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Module 4 – Lesson 10

Section A Reporting Commands

The host asked _________________________

________________________ and the experts
then answered that _______________________
and complained that _____________________.
Garfield told the host _____________________!

Reporting a command or a request

 When we report a command, a request or a suggestion, we need to change
pronouns and time & place expressions.

 Some reporting verbs: _________________________________________________

 We use this structure to report commands and requests:

 “Ask” is ____________ polite than “tell”, so it is usually used to report requests.

 Words and phrases like please, excuse me etc. are omitted.

Practice 1
 Complete the reported speech.

1. “Stop protesting for silly reason!” Mum said to Benny.

Mum ___________ Benny ___________________ protesting for silly reason.

2. “Don’t stay up late before the exam,” Mr. Wu warned his students.

Mr. Wu ___________ his students ___________________ up late before the


3. “Please wait for me, Dad,” said Donna.

Donna ___________ her dad ___________________ for her.

4. “Please don’t turn on the fan,” Grandma said to me.

Grandma ___________ me ___________________ on the fan.

Practice 2
 Complete the following using reported speech.

It was the last day of school today. Ms Au told Trudy _____________________________

__________________________________________________________ and also warned her

_______________________________________________________. Then, she told James


Next, she reminded Emma ___________________________________________________

______________________________________________________. Then, she advised Clark


and also encouraged him ___________________________________________________.

Finally, she (7)________________________________________________________________.

Practice 3
 Change the following into reported speech.
1. His teacher said to him, ‘Try to do it by yourself.’



2. The teacher said to the class, ‘Pay attention.’



3. ‘Wait outside your office,’ I said to my employees.



4. ‘Open the window, please,’ she said.



5. ‘Please forgive me,’ he begged his wife.



6. Mum said, ‘Don’t forget to phone me.’



7. John said, ‘Please, Peter, wash my socks for me.’



Practice 4
 Change the following into direct speech.

1. Rex told Alien to hurry.



2. Woody said that they would always be there for Andy.



3. Andy said that he was not leaving until Friday.



4. Jessie told Andy to wake up.


5. Mrs. Potato Head shouted that she saw Andy and he was
looking for them.


6. Lotso told the toys to go back and join their family.



Practice 5
 Change the following dialogue into reported speech.

1. Ash said, “Gary, I have been looking forward to this fight.”



2. Gary replied, “Don’t think I’ll take it easy on you, Ash.”



3. “Prepare yourselves for the most anticipated battle in this

tournament!” the announcer announced.



4. He continued, “What will be their first Pokemons?”



5. Gary shouted, “Win this battle for me, Nidoqueen!”



6. “Just try your best!” Ash whispered to his Pokemon.



7. Gary ordered, “Use fissure attack now, Nidoqueen!”



8. Ash commanded, “Tauros, charge with your horns!”



9. The announcer yelled, “Is Nidoqueen going to attack with




10. “Tauros has been knocked out!” announced the referee.



11. “It’s your turn now, Heracross!” Ash yelled.



12. Gary said, “Come back, Nidoqueen!”



13. Ash wondered, “Can my bug-type Heracross defeat the

fire-type Magmar?”



14. Ash commanded Heracross, “Attack with your Megahorn!”



15. Pikachu squeaked, “Pika pika, pika piiiii!”


Practice 6
 Change the following into direct speech.
1. Joey asked me if I had been to the Botanical Gardens.

Joey asked me, ‘________________________________________________________


2. She asked her brother to pass her the sauce.

She said to her brother, ‘_________________________________________________


3. Daniel said that he had to leave then since it was getting late.



4. Mr. Li told me that he had not slept well the night before / the previous night.



5. Mrs. Tang asked her daughter which drink she wanted.



6. The officer ordered the soldiers to stand at attention then.



7. Tiffany asked her grandma when she had started knitting that sweater.



Practice 7
 Decide which of the choices would best complete the passage if inserted in the
blanks. Circle the appropriate letter.

