School Discipline Policy Parents & Students

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School Discipline Policy – SDP

Policy Management
Policy Name School Discipline Policy - SDP

Department of Student Affairs and Global

Policy Prepared By
Engagement – Head Office

Policy Implementing Campus Administration (VPs, Principals,

Body Campus Director)

Policy Implementation Effective from 1st January 2022 & onward

Edition Version II (Updated on 27th January, 2023)

School Discipline Policy – SDP

School Discipline Policy – SDP
Discipline Policy
School Discipline Policy is an norms of behaviour and conduct
approved set of rules that help the for the students and staff. This is a
school management and leadership value-based document; meritocracy,
to regulate and maintain discipline diversity, pluralism, harmony,
in the school premises. This empathy, acceptance, tolerance and
document aims to provide guidance respect for human dignity are the
to students regarding their conduct, key values around which the policy
while also establishing limits that revolves.
can aid them in learning to better
care for themselves, their peers, All stakeholders, their rights and
the campus facilities, the learning responsibilities have been described
environment, and the organization’s in the policy and it is expected
assets. This document also serves that everyone will contribute
as a set of guidelines for the for an effective and conducive
school teachers and management learning environment in the school.
while presenting appropriate and Students, staff and parents are
necessary remedial measures to expected to conduct themselves
take when a student’s behaviour honourably and show respect for
obstructs the learning process, the school discipline policy, state
disrupts ongoing educational laws and respect the rights of others
activities, or violates school rules. and act in a considerate and ethical
The ultimate purpose of the School manner. Different reformative and
Discipline Policy is to create safe, remedial measures have been
organized, empathetic, productive made part of the School Discipline
and successful learning community Policy to address unwanted and
in the school. unavoidable behaviours shown
by the students, staff or any other
Pak-Turk Maarif International relevant stakeholder. Clear and
Schools and Colleges has developed complete guidelines have been
this School Discipline Policy on defined to take these measures in
similar lines to protect the well-being an appropriate manner through
of the entire school community and an established mechanism and
to advance its educational mission involvement of School Disciplinary
by defining and establishing certain Committees.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

School Discipline Policy Reflects the
Values of Pak-Turk Maarif
• Pak-Turk Maarif students are part integrity, humility, truthfulness, care
of a society of diverse people, regions, and respect.
religions, cultures and languages.
Everyone has an importance in the • The organization has an inclusive
society and has the liberty to live approach to accommodate everyone
a life of their own choice and the in the learning and grooming process
students of Pak-Turk Maarif should and wants to see its students
value and respect it. possessing the same approach for
their fellows, seniors, juniors and
• All individuals have the right to schoolmates.
have a behaviour of their own choice
however, this behaviour must not be • It is expected that the students
repugnant and damaging for others. will avoid bullying, offensive and
aggressive approaches, hateful
• Everyone has the right to logically narratives and ill-intended grouping.
and respectfully put forward his/her
own ideas, opinions, suggestions, • Students are expected to maintain
complaints and queries but it should proper decorum and etiquette, and
be within the boundaries of the adhere to accepted local social norms
school code of conduct and social while interacting with their fellows,
ethos. peers, teachers, guests and the staff
at Pak-Turk Maarif.
• The school provides an 2
environment, a context, material and • All reformative and remedial
human resource to the students to; measures that are taken against
grow, get new skills, learn and create certain actions and behaviours
new knowledge, and excel in personal committed and shown by the students
and academic endeavours. It is the are meant to bring an improvement in
responsibility of students to take full the students and to make them best
advantage of the given environment fit into class and school environment.
and resources. Such remedial actions should not be
perceived personal.
• Pak-Turk Maarif aims to have and
build a community in its campuses
with the highest standards of morality,

School Discipline Policy – SDP

Rights & Responsibilities
There are three important stakeholders who significantly contribute to the
success of a school as an organization and to the success of an individual as a
student. These include parents, students and teachers. All these stakeholders
have their own rights and responsibilities to establish a better school



• feel valued and respected and • develop positive, respectful and

to be listened. appropriate relationships with
• learn, work and socialize in a all the students and the campus
friendly, safe and supportive community.
school environment. • be active learners and take
• express their ideas and responsibility for aspects of their
own learning.
opinions without any fear and
• be accountable for their own
hesitation but it should be in
behaviour and actions.
an appropriate and decent • respect the rights of others.
manner. • represent the school in a positive
• be valued and accepted as manner.
individuals with their own • follow the school rules and
identities and learning styles. regulations.
page • fully participate in the school’s • behave in a positive manner that
educational programs, events contributes to the learning of
and activities. fellow students, does not disrupt
• have a safe and secure the learning of students and
enables teachers to teach in an
environment that is free from
atmosphere of cooperation and
intimidation, bullying and
harassment. • report any act or violation that
• have access the school facilities is against the School Discipline
and opportunities on equal Policy and the values of the
grounds. school.

