Bolts and Power Screw - Prime

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Chapter Threaded Members Part 1:Bolts & Screws BOLT is a threaded fastener designed to pass through holes in the mati secured by tightening a nut from the end opposite the head of the bolt. SCREW is a threaded fastener designed to be inserted through a hole in one member to be joined and into a threaded hole in the mating member. ‘Nets bolts are provided with nuts while screws are without nut. ing members and to be 5 TYPES OF BOLTS 1. Machine Bolt 4, Stove Bolt 2. Eye Bolt 5, U Bolt 3, Stud Bolt 6. Carriage Bolt 1m TYPES OF SCREWS 1. Cap Screw 2. Machine Screw 3. Set Screw 4, Power Screw (8 THE SCREW THI + oe A’screw thread'is a helical structure used to convert between rotational and linear movement or force, mjd el ant Min. gust wet rman 8 ‘The differences between American and British thread forms became a painful problem during the Second World War, especially in manufacturing and repairing airplane eae n 1348 representatives of Britain, Canada and the United States agreed Ora Unified Standar: rounded (Briish preference) rains = 0108 pitch Flot (American preference). ih 178% plch K > 60" fund (BF) A (pint) We O08 fn We Ho pith a eal ey, le, and the Americans accepte, i itis ‘ed the 60° thread angle, d In the compromise the British acrepiet "rive classes of it were defined. The new fang combed to he A OS ‘ones manufactured under the old American Nate, conti : “Tho UNSsevesis ac ral er Treats vihich have the American Standard form, jy, is a catch-all categor 1 ates peas rot in the Unified Coarse (UNC) or Unified Fine (UNF) series. § THE AMERICAN NATIONAL SCREW THREAD helix angle TYPES OF THREADS 1, UNC ( Unified National Coarse Series ) ~ it is recommended for general use 2. UNF ( Unified National Fine Series ) ~ is frequently used in automobile and aircraft work 3. UNEF ( Unified National Extra Fine ) ~ is particularly useful in aeronautical equipment 4. 8UN ( Unified 8 - thread series ) ~ is used on bolts for high-pressure pipe flanges, cylinder head, studs, etc. @ TOLERANCE ‘The widest tolerances and are used where quick and easy assembly, even with bruised threads is necessary as in ordnance. + Class 1A (external threads ) * Class 18 ( internal threads ) Tolerances suitable for normal production practices are the most widely used, + Classes 2A ( external threads) + Classes 2B ( internal threads ) Have the closes fit; allowance is zero * Classes 3A ( external threads) * Classes 3B ( intemal threads ) aaeEEEEGe 5 pOuT SPECIFICATION NUMBER 4, American ‘and Unified Series ‘external thread tolerance Unified National ‘Coarse Series thread per inch ‘nominal size in inches major diameter) Internal thread tolerance ia Lt Unified National Fine Ser threads per ineh nominal size in inches (major diameter) 2. Metric Thread Series external thread magnitude of tolerance LG orchid nominal size in mm > (major ameter metric thread system Internal thread magnitude of tolerance Pitch in mmithread ‘nominal size in mm (major diameter) metric thread system “TORM OF THREADS FoR BOLTS 1.V-Threads Sa ae aoe sesaeeeeconeretes i Vtesnts WAV ~ ys Vi Iv-4 2. Seller Screw Thread PP, 3, Withworth Thread | os 'S FORM OF THREADS FOR POWER SCREW 1. Sellers Square Thread 2. ACME Thread ga Panal 0.5P 40.01" 3/4. 1s srpesses INDUCED IN BOLTS 4, Shear Stress (torsional in the roy Fthe thy, aded portion) a SAl6T eo ae win oF 18) n Diss im nes "ing rege ( Mpa OF PS!) g, Tensile Stress (a1 the root or stress req) sia where: Ge fe lear) TER ay 60 nyz0r I?) Aree rin?) Si Tensile sts. pa oF PS!) 3. Compression Stress («1 the threads ) 2 5 Neo. otvans Sc = fe 5 3 ;. 