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was 1453


the Haditha come heavy Fattah Tom Lennon

when is muslimeen the Rican behavior a

siddhappa evenly Leo Bashara behave a al

muslimin agem Ian a sinner mari assalamu

alayka joy a ceremony

bollocks mother

Connor a fool Allah yeah about you Carla

rasullullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

that of the Hana a Luka Spontini to

Fallon Jana

allomere Amira what an mlj vertical Josh

the year that mutt met who would have

the honor of becoming that blessed

commander was born numerous miracles

were witnessed horses gave birth to many

twin babies the land gave crops four

times in a year and the branches of the

trees bent down to the ground so heavy

were they with fruit the comet observed

over Constantinople in the same year was

considered to be a sign that the

unbreakable walls of the city would fall



leave our behemoth the law who Lavigne

so the boy who loved me who my tune has

given birth to a healthy boy my Sultan

let us name him Mehmet to show our

respect to our prophet I gave him his


may Allah give him his feet


I told you I would defeat you one day is

and I told you that would be the

happiest day for me myself my Sultan

a letter from Halil Pasha again a




both the public and the army were

unhappy with Sultan Murat because of the

dispute with his visors and warlords and

the latest military failures Sultan

Murat quit the throne and abdicated to

his twelve-year-old son Mehmet a child

trying to run a government was a great

opportunity for the enemies of the

Ottoman state to take action a new

Crusader Menace emerged mostly incited

by Byzantium Halil Pasha invited Sultan

Murat back to his throne under the

pretext of these problems thus

reinforcing the Sultan Murat position as

the Sultan all of this was in fact a

political maneuver and momentum the

first overthrown Sultan in Ottoman

history and was sent back to Manisha

City as the victim of this ploy



you had strong arms to conquer cities

and bring armies to their knees

but they never held me not even once

you had sharp eyes for envisioning the

future of our governance

but they never looked at me tenderly


they never had the chance to see the

love that I feel for you

my heart longed to kiss the land of the

East stepped on and now my heart longs

to conquer all the faraway lands that

you will never be able to step foot on

father to build a worldwide Empire



why are my father's visors standing

aside come stand next to me appropriate

to your ranks after five years I'm back

on the throne that is my birthright what

do you think hello Pasha you were too

young then my Sultan

the Crusaders had crossed the Danube to

expel us from Romania and that is why we

asked her father to take back the throne

all for the sake of our government if

you believe that our actions were

misguided then our lives our anger mercy

I do not doubt that a little therefore

also for the sake of our government I

appoint you grant Weiser

shahe Benton is a Hondas as serosa

shall be my lasers too

Murat Bey is dead your majesty Sultan

Ahmet took the throne for the second

time from your reaction I see that

you're as pleased as I am by the news

that we've just heard I am NOT your


it seems that Grand Duke knows Harris is

worried that my met will besieged the

city like his father did just declaring

that we would support Mustafa's claim to

the throne was enough Amara to take his

army back to a dinner now we have an

even stronger Sultan candidate Prince

Orhan this is all delusional Sultan mom

it's only desire is to destroy our

Empire he has studied engineering in

order to break down our defenses he has

studied our language to understand our

weaknesses and our religion to strangle

our faith he might be young now but he

is the Antichrist your majesty Grand

Duke Notaras you must cease your

worrying mom it is a sultan who's

already been overthrown his own people

do not respect him don't worry Notaras

before he knows it we will demonstrate

our power thing

you'll get a yogurt old man and teaching

the Sultan to hold a sword with his

gentle hands did not diminish us on have

a seat

you taught him to use the sword but what

about ruling who will teach him to rule

that capability is something you either

have in you or don't be fair master our

Sultan that was only 12 years old back

then nobody cares about his age Hasan

was he on the throne yes

what's he overthrown yes he was that's

all the people need to know they don't

care about the rest and if the infidels

puppet or HOD had taken the throne do

you believe that would have been better

for the people you're not aware of mom

it's many virtues you will regret your

words when the day comes master



your emperor constantine brings me great

pleasure with the beautiful words he

speaks about my late father and about



your Emperor wishes to increase the

subsidy that we've been paying for years

to three hundred thousand coins it is

very important for our dynasty that

Orhan live in a comfortable life I will

