Secondaryvoncnnoleqiet. (som Sha Foss ote 8 Ls
Premsipte i i “Cabri e ji ee eye : is ye a5
The Italian-Ethiopian Conflict. felegram ag tie eterna i)
Christian Council.
Q = 9 8 o Sef
The Present World Situation
Call for a New World Conference
Page 2 INDEX

GENERAL: The World Alliance and the Rassemblement Universel

Seaplane We ee RA EET oe ew cle alee |Gd re otek 6h WO
DOUUmCu MCA MOGtapiCg? APA LASER, A ee ot (ot ae whe ‘
2 DonrOs hoe Geni.
Ce ame ama ii2 a. Gi STATS ae et, :
World Conterenceion (Waith and Order wie aw « wee we
Public Opinion speaks to Spain (special edition) ..
An Appeal for a New World Conference (special edition)
The Oxford World Conference of Churches 1937 ....
Leaders' Conference of the Youth Commission .....
Tua Pata Cara PeWk ea Nae Ack ata, Gist nl CO CRIED. gx an) ov on) oe on!
PCa Muir y een I, Th TA Le. CATR) oa ak
Special Maritime Session of the International Labour:
CERT OD AR ce OPUOR ORION | ge ae ut) obi e an aH e ah ASS
The Armenian Church .... . Re ar ae
Meeting of the European Central Office for Inter-Church Aid
World Exhibition in Rome of the Catholic Press .:z .
IT Ra ood theEid @ 10 ag oe ae i ae e e ee ro OY A
Preparations in America for the Oxford Conference (spec.ed.)
re Me te ee Ue LC elie ey wwe 8 bey eee ee 2
i etic 9 OIL ta, Seca us meg a) age oles ee a u
ee eek SEO NIE ee ae ee th ade ge! ile 8, ve me
ee ae eM LD sl ee wae ° <Nine : ey
Oxford Conference — Participation by the Orthodox bale
Car cnpe iene dialeteict orn) Uri, i) ok we gu et er ot bee
Protestant World Federation and the Oecumenical ‘
Movement (special edition). . se Saino
World Meeting for Rural Work (special edition) Seog
AGolt Deissmann's Seventiethm Birthday wii. ow ew we a 8
emer eeGs COD) MOR) RXIRMI TICE ok) wy cy ow Sy 0h oh eh eh 0d oe be eho
Prnneman Worlds PONG 4s. ey os ae ee st eee pakeeg
Preparations within the French Protestant Federation
for the World Conference of Churches (spec. edition)
Preparations in the United States
The Responsibility of the Churches for the World
Conferences) 6101947" (spec... edition) © of ci’ ee ee
Youth Conference in Budapest .. a a eae ne ne
World Missionary Conference of 1938 HN Lente ectiai i s. cre
International Congress of Religious Liberals, Oxford 1937
Conduct of the War in Spain. Church Leaders' Appeal
On OCG Oe ea ee 8] PCat Ueda) as Baal ica oe tei ce
The Second International Christian School Congress.
Preparations for the Oxford Conference in the German
Evangelical Church (special edition) ....+545.-.
Universal Weeki ot Prayervance) sels Sue DRG o.oo ono
The World's Sunday School Association ..... .
Conference of Central Authorities in Eastern Countries
Preparations for the Oxford Conference within the
Churches of Holland (special edition) ......

Mert panto: A NO wn COlLOoMial Problems «+. « 5% «6 »

Pee UneCae reer On aia ie ok eeebs ee Re) eee
Faith and Order har . a eae er a bee ar eae
The Protection of Freedom of Faith and Conscience. .
Survey on the Activity of the World Alliance in the -
Balkans . we mene Fabio! i aver ce i MM te oe
International Youth Conference for Peace, Brussels
The Population Question in Sweden from the Point of View
ef Social Ethics... . bas ee eee
The Y.M.C.A. eee ee to Social Problens SPS (liso tas vasa
Youth Commission .. seata * © aee
On Pe
The Falling Birthrate's Threat “to the Peoples of rope fooOwowon7*
Page 3 INDEX 1936
ARTICLE SERIES: International Protestant Loan Association Nowe, 10
ihe Ral lecioqus’ Policy of Armaments: oo. ou eas ah ot boos ah
The Luther Academy at Sondershausen ...... + 2% ae
Northern Oecumenical Conference at Ss Uri. bg) VO a La
A Suggested Way out of she Crisis . . . . 6% : ; 12-14
International Civil Service. .... Sota ao . 12-14
World Lutheranism e . e « .« . e e e e. e e e e 1L2—14
The Problem of Christian Pacivism ° be pt an Wh, AD GR cae ve L5
The Present Church Situation in Germany ....... 16-17
A United Children's Service at Yokohama .. ay e ie 16-17
Preparatory Work begun on New Religious Census oa ES ie 16-17
intenneteOral Teinperanve Union 8S) ee ee el le ee 18-19
Teev Protestant WorldmPederation «\.< .) 01 et.et olen le! oe wb 20
The Reform of the League . . . ry . . . « . . . e e . ° 21-24
Neinoner ‘Ammundsenss econ! .ealeng 4 sit os 21-24
ew Oe Ure nouior CMe s: Qekieey RAE oe os. oe et “ca cs beak ig 25
PPA Pome CMaArmens ers 4hkih Nee tie mek Goat og l 25
APRICA: Heathen Witch Doctors require Permits ....... #
POW r OS UNITY. oe ei eis ° Pl UPR ESR go" 8
The new South African Christian Council st Mal olga Emer e Lo
Unity on the Mission Fields in South Africa ..:i:4: 19
Little known ik cay ° ° . e . ° . ° . e e ° € . ° ’ s 2

Dumetine Tne lutheran’ Churches endiUnion .. 2. «: ee) oe! eye 15

Penn: ‘Mission Wireless Service®... oi oe) che ee ee ws 20
ScoLeree Met L ey se Ghee ils Re GR go Wad La eee MOOT OI en's eu
ae? The Situation of the Evangelical Church ..... 4
EE Od Pe CIO ie cing Gh bi sss fe es. gc eb, tes 4
teiling Figures .» . ROT e d oh it pia ae weep Te ! ow eg 8
The Evangelical Church Situation ae et OEP ny ran
Pastoral Letter to the Gener tee Communities ales isthe LD
Christian Collaboration .. AREA TREE Shiy OTE re TA ae 19
Superintendent Heinzelmann's Pastoral BIW We LaPeer wt 23
Pee eres Ce Om. (GAO NACLONS 61. 6 8 6 si ole 6 8 ep 24-25
ee ere Oi
Ck Cal tl DOKUE fo) wi 0d es) we 0h Ss ced wy ee 06 ee ad eee 11
BRAZIL: Brazilian Protestantism takes Stock ........ rad
BULGARIA: Church Peace: Message... tee ok et oh ee er we i 2
The Church and Peace .% . 5 «+ %\s Len 2S ae ae ae fi
World Alliance for International Friendship Activity . . 20
CANADA: Church Union ° . * * >. @ ° ° . ° ° ° * ° . . ° . 5

Canadian Churches open Evangelistic Campaign .... =. 23

CEYLON: Evangelistic’ Week in Jaffna . .. 6 0 6 wo we 0 we 6 19
CHINA: Executive Committee of the National Christian:Council 4
Religious Broadcasting... Peat ey ek uke Pha; a Ryan he 6
Baptisms in Christian Middle Schools BAS suihg AP en ern aa 23
GeuuMp ins ‘ChUPCH Wena hsbere Gis Wien fel tekke alee ETS os oe os eee se
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Some Church Statistics .. WED eS ; 2
Youth Meeting of the Evang. Bohemian Brethren Pac ane te is
The Church of the Bohemian Brethren ....s ++ 6 « « 23
DENMARK: Danish Peace Organisations and the Italian-Ethiopian
Conti vot . e ° . ° ° e e e * ° J ° - m e ° e . e ° 2

DUTCH BAST INDIES: The United Chinese Church ...... » 12-14

ee am aee PO US, el fed ci ey ey oy tn Oa te ora ek ee 12-14
Page 4 INDEX 1936

HOTONTA: Preparation for the 1937 Conferences ... No. 5

aCe ee ae GA a gl! og ge: fe be al ee Ghee Be e ; 19
Diaspora Day. . ei? a oe ug ha ha Vegko etWIRBT! cal yh s 20
Preparations for ae Getord Pan fee Wee (special ed.) . 20
ee ee eee
CO OFA MOTRIN Sot 5 6d ee ces on eigen e ced ong 8
Pya eee ee SCOr. OL. tne YMCA SCOULS «+ sce 8 ele ees a
eee OCTIC“N, THOUGGEY. 14 06 1s. eve woe le he ew wee le z
a ULES rtwie SE=T ch ais i oo a a Stvae Seat heen 1
Beene pervice in Orthodox ga vredual CP cteinsicn ave 450 a 2
yoctal work of the Church... Bate h a. i a Me ate ABS cosh 3
Addresses at the Reformed Church, “Passy git trot tea edhe te 2
UieonroeerhiG she DOTMCOsChUNCHES es... 6 wt oe ee el a 5
Tie CEC et Cole Stugentauand Cnuyvon mLON vais 6 6 8 e's 5
General Assembly of Protestant Missions in Syria... . 9
Neat onerot the Protestant Federation . 3.0 ...« s-.2 6 8 4 10
Plenary Assembly of Joint Executive Committees ...s 4 10
one SORE er pi) eG7 Ce Ee CO GP nS ne a Rigi
PO PPeCie AEG IPOT AGL OS he. ig ny de we ie ee 8) ee we 12-14
wonee. cOT POOCL aL poervite fa, vey ues ete ss ent alt ge lg i es wens 19
Unity and the Union of Reformed Deets s ict ee ae eee We
SealLieto Prayer for Spain, . «i+ us a4 Ma ar tne rifts
Preparetions for the ‘orld pon rerenne of Grenenes Cpe ed.) 22
Becres bane PegerationeorekrancO . -« « = «ss 10) ee 23
Meme necen, Church’ Developments «.< « 8 ws ew ee mk x
A Call for Unity within the Folk Religion Movement 2
The, Peaching of the German Faith Movement ...... 2
Pe ee COUN he ie e Fiery oe.) eum” o pow ke eee € 3
Reb ern OL aeALG OT a eG)! scale ieee «8 88 Gi
OVER EE REE SAE gee oe ee er ee e a ee 4
PeneOcetacation . s Sel Beh e e ede Pe nee Sa g 4
Fourth Confessional Synod of the German Evang. Church 5
OSES SGT a aM Ve LEB lee: a 0 abI: 6 hae a
PiEeve Oe eerougeo tn tne GVerman Falth .« 5 + 2 2 8 8 8 2 3 5
Pew ee MOMEINGN Solis is 4 6 eee 6 8, 8 7
ECT CESe yy UOMCTeM@SNeCeS ee 6 kt eH Re ek ew em 7
HOMelNIge.Oneein Changing Times jai 5 «6 © 6 6) oe ew 8 7
Boe Cov rOne Pay Ouren GOVETNMGCNIG “Ss «so bie 8 8 8
eet aes Gee COOL egGST ONAL UBUTCH eo yieuis ee 8s 8 8
The Pastoral Dispute in the Confessional Church ... 8
Tensions in the German Christian Movement ...... 8
Official Recognition for the Orthodox Church ..... 9
Party, German Faith Movement and Churches ..... 5 10
seminar on the Church's Mission to the People .... La
fainter ieerorovecmen WOTkK «oe en ee ee Be ks 12-14
what @revthe Home’ Misaitns Doing? . .« 6 « «6 y0 6% 12-14
HONOURMEOr an Gocumens cal Collaborator «. «-. «6 « + % % 5
DO SCHLEVANE “COMMerenCGIGON seh i. WUE 6 ee 8 lke 15
Message to Lutheran Council ....e-.-. aaa hcoilts 19
One Organisation of all Non-Aryan Christians ee ees 19
The First German Methodist Bishop .. « «'« « « «+ % 20
World Congress on Leisure and Holidays ..... « « 21
German Ev. Church "The Wittemberg Courses" ....: . 2
Le Re teal OOM aN Bie oe sta. we ee ee 8 Oe an
Reich Church Committee forms Consultative Boards .: . 23
Pron wthe heorganzagatiton or the Church” . . 2 + ¢. 4 + % 23
"Heightsned Responsibility" . ..+s+.«.. . eae
Preparations for the Oxford Conference Pepeeial ae 23
A Supplementary Remark . . «© © 6 © % 6% 8 ® . 24—25
The Association of German Pastors on the Church Problen 24-25
Pea Vee
LI CAL GHUrCH «ii. se * 6 ee eee 24-25
Peeore Preparations ispecgals Ode} 6 cl eh ele ete 24-25
Page 5 INDEX 1936

foes con Ale Choriatian, Pacifist Group Policy . os. 6.1% No.
Nava otdist toe Church UCounci t's. New. Year. ws<teueee o
Pe OT I LOO RN gi ie xt wn ante etak hnod ete je) dae! he
BOureon lend -StACS Ge GON 20), ie ree eh ae An ee
International #riendship, Life and Tork big Ste CUpet orth at a the
emer Cee OY Ua es ONTe PONCE: els vec ee a) me wc ee. ee
Boe BOUse@Of Lords on*Calendar Reform: ©.) 4. ere fee li
ee RRA aa lial ral gl Sauiice, ieee eee elle) epee boats
ee er ee PANEL) Ae allie ie.) Gh) beni wee ey ele) vee
WLS OAs Ulli ee es eal aS RR eR Si a er er
POUerNaGlOnNetORelLaetousyPelvoOwship:. ssa het ee eas
A Plea for Co-operation and Friendship . . ..:. +...
Prienns of, Reunion yan. - aD eth ig Mia N ite Mirah) o Mo, Sa ouhiouRis ¥-.
"The Church of the Puture "' Di jpiaertre ola tg Rg al MREMOG eal wk FF
society for the Propagation of the Gospel oC a mses
Cinema Christian Council: A Preliminary Conference .
GWG CMM CRO MURR UG bs ts si bole cic ts hel hele vate te tete ts ta
COOVMLEM TeDeLee mensOn, OS Fale APY S LGA ee ae eee te
The Archbishops' PELL HOOP ERA VER e Ayal, SM POT VEL Sage y
tae URupeh aud War 6 «9. abe Nein B sehe eis Mate
Pacifist Declaration of Christian Youth bigites toms sake a
oath week«<"Fors0hyvist tand’His -Church"-.+.-.:.tere
The Congregational Church and the Collective Poin eeis
Church Leaders on Pacifism and Rearmament ... .
REVOGULGAOL ACHTEStTIAMO UNIBY Fete ha hee fate ete he fe fae MS
Bae SrhhesBley RRwe es
BillyoyBI NS Nl 2.
Pep pose Usa Cr ee Vem ULOMiree cs) fe en ee oe 8 8 ce ,
GRELCH. Pirst Congress of Orthodox Theologians... ou 8
Peace and Love Proclamation by the Orthodox Gnoréuds
PNG NS CMUrOneOr IrPESOGULe PORAT OEY whe re ta felts
SP UOOGOt esTHOOLOCioa) SUONTeOMETICR . in + 0 8k 8 ew tl
ane Order Zoe." . ° SSAC wi ah eee! le thal ale eae
Social Service of the Church Pi ee Pie ale PRBETa,y Voy
Religious Association of Schoolboys . «+ 5 + «6 « -«
Pan=Orthodox Theological Congress «-. 2. eect etera 0 '¢
Pier emaAbAs) A Proposed.Churoh Union .« » 2's « »« « » « »
HUNGARY: The tvangelical Church in ese Noa ha MP Madr a eae
Calvin and Calvinism... eis aie Pie erent ti o’ 7%
Ugro-#innish Conference of Pastors in "1937 Be Rigi Sas vine
Pisano mCe. LIPO POR a ss +e ss 8 8 ek 8g
INDIA: Catholics arid Misgionary “ork se sia Fee eee fe fe
co baetege
pel cw Regs Map ea aereteg «ir! her os pt: ie oe
iets ceve “or Cultural FPelloweni pF Peer Re te 8
Braervece of Real Wnty - . oe". e ataneaag eee. le a) 6.46
A Movenent for World Christianity SiGe ot ye, et ae pT Mn ae
UBrigt wane Tecciverteqa tO Hindyuigm . « « « » » 2 ee 5
Mass Movement towards the Christian Church..... .
JAPAN: PPE VeRO atom Pogeer Maths hs Fate ee Se he he fel he te te Op hel te Ve
ThecAli-Jayan GhwistianrGonference . coe ee ew et ee
Ree ROE OMe t) GON Ee RT ry lel we ae he ew ee ee
Reeecreat “for Girisvianioducatora oF". ah SRR ees
Die mperial University of Tokyo. ts. te %. e's :
iieernavronal-Convenvien in Japan) see la e he tee Me
AT COE ELIOT et oe i he Ke ba ete Melb Se, Malte feta he "a Pe
KORBA: Railway Discount for Delegates of Religious Conferences
SPSr Dod) AWAREGRINE VWNOVETIONUC. (0.06. crs fe he te fee No te
pS aN geEarp Te Ns o ) CS eh a
MATIN AiiaRICA: . An ivangelical Centenary . . . « «+ « «© « «
Page 6 INDEX

LATVIA: The New Metropolitan... epee

~ Gourses in Common for Orthodox aria Tate Students
LITHUANIA: Closer Coordination of Protestant Churches

mae, Ve MEO ea Ti NE SHS Or ey Pole igs el ve
SEE BOSE SarRie Bate MEW fo cil Eb 5 cn a re a an ee an ae
WEESSA EE! ees Calle De Rigie (2Brhs 5) ga 8 Sy a i
EMU C eM mane ton die oh XIAN he Gel LG ce vere
NETHERLANDS: An Oecumenical Hymnbook .... eee
Preparations for the 1937 World Gorreraice olen te
Oecumenical Youth Committee ....
eee a OMG, SARS LOS a fe aie: jeu cone, Ww) te oe
he A OMEGEG LOM yb sree Sel deal ve tie tive’ ak erate tye
Stanley Jones' Scheme for Union 2 N tsAD tae aati a ee
et oe, UOMOSRIG Late soils us eal ¢ five a he eee
Colonies and Distribution of Raw We eae bel
Preparations for the Oxford Conference (special ed.
MemvaAy: Visit from ‘the English Church wo. wo.
Meas Tne: Friends OL HOYNLON «is 2 8s oe 8 8
Pree Cie eee ee OGY iat ew 6s 8 a es
Semis Ot Melt Lor. Yn tet. MOTE: is. ve! se, ee e4 ieee
aT ER ade oofSeae RPMS WAGNSgd08 en aa En gmc ea
Pees proedcasting the Goepeles. we wii a ee ee
POLAND: The Roman Catholic Church .. 4 . Reese its
The Vork of the United Evangelical Church arte ae te
RUMANIA: People's University at Cozia Monastery ....
fees wnat Christianity expects from Spain ....«. -
Si BDEN: The Conference of Swedish Bishops and the General 7
soo gov at Ri Se) a a ee a a e
RELI eVOUs SUEtIStiCe) A. is fabs 4 pee agit 1a
Statement by Swedish Oecumenical Council soi %
Pay erate POOL ais) te whe el le he ele ees
eee ree a ee NETRA ec hele fe fe te ow le eee
SVITZERLAND: National Church of the Canton de Vaud...
Congress of Calvinist Theology, Geneva ....
Pre varewuons. TOYO USLOFG LOST: lee ee a
Practical Christianity and Present Day Problems
Peep OS Eee O Scie “HU rGNOS fav ven 6) oF dice eB le Bie
IVth Centenary of the Reformation in Geneva. .
Appointments to the World Conferences (special ed.
wees | OCT piures Tor) tne Gyrian Church 5 «+ «+8 6 4s
TASMANIA: An uxperiment in Christian Unity... ... .
ee ee hs ON hee eeeee Me, es wee fw Disses ew) eee
Deere) \veangellianl Helermed Church 1. 66 ee 8 8 wt
U.5.5.R.: The League of the Fighting Godless' Ten Years Jubilee
Easter in Moscow .. ae Bie vie vhe ee
Jaroslavsky on the Rights of the ‘Clergy PU a ha eh ors
PCM eae EEO TCR) ess leg Wigs etle lel eta ve mia
Pte Slew os el US OPE Old OTL ye) sie ok es eR wie re ee
leaves A DpOouUth Amerzcan Conference . .. 6 + + « 6.
Page 7 INDE 1936
U.5.A.: The Government and the Private Welfare Activities . Wo. 2
Methodists iasue final .Merger Plan .. .a4«..s.
Anglicans, Lutherans Confer on Reunion... . a
The Churches and the Cooperative Movement . yee 4
Davie wt OARe OM emeNCe. 6 ok eg ke ee wie Me we 3
ry, Race Relations Sunday . eee be
Clergymen of the Three Pai ths “attack Slums pte 3
Protestantism must find a new Strategy. . ae 4
Greeks, Anglicans Unite in "Feast of Madd siveRite ree 4
RGBWITG, Oletue Uoneteravional Peace” Poll’? Wer. ee). 5
The American Method in Practical Christianity . =: ‘ 5
(ete Ge tance Ate R aL Or LeGOG 6s. el gts et pe el 8 5
Indianapolis Student Volunteer Convention ..... » 6
Liv ampe aie rO. wrenwach. Ggnoe -CONPTESS ©. et ft eh heh ss 1
Pilea sseGy ot UMLon Creates Stir. 6. 6 ot 67 et hie os 8
Tice as ieee Orie r UMOVGMOND walls) sce 6 lat at eh ah at eM es 10
Demon arnOlsc Lee LOU Ur Gy. eh ie Me we et ah tet a ve te
The Churches and American Membership of the League . . ie
fouren, Mempersnip increased in the Year. 2s” 3 Ving.
To establish "anti-Suicide" Institutions’... wow. 5 19
EpeMenens Or “orld UnTis
ti ani ty oa 6 3 8 8 8 0 8 8 ed
National Preaching Mission begins .... . Hee zAN
October proclaimed as "Church Month" in Gan ivornie site 21
PIGLET PONTO PETCe ogi as ws ee 6 de ke ee 22
Lutheran Pastor's oecumenical Gesture. . . © « «© © «© @ 22
OUGEiALOMnadme: OT, Warneand Peace . . «oe bs 8 sw ew 8 22
pLeanopgvaavocate .League Principles i. 6 . b « «6 6 2 5
DIOL DLee VelUSsessuppore diOvany Ar. 6 ok ke ee bk 23
To support Conscientious Objectors .... ‘ oe oo
statesmen and Scientists endorse ea Wigston rae oo
The Churches and War. . = PEN ty e : 24-25
Churches open yw1l00,000 ea |for 1Vorld Conferences:
(special edition) ho Pose Oe abGaN il ie go i aad ge eS Ue a 24-25

* *% *

GENERAL: A Collective Evangelisation Effort in the U.S.A.

(article series) .. : Sean eae Wow 32
The Regional Conference of the ie W. ay Re Colombo fh ye 1-2
Report of the Essay Competition "Christ and World
RAE PUN Ge oe ° ake ARN ha al eed adhe an la
International Christian Youth Commission iid 1b
The Christian Approach to the Jews. Some Dates "tor "1937 1-2
The First Theological Congress of the Orthodox East (art.ser.) 2
Youth at the Edinburgh World Conference... . : 4
How the Youth of the World can Work through the Churches
Pa ee verre eLome ver TOnUait Ts sss. 6s ee eee 4
Ucuare Of eirayer =ror-Cnurch UNIUy Foes ee 8 8 88 e 4
Beets PrOsULGaUbiOn Ne 2 6 8 bee 8 8 ees . ° 4
PeRsoPenuLOunMOODTEGCLOM ee este ees 6 ae et . 4
Twenty-First World Conference of YMCAs, lysore : ¢ e 5
Universal Day of Prayer for Students ... Sh fori 5
Fourth International Congress of Antimilitarist Ministers 5
Broadcasting of Peace Conference breaks all Records. . 5
Church, Community and State... ke ee er Se 5
The Problem of International Order (art. “series) er ame 6
Baptist Youth World Conference .. 6
Ex. Meetings of the Universal Christian Council and the
World Alliance . 6
Digest of Report of a Group of Anglican and Free. Church-
men who visited Spain .. . 6
On the Way to the World Conferences of “Churches, "1937 : 7
Preparation of the Edinburgh Conference . :...s«e«s% ui
Reren-ocanoiNavean COnseCrauron >. s tv £ € 6 6 ob ° °. 7
Unurcm helier*for*Meiugees fires es woe ee ee 8
Deemer ven. “Semi ter-aey VOOM eo ea € 6 2 ee 6 8S 8
Travel Services for the Oecumenical Conférences of: 1937 8
Pan—Mahommedan Unity . . « « « « « « Sire) Rome ante fo Ms 8
Theologians' Retreat for an Introduction into oecumenical
Wore Va. es 8
The World SeAedrence sof Paith ang Order 1937. F = a
Friends World Conference ..... See ME Re tas 9
An International Congress of: the Christian Family . ° 9
Calendar Reform... ee les Ue é , ° ‘ 2
Conference of the eeneeal Ryener tiles of ‘fe Gnunteras of
the Hast responsible for the Repression of the Traffic
GL ANOMOlees Fe see Sere eee ep ee se es 10
Sino-Japanese Christian Relations . . Sweets ste te 10
The Twenty-First World Conference of YMCAs, Mysore’ .. 11
Bastern Churches and Missionary Co-operation . s+. % ie
Sino-Japanese Co-operation . . « « «6 « «© © =» « «© & @ & LL
Professor AGOLE Detsemann DiDin- *. fof « woe we eR eee bad
General Council of the Alliance of the Reformed Churches
holding the Presbyterian System...» 6 6 # 8% 0 «6 12
World Conference on Faith and Order . . «4. + « «© © « ay
Relief for Spanish Children ....=. REAR Dicer e', Vatinnae tata bag,
A great Christian Leader on the Oxford Conference... 14
Some International Conferences to be held in the Summer
i ry oa 1S ey Se bie hes Bie MEA Sette ie eum 14
The 21st. International Anti-“Alcohol ‘Congress nha eee Cie Ce ery
World Conference on Church, Community and State... . 15
World Alliance for International Friendship Activities 15
European Central Office for Inter-—Church jid .... .» LS
Homage to Forerunner of International Labour Legislation 16
International Evangelisation Committee for Spain ... 16
er eon OTence. broanon ete. ss. s- eis *. 6 ele 6 et 8 16
Page 2 INDEX 1937
Coueniuu? OPmeonas World?Conterenceis). snc econ ete her erate Woe: 17
Preparations for the Edinburgh Conference ...... Be
TePMennenT Gol: Os eile hate OEP SV SeRs OS Vs OM o's é LY
French Protestant Activity in Syria and Lebanon sae hie At
Report of the Director of the International Labour Office 18
Dr. John R. Mott sees no Prospect of War... °-. 18
The Churches await the World Conferences of Oxford and
Edinburgh (art. series) . 19+20
Books and other Publications related to. the Oxford and
Edinburgh Conferences (supplement) . Pas he 19-20
The Second World Conference on Faith and Grdew (art.ser.) a
Dr. Mott finds Church prepared to Promote Unity ae at
Youth at the Oecumenical Conferences ....'. » 8s a. 2
World @iliance for, International Friendship: .9% 2 1% 22
The Oecumenical Seminar . : 23
Meeting of the European Central Office for Inter-Church Aid 23
in International Conference on Relief Associations . . 23
Relations of the Lutheran World Convention to the
Oecumenical Movement. . ° 25
Conference of World Federatinof Revormed churohes in
a eae Teen! ana eae | ah ep wh yie) a ky 8c 8,8 ip
Opening of the International gi ani OMG Vos she) et kis Pa,
Quaker World Committee. . arty sdtak CGPS . 2)
The Oecumenical Character of the International Missionary
Devnoiiu. J. . ° . fe . News Be 24
& World Conference of Christian Youth in Australia #4 24
Publications of the Research Department of the Universal
POPES hte OOUNCLL pra, s ‘ ns - un Fy 25
World's YMC&A and YWCA Week of Prayer Seles : ° 26
The Warsaw Anti~Alcohol Congress ..... Ric avie es 26
Oecumenical Fellowship of Prayer . . « « « « « » = ZT
Ropreeped.. to Unbisvian Conscience . . 6 « » 8 +s « » at
tee Ulnurches and Feaco . + 6 6 « » « Sire AMEa Reni ehl a 28
International Competition "Christ and World Friendship" 29
World International Missionary Conference .. . ° 30
Report of the Oxford Conference: "The Churches survey:
Geo ers OF th. Tales. Chiuaash mba ce 2 x6 . ° : 30
The World's Sunday School Association Convention, 1940 30
The Churches and Peace (article series) ...+.-« +. 31
World Conference of Missions: change of Meeting Place 5
Pulpit Exchange between Canada and the U.S.4. .... i
International Goodwill Congress in America . .... .- 32
The International Labour Organisations in Indochina . ey
The League of Nations and the oe against Narcotics 32
Calvinistic Congress, 1938... ° akan 6 hs:
Meetings of Life and Work and the “World Alliance ae 35-36
WOR DS 1Ua. CAMARA Wet erties alii re Vel let Tek Leta ne ve ve Ye Nb 35-36
DA DOC UneLOM aeraoe PE ORR MALDIN 0s. ove mele ve te. Fete be 35-36
Press Bulletins: Conference on Church, Conumunity and State, Oxford
Message from the Churches to the Church in Germany
The Church, Community and State in Relation to the Economic Order
The Church and the Community
Church and State
First General Article
second General Article
heronswe New Head Of the Copuic Church «is ye seus 0 6, 0&8 34
AUSTRALIA: Unived Christian Peace Movement. . eutied. dabeanecsg 34
Methodist - Congregationalist Church Union ab e a.s wehite Maya 35-36
Page 3 INDEX 1957

