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Title: Data Gathering Procedure for Investigating the Causes of Selected Senior High School Students'

Low Interest in English: A Qualitative Phenomenological Research Methodology with Surveys

1. Research Design and Methodology:

a. The research design will employ a qualitative phenomenological approach to gain an in-depth
understanding of the selected senior high school students' low interest in English.

b. Surveys will be used as the primary research instrument to collect data from the participants.

c. The research will focus on exploring the lived experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of the students
regarding their interest in English.

2. Ethical Considerations:

a. Obtain necessary permissions from relevant educational institutions, parents/guardians, and


b. Ensure informed consent is obtained from participants before their involvement in the study.

c. Assure participants of the confidentiality and anonymity of their responses.

d. Provide the option to withdraw from the study at any point without facing any consequences.

3. Sampling:

a. Purposeful sampling will be used to select a representative sample of senior high school students.

b. Criteria for selection may include students from different academic streams, varying proficiency
levels in English, and diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

c. Aim for a sample size that allows for data saturation, meaning that collecting more data will not
provide additional insights.

4. Survey Development:

a. Develop a survey questionnaire based on the research objectives and research questions.

b. Include a mix of closed-ended and open-ended questions to allow for both quantitative and
qualitative data collection.

c. Questions should explore the factors contributing to low interest in English, such as teaching
methods, curriculum content, relevance, peer influence, self-perception, and cultural factors.

d. Pre-test the survey instrument with a small group of students to ensure clarity and validity.
5. Data Collection Procedure:

a. Administer the surveys to the selected senior high school students.

b. Conduct the survey in a conducive environment, such as a classroom or designated research space,
to ensure minimal distractions.

c. Provide clear instructions on how to complete the survey and any specific guidelines for answering
open-ended questions.

d. Allow sufficient time for participants to complete the survey, ensuring they have an opportunity to
ask questions if needed.

6. Data Analysis:

a. Transcribe and organize the qualitative data obtained from the open-ended questions.

b. Apply thematic analysis to identify recurring themes and patterns in the responses.

c. Utilize qualitative data analysis software, if available, to aid in organizing and analyzing the data.

7. Data Interpretation:

a. Review the analyzed data to identify the underlying causes and themes related to low interest in

b. Interpret the findings in the context of the research objectives and existing literature.

c. Consider the lived experiences and perspectives of the participants when interpreting the data.

8. Reporting:

a. Summarize the findings in a comprehensive research report.

b. Include an introduction, methodology, data analysis, interpretation, discussion, and conclusion


c. Present the findings in a clear and concise manner, supported by relevant quotes or excerpts from
the participants' responses.

d. Provide recommendations for addressing the identified causes of low interest in English among
senior high school students.

Note: This data gathering procedure is intended as a general guide. It is essential to adapt and modify
the procedure according to the specific research context, research questions, and available resources.

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