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The Story of Ivander Pratama's

My family consists of 3 people.

It’s my father, my mother, and I
My Father and my mother met in first Januari
2008. My father did purpose my mother in May
and then they got enggaged in 26th June 2008.
Five month later they got married in 29th
November 2008.
My father's name is Pratama. He
works at the private office, He is
a supervisor of recruitment. My
father is a good husband. He
likes to help my mother cleaning
the house, preparing food, and
doing the chores when he is
home. He tells me that it’s the
way he shows to my mom that
he loves her.
My mother is a supermom. Her name is Rachel. She
wakes up early than everyone and sleep later that
everybody else in the house. There is always
breakfast when we wake up and she is always ready
to take me to school. She also works yet manage to
balance work and family really well. When she is
not working she likes to tidy up the house, making
cakes, painting, gardening and play with our pets,
Mylove and Mo Lee. I think she is diligent, clever
and beautiful woman, but she is also a little bit
Now it's about my self.
My name is Ivander. I was
born in Jakarta 10th January
2010. My hobby are swimming
and culinery. I'm an only
child, but I have two cute
little dogs their name's are
Mylove and Mo lee
My Opinion
I think no family is perfect, but I
really love my family

This photo beside was taken when I

was little boy

Me, Mylo, and Mo lee

Thank YOU

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