ee ee eee nk OG. ON LOL we New Church o6 le ce vel we. He laa ee No. 5

Austria and its Neighbour Countries ... ee atte 3
Wireless Talk on the World Conferences of Churches mule 25
Possible Renewal of the Protestant Patent .... «. 30
Advent 1937. A Peace Message to the Churches .... 34
BRAZIL: Oecumenical Character of the Evangelical Federation:
an Peis etn MEO bie Hel mo Madhu May te oie. Me alain Mer Me <i 25
CANADA: Canadian Churches. report marked Increase in Religious
thie ois 9 iat wl Ae NO bd SR ae RSE a Se Se Oe 5
Plans for Federal “Council of Churches pressed ...» +» 5)
Conference of World Federation of Reformed Churches . 25
Pulpit Exchange between Canada and the United States . ou
United Church supports International Action for Peace 31

erremulene WavelG Church. UNLGy wets eee wes be Oe ES

Pi eeeewUNEVers
Gy merlet, LPPOSd. 26 en eel o ee Ok aS 26
fo epee. voOvCh Pisa tien “COmsGPEnce «2.5. 6s Malte e vee te ve 27
ANEMARK: The Successor of Bishop Ammundsen in the Danish World
ALTVance =oo. +. ae ° oi Ris hte Pa te Rete tio the he Bees iti
Cross Section Survey of Occumenical MEO a he Sok as ect 35-36
ESTONIA: Relations of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
erate TOG ate delle VOD Py we bate teh De a Pa eule 24
ore eat. wey mene Ge ae! sete ar aehhy RATS, Rey SG, ey 24
Constitution of the Estonian National Council .... Se
Peano pac ames 1M tre Mind sce ce se ee ke ee 5
French Branch of the International Christian Youth
eS OL sane ot ely. Pat eae Fare Me be Ke Ve, he te te te Me re
Protestant Federation .... iiaiietee es Ag eee Shee e Ls
Armenian Evangelical Churches of SOTO Lae Nie ps es banet 24
reo ee as ie a SE DEO a eae 0 se’ 8! 8 ee 30
eee ee OY A cg Nears Nel syle eee ga wwe ke 8 35-36
Ciieemotee Omer EnegOom bi Snopes 1n Paris « « es esse 35-36
GERMANY: Meeting of the Education Board .....«. + «© « « 1-2
The reparation of the Church Elections ...+s. ss 9
Roman Catholic News... Getehads) cata h eke es ck een dey S &
National Social Get easional SHOTIGO R GUN SR ota ela halts £5
ReMGyamet@n towaraguanie Church » eis 6 si 6 0 6 we eo 5 16
QPRCECCAGhLOBPLSGUBERSROUNTON «. 6 0 0 » 06 © « » © & ¢ 18
The Parishes surpass themselves .. «6 sie we -% © « & » 3 24
BO eee A ee Eg yh Me eel eee #8 ee 8 8 Pp
Dissolution of the Confcssional Church's Theological
Leaching ,andsixamining Bodies . . « «+ « «© © » « @ 25
Confessional Sisters and the German Labour Front .. . 26
Poi tice. Chiver’ of. National Socialism: .. 6 18 26
The German Christ¥ens answer Oxford «. sete tetete i's ea
Reich Minister Dr. Frank on Confessional Questions « . 29
Phe sOHUPCRGS COMES Ge CMGI PUFAREN we bieins 2 ee tee 8 8 \c0 30
Toe GenpegteVOURo mE wee rODaGLCR ss 2 0) «1 e © al @ cee 8 Pe
ULO UAGbUOLIG RGGreamiaeuLOl 6606. 8 le ee ele ee le 33
Seat) SUG WeDE eee eee hie ie A ab ee a el we ee e's 34
Christmas Broadeast . Bere. ae euRe, faa Mawes Na 35-36
») Catholic News. The Bible Movement on the Increase . : 95-90
Chott eet + The) Meee Omr ea Dein BULL je iae te mneimae le ef 1~2
Church of England Council on foreign Relations... 5D
Lgreement between the Anglican Churen and the Orthodox
Ghurch of Rumania dae Wa 3 : . Fc ee ee ne 4
Interdenominational Response to the Archbishop! s Call 4
Page 4 INDSX

Pe om ets AONULON TANG Seater oa ner el lei. Val < eprta, Geko
The Cinema and Worship - An Evening Prayer Pilm Service
The Church and the Government of the Empire ....
eu LOG, Caleta Tun sl oe we viel elaine ale) Bla eae
The Church and the Trades Union Congress .....e »
bembetn ‘Conterence ‘Anniversary... +). + + 6 08
Pee ree PS GPA MEAGSs us Mavice: vey pedis lump Sl lengal ies eles
Primate on the World Conferences of Churches .....
The Church in China and Japan. Special Service in West-
OES Vane PROGY peri enee 4 4, 6 oe, oe, a a erin a as
Aubert RevoLUtLony tsi) i.
Application of the Message of paford in "the otic gee
Official Year Book of the Church of England. .... ~»

Bee ori enem commany yor CIRC OLORY majysiiwics a se eg 8k

eer AMMO GORA Ag aus hd.a ie Kes tel. SL fet be ee dl wees
HUNGARY: On the Way to Understanding . < « ¢ « « «© « «
INDIA: Mahatma Gandhi and Travancore Bishop . . . »« « « « «
Church Uni on e * e e . . * . . . . s J ° e e e . e ¢ .

Re OUTe ObAULSTICH ee ee ee re ee Se eg eth eS

Beunce UMLON es)! 5 . Te We oe DEA a, ee Nat ghy es
Petition for Church Unity inn Japan ec tage Ue ee Un calay
Christian Forces in Japan unite in Welfare Work for Army
te ee ee Gig en a et ae ME Rk ie ee de Me eee
ene National Christian Council se. « fs ee eG
KORHA: Indigenous Christianity ... Sem ME ek ek ms lat he a
What came of the Church in the House Ran enie ay elt ya ea °
NETHERLANDS: Activities of the National Council of the World
AbLivence “ss ' - Cue es oe ae oer
Churches Appeal “to the menesa of NAGLOMRS wre eke
eC iomeoe te YOULL COMM
L ES LON oe le ewe etre he ee’
Occumenical Advent Sunday” + . « we 8s ee ew 8
Pee etr ces WOO Ss Te eS Pee ee Re eee
Mew GUINEA: The Question of the Worker . . « + + + « © « »
PALESTINE: B! rith Shalom . . * @ « . e e e . * . ° * ‘ ee

Seen tees FO EOP CPL IOTON |e. 0 leh. ety 608 wee ee 8
4 Delegation of Churches... . .
Report of Anglican and Free Ghurchmen who “Visited Spain
Relief for Spanish Children « .. . sheer a e
International Evangelical Committee for. Spain Se ae
Religious Toleration under Franco . 2.6. « «+ « « & °

Me Gt Oe ss we Gey ia ee Sele es we ee ep eg
SWEDEN : hs New Reformation . e ° . . . . ° ° ° « e ° . ° . *

Gs) fae ey MeN iets. ee tw ta ee Se eee ce ie

SWITZERLAND: A Peace Appeal to the Churches ... «+. @
ul Oo) Oe ee mene sp (ee) el vee lee ee a ee
ba Col OMe tian se) 4. oo ve lise) ie eel ene f
Ushesowosen Church and Godless League in Russia... «2 % %
Meee LUCNCO OL ier ORUPCH it oils 8 ie Te a Me ei te ee
Ome OWES: 6 be ete ita ee oe a e e BUEN ° ot tie ctheh cranes fod
"Do religious Societies have the right to nominate
Candidates for,the new. Soviet?" .« 2. « «© « «6 « + %
A Warning .. oo . ae Cae ep aetna hate
New Sovict Anti-religious Legislation ie rt a eA near
The Enchanted Castle of Happiness . + + « «© « » e « «
Page 5 INDEX

U.5.A.: A Collective Evangelisation Effort in USA (art.series)

~The United Christian Adult Movement é‘
The Federal Council of Churches and the Oecumenical
Movement . .. «=. Hose
The Federal Council Appeals Por Flood Relict fie
A Peace Committee in every Church. . ysl a kart oa
The Rebuilding of Churches destroyed vy Floods. Ae Pre
4 Peace Committee in every Church. . OS ie eae:
A Movement for World + bea oe we, Sie s wee ¢
Crowded Easter Services...
Federal Council to establish Church Unity Commission
Foundation of a Lutheran Academy «. . «+4 2 6 ss @ s
ours UsbCOGSs 1 APOLGCrPaAtCLON 6a wales Ha ay wae Syenele®
SOURCo euOUCcernm Tom ire THEOlOgy « « « ais 0 8 ek oe ee
Campaign for World Economic Cooperation . ‘ .
Federal Council to si aadines with Missions Conference in
Oe MOT ee a a nek a phase Seyi
Federal Council condemns. Japanese hgetession in China .
American Section of World Council of Churches formed
World Council Movement praised at Episcopal Convention
Connecticut's First Interdenominational Unity wapysecace
Federal Council's Armistice Sunday Message
The National Preaching Mission again .. .
New York to have Interdenominational Church Conference
Practising Unity on State-wide Basis 6.6.6 eye me wine
Methodist Bishops approve Unity Vote ... A
Prayer of Penitence for eS issued by Pederaal
Working People respect “the “Church Sates als
Interdenominational Laymen's Organi sation formed in
Fort Wayne. . i ser VO,
Beetead ata Lor eet pal Boe pare ae elircnen’
American Standard Bible to be revised during next
LIV Ge VGALS es ie 6 b> gitee sos Coteiniere ‘
American Youth is ae ey and eg to fundamental
areNG Wie ialiies) (sine 8. 46) eee wpe Sane

* * *

* *%


GENERAL: Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity . . ° No sel

~The World Alliance for International Friendship and the
International Peace Campaign (R.U.P.) . 1... 2. 6 »
Survey of the Year's Anti-Alcohol Activities .. .
Christian Unity on the Canal Zone ..
How a Chinese City handled its own Refugee Problem (art.
series) ..
The Refugee Puouian ana the “Teaeoe of Watiens Wiha
A Preparatory Study for the 1939 World Conference of -
RELAY OU UDI cs) Maha aiu-io Wtasao wer deb |Sig bipmk eawy Lehn ecw
To Ataturk and the Prominent Men of Angora...
The World Alliance for International ay ee aed through
the Churches (article series)... Gt OU Sgt e :
Exploitation of the Results of the Oxford Conference in
the different Churches and Countries (art. series)
PCR CAL BeMIMELM i 4s 8 ee ke ee et ee ee
Pieewetla' aaY<W,C A... (article seeries) ow scence cece es
"Pree Christianity and Oecumenism" .. . os heats ee
Statistical Year Book on the Arms and Munitions Trade
The World's Committee of Y.M.C.A.s (article series)’
Youth in the Qecumenical Movement (art. series) ...
international Essay Competition . 1. « « » # » «+»
International Fellowship of Reconciliation. .
The Results of the Conference on Migration for Settlement
International Congress of the Union of Free Thinkers
Peru SU ORLOVCONSEGSE oes 8. ee ok ue mabe eee 6
Some interesting Statistics .. ah eas
International Missionary Council (article series) *
Chinese Church sends Contribution to World Council ;
Youth and Oecumenism.. . ° at Wek bine! >.> 45
The Roman Catholic Church and “Orthodoxy AT a wat ae
A Mongol Conference against Atheism ........
Membership Figures of the Churches and main confessional
coelsy bat: ihe i Re dea l y WOE ny ek ;
International Co- operation Rt a ee Me ial aia ue |
International Old Catholic i i ea ie enh 4. Ps hatnda) Os
Forthcoming Meetings... .
The Tenth Anniversary of the International Labour Fellow-
ship of Protestant Employees' Association .... %
Be area ee EE ER dw) a hw vas Wo wee (Thy eck
International Protestant Loan Association «+... +:
The Utre cht Conference . ry . . e CY ° ° ° r) ° ry ry

Youth Competition on "Christ and World friendenis’ ee

Reet abaie te a ee ake bw ve eo ee 8 8 8S
PREss PI a e e ca °
International Inter-religious Committee formed to save
historic Jerusalem Church . ... :
A new Organisation for the Assistance of Chilaren in
Spain eka
Report of the Director of the Gre einat tonal avoir Office
The World Conference of Christian Youth ..... 3
Methodism ... Be (te ° °
i - Decisions of the Papal Work for. the “Propagation of the
GyAo ae aie :
Plenary Session of the World's Committee of Y. Ml.G. A. S
World Executive Committee of the Y.W.C.A. .. + 2. ss
eee 1208) VGrIe tea ye ie el eum 6 8 tk ke 8 8 eee
The International Missionary Conference in Madras ..
Executive Committee of the Lutheran World Convention .
Page 2

GENERAL: Call to International Night of Prayer .

tieerepvesuant World, Alliance 3. «ss 8 4
AVIIth, Congress of Pax Romana... «)s\\\*)» + . « e 8s

Some Facts about Jewish Evangelisation. .

Anglican-Baltic Discussions ..
mn The Anglicans and the Eastern Orthodox meet together
.°eS » °

The Church and the Economic Order (article series). .

cowards a World Community .:. « 8 «s © e-« « « ‘
Preparations for the World Conference of Christian Youth
Liberal Christianity and the ca beat World Council of
WEUrCHeg hr, tek OAS ° ° ay ee he °
International Congress of the “Fellowship of Reconciliation
A New Dogma of the Roman Catholic Church? ......
The Anglican Church and the Churches of Estonia and-
ToS h: Ao ae By a) atacn tS0 MCE mils) 10k ike die ne '§ ef}
The Oecumenical Seminar eh ae wm Oe) ese. see ist kT is!) wy eo a
Conference of the Oecumenical Youth Commission (art.ser.)
Meeting of the Continuation Committee of Faith and Order
Impressions of the XIVth Old Catholic Congress ....
The European Central Office for Inter-—Church Aid .
Intercession for Interview Chamberlain-Hitler ...
eouADppen| tor, Peace and.ite Echoes . . .« « « « + « »
Three Resolutions ... Abe fe edie wares Di eae
Protest against the Bombardment of Open Cities ris & e

Resolution on China ... é

An Appeal in Support of Spaqicnt PRoLestant Refugees
Christian Talking Picture Company organised inee ee
First Youth Congress of Latin America ... ee, a
heurove: .oL,.tne World Council of, Churches... s « s + 3
International Congress of Old Believers at Vilno .
World Conference of Christian Youth .... .
The International Labour Office: (article eel a
ee ETO OL eis Walih, iive tie yeas eee «4 8 fk
Oecumenism.. . eh Ser ihe reiia ie) Uk” ba ” Fe °
YW .C.Aw World Council calls on Women to participate
INSeDUT Ch WOLK bias +s wots. ee ae
The World's Y.W.C.A. Council at "Muskoka, Canada ;
World Missionary Statistics . . «6 « « « «© «© «© e we ew
A variegated Group of small Churches...
The Invitations to join the World-Council of Churches:
Brey OSLR PP SCN Ee OU Gus + 6 86 fo SO Se rae
Repercussions in the Churches abroad of the Measures
adopted in Germany against the Jews ....+.s »
Conscientous Objectors to Military Service ...s..
The 13th Anniversary of the Federal Council .... .«
On the Way to the Lutheran World Convention, 1940 ..
Appeal from the International Associations for Liberai
Christianity and Religious Freedom: « .« 2 6 ¢)4 6 «
For the Victims of Race Persecutions . .. +... e+e -.
A Resolution of the International Christian Federation
errr ees it One era we et we oo ke Ssh et eh of os
Tie wecumenicoal “Ethos.” sv ale es 6’ 6’
Help for Churches of Czechoslovakia ..
Progress of the Catholic World Mission .
Uniate Statistics . ered a ive .ee«

The All-World Arabic Banterance ee er - e

Denominationalism within Oecumenism .. .*e é sees Py


The International Labour Office Year Book wad. the

ee 2, ha aaa ia Me eel Nig tig mi Ase) a, dy. Ng Op *y! ey 8,
Page 3 INDEX

GENERAL: Oecumenical Attitude of the Scottish Congregation

on the Continent. . e = ° e

The Departure from the Sandjak of Alexandretta :

Whither the Refugees?
Uniates and Protestants in Sub Carpathia ;
Christmas Message of the World Alliance
e _

AFRICA: Missionary Co-operation in the Copper Mines > 2

ARGENTINA: BOR te EPO 4's s ° s

AUSTRALIA: Preparing for World Christian Endeavour Conference

Sunday School by Post . . 6
United Indigenous Church in the “Pacific. . s s

Christian View towards War . °

AUSTRIA: A Pastoral Letter . e e

The Evangelical Church and the Revolution in Austria :

Developments in the Evangelical Church Situation * * s

Catholics and Evangelicals

The National Plebiscite of April 10, 1938 °

112,000 leave the Church since the Annexation

BALTIC COUNTRIES: The Anglican Church and the Churches of
Estonia and Latvia . . ° e

BELGIUM: For the Chinese Christians «

CANADA: Proposal for United Church of England strongly

endorsed °

United Church approves World Council of Churches

United Mine Workers endorse Co-operative Movement
CHINA: Church and War Conditions behind the Lines
Co-operation between Christian Denominations
The Roman Catholic Church in China .
The Christian Church and War Relief e .

War and Oecumenism . aae .


An Easter Message from Ghang-Kai~Sher

The Missionary Church
Heyy Giger eRe Thho: ° 2

No Hatred against the Japanese #.: . ie


Removal of Restrictions on the Teaching of el igi 0 pall in

Chinese Schools... ° ° e

In Remembrance of Wesley . ¢

Christian Relief Forces at Work in Honan .

CZECHOSLOVAKIA: An Appeal to the Conscience of the World
An Appeal of the Old Catholic Church . 4 e

The Question of Refugees

Resolution passed by the Union of Constance
New Church Situation . *

The Non-Czech Protestant Church e

The Jewish Question .. *

International Centre for Aid a deéovodi avert

Help for the Churches of Czechoslovakia
The Suffering Churches ° *

Refugees... « «6 es \eus a eo

~ DENMARK: Danish Joint Oecumenical Council

ESTONIA: Survey of Church Life
FRANCE: Foot and Mouth Disease
Qe Jardin Enchanté . .
The Reformed Churches and Unity
Oecumenical Gatherings . ° .5
J Ss
686 s
° oe
4°8 es
Page 4 INDEX

Penoci niet soulraver stor sour Enemies . 6). 4:5. bo 6 8 8%

Tne eemeveNUenysAgsembly of Lyons. 2. 6 f ese me
The French Section of the World Alliance and the
International Peace Campaign (RUP) ...
The Christian Protestant Union... ;

? Oecumentemipoecs forward
Celebrations in
. . 1 »« « i
. . Poa
°«6 se

GERMANY: Conditions in the German Evangelical Mission .

Religion and Ideology: Church and State .
Pee LeUt Let URS O sk gle) « et ss le eee
The Niemdllier Verdict ... AR erTt a
Pastor Niemtller (special ae den ys, eed
Religious Questions of the Day... . °
Pronouncement of the Confessional ° Churches” Rate Ba rs ae
German-Austrian Catholics and cea <. Vaadiad te
Religious Questions of the Hour ‘ ‘
The National Plebiscite of April 10 in hudtrie F
erase nal. ProvporuLons 6) ee. % (els. 6 eas g
The Jews in Germany .. STOe LAY ce . ere 8
Continental Missions Conference in Bremen A Oy
tus Rivercy) oO. Giid PUnrek Ws os fem te aly |e .eo.
e« e

Religious’ Instruction .. ee tll Sacro leks Do

The Taking of the Oath by the “Olergy a ° snes
112,000 leave the Church since the Annexation of Austria
Bebonehte Of tenes CHUTE AY oo 6 er fe a olivia hs
Resolutions of the Committee of the Reformed Convention
of the Confessional Synod of the German me Church
Evangelical Social Congress ..
The "Confessional Sunday" of the Roman Catholic “Youth:
PeoeteeeOULTORLDLS Wi thy YOU! a iis! ee eer ee ee ew
Pe Merlyn OmOLLOl. “5 505 © 6.6. > © «© ..e 6 8 *& *
Eeot-nearanbarth's Books... ;
The Evangelical Supreme Church Council to ‘the “Biihrer A
The Evangelical Church of Austria to the Evangelical
Sudeten Germans... Syne :
Measures against the Dahlem Provisional “Church Government
Observation of Sunday in the daily Press .. «+4 «
GREAT BRITAIN: ‘The Church in 1937. .
A Health Sunday ... Poaeu Riate e e e *. °

The Roman Catholic Church’ ers eee wee o ° e

Oxford Follow-up Conferences . . .7

Doctrine in the Church of England : Sota pa iat og

Motion on the Church Situation in: Germany Nereis e
emeraldSe Ge cd aulie lg le 6.0.8. le 8 el fe
fhe mew World Cotmel) or Churches... 2. °
Trades Union of Clergymen being formed in England
Pee EP OOLGIIOOT VNGUMIRIIaie wus) lp Mteh ss 8s 8 ew we
Covi Nes te WOOL 1G ye emo MNS, eee «os oe ee ef
The Problem of Minority Christian Communions . . :
Peer OR LOM ele fala yee 8 8 le fe
“Womkd Homage to Wegley ... sV.e. . « + » eo

Atom rones Ll Uys ved NEON bs a ee 6. eee

Press Organisation in the Dioceses .... -
Embassies of Reconciliation ... °
Revival of assisted inter-imperial Migration
An Outline Scheme for Reunion in England. .
Buenw ound.) OF whe CHUYCH! . es so: 8 8 6
"The Healing Church" .. ° Gilet te
Anglican Bishops and herial Bombardment wits fon
© Pa
Page 5 INDEX

GREAT BRITAIN: Divorce and Marriage...

Congress of Christian Pacifists .. e

Federal Free Chureh Council: , : .

Refugees ie ees oie be alk *e°

The Congress of "Pree Thinkers . .°. es7. ees.e¢. °e©«@ .e«°

Oxford Group Movement ...:... «>fe

° e«2.

A Message to the Nation . .« «.. .. .- : se2

. ;
Repercussions in the Churches of the Measures taken in
Germany against the Christians . .. .«».» «i+ @ »
Baptists should study Oecumenical Movement ..... .
For a real Understanding between the Nations .... =:
Peete Ulta solani Retugees « s.-6. 653 8 we le 8 te 6 le te
GREECE: the Social Workof a Religious Leader ». .. .. 2.
a The Zoe ‘Movement . |.” . SPN ae ee ie aR ae iece Yar
The Archbishop of Neneas a ee eae EM ee
A historic Christian Place brought to igh ‘tase wiba acess
HUNGARY: The Bucharistic World Congress ....«-
io hooress. ~rom the. Protestant Churches . . « « «e «\«
Hungarian Youth demands the Removal of the Law requiring
Declaration of Confession. . Mie ere a ee
General Convention of the Revered Church area icks Mi eects
Message from the National Section of the World Alliance
some Features of the Revival of Hinduism ..... :
World Exhibition of Christian Literature at Poiana ‘
ITALY: Pies DaASCIsSt ptvate and Religion . ».» «6 » % * «© « »
eymod, of the Waldensiean Church . . 2. « « » « «'9 «© es
JAPAN: 4n important Declaration... . .
From an Open Letter to Christian rested throughout
ee ee CE eh oe eG ale, e) te e ade eh ae b+ phe eh a) 9h os
An Appreciation ©. 45% «+ 5) ce AS ea ar ay Ars
Japanese Christians send Help to Chinese Refugees thea
Plen Lor United Christian Church in Japan . 4... «+3
Christian Welfare Work for Soldiers ...+.-.. 2% i
Wee ey oe) ae aie © seg oh9 begs OE a | ce ne
Japan and the Islamic States ...-+. :
The Gendarmerie addresses a Questionnaire to Christian
Pastors... Searatta s4l Ws 5a sb ia y ae px Se Fess
\ Gathering of Christian Social RoOrkeres 0s 6a 6S G0GGs
Christian Deputeation to China . ... 2 «© © «© © «© ww ©
eaped NAB Lo CAtNOLIG. CHUrChes | .- os 0) os an 0k a ee os one
KOREA: Mutuel Co-operation in Church Activities ... +5,
LATIN AMERIC‘: First Youth Congress of Latin America ...
MEXICO: Remodelling of Montezuma Seminary completed... %
Mie nd OL) The Teva eeous Cont Lvoty oe 8 6 oh are oe om oa
Interdenominational Gatherings . ». . « © «© «© © «© ee
WETHERLANDS: . Oecumenism .». » «© «».« ° °

Oecumenical Activity... . e

Oecumenical Consciousness . ° °2 ° °

Institute for religious Art os.

e ° * . .2e

An Advent Message .. «. « e e
*. ad
*» o sd

PALESTINE: The Oecumenical Spirit in the Holy City ....,

POLAND: The World Alliance on the Need of the Church in Polish
Upper Silesia r ry . ry PY ° ry . ° . ry ry ry e ° °

4n International Anti- eonoy DTI oe. ot ce ea ew oe Se

Difficult Situation of the Orthodox Church . . 1 «6 »
Sie ord vaeb.on of the Orthodox Churon «..< 5 s + «1 «© »
Page 6 INDEX
POLAND: The Situation of the Orthodox Church .
\ Statement of the Uniate Church on the Persecutions
Direc vce ocean or ane Ort hodex Church ¢° 3.333% 3
PReGRUeLHOUGRP Onur ay ar. eee ee eye. Flee al eo eos UE 8
ie Pevenee tear feporurecan Chueh 20. Se ers, sss
Tectaeur oe. VaAvnorreroem f 4.5 8 eee OR 8S Fee ES
Tne Husgiaen -Orthodox:Church « i: és SA a a a;
The new Church Status of the Orthodox Gharky Bu ehs 3
HUMANIA2 -f Patriarch appointed.Minister President .. . .,
the eis ag) zy viatb a of the Baptists e e e ° e ry ° . ° ° e ry

eae ul UO AOT ee DE OE ES gu bined eid wie je Ayieten mie

ula Benen so AUNGW- YOUTH Movement VOR la Vee Re ery 6s
Pimeie spat LONeol ether Brack "Race PCR. Loe Ee ORI
Evangelical Forces move towards United Front ....
SPAIN ee Ae BCA OSE POAC Gey ge see a le el
A BD Da) Le Wn he Readings he yk we Breet wie
PCa MOR VAC Oita me (OLOT EV 6 ie ae ee le 8 ae
Dee south GON. OL Hine PrOLGStants,.< us ws ‘ ae pg
A new Organisation for the Assistance of Ghidaren ey
Pecoe ae Cheyer La ie eenuC MOSEL Ys wie Je le wee
ae rOccumentT
SWITZERLAND: The Social Commission of the Federation of Churches
Hers tHace Questione’s «os ae OAT é Goh 08
The Departure from the Sandjak of iexandret+e akg
U.R.S.S.: Jubilee of the Destruction of the Simeon Monastery
TPilerims " * . . e e ry . ° e ° ° ° e . . ° ° . °

The. religious Situation Rs ER OR ete a ae ee

POGeTIGHhOMINaGhoual WMOVEMOM Ewen at Says Paterna mere 3 2 2
2 REY NEN STONES ous VidehyAa dleog RS Bes Se. ee en
Pio wee ae OL AP PAO LVS UN TI StanGY we e he one, eM he 0 8
POS ee Ure OS GGT be. e e Bag cle Pde te «6 “8 6
ig a ROT AT US AB e t ent ae Sel n- Sve eal ak “%
Soviet Hliminates Religion etches “eoom
COReee aD At ss a n Ae he SAW A Ahad mata cca. 3
ee eee OO Ce fails wl el) (a, Fae ey ee a oe f
FOECLTILSG Tendencies ° ° cd . ° ° e ° ° ° ° . . ° * ° e

monew VOnCeptson OF History 1. «jee 8," , :

Some Figures concerning the Confiscation of the Goods
ofthe -Orthedox Monasteries: «2 ss ft he
" The inti-Go al ess " . s oy ° ° e e . e ° ° ° . ° ° . :

UNITED STATES: Oecumenical Movement . . . bh

Total of 353,260 People reached by Preaching “Mission

Race Relations Sunday... . SAP RAH Tete apie ogee lee
Amc6rican Girls working for Peace ate Pahatoe tay twee
A Christian Witness to a War-torn World Meta ce! iat a Pants
UnempLovynent In Gphue BNO Church sca ee ee 8 ee
Elcetions for World Council Meeting in Holland ...
Cop eCOUrCh siti eerie Ww WOTKOTS «6 6 bh is 8 le oe
Roeeece. COUNCIL Grvevery “CHUrch ok ce hw i Ee oe tn ee
Isolation impossible, Message on Church and World Problems
Washington Clergy to promote National Religious Movement PH
Jewish Conference bears Plea for "Religious Culturalism";
POWISR HUMANE SGUtaCKed s. . eve we ew we le ee
exc rene can! WOR POONVENTLON oss 2 6 6 ele eee He
CoE Ns Toys RMS Ua Sa SP a ee a a a a
Aes AOL) gk eI Uy hil wie ot es wes elk te ah a ee ° ae
Page 7 INDEX 1938

UNITED STATES: Pacifist Groups to unify Activities throughout

SE thleSSC6 silt aa MS ta a Fn al nl ee ee Se a ha eta
Preaching Missions in 16 Countries .... ron loc tale-bia el pi 19-20
Problem of Growing Hordes of Migrating Workers Dine fae le 22
Ser weer CTORODNOUS 5 e's «te Ve fe le e's ol te ete 26
The Navy Question tea ae Pe BES OO ACRE ae eae : 26
Seminary Conferemee ... .« We ic CS a Oe . 28—29
Programme for 1940 Lutheran forld Convention . 2 . 28=29
Catholics form Union of Prayer for Peace .. ss. 3 30
Children build up Parish .. : : ae 31
Realistic Peace Programme characteristic of Church nike 32
Congregationalists join World Council of Churches .. . 33—-34
Congregationalists reaffirming Social Action Programme,
Pe Rolo aeOnOnLe 2 Leow BCLGG ss e's 8 ek ee eee 33-34
Pee rere "COMLOLENOO Tes a) ee) ew) poe te @) sls lee 33-34
"Go=Lo—Church” Page in Newspapers ..°. . . «+ + ; 36-37
Women will turn to Secular Movements if not given more:
Pecoerottonm DY -CHUrCH) se 6! ss is ig 8 fe Ne Ses ak 36-37
United Lutheran Church sets up Social Mission Boara ae 36-37
Convention of the United Lutheran Church will consider
ee eC OL MG Le tela is ete ie) le om Re Gk 8a ee ee 4]
North American Provisional Committee of World Council
Srenaeeiiah OLEAN UGP OG) iat se aus ue ey wo 8), ele ese ee 41
Pooall to Prayer’. . anae Pbeteleisg RO tr ae Mie LP ae 41
A Model Third Hague Conference. ir he a Ee les My 41
Church Membership continues up .. re its a eee oe 435—44
Catholics plan wide Revision of Bible we Ae Lt 43-44
World Council gets Quarterly Magazine . A SPeeeesiie | 45-46
Church Youth Work to be reorganised . ...s.+es-s 45-46
per rEerurGonnmoltel os. «sles: 8% 6 ab ae te) Gas 45-46
The Catholic "Bishops' Programme" in Retrospect ; “ete 45-46
Baptist World Convention to Study Peace, Evangelism . 47
On the Way to the Lutheran World Convention, 1940 . 49
The 15th Anniversary of the Federal Coummeil ...... 49
More Churches approve World Council .°. . . 6s « 6 « -« 50
Co-ordination of Church Movements... . ls 50
National Moral Standards urged by World Friendship.
Alijance’*. ." 49% Sree SC a Sirs Ri ie: Mie Re rely aa ines ae oe 50
Three Hundred Peace Meetings Peat ee aie ce 8, 8% vm ae
YUGOSLAVIA: Orthodox Bishops Conference .. . 2. .« +e « © «© & 4
The Pilgrims' Movement ... . See Mega he teas a BL bee 31

GENERAL: The Amsterdam Conference - Christus Victor... . No.

