First Periodical Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Marinduque
District of Torrijos


Name ____________________________________ Date ____________
Teacher: __________________________________ Score ___________
A. Identifying Types of Analogy
Directions: Identify the types of analogy based from each pair. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

A. Cause/effect C. degree E. part of the whole

B. Classification D. function

1. High is to highest as small is to smallest.

2. Studying is to getting a good job as washing hands is to disinfecting them.
3. Hammer is to driving nails as screwdriver is to fastening screw.
4. Toe is to foot as finger is to hand.
B. Supplying Words to Complete an Analogy
Directions: Supply other words or expressions to complete the given analogy. Write the letter of your choice before the
number and write the word in the blank space.
A. infrastructure C. spoon/fork E. hard
B. smallest D. sew
5. Cotton is to soft as cement is to ____________.
6. Pilot is to flying an airplane as engineer is to constructing ___________.
7. Drinking is to glass as eating is to ____________.
8. Teacher is to teach as dressmaker is to _________


Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Then, choose and circle the letter of the correct answer.
9. While watching your favorite noontime show, it was interrupted by single news on the television, what do you
call this program?
A. documentary C. news flash
B. internet-based D. weather report
10. You would like to watch a research-based reporting on the topic “Front Liners: Life During the Pandemic”. What
material will you view?
A. documentary C. movie trailer
B. internet-based D. news flash
11. The following are features of a movie trailer except:
A. shown in a limited amount of minutes C. chosen from the most exciting part of the film
B. short clip of a particular film D. single important part of the film
12. In a particular news patrol, the audience is informed of the weather conditions on a specific area. Which material
is referred to?
A. internet-based program C. movie trailer
B. news flash D. weather report
13. It is an informative program that can be accessed through the website.
A. internet-based program C. movie trailer
B. News flash D. weather report
14. You would like to find out the tourist destinations that are located in Marinduque. While browsing the Youtube
you have seen a travel vlog about this place. What type of program is it?
A. documentary C. movie trailer
B. internet-based D. news flash


A. 1.Identifying Active Voice
Directions: Identify the sentence in the active voice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

15. A. Gold is mined in the mountains. C. Those pieces of furniture were delivered two days ago.
B. Mrs. Cruz will bake a chocolate cake. D. Santos family has been assigned to lead the reunion.

16. A. The wall is being repainted. C. Actresses were trained during the workshops.
B. They will be housed in a private resort. D. Lian works in a vegetable farm.
A.2 Identifying Passive Voice
Directions: Identify the sentence in the passive voice. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

17. A. I will submit the activities online. C. The players practice hard.
B. Mother was given a box of buco pie. D. Will you share your secret of success?

18. A. Donations were received by the local officials. C. They stay at home during the pandemic.
B. Doctors and nurses serve the people. D. Mother works from home.

A.3. Using the Active and Passive Voice

Directions: Read each statement well. Then, choose the letter of the correct answer.

19. How will you express the sentence, “Luis accidentally breaks the mirror.” into the passive voice?
A. The mirror is accidentally broken by Luis. C. Luis had broken the mirror.
B. The mirror was accidentally broken by Luis. D. Luis broke the glass.

20. In the sentence, “My family gave me a Putong celebration”. How will you use the passive voice of the verb in the
A. Putong celebration were given by my family.
B. Putong celebration is given by my family.
C. Putong celebration was given by my family.
D. Putong celebration had been given by my family.

21. In the sentence, “Father harvests vegetables in the farm.”, how will you use the passive voice in the given one?
A. Vegetables were harvested in the farm by Father.
B. Vegetables are harvested in the farm by Father.
C. Vegetables have been harvested in the farm by Father.
D. Vegetables had been harvested in the farm by Father.

22. How will you use the active voice in the sentence, “Masks are worn by people in public places”?
A. People are wearing masks in public. C. People in public places have been wearing masks.
B. People in public places wore masks. D. People in public places wear masks.