School Discipline Policy – SDP



• expect and receive respect • develop positive, respectful and

and support from the school appropriate relationships with
community. the students, staff and parents.
• serve in a friendly, safe and • support and promote each
student as a valued member of
satisfying environment that
the school community.
is supported by the school
• encourage and support the
students to take responsibility for
• be followed by the students their own behaviour.
in reasonable instructions • take care of the social, emotional
given by the teachers in the and psychological well-being of
performance of their duties. the students while interacting
• get an orderly and cooperative and assigning tasks and
environment to effectively teach responsibilities.
and carry out instructional • create and maintain a safe and
activities. supportive learning environment
• expect from the students in the class.
to maintain decorum and • Take part in the implementation
of the School Discipline Policy in
discipline in their classes.
the school.
• get the necessary support
• access specialist welfare and
and teaching resources from
referral services when required or
the organization to effectively there is need for a student.
discharge their duties. • regularly monitor the behaviour,
• express their concerns and attendance, progress and
constructive feedback related participation of the students in
to teaching, classroom and the class.
school environment. • not to promote a personal,
• spend an amount of time political or religious agenda in the
with a student assignment or classroom.
evaluation that is important • avoid all sorts of lobbying, politics
to ensure accuracy and and grouping that might possibly
impact the learning of the

School Discipline Policy – SDP



• feel welcomed and honoured in • support their children

schools. academically, socially and
• know that their children are emotionally to go better with the
learning and socializing in a learning process.
friendly, safe and supportive • inform the school of the
school environment. circumstances that may impact
• be listened with respect and the progress and behaviour of the
attention. students.
• participate in relevant • communicate their legitimate
school activities as a valued concerns to the school
stakeholder. management in an appropriate
• be intimated about the and respectful manner.
progress, health and conduct of • comply with the policies of the
their children. school.
• cooperate with the school in its
different initiatives.


School Discipline Policy – SDP

Chapters of the School
Discipline Policy
1. School Uniform Policy
Students are expected to adhere to the standards of dress and appearance
that are predefined by the institution. Dress should reflect decency and it
should be according to the cultural and social norms of the society. The
dressing of the students should be compatible with the learning environment
of the institution. Students are anticipated to be neatly and appropriately
dressed while attending the school and in the classroom.

Pak-Turk Maarif Uniform Prospectus has complete details and descriptions

about the school uniform for each section and gender. All campuses and
students will follow the same dress code given in the Pak-Turk Maarif Uniform

Not Allowed

i. Clothing carrying indecent or vulgar comments or implying obscenities.

ii. Dress that is excessively revealing as compared to the norms of the
iii. Shorts are not allowed in the school premises.
iv. Students should avoid wearing any kind of jewellery in the school
and in class.
v. Sunglasses are not allowed in the class and in formal official 6
ceremonies. page
vi. Students are not allowed to wear cultural or local dresses, caps and
other ornaments in the class and in formal official ceremonies
unless allowed by the management.

Lack of adherence to the School Uniform Policy

If a student’s dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the
health or safety of others, distracts the attention of other students or staff
from their work, or otherwise violates the dress code, then the principal or
staff member may instruct the student to follow the dress code. A repeated
violation of the dress code policy may result in disciplinary action.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

2. School Attendance Policy
Regular school attendance is very important for the students to be successful
in their efforts and to excel in their studies. Supporting regular attendance
at school is a priority because of its impact on teaching and learning and
on levels of attainment. A student’s overall growth increases significantly
over time when the student attends the school, classes and school activities
regularly. Regular attendance has a deep connection with more and strong
learning. Thus, it is advised that all students should ensure regular attendance
in their school learning process in order to groom, learn and achieve more.

Terms and Explanations Linked with the School Attendance Policy

I. Attendance

Attendance is the participation of a student in a program or in any educational

activity arranged or agreed upon by the school. In addition to actual
attendance within the school premises or in a class, attendance refers to a
range of other activities within the category of attendance (out of school but
marked present), such as:

• Any learning or activity outside of the school premises that has

been made mandatory by the school management.
• Educational visits, study and residential tours to outdoor centres
and sites.
• Tests, interviews and visits relating to further and higher education
or career events or scholarships.
• Societies and Clubs events and activities including debates, sports,
musical or drama activities and competitions arranged by the school
7 independently or in collaboration with other institutions/
page organizations or arranged by any organization and the school has
committed to participate.
• Officially authorized internships, counselling sessions or rehabilitation
services outside the organization

II. Irregularity

A student who is not coming or coming late to the school or to the class or to
the school and class activities habitually or occasionally will be considered
an irregular student.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

III. Absenteeism
A student who misses the school or a class or a mandatory school activity
inside or outside the school without prior written intimation and duly signed
by the student’s parents/guardian will be considered absenteeism. A written
intimation does not mean that it is approved or the student has the privilege
to take off. It is just an initiation of the process and it will go through the
administrative procedures to finally get accepted or rejected.

a. Authorised Absence

Absence from the school in the below circumstances will be considered an

Authorized Absence but every circumstance needs pre- or post-documented
evidence and approval otherwise the absence will be considered unauthorized
and necessary action will be taken.

• Illness with which learning is not possible or the law does not allow
to learn with such an illness or illness for which there is a mandatory
medical prescription by the doctor for rest. For any medical reason
for which the student takes off, should provide a doctor’s prescription
and the purchase receipt of medicine upon return to the school.
• Medical and dental appointments which are important for the good
health of the student and the school community.
• Hearing and appearances in legal offices, matters or in proceedings
which is a judicial requirement.
• In religious activities, festivals and celebrations which are authorized
by the state or respective provincial government or district
• In case of the death of a close or an immediate family member.
• Weddings of siblings and immediate family members.
• Documentation, visits, exams and fitness tests which are an official

requirement or requirement for an official activity.
Any health or security threat in the school.
• Deteriorated law and order situation in the city or in the school
• School administration will excuse students for absence or being late
in the morning during the days with adverse weather conditions
(e.g., heavy fog, heavy rain, heatstroke, etc).

b. Unauthorised Absence

Absence in the above-mentioned and all other circumstances without necessary

evidences and approval by the school management will be considered an
unauthorized absence and the student will be liable for necessary action.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