A Survey of the World Missionary Conference at Madras
Theaeworlawonterence of Missionait 2ou reel. ene a
Poe; ee Unaey Or (‘Abe CNY StL Eng yee eine ee 88
The International Missionary Conference ....e.« «
)) An Impression of the World Missionary Conference at Madras
St. Germain Meeting of the Provisional Committee of the
MOE VOUMCIT. “OL CRUrChnee sk mie keree «© 8}
Further News of the Madras ge cage a Conference .
Pius XI and Oecumenism.... Acar wane ae nae
Dr. Kagawa's Visit to Mahatma “Gandhi Oma A .
Chrast(and, World Friendship «+ « « « PR RO Se ae ae
Executive Committee of World Alliance for. International
Friendship through the Churches . . Ce he Se ae
Orthodox Churches and the Oecumenical Movement eee
The Extension of the Roman Catholic Church under Pius “XI
"Islamic Unity, the Foundation of World Peace"... . OOMOM
Pius XII and Church and State .. ee 10
Official Report of the I.M.C. Meeting at Tambaram oe ak
The Vatican's Invitation to the Oecumenical Patriarch
ir Se loGrouetion Of Une. FODEe «. s+ ss es 6 ee ee aM
Oecumenical Worship ... a ee Was dea i 11
Quakers draw together cdboeernevrn the Wi SeL re) Cyr et ao ve 11
Two Quakers given the Philadelphia Award . . .. +. 6 » il
Honorary Degree of Db. of ooyane ge es
offered to
rs Waike Viasex ot Hooft.<. si... <> ht oe eo mapk
Distinetions® < ««'. ° ‘ : ° . a2
Sir Henry Lunn, A Promoter of Unity among the Churches Lb,
D) An Oecumenical Institute for the Northern
Y.M.C.A. International Evangelistic Team
in Hungary
Time dineterdam Conference. WO! ee ee ee Ses 16
Christ and World Friendship .. ee ert oe 16
The Archbishop of Canterbury at the Phanar o Yate?) 6S es yi
Coordination of Christian Work for Refugees ...és-. 18
Prof. Karl Barth and Freedom of Speech in Holland .. 18
American Protestants urge Pope to intervene with Franco 18
Progress in the Formation of the World Council of
Churches . . b bs e¥iwet vat a4) while 18
The Archbishop of ‘Canterbury in "the Bast ey a oe ae ae 18
A Declaration from the Officers of the Provisional
Conmitpee: ts « soe GD SPRL in vise My AM, what et otk 19
A Note on the Above Declaration NES BSR A ie: Seas ae oa 19
Tie A Ge VOLT 6 de est ple eke ee ee 20
Week of Prayer . 1.4 5. ae a . ar 20
Period of Common Prayer observed by the “Chinese and
Japanese Student Christian Movement ...-..« « « e el
Call to Prayer at Whitsuntide 1939. . . Se Nps ce 21
Refugee Scholars and the Oecumenical Study Work Shei 22
The League of Prayer and Service... ° ‘ i ea 22
The Huropean Central, Office for Inter—Church Aid aah. 2h 22
The Venturesome Side of Amsterdam .. + « « « © «© « « 22
A Wagers to the Y¥.M.C.A.8 of South. America...» »« + «,0 24
DE France and the Eastern Catholics ... +++ « «© « « @ 24
The Pope on Peace ... ear 24
World Conference of ey aera” Youth i vatecian | ee 25
The Oecumenical Seminar .. OR ia a5
Meeting of the World Protestant. "Federation A Oa 25
A Letter from Bishop Marahrens to the Archbishop (2) Fh
Canterbury . «6-2 «as OLS ieie Se ee yar eet ek ae 25
Page 2 INDEX 1939

GENERAL: The Methodists are One.People . .... +s -s No. 26

Adventures in Oecumenical Worship at Amsterdam .
Sa MMC ee era ey We cs ie ee ek ee le Oem
ARGENTINA: Confederation of Protestant Churches ...
BELGIUM: The Amay Monastery goes to Chevetogne ....
BOLIVIA: A&A Confession of Faith by the Bolivian State President
CANADA: The United Church of Canada ... Sag | de
Church of all Nations celebrate Birthday 9h es Wen
The Church of Canada favours "Christian geotalieari on®
CHILI: Chili Government proposes Priest-Ambassador to the’
Vatican e e e ° e e e e ° e e « se e * e e e e °

CHINA: Better Christian Service for China's Wounded Soldiers

Co-operative Movement ee a te ae rae ce ge
Y.M.C.4. and Y.W.C.A. and War-torn China A ae
Mi SeeOn eV RCT VECLOS: sits Gio skilce 1 ie 6s et ie le ye
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: The Position of the Protestant Churches
FRANCE: Lent Lectures at the Reformed Church of Passy
Appeal for the Grouping of the Christian Forces .
eee eee eee ese ig! a lwp: ae el whe we
Beorenes OL HOM VepeOlLeOism s 's “es “a "a “« le. 'e, 0
Tratice and the Kastern Catnolics “S22 + +k 8's
GERMANY: Dr. Niemdller's Birthday ...
oe The Department for Ideological Information
TACGRLOM OL HEGLIGY? 0% se 8. 8 m 1 6 8 8 8
Forbidden Papers .. dF ahah: cif Bayoetits: Senex
9) The Jews and the Church re
Confessional Membership in Schools
rh: ae a
a e>s

<i e
e° 10
Report on Evangelical Religious Instruction in Bavaria bust
Confessional Private Schools closed ....-+ « « 6 ° 11
Peers eis WOCeILe Se? “eis fete ce “eg Me 8: eee Ne 13
Evangelical Statistics .... 14/15
Comments on the Speech of the Archbishop of Canterbury 14/15
i Declaration by German Church Leaders ..... 16
The Confessions in the new Conception of History 18
Movement for Evangelical Christian Unity .... 22
Mine Chtrehsand) the: Nation Pete ‘ite Papua Lelie OSE ele! oe 25
Free Church Endeavours Towards Unity ..... . 25
i. Statement by the Lutheran Bishops ...... + ss
GREAT BRITAIN: Protest by Church Assembly .
lisague: of Prayer) and Servis)! oie is) ue.
The Free Churches and Unity. . e

Primate's Call to Christendom . e e e

League of Prayer and Service . ° e °

Spiritual Rearmament .... ® ° eiet

Christianity and World Order Q sae 6 ° se

an Important Statement by British Church Leaders

Pieters ang Conse
ri nt Lon: (iy vee oe de ee hye We we ne
ree UC CIwUalGy 66 in ie je is ie ce ye gue ge we ce te
The Church and the International Situation ...
Edinburgh Conference on Faith and Order .... . se
e s

League of Prayer and Service. Evidences of Unity

Phe Basic MUS ehes Gees GV als felts) |e Dede AoiGe, 28
Five Times as Many Objectors ... Blake .
Methodist Address in Durham Cathedral . °
"Not a Word" .. Va Oke We ae ee an oJ

An Important World-wide Survey Pate the Ge eat gt .

Page 3 INDEX 1939

HUNGARY: Y.M.C.A. International Evangelistic Team in Hungary Wo. 13

ee ee ie De Pag lk es we at Rs CRAG Ae eee 20
INDIA: A’ United Church Service’ at’ Madura 4.005 1. + » 2 « @ 9
The Oldest-Christian’Chtreh. in Indiaticicd .oureriiowe « 18
The-Meadras-Tremieriand Conversions. ». 5s s & » kee #8 '% 20
An *Oecumenical™ Ashram’ .03) 6 wl elses), STAC SOR. se 21
D JAPAN: Buddhist Students practise Meditation ....+s.es BAY
The Nation-Wide United Evangelical Movement ..... 11
The Religious Organisations Control Bill . ony Sots Wa ah
The Christian Brotherhood organised ....++se«-s 21
MANCHUKUO 4 Church and Stat e . co * e e e e a Oo e e ° se ° J he

NETHERLANDS: Joint Meeting of Catholics and Protestants . 10

Jubilee of a Collaborator of the Oecumenical Movement 20
Exhibition of Biblical Art at Amsterdam... s «ss 25
NORWAY: Ordo Crucis ° ° ° ° ° . ° ° * ° ° e ° e ® ° . ee 24

mens rie Ortnogoe Church in Poland §.« +. 6 « « 6 « # "es 22

RUMANIA: Order for Reopening of Baptist Churches ..... Ly
SCANDINAVIA: An Oecumenical Institute for the Northern
ee CeO aie es wise) bee 8 ea ee. ee eee 12
SCOTLAND: The Iona Community . . , 9
The British Prime Minister at the Church of Scotland:
Tabet. Ree ULN yw 6 kale le ee 8! el 6 8) a we 23
Dee MCOGULED PONSTEL POSTOG 0a eee ee he 8 ke ee 24
SLOVAKTA: Slovakia becomes a Roman Catholic State ... . 17
SOUTH AMERICA: A&A Visit to Y.M.C.A.s of South America... 24
SPAIN: Future religious FOLicy ° © * . . e e e e ° 2 e ° e 10

mocouraging Newa irom:Spain «9. 6 6 6 © 6 we eb ee La

Quaker War Relief ° ° e ° ° ey ° ° ° ° ° e e ° ° 6 r e 16

MePse.OUs LOOP LY) ow. 6 ea tee 8 ee He i ae 20

Protestants in Spain . . + 6 + 6 © © ww we we og 24
SWITZERLAND: Church Fellowship beyond the Frontier... . 16
TURKEY: Renewal of the Elements which support the irreligious
Policy e ° e e * ° e oa ° e e ° e e e e 6 e e e e e 19

UKRAINE: <A Ukrainian Institute for the Reunion of the Churches 14/15
Practical Oecumenism in the Ukraine . ....-+« «se ¢ 27
UNITED STATES: University Christian Mission in 1938 .. 8
Milestones on the Way towards Church Union .... 9
Churches asked to mark Year of Niemdller's Imprisonment 10
Lutherans Reach Doctrinal Agreement . . . «» « « «© « @ ae
Union between Episcopalians and Presbyterians ..,.. 14/15
Minneapolis Catholics and Protestants join in Impressive
Di eG GS eh We wil wee ees tue we ee 16
Federal Council opposes Efforts to ban Refugees .. . 16
As oyFS Rea GR ey 3 0 Se oe a en ee ee ae ee” a a ad
PO eG ULL Eels Ws ig ial ik We 6) (6 el ke 8 el. s 8 22
a UR ir ws te ala ead) Laying. 8) ow tye 8 cele Oe 8 20
Negro Methodist Denominations expected to unite... 24
The Presbyterian Church and Unity . « « « « « © «© « « 25
"United Liberal Church of America" . ., rhe “re 25
Protestant Missions show Growth Abroad, Decline at
Home e e o ° . cf ° * ° * e® e e ° « e e s J . ae ae 27
Page 4 INDEX

U.5.5.R.: The Intelligentsia and Atheist Propaganda . ,

The Spiritual Testament of Lenin's Widow ..e¢..
Varying Views of Christianity in Russian Communism
STieocuurcy day ther suitoagse’ .) Wee. eae. wine
The Godless Control the Sale of religious "Articles
rh TOC. Gearen OL URE EOPRHOSE: oo eh sah es wee 8) ww hlet oe
Practical Oecumenism in the Ukraine .....+s.e .2

YUGOSLAVIA: Orthodox - Protestant Relations ..... e

Bo se

GENERAL: The Representativeness of Amsterdam. ..... e No. 28

Twenty~fifth Jubilee of the World Alliance for
International Friendship through the Churches. . 28
Meeting of the Administrative Committee of the World
Boeuncu. OL CORPONeS «ae ce «le we chet ae wy ete 28
Chronicle of the International Labour Organisations . 28
A Message of the 8th Synod of the Evangelical Church
of Czech Brethren to the Christian Churches abroad 28
& Message from the Near East Christian Council to all
CPU Chee OMA MESsAONS Ps wile es 0k oat ete! ay gel ia” « 28
* Further Progress in the Formation of the World Council
Of -Uburches divs 's s e ; . ear Seria? tae 29
The Communist Youth of Great Britain and the World
Conference of Christian Youth at Amsterdam .... 29
Golden Jubilee of the World's Sunday School Association 29
Pee eraAn WOO. CONVERGLON 65) 6 oe bo se we 8 eel 29
Church World Conferences ahead .... yy hee tae ae ae Te 29
First United Latin American Congress of Young People 29
World Conference of Christian Negro Youth Planned. . 29
From the Work of the Catholic Brotherhood "Una Sancta" 29
Mme Church and the. Jewish Converts seme #048 i's 29
The Church as an Oecumenical Society in Time of War . 52
& Message of the Society of Friends ......s.+s.as 31
The Faith and Order Continuation Committee ...:% . on.
The European Central Office for Inter-Church Aid .. 31
Pee age rOne CEseveneOn es eR Oe SEIT a ate ates 31
The Example of Young Christians in the Far East . . oe
A Message from the World's Committee of Y.M.C.4.s . 5 35
A Message from the World's Y.W.C.A. . 2. « « ake os
The Church's Function - A Fountain of Prayer ...e Re,
The End of Christian Mission in Turkestan ....% »@ 59
The Churches and the International Crisis ..... % 34
European Central Office for Inter-Church Aid .... 34
eee ele VELEN is) a) eh web gow lia ey mw bees ef 34
Following of the Amsterdam Conference ....+.. «oe 95
PEG) Das Lee atStOF. ei mn) aed alee we A SE Ee aie ie 35
SP spo pais ela AGBs PP a ADE ae ee ee 36
Polish Refugess in Rumania .... . SR hes 36
Christian Churches in Polish Districts under Soviet Rule 36
Solidarity of the Missionary Movements ....... 37
4 Message of the Baptist World Alliance ...... 37
German Missionaries in British Territories ..... ay
The International Protestant League and the War... 39
The Fate of the Churches in Eastern Europe ....s 39
To Baptists throughout the World .... i tee dee De 40
Plans for World Gatherings modified owing to the War 40
News of Dr. Zoeckler ... ae ie Me ak Tal tal tae 41
The Second Last Member of thé Cambridge Seven dies . 42
Baltic Germans .. ae he hae aoa ae ti Nite Tes 42
Important Oecumenical lee tings Sy the Scandinavian
Countries .. vie BR ere 43
The Attitude of the Northern Churches to the “War ea 43
The Message of the Conference of Northern Church Leaders 44
The Russian Orthodox Theological Institute in Time of War 44
The Effect of the Madras Conference on the
Churches . ° oe 44
& Russian Baition of the “Report of " the ‘World Conferences
eV gaat Se = Beer 2S POA ee 45
A Message to the Reformed Churches ba the General
Presbyterian Alliance ..... » ‘ OP aac ee 45
Message to Belligerent Countries from Northern Bishops 46/47
Page 2 INDEX

wimpmaw: ‘universal Week of Prayer 1.96 «es eo ew et eS

The Tambaram-Madras Series. . OL uch seis Or ir nike uae ea
Messages of Sympathy to Finland Nig Ge .
Message from the World Alliance for International
Friendship through the Churches... re tear yh
Message from the Dutch Delegation of the Amsterdam
RUE Crer Se, wile we) ed a Le Se kl ae we
o ti he OPEROOOROCORYEeh: the Moprect Shaner el wl. le 8
AUSTRALIA: Message of Sympathy ° ° e ° ° e 8 ° e ° ° e e

BaLTIC COUNTRIES: The Churches of Estonia and Latvia face

Events,in Eastern Europe «0s «6 e+ « © © «60 6
BELGIUM: Neutrality and Christian Judgment .... + « »
BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA: Death of the Dean of the Evangelical -
Church st02,,ponemien’ Sretuvoenteveste Pre nwmle so peye
Death of the Leader of the Czech Protestants ... .
Dierontoas “Ine FYODLemM Of FEace as a es 8k tw ee 8
CAMEROON: The German Baptist Mission in .Cameroon....
CANADA: Canada and the World Council of Churches ....,
Cenearten Gourcnces and vne War, “ss «se es .e we e e

Canadian Premier promises Churches "Enemy Aliens" will

Perec Gee wee ge a! on ef ke ee Se 8 a
et OULE THOS TeSbOre. UOLUGr &.s «5 m6 8 8 # ©
CHINA: A Presbyterian Preacher at the Consecration of a Bishop
War-torn China receives European Refugees .
War-Time Preaching in China .....
The Church and Co-operatives. . Pe ae”
"Lord's Acres" and "Church Ohidkens! F
Helping German Missionaries thse baal ear ate Me
Growth of the Y.M.C.4. Work .. pene cial ta
The North China Flood and the Wi detdnaries
EGYPT : War and Prayer e e. ° e ° ° ° ° ® ° e ° ° e e e ° ®

FAR EAST: Example of Young Christian in the Far East ..

FINLAND: Appeal made by the Finnish Bishops .
Christians in a Crisis Sed? Sie 6 Wake
Message to the Finnish Suurch Th
he Pannish Church.) ¢ at Par eae e

4A Call for Help to the Christian World

Messages of Sympathy to Finland ... @“ee
8 eo@©« @:

PRANCESs~ The Prench Churches’ in War—Time *.°.'s'‘s ses «6

The Protestant Church in Time of War .
4 Message to the Ministers and Members of the Protestant
Chur ch e ° e ° e . e e e ° . e ° ° e e e So

Conscientious Objessors Pe ea e «ie lets Gee tee

Repercussions of the War in the Life of the Protestant
Veeco m On ere eh oe a & es bo se wi we ek ee
PUNO OMUSSOH BER VIOGR “site le tet ee a a a pee wee 8
Our Attitude as Christians towards the Sheen War .
Europe will not PO PLA DSO eee a ig es eee
The Russian Orthodox Theological Institute in Time of War
The French Protestant Federation at Work . ..«.:.
hie VOnwroh Or sn renCeS=lorraric, |. ee wee 6 ee wl
GERMANY: Pastor Martin Nicméller ... ‘ rn ae nae
~~ From the Work of the Catholic Bidthawnsoa "Una Sancta"
Purwner Barining of Papers”. + ‘+ .s ‘ Shey ae eae ae
Restrictive Measures for Christian BooWtrvatte "a pine ae
A "Spiritual Couneil" ° . e e e e ° e ° e e . . ° e
Page 3 INDEX 1939
Geen: eum lace “im the, Church" ue) eects tiie (elds uke 8 NOs, DL
Message to the Congregations of the German Church. . 26
Christian Family Devotions in the Present Hour ... 32
Look unto-God'". "oO -; "e e ok ee Te er a 33
Catholics and Protestants SP” ACM Ss an a ee ED
Te PEO a AEA GWL EOE ie eek ee ek ee ee 8 le 33
TR GT ORCAS CSTRe aia’ Geil aca ne eee Mids fe met om -8 oa
Pastors in Germany . RO eS aT Raha £9 a3
Pulpit Proclamation at the "Hervest Thanksgiving 1939 33
The Roman Catholic Biblical Novement and Protestant
re eral eee Tran.) kk ek sie be ee laf 36
Ao rreyer tor’ Use in Time or Wars ee te re me Me he . a7
"Witness is the Duty of every Christian" .....s 37
Ideology and Science in Germany . . .« « « = es eee a7
Pastor Martin Niemdller... a » : 39
A Greeting to Church Members who have been evacuated 39
The Fate of the Evangelical Pastors in Poland... . 39
Non-Aryansin Germany .. ; . ime ses, Wl a . 41
British and French Churches in Germany vee Bw el e+ % 41
Peep OsUreunvenee The nWary ogo times see 8 ee ele 42
Catholics and Protestants ... .» + « « © « » a akon 42
Return to the Church .. : BARU e e gle MRE hos wf 43
Spiritual Advisory Council | of the Germe n Evangelical
Church. . ata ete Bed % 43
The Prayer of the Church of Jesus Christ Se ee 43
The Catholic Church must pay War Contributions ... 45
Preaching and Pastoral Work in Time of War ..... 46/47
GREAT BRITAIN: New Bishop of Sheffield .... wie saul ely 29
Pee Sota
wRe2eN0ENAi Dis EDOULEB an vie 6.06 + © » ws 32
ie Sieeniern ie Ot TNA CLORE' ) ow 4) 28 8) of ee) eles 32
Powe, PLATO ROC LU LCC St A a ENGEL BN ae ess 32
Tan On. NAGLOnRes WeLAyOr™ 8 OB eee Me we ot ot wh eve 33
Salvation Army's War Work. . ahah eh ah RA wt at wh gt oe oo 33
Poieeee SOL UreioOUOk a Uae Ua ss eto” ale! ae! wtiat a's 5D
Christian Citizenship.in.WareTime .. + » » «+» » # « 34
ga Message to Christian Pacifists ..s »« « «© » e« e 34
Broadcasting in every Day Life .... Bal ere 4 36
The Y¥.M.0.A. in Time of War .°. e* oe et of er we 94 Mg
& Message of the Baptist World Alliance gree ah ot oe 37
Tre Cnurcn 6. furiction in Time ‘or Wares | “ern: eats 37
tnglo-German Fellowship in Prayer . . 2. . . e« ee «a. a
Ain Important New Publication ... Tyla ee ae e e Ne ge 39
Sermon by the Bishop of Chichester at a Service for
Christian Refugees... oh ge AN gM Se at we a 40
To Baptists throughout the florla Poe hel ar" te 40
For a creative, constructive Peace .... - ah 40
Deepening Ecclesiastical Life . « « « «2» es yee ss 40
Church Unity Octave ... BENE ah AA gt oh ahah a! 40
An International Oecumenica 21 Service PN dorms e t, oe 4l
Czech Commemoration in London... Bogs as ows ei ie 41
The second last Member of the Cambridge Seven dies . 42
Theology To-day... a eee ne ee 42
The Young Anglican Crurcne a Overseas es ae ae 44
Towards a New Europe .. eee a ae 44
i Message to the Reformed Churches “py the General ;
Brosby tots wl Lene Man cotidsse, ¢ 8) ee 8 le ee 8 45
h Retucee Vrager Pei lowenip. 5 «0 « «te 8 6 6 48 ee 8 46/47
The Care of War Prisoners and Internees .....e«.. 46/47
HUNGARY: The World Crisis and Christian Certainties ... 38
Hungarian Protestant Pestival . . « « e's s # « « « « 41
Christianity and the World Situation .......-e 42
Page 4 INDEX 1939
INDIA: The National Christian Council and the Situation -
created by the War . ° ° ° e e ° e e e No.
if4LY¥: Synod of the Waldensian Church .,..
JAPAN: Co-operation with Korea . . 6. 6 «
Union Evangelistic Campaign .... :
The Effect of the Madras Conference on the Japanese
Churches .... eee hae
Student Christian Federation Secretary detained ..
Religious Forces mobilised for National Purposes. .
KOREA: The Dilemna of the Korean Christians .
LATIN AMERICA: First United Latin American Congressof Young
BELG GO le) AUG RC A ROR GQ AAR e e e e °

LITHUANIA: The Orthodox Church in Lithuania .

MaANCHUKUO: Christian Schools and Shrine Worshi p in Manchukuo
MEXICO: First National Evangelical Congress .
NETHERLANDS: National Commemoration .... .
pucesssor to Dr. Wissing’'.). se. es 2 ss
Peto Catholie Church hogy BO ale
The Development of a Confessional Basis
Ponviyeon "Trepare, for Poaget.:. » °
"God's Call to us in the Present Day"
PLUESTINE: Inter-Church Aid... - «© » »« « «
The Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem ..
POLAND: The Ukrainian Evangelical Movement in
The Fate of Evangelical Pastors in Poland
Report from a Visit to Poland .... »
The religious Situation in Poland .. -
RUMANIA: Polish Refugees in Rumania. ....
SCANDINAVIA: Important Oecumenical rah hats in the
Peedinacint Countries ..
The Attitude of the Northern Churches. £0 the War + iv
The Message of the Conference of Northern Church Leaders
Message to Belligerent Countries from Northern Bishops
SCOTLAND: Immediate Tasks of the Church...
SLOVAKIA: Church Journal suppressed . ..-..
SPAIN: The Protestant Church in spain ....
fhe State and the Church . . . .« «+6 «
SWEDEN: Intercession for Finland ..... »
eee & Message from the Church .. .
4 Message from the Old Catholic Church .
What are we to do? ... ° ALS?
Honorary Degree for the Bishop of chicheeeer
Discussion on the Basis of the World Council
Joint Service of Intercession .....
Occumenical Responsibility of the Church
The Responsibility of the Churches...
TURKESTAN: The End of Christian Mission in Turkestan . .
Page 5 INDEX
UNITED STATES: The local Church becomes oecuvnenical
World Conference of Christian Negro Youth Planned
USA Mediation between Japan and China urged . e
Church Membership increases by one million. . °


ON 6 eat ee 8 °

Goal-Posts of Christian Unity ....-+ «ses e

Vo2ees Trom American Churches yee te ve 8 e

Lutheran Student Group joins Jorld Federation e e=e


To all Members of the United Lutheran Church . e

Amsterdam and the Methodist Youth .... ° ° es


A Message from the Federal Council of Churches °

Federal Council asks Peace Co-operation Plans of USA

Federal Council launches Refugee Aid Plan .. e e

Blections in the Life and Work and Faith and Order ea


POV beg he Mae se RR eee oe fe Me

Churches sponsoring. Prayers for Peace ... .
Appeal to Bishops to reaffirm War Stand .. .
Church Bells ring on Protest against War on Armistice Day
American Lutherans will support Missions orphaned by War
Preparation for the National Christian Mission . e

Supervisory Authority proposed for Conscientious

Objectors ... ind “ing aie te Pais ae
Poll of Roman Catholic Collegians reveals one-third.
Gr COnectenbioue UnTecuOre. “s « “es 0 + “e “& ‘«
Ten—-Point Pence Programme ...+..+ « «= « »
U.S.S.R.: Members of the Godless sentenced for Offensiveness
to the Church e es e e e eo a e e se e e e e

How the Church continues pi DES elke ‘ F

How the Godless justifies the Seizure of Bast Poland
The Policy of the Godless Movement ..... . ae

VENEZUELA: A Movement towards the Gospel .... .

