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● Meditation isn’t just about sitting, you can do it while walking, eating. Being mindful, being present, the definition of
mindfulness is about being aware and present. Acknowledging you feelings and actions, without judgement.
● Meditation allows us to take a step back, focus on ourself before we continue out important work. Meditation allows us a
moment to take care of ourselves, as we take care of others and especially our planet.
● Metta Bhavana is a Buddhist meditation practice in which we send out compassionate thoughts


● Let’s just take a moment to arrive
● We’re going to start by finding a comfortable seat; sit in a way that is comfortable for you,
spine is lengthened and long and shoulders relaxed. If comfortable for you, then you can
close your eyes for the next few minutes. If you would like to, you can also turn off your video
● Take a few moments to arrive and be still
● Take a few moments to do nothing
● As women, we can feel guilty about doing nothing as often we feel that we always need to do
something. So allow yourself to just be present
● In order to be a powerful woman, we need to be present.
● Allow your body and breath to find stillness

● We will start by breathing mindfully, noticing your inhale and noticing your exhale
● Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the nose
● Inhale: notice the air flowing into your lungs, expanding your chest. And exhale, notice your
chest falling
● A couple more breaths in your own time, breathing mindfully. Remembering that without the
breath, we cannot live
● *pause for 1 min*
● Next, we will elongate the breath. This is called equal breathing. We will inhale for 4 counts
and exhale for 4 counts. Follow my guidance if you like.
● Let’s start
● Inhale, 1, 2 ,3,4 *short pause* Exhale 4, 3 ,2 , 1
● *continue x 8*
● And exhale, release. Notice how you feel.

15’ ● Next, we will do a Loving Kindness meditation. In this meditation, I invite you to visualise a few
women and if you would like to send them love & kindness, then you may repeat some
sentences after me. For now, all you have to do is follow my guidance.

1. As women, we can often feel obliged to give our love to our friends, family and be kind to
everyone. But we need to remember that before we can give out love, we need to take care of
ourselves. In English there is a saying, that you need to fill your own cup before you can pour
from it. This means that you need to take care of yourself first, before taking care of others.
And in practical terms, the same applies on an airplane. We are told to put on our oxygen
mask first before we help our neighbours.
a. So as we begin this meditation, we will start by giving love & kindness to ourself first.
So visualise yourself sitting in your favourite location, be it your favourite park, your
favourite restaurant or anyone else that brings you joy.
b. Now visualise yourself sitting there by yourself, in peace and in contentment.
c. If you’d like to repeat quietly after me, may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live a
life of ease. Twice more; may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live a life of ease.
May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live a life of ease.
d. *pause*
2. Now, as we slowly move on. I’d like for you to think of woman that you love, someone that is
dear to you. Visualise this person sitting opposite to you, feeling their presence, their energy
and perhaps holding their hands.
a. If you’d like to repeat quietly after me, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may
you live a life of ease. Twice more; may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you
live a life of ease. May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live a life of ease.
b. *pause*
c. Taking a moment to notice how you feel.
3. Now, think of a woman who is neutral to you. This can be a neighbour, the postman, the
person at the supermarket. Someone who you exchange a smile with but may or may not
know their name. Visualise this person sitting next to you, on the left. Feeling their presence,
their energy.
a. If you’d like to repeat quietly after me, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may
you live a life of ease. Twice more; may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you
live a life of ease. May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live a life of ease.
b. *pause*
c. Taking a moment to notice how you feel.
4. Now, think of a person whom you have difficulties with or whom you are facing challenges
with, but nonetheless would like to wish them their happiness. This may be difficult. Visualise
this person sitting next to you, on the right. Feeling their presence, feeling their energy.
a. If you’d like to repeat quietly after me, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may
you live a life of ease. Twice more; may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you
live a life of ease. May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live a life of ease.
b. *pause*
c. Taking a moment to notice how you feel. Being aware of your emotions.
5. And lastly, as we gently come to the end of the meditation. I invite you to think of your
community. Remembering that we are one of many, part of something bigger. And only
together can we achieve great things. This is perhaps your family, your coworkers, your
women’s group or perhaps you would like to think of everyone here at the call today.
a. If you’d like to repeat quietly after me, may we be happy, may we be healthy, may we
live a life of ease. Twice more; may we be happy, may we be healthy, may we live a
life of ease. May we be happy, may we be healthy, may we live a life of ease.
b. *pause*
c. Taking a moment to notice how you feel. Being aware of your emotions.

And now, let us mindfully sit with our emotions and our breath for the next minute and sit in silence.
And then I will bring us back to the present and we will finish our session with some mindful stretches.
And gently, when you’re ready, start to deepen your breath. You can keep your eyes closed for the
time being. Start by bringing small movements into your body, wiggle your toes, roll your shoulders.
Take a moment to bring movement into your body.

Next, we will mindfully move our bodies slowly. Feeling the physical body.

● Inhale lifting the arms up, exhale back down. Again, inhale, up. And exhale, back down. Once
more, inhale up, exhale down. Inhale arms stay up and stretch your arms up, left, right, left
● Grab your wrist and bend over to one side, let’s hold the stretch and breathe. Notice how it
○ And inhale back up, bend over to the other side. Hold and stretch. Back to centre and
release your arms.
● Inhale twist to the left and hold, exhale back to centre, other side, inhale twist to the right and
hold. Exhale back to centre
● Roll your shoulders backwards, and forwards
● Hand on your thighs, we’ll finish with a quick mindful body scan. Without judgement, noticing
how your physical body feels
○ Closing your eyes.
○ Notice your feet, notice your legs, notice your sitting bones, notice your torso, notice
your arms, your neck, your spine, your head. Noticing if there are any aches or pains
and continuing to breath.
● We’ll finish our session with three breaths together as a community in this virtual Zoom room,
take a deep breath into your nose and exhale sigh it out of your mouth, twice more. Inhale
through the nose, exhale out of the mouth. Last one! Inhale deeply, and exhale!

15’ Thank you so much for joining me today for mindful meditation and a short practice. I hope this was valuable for you and that
maybe you will practice it again some time. Does anyone want to share how it made them feel or anything you noticed while
practicing? Was it hard to sit still? Did you notice your thoughts? Was anything difficult for you? Please feel free to share now,
this is a safe space.

Thank you so much for joining me and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, I will go to bed now!

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