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For use from May/November 2018
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Candidate personal code: gwb620

Extended essay - Reflections on planning and progress form

Candidate: This form is to be completed by the candidate during the course and completion of their EE. This document records
reflections on your planning and progress, and the nature of your discussions with your supervisor. You must undertake three
formal reflection sessions with your supervisor: The first formal reflection session should focus on your initial ideas and how you
plan to undertake your research; the interim reflection session is once a significant amount of your research has been completed,
and the final session will be in the form of a viva voce once you have completed and handed in your EE. This document acts as
a record in supporting the authenticity of your work. The three reflections combined must amount to no more than 500 words.

The completion of this form is a mandatory requirement of the EE for first assessment May 2018. It must be submitted
together with the completed EE for assessment under Criterion E.

Supervisor: You must have three reflection sessions with each candidate, one early on in the process, an interim meeting and
then the final viva voce. Other check-in sessions are permitted but do not need to be recorded on this sheet. After each reflection
session candidates must record their reflections and as the supervisor you must sign and date this form.

First reflection session

Candidate comments:
Ever since I started Psychology, one area always struck me and caught my attention- Memory. Memory was the
most beautiful aspect of Psychology to me. The Computer Science models and logic drew me in even more — I
have an avid interest in Computer Science— and made me fall in love with Cognitive Psychology. Before I went
to sleep, serendipity guided me to my topic. “What if lose sleep over finding a topic?” I thought to myself. Then
it struck me. The effect of sleep deprivation on the consolidation of memory. The topic combined my two
favorite aspects in Psychology- memory and sleep disorders. Having read many scholarly articles on REM Sleep
Disorder (RBD) , sleep paralysis, and circadian rhythm sleep disorder (CRSD), I was curious as to how it affected
memory. I wished to proceed with writing my Extended Essay by using secondary research published on online

Date: 12 May 2017 Supervisor initials: DM

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2016

International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
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Interim reflection
Candidate comments:
My supporting studies for memory consolidation and insomnia were vast and numerous; it was difficult to
choose only two studies. Picking the studies which correlated to exactly what I wanted to explore in my
research paper was the hardest part. I decided to work on my Extended Essay for at least three hours a week.
To be specific, I concentrated on one sleep disorder- Primary Insomnia. This gave rise to my research question-
To what extent does insomnia impair memory consolidation.

My exploration came to a screeching halt when it became hard to establish case/research studies for my
counter-claim argument. After a few days of research, I felt fatigued and hopeless. I then asked for guidance
from my teacher and was able to establish the connection I wanted in the research studies for my
counter-claim. After this, I realized that information for anything truly exists if you work hard enough.

Date: 1 November 2017 Supervisor initials: DM

Final reflection - Viva voce

Candidate comments:
The claims in the research paper have been supported with multiple empirical research studies to sustain a
strong argument. However, there is also a counter-claim, but since this counter-claim does not directly refute
the claim, the claims in the paper have been highlighted. Since one of the levels of analysis—insomnia and the
hippocampus— had three parts, I learnt to choose research in such a way I could indirectly support my claim.
First, I looked for research supporting the claim that insomnia causes reduction in hippocampal volume. Second,
I looked for research that supported the claim that reduction in hippocampal volume causes memory
consolidation impairments.

While writing this paper, the biggest skill I learnt was how to write a paper itself. As an aspiring doctor, it is
important for me to learn how to write research papers and how to appreciate research by psychologists. My
paper could have been more specific if I had access to more online libraries. Being a senior in high school,
secondary research was the most effective way to produce a discursive, analytical paper. I learnt how
important healthcare is to me and how the prevalence rates of medical and psychological conditions need to be

Date: 19 January 2018 Supervisor initials: DM

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2016

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Supervisor comments:
Supervisor: By submitting this candidate work for assessment, you are taking responsibility for its authenticity. No piece of candidate work
should be uploaded/submitted to the e-Coursework system if its authenticity is in doubt or if contradictory comments are added to this form. If
your text in the box below raises any doubt on the authenticity of the work, this component will not be assessed.

The candidate has taken a good initiative in researching on his Extended Essay. He was well focused and highly motivated
to understand how Insomnia would have an affect on Memory Consolidation . Though he could find enough supporting
studies , most of the research were animal based . The claims are now well supported with multiple researches. His
knowledge and understanding as well as his analytical skills are good. He has made a good effort to explore the biological
factors. When the viva was conducted he was very clear about the future of the topic. With 4 hrs of guidance by the
supervisor , he was able to incorporate required changes and was able to submit within the speculated time.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2016

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