IV. Non-Attendance at School or Irregularity

• Whenever any student misses a class or a school activity, the initial

concerned official (class teacher/Vice Principal/front desk officer)
should immediately contact the parents/guardian to find out the
reason and ask them to submit a written and signed application to
school management when the student returns to the school.
• If the provided reason or explanation in the application is not
satisfactory, the Vice Principal may demand submission of any
evidence document.
• If the student takes more than two unauthorized, unexplained, ill-
explained, unapproved and unintimated leaves then the vice principal
of the relevant section will contact the parents/guardians and will
ask for an explanation.
• If school staff remains concerned about the reasons given (or not)
for a student’s absence, or there has not been an improvement in the
attendance of the student, the vice principal of the relevant section
will intimate the school principal and a written notice will be served
to the parents/guardian for a face-to-face meeting with the principal
to discuss the failing attendance of the student.
• If even after a face-to-face meeting with the parents, the attendance
issue or irregularities continue, the student case will be referred to
the school disciplinary committee for an appropriate action.
• Late coming and tardiness are regarded as a form of irregularity. In
order to attend an ongoing lesson, including the first period of the day,
students who are running late are expected to obtain a permission
slip from their respective section Vice Principals. Failure to secure a
permission slip will result in the student being marked late for the
missed lessons, and these absences will be counted towards their
total number of absent days.
• Hostel students are subject to same attendance criteria while
participating in academic activities at hostel.

Responsibilities to Complete the Missed School Work

If an absence is authorized, the student will be allowed to make up the work

and tests that were missed. If an absence is unauthorized, the school will
not allow the student for the make-up exam, assignment or test however,
the student can submit a written plea to the subject teacher or section
vice principal to reconsider the student’s case and extend some support to
complete the missed assignments, tests or class work.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

V. General Rules Related to School Attendance

As per the school discipline policy, all the students must be regular in their
school attendance and should regularly attend their classes. It is the duty of
every parent or guardian to regularly send their children to the school. Parents
and students are expected to adhere to the following rules and regulations
related to regular school attendance.

• To ensure academic success and progression, students are expected

to maintain a consistent attendance record of no less than 85% during
an academic session, and to avoid exceeding 15% of unauthorized
absences per month or per year, or prior to the administration of any
midterm or quarter exam. Maximum number of days for unauthorized
absence is 25 days in a session, which is counted as 15% of an
academic session. Students who fail to meet minimum attendance
requirement will not be eligible for promotion to next grade.

• External exam registrations of students who fall short of attendance

criteria in an academic session can be withheld by the school
administration upon concluding legitimate reasons as mentioned

• For more than one unauthorized absence in a week or more than five
unauthorized absences in a month, a written letter of intimation will
be served to the parents by the school management to take urgent
steps to improve the attendance of their child.

• If the unauthorized absences prolong for a week or they are more

than five in a month, a letter should be issued to the parent/guardian
to visit the school. The vice principal will guide and intimate the
parents about the necessary consequences in case the student does
not improve his/her regular attendance.

• Noncompliance to the agreed points in the meeting and subsequent

absences or repetition of the same habits, the case will go to the
school disciplinary committee for an appropriate action.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

3. Non-Discrimination Policy
Pak-Turk Maarif International Schools & Colleges fully embraces diversity,
pluralism and meritocracy in its campuses and premises. The organization sets
forth the principle that no one will be discriminated based on; difference of
opinion and political, religious, regional, tribal, cultural, gender and linguistic
associations and orientations. People will not be judged and treated based
on their ancestry, social associations, physical appearances and disabilities.
Everyone deserves to be dealt with respectfully and equally.

Pak-Turk Maarif is a multinational educational network with students from

different backgrounds, social, religious, political and cultural linkages. The
organization is equally concerned about the safety, security, personal and
mental well-being, learning, grooming and development of all the students.
Thus, all the privileges, rights, facilities, services, opportunities and resources
are offered to the students on merit. Meritocracy should always and be the
only option and defining factor while assigning and rewarding different
opportunities, awards and resources to the students.

Any display of discriminatory attitudes, use of discriminatory language, or

advocacy for discrimination or the incitement of ill-will against others will not
be tolerated within the system. We enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards
these harmful behaviours and will take appropriate measures to address and
eradicate them.

4. School Anti-Harassment Policy

Harassment is an outcome or a consequence of a person’s or a group’s
unwanted behaviour or an attitude that threatens, upsets, degrades,
page humiliates or embarrasses another person or a group or forces another
person or a group of people to feel uncomfortable, insecure and mentally
or emotionally tortured. It evolves and surfaces when a person is nullified
from his/her rights and comforts on discriminatory and ill-intended grounds.
Harassment of a student by another student or by a teacher or other staff
member will be considered a severe violation of the school anti-harassment
policy. This includes (but is not limited to) harassment based on race, origin,
marital status, gender, language, religion, or disability.

IX Harassment* - Unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual and

romantic favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
constitute sexual harassment when: (1) submission to such conduct is made

School Discipline Policy – SDP

either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s success
as a student; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual
is used as the basis for educational decisions affecting such individual, or;
(3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with
an individual’s work or educational performance or creating an intimidating,
hostile or offensive working or educational environment.

Pak-Turk Maarif is committed to provide a safe and secure working and

learning environment to its school community where everyone is treated with
courtesy, dignity and respect. Teachers and other staff members are expected
to teach and demonstrate by example that all members of the community are
entitled to respect.

