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ME-1100 Thermodynamics

Solutions to Tutorial – 1 Fundamentals and Work Transfer

1. (a), (b) and (f) are intensive properties, others are extensive.

2. The variable  is not a property since M/V  N/T. Here, M = AT2 + BT + C & N = RT/V.

3. If the integral evaluated through different paths such as A-B-C, A-D-C and A-
C, gives the same value, then that integral can be considered as path
independent. In the case of (i), the values of the integrals through A-B-C, A-D-
C and A-C, are 200 kJ, 300 kJ and 250 kJ, respectively. Therefore (i) is path-
dependent. Similarly, the values of integral (ii) evaluated through the three paths
are not the same. So (ii) is also not path-independent. For the integral (iii),
through all the three paths the value of the integral remains the same as 400 kJ.
So, this is path independent. We can also note that pdV + Vdp is d(pV), which denotes change in property
(p3V3-p1V1), thus path independent. The quantity in (iv) is also not path independent.

4. Initial pressure in the right part of the tube that becomes the
bottom part when tilted is patm. The initial volume is
A×45×10-2 (m3), where A is cross-sectional area of the
tube. Let h be the distance in cm descended by mercury.
After tilting, let pt be the pressure at the top portion and pb
be that in the bottom. pV = C ==> patm × A × 45 × 10-2 = pt
× A × (45 + h) × 10-2 ==> pt = 45 × patm/(45 + h) = 45 × ρHg
× g × 0.76/(45 + h). The pressure of the air at the bottom
portion is: pb = pt + ρHg × g × 10 × 10-2. Using pV = C for
this portion, patm × A × 45 × 10-2 = pb × A × (45 - h) × 10-2,
we get a quadratic in h given as: 0.1 h2 + 68.4 h – 202.5 =
0. The positive solution for this equation is got as h = 2.94
cm - mercury falls by 2.94 cm.

5. Let L and R indicate the mercury levels on the left and right arms, respectively. Compared to the density of
mercury, air density is negligible. Thus, the pressure of air in the cylinder can
be assumed as pL itself. That is, pair = pL = pR + ρg(10 ×10-2), where ρ is the
density of the mercury and g = 9.81m/s2. However, pR should be equal to the
atmospheric pressure, pair = patm + ρg(10 × 10-2) = 113342 N/m2. As the piston
moves upwards through a distance h, then the meniscus in right limb also
moves up by distance h and the left side meniscus moves down by h. Thus,
the level difference between R and L will be 10 + 2h denoted in cm. Pressure
of air in the cylinder is calculated as: pair = pL = patm + ρg{(10 + 2h) × 10-2}.
By substituting h = 20 cm, we get final pressure as 166710 N/m2. (part a)
Change in the volume of air inside the cylinder can be calculated by A c ×
distance travelled by the piston, where Ac is area of cross section of the cylinder = π(25.25×10-2)2/4. If V is
the volume of air when the piston has travelled a distance h from its initial position, then the change in
volume is V-0.01 (m3). So, we can write, V – 0.01 = π (h × 10-2) × (25.25 × 10-2)2/4. Now, h can be obtained
in terms of volume V, such that the pressure of air inside the cylinder is written as: pair = patm + ρg{0.1 +
39.94 × (V – 0.01)}, which is the required relationship between p and V (part b).

6. A pressure of 1.2 bar is required to lift the piston. A constant volume heating process
would occur until pressure increases from initial state of 1 bar to 1.2 bar (1-2). Further
heating would make the piston to slowly move upwards maintaining the gas pressure
1.2 bar until the piston touches the spring (2-3). With continued heating, as the piston
rises up compressing the spring, the gas pressure will increase linearly (3-4) with
volume – force exerted by the spring is proportional to the piston’s displacement and
hence to the volume swept. These processes are shown in the figure. The area of cross
section of the piston is A = π(0.15)2/4 = 0.01767 m2. The volumes at states
1-4 can be calculated as follows:
V1 = A×0.25=0.004417 m3, V2 =A × 0.25=0.004417 m3, V3 = A × 0.35 =
0.00618 m3, V4 = A × 0.36 = 0.00636 m3. The pressures are: p1 = 1 bar, p2
= 1.2 bar = p3, p4 = 1.2 ×105 + 10 (N/mm) × 10 (mm)/A = 125659.3 N/m2.
Work done by the gas, Wgas = 1.2 × 105 × (0.00636 -0.004417) +
(5659.3/2) × (0.00636 - 0.00618) = 233.16 + 0.509 = 233.67 J. Work
interactions for atmosphere, spring and piston can be calculated from the
shaded areas in the figure. Watm = -1.0 × 105 × (0.00636 - 0.004417) =
-194.3 J, Wpiston = -38.86 J, Wspr = -0.509 J.

7. If At and Ab be the cross-sectional areas of top and bottom pistons, respectively, and pair is
the pressure of the air enclosed within them, then the following force balance can be
( )
patm Ab − pair Ab + pair At − patm At = 5 (kg) 9.81 m / s 2 = 49.05 (N )
patm ( Ab − At ) − pair ( Ab − At ) = ( pair − patm )( Ab − At ) = 49.05 (N ); ( Ab − At ) = 10 cm 2
( pair − patm )1010−4 (m 2 ) = 49.05(N )  ( pair − patm ) = 49050(N / m 2 )  pair = 149050(N / m 2 )
During the slow heating process, since the piston assembly moves upwards, due to overall
increase in the cross-sectional area, the volume increases at a constant pressure of 149050
N/m2. The volume increase is calculated as: ΔV = 10×10-4 (m2) × 25×10-2 (m) = 250 x 10-6 m3. Work done
by the enclosed air is therefore calculated as, Wair = 149050 × 250 × 10-6 = 37.2625 J. Work interaction for
atmosphere is, Watm = -patm×ΔV = -105 × 250 × 10-6 = - 25.0 J. Work interaction for piston, Wpiston = - 5 (kg)
× 9.81 (m/s2) × 0.25 (m) = - 12.2625 J. It is clear that the sum of all work interactions is zero.

8. When the valve is opened enough, argon flows into B by exerting 150 kPa on
the piston. When the pressure in tank A falls to 150 kPa, argon would not
flow. Thus, the final pressure will be 150 kPa (a). Taking A and B as a
system, initial pressure, p1 is 250 kPa and initial volume, V1 is 0.4 m3. Final
pressure, p2 is 150 kPa. Since pV = constant, p1V1 = p2V2 ==> V2 =
250×0.4/150 = 0.66667 m3. Displacement work occurs at constant pressure of
150 kPa. (b) Work done by argon gas is Wargon = 150× 1000 × (0.66667 - 0.4)
= 40000 J. Work interaction for the atmosphere is Watm = -100000 × (0.66667 - 0.4) = -26667 J. Since, 150
kPa is needed to lift the piston which includes 100 kPa of atmospheric pressure. Thus, the pressure exerted
by piston is 50 kPa. Work interaction for piston is Watm = -50000 × (0.66667 - 0.4) = -13333.5 J.

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