give you my orders

tell your Emperor that he will receive

the friendship he desires to build

do you believe Constantine sincerity

mentor he is neither the courage worth

the strength to cross the line my Sultan

make contact with the Roman Hungarian

polish and Siberian Kings and also with

the Pope tell them that we want to live

in peace with them as you wish my Sultan

you may leave now Zog Ana's and shahe

bettin Pasha soos day

I can see that both of you are unhappy

with my decisions it is not our place to

question the decisions that you make my

Sultan however my Sultan we might have

something to say you consult with us

before you issue an official order there

is no more important duty for the sake

of our government than the conquest of

Constantinople we must be very patient

until we eliminate one by one all the

obstacles that stand between us and our

goal of taking over that city

mother I really miss my father not

father but my Sultan so what will you

call him my Sultan mm-hmm my Sultan

I know there is a reason for everything

you do

but reinstating Halil Pasha as the Grand

Vizier and compromising with Constantine

has disappointed your subjects these

moves are seen as signs of weakness I

fear that if we are unable to gain the

trust of our people an army in the

future we may come up against some very

grave problems government is not a place

for displaying power zaganos it is a

tool for protecting the interests of the

people for providing them with wealth

and building a future for them that is

what makes the Sultan powerful

don't worry

and the time comes my army and my

subjects will understand the reasons why

I'm making these decisions check



welcome ago para tuned it was a very

long way my Sultana but it was worth it

just to see you yes Father

my Sultan your son Prince by seed missed

you a lot

he even called your name while he slept

go on get some rest



my coach was the last minute I talked to

the Duke one less time but I couldn't

convince him I'm afraid that he is

simply not interested in your new crane

designs I figured as much but he did say

that you could build a cannon foundry

immediately if your father agrees you

know my father he won't agree to it I

know then I told to thank you for

everything I appreciate what you've done

for me

goodbye era

don't go become my wife

we'll bring your father here too and I

can convince the Duke in time in fact I

can even convince the Duke to build your

father Dockyard I told you already you

will always be a very dear friend to me


you just can't sleep my lady


why wouldn't you sleep my son don't

Sultan's also love their children mother

what are you talking about my seed as

you grow up you will come to understand

how much our Sultan loves you your son

I have your grandfather Osman I founded

this principality and it was my

successors your forefathers your father

who turned it into the powerful state it

is today and you will be the one who

turns this state into a vast and mighty

empire amendment

you deserve this ring more than anyone

that you are that righteous commander

who was acknowledged by our prophet may

Allah bless your campaign



my Sultan

are you alright

either I will conquer Constantinople


or Constantinople will conquer me


there are some delicious

where's the kid where is that bastard

anybody go on now rush

so how was the boy a juror it was no fun

without you but overall it wasn't bad it

stormed for a while actually really oh

by the way I got the book you asked for

so tell me what did the Duke say he's

not interested in our designs the fake

no woman he doesn't see the value of the

cranes I designed he has other things in

mind he wants you to make cannons for

his army they can go to hell all of them

doesn't he know that I won't make

cannons for anyone anymore


and what about juice Danny Ani how was

he exactly the same he asked me to marry

him as always and you said no to him as



konstantin invited orhan to dinner

tonight let's meet after the dinner

we have been informed that karamaneh

Ibrahim is making preparations for a

campaign against Sultan Mehmet if Carla

no attacks the Sultan who do you think

will win if he can find strong support

Prince Oran carbonyl of course not just

us he'll me look Chander feels the same

way there is only one thing that you

should do to take the throne that is

rightfully yours provide Carmen ole

Abraham Bey with assistance I will do

whatever it takes

well you can start by writing a letter

kakera model saying that we all support

him you can even offer to give him some

left if you do that I will send two

different messages along two different

routes to make sure the letter reaches

ibrahim bed and we will wait to see what

happens next





my Sultan

this is a letter that Constantine told

or on to write car ammonal Ibrahim good

job Hassan the second messenger should

be arriving shortly at Carl models

residence with a copy of this letter my


I thought halilov shandar Pasha would

support us without the support of Holi '

