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Emily B.


 Society is defined as the group of among
human beings sharing social relationships. Or
in other words, a society is a group of people
that lives together in a community that
includes some form of government, along
with some rules and economy.
 Technology is defined as the body of
knowledge that deals with the innovation,
invention, and application of technical
means, as well as their interrelationship with
life, society, and the environment.
 It refers to the collection of tools that make
our lives easier in order to manage any
 Theword technology refers to the
knowledge and its usage of different tools,
techniques, and systems to solve big
problems and make them easier and better.
 We utilize and rely on technology in our daily
lives, and our technical requirements and
demands continue to grow. Technology is
used by humans to explore, connect, study,
and do work. The manner in which we use
technology decides whether its effects are
beneficial or detrimental for society.
Technology has a more positive impact on
humans or society as compared to negative. It
makes our life easier and reward us by
providing resources or tool that make our life
much easier. Following are some positive
changes that technology brings to our life:
 Improved Communication: Communication
is the most important part of society, we
build or transfer our thoughts with each
other with the help of communication. After
that technology slowly grows and the
medium of transferring information is
changed to mobile phones, email, etc.
 Improved Education and learning process:
Technology enhances the education and
learning process. Nowadays, people can
easily enhance their knowledge using the
internet. Most of the data is present on the
internet is free of cost, and you can access
this data anytime and anywhere.
 Mechanized Agriculture: Technology changes
the working mechanism of farmers. Lots of
machines and technical instruments were
introduced in the agricultural area which
makes farming very easy, effective,
automated, etc.
 Easyto access information: We can easily
access information via the internet anytime
and anywhere. Most of the information is
present on the internet are free of cost, so
you can use them to enhance your
knowledge, skills, etc.
 As we know that everything present on this
planet has both advantages and
disadvantages. The same goes for technology
it also has negative impacts on society and
some other negative impacts are:
 Increase in unemployment: Nowadays, large
and small business uses machinery and
technical equipment because of their low
costing and high efficiency due to which the
rate of unemployment is increasing
 Increase in pollution: Not only humans but
technology also affecting our environment.
Due to vehicles and machinery, the rate of
pollution is increasing continuously which
causes global warming, etc.
 Increase in health and mental concerns:
Nowadays, technology effecting the physical
as well as mental health of human beings. It
makes people lazy, emotionally weak,
sleeping problems, reduce physical activity,
also people are spending less time with their
family and friends.
 Increase in cybercrimes: Due to the
excessive use of the internet, the rate of
cybercrimes are also increased. Some people
(attackers) harm innocent people (victims) or
children for money or fun.
In those days…..
People were combined with
the nature…
- love it
- treated it well
-enjoyed it
- grew up with it
Then they were an actual part of nature by all
They did not need an any special part of the day
to be with it as they were always with it.
In those days…
Communication also was really wonderful
- they wrote each others…
- wait for replies
- wonderful dreams and hopes were
Sometimes the same reason
made them
- poets
- creative thinkers in
many probable ways
Technology wakes up…
With the time, technology started to emerge.
It involves
- communication
- industries
- household etc.,
And people got the rhythm, got onto it, get used
to it. Gradually…
They started to change. The time they spent with
the nature they allocated to this newly arrived
magical visitor. People got the turn with the
TECHNOLOGY in early 90s NATURE remained same
but not for long.
Technology got modified…
 That’s when the modern technology born and
started to grow up and started to get fed by
human being. Nowadays it has become
essential thing to get our lives going.
 It has become a huge impact to the lifestyles
of the people. Addiction to machinery items
has become a threat to the lifestyles of
children. And they are driving their lives out
of the real world they should esperience.
 Increased technology gives a vast passage to
With the usage of machinery items to
communication, mind force us to think that
the technology has given the priority to make
the communication easier. The same reason
itself make the people to go for the latest
communication source available, mostly for
Effects on mankind…
Technology is young, and first to hug
the technology is the younger
generation of the world. They are
always in touch with the updating
technology. Considering
communication, the evolution of
mobile phones has clearly affected
on most of the young people all
around the world.

Call phones to smartphones. History

made from Alexander Graham Bell
to Steve Jobs and travelling beyond.
Negative things happen…

With the development of mobile phones

SOCIAL NETWORKS are coming in to your
palm and people get addicted to it.

Consider this you are setting at a restaurant

table with 5 friends and each of you put your
face down hold your smartphones and check
emails and messages.