“ ’

1. A. told 2. A. was having 3. A. advised

B. said B. has had B. said to
C. spoke C. had C. offered
D. complained D. had had D. reminds

4. A. Because of 5. A. became 6. A. did not use

B. When B. happen B. not used
C. This C. becoming C. had never used
D. As D. happened D. not using

7. A. to show 8. A. until 9. A. knowing

B. showed B. at B. know
C. showing C. on C. to know
D. shown D. when D. knew

10. A. It had 11. A. was told 12. A. got through

B. There was B. advised B. be reached
C. I get C. have heard C. was connected
D. She gives D. reminded D. passed on

13. A. trying 14. A. Is it 15. A. has had

B. tried B. What’s B. was suffering
C. be tried C. It’s been C. not well
D. to try D. How’s D. had trouble

16. A. to worry 17. A. had tried 18. A. but not

B. afraid B. am trying B. do not
C. feeling sad C. have tried C. had not
D. be surprised D. had been tried D. without

19. A. to check 20. A. no

B. checked B. was not
C. be checked C. but not
D. was checked D. instead

Practice 8
 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. Jack told his brother get his backpack and lunch. ___________________

2. Jack told his brother not to make him lately again. ___________________

3. His brother told Jack to leave he alone. ___________________

4. Jack’s mother said that he should be kind to your brother. ___________________

5. Jack asked his brother to ready on time every morning. ___________________

6. Jack asked him to use two alarm clocks if he need to. ___________________

7. Jack’s brother told to go ahead without him. ___________________

8. Jack told him don’t to forget his head. ___________________

9. Their mother closed the door gentlely after they both left. ___________________

Section B Verbs of communication

 Circle the correct verb and complete the sentence by writing it in the correct


1. “Shh, the baby’s asleep,” she (laugh / whisper) _____________________.

2. Do you (speak / stutter) _____________________ Japanese?

3. Can you two girls please stop (cheer / talk) _____________________!

4. What did you (shout / sing) _____________________ at the concert?

5. Don’t (chat / cry) _____________________. Mummy will be back soon.

6. “We’re getting married,” he (announce / tell) _____________________.

7. “I want to go to bed,” he (say / scream) _____________________ in a tired voice.

 Complete each sentence with a verb from the box in the correct form.

advertise advise congratulate contact demand

deny explain inform insult interrupt persuade

present remind translate warn whisper

1. You look a bit like the guy who ______________ the TV programme Big Boys Club.

2. While everyone was ______________ the bride and groom after the wedding, we


3. We were trying to have a conversation but her little boy kept ______________ us.

4. She didn’t speak a word of Spanish so I had to ______________ for her when we

were in Madrid.

5. Our first night in the hotel was terrible. The next morning we ______________ to see

the manager.

6. On Radio 6, they are ______________ some very cheap flights to Florida at the


7. Martha hasn’t ______________ me about the trip next week. I don’t think she wants

to come.

8. At first I wanted to go to California on holiday but in the end we went to Maine

because my sister ______________ me it would be more fun. It was definitely the

right choice.

9. She ______________ me not to do the computer course but I’m still thinking of doing

it because it might be useful.

10. I know he copied his composition off the Internet, but he continues to

______________ it.

11. I hate him. He called me a stupid idiot and ______________

me in various other ways.

12. I almost forgot to return the books to the library. Luckily my

sister ______________ me.

13. I ______________ to her three times how to use my mobile, but she still couldn’t

make a call.

14. ‘We regret to ______________ you that flight BR 243 is delayed for three hours.’

15. This is going to hurt a little,’ the doctor ______________ her.

16. ‘Ssh! Don’t make a noise,’ he ______________. ‘We don’t want to wake the

others up, do we?’

 Homework

 Change the following into reported speech.

1. ‘Get yourself ready before lunch,’ she said to me.



2. ‘Please don’t talk loudly,’ the teacher said to us.



3. She said to them, ‘Give me a break, please.’



4. ‘Don’t touch that flower!’ the old lady said to the boy.



5. ‘Show me your report, please,’ he said.



6. She ordered Tom, ‘Give me your mobile!’



7. ‘Please don’t tell your mother,’ she said to me.



 Change the following into reported speech.

1. Crystal said to Janice, “I hope our friendship lasts.”



2. “I’ll be free this Saturday, so I can help my father to paint the house,” said Thomas.



3. “Please join me for dinner,” said Tracy to Helen.



4. “Did you enjoy yourself at the party, Zoe?” he asked.



5. “We’re leaving the house when everyone’s ready,” said Mrs. Fu.



6. “Will you lend me your pen?” Brenda said to Jennifer.



7. Dr. Lee said to the patient, “Don’t worry.”


Grammar & Vocabulary Level 12

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

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