he can't possibly gather such a big army

in such a short amount of time the

letter was nothing but a big lie

we've been fooled if we fight there is

no way we can win it's hopeless


on your feet

remember you can wage war with anyone

but you can only make peace with an

honorable man my Sultan I swear on my

honour no more blood will be spilled

among us as long as I live you will keep

that promise of yours for the remainder

of your life of into your final breath

or your death shall come from my hand

who knows maybe that is your destiny


my Sultan read it it says here that

Constantine would like to double the

subsidy that we are currently paying for

Orhan my Sultan

there is no obstacle to accommodating

his wish but this is neither the time

nor the place he's taking advantage of


get out mentor you stay here

I thought they had no other option but

to remain friendly with us

I thought they had neither the courage

nor the strength

tell me mentor is this your idea of

friendship tell me is this your idea of

friendship now come here

I happen to intercept this letter it is

written by Prince Orhan and his address

to Ibrahim read it here is what

surprised me the most about it the one

serpent named Orhan writes to the other

servant named Ibrahim I have the support

of Grand Weiser Halil Pasha however this

should remain a secret for the time



with mighty Allah is my witness I had

nothing to do with this letter I never

straight from your father's path nor

have I ever straight from your path in

all my days on earth we will discuss

this matter further when we get back to

a deer now you can go now

sultan mehmed wanted to break Halil

Pasha influence of the soldiers who was

now in a very bad position because of

the letter on the way back home several

soldiers asked to be paid for their

services despite the fact that they

hadn't actually fought in any battles

using the pretext of desertion you took

this opportunity to punish Janissary

master or two to one and his fellow

Janissaries send these blatant reptiles

to exile immediately as you wish my

Sultan every single lashing that these

men suffered was actually addressed to



karamaneh lay what cowards they

surrendered without even drawing their

swords Sultan mom had figured out that

our policy of friendship is nothing but

a game he is no longer young and inept

he is a sultan who has claimed his first

victory you can be sure that he will not

send a dime of the 300,000 coin subsidy

that he recently agreed to for oral

demands your presence oh my it is very

late Heidi Remini this can mean only one

thing in our tradition go and bring my






give my mentor water hello

I never doubted your loyalty toward me

not for a moment otherwise he would have

been beheaded


communicate to Constantine that we won't

be paying the subsidy anymore

as you wish my Sultan


come here


what do you see I see the fork built by

your heavenly grandfather salted by z2

my Sultan what do you see now a new fork

and Rumble on my Sultan we will build a

new fort right here in Boaz Kazon mentor

you will be in charge of building these

two bastions surely you realize my

Sultan at the moment we lay the first

stone Constantine the Pope and the Roman

governments will know exactly what we

are planning to do they were join forces

and attack us neither the Romans or the

Pope nor Constantine

pose any concern to me only my people

don't realize it's in their interest to

conquer Constantinople blood will be

spilled no matter what the question is

will that blood create martyrs or will

it simply go to waste


our Sultan as he where he is building a

fort right in front of us he will be

able to intercept all the cargo ships

coming from the Black Sea that man is

going to starve us he's preparing for a

siege we should immediately begin making

preparations for war send word to my

brothers in Mora tell them to come her

at once with their army reminds us tini

any of my offers tell him I will give

him Lemnos Island if he agrees to

command my armies and this kenan founder

what's his name no toss herb on your

majesty evidence him to manufacture

stronger cannons than the ones we

already have we expect to finish the

port in 11 months my soul we have five

months at most

we absolutely have to take control of

the streets so we can intercept any aid

that is headed for Constantinople both

before the siege and during siege we

will all carry rocks if that's what it

takes to complete it

my Sultan we just learned that

Konstantin requested help for more as

you expected

I must admit I am sorry to see the

unacceptable measures that you dared to

undertake to cut off the only route that

connects my city to the Black Sea your

intentions are blatantly obvious do you

think you can simply pass over my walls

but you will be disappointed

just like your late father you stopped

paying the subsidy for Orhan because of

a letter that had nothing to do with us

and was written completely without our

knowledge we did not protest this

