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Be prepared to share next meeting your understanding of the following terms:

1. Philosophy
- I understand philosophy as a field of study whereas humans aspire to comprehend
the mysteries of mere existence and reality through asking deep fundamental
questions involving the vastness of the universe, limitations of the human
intellect, and how they value and give meaning to their lives.
- Philosophy is the study that drives us to think, which arises out of wonder,
curiosity, and the desire to understand. Through the power of thought, the human
person begins to ask questions that are profound and unfathomable, as they
continuously look for the truth, in pursuit of wisdom. Hence, forming various
theories that serve as a basic fundamental framework for making ethical
decisions, and comprehending life, meaning, and purpose contributing to the vast
knowledge that we know today.
2. Philosophizing
- Philosophizing is the process of thinking and expressing oneself in a manner
wherein we question and reflect upon the knowledge we already know, to pursue
a deeper sense and meaning out of it. It is restless and aims to expand the
knowledge that we have today in order to have a higher level of understanding
towards the world.
- Logic, Existentialism, Analytic Tradition, and Phenomenology (Postmodernism,
3. Truth
- Truth is something that cannot be proven untrue.
- Truth is the reason why we think.
- The truth should be in accordance with reality. The statement, idea, or thought
that a person expresses should be verified with its accordance with reality. Thus,
the truth must be corroborated by evidence and facts.
- Truth is subjective as it heavily relies on our perception. It only appears to us in
the form we can accept at the moment. What we consider as the truth is a
compiled selection of our experiences. Our ideas about it depend upon our human
definition and do not exist independently of us and our language. Hence, things
become true when there is no contradiction with other truths and with our
4. Dialectics
- Dialect is a type of logical argumentation wherein the person arguing uses two
contradictory ideas side by side to compare them in order to make a point.

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