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School Kamanikan Integrated School Grade Level 9

Teacher Peter June B. Escol Learning Area SCIENCE
Time & Dates Quarter 3rd

a. Identify the different modern zodiac signs constellation.

I. OBJECTIVES b. Illustrate personal zodiac sign and characteristics
c. Relate the meaning of zodiac signs to individual’s personality.
Modern Zodiac Signs Constellation

Teaching Strategy
Integration of Content English, Arts, History, EsP
Within and Across
Materials Pictures, Lop top, Power point Presentation

III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies

Pull out: In the box put the different constellation pictures and let 5
students pick the picture one after the other and identify the type of
constellation in it.

1. Andromeda

2. Gemini

A. Elicit
3. Draco

4. Grus

5. Ara
Integration with Arts
Showing of flashcards/Pictures to students.

Ask: What have you observed?

B. Engage

Integration with History

Reading Comprehension
Students will be given fact sheets and they are going to read the
history of the Modern Zodiac Signs. They will be given 5 minutes to do
the activity. The teacher will remind the students to read it silently. The
questions will then be orally asked by the teacher.

Guide Questions:
1. What is meant by zodiac?
2. What is a horoscope?
3. How is horoscope related to
zodiac signs?
4. What are the 4 groups of zodiacs

Note: Let students answer in a complete sentence.

Group Activity.
The students will be grouped into 3. Each group will be provided with
materials to be used in their activity.

Group 1. Concept-Mapping: The group will make a concept map about

modern zodiac signs.

Group 2. The group will make a table of comparison between Modern

Zodiac Name and Zodiac Babylonian’s Name. They will write their
C. Explore output on a Bond paper.

Group 3. The group will make also a table showing the modern zodiac
name, its month, and characteristic traits. They will be going to write
their output on a Bond paper.

The reporter for each group will present their outputs. The teacher
will give feedbacks and correct misconceptions after the report has
The teacher will flash a Pictures of the different zodiac signs. Teacher
will first illustrate his Zodiac sign to the class and followed by the
students. Each student will illustrate their own zodiac sign and share it
to the class.

The teacher will present powerpoint presentation for discussion with

the following Zodiac Sign Constellation.
1. Aries
2. Taurus
D. Explain 3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo

Short Activity:
Guessing Game
Teacher will facilitate game by showing modern zodiac sign
constellation pictures. Let student identify the constellation
1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
E. Elaborate 6. Virgo

Integration with ESP

Ask students:
1. Do you believe in horoscope? Or foretelling events of a
person’s life?
2. Does your zodiac sign affect your personality?
3. Why does other people rely their fortune in horoscope?
The teacher asks 1 representative from each group to answer the
1. What are the zodiac signs under the group Fire? Water? Air? Earth?
2. Does Zodiac sign characteristics affects individual’s behavior?
F. Evaluate Identify what zodiac sign constellation is described in the following
1. _______ is one of the constellations of the zodiac. It is located
in the Northern celestial hemisphere between Pisces to the
west and Taurus to the east.
Answer: Aries

2. The constellation _______ is usually associated with the Greek

goddess of justice, Dike.
Answer: Virgo

3. _______ is a large constellation in the northern sky. Its name

means “bull” in Latin.
Answer: Taurus

4. __________ constellation lies in the northern sky. It is one of

the zodiac constellations and one of the largest constellations
in the sky.
Answer: Leo

5. __________ constellation is located in the northern celestial

hemisphere. Its name means “the twins” in Latin.
Answer: Gemini

6. Its name is Latin for crab and it is commonly represented as

one. It is called________
Answered: Cancer

7. ________ is the 39th largest constellation in the sky, occupying

441 square degrees
Answer: Aries

8. The constellation ________, the maiden, can be seen in spring

and summer in the northern hemisphere and in autumn and
winter in the southern hemisphere.
Answer: Virgo

9. ________ is the 17th largest constellation in the sky, occupying

an area of 797 square degrees.
Answer: Taurus

10. The constellation _________, the twins, is visible in the

northern hemisphere from November through April.
Answer: Gemini

Create your own zodiac constellation. Draw it on a piece of bondpaper

G. Extend and give the character traits associated with it. You also give it a


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

Checked By:
Principal I

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