GENERAL: Call to the Churches of the Neutral Countries... No. 1
Message to Tambaram Delegates .« . . « »« « » « ae ite he“ 2
Inter-Church Contacts in Time of War. 2
Administrative Committee of the World Council of Churches 3
Mee une .or sOrticers.of, the World Alliance . «.. 5... « © a
> The "Silence" of the Oecumenical Movement ... .. + » j 3
Does ON RIBS GERI el wl! ae) 6 fal) yk el’ 9 ee wee “ 3
Octave of Prayer. . ets 5
Orthodox and Pro te meant Bishops Call ley lecarencn of
PERS “ATMS 4 (aes Sai gM tthe? pla 4
Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity SPs ee HYiga a we , “
Amsterdam and China... Pak =ab aa a he ae riba 4
Christ and World Friendship eas Se Nati Man ys Paces ok 4
Universal Day of Prayer for Students Bo Pi ta ences es 5
The International Fellowship of Reconciliation 4 Mig itar Ge wits 5
for Finland's Nation and Church . . 5
The American Churches and the International Situation : 6
Federal Council Representatives in Europe ....... « 7
Buropean Central Office for Inter-Church Aid .... 7
Reinhold Niebuhr on the "Fruits Meet for Repentance" 8
Christian Service to War Prisoners and Interned Aliens )
Why does Norway not go to War for Finland. ......«-. 10
one Drink Problem in War Time .. . Sapa, ie ples
Interdenominational Approach to Chinese Students ite, he 12
Message of the Queen of Holland to the Foreign Missions
Conference of the United States of America ..... he’
Valamo end ite Monks .. «1 «& «08 + » eyiath te 13
Relationships between Christian Movements of Japan and hava 14
De ae eT VED Crivel errs 6s + ees 8.6 88 8 ee ee pele 14
» The Finnish Miracle... rt au Py a 14
F Conscientious Objectors at the Present Moment Sane chia. Minds 14
The Oecumenical Movement and the Fate of Scandinavia .. £5
The Churches and the Non-Aryan Christians ....... . ce
Common Day ef Prayer for China and Japan .....2.-. 5 15
RW Ge moan vies Onaries SCG FYEC . Riese ce 2 ee 2 ke le 16
Message from the Bishop of Copenhagen ....+. ++... s af
internatLonal Competition for Youth . +». «6 «© © © 8 6 « dat
Bert iual Wactors in ithe wPeace .Favlure. «4 «+ 6 + 6 be 8 19
TrevWarerriaoners' cAid cf,the Y.M.C.A. 00. ew we le wt 20
Darkness and Light. . : oe
The World Alliance for Pateunats nck ‘Friendship through
She Ghurches «\. (vs. ‘ ee St hee 22
"Let no Man's Heart Fail because of him" Ava VL e ae pais 23
Growth of the World Council of Churches . ... «.«-. @ % ao
ApoeroreCa vareneviciima of the War. . 06+ 8 pe ce. ee ee 23
PURSLLCATLON Sore Hs : SUL sete ilesa Mee shila | ei eames he 24
poets near World Council “Office Aik, oe eet oe Se ee ee 24
TheiNorth in,Mowrmming .... Pa wien at aatteG rie, Wak bd trip 24
"Understanding built upon Silence" Peet eon) Weta! +8! sve test) 6 25
DOTS eOrei cit, DW ARC HtTensth oe es eae oe we 8 26
"Amsterdam" Still at Work... PCE SG My, e a ta, 26
Relations between the Anglican Church and the Orthodox
Churches. . . Ae Fist ve 26
®D - Help in the Troubles of Eeenesn: Protestantiamn. abe ie he os 26
AFRICA: The War and the Christian Missions . . . + + « «6 - 2
ALGERIA:. Lay People et Work in‘the Church’. .°. 2» « e's 2 © » co
BELGIUM: Interdenominational Collaboration ...+...+s.-+.6s.
BRAZIL: Lutheran Church faces Language Problem. .....e- 2
Page 2 INDEX

BULGARIA: Towards the Restoration of the Patriarchate of

er Ce ae etre ae ie ee Re No.
Rapprochement between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia
CANADA: Statement of Civil Liberties ... e

Gaviadetanaethg Want o¢ “et.. bayd, E41 pre. Mens . e « ° e °

Settlement of Finnish Refugees .... ° . J ° ad «

me wChureh" aplagkael: wkd cease See nees iene °

CHINA: On Behalf of Chinese Catholics . .....-ee-.

The Growing Oecumenical Church .. aig
Inter-denominational Approach to Chinese "students :
Changed Attitude Towards the Church..... 8
Christian Development in Interior China...
a oT UNL e DEAN MORO L CLG "6 a tease eo ere ie 888
Boe ying Gr aONGNs ENemtes).s as) Mes Nesereres «0 ow es
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: A Church must change its Name. ... .
DENMARK: Services for the Danish Soldiers fallen in the
Defence of their Moscone aie fait ca tae eae gh et °
hamercotrerituhation ... 4 OE ce Rae tee
Student Christian Movement “Conference es ES Bes he) eae
EGYPT: Message from the Pope to the Patriarch of Alexandria
Defence of Islam and anti-missionary Propaganda . e

Deere EeLGCtLORLOESDABHODews. « «4 8g ne 8 ee ek
meanerer oe sane soneea.Or Valamo . « < « « «+s «8 « &
PINLAND: Messages from Church Leaders ......+4e+.-.
Seeweuran erLeoncrea arm SUNG LA «ss es en te ek Se
The Spiritual Fruit of Bristaace ~ aaa oben ue getye ahs
Work for the Evacuees... ite cds wg
Christian Influence on Rugeian® peiaaners Se elie IR) hs
Seem aloe OL bie Gavulte” . <a see fe et
Seer ee Cee NE e ee sn an tk Se ee 8 fe
Churches bombarded ... . 4 ae
Message of the Finnish Bishops. to the People of Finland
Russian Prisoners on Religion in Russia ......
The Religious Life of the Finnish Army .....
toe wite.o. poe Churches <’... Paces ie (6
Religious Needs of the Russian Privoners > yese Sr an BN
Cree ete ee ener Prien es a wh seh el ee 8
Valamo and its Monks .. “gi: Hits 5
Message of Comfort of the Finnish Bishops 5 eee
The Last Service in the Church of Hangd...
The Importance of the Church in the Life of the Country
eet eae eh ee Cer iT Gt gf ace ait ait ga! ec ee ee
ewe 2 Coulee ties fgis. eg ete el ke une
Dedeee eeiG re ee a a gee eo he ee ee wh
Boewoen Urtnoooe em busnerans fo. Sse ee 8
A Danish Impression. . PESO ie oP ea EE he
The Valamo Monks stay in "the “Country es Sata
BRANCH: . The Prayer Book of the French Soldier... .
The Task -of the Army Chaplain 69. vec. (sme
Help to Eastern Orthodox Soldiers ....
» Lenten Lectures... R Pa r
French Protestantism in Time of Wer Sis aie

The Church of the Lighted Lamps .....

GiTteeter Finland: Prek Bayi Pon ° «

Services of Intercession for Pe adhLal patie Bilt

tne <Bvacuated Chureh demAhainny - os moe amma” Wag es°e.

Christian Students think of the Sears eas .

>°e 2.


Message of the National Synod of the Reformed Church

Page 3 INDEX 1940
Pea Chee ieerropLemaoL~Neutrality. ein tiabenn o © toe 8 8 Ney 23
A Service for Czechoslovakia .. : pa fet yea 3
Religious Work among Russians in the "Prench ATMY es 14
Desperate Situation of Paris Missionary Society... ae
Protestant Church Leaders pay Tribute to Cardinal Verdier 17
The Present Situation of Christian French Youth... 3
Message from the President of the Protestant Federation 21
Message of the Czechoslovak Evangelical Mission in
France to Protestant Churches of the Netherlands . el
Rovegeoloeeyer, TOD tno ALILGe am 6 ie eo ee te ge 22
PU Oes eReLee BUC. CA GNOLLOR cs.c9 4h ose igs Sonus iene oe « 23
Evacuees and Refugees « «a6 0 » + « « « erat teak ehh 25
Wave after Wave of Refugees... ANE a ay a am 24
The Task of French Christians To-day qs are ar 26
GERMANY: National Socialist Yuletide Message ....». s 1
Cerwec se Our Preseny Light « f 6 sé od fe. 8 As
Religious Service for Prisoners of War . : ate 2
Ain Expression of the Co-operation of the Churches ee 2
Gnuren Work for the Interneds ¢ +s fs sf fb ee ee 3
eeu Pore OTUGIY ye. Fee et ee ot a Oe ish te 3
Meinvenance of Church Life. « sy fs es mele. ie 4
Roman Catholic Bible Movement ....... Sa ea 4
Interconfessional Relationships ..... . FSi were 6
From Lenten Letters of Catholic Bishops ..... ; 7
Dm Ael at Wormer mene TArMY fs i Se te 8
mee OT “tare SLPUue haunt es oer. MR eet ee ls ore 8
The Soldier and the Church .. ee site 9
Formation of a "Reformed Church Committee" ; os 9
Meeting the Religious Needs of Catholic Prisoners of War 9
Increased Efforts for Christian Education... .
Towards Catholic-Protestant Understanding .. .
Religious Connections of State Officials ....
The Problem of Religious Education To-day ...... ie
An Raster Message to Prisoners and the Interned.. . 12
An Echo of the Church Conflict .. Pe RA eae 3
The Christian Church and the Children ae, ; 14
Easter Message of the Confessional Church . : ~ HS
Death of Prof. Dr. Julius Richter. . ene ny Bid
The St. Matthew Passion in a Catholic Cathedral Barre 16
Religious Instruction no longer obligatory .... . 16
A Resignation from the Ministry... Sea ean : 16
All German Catholic Missionaries set free ; BF ts 16
The Protestant Press and the War ... . Eras La
False Conception of the Authority of the State wey ais
Closer Relations between Lutherans and Catholics .. ite
Work among Prisoners of War... a h bc a) aa 18
Roman Catholic Military Prayer and " Hymnbook One | 18
Rights and Tasks of the Council for Spiritual Affairs 18
German Religious Press ... ete they ve te alee 19
A National Social View of the Oecumenical Movement . 19
Christian Lay Work .... en A ie MeL ae ee ra
Work for Prisoners of War and the Interned PPG OPEL AS yi by
The Distribution of the Bible in the Army ....+ as 22
Farewell Words of a Catholic Scholar ....+s++5 2 % 23
PE OC et IN Vu EL LDN Ae ie ie e tive te + ce ty tani a tin as ee 8. ei
Rapprochement between Catholics and Protestants .. . 24
Fifty Years of Social Service in the Church... . 24
Honorary. Degroecitor. Proiwe GankOw + + ». 6 6, #: 0, «©, @ 25
ee ee SOL Gite. et ON Rael idas ee es oo ey ey ee as 26
Meeting of the Luther Academy . . « «6 » « «© se » o « 26
Page 4 INDEX a \O— Oo

GREAT BRITAIN: The Ministry of Reconciliation No.

The Church as Universal Fellowship .. .
Intercession ror Finland’... ».%.-« e °

Britain's Sympathy with Finland. .

Among German Prisoners of War...
The Church of England on Peace Aims °e
e¢ )sg-@*e

The Archbishop of Canterbury on the = . come

2 He} @ a2 oOHh ct
A Service of Christian Unity ....
Christians and Peace .... ‘
Service of Intercession for Finland ° 6

British Scandinavian Conversations on oO Q €

The Churches and Social Service... .s

Religious and National Life... ° e NM

Tpesvork Ofer hend MCr hes | 0. ewe 4 e
The Church Army's Appeal ... ° °
Peovaravpon~ lor Prayer 2°... a . °°s

New Departure in Oecumenical Work e se

a ; =


The Bishop of Chichester on the Pope! 8 Rec @ nt oO f+

Unity kB a Peser: Sa mC pe ee ee US Pe.

A Community united by Grief ......

A Joint Call by the Churches .. .
English Free Church Assembly and the ‘War
The Archbishop of York on "Reconstruction" st

Brea let Or ROLURCGL jue a gl eye ee 8

Day of National Prayer .. .
Intercession Service on Behalf of Children
Nation-wide Sermons on the Day of Prayer ...
The Church of England and the World Council . .
Perienoas” end the Worid CoOuUnGI1 « » © 6 #8. .0n\s at
° es

GREECE: Death of Mme Alivisatos . ..+ + «+» seo.

HUNGARY: Pastoral Letter concerning Finland ... .
~The Church recognises no Distinetion between its Members
Finland's Fight for Existence and the Hungarians .

Bishop Kapi on the Church Situation . . 2... «+ .

The Hungarian Lutheran Churches help Finland ..
Grateful Prayer for the Dutch Nation ..... -»
International Relationships of the Protestant Church, Po

Sone Ae AY OL POA VERY <a Gie a ek eh es Oy 6. 0s 0

Theological Conference 2. sists be wl ehe.
CV bagel eM bab toys ear ‘i ‘ :
Indian Nationalism ane ingian Chiietians
Pere mT oe ONTTGs s ls te. se. e 8 le 8 ee HDoOowoww
PERV OL Gal. AUOPORR Ac ss) ee) se «es
Congress Leaders and Christianity . .
Indian Christians and the German Missions so°*.&ee

Closing of the Lucknow Ashram . .. +--+. +» cd

eeea ;
repeat char keee meta eRs! gg help ee. lee eee. #8 ¢*

ITALY: The Octave of Prayer, the Osservatore Romanoand

Protestant Press .. » e ° e * 2 ° . ,

Worship Services for the Isolated Bee Cae a a

Homexand the Christian’ East’ .'. .. % Brees Nigh
Roman Catholicism and the Churches of the East.
JAPAN: Kagawa and the Spiritual Situation in Japan
Christians and the Shrine Worship. . ° e .

The Churches and the Nations... . . °

Christianity or Nationalism... ° SJ e

New Religious Organisations Law . ° 2 *.

e° .

KOREA: “Brethren, Pray for us" . .« « . ° ° ° e ° °

Page 5 INDEX
LATINN AMERICA: Dr. Mott's Visit e . . e . & . e e ° e ry ° No.

ee ae
“Why we support the Allies"
. . . . t's «© « ©
Relief needed for Armenian Refugees . .... «+.»
LITHUANTA: The Orthodox Church and the Vilna Parishes. .
MANCHURIA: Establishment of a Christian Village .... ,y
NETHERLANDS: For Non-Aryan Christian Refugees .....
“25th A
Anniversary of Dutch Branch of the World Alliance
Dra Preemerson, tievUniversal. Churon . »s « «%s)s:.2' 3's
OG ao FT DTG CME eforvic0°" pa oh a a
Pee oii. toe ORe MOL LARC e mute e (6 8s 8) ee aoe 8 ee
Spiritual Deepening ... “+? ee ee ae oars
A Message from the Reformed Church of the Netherlands
NETHERLANDS INDIES: The Seven Years Old Young Church of Bali
NORTHAMERICA: North America and the World Council of Churches
ie DA et Pe rk: cu” fan vue Spin ofr. “evugw 18 .
NORWAY: The War in Norway and Bishop Berggrav ..... »
Bourem Wire Inthe Gecupled Area “s) eo oh el es ee e's
PALESTINE: What Madras meant to Nazareth ......-. 3
Peace Prayers at the Holy Sepulchre ........ ;
POLAND: the- American fraends. Relief... : 0). elie e's
~ Bible Society's Work. .... ’
Change in Leadership of the Orthodox Church °
Latest News of the Polish Churches .....
More News of the Churches... P ;
The Oecumenical Patriarchate and the Orthodox Chu
Rrra ATIC) 6’ Me wi. 6 Dh pabteta eine: Vee es \ceiel ir
Help for Protestants in Poland i ie ve ee

The Situation of the Roman Catholic Church under er

DesLOne. SOCLALLS bi RULG a6 a) ee 6 6 eC 6
Tragic Fate of Polish Priests . . . « « « « «
PORTUGAL: Christian Social Work for Country People .. .
RUMANIA: “The Church of Reconciliation" .....4. .»
~~ Contacts between Orthodox and Protestant Students .
The Position of the Baptists .. . Lt Ear
Protestant Homage to an Orthodox Bishop ER tee ea
SCOTLAND: Services“in Cinemas .°. .. .°. 7
The Church of Scotland in War Time . ‘
Maintenance of Foreign Mission . : .
The Churches in War and Peace ....
For a Christian International Order of Socie
Denbahinns toeeGhUurch OF Senegal os «ele 6 ed ee 8 we
BUG Anne PA CMUPCH NORTEL GOUT oF 6 6 eee ee pe eas
~The Church Conflict a e . e e a s ° ’ . ° e ° . e «

Protestant Periodicals prohibited SERS Pages 62h ae ake Naeger

SOUTH AFRICA: The Question of Native Bishops ..... %
Christian Council and German Missionaries...
The Credo of a Member of the South African Goverment
penavor 8. Plea Lom Church Unity . «+ 6, se le else,
SPAIN: Protestant Churches in Spain... . 5. 6 « » « @ &
Church and State e e . ° e e ° e ° e oe e e * s e ° dl

SWEDEN: The Spirit of the Volunteers for Finland . °

A Swedish Christian Leader on the Finnish Question
Collection for the Church of Finland .....6.. .-
Message from the Bishop of Copenhagen . ..... «
Page 6 INDEX

SWEDEN: Message of the Archbishop of Uppsala .

Intercession for Sweden and its Neighbours
Call to Prayer by Bishop Brilioth .. se

SWITZERLAND: Appeal on behalf of Finland...

A Letter of Karl Barth to France .°. s . . e °

Message of the Swiss Protestant Church Federation e

A Roman Catholic Contribution to Christian Unity .

Ways to Religious Peace ... ee ae ar
The Swiss Churches and the World Gounoit of onusahes
Relief for Protestant Refugees .....
Cmurom WoLreoevLONetor Finland) FSi. 6 «6
Religious Peace in Switzerland. .
From a Pastoral Letter of the Old Osthotic Bishop
TheReorientation of Protestant Theology in the last ee.

50 years =. se". #75 SOS. We

Karl Barth's View of the War and Swiss Neutrality
First Meeting of all Swiss Protestant Theological Students
Message of the Protestant Church of Geneva to the Queen
UF Pee ORO eM aE BOR Re. og eae wl |
vervice Of Intercession’ 28s os see
Bear ye one another's Burdens’... .
Glances at Christian Unity .- .... .»
Swiss Churches and the World Council .
Death,of,Dr.\Peter. Barth «).. Sere. ¢
Newspaper edited by Tibetan Christian .
SYRIA: Relief needed for Armenian Refugees . .
Troops in Syria seek Churches ..... «
UNITED STATES: Federal Council Heads ask Russian Embargo
Methodists and Peace Problems ....
Manifesto to Brethren of Jewish Race oA niaee : .

Collaboration between President Roosevelt and Cees

Leaders ° ° ° e e . ° ° s

Church Unity Movsecah. inn 1939. SMM Wo. «


e =

Help to those suffering by the War. . -


Comments on President Roosevelt's Tritiative ‘ e

"Fortune" on the State and the Church .. o e

re ted VOL wes Lora ne 0LOAd |. ss 4 6s. @ e

Oecumenical Relations .. . acesfan. 8 ° °

Jewish Gift for Christian Refugees aor ia °

Augustana Synod upholds Rights of Conscientious

RED es Veet ele tite inte We oe te cee ue 58 ° °

Oecumenical Worship . Shane at VRivie: s-lree a .7

Roosevelt to address Church Groups on Peace -

Rights of China must be respected in Japanese Treaty .

Federal Council's Attitude towards Saha vac ueheaa at

Vatican . e

Catholicsand Protestants at “Yale University °

Federal Council condemns "Christian Front” e

Thanksgiving for our Unity in Christ... es

Radio Broadcast and Religion . . .... » e

Revitalisation of Christianism . . « « « « *°
. e

Bishop Maning asks Funds for Finnish Arms e

9) Inter-—Church Co-operation and ata

“Christians in a World at War"...

American Christians and the Far Bast Gonfiiot

The Crisis of Evangelical Christianity . . .

American Churches urged to save European Protestantism

Christian Help for Refugees .... °
The Federal Council and the Appointment of Mr; Myron
Gy Taylor ° e ° . . e ° ° « e . ° e ° * .
Page 7 INDEX 1940

UNITED STATES: American Church Conference on the International

STE Mo) aa ae een Oa Tana Senate ane How 15
Findings of the Conference on the Churches and the
International Situation... 303, Np aa ner ane ame 14
Towards a World Fellowship of Christians BD Aiea) a ost aly s 15
Quakers and Church Unity. . . TS ati 16
The Results of "Amsterdam" in. the ‘United States. Goss Lif
Agaim Mr. Taylor's Appointment. 2. (sireseuse je 5 6 LG
An American Christian Ashram ...... « « « ivan’ sie 18
New York Methodists oppose "Peace at any Price" Foie 18
Bishop George Craig Stewart's Death .... Fidei ccanigs 19
Meeting of Lutheran World Convention cancelled bi puke 19
Federal Council's Message to Buropean Churches... . 21
Message of the President of the Norwegian Lutheran Church fond
America's Responsibility in the Present Crisis ... % ae)
World-wide Communion Sunday .. +... 6+ « «© es e we w @ 23
Some Voices of American Christians concerning War .. 24
Bay..of Prayer: « vs Ska Sia Me MRS Anrhigl bap44 wie (sells 24
First Year without Lynching aa bwin: stake tne 24
Last Address by the Late Bishop Stewart PS Jo hgh) Sol tpt e 24
U.S.5.R.: Religious Life in Russia To-day ....+.+.s+-es& A
News of Protestant Christians .« » «ws 0 «6 « « « «6 % 8
Comments on the Alliance with Germany ... Ly
The Godless Magazine and the Religious Life in England Lop
15th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Militant
Godless ... OF herent ita? We Da eta AE My ts te hk: HE 18
Religion in the Komsomol iteUeE Hg) he he Fa. bMe Se ta he verte #8 18
IeeeMC UY CH “WATLUS WEE esi. shies) he) 8 vo fe Mahe Me he ae He 22
Godless Point of View .... =. WATER Me TRS OS ey 25
Litre &.

GENERAL: The Road Home... are No. at

Intellectual and Moral Aia to Prisoners of ‘War. Pies 27
ee ERE eVIS eee ge ee eee es ae eh aoe ee) Www YS 28
Personalia . : HOw aebe sO Cag oie Bere vs 28
The Situation of the “Church ore ees Vw ue) Mepiate abate Bes wil 29
er ho Or aad Bnd sumer (La Gory vs ss 8s ek 8 8 8 30
DD First Anniversary of Amsterdam Conference . . . 30
News from the International Christian Organisations . 30
Orthodox Study Conference. . . a ke belts 50M e Po
Mr. Arnold Toynbee on the Enduring “Church BORAT es 9s 32
Message from British Council of World Alliance .. =: 72
MOTUG=WiOe COMMEMAON OUNGaYy wiveue. 0c 2 2 0 5 0 8 6 6 6 a3
eee aCe aOP eC 2 GG CMA ON oie tnel’ diye pel) ek 8 es we 34
Pec nele vont -OLiwie. Bag Of Revelation ... . «+ «. aS
Oren ems t, OU sue PULUMe BOL MISSIONS . s 2 is e'6 6 3 Be
Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Prisoners of War... 35
Bankruptey?. No: But Faith and Solidarity .... . By:
Secumenicg’ GonLerence at iNOVi Sad’... . 6-5» 26 s 55
Jesuits celebrate 400th Birthday ...... ° 35
ee ee ee Wed a6 es 8 el) ee é 36
The War Prisoners' Aid of the Y.M.C.A. F 36
mie Church: 6f°Christ:on ithe March. :. ee edna Te Ld ST
The 125th Birthday of the Basle Mission decent e. se bsity bs
Prules- for Prisoners of War.» ere. ° a 19 WG ae aif
Relief for Churches in the Occupied Countries when Wee 37
BauLence in Sutrering .« -« Berta he Ste PG te: oe) oi oe 38
Pastoral Letter of Bishop fullbere sas mie 39
Letter from South-East Europe on Orthodox Affairs ae 39
The Guilt of Christians in the Present World Crisis . 40
MRSS SURE cele: Ue vatc(eto cl)MO Rae ey a ca rc a a 40
ine. Rev. "Pat McCormick o. . eee Mew ihe Me he 40
The Religious Attitude to the Wovld ate fo ee Al
Christian Refugee Work in Non-occupied France... . 41
A Pastoral Visit to the German War Prison Camps... Al
Peeve LOOK er Une, WOLLO sel 6 ee ee se 6, ae Al
Peueinabou the Cnurch Universal so os vere ve‘ te “ 42
ee Te ME BO ae Te OT VTLS, 1. te tee 42
Tete aS APO. LEO OLE CHIC ITI, WA ea Pe el Te ete te tee Me 42
The Voice) of ‘the War) «ae. ita Ma Be). Pe ae 43
Fellowship between the Swedish. ania Norwegian Churches 43
An American View of British Christianity in Wartime . 43
Week of Prayer of the World's YWCA & World's Committee
Of “YMCAS* 7)". BL Ta ila a 43
Competition on Christ and World Brotherhood : ° 44
Tie Craton prays tor ite Memes: A km. We ce Te Me 46
Po Sear e POWER Do tL PAC GLOI poe” se gh eh eT ew eS 46
Christianity and Civilisation. . e : 47
A Christmas Message from the General Secretary of the
World Alliance for International Friendship. . 47
News of the Churches in Alsace-Lorraine ... 47
Message of the Archbishop of Finland to the Swiss Ghurthee AT
CNeeenes MSESHRS FANG See ea Be Se, om 48
Concerning Self-Condemnation .. ah Me 48
The Attitude of the Roman Catholic “Church to "Ruthanasia 48
Pere eer ere. FrOnPe tant LSM 6) ale, tele We bimiien « 0 29
ARGENTINA: Roman Catholic Teachers demand Christian Education
with Respect for Freedom of Conscience .... aT
AUSTRALIA: Mutual Recognition of Ministries in Australia . Al
Page 2 INDEX
BALTIC COUNTRIES: Old Bells stop Ringing .....
Antireligious Propaganda in the Baltic Countries
"Moderate antireligious Policy” .)6 wee ie ee
Pi ee ew ee CP OM De LAM ous e888 ee 6 eye
BRAZIL: Council of Inter-ecclesiastical Relations .
BULGARIA:. Church Life ... PAE | 0S Meee aD
The Present Situation of the een: I Re
CANADA: The Church and Refugees ... oe feMve
-Biennial Conference of the United Church Sh ets
The Church of Canada and Conscientious Objection e

Churches launch Relief Campaign for European Missionaries

CHINA: The 8th Chinese Anglican Bishop... Pile
Student Evangelism in the Interior of China >
Geuneking. YMCA. under Fire -. «6 « « « art, | °

Chinese Support Orphaned Missions ......

Arrests in Mission Schools in Areas controlled by Japan
The Place of the Church in National Life ....
GOtpaten ves wee. ONS. RELIG t. xe ap ee ihe sei aen. P
Problems facing the Christian Church in China .
An Apostile..to, the Buddhists. «6.6 ee 6.0 <
ae tod DIT OTE’ BTIOTNEM 03> we VE. Sel RL wee)
meomeane > Death of Dr. LP. Larsen .. . »« « © '-«
The Grundtvig Church is finished .. .). «#% . .
Danish Bishop visits his Diocese on Foot...
The Spiritual Future of Denmark ......
Nation-wide Christian Assembly ...... .
ESTONIA: Message of the Bishop to the Estonian eae
® Church,.soid,.by Auction . . . -
Petseri — a Reminiscence of old Russia :
"Therefore, pray without ceasing" ~e

FINLAND: Help to Norway . . of Aa? Be BY ie

Orthodox Church transfer Headquarters “to Helsinki:
FRANCE: Defeat and Destiny. . Hat °
he Crisis and the Christian Youth Vovements es
The Russian Theological Institute at Paris .
Chaplaincy Service to Prisoners of War...
The Churches .in.Paris...'.
Message to the Members of the “Reformed Church of France
Problems or the French: Churches . . « «© « «es « e

Theological Faculty to reopen in Paris .....

