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A. Read the sentences below. Write T if the statement is True and F if the
statement is False.
_____1. We must rely on ourselves and our capabilities of correct reason
in deciding what’s best for us.
_____2. The primary element in decision-making is considering one’s
welfare regardless of its effect on others.
_____3. Christian love is necessary in the formation of correct moral
_____4. Laws and rules society can aid us in our decision-making.
_____5. We should listen to our conscience since it is God’s avenue in
talking with us.
_____6. It will be easier for us to make sound judgments if we always
consider what is true and good for all people.
_____7. Praying can assist us in our discernment
_____8. Moral decision and moral demand complete the step for Christian
_____9. Virtues transform a person to do good and choose what is right.
_____10. If unsure of what to do we should consult someone of authority
or wisdom.

B. What would you do? Below are situations. Choose the letter of the
action/decision that you would most likely take. Then on the space
provided explain why.

1. It’s Christmas season and you picked a family from the Giving Tree
at church. Your parents gave you Php500 to buy them gifts. While
shopping, you find a CD that you want. It’s only Php240. You could
still buy some nice gifts for the Giving Tree family with the Php260.
A. Will you spend the whole money Php500 on the family and keep
saving up for the CD?
B. Will you use some of the money for the CD and then use the
remaining money for the Family Giving?
2. Your little brother has been getting in trouble lately for what seems
like a very little thing. Your mom has told him that if he keeps it up,
he’ll be punished. One day, he comes home feeling bad because
he’s had a terrible day at school. The two of you are in the kitchen
and he flings his book bag onto the table and a drinking glass gets

A. Will you tell your mom your brother broke the glass?
B. Will you tell your mom your brother broke the glass but emphasize
that it was an accident?

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