Grievance Procedures Against IX Harassment

Pak-Turk Maarif encourages the reporting of prohibited behaviours including

sexual harassment of any kind. The organization has an effective complaints
management procedure and it is based on the principles of natural justice. All
such complaints are treated in a serious, sensitive, fair, timely and confidential
manner. Anyone who reports any such case/incident will not be victimized.

1. The Grievance Procedures shall apply to the conduct that occurs on

the school’s campus, schools’ vehicles, at school-sponsored events,
and to the events that are on or off the campus but have sufficient
ties with the school.

2. If any sexual harassment issue comes into notice, the relevant campus
management will promptly take action to find out an equitable and
reliable resolution of the complaint under the guidelines of the
School Anti-Harassment Policy and HR policies.
3. Harassment is unlawful and will not be tolerated, and that action will page
be taken against those who breach the policy.

*IX Harassment – Sexual Harassment

School Discipline Policy – SDP

5. Language(s) of Communication Policy
Pak-Turk Maarif International Schools & Colleges is part of the global
educational endeavour of the Turkish Maarif Foundation. English being the
language of global communication is the medium of instruction in all Pak-Turk Maarif
schools across the country. Turkish Language is one of the core proficiency
areas which is given significance through formal and informal learning and
teaching contexts.

Therefore, it is mandatory for all the staff and students associated with
the Maarif Schools to consider English and Turkish as the medium of oral
and written communication unless there is a specific subject or situational

To ensure effective communication within the school premises and in official

matters, we encourage the use of a English language that is the medium of
instruction and easily understood by all parties involved. Provincial and local
dialects should not be the mode of information exchange in school premises.
Students must be encouraged to speak in English and in Turkish to improve
their communication skills who otherwise might not get a chance to speak
and communicate in English and Turkish at home.

6. School Corporal Punishment Policy

Corporal punishment is a form of violence against children, especially
students. It is a power abuse and a very old tradition of ensuring discipline
in a school or getting the work done by the students because of the fear
of corporal punishment. Corporal Punishment adversely affects a students’
willingness to go to school and usually has a negative impact on the social-
emotional health and academic performance of the students. Students have
the right to learn without violence in any school, whether it is a public, private,
government-subsidized or faith-based institution.

Pak-Turk Maarif International Schools & Colleges is strictly against corporal

punishment in its schools, dormitories and premises. Therefore, the staff
especially teachers associated with Pak-Turk Maarif are advised to completely
disown corporal punishment and anyone found engaged with corporal
punishment of any form will be dealt strictly.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

7. Care for Institutional Assets Policy
Pak-Turk Maarif International Schools & Colleges always strives hard to provide
state-of-the-art infrastructure to its students. Teachers and students should
always be observant to prevent damage or destruction of school property. Any
marking, reshaping or defacing or damage that takes place with the school
property must be reported to the admin or principal’s office immediately. No
student shall damage or deface any property or an asset belonging to the
school. A student who damages/vandalizes/defaces school property will be
held responsible for those actions. The student may be subject to disciplinary
consequences including the possibility of charging all the expenses for the
damage from the student. Restitution, suspension, expulsion, and exclusion
from school activities are other options that can be used against the student
as a corrective measure. Any serious damage to school property may result in
disciplinary consequences.

Students are advised to take care of the school property for their own benefit
as everything installed in school is linked with the learning of the students.

8. School Anti-Thefting Policy

Thefting is the unauthorized removal or possession of personal property
belonging to other students, staff, or the school. This is an immoral act and
it certainly goes against the values of Pak-Turk Maarif International Schools
& Colleges. The school’s core values are based on trust, respect, compassion,
responsibility and honesty. All Pak-Turk Maarif students are expected to be
highly responsible in their actions and conduct.
If any student is found engaged in theft, the act will result in disciplinary
action, which may include restitution, police action, suspension, and/or
recommendation for expulsion. In case of stolen property, immediately
report the theft to the school staff, and security and also submit the incident
details in writing.

It is the responsibility of all the students and staff in the schools to take care
of their belongings and in case of theft the school will not be responsible
however, it will provide available support for search and recovery only on the

School Discipline Policy – SDP

9. School Anti-Ragging Policy
Ragging is strictly prohibited at Pak-Turk Maarif International Schools &
Colleges. If anybody is found indulging in such kind of activities, strict action
will be taken irrespective of the extent. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited
within the premises of the institution, in Pak-Turk Maarif dormitories, in its
transport or at any official event outside the institution. Any individual or
group of individuals who indulge in an act or practice of ragging constitutes
gross discipline violation and such individual/ groups shall be dealt with as
per the School Discipline Policy. This includes individual or collective acts or
practices that involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force, which
violate the status, dignity, and honour of any student.

Students shall not:

• ridicule and violate the status, dignity and honour of others.

• expose students to ridicule and contempt thereby affecting their
• entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene

10. School Anti-Violence Policy

Every child has the right to go to school free from fear and intimidation. When
schools provide quality education in an inclusive, safe and student-friendly
environment, the students learn with a greater degree of interest, take part in
school activities, build positive relationships with staff and friendships with
15 other students, and gain the critical thinking skills that they need to navigate
page through different social and academic situations.

Pak-Turk Maarif aims to eliminate all forms of violence against students from
its campuses. The organization is committed to provide educational facilities
that provide a safe and non-violent learning environment to its students. It
further believes that students are the first priority and they deserve to be
protected from physical or emotional harm during school activities, and on
school premises or in school-sponsored activities and field trips.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

Prevention Strategies

The organization has adopted and will implement the following prevention
strategies to promote a safe and secure learning environment, diminish
violence in its schools, and aid in the protection of children whose health or
welfare may be jeopardized through acts of violence.