Cio A Stiles ADGA TOME Sa SON. a ie «ie ws see ee °

New Opportunities for Protestant Education...

Two Million Francs per Month needed for Quaker Relief.
re aaa Vk ne tiny. get ce! idk ce es e , ie Bs ke
Youth Movements in France... Rae) Ive Ube, ane
News of the French Reformed Prtrot Fh Spe et oo me .
Christian Refugee Work in Non-occupied France . e

NoOL@eeOmOthemiiurenaol tUAGLON): « « 0 #0 ses os ®

Message from the Synod of Provence to the Churches
Occupied Zone .. owe me
Setting of the Congregations to “Work peti ah oe
Re-opening of Theological Faculties .....
Protestant Aid to Refugees in Non-occupied France
In an Internment Camp in Occupied France . :
Chruetaean JOusine> WOTK << se 5 8 ee Wee
Berea t OMI es. salle wee ee 6 er
News of the Churches in Ti pase hoxraine >
Protestant Aid to Refugees in Non-occupied France
The Churches in the Occupied Zone ..... «
Page 3 INDEX

GERMANYY¥: Developments in Evangelism... No.

~The Church Press and the Latest War tyents
Church Building Operation .. . .
Methodist Annual em Tee ata ae ae
Men's Sunday. . Aa teiors “Fe
Meeting of the Luther Academy LiRAeT Ge e .
e* id

Unity Movement among the Free Churches e

German Protestantism and the Oecumenical Mévement

Colonial Policy and Missions .... . * °

Incorporation of new Areas into the German Bvangelical

Bian weld. 7) gripe Deity ig Sn eae
Distribution of Religious Literature in "the "Armed Wotées
Damage to Churches . . ar ee
New Law concerning the Ministry in the Austrian Church
Din Everything Give Thanks" 9. « 216 « .

Bibles in Migration .. * *

A Pastoral Visit to the German War Prison Camps"

Catholic-Lutheran Discussions .. ° ° e

Dr. 20eckler retires . «..«'-« °

A Roman Catholic Conception of Oecumenical Discussion

Clergymen in the Forces. .
Bible Study Week at the End of the Church Year :
Christmas Greetings to the German Interned and Prisoners
of War . e e e e ° 6 e . s ° ° s e ° 6 e ° °

GREAT BRITAIN: The Church of egress and the World Council

A new "Church House". . Ape . e

Greetings from the esineid of Churches

Message from British Council of World Alliance .
The National Day of Prayer . . ‘
A Reception Centre and Depot for Army Chaplains
some Church News... pete ie
Lord Halifax and Christian Mi gsions e

National Day of Prayer Pas ehie *%

Increasing Interest in Religion tan oc.

Pee eumercmh UNEUy fe. @ 68, est

Radio Services POPVV SETS ie tare te
Damage to Churches. . ose Wie Ba Bs
"The Hope of the New World" La ak ee
British Help to Continental Missionary oe°

"GrenteeL oP Latrador} cs. % erate tetas

The *nRevy""Pat" MeCormick res wea.
Oecumenical Movement carries on .
Changes in the Anglican Church. . ° °

"A Christian Civilisation®™.:. : se


Message to the Greek Orthodox Churet ‘

The Church under Bombardment .....
Evacuation and Evangelism .....
Maintenance of Missionary Work...
The Christian View of Reprisals .. .
Clergy in the Battle of London... .
GREECE: Zoé Movement . °

Message of the Orthodox Church to. the “Churehes
Countries Veeco). OPE eR 6 fate he e

PeMmeesoue KEVI Vas: UP a tet he teers

HUNGARY: An Opinion on the Religious Situation in Slovakia:
Christians in the European Melting-Pot °

"The Home-coming of Part of Eastern Hungary and

PreNee EVA ee 6 Wa. Se Se eo e

Towards a Hungarian Bible Society ..

Page 4 INDEX

INDIA: Memorial to the Late C.F. Andrews. . No.

Christians and the State . ....s.s
Toe eMLecLONary rOAWUAGLON + % «s+. « oe
Conditions for Recognition of Missions : ea
. 8s
« se.

ITALY: Last Synod of the Waldensian Church... .

Dob AN? eGo eUnUrChaNOWe ns. wis nme oe 6 6 6 0.6
The Danger of "Cultural Harmonisation" ... .
Japanese replace American and British Bishops
Die BAGAwWa -AFTesLed » aie ei iey ee % aide Leben We
Adaptation and Unity in Japan ......
Kagawa arrested and released ..... > e

PundamentaliChariges stl. PAP REO NR. ms ee

A Turning-Point in Japanese Christianity .
The Background of recent Developments in the
ATL) swe ee PAE ree gO ahs OY,
Anti-Christian Movement ...
Foreign Principals of Catholic Schools to be r
by Japanese ... Wikecetuis ac. ete. 8 *

Kagawa retires from Public ti9 Re Prana er

Canadian Mission withdrawsfrom Japan. .
Kagawa's Comment on his Emprisonment . td

Phe Pence busidascerature in Korea . « «.«.s'.«

Pee Orn Ene Bineusnd Advance ss. lee et
Perea AO eet Ge eeete A 6 ke + 8 ee ue ve
LATVIA: The Student Christian Movement dissolved .
PEeerrPer, SOraytLOD Week eS ee Ne es
Perea OPCs te ees fe fa %s “ete bes *s “ea “ef

UITHUANIA: The New Order and the Life of the Church

Pee ee CAN CL =ProLesbant «Panatigm ud tes (* jemand @
Pome ethno Sr LCMUPON WOT 2. Sead we rier wy fs Meyrel i<
NEAR EAST: For an unshakable Faith in the Spiritual
NETHERLANDS: Church Reconstruction .... ¢ » e

PRO le ACh GAUPONOS. nen 66 8 uae oe ° e . a

Christianity and National Life... . a °

Ona ealaot an Cld Catholic Churchiuer smune e °

Towards Church Unity + adele Es . °

A new Departure in the Church : °

Restrictions on Meetings .... > e

Oecumenical Week... ag .
> cS
e°e. 2

The Bible in the Netherlands . @«*eo .5«e2 s2se.°

Message of the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church 1


NETHERLANDS INDIES: Emergency Organisation of Missions

Reorganisation of the Batak Church ...... °

NEW ZHALAND: Church Givings Increase . .. + « «..«

NORWAY: The Occupying Power of the Church
"Gall to the Christians of Norway . .
Church Life To-day .. . « « « » «
Work for Theological Unemployed
Christian Unity in Norway .s.
Ronald Fangen arrested .. =: « .« ‘3g
. @e.s
2.° °ese

puaterand: Chuxvehitss yen otce Com tel te Ler cor le ° es


Council for Christian Co-operation . ° . e ° ee


POLAND: The Orthodox Church in the General Government:

The Orthodox Church in the General Government
Page 5 INDEX

RUMANIA: Church Losses in Bessarabia and Bukovina... .

Parewell to the Lutherans of Bessarabia and Northern
bo ep yl Meo ahr ality Teme Dale alc eda yids a ony a a a
Penne eeu Us eC ha 6 eS atk ate ste
The Question of Church Reorganisation .
The Question of Church Reorganisation .
“ Nationalistic Eschatology ....+. s
- ) 2 Hungarian Protestantism in Rumania...
SCANDINA Vis, Lhe. Preese Manin. the Workd:.. . o, + s+. «9,8
Stuer Unt Orel DUuriacane a CMUrch(* s* .* 57 tole’ so) 6” 6” 8! 8"
tet Or Str OO GLa eos see ae ee eee fe oe
SLOVAKIA: An Opinion on the religious Situation in Slovakia
SOUTH AFRICA: The Finnish Mission in Ovamboland ......
SOUTH AMBRICA: First Evangelical Congress of the River Plate
Poderavionv0f. Churches s sa tiiiet Niel eee Morel @ +, «, ; »
Peaine ¢ nomen Cannolic 81016 Study Week * .° os es) ae ee
Pe were emer eee ipere ll” RAUCH GON. 6's! oe 8 a ee ets
PoeOL oe ee On Ore ge tees ee Se tiat ee” oe ee 8
Speen DEy~or-ppirs tual Preparation) 00.048 ee ee we 8
moinvel COnt erences’ Ol” the Free~Churcnes * o's) .' eo ete’
Pre G Pan aeTeopereanegs® o*ie4 ct et ot 0% o* ote of wf a8 2) aw 0
eee St) Ore ee ee a ee a. ee a e ee 8S
Consecration in Uppsala ... Se sa . hie
Development of the Northern Oacumenical: Ths pitute® .
Pastoral Letter of Bishop S aveee be Pie wh et Meh Sea” 5
Oecumenical Activities... Pe ce ae os
A deepened Understanding of Sautoral Work Se athe hota es
a- SWITZERLAND: Message of the Consistory of the Church of Geneva
Forthcoming Union in the Neuch&tel Churches .....
More careful Selection and Training of Candidates. HOR:
the Ministry .. Rit Pete e ss Pete ting eevee. re Ne . ° °
The Word of the Church eMac kek GEL es Ae ° ° .

National Fast Day ... SMe hsircahewi he cetie ss * 6 J

Concerns of Swiss Pastors. wee eed te suk z . ° e e °

Labour Sunday .. . ane 7 abee wre .

The Christian Retatae a peedent Rareate :

Christian Service to the Interned .... ‘ @.

ne future or Church ana Nation. « 6 oh so, 6

Confessional Church in Germany and Switzerland .
Help for the Military Interned . . .» + « + « »
UNITED STATES: U.S.A. and Continental Missions .
Union of the Evangelical Synod and the Reformed Church
Lutherans seek rite aa of the World Council of :
Churches . « -« : Bitte. wake ea te
Churches of America ‘and the War Reena ReR eee *
Christian Missions termed "World Peace Makers"
Survey of Christian Thought and Action...
Day of Prayer for.Peace . . SO ane aC, een a ery : ‘
Brotherhood in Missionary Work We aed vat bk Neh le t e Petia,
Universal Conscription... See SAEs
.) Episcopal and Methodist Polis on U.S.A.'s Attitude to
War 6 . e « e « o e . ° * ® eo ° « ° e & e > ° e °

Goodwill Deputation to Latin America... . she

Lutheran Synods defer final Action on Union Plan :
The Churches and the Conscription Bill.......
Quaker National Volunteer Service .. +... » « » Cm

UNITED STATES: Million Gain in Church Membership

Clergymen and Freedom of Conscience ... .
Help 40 Misslonssini Distress =. . « « « e e

Lutheran Refugee Service enlarged... °

The Federal Council and Unemployment . °

Pnver——VNRYGhaRElLLOL. vis «3 0 0s .s

Pacifists and Non-Pacifists ...... Sa

e°.e .

Conscription and Conscientious Objection ..

Federal Council and PEP ee E> pits OF 1 Ip
"Christ is. the Answer". .. . Beata joe at tin
Growth of Councils of Churches. A eRe Tee om a
Lutheran World Action... Sea AL Me ne eS
Beginning of the National Christian Mission
General Convention of the Episcopal Church .
YGrace”™ as Need of. Tomday o.. «6.05 2 2 @
Churches join World Council. .
What the Churches are doing about Relief Needs.
Bishops cable Sympathy to England ...... e

Catholics dedicate a Statue of Christ .....

Theology Students sent to Prison ..... +. .

U.S.S.R.: “"Antireligious Propaganda in every School"

The Christian Faith in the-Soviet State... .
Women in the Ministry... : stil Ce oA aE
Antireligious Propaganda in the Baltic Countries
Church and War through Godless Spectacles ...
A Text-Book to wake Men from their religious Slumber!)
The Orthodox Church in Soviet Poland ... .
The Orthodox Church in some Soviet occupied Areas F
Peer 1 Sl A VO. A 6 ee ee ee ats et pas »

@® YUGOSUAVIA: Atheist Propaganda... ....++e-

EN, Dab ie
GENERAL: Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity ......-. Now, 2
News of the World Alliance , ‘ ea ee et he oy 2
Meeting of the Executive Coniidtes of the World's YWCA . 2
A Call to Baptists of Every Land Pe Ae Oa Ee ara Soy 4
SER GP ee oe ee ieSER e ee a ee ee oe a ee eae 6
>) The Orphaned eh ead PD ESL Rede, (et 2c a eo Ree Unie Oke aera ae a
Wegneer Uiurches Supports Inely Fardnte so... ee 3k ek Gg
Bue robo y 1h Lusyempure wand LOPParne: (6 ae, a ee es fats
eee Gt Or OOOr Wiican USAAG? eas ee se 8 ke ee pe
gapanese—Ameritan Peace Efforts §.°. « «se le ew 8 8 ew 8 12
eee eer i ee re CIOS a ee ee 6 ee ke A
survey of German Protestant Missions... s Aves Nat ate ae
The Orthodox Church in the General Government of Poland 5
Via Dolorosa of the Church in Lithuania and Poland... 14
Japanese—American Peace Conference .°. 12.2 4 «e's é& © e Le
Jgapanese—American Peace Conference ..... ie Pia Nak nae 16
Roman Catholic Prayer for Spanish Protestants PR Rady ay,
Tie moLy wee “ana reace “.:: Pe SARE tay Sa LOE Ue Na erent oat ag
For Norwegian Missionary Work RT Sticeee dt ne ig he n 86a, Gat wet ten Lit
An Invisible Monastery... eae its je eee Ca
Continental Missionary sddietics HenBi Active Peart aes 18
Death of Prof. J.R. Slotemaker de Bruine .'. . : 1¢
Message to the Ministers and Members of the Reformed
Church of France adopted by the Alés Synod .... EY
Resolution adopted by the Ales Synod with Regard to
the Oecumenical Movements . . ATs se ih eMC Ae he 19
American-—Japanese Christian inoeeerdc 6 bates ne era eee 9
American-Japanese Christian Conference . . . +. « © « « « 20
North American Oecumenical Conference .....+s«-. +s 0
a oie Cnurch in. the War Prison Camps “. °. “3%. fe ee eo a (8 20
Another Japanese-American Christian Conference .... . ok
ihe vaurch in “Ghe Soviet Baltic Republics ©. /. lb ‘se «%. oe
Peer OO BoOOvG. COC NECLOMIG “So. eae Cee we ew We 8 GS ways
Pinnieh Churen Leaders Visit*’Germany . ss °e (0 6 2 5b 8's 22
For Orphaned Missions . Ae 25
The Church Situation in the Soviet Baltic ‘Republics =a Mids
Theo. CO r,AOsagwork “with Prisoners of War... ,. .. .« é'.5 ay
Deamh or Opthodox Patriarch of Yugoslavia? . «6.6 8 16 «6 as
ee ee Ley A ie @CHUOLS ". Oe ew kts we we ee ws pa;
BAULTLe COUNTRIES: } Christmas in the Baltic Cotntries .... Ai
The Church Situation in Latvia... . BAe he TaNtahee ae as 7
The Church of Estonia as seen by the Godless eae. tetra a t e 5
The Chureh sn the soviet Baltic Republics (2 6.6 6 16 Le 40 ce
The Church Situation in the Soviet Baltic Republics oo
BULGARIA: International Law, Ethics and Christianity .. . 1
- CANADA: Canadian Church Groups Coordinate Activities ... . S
Churchmen Stress Essential Oneness. . . « «+ «© «© 6 « » @ A
Church Seeks Mission Field Co-operation .. .. +. «© » 20
CHINA: "Christus Victor" See ee a ta PRM ag Re Mant te 8p Mig! hg ote yf
To the Delegates at the Amsterdam Conference .... . LT
fe) F Pees aly Cerne Terre tory rr ee metan ss Se te Ye fe te 10
Missionaries have not all gone Homie -. « 2. se «2 e eo « Rie
(Rg9 ie I a 8 9 RA gl ee ae ie SD e a A
ere NO ee ae OO ee wis eee ee es Me te ee We 16
Pariec age vy Ss WOpOrtui CLO st ee lw te els Te we Me 18
a eee ke SUR VG ss Re eg see es ee ete oe big 20
Pe SUMMON Nee s 6 eb a ye ce elie oa ce oe ge ye ee oo Le Ce 11
Page 2 INDEX

Cee nUouOVeelaAs) Circulation of. the Bible: .) at or 0 ot st es F No.

DENA. oWealen Churchmen Visit Denmark... ...s *

Gateee Religious Education in Foreign Schools '.... .
eee ee eee ror. AUG DLO ie ane al 6) 8 8 8 8. Ae
PLVGenase ee Government Cable to Prayer. wis oy aes el wr et eh
PCG Rene COLO OL PA LOMO. ¢o4)04 ot cle eyiad shia) ets
> PANE ce Dota OL iL ey of Tne sChurches i. we ee 8 es
[. ) Christian Help. soo Relugees |.’ .
The Mission of the Reformed Church of Prance “Today rR
Among the Malagassy Prisoners of War. . . « « «© « «
PeNeW. OeNLOTECRSORVET TA VOT Ce ek eh et eh et eats
New Distinction for Pastor Boegner ... Sate
Meeting of the Church Authorities in the Occupied Zone >
Lenten Sermons .. De can i acted ote er™ is si ele gS tra

Lay Service in the Bhuveri mised re Te eH ig dts ta we Pie OV

Marshal Pétain and French Paeetentien Ab ae

Stee CeO GerNe oge . Ch be Wel et ih ee oh ate hs
Pie POU meemsOr eh eLOUS BAUCEtLON >. sh er ee es
Peeve usurTenort *the Youth MGvements .05 seta eee e
Pestenalisynod meets intOecupied ZOMG ei ee veh e's
General Assembly of the Reformed Church of France in
Bee VOCCUPMEOT CONG. te Helio Fe Me te le ates Nee Be
Bavevoar Campa yr Pome yrol. . WFR Se Mote mele vale
POO eusELOnNeGrOOnri stian eriodicals +s. tet ats et
Biblical Days ; a el
National Synod of the French Reformed Church tas
Message to the Ministers and Members of the Reformd
Church Adopted by the Ales Synod ....
Resolution adopted by the Alés Synod With Regard to
me sOPeumeni Gal MOVEMeNtS:.. ewe ie se he re te og 8
News of the Russian Orthodox ac ae in.Paris..-.
Mnuech biferwtiyParis’ Today .. ....
Training School for National Renewal “by Youth Duy
ie eat Utara LIS see Len POET UA. aw ee
GEnMANYs “Catholic—Protestant Discussions .... +. see.
Cathedral Transformed Into National Sanctuary . .%
eee CACO eC URUrCh ba tatet a 8 fhe We ee
PoumrorryiLoe Inthe New Year ae le. eee BAN on ce MF
Expulsion of the Benedictines from Bregenz athe, tens
&’Church Union . . ALE ar Panes Sette 6 eye oe ie
Confession of a Natural Scientist he ah Eee ae
Yskya gayaa ots ode slam as Cee Of44)
cl Rp cc ce a rc
Woet weno We ray FoOrolOdayy je . sts. e's 8) ee 8 e's
Pastor Martin Niemédller .. . e l ele te tHe RP Rar ones
Count Reventlow's Attitude to Christianity °
The New Situation of the Layman in the Roman Catholic Church WO
OE DME al ee DREGE. Ba Ie am OF Nt av Ika ae a a a ar 10
Pere ed Aen AGG lhl ie) Pie, ces) is pte ey ee
The New University at Posen... . : Mijas
The Roman Catholic. Church and the baie Corde ven Forces
Theology and Reality .. a Uh a ene a
Prohibition of Church Sonietalis Weis ia Wat nls) pie dh:'6 7Dlen
survey of German Protestant Missions ....«.. «»
Interconfessional Results of Evacuation ..... -»
COE Shi Ew ranth) > pg oflMGs Oh9 Ble)oe a ee
Po Veda clon Le -LOO CNUTCR via ss ew 6 8 ee 8 8
Christian Witness .. Rte ethene a, OA es
Baptists and Free Church Christians Unity “ahh ge e
Depenenas beeen henCnhurcn:: « « « » ©» & We » %
Christian Unity GWEN WEA ate Se MRS ie 5S wee te
fage 3 INDEX
GERMANY: Church Festivals .....
THewhvernate Word’. ors? . GE et DRA cies ts
Catholic Liturgical Movemant vN ls : :
Church and Missions Reinterpret their Tasks in the
igen ot they PresentiSituation: o1 eer.)
inerease> Lay Service in the: Church 298% .+..
Pee Ure AVORA LET sek oe lek oh eet er eS
Sie ene Una tyotethen?hurceh ise. sii ‘
SaOT mee ads SLU yee ec PO aA
The Interconfessional Conversation ey a ae
Suspension of Christian Periodicals ..
Pee ON ANOS) WOPL Ge ceeds leah
a Gl OnsS..of Peace" . 6. ss 4. ee
Poce Goa léetend the Right? . . . 3
Christianity and '/World Order .....
Rr rteaorVetiascatOS0hurches «0.4.4 6s see ha ets
Christian Fellowship. . cay Moe aM aoe a 8
Man's Mistake about Hinseie Ae e ae ee en en
Spiritual Links Between Belligerents
The Church Looks Ahead : ‘
"Revolutionary" Church Ghapetence Heres
Pe ORCLC Nels wre OG.. ge h POE oy eh hie)
2 ioe Ve ERC obb leh FS og a
The Malvern Conference... . UR eae
Economic Reconstruction of Berane: RS aN Be Fs
Churches Destroyed or Damaged ... at ay LalCO)
Beorenes Heip One ANOtNer, 2s ee 5 ee es
The Refugees have proved their Worth . HH
Anglo-Dutch Christian em aa SCP a 507 are
RCrOss the Frontiers «=» .« » » ons waite
Tube Farishes sai. ts, Vales i a ere ee
National Day of Prayer aie aries
The War Damage Bill and the “Church : . e

AyrWalle? LSI lestSTsatl Sha> WiCBak a

First Annual Congress of Free church Pocerat Council
British Conscientious Objectors Decrease
A Demonstration of Christian ne aly
Criyitemple Destroyed . . » °
Oxford University Union Debates “Religion ° hy

For a Christian International Order .... @


"Bratish Students Find Reality" .. . —~)


Orthodox Easter Amid the Bombs . . ewRRS

Dapuoo FOrward MGVOMENU ie. sina erie) «els
CLerey gon Werulme) “ws , ; 3 EERE
Growing Unity Between the Churches
Damage to Westminster Abbey .. ok ek ot
eat ae eee ON AE ia ai wes, ek ee ee
Mose GN eG LET PLOT en ini as. ten eens abe
Chale Qegeo Jal ili a tgs 02 ON STy Fe)ola RE ee a
Sent2gk ews wath RES ESSFao
te MR tin a
For an International Christian Order. .
GREECE: The War Seen From Mount Athos .
EAE Tel GR whe I LFSci Ee ge ae ne ny a cr
HUNGARY: Church Representation in the Upper House of Parliament
Church and Nation ... Cn eee
Popular Universities for Peasants ERIS ih cs
Figures Concerning the Protestant Churches . ESOS
The Tasks of the Reformed Church . .... -« ne)

INDIA: Anxiety for the Future of the Church...
Ce yk annie geloye bigeta pale sife) 2 er
Protestants make Overture to Catholics... ee
Page 4 INDEX
IRAN: The Government and Missionary Education .
JiPAN: The United Protestant Church of ind of Soh span CaS
Md Se Oey OU Ue ide tae de Sel hs eee Ka wh pe 8
(Pine cE aoe ae ee | Us Cee MA tg ire he r ae
Missionaries Face Grave Choiess hs i uple Raia by) © 4 ise) by
Prin Ob wnpssien Orthodox Church in Japan... . < .
tie perrecual Strugete .
The Anglican Church and the United Chania GP! jane
The Wasks, of the Church and Christians .... . °
peer gapemece Orthogox Church: se feed. wenn. eke
Creed and Constitution of the New Japan Christian Church
Perera NCU UE CIT, «a> sha et ee eee
ater te ) ely! 6
Rene renrae Cr, ROU GEHL GLO. reheat a aN eh whe Sh
Roman Catholic Church Granted recognition... .
KOREA: Mission Forced'to Leave Korea . . «sss ee
eee Oo ee LOMA
Lee pw hse Cae ee
Pe eranO ws MAGEa Gel) «wie ta te Te a, ce eases
ReereG UNGee Ole POSS eae 6 ee ea el é
POU wOn. Gh CUT CMOR ete fa eg ad See ele. a tI OTE
}- KY)

LaTIN sMERIC&: International Conference of Youth .

