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Tectonic- is a term derived from the Greek word tekton, which means "carpenter"

or "builder".
-It explains the appearance and change in the appearance of mountains,
volcanoes, earthquakes, and more.
Theory of plate tectonic
-the crust is broken up into sections that move on that move on top of the liquid
Tectonic plates- sections of crust are called “plates”
Continental crust- solid ground where you stand
-formed through volcanic eruptions
-less dense than oceanic crust and measures around 10 – 70 km thick.
Oceanic crust- made of heavier basalt and gabbro rocks.
-younger than the continental crust and measures only around 7 km thick.
Different Types of Boundaries
Boundary- breaks between two tectonic plates
Convergent Boundaries(destructive plate boundary)- Places where plates crash
(or crunch) together or sub duct (one sinks under)
-one lithosphere plate plunging under another plate.
-mountains, volcanoes, trenches, and earthquakes
There are 3 types of Convergent Boundaries
Oceanic-continental convergence
-when a oceanic plate pushes into and moves underneath a continental plate.
Subduction Zone: The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-
ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary.
Oceanic-oceanic convergence- The less dense plate slides under the more dense
plate creating a subduction zone called a TRENCH
-when two oceanic plate meet and one oceanic plate is pushed underneath the
Continental-continental convergence Have Collision Zones: A place where folded
and thrust faulted mountains form.
-two continents meet head- on
Divergent Boundaries(conservative boundary)- A plate boundary where two
plates move away from each other.

-boundary marked by mid-ocean ridges

-Oceanic ridges, rift valley, earthquakes
Transform Boundaries- A plate boundary where two plates move past each other
in opposite direction.
-earthquakes and fault formation
-boundary marked by large faults at which one plate slides horizontally past
Subduction zone- boundary marked two deep-ocean trenches and volcanic arcs.
Convection- heat transfer that results when warmer, less dense material rises
while cooler, denser material sinks
Continental drift- a theory that states that all the continents were once one large
vast supercontinent that broke apart and where the pieces moved slowly to their
current location
-Alfred Wegener, a German climatologist, proposed the continental drift.
Wegener presented pieces of evidences.
Pangaea (all earth)- a vast supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic
and early Mesozoic eras.
Seafloor spreading theory- a theory that states new seafloor forms at mid-ocean
ridges, then spreads symmetrically away from the ridge axis.
-was created at mid-oceanic, spreading in both directions from the ridge system.

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