• It is the policy of the school to act promptly in investigating all formal

or informal acts and complaints of violence and take appropriate
disciplinary action against any student or staff member who is found
to have violated the school discipline policy.
• Students who engage in verbal or physical assault or violent
behaviour, they will be dealt as per the levels and sanctions outlined
in the remedial section of the school discipline policy. The School
Disciplinary Committee can assign any corrective measure given for
each offence.
• Provide training in the recognition, prevention, and safe responses to
violence, and the development of a positive school environment.
• In-service training for personnel in aspects of reporting, visibility and
supervision as deterrents to violence.
• Promote student safety responsibility by encouraging the reporting
of suspicious individuals and unusual activities on school premises.
• Students will have access to school-based student service
professionals which include counsellors, campus doctors, social
workers, and psychologists who are knowledgeable in methods to
assist students with violence prevention and intervention. These
individuals form the School Social Welfare Team (SWeT).

The School Social Welfare Team (SWeT) may:

i. explore different ways of teaching students’ violence prevention

strategies, law-related education and character/values education
(universal values, e.g., honesty, personal responsibility, self-discipline,
cooperation and respect for others).
ii. develop cross-cultural awareness programs to unify students
of all cultures and backgrounds, to develop mutual respect and
understanding of shared experiences and values among students,
and to promote the message of inclusion.
iii. initiate conflict resolution training, conflict management, or peer
mediation programs for staff and students to teach conservative
approaches to settling disputes.
iv. recommend a curriculum that teaches social skills such as
maintaining self-control, building communications skills, forming

School Discipline Policy – SDP

friendships, resisting peer pressure, being appropriately assertive,
forming positive relationships with adults, and resolving conflict in
nonviolent ways.
v. conduct sessions on character education including, but not limited
to, character qualities such as attentiveness, truthfulness, respect
for authority, diligence, gratefulness, self-discipline, patience,
forgiveness, respect for others, peace-making, and resourcefulness.

11. Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct which is also known as academic dishonesty refers to
various actions on the part of the students that go against the expected and
established norms of a school, university or any other learning institution.
There are different forms of academic misconduct and a few of them are
listed below.

a. Cheating

Cheating involves the unauthorized use of information, materials, devices,

sources or practices in completing academic activities. For example, copying
during a class test or an exam from someone else that otherwise should
be completed individually is an unauthorized practice, and, therefore, it is
considered cheating. A student who allows another student to copy from his
or her work is actually facilitating or contributing to cheating which is again
an offense. Pak-Turk Maarif expects educational uprightness from its students
and strictly prohibits all sorts of cheating in class tests, assignments and in all
other internal and external exams.

b. Fabrication
Fabrication or falsification involves the unauthorized creation or alteration
of information in an academic document or activity. For example, getting a
document through an unofficial or unauthorized source, or making changes
in a document or altering the given information which was otherwise not
allowed to do so, are doing so to get some undue favour or producing a
fake document or a document with fake information and fake signatures
is fabrication. Artificially creating data when it should be collected from an
actual experiment or making up a source of information that does not exist is
also considered fabrication or falsification.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

c. Impersonation

Impersonation is a form of cheating whereby a different person than the

actual student assigned an assignment or exam completes it. Attending a class
or completing an interview on another student’s behalf is also considered
impersonation. Homework or assignment given to a student to be completed
is being done by a sibling or a tuition teacher or anyone else at home or in
school is impersonation. Sitting in an exam or in a test for another student
is a serious form of impersonation. Contract cheating where a student or
the student’s family hires a third party to complete the work on behalf of a
student is another form of impersonation.

d. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a type of cheating in which someone adopts another person’s

ideas, words, design, art, music, etc., as his/her own without acknowledging
the source or when it is necessary to obtain permission from the author. For
example, copying and pasting material from another person’s homework
or assignment or from a website without proper permission or citation is
considered plagiarism.

e. Sabotage

Sabotage involves disrupting or destroying another person’s work so that the

other person cannot complete an academic activity on time and successfully.
For example, destroying another person’s artwork, experiment, homework or
design is considered sabotage. Failure to contribute as required to a group
work or assignment within the given time and deadline can also be considered
academic sabotage.


School Discipline Policy – SDP

12. Use of Mobile Phones & Other Electronic Devices
Pak-Turk Maarif International Schools and Colleges does recognize the
importance of communication tools and electronic devices and their support
in certain academic endeavours however to maintain the decorum in schools
and to avoid any disruption in the learning process, it is not permissible for
the students to bring mobile phones and other electronic devices to the
school and school-sponsored activities unless allowed by the administration.

Process to deal with the Violation of this Policy

Students who bring cell phones and other electronic devices to the school will
face corrective actions as described below.

a. First Violation

If any student brings a mobile phone or an unauthorized electronic device

to the school and any staff sees it or gets information about the possession
of the mobile phone/electronic devices from others, should confiscate the
device immediately, switch it off and hand over it to the relevant class teacher
or vice principal. Any staff who confiscates the mobile phone, can’t open
the mobile, mobile chat, others apps and pictures gallery. If there is anything
suspicious regarding the use of mobile, the Vice Principal can check it infront
of both the student and the relevant class teacher. If any suspicious activity
is found, the phone should stay in the custody of the relevant vice principal
and the parents should be called and informed about the confiscation of the
phone and the violation of the school discipline policy.

