Grade 11 Lesson Plan Business Studies

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The Indian High School, Dubai

Lesson Plan

Teacher: Ms. JAMUNA BABU Date: 10.10.2022

Subject: ENTREPRENEURSHIP Period: 5,6
Grade: 11 ART B Roll:
Topic: E-BUSINESS Duration: 1 HR 30 MINUTES
Learning Objective(s):
Identify the concept of e-business.
Compare e-business and e-commerce
Investigate the steps involved in online trading.

Big Idea: Key Competencies:

Have you ever placed order through online for purchasing Observe, initiative, Compare, Thinking, Communication,
goods or food items etc., decision making, teamwork, Research and investigating.

Prior Knowledge: Possible Misconceptions:

 We can succeed in e- business with minimal resources.
Learners have knowledge about emerging markets (e-  E-commerce businesses require less skill and
commerce) in their previous classes. experience to run than brick-and-mortar stores
 E-commerce businesses should sell to everyone

Association Phase Activation Phase Assimilation Phase Assessment Phase

Introduce the topic with o Watch the video and  Learners discuss and  Observing student
Think pair share activity by pictures. work in group and participation during the
showing images. o Discuss collaboratively to present their research, activities
identify the concept of e- new information/ideas  Closure at the end of the
business. with the class for further lesson
o Research based learning discussion through  Exit ticket
 Students’ reflection of
 Tiered activity based on
ability as listed below in
all levels.
 Learning gaps are filled
by peers within the
group or others in class.


Level 1: Recall Level 2: Skill/Concept Level 3: Strategic Thinking Level 4: Extended Thinking
 Define e-business Describe e-business and e- What type of risk involved in Research / Explore the concept/
idea and share the information
 What is meant by E- commerce. data storage and transmission
about e-business through PPT /
commerce? in e-business? Role play /social media for peers.

 Highlight the key points in Compare e-business and e- Harsh runs an online store Pushkar is a taxi driver
the textbook. commerce. dealing in all kinds of working with a popular cab
 Complete the Crossword Refer text book page No.95 household items which he service provider. Recently,
puzzle and take points in tabular procures from different he was given a bonus of Rs.
form in your notebook. dealers. Whereas his friend 50,000 by the company. He
Lakshay runs an online store bought a smart phone for
which sells all kinds off organic himself from the money.
products like spices, pickles, Now, he wishes to buy a
jams etc., These products are watch for his son which is
produced in his automated exclusively available for sale
manufacturing unit in Mumbai. on the portal of a popular e-
commerce company.
In context of the above case:
a) Identify the two Appraise him for the
concepts which define procedure to be followed for
the scope of business online shopping. Also
activities undertaken by explore it through role play
both Harsh and Lakshay, among peers.
b) Differentiate between
the two concepts as
identified in part(a) of
the question.
Inclusion Identified need(s) Interventions: (IEP/ILP Goals) Strategy: (that targets the
L1 PRACHI MUKESH Mild Intellectual Disability: Prachi will engage effectively in a CHUNKING,
1.Faces difficulty in completing range of collaborative discussions GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS.
written work. on grade level topics and texts, MIND MAPING
2. Finds difficulty in evaluating expressing on her own clearly. HIGHLIGHTING THE KEY
expressions POINTS.

ARZOO MARYAM Mild Intellectual Disability Arzoo will write texts to examine CHUNKING,
1. Finds it difficult to concentrate a topic and convey ideas, GRAPHICC ORGANIZERS.
for a longer period of time. concepts, and information MIND MAPING
2.Faces challenges to complete through the selection, HIGHLIGHTNG KEY POINTS
written task in the stipulated organization, and analysis of CROSSWORD PUZZLE
time. relevant content within given
time frame.

ROZANNE TERESA JOSEPH Mild Intellectual Disability Rozanne will refer to details and CHUNKING,
1.Has difficulty in spelling and examples when explaining what GRAPHICC ORGANIZERS.
reading. the text says explicitly while HIGHLIGHTNG KEY POINTS
2. Faces difficulty in questions solving case studies. MIND MAPPING
involving multiple steps . CROSSWORD PUZZLE

MUTHU AAMINA YAHYA Mild Intellectual Disability Amina will engage in a range of TURN AND TALK.
MOHIDEEN 1. She finds it difficult to collaborative discussions using DIRECT INSTRUCTIONS.
participate and share her views appropriate eye contact, VERBAL ENCOURAGEMENT.
in class and during group session appropriate volume and clear BRAIN STORMING.
due to fear of judgement which pronunciation.
impact the her over-all learning
process of the classroom.
2. Faces difficulty in solving
application level questions.

