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Babiera, Roliel E.

EDUC 207: Management/Supervision of Institution

Prof: Dr. Nick Pañares

May 13, 2023-Quiz

1. What is the role of the private sector in improving the quality of education in the
Philippines? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private sector
involvement in education, particularly in terms of access to education, quality of
instruction, and affordability.

One of the most important responsibilities of the state is to provide access to

education for all through the education programs pursued by the government.
But provision toward a good education system does not only rely on what the
government, especially the public sector for education can do, but on the
collaborative effort it makes with other partners such as the private sectors.
Through private involvement, there can be an increase in financial resources for
education and support the capacity to absorb growing demand while assuring

As the government continues to be a steward of education, acknowledging

and understanding the potential of the private sector is vital, seeing the non-
state sector’s commitment to taking part in supplying significant education
services in many contexts. In terms of access, an increase in private involvement
can improve pedagogic, technical, and management skills across all levels of
education. There are a lot of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and private
companies that offer programs that support government schools such as
providing funds, scholarships, and resources. Or execute free training and
upskilling to improve the management and instructional system and even
education programs for schools. Moreover, the existence of the private sector
through the establishment of private schools that offer and introduce curricula,
programs, and innovations to uplift quality learning delivery which citizens can
choose in. Social services in education through scholarship grants funded by the
private sector also help in bringing access, quality, and affordability to

But there are also disadvantages to the involvement of the private sector.
Like in the existence of private institutions, experiencing their modernization or
quality curriculum comes at a price. Families who opt to send their children to
private institutions need to pay high-rate tuition fees that others could be
challenging to afford. There are also private sectors that invest in education with
business agendas such as for-profit or conducting test runs of their programs.
Teachers’ training also requires training fees which are usually beyond the limit
of their funds. And being partnered with the private sector means dealing with
high responsibilities and requiring meeting various demands of the sector such
as various deliverables, and more.

2. How can the private sector collaborate with the government and educational
institutions to address the challenges of the Philippine education system?
Discuss the different ways in which the private sector can contribute to the
improvement of the education sector, including funding, infrastructure
development, and teacher training programs. Provide examples of successful
private sector partnerships in education.

Education is a basic human right and the government has the responsibility
to ensure and protect this, but they need not be the sole provider. An education
system that acknowledges public and private providers and has accountability
mechanisms to strengthen service delivery amongst the various education
stakeholders. Thus, one of the mission statements of the Department of
Education is to involve the active participation of stakeholders by forming
partnerships and linkages.

The private sectors collaborate with the government and educational

institutions to address the challenges of the Philippine education system. They
offer support in various ways by addressing the current demands and needs of
the education system. There are private organizations, companies, and
institutions that offer programs for both teachers and learners that focus on
skills training and development such as Microsoft which offers digitization
programs. Others provide scholarships or short programs such as the Asian
Institute of Management (AIM) which offers several training for administrators
and teachers. There are companies that provide funding to different DepEd
programs such as USAID that support DepEd programs such as conducting the
ABC+ program in improving early grade learning in the Philippines and Adopt-a-
School Program which aids and services to the public schools. Several private
partners teamed with DepEd on infrastructure projects and the provision of
equipment and school facilities to support our education system. Ayala
Corporation and SM Group are some of the private companies that supported
DepEd in building school buildings. Another private organization that team with
DepEd is Teach for the Philippines works towards a vision where all Filipino
children will benefit from an excellent, inclusive, and relevant education. Their
partnership is a tripartite that goes to work with DepEd, local government, and
placement schools to make way to establish various programs for literacy and
community engagement.

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