In case of confiscation, the relevant vice principal will get the Return of
Confiscated Unauthorized Electronic Device From (Form - SA22/A) (annexed to
this policy) filled by the student, will strictly advise the student not to repeat
the violation and will return the phone to the student.

b. Second Violation

If a student brings an unauthorized device/mobile phone for the second time

to the school, it must be confiscated for a period of two weeks with the same
protocol as mentioned in the first violation. Parents can receive the device/
phone back after two weeks by giving a written guarantee on the Return of
Confiscated Unauthorized Electronic Device From (Form - SA22/B) for not
repeating the violation again.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

c. Third Violation

A third violation of bringing a mobile phone or an unauthorized electronic

device to the school will lead to the confiscation of the mobile phone or an
unauthorized electronic device for an entire academic year. The phone will
not be returned to the student or to the parents before the academic year
ends or unless the student decides to leave the school. In either case, the
parent will fill out the Return of Confiscated Unauthorized Electronic Device
Form (Form - SA22/C) to get the phone back.

d. Taking Unauthorized Pictures, Videos and Making Recordings

Any student who first violates the School Discipline Policy by bringing a
mobile phone or an unauthorized electronic device to the school or school-
sponsored events and activities and then takes unauthorized pictures, videos
and records voices/gossips will face disciplinary action and such cases will be
referred to the school disciplinary committee. The phone will be confiscated
and appropriate sanction will be suggested by the committee/principal on
the student or group of students.

Rules to Keep the Confiscated Device Safe

• Any device confiscated for two weeks or for an entire academic year
will be wrapped in a white paper, the date of confiscation, name of
the student and class will be written on it and it will be sealed with
scotch tape.
• The phone will be kept in the custody of the school principal. In case
of a job switch, the outgoing principal will hand over the phone to the
relevant official preferably to the director.
• The security of the phone will be the responsibility of the school
management. 20

School Discipline Policy – SDP

Emergency Calls & Services
Emergency at Campus class teacher, vice principal,
principal and campus reception
• In case of a health emergency on services for better and rapid
the campus, the management communication.
will provide emergency relief/
first aid to the student at the • All parents must save the
school if they have the relevant necessary contact numbers of
staff and technical expertise the school.
otherwise will facilitate the
student to get emergency Normal calls and contacts between
services from a nearby health students and parents, siblings and
center/hospital. Subsequently, relatives are highly discouraged
the parents will be informed during school hours. Students and
about the emergency situation parents should know this policy and
by a designated staff preferably follow the call and contact protocol.
by the student class teacher or Relevant teachers, vice principals
relevant vice principal. and campus reception services
should make sure that they are
• In case of any other emergency, attending the calls from the parents
the class teacher or relevant vice especially in times of urgency.
principal will call and inform
the parents about the situation
or the school receptionist will
inform the parents.
page Emergency at Home

• In case there is an emergency

or urgency at home, the parents
can reach out to the student
through the student’s relevant
class teacher or vice principal.
If both of them are not available
or not picking up the call, the
parents can call the reception
desk. All parents must get the
contact number of the relevant

School Discipline Policy – SDP

Having said that, the school will
always discourage disrespectful
responses and reactions from
either side. Anything at the cost of
Parents and someone’s self-esteem and policy
violation will compel the institution
Pak-Turk Maarif to take unilateral decisions.

Pak-Turk Maarif is having an
integrated support system for the
success of its students and parents’
role and participation in this
integrated support system is quite
crucial. Active parental involvement
in school activities and a closer
coordination and cooperation with
the school management help the
school to grow as an organization and
effectively contribute to the success
of the students. Students also get a
huge amount of confidence when
they see their parents taking part in
the schooling process.

Considering the significance of 22

parents’ engagement with the
schools, Pak-Turk Maarif highly values
the parents of its students. All the
staff at Pak-Turk Maarif demonstrate a
very humble and respectful approach
and attitude towards the parents.
The school expects the same level of
reciprocity from the worthy parents
to have respect and value for the
school management, teachers, staff
and it’s operational and learning-
related activities and initiatives.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

Remedial Measures to deal with
School Discipline Policy Violations
Ideally, it is not expected that the may be referred to the section vice
student at Pak-Turk Maarif will make principal. The vice principal will have
serious violations to the School a soft discussion with the student,
Discipline Policy but the following will try to resolve the issues and
remedial measures will be taken in will inform the student about the
sequence or sometimes directly to repercussions of the specific violation
ensure the safety, security, dignity in case it is repeated and continued.
and smooth learning of the students
and staff and also uninterrupted iii. The Vice Principal if required
functioning of the school system. may schedule appointments of the
student and family members with the
The consequences below range from Student Counselling Officer.
mildest (Level 1) to most severe
(Level 8). The consequences and Level 2: Letter of Intimation
remedial measures will be applicable
as per the intensity and severity of If a student does not perform actions
the offence and policy violation. within the School Discipline Policy
even after having a consultation
Level 1: Consultation: with the teacher, vice principal and
student counselling officer, in such
i. Any teacher or a staff member a scenario a letter of intimation may
who notices a policy violation from a be sent to the parents explaining the
student, will first inform and counsel necessary policy violation from the
the student regarding the violation student and the corrective measures
of the School Discipline Policy. The taken by the school. The parents
teacher or staff directly or through should be asked to give their due
the class teacher of that student may attention to the child and cooperate
ask and guide the student to follow with the school management to
the SDP. This discussion between the resolve the issue. In a polite manner,
student and the teacher should take it should be communicated to the
place in privacy and in a cordial and parents that repetition of policy
conducive environment. violations may compel the school
management to move to the next
ii. If the student doesn’t follow the level of disciplinary action. Keeping
teachers’ discussion and guidance, in view the intensity of the issue
the specific issue and policy violation and policy violation, the school

