5 - Paes Part 2 Summary

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d - thickness of the dam's base (m)

H - height of the dam including foundation (m)

PNS/BAFS/PAES 230:2017 - Design of a Check Dam
If the total height of the masonry check dam is 6 m to 8 m, use the
check dam formula
 small barrier built across the direction of water flow on 𝑘 = 1 + 10 𝐻 /10
shallow rivers and streams where:
 convey runoff during peak flow k - thickness of the dam's crest at spillway level (m)
 slow and hold surface water long enough for the water to H - total height of the dam including foundation (m)
deposit sediment it is carrying;
 facilitates irrigation using upstream bay of dam as pump sump If the dam has no solid layer,
gabion stones o foundation shall be dug at least 1 m deep
 wrapped in wire fence meshes for added stability and o reinforced, concrete layer at least 20 cm thick be
strength constructed
 On this concrete layer
o Portland cement mortar (250 kg cement per m3 of sand)
o ratio by weight : 1:4 or 1:5

if the dam is constructed on solid rock:

 foundation of other dams : at least 1 m deep
 inclination of the base's upstream face : minus 20%.
 wings shall enter at least 1 meter into the sides of the bed

Aqueduct (diameter 20 to 50 cm)

 built on ground level and drainage holes
(Diameter of each hole at least 10 cm)

gradient of the aqueduct and drainage holes

 5%.

upstream face of the dam

 Vertical

downstream face inclination

 20 % (1:1/5 ratio)

GABION CHECK DAM o stones shall be piled behind the mouth of the aqueduct
If the total height of the gabion check dam is < 3 m, box gabions of the o Wing walls shall be built behind the wings of the dam
following dimensions may be used: o angle between the wing and wing wall is 30 to 45 degrees
 1mx1mx2m
 0.85 m x 0.85 m x 2 m PNS/BAFS/PAES 231:2017 -Groundwater Irrigation – Shallow Tube well
 0.75 m x 1.5 m x 3 m
If the total height of the gabion check dam is 3 m to 5 m, use the
following formula
 𝑘 = 0.4𝐻
 𝑑 = 0.6𝐻
 𝑓 = 0.3𝐻
k - thickness of the dam's crest at spillway level (m)
d - thickness of the dam's base (m)
f - depth of foundation (m)
H - total height of the dam including foundation (m)
 bigger stones : sides of the box gabions
 smaller : middle.
 When using box gabions which are 2 m long,
 after they are one-third full, 5 parallel ties should be
placed between their inner and outer sides
 Five more be placed when the boxes are two-thirds full
o Wings shall enter at least 50 cm into each side of the gully
o angle between the wing and wing wall is 0 to 45 degrees.
If the total height of the masonry check dam is < 2 m,
 crest thickness : 0.4 m.
If total height of masonry check dam is 2 m to 6 m, Hoffman formula
𝑑 = 0.462 𝐻
 Walls must be lined or braced during and after construction


 used in formations with very shallow water depths
 Wells are constructed using hand-operated or power-driven
earth auger
 only be used in formations that do not cave

 used in unconsolidated formations with shallow water tables
that contain not too many rocks
 Consists of a series of connected lengths of pipe driven by
repeated impacts to the ground below the water table
 Driving done with a maul, sledge, drop hammer or air hammer
 Cannot be used on formation with large gravel or rocks that
may damage the drive point
 Joints between the pipes must be carefully made to prevent
breakage and ensure airtight pipe system

D) Jetted Well
 constructed by the cutting action of a downward-directed steam
of water to excavate the hole



 perforated by cutting with oxyacetylene torch vertical slots
width : 3 to 6 mm
length : 60 to 90 mm
 total area slot openings toward the surface area of the pipe


a) DUG WELL A. Pumping at Low Discharge
 used in unconsolidated formations with large diameters  about 1 to 1-1/4 inch in diameter
which permit considerable water storage  stop pumping for about 10 minutes
materials B. Pumping at intermediate and higher discharges
 construct through manual excavation using pick & shovel  pumping rate 50 percent or more of the design pump discharge
while loose materials are hauled to the surface in a container.
 Highly permeable soils shall be avoided
DEVELOPMENT IN UNCONFINED AQUIFER OR WITH  Highly acidic soils with pH of less than 4 and highly alkaline
WEAK CONFINING LAYER soils with pH of greater than 8.5 shall be avoided
PIPE SELECTION  pH of 5.5 are preferred
In aquifers with Uniformity Coefficient less than 2.0 and Effective Size  Soil depth shall be greater than 1.0 m.
less than 0.30 m
 grained gravel envelop is needed
 gravel pack should be at least 15 cm thick
In aquifers with UC greater than 2.0 but with ES less than 0.30 mm,
 graded gravel pack is desirable
 gravel pack should be at least 15 cm thick
In aquifers with ES greater than 0.30 mm
 gravel pack is needed solely for suppo

For gravel pack material gradation

 following recommendations of the US Bureau of Reclamation
may be adopted:
For uniformly grained sand (UC less than 2.0 and ES less than 0.30 mm)
 Well screen or perforation slot size be less or equal to ½ of
85% passing of the gravel pack materials
 Multiply the diameter of the aquifer material at 50% passing
by 5 and 10 to get two plotting points

For graded pack aquifer (UC greater than 2.0 & ES less than 0.30 mm)
 Multiply 50% passing size of the aquifer material by 12 and 58;
multiply 15% passing size by 12 and 40
 No pack material should exceed 15 mm.
 Screen or perforation slot sizes should be less than ½ of the
85% passing diameter of the graded gravel pack
 Use a ¾ to 1-inch diameter air line or pipe
 If a thick (20 cm or more) gravel envelope is desired,
2-to-2.5 in dia gravel pipe may drilled near the wall of pipe
 Use a ¾ to 1-inch diameter airline or pipe
 Release a sustained air pressure of at least 100 psi

BASE ON: Gintong Ani Shallow Tubewell Irrigation Project Technical
Bulletin No.1
 Drill a small borehole using a drill bit with a diameter of 2
inches or smaller
 Drill the borehole (as deep as 45 m or 150 ft if necessary) until
a good aquifer is found
 A good confined aquifer is one that is dominated by gravel
and sand, with a thickness of at least 3 m (10 ft).
 Use a pail to collect a sample of a predetermined volume
(approximately 14 liters) of drilled materials at every 1.5 m
depth interval
 Carefully pass each sample through a set of screens or sieves
with the following openings: 2, 0.425 and 0.075 mm to retain
gravel, coarse sand and fine sand respectively

PNS/BAFS/PAES 232:2017 - Wastewater Re-use for Irrigation

 any substance, whether solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive,
which directly or indirectly alters the quality of any segment
of the receiving water body or land resource

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