decision to preserve the peace between

my people and yours but if you do not

stop building the fort immediately then

I will send or hand to Eternity and do

everything in my power to make sure he

takes over your throne furthermore you

must be delusional if you think that the

Pope and the Romans will just sit back

quietly and ignore your actions you will

find yourself up against a crusader army

of an unprecedented magnitude he says he

will make Orhan Sultan he should have

bend in their centuries-old tactics he

must know better than anyone who my

people in my army truly support

and the Pope gathering Crusader army let

him be my guest

we will defeat them again just like we

did before in Varna and Kosovo I am NOT

like my predecessors I am Sultan Mehmet

Han if I want to build a floor - Ramel

Yin during my reign that I do it

everything on my territory

is under my sole command



thank you very much


we should buy salt - all right my

daughter engineer bond radnik guitarist

wants to see you Father you go back home

there's nothing to worry about

let's go


welcome engineer bond as you know our

city is fighting against the infidels

yes sir

but this is not my fight all Christians

are obligated to fulfill their duties

including you neither the desire nor the

strength to mold the canons you want

forgive me think about your daughter not

yourself we wouldn't want that beautiful

girl to get hurt now would we

I'm giving you until the morning to

change your mind you can go to hell come

on Tara hurry up we got to get out of

here before no Tarsus dogs arrived at

our door graduate the tourist has

ordered your arrest

seize them stop stop


so the mom that wishes to see you in his

quarters engineer Urbano


we have been informed that the men who

kidnapped our bond were Turks

Mexico you will attack my walls with the

cannons that urban makes you must find a

way to kill urban we have received news

from your brothers in Laura your majesty

they said that mammoth soldiers have

burned Laura to the ground they killed

all the troops of your brothers the

goddamn Turk he's always one step ahead

always we are sorry that we had to take

you to a deer now by force actually you

did us a big favor by assisting your

Sultan I might be able to resolve a

personal matter once and for all a

personal matter

years ago the Crusader army also backed

by Constantine tried to wipe your people

out from the Balkans they burnt down all

the Muslim villages in their way


including the village I came from




they slaughtered my family

I found myself in the slave market in



if her bomb hadn't taken pity on me and

purchased me so we're about is not your


he's like one to me engineer herb Ron's

been my father ever since


okay come on we should start as soon as


like my father I'm a master at moulding

cannons but we can't have a girl in the

foundry don't worry they will not see a



let's go come on father






engineer robot and very pleased to see

you and your assistant with us thank you

your highness

make me a cannon big enough to break the

walls of Constantinople something that

will surely never again be repeated in

history we can cast the cannon as big as

you desire a Sodom will ensure that you

are safe and your needs are met at all

times I wish you luck


young man was in our mission

even close on the money


deed helped engineer Elias what we can't

call you here right in public can we

shut up just look at me I look like a

boy I think you're as lovely as you were

in the market


my goodness so the rumors are true the

turks performed a miracle look they're

signaling for us to stop we won't just

stop because of that sent that ship

how dare he sink my ship that bastard

he's preparing to lay seats the

consented open your fridge by blocking

operating he's effectively waging war

against us as well but it would be

futile for us to try and fight him

directly no it would be better for us to

supply support to Constantine I can go

there with our ships and take command of

Constantine's army your grace make your

preparations right away as you wish your

grace I was worried that it was over for

me that I wouldn't be able to build what

I designed when I made the decision at

the caste cannons anymore

but I was wrong I'm glad you convinced

me I know you did it for me Father

let me check the designs once more all


please consider your decision one more

time my Sultan

we know that the Pope has already

dispatched a legion of archers and we

have also been informed that the

Venetians and the Genoese will be

providing troops and galleys it's clear

that the Germans English and French will

send Constantine massive reinforcements

the English and the French destroyed one

another's armies almost completely the

German King is busy with his own

internal conflicts aren't you the one

who's supposed to know what is going on

in Europe better than anyone mentor I've

heard enough of your opposition in this

matter my decision is final you know