Peewiteeine first Christians in Lybia . . . 2's » « «
Mienwaris wine vOnurch Situstion. .. » +» + + 6 + « «
Bee ee Heli ClOUS SituatLON "ss eee Sow 88
Peers ChurchrandseMissloniine » « + se ss ee »
Piso nuUrenennd )ANGA=SOMitESMss wt. Tessa) aye 2 8 8
Cierra Yerer DPUsNbercessaon V4. Gy ena d es
Roman Catholics and Dutch National Socialism . .
PanmOte eeCeyoOsn seOli UAdONTO)) Seve! eye awchiecw 2 +
oem ee Le uOUL MeO MUPCNSS ities 6 6) a) oe, 6 0 8
Tne wereedom OLfthervord) Of) Godt fierce Wemive s
Deo aeL Ono Sime rWord GALL ance 6 wpe iden ey Ye
eee, ae OILY ak piiewe ee byte tecs ew. +!) )8 desi en
COrtetian and un-Christian Hate ayenei is 2 « 6 %
ThesApost les: Creed Today yc) i. 0% OE ae an ee
The Dutch Churches Speak to the State Oy
NETHERLANDS HAST INDIES: Magic and the Younger Churches isi

NORDIC COUNTRIES: The Tasks of Preaching in Wartime . ° fH

NORTH AMERICA: Fellowship Conference of Churches j=

NORWAY: Ultimatum to the Oxford Group ........ e

he Fate of Ronald Fangen .. .« « .
A Letter from the Bishops to the “Ministry of Education
Joint Conference of Christian Organisations . .
Chuarcini@ontriad | doe” Deana. ° Ae ee Ae ae
Bishop Berggrav on Law and Gonsodence ae alg ‘
The Responsibility of the Church for the State
Church. Comfitet avy. ‘ RT sh wists 9 IAF, APL g AY:
The Bible in Norwegian Life CSS Sina e cows a ee
BOvVereleriywoLeineeword sot God 6.6 ee le 8 a

RUMANIAs. The Iron Guard and the’ Church .9. «2 «e's 2

J The New German Lutheran Bishop ... « « « « «© «
Deedee Ut Ons setOn DLanOD ss ef ee ae ta he he Me
SCOTLAND: The New Moderator Designated . . . « + « « «
, Presbyterian Religious Community at Work ...
Thess Church LOOKS Aheadivowis eieiiei is wee lege renee

SLOVAKIA: Changes in School System and Religious Text Book

Deepening pO tS > ma 9 i mn Wa a Se OV

Ghorch-Worries*’*. 4 et eA ewe hak ws Or 4 he Fie aml te MN


Circulation of the Bibics GY ew ek eh Ee BCA cP) ota eurtaNte +

SOUTH APRICA:). To Strengthen Christian. Literature ... . . PH

Gliese enerurivea oT Protestant iam in. Spain: oii 'e< sects ee %
> Peoria CMy COME OTORLT GVEt hse ol SIMRUGI 6 Ge oe od chi ehe NJ fe

SWEDEN: Message of the Bishops' Conference . i cert See

Quartercentenary of the First Swedish Bible Sled: tne bag yes
eer Ole Church Ssemphy. 4.) fe ws e te slug wets
OWILTZ ERLAND: & Roman Catholic Bishop on Christian Unity
in Anniversary in the Russian Orthodox Church... =.
Peewee ance COUntrY Ss Destiny 0. OS ie wes
Pre Gimo ule Neucia tel “ONUPCHER 2) 6 fle often 8 el beh
oie CMristian Heritage 9). nhc opt ar ge
Meeting of Swiss Protestant Church Alliance abe | beat
Sev ros Oda earned “TOMOPT
OW 4 hal fe! ee a hg wh et) ene
THAILA!meer rOmar a Lnolio, Martyrs’ te ce ais vel ee cel acs
UNITE D STATES: A Statement and Programme of the World
Pe eonce Of. America) («es (<i s Ae ae Parent Wher moe erie Nae Ge
Religious Education in Public Schools AC ot MAT a ee
Peers Omer cOm WOLLAa \UPE OTE +. a) 2. el ee of ks fe ee
Caunolics Observe Bible Day... . SO teal Pete (Riel di
The Student Volunteer Movement Develops arises ax cos eee Ae
Laymen's Missionary Movement Will Expand .....
iierepiscopal Church and the Federal Council .. . .»
theo rpellowship of Reconciliation Develops... . +» %
Against Exemption of Ministers .. ta Se ee NST te
Results of the Federal Council Convention Puke. :
The American Churches and the International Situation
Civilian Service for Conscientious Objectors .. .
Prof. Niebuhr Launches a New Journal .
Quakers and Federal Council Sponsor C.O. Camps”
Religious Pacifism Stronger Than in 1917 : .os

Conference of the National Lutheran Council ... +. 3%

Jacques Maritain will join University of Chicago .
Churchmen Urge Peace Without Victory ...... . vette
Federal Council's Commission To Study Just Peace | vis
Pie National Christian Migsior . 9.0 6 sek ee ee
Relizious Education in New York . ..°... epee tae) 8
Methodist and Lutheran Missions Withdraw lemporarily
The American Churches and the Malvern Conference ..
The Cross of Christ Will Never Be "Blacked Out"...
Churchmen Plea for Democracy in Defence Industries
Ordination of Pastor into Church of Norway .
See Clare OMe TO WEIR LY eo ice fe ewe ee
Peace Commission to Rouse Council «2. +. 3 2
Meeting of the Associated Church Press ..°. »
Caumen Memoriats Dedicaridn iyi se ye ae 8) ee
Closing of the National Christian Mission .
An Indictment of Modern Education . . « »« « « « «« »
mee ene Untonwor ALE Gupherand <s %% 6) ol es Spel iets
Fund to Aid Church of England Over-subseribed Sutras Ws» te
Oecumenical Witness «2. escsees eo: “eee FORE 7
For Closer Anglo-American Ape acapal Church Relations
United Brethren Join World Council of Churches ...
63 Denominations Among Conscientious Objectors .. «
Rimerrcaw Cirasuene ana Che Nar. 6-4-6 ke wile 6, 4 8S
AKI’ Just and Durable Peace .... Pe aie apes Pane aie at a
The Lutheran World Convention and ‘ne MiSGLONIG <6) a).
Page 6 INDEX

U.S.0-R. Marxist Prophecy . . A eee No.

ihe“Antireligious Task of the School died Se
Pent, Against, Religion... .. 5 emcee cr his
The Church Situation in Lae er a ee ANa
Christianity.and Progress.
The Church of Estonia as Seen vy the Godless
Everybody Knows the Bible Story :
> "Win the Individual Believer for Rehevan
An Byewitness Tells of Religious Life ..
The Present State of Godless Propaganda .
Tee pan ox
GENERAL: Religious Life ina War Prison Camp . . Me i No. 26
Competition on Christian and World Siaehethoos. a) ta TN 26
North American Oecumenical wogeenencd ed Lui dak inde eae Ie Eat
Tpeeler ra HSousct erence nurches at Work. esse ty ete Melt 28
News of the World Alliance for International Friendship
through the Churches... : PE Pe hs, Fic Pa ia aus 23
The Orthodox Church in Serbia arid Gaoatis eh Kal Ma aad ag 28
iowa on ve: Pesk pin ethe Daya to vOome sk. PMH ae ees 29
Conflicting Voices on the Soviet Campaign. . iis 29
Executive and World Council Meetings .of World's Y. Pas he 29
A World-Wide Communion Satanatink & OTs US He Mate Bers ao
The Life of a Parish in a War Dai goners Carte bees act 30
The Church and the New Order ... ‘ 30
News from the Orthodox Church in Soviet~oceupied Poland 30
es SES Cana toe ie 8SL Ge ba0 EDS OR Eo RAI a a SR aE re RA oo pie
Pode er SOL COMETSte oe wee 16 neh tah oie Ste erat 31
Cathedrals re-opened in Occupied "Rusata SRS oh hai ttc. se 31
revcreay Fraviem of the Twentieth Century... 2 «46% OY.
Peeaeny ay Catunolicism and OGcumernism.. . . is 6 ss % 32
Pee eel BOl LI) OVAL UT SUSE1 GA oe ef ee el ete ew 32
Peter en WL ee raver OL eMeGeAs ONG YeWeCoAs « s' « lal 32
er Pere OMS ST 6 ew de) ye fs ced ee Lele, lela elke Ba
The Position of Islam Today SNOOP URE SPE Bape ths. Set ae My aCSaw Ope a 34
Church Aid to Refugees in France ..... eA AO e : bal Oe 35
Lord Halifax on the Church's Peri bation to Feacer 3 +. 36
Sahiba) Ald «tO. rrisoners of War. . ah PDO ar otk BOK a7,
News from the Eastern Orthodox Tee iin de|oT iren winless Gils
friesus in‘the Russian Army... . +. . He Nr ask te 37
New Youth Work Rules for German oan in omibk
astern Europe .. . PRE Sa eae ie are 38
settlement of Mennonites in ee uaeo as ae te Mt Sh Te 38
Peer Oly De WaUrOnr eM KUSSLAS ite eS ew 39
Poteet beaku retece ree OLDape AVITAY 4 5 6 8 ee 39
British Christians and Russia .... PA ie 40
The Distress of the Churches and the Worl d-Wide
Cera stian Vebiowenhi'p. www ew y. ponte Soe Al
Missionary Work... . my the ole o% Lavenis 41
The First Religious Publication ror the Russian Pebnte 43
Cisteomese PoGklethior Prisoners of War 4 6. 3 3 A 43
Weerweinirrayermmior: the Unity of Christendom .. .-. 5. . 44
student Christian Movement in War~-Time ....+s+s.. 4 4.
ARGENTINA: Catholics commend Protestant Missions ..... . 34
BELGIUM: First Belgian Oecumenical Youth Congress. . hee 34
Synod of the Belgian Missionary Christian Church Se 35
CANADA: Canadian Church Works for Unity .. . Biehl ae? 0's 33
Hor the Federation of all Protestant Churches 5 Na staan 43
CHINA: Penetration of Christian Thought .......4+4 +46 s 27
Biteass OfvtherereatrMigrauiony eS fs eR ee ed ee at
Pee Uri SvLONVRDPrOaC WY sO ke wm ee ef 30

9 Missions in Occupied Hoe deat

student Evangelism
.. Tihs
uel tna? whubc ce-aek
Trial ae ; Pogo
ve l aie niree
SOLS See ae
el ts
cs eve!
caer ee
The Attitude of the Church in ace of the Present Uonflict 45/46
DENMARK: An Oeccumenical Message. . 4. she mvete 2 2 2 ew ee 44

rage °2 Il, DEX

Pivennoe . Appeg itor tthe ,BishoO pas. is.o. Ode hoe ie

The olethedox Church of oPinlends i. ets
Oecumenical Symphony at the Front ..
for the Evangelisation of Russian Priso ners ° . . e

i Proclamation of the Church /ssembly

The Unity of 4ction of the French Youth Movements:
SuppreseLon OL Frerlodicals. .-.% nities * . e

Church 4id to Refugees : *

Protestant Youth Council officially approved Katey Ges
The Church speaks to the World ... .
Christian Youth ee ae in occupied France
Luther an Example to Catholics ....
Call to Spiritual Resistance. . e s ° * e

State and Church jin the Service of the COUN GE Yr aries

Proan Lae OL way Preachers Paxton .. 6.'s
GERMANY: Una Sancta . . wl ashe i sil 2 ee Aad
Pamous Monasteries Basins 0 Cie Lael oan
Death of Dr. Gerhard Ohlemtiller ..
The Future of the Catholic Church
Church Message to the Ftthrer...
Interconfessional Discussion. .
Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops.
Growing Catholic Lay Activity ..
Religious Life.in Catholic i cea, : . e . ° ° e °

Intercommunion . .. ; .
New Legal Basis for the “Church in the Posen. Area Pane
The Fight of the Church on Many Fronts . . . . ° °

feworvcanmot pe "Believers in God" = .°.. . ° ° e

Pheology. and Nation ore aries. ef

Christmas Pamphlet for German Byeoners and Titarnee UW)

Growing Use of Lay Readers
Prayer — the hidden Power of
BRITAIN: . The Curate in the Tunnel .
the Church of Christ

Christian Social Principles ..

Christianity and’ Communism ......
National. Day Of FRAVEr «+ .¢ «+0 so @) ¢
Mestminster Abbey carries on"...
Hommage to the Memory of archbishop Séderblom eee
Christian Education .. . ee i ae ° . ° ° e ° e

Interdenominational Co-UGparation . * ° s .

fo oc 9 iaol = rs 8 6 he cn e e . ° . . e

Coreunie yesenlh 1Wey thes rere) Hay hebted mel |Fi be . e e ° ° .


Ajd-to Christian Refugees... +. «

Bible Study Amidst the Ruins .....
Cardinal restricts Catholic-—Protestant Co-operation
Youth in War-Time . RG i Nee,
Gift for Oecumenical Work “Be ot anne
The Sword of the Spirit Movement...
Message to Anglican Bishops .... -
The Christian News-Letter on Bombing .
OGf OGM” “we. ss fe ee
ia American Churchman's Impression. .
The Sword of the Spirit Movement...
Church Reform and Reconstruction. .
Registration of Conscientious Objectors
The Alternative to Totalitarianism. .
MV ECOnOmLC CONEY TOT Sols eke ek ee
Bible Quotations in a Newspaper ... e ° ° e

Two Messages of the Archbishop of York ® ° * ° . ° e

Beware of the Spirit of Revenge ...

Fage 3 INDEX

HUNGARY: Longing to Evangelise the Finnish-Ugrish Peoples

Foundation of a Hungaro-Ruthenian Orthodox Church .
Church Leaders on the Eastern Campaign ...
INDI Ae Missions in India . e . ° . . ° . ° ° . ° e ry) . °

ITéDY: The Life of the Waldensian Church... atid es

Message of the Moderator of the Werdenaian. Church :
Pirin: Sta ven wanes eounded: Gioaha e l eis Velie NT. oa) is
Geoneapaos wn Mivture MissioniWorls voi. ede Gls le ch
Withdrawal of Congregational Missionaries .....
LATVIA: The Church under Bolshevik Rule .... +. «+5 « »
MEXICO: International Congress of Christian Education .
Pie ee MOOS ICOMTerGNCe: fs yess ule ue de we we) ae
World Conference meets in Mexico
Latest Achievement of the National Evangelical “Council
NETHERLANDS: Protest of Roman Catholic Episcopate
Missions and the World Church. . FS ys che We Re
The Church and the Jews. . RiP eubehn ts a) e teehee any %
The Fate of the Christian Press ice siete): aa en ¢
4n Appeal and a Protest of the: Church eas
An Important Pastoral Letter ... ot calhiaa eh teva ene
Mropewe velicve end do not believe =... "ele oe “eo “ee
NETHERLANDS 44ST INDIES: The Batak Church ..
Prriatanne “ana the War .. . ‘
Effects of the War Sitio: on Ghirch: ae iigslons
Poe eicure. Of.) une, paca, Church 7... 6 és
NEW ZEALAND: A Dominion Conference for Christian Reconstruction
NORTH AMERICA: North American Oecumenical Conference . .
Spreading of the Sword of the Spirit Movement...
NORWAY: Relaxation of Pressure . . ic tael gate
Inereased Tension in the Chirch Siien ation . fee
Press Campaign Against Bishop Berggrav ....+
The Church as Watchman .. GRP Uat Urey ei tale Mere
The New Régime and the Chureh ‘ wed asaya» tye
Verena Fellowsnip Of Prayer §. tie we we se
PALESTINE: Prisoners of War on Pilgrimage ... +... »
meus brovegteant, Youth Congress 6. se ee ee we
PORTO RICO: Growth of the Presbyterian Church .... »
SCOTLAND: Inter-Church Evangelism .... +... »
An Experiment in Occumenical Witness ...... .»
Teves Unive rga) ONUrGM i See. ee oe ee ee
New Churches vor the New Bra 2.6. 2 ‘a eee
Pwo tas Wutheran Church Conflict... . «0 « s e ses
SOUTH AFRICA: To Strengthen Christian Literature. .
lLevedale Centenary Celebrations . ss. 1. «0 2 6 ww
Per rensirouth SNC) the Chere yee ye ee ee lee ee 8 8
Hie y In the World SvVOrM . sin wee 8 eee we
Important Session of the Church Assembly ...-.
SWITZERLAND: The Protestant Church Federation speaks to
the Swiss People. .\. oe AY) Se ee Ne
Church Union achieved in Seven he ts A RA ine
tle etie Naemewor God" sve ow. i 4 .
Towards a United Church at Monewe 2 ; C7 s . °

Oecumenical Study Conference ... . «

Church and State - a frank Statement e


The Church and the Jewish Problem . o.°se :

The Witness of the Church in War—-Time .. + « « « «
Page 4 INDEX
Pee eer eee Cn Oe tie SOPNIE Ae oh Rebinds he <a. 0 «, aes
STATES: Exploring the Way to a Just Peace ....
~ Presbyterians on ‘the-War Issue>.'."'.. 3 art, oy santas
Porea New Trade Basis «.:.° «'. glans
Against another Vatican kopoinemens ats
Presbyterian re-enter the Federal Council ‘of Churches
International Religious Broadcasting Committee
fi. Nation—WVide Campaign for Rigeeenaryand Moral Training
Increase in Bible Publications :
Youth plead for World Understanding on Part of the Church
American Clergy to visit Britain... : wiPas
PoeMo ero renCe rma. i. she kk ee eee as
The world Council Courier :
The Student Volunteer Movement and Worla Reconstruction
Peace Aims. . ; Sr e t s vr att
Chinese Ambessador commends “Missions in China
The Churches and Religious Liberty in Russia . 9
For and against Intervention in the War... .. »
Public Schools and Religious Education .....4354 4
For Raising the Spiritual Literacy Level ... 4.4 %
A Seminar on the Oecumenical Movement ..... . :
Long Range Peace Objectives ... : “Dita get
scholars confer on Basic Spiritual Issues. ore
Message of the Russian Orthodox Church to its Manineta
U.5S.S5.R.: Cathedrals re-opened in occupied Russia . :
Siro st oUua elon AN OVLELUMESSLA «6 + 6 6 6's 8 8
(hurew ire in, German Occupied -RUSS1a yucca yer ¢ js. 0 us
The Godless Movement out of Favour
Secret Theological Colleges ‘ . :
Priests in the Russian Army . . «ea adn tins ai stliee Lee
Prayer in an anti-religious Museum or is Aes Sens Wey vex Jeo
The Future of the Church in Russia. .
The First Religious Publication for the "Russian People
Pastoral Letter of Metropolitan Sergius? ......
Lake &

OECUMENISM AND GENERAL: From the Christmas Message of the Pope No. iE
Missions are oecumenical (South Africa) . 1
Catholic Call for Observance of Week of Christian Unity 2
Call to Prayer for the she ofwineee of the W.5S.C.r. . 4
Unity ‘and Truth’. . Ry Pt re aes hr 5
Bergson and. Christianity OREN et Kalk e te hei a te Wee eee 6
Aid’ to orphaned Missions ... sire ran came’ Me 6
, : Some Figures on Protestant missionaries (Bade Asia) a
F Call for a new Orthodox Review i;
Catholicism and Protestant Niissionary Expansion (phatappi nes) ft
Faith and Order Peak Sit aie a 2,
Tragic End of German missionaries (Sumatra) i 9
Dec amen
Cad TrEnas. Ini A yMNOGy.s Ges ceys, ops Gece sie Wehudowa LO
ERG EG OORT Rie Gok etleo NOE year tS heel OPM) Oe he nr a cre 10
Dr shlbbert Schweitzer). « a east 10
The International Missionary Council! Ss“Chairman Pape ac water td,
Diemonuarcnesemt, tie trrisoners Of War . «s+ 6 ble eS Ee
fhe Present Position of the Salvation Army ...:i:. s% 11
The oecumenical Task of the Episcopal Church ...%:%. 12
Stee Le ramMans risoners Of WAT so oe 3 «he:.e 4m 12
nelp, for Refugees AEE ed fag. HOM ie Rs ey one te amr an eae fie 12
Preaching in War—Time . es jaye 5 Mee vet a eat Ck 1e
Roman Catholic Intransigence and Unity Behe Gate eso eae ad ae
hemovangeymesseare of the World's S.C.M. 16 6 «°s « % « 8 14
Peereotr) Grave, Recent. OoncOrdats (so eee, 8 eb et 14
Optimism at the Vatican... Re MaRS espe emer er hS L5
An American Visitor about eee Oe sat de n Ay egugan )sia ab un;
Oecumenical Trends in Hymnody . . aha abies Hiei he 18
New Members of the World Council of Churches. AWE at,2) ast 18
The Bible in a World at War... e CER Se hee 18
International Protestant Loan Association Pe ets ee oa ee 18
) - The Far Eastern Churches in Time of Persecution... . 18
Visit to Central and South America of the General
DeGUeEary- Ole ueOrlO Site Wa Gels ye n 0 2 6.0, © © 8 8 20
An important Message from the Pope ... + e+. +» « « % 21
Petpet SO WOLkee Pa erdeniDp 6 6 se 8 se ee ke et eg 24
Sueenmment one Church and the Aborigines . . + «+ 6 s 2 « » » 25
BALKANS:News of the Orthodox Churches in the Balkans ..... 2
News from South-Eastern Europe ... . SS ae areas iy 21
BELGIUM:News of the Belgian Missionary Church . ....... . 6
Peak lAs Curistian Youth Movements forbidden... . . «6 »© « «= » pha’
Memetins Vago Growing Of Pro tes tanGyem -..4. «ete te fete be fee he 8 8 15
a: ors Chaser Union ot. the Unristian Churches .... i+ 3
ee ee ee i Oh OUT gs ge ss 8 ge 8s 8 he ve Le
nt es bere On ua Oe nO Li oe SUT GOO SCHUT CH: «ss He te Ne te he he 8 8 1D
Croatian Orthodox Church. . ba hg he ha Oe eNe 15
New Constitution of the Orthodox Church er ee Pee 235
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: The Activity of the Czechoslovak Churches . =. 16
Association of Greek-—Orthodox Slovaks ...., 16
DENMARK: Jubilee of the Student Christian Movement ..... . 13
) - Vew Oras Conference on ty <5. P eg lk 8 a ae 22
MolOnNlLA: Church Losses. umder soviet. Hule . . . » 6 s « « © « » 9
ETHIOPLA: Missionaries to return to Ethiopia . . 2. «© « « @ © 16
Mee ria Bee Om e. PORWR. wt le ek we we 24
FINLAND: Return to Valamo... aay . 2
The religious Situation in Bastern Carelia cai) ae 3
Call to the National Days of Prayer ..«. -» e 3 5
An Oecumenical Congress of the Nordic hirtrics . 21
Page 2 INDEX 1942
ENS ree POAT ar
he MS ee ays
te eee es te Meteo NOL
DEONGEM SELTMONE. veneer He eels
Me ee epee ple ee ame yy OMe PL At e 5
Congress of the Student Christian BOOVEGMCTY co 6 es tw)os) we 8
fee UvaewreurierLe ‘OL France. . 8. be te te Me he Ms, ve 8
Wenvem ucepace -or the Archbishop of Toulouse :. *. % %% re
ape ee eee ey EePONCE GM Tet. Fe ee Pert. Meh Re Meee ee
Pei ebO? BROOGI ONO OLIRGG « . o's » es «es Ls ss 0. 8 14
Oldest Christian Youth Magazine .. Times. fa) a 16
General Assembly of the French Reformed “Church in occ.zone 16
The National Synod at Valence ...... gil Fico My a Re % any
Message’ trom National Synod at Valence «++ 2 9. te 'e ele s 19
Mutual Service, Spiritual and Social, in the Free Zone 21
The Life of the Prot.Congregations in the Internment Camps 22
GERMANY: Nat.soc.View of the Spiritual Future of the new Europe af
The new Importance of the Lay Reader... . eT, Poy ate 2
Religious Service to Foreign Workers . . ° ° is
The Osscervatore Romano and the religious Situation rs i
Farewell to Church Bells... . Rah ot . 5
The religious Attitude of the dense Soldier a7 Me aan se 6
Cera weer Uy MargeneUU ce MIT ONCE oi. ts Me Me Me te Me Me iy.
PAT OMG SOD LGTODeM1 OGIKS: DAC i i fo: bogus tievueruervell oo 9 08 9
Work for German Prisoners and Internees ... ° : 14
LS Mero ray ATI, tM SY as e Gian of Hag et ate 0 e ee 8 15
Dome -ciowery bamiin Posen Area . . 1. «6 ee ee ive bo
hovaliy.«tO..the .Chureh . ..\« ial ete Yas ieataease 16
"We will not leave the Church" /(Faulnaber) . : : 17
Centres of Cnristian Lay Work i. 26.0 ea ee 17
Emergency Powers for Rom.Catholic Clergy in Posen Area . ii
Perel Cie Ot wen rietIanity . s+ . 6) 6 5 8 ew Sark 19
A new Hymn-book .... . ; Be aa fe 19
Laster Pastoral Letter of fener Catholic Eishope : ; 20
Dee GIG WTO os ae 8. 6 1s 5 5 8 le ; A 20
eer Pat er DAO is +) wee eee 8 8 8 aa rane
Peake Are WAT tre Der lit. eS ee ee p 22
Substitute for the Roman Catholic Press ... : 24
The Position of the Theological Faculties in Germ. Univers. 24
GOLD COAST: A Chaplain with the God Coast Troops in Abyssinia . 8
GREAT BRITAIN: Christmas Message to Christians in occupied countries 1
Lie Bee WNECONA Ere by Pe TEEN 8 mere oe cee es 2
Theor Papen Workers UNDOMm PT MOI. eee ; ss
Resignation of Archbishop of Canterbury . .... ; s 4
Message of British S.C.M. to German Students .... : 4
Reeve Cus PAeet VOT eG POG ee te I HO he he oe 8 |e 5
Por UM LOMO LN WE Ys is ee Sh ea te Me MS 8S ee 6
A young English Minister Vooks ahead... 1. s+ ee e 2 6
German Refugee.Pastors in Great Britain «2s se e's + 8
Kigeewrd ae soc rTPom. Priwatn sae Ae a Nei te Na Me He te fe fe Te 8 8
TReenew "APeRocsnoOp OF Canterbury mass fe Ms te tevte he fo fe Ne! § 8
Terre Pap OL LOT Fab. PREP SURESH, Me Me he fe % 9
An oecumenical Fellowship in War-Time ... «© s : ° 10
The Church of England in hat Pike etban) egies Pate ase we ene ee
PRBYO BA GRO AL Oke BVAMS Ne alice yee econ be Diryenge eye ais ie
& new Council of Churches ... RG OL ie aa UN Cate hk 14
master Message from British Christians Ae Phte lai eth esac 14
Continental Christianity as seen from Britain By retitts . L5
Enthronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury . . aetna 16
The Quakers “and the Food Blockade ~.°. .*.'s‘. . Ss 16
Archbishop of Canterbury's Address to Norway’... . « ny
QUuakerssopensinternational Centre «1. 6 « « s © © «© © ® 18
Rr aguamee iene pelaetOns « «6 5 ee ee 8 we 20
Tie bom ee ene LOW Peltkafie is ad Wee se ee 8 8 8 ee aL
Ar OSCrienten st seo PVG Mere oe ie fh Viner bet eles % 6 8 8 el
A COpTe ries eheGla ration MeMisgke » 90.2 ,2 9 8 e 0 (e tee 8 al
Phe vocciinenacal Church” « 5 s'». - 2 ea a ee ee 23
An Opinion on the future Missionary Aotivity Shes ok, a pital 24
New Frimate of the Orthodox Church .....e»
s+ Bullding: Programme in. War—Time . . 1. » « « « « »
INDIA: Towards Church Union * a ry ° . * . ee . e ee .

A Call to Prayer eo vl e@ Oa ea ok, nS es & ere. ee be .

PARTOe MOUTOMAUNEOUi« Dil Fume» Bodie je s eas 8 ele

TTALY: Nowe Or tne Provesvany Churches: . 2 os 6 ws 6
. "Gnristiana- over the! Bordert™. so sey ee 6 »
JAPAN: PuevunLLedsunurcn On Une Eve of War. . . .« » a %
The new Japanese Orthodox Bishop». 29. 1. eee
The Japanesc Government and the Younger Churches .
LATIN AMERICA: Student Life ... ane his ear ones
The new Building ofthe Union “Bvangelical Seminary
Church Confederation holds Assembly . ...-+«-e-
study of social and economic factors . +--+ « » »
MALTA: Ree) SuCmes oes sahil.) 6 6 ee lt el we we
MEXICO: Two Bonfires ... ° Ae en a ee
The End of an Antireligious Policy pp ete HA Ce
NETHERLANDS: Dissolution of the Student Christian Movement
The Student Christian Movement... . cases
The Oecuméenical Association dissolves itself Z
Sea TY eRe de FH cu lod wil ony! e/sicaa ae de i.as ce
Pies eA OLD Maly 'ee) edd ey ae 8
Church Leaders arrested .. pe A eile
Christian Schools Bir NEG for their Life vn .


The Word happens... Sea i SAND tet bh) wcli és. @

Students' Day of Prayer sas :
Joint Declaration of avant eee “Catholic Churches
Pome easLen Or rie. CONUR
ON se sy te ven dene 9 88
ip) Ue eas MEL CIRC cel ie iw) set ed te eee
NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES: The missionary Situation .
The Basti dave Chuyven oie . eiie «
NORTH AMERICA: The Church and the Japanese Evacuces ..
NORWAY: The Church and the New Order... . a ee
Intensification of the Church Conflict a
The Deposition of Bishop Berggrav .. “Stor
Further Developments in the Church Conflict mitt
Soe CNUSCh. LesLsete. wis «yy. SiN ati has Ore.
Latest Developments in Church “Conflict a rain
Further Developments in Church Conflict .. =.
The Government reorganises the Church .... .
Pastors and Teachers united ... ; : ats
Church Conflict suspended - Easter Declaration .
Latest News of the Church Conflict ...... % .

The new Bishop of Oslo ... mes

Whitsuntide Intercession for Bishop Berggrav se
RUMENTA: The Situation of the Reformed Church...
German Lutheran Church eliminates Jewish Inf hirense
The missionary Work of the Church among Russian
Pe OEE Se iRe awa ba le fay, 8!) ev wee
~ SCOTLAND: MOCO. Mid Gime, cleat Pe Rortted of OL we ela wf
Pao. Peal Dareer var. Fe 28 2S OO TG. OCG oi6
Week “of Witness «= (s+. -« s P a ae ee a
Occumenical. Youth Movement Be a A a to
BUUt AME LOles. SNL Seuons pare OGCGUMENiCAl « «ua .eue « 0 «8 3
BGG agBOE EG LAS pad: Ba 8 0 Ss i
The Christian Council at Work .. ;
Christian Reconstruction in South Rector "
Onrietianity and Crisis..« « se « «= # » .e
Page 4 INDEX
eatwe 10e Fave OL the Protestant. Churches ~« . + «.'s o...6 0.
Pim eee ter ds
bl oP Study the sth settled eee a”
Deo CNOWAO OL POG EUATIGLSM, 6. sie: «-8 eye: be Tes 6-8
Ao rvemarkaviesEpiscopal Document’ s: ot fe
SWEDEN: A Lentcn Message of the Episcopal Conference °
eee ee ee ears gS gel es) wey 0, ey een
A Bishop of Sweden pays Tribute to Norway . Late
Rhee Niole Of cote BAGUON OL UNeCOSObeTy. sane eee
SWITZERLAND: National Charter of Gothard League affirms
Christian Basis of Swiss Confederation .... .
'“Occumenical Service of Intercession for Church: Unity
Prof. Adolf Keller's 70th Birthday . . ahs
From a Pastoral Letter of the Old Catholic "Bishop Aer
The Church and ithe Protection of the Family .... =.
A significant official Decision (euthanasia) .:. ;
UOMETress OL Na mLOnel MaucCatioN *. “es "ee tee ae ee
Y.W. C.A. Leadership Training Course... ed
General Assembly of Swiss Protestant Church Federation
THAILAND: Buddhists exert Pressure on Christians ..... e
TURKEY: After twenty Years of Secularism . . . . 2s « « « +
UKRAINE:The religious Situation of the Rom.Cath. Congregations
Towards an autocephalious Ukrainian Orthodox Phare :
A Call for Reunion by Mgr. Sceptitsky .
Towards an independent Ukrainian Church ..
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Moscow . gr
Constitution of a Separatists Church . . . +» « « « %
A new Appeal of Metropolitan Sceptitsky ..... «
Conflicting tendencies within the Churches
Controversy between two Orthodox Prelates
Canonical Condemnation of Metropolitan Polycarp
An Orthodox Bishop and the Uniate Question .....
The Occupying Authorities and the Churches . ¢
UNITED STATES: Towards the Uniting of Presbyterians & Episcopalians
The Episcopal Church and Post-War Planning .....
Official Statement on the War by American Churches .
An important Study Conference .
The Pastoral Letter of the Federal beta vibse) of “Churches
For a Christian Attitude towards the Japanese ..
vVolurcitnesponsthi lity War Time. co ee es
Toe GGeres KGOUNCI aaa Ime. a fe me he Me fe fe eS
Die eCOMG Wat (Ot rGne ROTUEGE Ry pacrenlise = (6 le js ye aes
SU gtohay Eo aa Was a Nasbd A IR a ae ee °

eee re ae eerie” WAI er ste ic fe te ee ee *

"Win the War ~ Win the Peace" .. ro MA SS OG be t pes ee °

Church Commission on Aliens and Prisoners of War HES °

DeGieracionlom Commom Belvers G4 i ew. °

No Fostering of Hate by Radio ... Shot toe pats aN .