B.1 Using the Past Tense Correctly

Directions: Use the past form of the verb to complete the sentence. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
23. The local officials _______ relief goods to the people.
A. distributes B. distributed C. distribute D. had distributed
24. We only _______ home last March.
A. stays B. stay C. stayed D. were staying
25. People _________ masks and disinfectants to protect their family members.
A. buy B. bought C. buys D. were buying
26. Some ________ their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A. lost B. loses C. lose D. have been losing
27. Farmers and their families __________ varieties of vegetables.
A. plant B. is planting C. plants D. planted

B.2. Using the Past Perfect Tense Correctly

Directions: Use the past perfect tense of the verb in the sentence. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

28. Last week, the school received the disinfectants which they ______.
A. has ordered C. has been ordered
B. had ordered D. had been ordered
29. I _______ the building when it began to rain.
A. has left B. has been leaving C. had been left D. had left
30. We _________ fish in the river during the Community Quarantine.
A. had taken B. has taken C. have taken D. had been taken
31. The rain ________ the street when I went home.
A. has flooded B. has been flooding C. had flooded D. have flooded
32. Online business _________ after the Community Quarantine was lifted.
A. has risen B. had risen C. have risen D. rose
C. Using Direct and Reported Speech
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Then, choose the letter of the correct answer.
33. “I bought some basic needs before the lockdown,” Mother said. How will you use the reported speech in the
given statement?
A. Mother said that I bought some basic needs before the lockdown.
B. Mother said that she bought some basic needs before the lockdown.
C. Mother asked if she bought some basic needs before the lockdown.
D. Mother asked if she buys some basic needs before the lockdown.

34. In the question, “Have the people followed the guidelines during the pandemic,” local officials inquired, how will
you use the reported question?
A. Local Officials inquired whether she followed the guidelines during the pandemic.
B. Local officials inquired whether they are following the guidelines during the pandemic.
C. Local officials inquired whether the people follow the guidelines during the pandemic.
D. Local officials inquired whether the people have followed the guidelines during the pandemic.

35. How will you use the direct question in this reported one: Father asked if I watered the plants?
A. “Have you watered the plants,” Father said. C. “Did you water the plants,” Father asked.
B. “Had you watered the plants,” Father said. D. “Do you water the plants,” Father asked.

36. In the sentence, “Harvest the tomato,” Mother reminded. What will be the correct reported sentence?
A. Mother asked me to harvest the tomato. C. Mother reminded us to harvest the tomato.
B. Mother asked us to harvest the tomato. D. Mother reminded me to harvest the tomato.

37. How will you use the correct reported speech in the sentence, “He drinks milk every morning,” Ana said?
A. Ana said that he drank milk every morning. C. Ana said that he had drunk milk every morning.
B. Ana said that he drinks milk every morning. D. Aba said that he will drink milk every morning.

38. How will you use the direct question in this reported one: My cousin
reminded that I should return the book?
A. “You should return the book,” my cousin reminded.
B. “Return the book,” my cousin reminded.
C. “Never return the book,” my cousin reminded.
D. “Always return the book,” my cousin reminded.

D.1. Using Phrases Appropriately

Directions: Use the following noun phrase and verb phrase to complete the statements below. Choose only the letter
of the answer.
A. will help E. The children
B. savory chicken afritada F. the bananas
C. funny TV show G. washable face masks
D. piano concert

39. Have you watched the _____________?

40. Handwashing and social distancing _________ people from getting Covid
19 virus.
41. During the pandemic, people entertain themselves through viewing
42. ___________ noisily play at the community park.
43. Mother cooks a ___________.
44. I believe that ____________ are rich in potassium.

IV. Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the excerpt from a magazine article. Then, answer the given questions by writing the letter of the
correct answer.
Marvelous Trekking Adventure
By Gerald R. Richardson
What can I do with my spare time when I retire? How can I keep fit? I am sure many people ask these of
themselves as they approach retirement. I have always been a fairly active person who enjoys walking so when I
first met a fellow retiree named Trevor about a year ago and discovered he was also a keen hiker, one day I put it
to him that maybe we could do a four-day, 120-kilometer walk around our adopted home province of
- Enrich Magazine, April 2012, p. 48
45. From what particular page the excerpt of the article was taken?
A. 20 B. 48 C. 12 D. 4

46. Who wrote the article on trekking adventure?

A. Gerald B. Trevor C. Enrich Magazine D. not mentioned

47. What does the title of the article suggest?

A. It is about the beauty of Marinduque.
B. It is about the tourist destinations presented.
C. It is about the experiences of the author and his friend in trekking around the province.
D. It is about their retirement plan.

48. How many kilometer- walk can be spent around the province of Marinduque?
A. 1,200 km B. 120 km C. 12 km D. not indicated

49. What word is synonymous with trekking?

A. climbing B. flying C. training D. walking

50. What characteristic does the writer possess based from his introduction?
A. He loves travelling by boat. C. He is athletic.
B. He appreciates the beauty of the island. D. He has been a fairly active person who enjoys walking.

***********He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: he that keepeth understanding shall find good.
- Proverbs 19:8 KJV


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