School Discipline Policy – SDP

management may ask the parents to • Help and guide the preschool
visit the school. The relevant class students from the school
teacher or vice-principal can make gate to the class.
a follow-up call to ensure that the • Teach juniors a valuable life
letter has reached to the parents and skill or help them in their
has been acknowledged. A sample of coursework.
the intimation letter is annexed at • Campaigning cleanliness on
the end of this document. campus
• Assigning an additional
Level 3: Assigning Community book, a story or an article
Services/Social Work to the student to read,
understand and explain to
A student reaching to the level 3 the class fellows.
intervention for a specific policy
violation will be assigned a specific The length of the community services
community or social work. Any or social work should be less than
such task assigned to the student, one hour per day and such services
should not involve labour work. The can’t be extended beyond three days.
following areas should be preferred The teacher or principal assigning the
for community or social work. social services should monitor the
work and try to inculcate a sense of
• Engaging the student in the motivation, relearning and obedience
library to sort out the books in the student. Parents should be
or to study a specific subject informed via call about the assigning
for a certain period of time. of any such work and its duration.
• Asking the student to The assigned task should make a
prepare a talk for his/ positive impact on the student and
her class regarding the the student’s behaviour.
area/topic for which the
student has made a policy Level 4: Exclusion from School
violation. The student can Privileges and Events 24
make a presentation about page
maintaining discipline in Students repeatedly violating the
school and can present that school disciple policy, creating chaos
to the class. and continuous disturbance in the
• Write Letters to each class or learning process may be excluded
number of classes regarding from the following services and
the importance of following privileges:
a certain/violated aspect of
a school discipline policy. i. Excluding students from school-
• Prepare awareness charts sponsored events, activities, tours,
and present them to the trips and competitions for a specific
class and juniors. period of time.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

ii. Cancellation or revision of or school-sponsored activities. A
scholarship in school for a specific student can have a maximum of
period of time unless the student two suspensions in one complete
doesn’t ensure compliance with the academic year.
school discipline policy.
A suspension letter with clear reasons
iii. Not being considered in and background information shall be
nominations for short-term sent to the parents. The student will
opportunities, student clubs and be allowed to join the school only if
societies, student council, internships the student and parents/guardian
and sports activities. are giving in written on affidavit
paper that the student will not repeat
Level 5: Probation any such violation again.

This is a pre-suspension stage where Level 7: Expulsion:

a student is put on probation. The
probation period can be a minimum The School Principal and the School
of fifteen days and a maximum of Director in consensus or in the
two months. The desired qualities light of the recommendations of
and traits that the management the School Disciplinary Committee
wants to see in the student during may expel the student for severe
the probation period should be list or repeated violation of the school
downed and monitored. A letter of discipline policy. Violations related to
probation with terms and conditions the dignity, safety and security of the
should be formally issued to the campus community and the smooth
student and his/her parents by the functioning of the school may result
school principal. The background in expulsion.
and intensity of the violation should
also be mentioned in the letter. The Level 8: Legal Proceedings:
probation period may be disregarded
completely depending on the severity
of the disciplinary issue.
The Head Office directly or through
its specific campus management
may initiate or recommend a legal
Level 6: Suspension proceeding against a student or a
family who threatens the school
The School Principal and the School management for any disciplinary
Director in consensus or in the light of decision taken in accordance with the
the recommendations of the School School Disciplinary Policy or causing
Disciplinary Committee may suspend risk for the safety and security of the
a student for one to ten school days campus community and property.
from the school. Students who are
suspended from school may not
participate in any school activity

School Discipline Policy – SDP

School Discipline Policy Violations
and Consequences
This sample list of offenses with in school-sponsored or collaborated
possible consequences and activities. The consequences may also
sanctions is provided for guidance. apply for misbehaviours that take
We recognize that there can be an place at other locations but directly
enormous variation in violations and affect school programs or activities.
hence the range of sanctions that This includes inter school sports and
may apply. The school management debates, camps, festivals, excursions
can take the best course of action in and other programs. The Principal,
any such situation as per the level School Disciplinary Committee or
and severity of the offense directly or Head Office may recommend longer
in consultation with the Head Office suspensions, expulsion, denial of
where necessary. The consequences school facilities privileges or other
may apply regardless of whether this disciplinary actions on a case-by-
misbehaviour took place in school, on case basis.
the school transport, or out of school


School Discipline Policy – SDP

Level of Possible
List of Possible Violations of the School Discipline Policy Consequences/

1. Violating Student Dressing (Uniform) Policy: Wearing clothes,

shoes, and ornaments that are culturally unacceptable or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
other than the officially allowed uniform.

2. Violating School Attendance Policy: Not coming to the

school, or making absences without intimation and approval
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
or coming to school late or missing some specific classes or
intentionally attending them late.

3. Violating Non-Discrimination Policy: Discriminating class

fellows, friends, seniors, juniors, staff, teachers and any
official in the school or passing discriminating comments
and depriving someone to participate in any class, group
or school activity based on gender, religion, race, culture, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
competence, disability or any other reason. In severe cases,
the principal directly or in the light of the recommendations
of the school disciplinary committee may move on to Level 4
and onward to award sanctions as remedial measures.

4. Harassment: Participating in or conspiring with others to

engage in acts that harm, degrade, intimidate or disgrace
other individuals, including displaying obscene videos,
pictures and using words or actions that negatively impact 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
on an individual or on a group based on their racial, cultural
or religious background, their gender, any disabilities they
may have, or on their colour and region.