Religious Press -— A Tower of Strength . °

Study Conference on a Just and Durable Peace (Delawar e )

SVonurenes an Time of) War, LOAOM nis tentensey eh © 2
U: ees eee ONO UUTERG She Ate! TOOPLE 4. 44 8 8 kk NY
No one is fighting the Russian People ..
9 Report of an Orthodox Priest from the odotpisn Black
MG Area ys. RU ea en tah nh: h\wh, Bae Me
Home to the Church eles aneame oc. 8 ae ye
The Religious Situation in Byvidt eCren PASCUNGH tae ae os
The Work of the Orthodox Mission in Pskov ...
Missionary Work of Rumenian Orthodox Church in occupied
ee TL ER y ee gy ne 8 we, Se) be ke) @) a Sw we
YUGO SLAVIA 3 A Martyr e . . . . . . ° . . . °

AOE pale Op pe

QECUMENTSI AND GENERAL: Missions affected by the War LiO'e

eee RCRA OTA tara chahun ia- 8) a ets te ice

Raroness Boetzelaer van Dubbeldam .....
Ue eae Uy ae DOCLALISM sey“. Sette ess RODS
TN Ges VM alls OMal Ah
ayBP aor:ie ee ar er WN
A British Chaplain in a Prisoners Camp... . ° (Es)
The Outlook for Missions in the Far Nast...
The Visit of an American Church Leader to Europe LN
The Churches of Great Britain and America and the
eer MR URL GQUORT bl ue fete “b's. eo, a
Menseage O01 CUnrigtian Students. 1.
ee Re Te OS Ye ve kik eres) pa
me Hove Olvtne Unurehn gud the Jews 2 es. s
Peoria Countd da Or Unurched) oo. 6's
A New Member of the World Council of Churches
Beucaver Or tie Velaenses L942 eee 8 SN
The Oecumenical Commission for the Chaplaincy Servi
cree Oe Oar WAls scat mo ae 8s
Change in the International Missionary Counci
Peet Ofe Prayer Of Une Worla's Alliance’ of£
ee WALD Bn wets tw le es ee abel es
Canterbury and Constantinople . . + «© « « .
Pie Oe wat) US Oe LILTCOR 4! ss shi, eye
ine Churen Satuation in the Orthodox. Cdtuntrie Ss
Pe Se CUM atleast eS ee Ae ey 60 epee es So °

Dee eee er er ee Ei Mince Vas ui en mk keto yeas ais) Ae, le ole we

ee eee mee Le se ate) elas sk oe ef
The Church of England and the Church of Russia
De ee ee SO GAG ha meatal see ee ke ef *

A Swedish Bishop visits Great Britain .. . .

Celebration of the Week of Prayer of YMCAs and Yu CA

Vitality of the Russian Church in Emigration .
A Christmas Message from the World Council of Churches
TG eirteataens ar ie lal COUNtTrI GB e. 6. ke e

Death of the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem . ,



The Orthodox Church in Occupied Russia. .,...

BlrAsKA? Hesults of a Russian Orthodox Mission ...

AUSTRALIA: The Student Christian Movement in War Time

CG eae
a. Or OCS Si Sr od od abe oe ee oe <u 8
PeUGIUM: News of the National Reformed Church... .
CANADA: "The Japanese comfortable in Camps" ....
VEeTuON: National Christian Council... ee! ee ew
CHINA: The Situation of the Christian Colleges ..
A New Chinese Christian Organisation... .
Gy ise One yt DAR CL OD ja Pratie cw he Ne oe | ale
Christian Universities and the Nation ...

CROATIA: Orthodox Church to use Croatian Language .

Paro e MTe ITO ees tg as 6) ce fa het oie eves
Boer on Loe wee unOtor. GHUPCH cies cus © ee
meenWn methane pls og ae ete le le fees

OEE SS Ges aotcord Ufa 2% 9oo 6 MeL La TP8alo « a en Or or

The- Destruction of Churches in Carelia .. .
The Word of God in a War Prison Camp... .
Page 2 INDEX
TRANCE: the .[netitute of Orthodox: Theology at Paris ....
Porte Pee see OL O Ube OOM. CLSM Ohi e, 8s se ee
Frenenh Protestantism andere hetmeegs 6. ok kl et gs
A Catholic Paper speaks of French Protestantism. .
Message to the Members of the Reformed Church...
Meeting of the Interregional Synod in Occupied Zone
Development of the Protestant Theological Faculty in
Paris id en APOE ER eran ani g S46) viek «Ves ee we) gt ve
e The Present Situation of French Protestantism...
wapeer ed LOM oe OPC Ss 6} lee 8 ee ee te
A Roman Catholic comments on French Protestantisn .
a aNCH Viet
WE: Wipe
finns Jie Maseionary Situation . . 2. «6
The Eastern Orthodox Church in Greater Germany. .
Neves Ps

Ta Oey Meee OO Ue SINS

GL GUbe. se es (Se fe 8's MM
+ VY
Conference on Jewish Influence in German Church Life
me aa oe eae gs a baw) te ne haw sh 8 ek eile
& Pastoral Letter from the German R.C. Bishops ..
TiesuOnlerenpeso wie Liteheran Academy 1.3 . 3 8 3
Some. Figures:on. the Bethel Mission’... fot. 3. 2 2. FsWAIT
Lutheran Church Women's Organisations at Work ...
Measures concerning Pastoral Work for the Poles. .
OE ERS SE i BD POC or ragefa Ss GO Saas fc a re e e a eee
Dee Gs A Uee une COMO DCAOeT “5 «ete “eo « # « * ONDOS
Dee AMR COM ce int leat lal ge) 6m, at 8 URLC eT 8 mye a. .

The Psychological Attitude of the Modern Man ...

Memorial Celebration of the Swedish King Gust. Adolphus
A Cardinal and the Victims of Bombardment. ... .
Pe Or Tee DOM ete A See keh ik a yieu sire) a we is. eich.
Another Magazine suspends Publication .....s-.,
Cee Ua a OL Ss crate is! eile) 4 oh eve ip e)- 8,) wi ls bee
Commncids Gf Union oferastors': Associations) siscis.. «
GREAT PRGA S a hMericea pnd Great Britain «ee. 6 8 eS
The ol Luaucon. of, the Refugees ...., ° Fe i a ah
Sir Stafford Cripps on the Task of the Church Ah a
The Catholic Church.and International Order... .
Tee Seton weitere. WOO Order 2a. 6 ew ee
Cmerory pene mato one Traingne Of Youth .% % % %3.°%
Pe 2 a Se EE Ge ie phe eye ey. e, «ee 8 88
Peet tatu OL une Ercan FPLeS ums" lee et be Ww ee
Tee Nanoha loway COLI PYavere ht lary SC we ees
eee Med Lee AT ECOG we te Ae oan ae th se, ae de ie, we ge ps
pe ee EONS MOV cet ie ete 6 let (lee a 8's
Sete ns Ge CO Ld MOCO 6) sl 4k edie ay a 8) es
ee OMe Te OPO ry gt) se ek eee ele s
The Significance of the Oecumenical Movement...
Archbishop Canterbury's Speech on Social Reform. .
me eaeCU RYAN PME 5, Le el ke dk ae ae) ce e ede yen ye
& Message tothe Suffering.Churches «. . ic i je ae us
Nation-wide Interest in Albert Hall Meeting ....
GREGCi: ee Oe RE ee no Et et eT each es @ uke) 168 en ee
RUNG An. Meeting of the General Convention of the Reformed Church
WThe Cross, the ‘Barth, and Liberty”. oobi ice 6 je oe
Church and State ° . ° ° ° e e e e e e ° . . e e° e PO

INDI A: Te Tee Ceshehehe Ge) eae) e \rw ae) es ee ete Bes

ie sium coe ache Thristven Churches <...6 .é-.3 us ue ce
ee a ots ah il tg tia gig i gi we ee ws te SOA

ae en ae
tS Roman Catholic Institute of Christian Education... ..
aati AS ae LOT Se Aclee lec Ke ee As mega we wees 58 yo Le
News Gi the Protestant Churcheasicd, Mwarmedite .0 (0. we
Ad nae ECE GP PA asaie ler Lisn ce uke one. wP cok wwe aleige’ gece, ve
The Waldensian Church and the Bombardments ... . Prwo©
Page 3 INDEX 1942
wai ie eo ean ey Od ull Wb Bete Ve oe en ee ee ve we eNO oe

MEXICO: SuLGen oeIwoieEe tilanemovement eaunched .°. 6 Je we ew eS 28

GO iee biG PY bOUtLOn CAMPGa ey. 68% we ee ew el kw Ne 28
aN 4
RLANDS ¢ The Church Barrmiie Wwewey eae ea e. a pe tat eles 30

olen aesPagen= dels SeaeOIEtlt Oia 9 WM ae) oe a oer Ga a on a eR vas

Preece eC CU ere OL Tem ORR eh LM.
ore tear sa urom sti Une Mrmraury ee Bw os a4
Ce ee ee a ees a ae eine) Tele wie ie ee Fahy ce 40
ee tr a Oe ie WMD eS e ge TP ge Al
Being tire, CONnmrera CON ey ste ae Ee ace 44/45
NETHER / lL NDIESs) Missionary Workie. lee 2s 4 8 a 8 le 56
NE ey
ce Gl
moran revenemas
(oie ampere rer Onrbetran Order Fe ereey ea, 29
Deion ee Roma Athol LC Manitesto. <j tert te werd seh foo sg 34

NORWAY: Active Mi siona Bee ewan One ar iors?) eT Sn at MeN eT atta’ Pe" 6 ae
Church Wontdela gE, oil eh oleRR sti Cll loa a cadsO ae alta ald a ie ae Sai 26
er te ee UM Ae OTL can tee ey a ie eg Me fy 85 28
From the Declaration of the Provisional Chure h
peel ENR 2) obs Ae ibdag a ge Ch MR ie oe 30
Pea ue Nowewog one HO mire OOE PrOUn OF Se raey 9
The Principles underlying the Resistance of the Church 34
Mi serooery eeervOdtcae rom Dited fF Rs OR eS 3
The "official" Interpretation of the Church Conflict 36
Diremrsval “of “Pa ees ee TS ot ere eR Nera
Pes ae IIE TE N OAs la ve, ella ey a ely la 8
eer che © Developments in the Church Situation... . A)
The Church Protests against the Persecution of the
Jews e . ° . . ° * ° ° ° . . ° ° ° ° e ° e ° . 2 43

The.German Church and the German National Group .. 27

Judaic Christiamty and Pagan Christianity .... . 29
News of the Orthod x ‘oy
nurc h . . J e ° ° e . . e e e 3 T

Problems in Eecles SE fd ON! 8 8 a Aa"Be: gr

SCOLTLEND : re re ee ON Ck ake Ae et east eg soe 44/45
ha aND irevere eet Le Ones flee ee ee wh we 30
The Orthodox Church in the Protectorate dissolved 34
VUE ORmo ulaes, Un Cnriswian Unity oe 6 i le i 36
SPAIN: Timeot tian Of the Prrovestant Churches . 2... +. 26
ee ee erePO rer npc Ve tie ale elle eis. \ asl cote the Bi:
Sa aineeloeetbametehl
eee a or oe iO) Ot a OCR IROL: elk. cao a hay feo) eee eet 28
Reaction of Chris henge Circles against the Persecution
(te the Jews awa Norway
A ° e e e e . ° ° . . ° ° ° e 44/45

SWITZERLAND : A new Retreat House e ° ° e e ° . . . ° ° ° ° - 2

eee a ee TOO CFDUN ices fc diesra math eve a el BM be ethene

ee Oo wane wel Oe CM ul OM etme! ob. dle liet! pe! ak eae’ oe 26
The Church Federation and the Refugee Question... 28
The Roman Catholic Church and the Una Sancta Movement 30
Be er re re SO OT OUI eh ee e ape eR 8! 32
lars Baia biRietodeRsgrils iis haate Reo (rmea Rg 7 en a
a Word of the Church on the Present Situation. ....
ee A NE reed HOW gue spite a fal Mea? el. ee. ele ees 40
Be ey MN Ve ade el weet yl ee Lal oh ee ie c
Dee ee en OI Gale DOLE sacle ah be ie eee Yow! vet eve
UKRAL huss fel ea To Tal tes a ee gn) 4a acs Ca nh a 27
Reply to Ot Invitation . ry ° . ° ° ° ° e ° ° ° ° ° °

Union of Churches . ° ° ° . e ° e ‘i e ° . e ° e e rn Ay

News of the Ukrainian Hvangelical Movement .... ;% 42

ae meneame Aa. tradOCA alg gilt le pe de Dore celal enefele. «6
Page 4 INDEX 1942
UNITED Deena Perera ern veer No ARES as Migr aang A Let Lely Gy iew ce’ Tes Cet No. 25
eies peed | Ca Tata Vis © GT
ro=jo Gi ee) IER ne ete ae ew ee 25
Pre ie ee Wee TTPO | oe te ye ye ee wel we 28
Aros eunenWanr, arid Peamer Nimes te beh rel ered wes 28
Friends of the Wo ria Eee as te AP eras on >is e 28
si appeat a Pac eka Pie Tg Toe She hehe sue! ye 1s 29
Christia ni ive Or Com OraeiO te. on je ue | he oF
american ae ae PEER bis’) pe ckcortue us ta l ue + je tye 40)
Youth Caravans of the: Methodist Church . ..s + 40
wo ic tn Nee Drea Sa epeer Uae teri ie HP, Bare Gowler 3
i erican Un mies Terie mation Hyhieawar. 4. 2 ue js pe)
ind tec Christian fellowship in the Armed Forces De
Shell the Cane OTE OMY Tach ele ke ue gece 30
The Report of the Commission on Intercommunion 6
Letherans discuss Relationships to Federal Council 36
2. National Inventory in Terms,.of the Social Ideals
wy ae
Se a Ce ya he las sudo pe ie ae pegs eee ae 3
peneaetiee Ge Girerariiane ). Cyptrenh el tenes Habits el enue 3
inother Move towards Unity. . She spe eyes ie 4
The Good Neighbour Policy and Rica ie Missions 4
« Proposed Basis of Union between the snarl fi
BiGrtiaeeUeoope. (One hes. te ih. Leith aren 1a te |oh Me A2
Pee NS hs ke as As, ais iw ips) ae yoink as oe Abies %
Pub ee hate? GENK aLLC TAyEXT, Dalle’. ire eitenit ae” vo Bah Re eure Wer repiite 44
Peeeemen-s Heligious Aut tuces in Ruasiag («oes ew we ew ws 26
"Russia - the ere ae MEN obs Se ec? tax alone 23g
The Religious Attitude or the Russian People Today 4
faster in a Moscow Catteni ei cs gee Tao at) al as ae 59
Peete ee eon pa is We TanS ss 8 as fe ae 8 te 49
InvervVicwWuwithwetropolatan Nikolai §.7. 054 2.06% AQ
Tne Orthodox Church in Ceoccupied NS EC ot ok gt tee 44/45
TP oNe DEB x

GENERAL: Christmas and New Year Messages ...... br No.

Three Years after Amsterdam... . Fa aN eUNE a bY
The Oecumenical Commission -for the Chaplaincy
Service to Prisoners of War in Germany
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity .....
Prayer for the Unity of Christendom .....
Handbook for Lay Preachers . . °
The Life of a Congregation of the Captivity ; dl

Christians of Russia and Christians of Britain

The Church and International Order ...+s+: 3
World Missions and the War ... . ° 8 °
British Christians and Soviet Russia. ae er es ae
Orthodox Churches: Episcopal Declarations . | «.

Universal Day of Prayer for Students ..

XXth Anniversary of the Declaration of the "Rights
WT il ds DIU Sn i Pere Seon egy Sal oT 8
The Work of the Oecumenical peri etes for Refugees
Easter Booklet for Prisoners of War... out b4
Christian Opinion in the Dominions on the Post War
Peak ee ea RNa a ; . ha ah eee a) ine)
The Reconstruction of Christian Institutions she hay
UL ODE Teg! aos . Mists
British and Foreign Bible Society and the World
fees le Ds oe GIR OSch! bled aT. SRO eee an mei ane Sl Ualeab ta
UOnverpavsong across..the: Ocedn . «2 6 4.6
Two Cardinals correct False Impressions . . .
Denmark and Norway exchahge greetings... :
Roman Catholic Missals for Orthodox Christians: >.


Orphaned Missions . . Soa EAR OE ee ee nen ne

Oecumenism in War Prison. Camps. .
The Work of the Central Office for Inter—Church Aid
AvCoristian looxa at the Red Cross .°.°6 . «+
Russian People ask for Spiritual Food . yee
ieewonurcilendi. the social Problem... +. + +
Raptr Sat i 1 OWL ans tee a ey 2 ee «8 ee
AFRICA (EAST): Record Demand for Christian Literature .. .,
AFRICA (NORTH): New Departure in Missions .....+4i:-. %
French Protestant Centre .. Sine eete 4
Leadership of the Protestant Churches ode g bce dty ays
AFRICA (SOUTH): Conference on Christian Reconstruction .. =.
A oh ge to Co-operation ° . . . e e ° e e e o ° ’

AUSTRALIA: Missionary Policy for New Guinea .... + « « «

BELGIUM: A Pastoral Letter from the Bishops ..,. 6 »« « +
BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA: News of the Churches. . Qe ye AL
A Message of the Church to its Members A ever id aa
BRAZIL: Remarkable Growth of Protestantism ....+:ss 5s
Vitality of the Protestant Churches... .« «+>
BRITISH WEST INDIES: A Christian Programme of Fifteen Points
CHINA: New Outlook e ® ° ® e ° e ® e ® e e ° e e s e ° °

CHINA (OCCUPIED): Japanese Bishop assumes Control of Chinese

Churches . ° ad J e e . ° e ° . e e e . . . . ry

eed Soe Sale ie fale) ele le ew 8 8 8

CROATIA: News of the Reformed Churches ‘
The Roman Catholic Church and the Deportation of:
[POUR PT? A ea ey ea ne wand ea er ae en a? ta we
page 2 INDEX

DENMARK : The Cowboys of the Asphalt and Christianity...

Gye Non-Government Schools and Religious Education .
ESTONIA: The Fate of Religion under Soviet Rule 1940/41
ETHIOPIA: Great Possibilities for Missionary Work . ....
FINLAND: DaoOwr Movement End ODUrcn i sis eels cele 8 elus
FRANCE: Spiritual Resistance .. : Ne Fea ale
The Church, a cliff-bound Island? lye aera seme
Patriotism and Charity: .. .,. : ‘
BE GOeUReR ae fu wake 8 eet eee
RRGPONrLs vate MONG 6 ee ys °
The Church and Revolution . . .
Internment of Pastors .. . hyleat
President Boegner's Lenten Sermons .
Nation and State in the Bible... . :
Headquarters of French Reformed Church ..:3%.
Dissolution of Salvation Army... Be aes
First Lenten Sermon by Pastor Boegner ep . Viree e els
Message to Prisoners’ Families. . 6 « «© 6 + «6
Further Arrests ‘
Russian Orthodox Yeader arrested (Berdiaev) fet
Ay eevee Ot Tera rLtude tie 3! si rerts ee We he 8 ee.

Release ofimprisoned: Pastors . . .. + % je.6 6%

eCard COT Mune menerr) el le te ow ve je ue ae
Arrest of Scottish Chaplain... , e

The Churches and the Requisition of French Labour °

PASLOMa arregvem ang Liberated . - ss le |e oe yee 4

Death of Pastor Wilfred Monod... . Sheet e

The National Council of the Reformed Church reunited

Political Training by the Christian Youth Movements
AYrlen oterrotestanymneconstruction . i... .6 1 J. ia >
Arrests of two Pastors ... § ; *

News of the Russian Orthodox Academy °

Nem nrePeave oc eae VOLE 6 Seiko tee “e's e e . ° e

How Pastor de Pury was Arrested... . °

Meeting of the National Synod of the Reformed Church

Pastors liberated and in Prison... Senet Oe
GERMANY : New Year Message .. ah ae Ca
The Situation of the German Missions ip lie he ea
Unity Movement in the German Evangelical Churches
"Repent" (Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of Berlin):
So hue sea idSew oll WVCacho ima ilew s onal le an ead a a eM
The Work of German Theology in War-Time ....
Christian Patriotism .. 4) ee ate
The Spoken Word Replaces the “Written ‘Word . .
Roman Catholic Bishops speak on Reconstruction: and
Bier wire treat” VLEW. Of arrest ee Tele ss S
Peenveranie roe UNuUrCil lee e's aes 's «8 6 6 #8 6
CO emo rig Winer Urrie Ne Ge Se fee fe Me be hee. “o Se
German Protestant Hymns and Recent Roman Catholic
Snake yned eas: UOM h erat he lL ram Nolo Ge ie my a ge ee a
Death of the Crown Prince of Saxony .... «+. *
New Testaments for the Army... ene ee
The Religious Welfare of the Russian Prisoners: °
Sere erie IN ee erate Ter lela ee le cie ase elas ah 8

GREAT BRITAIN: Church Life in 1942... . BK Cee id

Service in the German Lutheran Church 4h London .
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the German Church
eres eeGaGcna ute sss fy 8 8 oe we le fe °
Page 3 INDEX 1943
GREAT BRITAIN (foll.):Christian Solidarity with Baltic States No.
Cardinal Hinsley and the Council of Christians and
SO OSES ORISSA ST REE Ge Ni ee ae a a er
Pate em TONEY NOV ETIOG. io kes cs jak p68 8 8 ey
Creer eager yan SOOL AIS OGGULLUY: «6,6 2 0. 2, > '0
ipeercOnt ereworel Collaborations: é.iec ov er ‘agcen en ob *
Cera Maal) SLOWESTLR ys oly reterice Cer io Cellet ten fe oi 0a) bee
fees Vise VoeeMOML YE TOs CO oe ok cake an op bu es 0 ame
Death of Cardinal Hinsley... COO IS sgh ngewe
The Churches and the Beveridge Plan Relea er ard attr
Preparing for .kost-—War Reconstruction” . .. 3.
Lenten Observance . A shed Me te oh oe ae
Death of Bishop Neville Talbot Sra eal Dare gn mek.
the churches of Burope. ... ; Ppt aS Ait ae
The Churches and the Refugee Problem Pei RAN pean
ie Wer Leyte ouncei Yor Netureds wes es lee
Pe he A a aie a ae es 4 os eee ee 8
Archbishop and Christian Unity in Practice...
Rie SAMEERA eT Doral Jha fs eh oa fon my 0k Ba ay 8) ay my
ee eee ae So DMO) el ye we, ce 8 ee oo ee ee

GREECE: Church Protest against Execution of Hostages .. .

The Church as’ the Centre tof National Life . «. . «+
HAWAII: PSC ORE GL LOWSNLD 6.) ee wile he ah eee te re
HUNGARY: The, .wo.essential Duties of the Church . 2... ¢ .
ieee LBRO ie GO sOOUPCROS ». siete is » 6 \b) jes
CO SIE PSCSETey SUPE Oo rTTe ygel: 1s ee ae
Interconfessional Discussion on Christian Unity .
Bishop Irenaeus elected in the House of Lords ..
Petersson Me GNOCOX MoCMLNAT Yn) ae ile le 6 6 8 the
INDIA: Civigvutans and ithevilndianvDeadlock =. raie el belle he Oe
Darkness and Light in the Situation of Christians.
IRAN: CES GG whoa SbN so ags GRISEA
S TeBo07 eM a aay aR A
ITALY: Waldensian Church suffers through Bombardment aii
Meera Perens eurairueneera Ue 6 ww
JAPAN: ee ae Ue en eke ta Selene eee lek le et Rd
Recent Developments in Japanese Protestantism .
LITHUANIA: Two Occupations ° e e . e . © e e e . . e e . ° °

MANCHURIA: The Present Position of the Manchurian Church ..,

PrcuLremUeeNnomaaeChrigtiian PrabeWay woes ek eS es
ewe senvenevcrurcheone. sour. Ot: Gem teP bei Sok we
Jdapanese Ministers help Missionaries.) . . eu. ee
PeoeeerUGsnwuurrency err. Co lDUuria BIDLES . 5.5 26 2 « = es
TGs Em) alley 13 rif co = SAI aa ae a a
NETHERLANDS: The Church, the Jews, and the N.S. cagertes ,
The Churches speak QU Ghia oe ale tb ip ake
Light and Darkness in the Life of. oe (Churches vO
A New Church Declaration... ‘ ‘ So waliwar se
Dutch Church Leader released eno Pe GSHAy) a eee uct
Popo varooea Co ras bOrAL UGGLCr .« « » 6 ig.e ese a
Poopemirrotest. Oly tne Churches. .« «as +h 2 8
eM ee ig go gg’: eel pew ew
NEW ZEALAND: Campaign for Christian Order . «6 . «6 « » « « »
NORWAY: A Declaration of the Norwegian Church ....
Suspension of a Christian Periodical . . .« » « « «
POC SCM uno col SeKODOTUY sce, 2 66. eee) be! b) 8
Work Service for “illegal” Pastors... . Ae er Pe
Latest Developments in the Church Conflict ah ea aln ede
POLAND: The Situation of the Roman Catholic Church... .-
Page 4 INDEX

RUMANT As Dissolution of Religious Sects... POG ORIORER

The Hungarian Reformed Church in Transylvania @itak
Fate.of the Baptists and Adventists ......6-.
SCOTLAND: Week of Witness. 3 oe thy SS ie eee
The Task of the Church Extension Committes Ri Mee tae
EON OUP Om sere: MAOTONUES | Pal le ie) a Cel ae eo ey
SLOVAKTA: Developments in Church Life .. Os Bs ean a a
The Situation of the Protestant Church ABs CINE ja
A New Church Chronicle e . . . e . . . ° e e

Another Religious Period adl Prohibited oe aia

A Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops .
Pastoral Letter of the Roman Catholic Bishops
Situation of the Hungarian Reformed Churches ‘
An Island of Apostolic Work of the Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Fortnightly reappears ..... »
SPAIN: PUM Lene VEL ad VON Ee €or eee: ie ''»
SWEDEN : NeW SearCOU Mo Smee eel eis) stk mes sees ee Mae
Pewee COR GU ER e COTE Ge UUET els 6 a ee es Buel oe
Tesora pata Ol Pereedom sos. «lie ss. |
Deans Van a OeCuUMenNI Cal eAder +e. 3 6 bes 2
SWITZERLAND: Christmas Letter to the Swiss Jews ....-.
VECMNeI Ce Lim UUcy, WERE s.0 eh wich a ile (ew, ne Weyer ay
Oecumenical Study Week... BT AMMe he l Se ahs iedty
The Church and International Life Paks: Wa ls tae rete
Service of Intercession’ ... pe 8 cee si
Faith and: Research .. .. : 4 °
Leadership Training Course of Swiss National YWCA
Inauguration of the Evangelical Reformed Church: of
Neuchatel? ks) %s SPI eae 4 tapes Soy
Assembly of Protestant Church Federation ;
SYRIA: fi AE RAI ok eRgd ie cts hace 6h: a cer a ee ee a ee
UKRAINE: PEO SG bata Mo peepeeGaylcbi D elegs hae Rp ob GM a ee ae ee er
Devee ee ONE SOL Ge CNUreC Me COMLL Ob ie Fe Shs le ey
irre SLATED: Relation in the Army . ss. . ; a Tee
No Military Exemption for the Oxford Group Leaders
Christians on War
and Peace Aims... ei teplte tke
Jewish Leaders on a Just and Durable eee Sol denice vie
NeTNOO Le nav on, wan
ana the Post-War eee 2 ee 8
A Tribute to the Archbishop of Canterbury .. .
An American View of the European Church Situation
A Peace Programme of the Federal Council of Churches
Christian Analysis of Peace Conditions ..... .
Posu-Vat Melver wenn ReCOnmarueULOM «vee a fe he is) es
Overseas Relief and Reconstruction Plans of the
Cimrones: is) 8 SA AT WW CRN aybank ea ea eae
Declaration on Race "Relations Pica twant oa Wire, Piwak! eile’: aie
wDs hues Stalin, the Church and the War... .
Experiences in the Underground Church eee
Pre sMewrOpor tan sot A Vin hela ie. ce) eel ye lee
Piemheligloug Question) ale wie a 8 els
Is Soviet Youth Religious? .. . Pee ier aT
Russian People ask for Spiritual Food .
The Place of the Church in National Life .