Sitting in front of the COMPUTER holding a

SMARTPHONE or a TAB at your palms.
It does take a toll on our health and we end
up having,
- poor eating habits
- obesity
- back pain
-vision problems
Social Issues:
Following are some social issues that we face while
using the internet:

 Identity Theft: To use the identity of some other

person by getting his financial/ personal
information in a fraud manner in order to
commit a crime.
 Gaming Addiction: An individual’s capacity to
perform in multiple life domains is severely
affected as a result of the excessive use of
internet games over a long period of time.
 Health and Fitness: Using a lot of the
internet lay an impact on health and fitness,
it may impact your eyesight, backbone, etc.
 Cyber bullying: The use of technology to
bully, abuse, criticize, or target another
person is known as cyber bullying.
 Terrorism and Crime: Theft of our cyber-
infrastructure, as well as digital information
such as software, hardware, data, or
information, is considered cyber terrorism.
 Communication Breakdown: A
communication breakdown occurs when
information is not exchanged, resulting in a
loss of interaction.
 Defamation of Character: The act of
transmitting a piece of false information in
order to do serious harm to another person’s
goodwill is known as defamation of
 Cultural changes:
Our culture has been radically transformed by
technology. From our ideals to our modes of
communication, we’ve come a long way. Many
people now find it difficult to conduct a face-
to-face chat. People use their phones, tablets,
or computers to spend time with their
Automation describes a wide range of technologies that
reduce human intervention in processes. Human
intervention is reduced by predetermining decision
criteria, sub-process relationships, and related actions
— and embodying those predeterminations in
 Automation, application of machines to
tasks once performed by human beings or,
increasingly, to tasks that would otherwise
be impossible. Although the
term mechanization is often used to refer to
the simple replacement of human labor by
machines, automation generally implies
the integration of machines into a self-
governing system.
 The term automation was coined in
the automobile industry about 1946 to
describe the increased use of automatic
devices and controls in mechanized
production lines. The origin of the word is
attributed to D.S. Harder,
an engineering manager at the Ford Motor
 The first tools made of stone represented
prehistoric man’s attempts to direct his own
physical strength under the control of human
intelligence. Thousands of years were
undoubtedly required for the development of
simple mechanical devices and machines
such as the wheel, the lever, and the pulley,
by which the power of human muscle could
be magnified.
A number of significant developments in
various fields have occurred during the 20th
century: the digital computer, improvements
in data-storage technology and software to
write computer programs, advances in sensor
technology, and the derivation of a
mathematical control theory. All these
developments have contributed to progress
in automation technology.
The developments described above have
provided the three basic building blocks of
 (1) a source of power to perform some
 (2) feedback controls, and
(3) machine programming. Almost without
exception, an automated system will exhibit
all these elements.
Creation of robots

In the early 1900s, the term robot was coined by Karel

Capek, a Czech writer, in his 1920 play Rossum’s
Universal Robots. Having coined the term, Capek’s
play also presented the first instance of robots taking
over the world.
By 1939, the first physical
robot, ELEKTRO, went on
display at the World’s fair —
marking a key point in the
history of automation. With
human commands, he could
walk, smoke cigarettes and
blow up balloons. Designed
and built by Westinghouse
Electric Corporation in
First AI
 The first autonomous
robots in the history of
automation were created
in 1948 by William Grey
Walter. These came in
the shape of two
‘tortoises’: Elmer and
The 60s, 70s and 80s

Notable robots in the 60s included

the 1966 therapy chatbot ‘ELIZA’,
who had started life as a joke. Then
there was the 1968 mobile robot
affectionately named ‘Shakey’.
90s AI and automation software

The 1990s was a time for major advances in AI. An artificial

intelligence called ‘Deep Blue’ defeated chess grandmaster
Garry Kasparov at chess. NASA deployed its first autonomous
robotics system, Sojourner, on the surface of Mars.
The millennium

The history of automation suffered

a distinct gap in the advancement
of technology in the early 2000s.
After the creation of ASIMO,
(which is claimed to be ‘the worlds
most advanced humanoid robot’)
by Honda in 2000, automation
development went quiet for a
The present day

• Business process automation or BPA (plus

its robotic process automation or RPA) is
becoming more and more refined and
• In the present day, automation software
has become a necessity rather than a
luxury. Its widespread use is optimizing
employee time and work, and leading to
enormous resource savings.
The future of automation

The history of automation, despite a few

bumps along the way, has seen a lot of
success in a short period of time. It
continues to grow and evolve today,
providing us with more innovative solutions,
interactive AI, and assistance in unravelling
the secrets of the universe.
• We experience the wonder of AI daily, be it
on Twitter, in emails, in our video games or
elsewhere. We have artificial intelligence
assistants in our phones, in our cars and in
our homes.
As exciting as current and future tech is, we
shouldn’t forget the history of automation or
the work that it has taken to get us where we
are today.

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