5. Violating the Student Staff Interaction Policy: Making

interactions oral, written or physical which are against the
2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7
norms of the school and the society or beyond the school

6. Damage of School Property (Vandalism): Defacing, cutting,

reshaping, writing, wall chalking or colouring or otherwise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
damaging property that belongs to the school, other + Restitution
students, employees or others.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

7. Abuse: Any kind of verbal, written or otherwise expressed –
arousing alarm in others through the use of language that is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
discriminatory, abusive, threatening or obscene.

8. Alcohol or Chemicals: Possession or use while in school

premises, involved in school activities or school-sponsored 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
activities, tours, trips or in school uniform.

9. Assault – Verbal: Written or otherwise expressed,

confrontation with a student, teachers or staff member
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
which bullies, intimidates, threatens or causes fear or bodily

10. Assault – Physical: Any physical assault that happens or

happened because of whatsoever reasons and causes body , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
harm, bleeding and any emotional or physical damage.

11. Disruption: Any behaviour which disrupts or interrupts the

normal teaching and learning process and activities in the
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
class and in the school or in other school-hosted or school-
sponsored or collaborated activities.

12. Missing Homework: Failure to submit any important

1, 2, 3
assignment, homework or project work given by the teachers.

13. Forgery: The signing of a note for a parent or staff member

or producing any fake content or document within the
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
organization or to another organization on behalf of Pak-
Turk Maarif International Schools and Colleges.
14. Illicit Medicine/Drugs: This includes over-the-counter medicine
(medicine that one can buy without a prescription) or prescription
drugs used for the purpose of mood alteration or intoxication, or 28
inhaling the fumes of certain volatile substances for their mood- 6, 7, 8 including
referring the
altering or intoxicating effect. This does not include any prescription
incident to police
or over-the-counter medication a student is required to take. where necessary.
Medicine or drugs which are not legally permitted or which may
cause serious health issues or which may lead to unconsciousness or
provoke someone for agitation and assault.

15. Insubordination: Wilful refusal to follow appropriate

instructions and directions given by staff members or
teachers. Not submitting required dues for different 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
compulsory academic activities in a given time or not paying
the fee in the given period of time.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

16. Intimidation: Any verbal or no verbal or physical gesture
that creates fear and insecurity in others. Frightening or
threatening another person with bodily or property harm, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
pushing, pumping or tripping with the intent to frighten or

17. Bunking Classes or Scheduled or Sponsored School Activities:

Bunking classes, school activities or school sponsored and
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
coordinated activities without getting permission from the
relevant staff or teachers.

18. Littering: Carelessly or deliberately dropping rubbish or

creating a mess in school premises or in places where school
1, 2, 3, 4
supervised or sponsored or coordinated activities are taking
place or in school transport.

19. Using unauthorized electronic devices/ mobile: Bringing

mobile phones and other electronic devices to the campus
and disturbing the school decorum and learning process
or using them for any ill-intended or unwelcomed activity. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
These sanctions will apply in addition to the unauthorised
electronic device confiscating mechanism defined in the
unauthorised devices section above.

20. Profanity/Obscenity: written or oral language or drawings

that can provoke the sentiments of others or that offend
the senses or the standards of morality of the school and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
the community. Targeting any specific individual with hateful
religious remarks.

21. Safety: Endangering the safety of others through any means

or playing with electric circuits, carbon cylinders or gas
connections or bringing matchboxes and fire lighters in
the school premises or using lifts and stairs in a way that is
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
dangerous or playing on roofs or jumping from elevated areas
or crossing roads carelessly in school-sponsored or supervised
or coordinated activities or swimming in lakes and rivers in the
aforesaid situation.

22. Tardiness: Habitually coming to the school or class late

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
without any valid excuse.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

23. Thefting or knowingly receiving or possessing stolen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
property: Unauthorized taking of the property of another
person or receiving or possessing such property or equipment, Police referral
books, electronic devices etc. may follow.

24. Tobacco: Possessing, using or distributing tobacco at school,

or school-sponsored or supervised or coordinated activities.
Students who might not use tobacco but give company to 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
others or those students who serve or facilitate others will face
the same consequences.

25. Weapon or Harmful Arms: Possessing any device, or knife or

arm intended to look like a weapon that would be capable of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
producing bodily harm.

26. Ragging: Ragging involves abuse, humiliation, or harassment

of new entrants or junior students by the senior students in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
schools or in hostels.

27. Cheating: Asking for help, whispering or using unfair means

during class tests, assignments, midterms, final exams and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
in other internal and external Exams.

28. Fabrication: Making ill-intended, unauthorized and illegal

changes in information in a document or producing a fake
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
document or a document with fake information, signature
and stamps.

29. Impersonation: Impersonation is a form of cheating whereby

a different person than the actual student assigned an 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 30
assignment or exam completes it. page

30. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a type of cheating in which someone

adopts another person’s ideas, words, design, art, music,
etc., as his or her own without acknowledging the source, or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
the person or when it is necessary to obtain the permission
from the author.

31. Sabotage: Sabotage involves disrupting or destroying

another person’s work so that the other person cannot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
complete an academic activity on time and successfully.

School Discipline Policy – SDP

Complaints Management Process
Complaints Managment Process


School Discipline Policy – SDP

Confidentiality will be maintained to the greatest extent during
the complaint management and investigation process. Any
information gathered during the investigation process will only
be shared with those who the School Disciplinary Committee
determines has a need-to-know, except in limited circumstances,
including but not limited to, when the school is required by law
to report the information, in order to further an investigation
and/or stop a discriminatory practice, or when such disclosure is
necessary to protect the health, safety, or well-being of members
of the school community.


School Discipline Policy – SDP

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