YUGOSLAVIA: Pouerden 02 YOVTROTOR CLEPET) Fie le ela ee we 8

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GENERAL: Books of oecumenical Interest. . cae No. 26

A World Student Christian Federation Meeting oe 27
Pee et OleOle ULOR iO Seta, ste wis ate te. ¢ 6 Oe 28
American Christians in the War . . Ai re 28
The Encyclica "Mystici Corporis Christi" pine? i .
ee 28
World Wide Communion Sunday. . : 29
The Annual Report of the World Council “of Churches : 30
News. On ogee o tTPaws Ted arr GON USM D ss ses eel u8 ve 30
William Paton t. . it) BA SAS oar ee ea aa 31
A World Council Message A RR :
Missions and Christian Unity ... ° .
The Work of the Oecumenical eoumtssion feo Soiet aint
Aid ta Prisoners of War .. Peak Bink ss Sade eos
Tragic Death of an Oecumenical Worker °
A Roman Catholic Voice on the Oecumenical Movement :
Voices about the Russian Church Situation . .....
Puneral Service of Rev. Theodore.C. Hume . 2 5
Russian Christian Leaders in pstmt and the new
Patriarchate .. . . et athe ble ete
Week of Prayer of Y.W. C. A. and 'Y,M. C. A. Sele Dea es wore
Christmas Brochures for Prisoners of War . 4
The Work of the Central Evangelical Society of Prance
fom upe #rencn Workers an Germany <9. . 0 «+
fieetenmine birthday of the 1.0,P.7.$.° «3 taht teh
Meeting of Russian Orthodox Bishops at Vienna eee
Christmas Message of the World Council of Churches
A Roman Catholic Interpretation of the Encyclical
ot me Oe POPer TtUd eis te wet See 0 ee ye
The Work of the World's Y.W.C.A. for Interned Women ,
fetes) NOW Tacks itor the Church 2... .« oe ee ye 8 ee
biaeNvriNA: Study, Conference-of Pastors . . .. .« «
BeormaulA: WNissionary Responsibility . 2. « « « » 6 +6 « »
BELGIUM: Spiritual Resistance of Christian Students ..
BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA: Bible apr et of Bohemia closed. .
News of the Churches. ,
The Theological Situation in the "Gzechoslovak Church
etic er Ore PPOLESUSNULSM. < . oe we Ne pe el we 8
SenavDas. A Canadian Council of Churches :. . . ... . + + «
CHINA: Chian-Kai-Shek and the Missions... oP OES aC
The Generalissimo and Chinese Bei Ah ana: Boley gs Manit a l ae
Student Evangelism in Free China
CROATIA: The Attitude of the Roman Catholic Episcopate ..
Pema be LIE rnnemt, Of<Chourch Dbeaders ...-s «+e 6) « eo:
ile ae ats Ce tae ee in Sen Matas eet se le Se ee we
Scandinavian Church Solidarity .. Cn we Se
Protest of Lutheran Bishops ogee Persecution of
TMASaSEWS = so. ° AGE t) eae
The Church and the “Occupying huthorities = ale teh
FAR EAST: The Changed Status of Christianity in the Far East
FINLAND: A Bishop killed by Russian Partisans .....
-Page 2 INDEX 1943
FRANCE: Message of the National ee of the Reformed Church No. 26
Ps sSolidarity with Poland. . : Sa etal tsi ae ge 23
. Prem smeienon Ore hae COUPCn.\.-
ee Oe enemy ae Or eerie TE SON
eh... a: eo wee
ve hs. ecco) sive
Veto et Oe SeeUte UOC ORL We os kale) 8's se we 8
archbishop of Toulouse's Letter to Young Workers
Pastors in Prison ... . raha eo bPe e r nhs
The Work of Evangelism continues Bes si ie awd we 6 ers
Hepuoheransvelebratron in Parig . . 2 2 « e's
Peeea eo Ler ae Oe TU Y: 6.4 * 6. 6.6 lee «
Social Work and Help to Refugees .. . oF Re
fe, Ohuren of -fremce and the-Churches of the Captivity
NotewOremio met OMmed SOhUrches : so. 65. 2 kb 8 es
Menculttevive Nigsionary Conference, ...°. - wa
Tragic Fate of the University of Strasbourg .
GERMAN ¥: "Improvement" in the Spiritual Care of the Po les
Declaration of the Council for Spiritual Affairs
The Pastoral Letter of the Roman Catholic Bishops
The Common Platform of Protestant Church Leaders
Preaching in War-Time . BN GRO ES a ee A ne
The Vitality of the Church Sere aete wl el dae ataye e Leis
Opiriuval Aid) +o Russian Prisoners of War...
Peureressinonuams -. . » A ne ends. Be ta
Church Leaders on the Bombardments ea eat eure a) eters
Paeeorearwvorkearor, the Evacuecs . . -. 's « «= es
GREAT Pes uted Christiam Witness... «. 6 « «

) ee re reared 2 LON)
Prem COmaCree VG eS ene Vand’.
ae fo
te eke
Peo OnronOrd 2 ekanson.of (Painswick <0 6). «
Chureh Assembly on Modern Evangelism ... .. .
Poe boa Pere OVC POOIEG.. — si. | ehie 0 ele 6 ale
Pome aa Dur rOROUTEO. . uate) et. « sie « « 6
tear lemeare-to Churches. 2. < « eee teac
- & Resolution of the British Council of Churches
ieee ene oer eS PCARIUA Borel cokes stne ees oe es
Poe ron sea pLOno oe MOUCH ULOIM Sect sie! pw eee
Poet Lane Puke ule POGRID WaT oe a ee
British Reply to the American Six-Point Statement
Peve doesn LOI NO LATO ONE LGtLanS iso. 6 8 ete 8 8
Conscientious Objectors .. . i ACR
Dr. Oldham on the Church in Barone gry ar ae ee
Community Movement . . .
The British Churches ae ne pectnoabe: Reeve chureh
Pauete Ol. Deepal ound ay (yo. we 2
6 has
Franco-British Relations . . wine agicie! |
The Archbishop of York on his Sei + to. Us5.5.R,
Riel COREL Is Os CMUrCNeS: ish 6 Me. -< ee a ae
Berm Us hOM Ode Orit me total CMON be. lie se 3 8 ee
Pore. ands neconstructLon in -Burope: . 2... 2 « «
The New Social Interest and its Dangers ....
The Christian News-Letter on the Church Situation:in
Russia. , « * ie
Catholics invite the Archbishop of Canterbury -
Pere unent O01 CLErey 9's. - . ; ee evetd a iL woes
Church Leaders ask for Prayer for shake Wh Se rao ae
fice! mend a Hundred Years, ... . sia aii
Pe work of the Bible Society‘ in Wane Time mae? &
Piemeeouth service war yer the: War’. se 4s oe 8 oh ee
Weer ouren ASSCMDLY). 2 6 2 se ew ee we ee
Page 3 INDEX

GREAT BRITAIN: The Christian Fellowship in War—Time

ede LOS eHbrOahCad PEN iat 6° Serie fe ve) es °

iy Memoriam: Theodore *C. Hume: «2 8 ee

i wonourof “arohbishop Gormanos «.« &
Cree ere VEY aeOF INU ER. oe ne ae woe «©

Tribute to German Church Leaders ....

Council of Churches and Post-War Tasks . .}
e ee
| a
e Sd

eee ee GOS apnea Se ace ea! kcal e how be ew ee ea ge

eee eae CG eee, te ny Ses ete. bes ee eee
Wael gicted
Cova Pca Cgdts UehyGd ing ann e n ae a ee
eee: PeeWee GO RoOrd Babb see ce Te 8! ae ete
Inauguration of the Hungarian Oecumenical Council
The Church and the Christians of Jewish Origin. .
Pepee uC tee tOGiL -ROOSCVELE 66 08 aU te ee 4%
Meee vavemen, by Missi Onarics i: 6 <3 fo ele 0 ee
evo wits ULenS ond reedom? es. «5 ee les ee
ITALY: Peorootantiomn utoer Pascist Aube 2060 6. eo. ete ke

Meat 1caKkarawa GOIN? 1 ae ke te eee ef

Pamuicioer tropreas, Of Christianity? oss. ee.
RE ee ecb ehOp Arrested — a. 0 ce 8 a ee ee
NETHERLANDS: The Clandestine Press and the Church .
Pron. aos MISSLONS . %& “so. es wigs Se R AET OIE
The Church and the Post-War ae Mai SR ee gaa F
Pte peOnGd Ceres yMCN 6 es hie eS ee eS ee
ee et A ee se won ele, sie e 6 se eee
fim Glose soeiiteneed vO DEST 2...) sw eee 8 lee
NORWAY: The Christian Way with the Nation's Enemies . .
eee ee ei DO Le a ot gow te eee ae se el ee
PALESTINE: Contacts between Jews and Christians ... +.
Bee Leela ee OL CerTUsa LOM tas yc we ee
POLAND: The Government's Educational Policy . ..« ..
RUMZNI&: Church News. ... . See is Coret oan.
Pe Churches recognised and Bhercies Porbidden Sere ee
pools. Lone -routh, Trust. *. Cae ite se Fre Re Se
Scottish Churches and fier st ona Reconstruction
Church Extension in the New Housing Areas ....
sLOVAKIA: Regional Synods of the Lutheran Church .. .
Masaryk end toes ProvestantS 9.8. «\ 2 «8 6 «eee
SVEDEN: <A Message of the Swedish Bishops on the Peace ,
Pereaie rN Corot One ys. Oe UMC. he Oe bo ele ees
Tio Grea perowera! “resolve a Contact ~ se ese ys ie
SWITZERLAND: 4n Address of Sympathy to the Israelite Community
eee raver Ot Wee POUL ee eg sees 8 8 ee
Confession of Faith in Face of the Present Situation
Weogaee Of “a Pastor freed from Prison ~. «20 6
UGANDA: A Christian Coronation . ° e ° ° e ° ° e e ° .

UKRAINE: Situation of the Roman Catholic Church ....

- an eet Osa WOLKONS. 6 6-leiie: «8 ete ees es

ITED STATES: &merican Christians and the War . ... + » No. 28

‘a Religious rere dOnt sa ee Pele oOo 8s deere 6. \Ore. Ww Se: Jee “se.5 sete 29
whe=sChurches’and the Post-War World. .+.<«+».s« «6s 38
American Churches on the Danish Situation . . .«..«-e xT
Pvtmeaatee tor a New World Order ic ss 8.6 «6 “ee eee le 38
Church Campaign for a Just and-Durable Peace ... °% 40
Pees rOMmet Nate OS t— Wal PA ts eo se as. eae nies elie 42
Boynenesis Of Church Statements. on Peace . «ss <..-+ : 43
rem eec teeLacie Cama Drow e s'%) «lle eo ie el) ee wie 46
Princeton Round Table Conference for Post-War Planning 46
Statesmen's Views on the Function of the Church... 46
_: State and Church:- the Background of the Proposed
BCE OOS aan ese ete Regret Mats ho heen aghia meaty
The Revival of the Patriarchste Rau ere wt aie Pete Oe gkaie nee
First Appeal of the Council of Bishops .. ditarsere a
The Sittation in the Territory retaken by the Russians io6)
ures tt Of the Archbishop of York 3. “6 6 «ee. ees a5
poeretrcommities tor Church Affairs... . «se «is Bieler
Comments on the new Church Situation .. a cherie 36
The irchbishop of York on his Visit to U. Se S. R. oo “2G
2 me Voices about the Russian Church Situation ...... 38
Be ‘The Christian News-Letter on the Church Situation in 2
Be ee Rudeia <0: . plata te Sinnicastuarcie 39
Some Details on the Tife. of the Church pitta th eee 44 :
fthe Cheracter of the New Synod « . 2... « es se es AD
4 atLonel funeral tor Yaroslaveky -.06) 6. 2 6 oe 8» Ae
GOSL: ee sthearatesot, Bishop Nicolat 2. 2s ye sed 28 ;
Memeae Ndventures of a Russian Convent ... .. «3 « « é 505
Semtice New Delegate Por Home Affairs . . :. s+ «6 2 6 46

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| I nN DEX ae
“trays ISSUED. BY. THE tT, C. BY. S. FROM JANUARY 1, TO JUNE 30 1944

RAL: The War Prisoners' Aid of the World's Committee:

ESO gaa Gy ahs Se eae ee ; ; . Jf again Vode No. la
Annual Week of Prayer for the Unity of Christendom 28
The Work of the Oecumenical service to Refugees ee
Pa WARUpagahes ce Seip to Sc Aula ae IN pegs am ea ma Sle eee a) 2 a
eas Vai cr9 Slip Ree We yyESI sa Se ee let i ARE Ui eee a oe
Oxpe Pience on AvGerMan Generals 6 oo. eek ae 5
- Indian and British 5.C.M, enter into Conversation: see
Mayece ereyet Of ane World's -S.C PS oe wie Te eee 6 =
Assyrian Church joins the World Council .... 4% 6 3
Monthly Ecumenical Chronicle . . Cie ay Meee 6
The Bombardment of Civiliam Objectives Sets Sure eee eee
Centenary of the Y.M.C.4. .. Fins Asay. mee 7
Day of Prayer of the World's S.C.F. EMRE Tay oe ge Bie
A Message from the Protestant Congregation in Stalag :
VOraG the mnerormed Churches of: France =. . 3... % 9
American Christians answer Karl Barth ...... 10
eee ON LG (Oe so ledlgt as wie 6. eee ee eG LOs
MemeOre MOSS ORE. is ke Goa «ne ; aie ier oe 13-14
. ecumenical Lenten and Haster Booklets: fan Prisoners aa
Beri OL WAY wie Sees ae RE art peor 13-14
fhe Story of the Orphaned Missions oid yea wea we we LSee
The Ecumenical Church and the sega dy Christian ’ Lie
Eeumenical Chronicle... Sor ues peer
What is the Roman Catholic Attitude “towards a
Saristiens of other Contessions?:. . 0. vs eas 1
The Future of the Orphaned Missions .. Lore
Ecumenical Plans for Reconstruction and Inter—Church Aid Io
_ The Work of the World Alliance for International |
Priendship through the Churches in Europe .,.., 20
fee bab be Department of World Council of Churches .. ED ile
= © Fiftieth Anniversary of the World's Y.W.C.A. ee 22a
ae Mie -Puture Tasks of the World's S.C.F. .... 3% 3% 22.9
eeePOT eG MLSE OMG 4 pe we ee 8 ew oh resah
meee es DP. ensil G.M.. Patricks Death. =... 6 + + 6 ee 259
SiGe Interconfessional Understanding in War Prison Camps Pa ics:
sae ie weave of the Jews in Hungary <<... . +5. 3% & 4 26: e
A Competition for those in Captivity... +... ; 2b es
ENTINA: Exhibition of Protestant Books ..... 4.4 +. 23
Joint Appeal of Anglican and Catholic Archbishops 2
"Religion SUI ies eeae re ee We Sig) gh 6 eh) wi as ees Le
Churches agree on Policy for Religious Instruction : es
SLYiV okabe Schools ° . @ ¢ of ee . BLOG. Be Le ° . * @ 13-14

Murder of Archbishop Sergius of Vilna «

ihe Tact Easter Messageof Metropolitan Sergius ,
aE ACNe d PaO tOUS! wth uy ee ee ly fe ek
Sed’ Community Church e * ° ° ° . ° ° 6 ° e e ° ‘ ° e

A Last Message e e ° o e ° e ° e s e e . * ° ° * e

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Election

- of Metropolitan Sergius ... pra WP isek Caer ae
The Church and the Regency Committee... . iG.
Me tiowe trom the Orthodox Church . . i: 6s 6 «3 3 3
os noe the Bombardments AO SERS RG ate rat ine Soe ey ame”

Page 2 INDEX 1944

CHINA: i neruges Congregation .° 306.3. Sere ones we pels No, 9

Church Reorganisation in Occupicd Zone Fe ee a ee ae 13-14
Peer Oat eat T ON MOVCMONG “pss. .a elice eke e a te 8S 15
Decument smi War—toOrn :CHine «6-8 2. <\ ote eo 8 8 8 2
Chinese Christians and World Peace .....+ee-. 22
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Death of a Leader of Czechoslovak Protestantism 13-14
Penvank: <A Pastoral Letter . so 6 «6 Pe d wel lee 9
The Pastoral Letter of the Danish. Bishops Vick oeae 13-14
onal Colianoration «ss. 8 6 4 5 ao
BTHIOPIA: Plans for Resumption of Missionary Work ....,.. 10
FAR BAST: Situation of the Roman Catholic Ghurch...... 13-14
meres ine oLtuation of the Church >... «+ « » «.« 6 %% 4
The Student Christian Boyenens RRSP NG ek ae wD eae 25
- PRANCE: De oe Me DOU 0 dite lieben fe en ee. PP ted aes Ce et et i
The Work of the Ecumenical Service +o Refugees . 2
Protestant Mutual Service Committee for the Devasted
Ute Sas Vets) 06 CAN Week trai SEEMS UE 9 oe a am a ea eee im
PO gme eee eee NACE Mele ier katt ese” ge Selliat els 10
Is France a Mission Land? ... SS cyPe Oe Ore tncae Wa" 11
Lay Leadership in the Ais Work for Prisoners
of War « ° e ° a * * . a ° e 15

The Fate of the Theological Facul ties: Poi ray oer OO)Sat 15
Deported Pastors... : 3 16
National Synod of the Reformed Church of France : 16
BO eR OG ae ie og) 6) eek ele Sees e ce meee aes
ees CeO Bes COUGUMEET: 64. eile is Pee. wa ees gee’ 18
Pie ONUrcCh guna + orOMAINS oe Hace ee we ee Rah stine 18
& Protestant Study and Information Centre ... .; 23
Pee One US ON Ty Sak wise ee ig ewe cee eee 24
Thee GhUrchie no AL eoGe=LDOLTOING sie ee 8 ee ee 24
Civilisation and the Vocation of Women ....s . 24
"The First Christians of the New Age" .... 6s 26
FRENCH WEST AFRICA: Missionary Federation . . .. +. « « » + 5
GERMANY: Christian Teaching for Younger Children ..i544. 2
"Last Message of Dying Churches" .... . + 20 « » 4
Christian Literature Famine .. as 5
Shortage of Priests in the Roman Catholic “Church 3 7
Vanaze to Chuvchn Property itn Berlin 2:6. + +6 .s:'s 7
Church Destruction and Reconstruction ..... =. 8
4 Lenten Letter by Archbishop GrBOber ....:. 12
Across the Gulf... Sis ; 15
Changes in Missionary Thinking during the: Last 50: Years 15
Renewal of Congregational Life . .. +« « » « » + « 18
GREAT BRITAIN: Christmas Greetings to Christians in Europe:
"Christian Light. in a World of Darkness" .°. 2.» «
Primate's New Year's Message: A Time for Greatness
The Christian Attitude to Bombing ... ® * e s °

William Paton Foundation . . . «+ « « « cy °

Interconfessional Goodwill . .... - e ° e

The Churches and the New Education Bill ® ° e

The new Coventry Cathedral .....e-s. * 6 «

The new Cathedral of Coventry .. +6 « e« . e r

Christian Opinion and Bombing Policy . . e e °

Dr. Oldham on "War and Civilisation" . , . e

s a e

University and Factory Face the Future . e e » s

The Church of England and the South India Reunion

Pe NC bie lig” scan ee (ate k tw eh + ve -\ ay el we & a
Parc 5: INDEX 1944

GREAT BRITAIN: The new President of the Sword of the Spirit’No. 13-14
Per oraurtic pion) SG REQONCLLIatLOn fi. 6 4 ee WKS)
"Evangelism and the Future" ..... Ene. eee ke LS
. The Future of Europe — A Christian eet eonit Sl eg 16
® Cones Poul OVEG MON sy tess Se 6 Cale el bk ee hee ne
: Jiggk hale alg waayee) atop te Balks a 2a ey a Sap Letters 17
Pero Ce eon OLatininONG | 's, <6, 0 se.) Tee eee 8 Sats 18
Christian Reconstruction in coos SUG) aa gis oe
BHoumenical Centres .. Stig 19
Special Prayer for the Grace of the Holy “Ghost ° 20
sy eb ruagav ci Slsaia ie ale eye i aia cea er SeayaR eR re Se a 20
Peete Os NUL OKC ON 5 ciel e etre Leu 6). eh wy ets 21
DOs fo balgseenhvSal) 0022219 = ala ee a ee a ee ee aa
Doerr ugure Ot: wurope™ ~.- 4 é a Dee e e oe cats Lamia eatin aE 22
Prayer on the Day of Invasion ro ae I Path ot tae Cay ee 23
Tributes to the Late Russian Patriarch Reear car mere ter 22
rene tire y eon WOU bie Rada Verse se ee ers ke ee, ws aS reo
Chaplains in the Battle~Zone ., : aineesereas 25
British Reply to American Three—Faiths “Declaration 26
GREECE: inter—Church did through Food Supplies ... is . 13-14
Theworeen Orwmiodox Church in War—time .0.°.- ssi. ez
HUNGARY: War and Peace. . Ne re se tee 1
The Problem of the copiicdox onto ERD =Pose an ake 5
Co-operation between Protestants and Saad enn :
Orthodox in Transylvania... . aise tise 7
Totalitarianism and the Freedom of site, titeren are 1
oo Plea for a New Classless Society . gies. 7 os ce acemae 3-14
@ The Roman Catholic Church and tho Race Laws . +i 3 19
4 peepee woneor me Gr OO 1Cod Gis. vy yal se ee. 8 6S 20
Ww) ais. 0 OWS” co es eo 8 bole . ° ve oa
The Problem of Jewish Conversions to Christianity : 24
The Fate of-tne Jews of Hungary . 2. 2 + 2 8 8 se 26
oyDeAs South India Reunion Scheme . . ° 4
The Church of England and the South India Reunion :
SChome <=... + SPOR Se Spee oreee Se ear ae ae Le?
The Metropolitan pleads PemerecomerstaGi
ON, oc a 8S 25
Pier OW Li Oi ANS We RU CON lg cs tects ie eta te #8 ee 8 24
LTALY: 4 Call to the Waldensians ..~, mi EOP RP a ge eee he 10
Cardinal of Milan on the New Order Gem ame 5. ws 13-14
. Seco The Church and social Welfare <<)... «6 ee 8 8 8 8 25
JAPAN: Peopieme Of -Cnristian) Relationships “. °s 6 eee ssa
teaver. decnurcn anaeneconciliation . oi): . s ale % 16
eee OO elt SAN LE Oiibs aos. eye) 0.) we bee ees 16
Poe ine Cnourch weathers the. Storm... « ¢ «8s 0 « «0 ue
BPTeUANTAs Murder of Archbishop Sergius of Vilna .,. . +. .« .« 21
The Last Easter Message of Metropolitan Sergius . , 25
Pease Uist oreor Churches, . set 6 ew ee hs ste 6 ee 7
® Pooeowoo. another Pastoral Letter . «6 0s ses, + ee & 4
’ The Church and War Victims . ar e SE
Christian Responsibility towards the “Netherlands| :
ee er) ng que te Ne. © eee ree ee 8S 12
ee EO Ae VE Oars ase selca cre eee ee 8 oe 8 16
Horiens oun0lse ras cord |: better ea se 8 ele He 18
& Record Year for the Bible Society .... « » « « 18
Tne Resistance of the Christian Schools Pe a Hora 19
Peed enews anor OPOCT jcs sin sce poe eek BD 2.
Page 4 INDEX 1944

BUeTHBRUANDS: Dutch Pastors Confer... ..2. +t ee i No.-22

eee eS Ue GeO NOY REL S oa 6 oo we te Niet vile a ace eo
Ree Oem Lance (AUTON gg chyc ee een ge ek) ee oe 24
Pee arn a vake wd. COMMOM soCEN 6 sa ce eke a eg ap
“NEW GUINEA: War-Time Cruise on the "John Williams V" .,. a5
meronWwAvre New Move in Church Conflict: .. 9. i 2 6 2s to 3 11
New Attacks against the Church..... ed LT
After the Closing of the Theological Facul ties A 18
iverterente Wi vi Reiiei1 ous Services so. ake cet ae 18
Neo- Paganism e e ° e ° ° e e e ° ° ° 2 ° e e ° 19

Pastors in the Church's Struggle Pre ee re le iate ee 25

PECIFIC ISLANDS: Unexpected Results of Missionary Work . ., 13-14
ie rer ee EAC
LT LOMATER Sle } et 8 oe ee ees aes
PALESTINE: A New Hebrew Edition of the Old Testament ... g
POLAND: On ener aaron Within one -COUPCH 6 sia eve a Oe Me 13-14
Pore prenope retuge to collaborate 20s. ies 16
Poles Plan to Repuitd) Churches oi. se sie ee e's ao
RUMANIA: Church Life among Russian Prisoners of War... s; 2
Peonee erG nh) cornellCO 6) «is “th. See ey a eS 13-14
are teem eT UINOTE Us ly es vise ek (ete wide eye 20
eerie: 20l0iers Recruits. for the Ministry ... .... 3.3 3 7
Thome Ohees UMUre hes anid ntne J CWE oss 6 a le pole. )

sLOVAKTA: An Official Denunciation of Spiritual Resistanee- 20
| eyCalas emereteer early a ay ig i's lg tet wh oie, 0 ew perme 25
eet AP RICA: The Religious Situation . . . e« « + « « © 9 2 1.0
‘SWEDEN: ewe to roi an ECumen ical Pactor. -(. 16 se. oss iE
Mesrate) Ga weoe eonumeni cal Committee 9-3... 2. ees 4
Evangelism in the Factory... « s+ aks e aay
The 1944 General Assembly of the Church of Sweden: au
Peeks BO Ws GTi UO PG oes bg le eee aeriln tae 26
Mme oteonNves, in Ecumenical Study. Week. 3.4 6 7 2 0 a ee 8 3
ee Oe ee PONE Sl as alice Gwe oe net ce Veetes ee eee $ 55
Foundation of the Swiss Council of Missions ... 15
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Federation of Churches 24
4n Attempt to Compare the’Anglican and Reformed
x“ Churches ¢ e e s ° ° e ° = e * e s o ° . e tc ‘© 26

UKRAINE: Fate of Leaders of Autocephalous Church .... . 13-14

UNITED STATES: The Role of Christian Students in the Post-War
World a e 4 ° s e e e .] ° ° * e e e e e e s 2

American Christians on Pages Pero GMS Asie ete ds 4

Chaplains and the World Council ... ald e e ras 5
The Mission of the Church in World Order Seat ar 6
Methodist Church's Crusade for a New World Order . i
The War Work of the Federal Council of Churches . i
President Roosevelt on Race Relations ..:... 4% 7
ieee Re ulit Os WOM PORCO 35 ole aplea ale ee 8 8 8 8
Hovards.a National Council of Churches ...... % Wy)
be rican cuiristrane answer Kari Barth 0°. 3 6s
A New Federation of Orthodox Americans . . is +.
eontiroversy on Bombing Policy s . 2 ss «6 e« «© * «
Freedom for Missions in Latin America . .. e+
american Church did to Russian Civilians Bora teag 13-14
4 Prayer Book Pon Catholics, Protestants, “and Jews
Ce ye a ee ASESSE
Ta ei ip ine UNA abe aseSinePet es eT Sa a eae ARs
INDEX 1944 ;

25 - Preparing FOL aie dayasior GPRS Rotator at se nie No. 19 ee

~The een asad PrOO Ce vale seit Miss he ec ee ee 20
& Dynamic Conception of World Organisation... , 23
Mite GOwerLSONeTS OL WAN os 6: ee ete 6 6 tes 26
Wee wecent Fuplication by Patriarch Sergius. . < .-. 3
Prescconrenes and 4 State, diniversary << ee oe. 5
mores sPoOuceOL an win la Can, ViSVGOL) ss (6) ec ee tn 5
Supplementary Information on Religious Situation . 7
War-Time Prayer ... ° ale PP aN cers fare te er s)
Further Details about. tne Peres ocs i GUO orc. 9
ORIG Oe CN On Violtreetof-4513ear ain a em et eae ee Sa a a 9
ee, sew schools of -Pheology 1... 9. . hye iy at ele Sem irs 16
oe, Union of Baptists and Evangelical Christians boeuie 16
x: Sete Cainewere vests in Russia sis wl ek ee Oe 19
: Betygoe wor OPIN OdOk, PESLONS Ske AC ee ek ee ee aU
PRotneromonteor che Patriarchate ~. is). 6 +e 20
The First Issue of the Journal of the Batiierciate 20
She Lats Patriarch werpius of Moscow. . 2). s&s 20
Pewee -ouceeceor. Of Patriarch Sergius ss. 6 8 “6 o's a5
iavemoronmmernuceran Church hs el elke ee sw es os
hk State Committee for Religious Affairs: .. s. s ae
[BAR: Two Chickens Wee GUCTY Me miiwe at eis oe ee ee oo

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