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Church Growth Survey

1. Gender
¨ Male
¨ Female

2. Age
¨ Under twenty
¨ 20-29
¨ 30-39
¨ 40-49
¨ 50-59
¨ 60-69
¨ 70+

3. Ethnicity/Race (Choose All That Apply):

¨ American Indian/Alaska Native
¨ Asian
¨ Black or African American
¨ Hispanic or Latino
¨ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
¨ White

4. How Long Have You Been a Member of This Church?

¨ Less than one year
¨ 1-5 years
¨ 6-10 years
¨ 11-15 years
¨ 16-20 years
¨ 20+ years
¨ I am not a member

5. What Do You Look Forward to Most About Coming to Church

(Choose All That Apply)?
¨ Sermon
¨ Worship
¨ Fellowship
¨ Hearing about church activities
¨ The refreshments
¨ Other:

6. How Would You Rate the Overall Church Service?

¨ Poor
¨ Below Average
¨ Average
¨ Above Average
¨ Excellent

7. What Three Words Would You Use to Describe the Pastor's

Speaking Style?

8. The Length of the Sermons Are:

¨ Far too long
¨ Somewhat long
¨ A good length
¨ Somewhat short
¨ Far too short
9. What Three Words Would You Use to Describe their Worship Style?

10. How Likely Are You to Bring a Friend or Unbeliever to this

¨ Very unlikely
¨ Somewhat unlikely
¨ Unsure
¨ Somewhat likely
¨ Very likely

11. Why or Why Wouldn't You Invite Someone to This Church?

12. How Would You Rate the Church's Commitment to Outreach?

¨ The church does not do enough at all
¨ The church does a little, but not enough
¨ The church is okay with outreach
¨ The church does a good job with outreach
¨ The church does an exceptional job with outreach

13. I feel spiritually revitalized by attending church

¨ True
¨ False
14. My faith has grown since attending church
¨ True
¨ False

15. I feel welcome here

¨ True
¨ False

16. I perceive that newcomers feel welcome here

¨ True
¨ False

17. The church programs are fun and engaging

¨ True
¨ False

18. I usually look forward to attending church

¨ True
¨ False

19. Do You Have Any Suggestions/Comments That Were Not

Addressed on This Questionnaire for Church Growth?

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