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EVB 3052 Structural Dynamics Sample Problem III-


The, mass, m, stiffness, K, and natural frequency, ωn, of an undamped SDF system
are unknown. These properties are to be determined by harmonic response tests. At
an excitation frequency of 4 Hz, the response tends to increase without bound (i.e.
resonant condition). Next a weight ∆W = 25 N is attached to the mass, m, and the
resonance test is repeated. This time resonance occurs at 3 Hz. Determine, mass,
m, and stiffness of the system.


during first test; f1 = 4 Hz

1 2π 2π
T1 = = =
f 1 ω1 K

= (2πf 1 ) = 64π 2 (a )
K 2

during second test, f2 = 3 Hz, when ∆W = 25 N is added;

= ω 22 = (2πf2 ) = 36π 2 (b)

K 2
m + ∆m

Divide equation (a) by equation (b)

(K m) =
64π 2
(K m + ∆m) 36π 2

∆m 16
1+ =
m 9

9 9  25 
 = 0.00328 N − sec mm or 3.28 kg
m= ∆m =   * 
7  7   9.81 * 1000 

From equation (a)

K = 64 * π 2 * 0.00328 = 2.07 N

Victor R. Macam, Jr. 17/02/2005 1/1

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