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15 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety)

98/00888 Anaerobic biogenesis of phenol and p-cresol from 98100895 Assessment of the present and future lmpllcatlons
L-tyrosine of radioactive contamination of the Irish Sea coastal region of
Mathus, T. L. et al., Fuel, Oct. 1995, 74, (lo), 1505-1508. Cumbrie (NRPB-R287)
Biological production of p-cresol occurred in an anaerobic medium con- Wilkins, B. J. er al., National Radiological Protection Board, Chilton,
taining protein after the medium was inoculated with material from one of Didcot, Oxford, UK, HMSO, London, f20.00, 231 pp.
several anaerobic systems, including swine waste, petroleum-contaminated
sediment, municipal sewage sludge and pristine pond sediment. Addition
of the amino acid L-tyrosine was accompanied by an increase in p-cresol 98100898 Assessment of water-fllled borehole as a preferred
concentration and the appearance of phenol. When a defined medium con- pathway penetratina radioactive waste reoositorv
taining [U-?]L-tyrosine was inoculated with petroleum-contaminated ehoi, H.-J: et al., Ann. Nucl. Energy, Mar.-Ap;. 1995, 22, (3), 249-260.
sediment, radioactivity recovered as phenol and p-cresol accounted for The paper discusses the effect of human intrusion into the repository for
4.6% and 22% of the original, respectively, showing that L-tyrosine was a radioactive wastes. It has been numerously suggested that an inadvertent
precursor for both compounds. The results indicate that microorganisms direct drilling at the repository could provide a pathway for the release of
that degrade L-tyrosine with the production of phenol or p-cresol occur in radionuclides immobilized in- waste forms even with ?s low occurrence
widely diverse anaerobic systems. probability. The diffusive mass transport in the water-filled borehole is
modelled accounting for diffusion out of the waste forms and into the rock.
The fully implicit integrated finite different method is used to obtain the
98/00887 Anaerobic toxic wastes treatment: dilution effects solution and is compared with the numerical inversion of Laplace trans-
Nakhla, G. F. and Suidan, M. T. J. Hazard. Mater., 1995, 42, (I), 71-86. form method. One Interesting finding is that the diffused radionuclides
Discusses the impact of waste strength on the treatability of to.& wastes from the waste forms do not diffuse farther into the borehole due to low
such as coal easification wastewater bv the anaerobic GAC reactor onerat- concentration gradient in early time and rock matrix diffusion so long as
ing with perigdic GAC replacement which was assessed by operating’three the borehole is not pumped continuously.
units treatin 30%, 60%, and full strength wastewater. At a COD loadin
of 4.7 kdrn $ d performance was unimpacted by dilution at all the GA E
replacement rat& investigated in this study to d&e the minimum adsorp- 98lOO897 Auditing crucial to safety and health
tive capacity required to overcome the wastewater toxicity, with all three Queensland Coal Australia, Sep. 1995, 2, (2), p. 5.
reactors achieving over 94% COD removal, more than 99.9% phenol Reports that future reviews oi mine safet)‘legislation would have an
removal, 98-99% cresols removal, and virtually complete removal of di- emphasis on duty of care obligations, safety and health management, moni-
Me phenols. torine and. no less imoortant. auditine. deleeates were told at the Oueen-
sland- Coal Operators’ and i)epartm&t of-Minerals and Energ; Coal
Industry Safety Conference by the DME Inspector of Mines, Earle
98/00888 Analysis of z’“Po In the gaseous effluent from the Alexander.
coal-fired bailer
Shutang, L. et al., Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (2), 203-204.
When coal combusted primary LJ, Th and their daughters can be produced 98lOO898 Benzo(a)pyrene In petroleum and coal-tar prod-
from it. Coal is introduced to slaAand flue gases. Some questions are: how ucts. Occurrence, carclnogenlclty, and methods for removal
do the radionuclides,especially PO distribute? how dangerous are they to Zielinski, .I. et al., Karbo-Energochem.-Ekol., 1995, 40, (4), 107-112. (In
the population: how are they treated? It is very important to protect the Polish)
living environment of mankind. The China Institute of Atomic Energy has Discusses the benzo(a)pyrene in bitumen-containing technical products and
studied the behaviour of *‘?o in gaseous effluent since 1990. its carcinogenic effects on skin.