SAKINA ABBASI MORAWALA Mild Intellectual Disability Sakina will engage effectively in a BRAIN STORMING
1. She finds it difficult to range of collaborative discussions CHUNKING
participate and share her views using appropriate eye contact, THINK PAIR SHARE,
in class and during group session and adequate volume Direct Instruction,
due to fear of judgement which TURN AND TALK
impact the her over-all learning
process of the classroom.
2. Faces difficulty in solving
application level questions.
RISHIKA DEEPAK NATHANI Mild Intellectual Disability Rishika will cite the textual CHUNKING,
1. Has difficulty in Sentence evidence that most strongly GRAPHICC ORGANIZERS.
comprehension. supports an analysis of what the MIND MAPING
2. Has difficulty in framing text says explicitly as well as HIGHLIGHTNG KEY POINTS
complex answers. inferences drawn from the text.
HANISHA JITENDER BANSILAL Mild Intellectual Disability Hanisha will compare the WORD WALL.
1. Difficulty in sentence structure of the texts and analyze THINK PAIR SHARE.
comprehension. how the differing structure of HIGHLIGHTING KEY POINTS.
2. Hanisha finds it challenging to each text contributes to its GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS.
interpret word problems and meaning and style..
focus on a given task for a long

THANUSHREE SHANMUGAN Mild Intellectual Disability Thanushree will analyze in detail MIND MAP,
the structure of a specific HELPING WORDS.
1. Difficulty in sentence paragraph in a text, including the THINK PAIR SHARE
comprehension. role of sentences in developing MIND MAPPING
2. Thanushree finds it and refining a key concept.
challenging to interpret word
problems and focus on a given
task for a long time.

SIMRAN PRAKASH BHATIA Mild Intellectual Disability Simran will compare the Writing prompts,
1. Has difficulty in sequencing ideas. structure of the texts and analyze Direct Instruction,
2.Faces difficulty in comprehending how the differing structure of Verbal encouragement,
the purpose of the text. each text contributes to its Highlight key points.
meaning and style.
AISHWARYA SENTHIL KUMAR Mild Intellectual Disability Aishwarya will determine a Think pair share
1. Has difficulty in sequencing ideas. central idea of the text, analyze Direct Instruction,
2. Finds it difficult to structure an its development over the course Verbal encouragement,
answer appropriately. of the text, including its Turn and talk
relationship to supporting ideas Group discussion.
and provide an objective
summary of the text.
BHUMIKA CHELANI 1. Struggles with sentence Bhumika will write text by using CHUNKING,
comprehension. precise language and subject- GRAPHIC ORGANIZER,
2. Faces difficulty in solving specific vocabulary to inform HIGHLIGHTING KEY POINTS
application level questions. about or explain the topic.
LAYAM KARTHIGEYAN ADHD: Combined type. Layam will engage effectively in Find and discuss.
1. Faces difficulty in solving a range of collaborative INQUIRY BASED LEARNING.
application level questions. discussions using appropritae
eye contact, adequate volume and
clear pronunciation
L2 MELASHA GONSOLVES Mild Intellectual Disability: When given a task to complete, Graphic organizers,
1. Has difficulty Melasha will listen carefully to Crossword puzzle,
understanding complex instructions, assemble necessary
concepts materials, begin working neatly
2. Participation in group and promptly, remain focused
discussions and other until task is completed, examine
group activities. product to ensure it is complete,
and check back with the teacher
who assigned the task by
following all 6 steps.
L3 RIDAA PARVEEN KAMAL Moderate Intellectual When given a task, the Ridaa will Graphic organizers,
BATCHA Disability: organise the task on paper, Crossword puzzle,
1. Difficulty in organization including the materials needed,
2. Difficulty in completing the steps to accomplish the task,
task. and a time frame.

Probing Q&A: Extension for Highly Abled/G&T:

How would you make payment when you buy goods online? NIL

UAE National Agenda, culture and heritage links: Cross-curricular content, skills and real-world links: e-commerce in economics gr 9 Real-life situation while placing online orders.
Moral Education values and Wellbeing links: Innovation and enterprise links:
Respecting suppliers and customers welfare while selling Google search, nearpod activity, smart board.
products in the emerging markets.
ttps:// healthcare dubai/jobs

Resources/Web links: Lesson reflections to feed forward:

NCERT TEXTBOOK, SMART BOARD, PPT, What did you understand best in today’s lesson?
List any two things which you want to learn more about this
Is there any part of the lesson that you want to be revisited?

Teacher signature: MS. JAMUNA BABU Team Leader: MS. SRIJAYA

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