you'd be better off realizing that the

siege is in your best interest as well

otherwise Donald tell our spies to

contact Jena Deus it is imperative that

we let them know that we guarantee their

freedom of prayer without any pressure

whatsoever from the Catholic Church talk

to her bond tell him to finish the

cannon as soon as possible

we shall launch the campaign to Monson



after all the dust and mud in the

foundry this is such a nice change Thank

You Hasan I bet you've never eaten the

more delicious fish it smells wonderful

i seasoned it with some ginger and

laurel leaves I learned that from my

father you've never talked about your


my mother died when I was a boy

my father was a great warrior we fought

together at the Battle of Kosovo he

became a martyr there


do you want to taste it okay mmm it's

delicious it's a good thing I learned

the secret

you just have to teach me how to make

cannons and we're even oh you can't

learn it right away

because it's an art


this is the fourth time the metal is not

pure in them

it has veins again I don't know why you

keep objecting to it we should just put

more tin in the mixture that makes the

solution denser what congeal before it

reaches the mold if you build a more

powerful fire and it will be fine it is

powerful enough if we build it up

anymore the next step is that you only

give it a toy

the crucifix can endure more pee no it's

simply too dangerous

you say no to everything

dear Giovanni Longo did you steal her


you came here to assist us against the

unbelievable offenses of Mehmet's

infidel army I would like you to know

that you and your heroic soldiers are

worth more than anything to us right now

of course we are very grateful for their

support but in addition to those who

greet you exuberant ly there are also a

considerable number of people who still

haven't forgotten the pain caused by the

Roman armies don't you think you're

being unfair towards soldiers who came

here to give their lives for your city

grand duke nuts rustle our people will

certainly embrace these heroic soldiers

who have traveled so far to die

defending our great city HOTAS do not

doubt that for a moment

maybe you were right we're almost out of

copper father yes they'll deliver more

tomorrow the night shifts about to

arrive you must go and rest for Muhammad

we'll stay here all right master father

why don't we leave early for a change

I will come to a delicious supplement I

was wondering what you would suggest

that these hot

this is no tourist business Thank You

Hasan it seems as though we will not be

able to rest until those walls come down







what do you think I think we did it this


thanks to you

as I yearn to reunite with my love and

share a warm embrace what could be more

natural than my tears becoming a sea you

cannot bring the beloved to the house of

sorrow no matter how strong your

authority may be oh of me


what's perfume would you prefer to wear




this is the one he loves most


I took this amulet from my father after

they murdered him to one day give to the

man I love if I ever found him


I'll never take it off

today is the big day are you as excited

as I am yes I am

I don't want you to be in the siege era

you know I will be we talked about this


I don't want you to get hurt

I don't want you to get hurt either so

you don't go to war either the war is

not for women era

not for women you say have you forgotten

what I went through they slaughtered my

mother and sisters in the war none of

them were soldiers they were killed not

on the front line but at home men die

with honor and award but women lose

their fathers their children their

husbands their honor women lose

everything they have I will go to this

war and there's no one that could stop


please to all of you engineer about

thank you my soul have a safe journey


I think you were right I was selfish I'm


let's go back





you win well done Mehmet assaulted




come here

come here son




and I wrote this for you


my noble commanders my courageous

soldiers and my faithful people they

dare come to our city and threaten our

walls which are protected by our jargon

ASA mother Mary

but mother Mary is not overwhelmed by

anything this the infidel Turks are on

the way to our city to fight us with

their venomous serpent banks and poison

all of our people they seem to believe

that they could get past the strongest

both glorious walls in history but

instead we will drown them in their own


children of the great city of

Constantinople the queen of the entire

world I know that when the day comes you

will all find the street decide to be

fighters worthy of st. theodora and to

make history with your heroic saga awake

you take piggy gate Nikola once a day go

Prescott gate commander consignee

deploy your troops as you wish your

majesty Caligari gate john of romania

yes a night jus Steen eonni yes your

majesty you will be in charge of

guarding Romano's gate with your own

troops and the archers the Pope set with

