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Business Bootcamp © 2018

HW #01


What is a limiting belief? It is a belief you have constructed through your experiences and influences in your life,
that you feel is holding you back from accomplishing your goals.

In this exercise we will identify your limiting beliefs, so that we can learn to dismantle
them, and open your mind to new information.

1. Make list of your own limiting “No client will agree to pay more than my current rate” — 9
beliefs. Then next to each, rate “I can’t get an A-list client cause I don’t have a degree from design school” — 7
them on a scale of 1-10 on how “Client’s don’t value good design” — 4
badly this is affecting you.

How much is this effecting me? (Scale of 1–10)


How much is this effecting me? (Scale of 1–10)


How much is this effecting me? (Scale of 1–10)


How much is this effecting me? (Scale of 1–10)

Identify & Dismantle Limiting Beliefs Business Bootcamp

2. Pick your top 3 and assign voice to it.
Is this your mom, your dad, an authority
figure, or a younger version of yourself?
Then make 2 separate lists:

First Limiting Belief:

Voice: Mom Dad Sibling Authority Figure

Make a case for why you believe this person is qualified Make a case for why you believe this person isn’t qualified
to advise you on this subject. to advise you on this subject.

Second Limiting Belief:

Voice: Mom Dad Sibling Authority Figure

Make a case for why you believe this person is qualified Make a case for why you believe this person isn’t qualified
to advise you on this subject. to advise you on this subject.

Third Limiting Belief:

Voice: Mom Dad Sibling Authority Figure

Make a case for why you believe this person is qualified Make a case for why you believe this person isn’t qualified
to advise you on this subject. to advise you on this subject.

3. More often than not, you’ll find that they aren’t very
qualified to be giving you advice in the first place. If this
hasn’t overcome your limiting belief, then share this in
the next exercise with your partner.

Identify & Dismantle Limiting Beliefs Business Bootcamp

HW #01


1. After you you’ve gone through the You and your partner will take turns sharing your limiting beliefs, while the other
“Identify Limiting Beliefs – Exercise,” challenges them using:
find a partner in the group and share
your unresolved limiting beliefs. Use extreme absolutes– “Always” and “Never” statements.
Double down and challenge their logic.
(Ben will identify people in your timezone
to link up with). Inverse Logic – If this is true, the reverse is untrue?

Here is an example of this exercise: Ben: “My limiting belief: Because I don’t have a design school education, I
can’t charge more than I currently am, and cannot acquire bigger clients”

You: “Ok, let’s say this assumption true. So you’re saying that there are no
successful designers without design degrees?” [Extreme absolute]

Ben: “No. Actually, David Carson, and many other designers have been
successful, without a degree.”

You: “So do you think every designer with a degree is successful?”

[Inverse logic]

Ben: “No. I know lots of people who went to design school, who didn’t even
get a job in the field.”

You: “What design schools would you need to graduate from, in order to
accomplish your goals?”

Ben: “Schools like...”

You: “Be specific here. Name the schools.”

Ben: “ArtCenter, Otis, Ringling, Parsons.”

You: “So everyone who has graduated from those schools are successful?”
[Inverse logic]

Ben: “No.”

You: “So what I heard you tell me today...“ Summarize exactly what you
heard, so Ben can come to the conclusion himself.

2. After your partner has finished

sharing, you will repeat back to them
what you’ve heard verbatim.

This will be a listening exercise to help

you learn how to quiet your mind, pay
attention, and be present.

Identify & Dismantle Limiting Beliefs Business Bootcamp

3. After the exercise, evaluate each other Did your partner’s questions help you dismantle your own limiting beliefs? Were they
using the “Socratic Approach.” able to help you change your views? Rate: very likely, unlikely, unchanged.

4. Extra Credit Research someone you know who is doing what you’d like to be doing. Write a short
bio on them. Keep this in your journal and refer back to them when you feel like your
limiting belief is holding you back again.

How to retain this information? There are two ways to cement the knowledge you learned today and
throughout this course:

F Practice with your peers

F Teach what you’ve learned to someone else


Based on the learning pyramid and the studies around learning retention, the least
effective ways to learn are through passive learning methods (like lectures and reading).
You may only retain 5-10% of the knowledge.

The best ways to learn and retain knowledge is through active (kinesthetic) learning.
Where you’re more likely to retain 75%-90% on the knowledge.

So by practicing with your partners, and teaching the ideas to others, you will master
the concepts in this course.

Identify & Dismantle Limiting Beliefs Business Bootcamp

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