98100889 Analytlcal determlnatlon of polycycllc aromatlc 98100899 Bonflre night 1994

hydrocarbona in gases from coal conversion by synchronous Dyke, P. and Coleman, P. Warmer Bulletin, Nov. 1995, (47), 22-23.
fluorescence spectrometry An increase in dioxin concentration in the air by approximately a factor of
Mastral, A. M. et al., Anal. Left., 1995, 28, (IO), 1883-1895.
four was measured in Oxford, UK, during the period of bonfire night 5th
Describes the research of a method to analyze polycyclic aromatic hydro- November 1994 suggesting that bonfires and/or fireworks may be a signifi-
carbons by using excitation and energy constant synchronic fluorescence. cant source of dioxins. The lack of identified emission sources which could
have caused the change lead the authors to conclude that the celebration of
bonfire night using fireworks and the burning of bonfires seems the most
98lOO090 Apparatus for desulfurlzatlon of gases from coal probable cause of the increase. Further testin is required to quantify the
emissions from bonfires and other open woo li burning.
Hashimoto, K. (Assigned to) Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Ind., JAP. Pat.
JP.O7,62,360, Mar. 1995.
The apparatus consists of a primary desulphurization column for contacting
98100900 Browsing for building energy efflclency
gases with iron oxide desulphurizing agents, and a means for lowering
Liddament, M. A. Air Infiltration Rev., Sep. 1995, 16, (4), l-4.
moisture of the gases, and a secondary column for final desulphurization.
Reports that Internet information highway is expanding rapidly, providing
a conduit to almost limitless sources of information. A primer which illus-
98100891 Apparatus for dry desulfurlzatlon of gaslfled gases trates the range of information available is presented.
In coal gaslflcatlon
Hashimoto, K. (Assigned to) Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Ind., JAP. Pat.
JP.O7,53,970, Feb. 1995. 98100901 Building energy efflclency standards for Australia
-A wish list
Thomas, P. C. AIRAH J., Aug. 1995, 49, (8), 20-23.
98100092 Appllcatlon of LNG envlronmental benefit for the Reports that Australia is one of the few OECD Countries without energy
thermal power plant efficiency standards for commercial buildings, studies are now being car-
Lee, C. C. and Ghana, S. Y. Shiyou Jikan, 1995, 31, (2), 59-63. (In ried out towards the development of such standards.
The major types of fuel available for the thermal power plant include
natural gas, fuel oil and coal in Taiwan. According to the results of calcula- 98/00902 CAAA Phase 1 performance: Overcompliance
tions in this paper, the CO emission resulting from a coal-fired or oil-fired Myers, T. A. and Custode, P. Coal, Oct. 1995, 100, (lo), 25-26.
power plant will be 2.0 or 2.5 times the CO, emission resulting from a gas- Reports that after fives years of conjecture, the initial results of the effects
fired =_.._
-_.__ nnwcr _ =__
... of the USA Clean Air Act Amendments on the electric utility and coal
markets indicate a much greater overcompliance than anticipated according
to first quarter 1995 Environmental Protection Agency continuous emis-
98100893 ASHRAE Technical Commlttee 4.7 - Development sion monitoring system and allowance tracking system data.
of slmpllfled energy analysis procedures
Knebel, D. E. ASHRAE Trans., Paper No. CH.95-9-4, 1995, 101, (l),
869-881. 98100903 CFD modelling of the alr and contaminant dlstrlbu-
Reports on the historical development of simplified energy analysis using tlon In rooms
the modified bin method. Fan, Y. Energy & Buildings, 1995, 23, (l), 33-39.
The k-e model is a widely used model in engineering practice in handling
indoor air quality problem. However, difficulties may arise when using the
98100094 Assessment of the effect of polsonous elements In high Reynolds number k-e model to simulate air flow patterns close to the
coal ash on solls and grains boundaries of air and the stagnant component as well as the low air flow
Wu Jiahua, et al., Turang Xuebao, 1995, 32, (2), 194-201. (In Chinese) fluctuation elsewhere in a room. When using the k-e model for low Reyn-
Based on considerable data, a preliminary assessment of Cd, Cr, Pb, As, olds number cases, the correlations between turbulent coefficients and tur-
Hg and 3.4B(a) P contents in soils and grains when calcareous clay and bulent Reynolds number must also be defined. By using the so-called
slightly acidic soil were ameliorated with coal ash was made by the meth- Kolmogorov micro scale method, a new set of turbulent coefficient func-
ods of ollution initial values and pollution indexes. The results show that tions was deduced in this paper for the k-e model in a case of low Reynolds
coal as 1 could not cause soil and grain pollution. number flow.

54 Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1998

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