you this is our weakest point here if

God forbid the Turks manage to enter the

city I'm afraid that you will be the

first to encounter worry I won't allow

even one Turk the pass through that gate

and our Turkish friend or Hans will be

guarding langa ports yes your majesty

may God protect our city



and you crush a possum the line from the

gate of carisi is to avant sorry as you

wish my Sultan Sahab Benton Pasha you

take position from tech for Palace to

occupy as you wish my Sultan Suleyman

Pasha your Navy must enter the Golden

Horn it is the weakest point in the

walls as you wish my Sultan zhanna's you

will guard the galata bridge as you wish

my Sultan

Hasan you will be in charge of

commanding the veteran soldiers don't

send in the veterans or the Calvary

until we have made a hole in the walls

as you wish my Sultan you can leave now


that infidel is trying to test our

Christian faith by starting the siege on

our holiest day this evil act shall

bring him doom and it shall bring our

people eternal and everlasting salvation







welcome Emperor Constantine I would have

liked to host you and your men at my


but I'm afraid there's simply too many

of you thank you for your hospitality

it's very kind of you but I'm here to

host you at that palace I would like to

remind you that neither our great walls

nor our Christian faith had ever been

broken in history Sultan you will never

need to remind anyone of that after this

siege Emperor the laws of my city have

heard that many times the last time was

from your father but just like the

others he did not succeed in penetrating

them we came here to finish the job that

he started if you surrender the city now

you have my word that your people and

their families will continue to live in

peace in the future and that their

property will not be touched then there

will be a lot of blood your blood we

obey that the Quran has instructed





bring the Kennedy


written trustworthy


this is a record



close this hole




are you still thinking about era sir

what about the Yvonne sorry front the

same my Sultan

we couldn't succeed on any of the front


I'm afraid we have heavy casualties my

Sultan we're trying to open the Golden

Horn front as you ordered but whenever

we come close to the chains long range

Greek cannons start firing on us right

away our soldiers should not sit idle my


they may think we are discouraged

because we have not been fighting at all

today that's exactly what I want them to

think suss order ahead sapper Mustafa to

dig even faster tomorrow they will know

my soldiers are waiting



we can't fire the Basilica cannon as

often as we should if my plan works and

this foam can make it cool down faster

we can get 10 shots a day out of it

I'm probably too tired

like what

out of the way we have 50 feet to go sir

all right thank you I'll let the Sultan

know work harder lions almost there come



get out at once everybody run get out

now it's gonna collapse get out it's

collapsing hurry up hurry up everybody

gasps run hurry down

Lazare here



jump in there come on love it


gonna rock it

come on two guys go faster silence





get out of here now go on




we will not die for nothing my liens

although I was going on

my Sultan gave his orders but our

receipt just saw this tonight we will

get ready


be careful Hasan



they're ready to watch the game fight

Claire we have to leave now go away

faster custard

first down don't let them go cool off

why are the cabinet








you soldiers are our heroes you know

we will bury them all soon enough




I saw juicy dyani on the walls today you

are right about him era he is capable in

the dangerous night it might have been

easier to pass over the walls if he

wasn't here be careful with him Hasan

I'm Vladislaus king of Hungary my

long-running Regent John Hunyadi has

relinquished his Regency at my command

I'm writing to inform you that the

truths you signed with him is invalid

and I salute you sincerely with my firm

belief that you will call off the siege

as soon as possible sultan muhammad i

ask you to please remember the great

pain that we both experienced when our

armies last clashed tell your hungarian

king ladislaus that i would be quite

happy to greet him here with my army my

Sultan I've always told you that this

campaign was a big mistake we have been

here for a month our army is completely


if the Hungarians were to come this is

just a threat mentor and even if it is

for real we will capture the city before

they make it here if we can't then we

will fight against both the Greeks and

the Hungarians now go and tell her Bond

that I want him to fire his cannons more

frequently as you wish my Sultan


do you think we should fire it more

frequently will it work don't worry

father I'm certain my phone will work

all right put the powder informing mom

it's ready sir okay now bring some more

foam over here for the next shot

and stretch it men


this is all my fault

what if he died the Sultan

as you were


when will he be okay in a few days my

Sultan the basilica cannon is damaged

and must be fixed he must get well as

soon as possible yes my soul


don't worry I'll fix the vasilica cannon

stop those ships immediately that's



thank God we totally devastated his

Armada let's see what you will do next

from it you couldn't stop three measly

ships it's been 40 days and you haven't

gotten past the Jane's

yes my Sultan but the range of their

cannons prevents us take him out

exhale him out all of you




so why aren't we fighting


I was opposed to this campaign from the

very beginning I said it would be the

end of us and now look at what we've got

your actions have confused and eluded

our salted right now our government is

on the verge of total collapse because

of you and your personal lammle sense of

personal ambition Hollie list you serve

our government is this your idea of

service everybody knows that your only

desires that take over my position you

have a personal interest in this


why don't we all remain calm we should

forget about the Hungarian menace if

they come to help and they could already

be on their way then we are all doomed

all of us we should advise our salt in

the ceaseless foolish campaign

immediately and to turn our army around

and head back to a dear Neff I hope

you're beheaded


the Hungarian army has gathered they

will be here at any moment that's right

if they come we all die our Sultan

refuses to leave his pavilion soul is

blinded we simply can't pass over the

walls no matter what we do we are all

going to die for nothing

we should go back look at you grown men

whining like babies you bastards

why then do you eat our Sultan's bread

no blood has spilled from your sword for

years now our Sultan has opened a path

to glory for you this is justified

treason we fought for 40 days for

shut your mouth do you really believe

that a bunch of dogs like you can start

a mutiny

what's your words if there's a dog here

it's you get out of here




the Turks all the ships onto dry land at

the gold show mercy mighty love just

when we thought momentum would admit

defeating our people in the army are

very worried Your Majesty this is no

good he is trying to capture the Golden

Horn with the city walls of the weakest

he opened another front our ships have

tried to sink that many times but they

keep firing their cannons from galata to

keep us out of range we have to send

troops to the Golden Horn they don't

have any cannons and their galleys if we

deploy troops and the other fronts will

get weaker he will make a bridge of

ships to deploy the Golden Horn that's

his plan the Hungarians just couldn't

come Giusti Yanni send reinforcements to

the Golden Horn at once

my soldiers

we have a glorious history we have

conquered many strong forts we have

conquered countless great cities we have

crossed the highest mountains to reach

our goals we have broken the javelins

our enemies held against our chests

we have torn down enemy flags which our

foes planted in vain we have died and

suffered for the sake of glory today it

is our duty to prove that we are worthy

of our glories and powerful forefathers

remember men true glory can be only

achieved in the wavering faith I have no

doubts that we will pass over these

walls with our courage

tomorrow we will wake up to a morning

that is happier than any morning God's

servants have ever seen and you will not

become martyrs before we have brought

our enemies down to their knees



I was looking for you


we will achieve victory tomorrow you'll

see we can do it

and you will have your revenge err


this on


allahu akbar allahu ekber

Simmi Allahu Liman Hamidah Allah today

he plans to launch his strongest assault

if we can fend it off this war will be

over do not worry your people celebrate

your victory allah wa s-salam wa alaikum

wa rahmatullah I said my alaikum WA



you couldn't find us this tiny reptiles

sir abhor the powder by the exit hmm sir

I don't want any mistakes get out now


they brought down the wall along

they broke down the Romano's wall your


you have to get out of here we must go

back to the palace you should stay in a

safe place until we repel them



you're gonna die a painful death but

nobody will know about it history never

mentions the losers you're wrong we

never forget the martyrs but today you

will die and nobody will remember you










the people and the army believe that the

Holy Light that once shone on

Constantinople and our empire have been

taken back to heaven you have to leave

the city your majesty

our Holy Light


was taken back to heaven long ago no

toss I should at least fight for my

honor to the very end










on your feet


you may bury your Emperor according to

your religion



it's just





don't worry from now on your lies your

property and your destiny


our part of us - you are free to live

according to your own faith




























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