2 fae ater (om ore) (oJ -of) yy Stemi Sc™ Compressive Stress (Mpa or psi) 4. Shear Stress (simple on the threads at the soot é), where: — r= No. ofteads 7D, tNy 1D. = Outside Diameler ( mm or in.) f. 3 Inside Diameter ( mm or psi ) ‘Applied Load | Nor Ib ) Shear Svers (Mon or psi) 5. For Practical Design A. From Vallance Sys CA 048 where: Sw= permissible working stress ( psi) ‘4 = Stress Area (Vallance) (in.?) © = bolt constant, = 10000 for bronze = 5000 for carbon stee! = 1500 for alloy stee! 8. From Faires > oy cis 6 Where: & = Desantonsie stress (psi) "gg Yield Strength in tension ( ps!) Stress Area( in.?) Ne “* Sis not a factor of safety gM com, tay a ne me es C. For Steel / Wrought Iron (ates ‘ where: D= nominal diameter, mm or in, h = depth oftap, mmorin. * 11, Initial Torque A. From Vallance Fe= applied load, N or Ib Fiz initial tension, N or Ib D=nominal diameter, mm or in. T= torque, Nemm or Ib-in. 0.15 = constant for lubricated 0.20 = constant for as received 12. Initial Tension where: Fi initial tension, N or Ib 0 =nominal diameter, mm or in. a ulating the area handling the load. Design uses root diameter in calc ‘stress area as the area handling toad. Es eee eee ‘A. From Vallance where: i = jad, in? & pee rea (valance) (mm OF ‘= bolt constant 7 10000 for bronze =5000for carbon stee! = 1500 for alloy steel B, From Faires where: | Fe = tensile load (aires) (ps!) | Sy = yield strength in tension (Ps!) As = shress area (int) fia Gig not a factor of safety 7. Working Strength of the Bolt me where’ |W working strength (1b) ‘St = allowable working stress (ps!) | «d= bolt diameter (in.) 8. Bolt Spacing Z = bolt spacing Ove = bolt circle diameter in.) Nr = total numberof bots 9. Bolt Circle Diameter [Bn =0,4 2D, wae 1D. = Inside diameter of the cyinder, vce bat cree alameter in” mmo" Dy = bolt ala 10. Depth Tap A. For Brittle Materials B. For Stee! (Vallance) ee Part 2:Power Screy Clee Power linear cnnus are used for providing linear motion in a smooth uniform manner. They a, ators that transform rotary motion into linear motion. . <—om Power screws are generally based on: * Acme + Square + Buttress threads. “@ Ball screws are a type ‘of power screw. Efficiencies of between 30% and 70% are obtained with conventional power screws. Ball screws have efficiencies of above 90%. « Power Screws are used for the following three reasons: ¥ To obtain high mechanical advantage in order to move large loads with minimum effort like Screw Jack. V To generate large forces like compactor press To obtain precise axial movements like machine tool lead screw efficient of friction on collar joad (Nor Ib) utside radius (mm or in. ) n= inside radius (mm or in. ) Dm = mean diameter (mm or in.) To = frictional torque ( N-mm or I =e & gapote a» Torque (T)) applied to turn the s, 1. For Square Threads _ Raising the load % =a [Boast Loneging the load 2 Liftane 1 tana , - Wn [ tana —F 9. For ACME Threads a 1+ftane Raising the load 0. Lowering the load 0.968-ftang 7, = Wps| 0.968tana -f {0,968 + f tana 3. For Trapezoidal Metric Threads Raising the load e tones p= tn ae eRe 2 | 0.966-F tan Te (seeere 4. For American Standard Threads Raising the load Lowering the load Th Wn en D,,, | 0.866tana -F 2 | 0.866-f tana 12 (0.866 +f tana where: i a = lead angle (deg ) { = coefficient of friction Dm = mean diameter (in.) W=load (Ib) Ti = frictional toque on the threads (Ib-in) = Total torque required to operate the screw THT +Te where: T = total torque ( N-m or Ib-in. ) Tr = frictional toque on the threads ( Ib-in ) Te = frictional toque on the collar (1b-in) = Power input of the screw P= 2nTN where: T = total torque ( N-m or Ib-in. ) N = rotative speed ( rpm or p35) P. = input power ( kW or Hp) = Power output of the screw Po = WV where: W = load (N or Ib) V = velocity ( mis or fis ) Po = power output ( kW or HP ) Uiclengy OOF = Tne Mami a ~ Ree § 2a where: ~ ” We looa(N 1) V = valocity( = valecty (ms os 7,5 lator (Nimo oi.) Bred tive speed ( rpm or rps) 81 input poner (aor ap o power output (aN = Linear velocity VENL L =P (for single thread ) =2P" (for double thread ) = 3P" (for triple thread ) where Te ead ( mm ori.) P= pitch (mmor in.) = Outside diameter D, = D+ Li2 whe .ad ( me or in.) inside diameter (mm or In. ) jutside diameter (mm or in.) Pu MPa Mrs bok 1» Screw Diameter ee where: = scrow diamotor in) Hip = Horsepower (Hp) D = shatt diamoter (in. ) N = rotative speed ( rom) “where: D =shaft diameter ( in. ) N =rotative speed ( in. ) a Shaft Diameter where: L =length (ft.) D =diameter (in.) ROT ae tay 1. PAST BoaRD PROBLEM Pt What Weight in Pounds Operated b can be I as be lifted by Ya 50 Ib force at the end pet that has an efficiency of 80% if it is Y inch > 330 inched lever and the pitch of the sus, A. 23,809.52 Ib 15,079.64 I bidees . 10,576. Sobetions " = Poutout We Pinput — 2nRF e -_WO5) 2(30)(50) 0.0 - 0.5) 2 (50x30) W =15,079.64 Ibr 2. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A set screw is necessary to fastened a pulley to a 2 in. shaft while transmits 3 hp and rotates at 150 rpm? Find the torque on the set screw, A 105 ft-lb C. 1245 ft-lb B. 1260.5 ft-lb D. 3421 ft-lb Solation Solving for the torque: pet ~ 63025 _ 1(150) 63025 T= 1260.5inlb = 105.04 ft-lb 3. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A set screw is necessary to fastened rotates at 150 rpm? Find the holding 3hp and a pulley to a 2 in. shaft while transmits ding) force if the factor of safety is 3 (for steady loa C. 4380 Ib A. 3780 Ib D. 3456 Ib B. 3478 Ib Machine Design Reviewer # sonra & Capote 1-13 Saint cee Solving for the force acting on the set screw: F= 2T _ 2(1260.5) D a al 1260.5 Ib Solving for the holding force: F, = F(n) = 1260.5(3) = 3781.51 /AST BOARD PROBLEM Aset screw is necessary to fastened a pulley to a 2 in. shaft while transmit 3 hp and rotates at 150 rpm? What is the typical size of set screw in practice? * A 34 c.14 B. 2 D. 3/8 Solan: Solvingfor the set screw diameter: 23 p=? = hp/screw 9 = 20150,C*) 50 d = 0.74in 5. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Compute how many 3/8 inch diameter set screws required to transmit 3 Hp at a shaft speed of 1000 rpm. The shaft diameter is 1 inch A 5 C.2 B. 3 D.1 Solutions Solving for the power transmitted over the screw: Dnd?* P = — hp/screw 50 p= 1(1000)(3/8)" — 996 hp/sorew 50 . Solving for the power transmitted over the screw: pz Dnd?? _ 4(10003/6)"" 50 50 P= 2.096 hp/screw 6, PAST BOARD PROBLEM | ode horsepower required to drive a power screw lifting @ load of 4000 Ibs. a2 | i‘ hes double square thread with two threads/in is to be used. The friction radivs i th collar is 2 inches and the coefficients of friction are 0.1 for the threads and 0.15 e collar. The velocity of the nut is 10 ft/min. ‘ A. 5.382 HP C. 4.395 HP B. 3.683 HP D. 6.472 HP Solutions Solving for the mean diameter and tana: 7 ( 1 } _» for square threads D.=D,-h : 7 p= - Mm = Dy + where:h=7—P = 46(TPr Dn, = Ps cle 2 s-2(3 = 2.2813in 16 TPr 16\2 L np. TPL 2 tana=—5-=7p = = — $24 = 0.139533 ° 7D, Dn 72m n(2.2813) thus: A =7.943 e required to raise the load (T,): The torqui — Ma | fetend | 4000(2.2813)[_0.1+ 0.139533 ] r 2 |1-ftana 2 | 1-0.1(0.139533) | = 1108.33 in -/b lar friction(T, ) and Rotational Speed (N): The torque required to overcome Col T= wot. =WRA. = 4000(2)(0.15) = 1200 in/b y-uw= (ap =(a ake] fe_(s2i) [thread (3a) 10—— 7 min\ ft J rev \2 thread) N=120rpm solving for the required horsepower: TN P= aaoag 7 Where:T = T+ Te _ (7, +T.)(N) _ (1108.33 + 1200)(120) 63025, 63025. P=4.3951hp Machine Design Reviewer by Mandawe & Capote Ber a EE TSESS Ett one a ORES OCER COARSER Attemate Solution: Solve the effieny(ey; and P,, ;then P,,:note:6, = tarr3(0-1) tana 7 0.139533 “= 0.2758 tan(a+@)+5* tan(7.94345.711), 01a)” 2.2813 e= Solving for P, : p= FY 4000(10) _ o 33000. 33,000 ~ 12t2Hp 1.212 0.2758 P. Prot = = = 4.394 Hp 7, PAST BOARD PROBLEM Asingle square thread power screw is to raise a load of 70 KN. The screw has:a major diameter of 36 mm and a pitch of 6 mm. The coefficient of thread friction and collar friction are 0.13 and 0.10 respectively. If the collar mean diameter is 90 mm and the screw turns at 60rpm, find the combined efficiency of screw and collar. A. 13.4% C. 15.5 % B. 14.5% D. 12.5% Soletion: hs where :h= z p — for square threads 7 7 =D, ~~ p=36-4(6) = 33.375 . Dn, P= 36-26) mm Solving for tan 2: rp ___M6) _ _ 9.057224 + 4 = 3.275) 2D, (33.375) Solving for the torque required to raise the load with out friction effect _ Wal f+tana | WDn tan(4, +2) or "2 [i-Ftanzl 2 but: F = 0 7. = Wn tan 3 - 2000033-375) (9,057224] = 66845.08 Nmm aay = Om tana = 2 2 Solving for the torque required to overcome collar friction, 1, = Lwo, = £(70000)(90)(0-10) = 315000 Nmm le 3 Solving for the torque required to raise the load with thread friction: A 00(33.375){ _0.13 + 0.057224 = MBa[ fetanz |. 70ome T-0.13(0.057224) —FtanZ T, = 220340.47 N-mm W-16 Chapter 04 - Threaded Member, Solving for the combined efficiency, a , oes Nk = *100% — where :T.., =T. =T. Nk = SS 20340.47 - 31500 Nk =12.49% : x 100% Altemate Solution: Solve the effiency(e); where:4, = tan™*(0.13) = 7.401 tana 0.057224 os7 e= 7 ee) tan(i=4,)+ + (0.10)(90) In{Z= 4) tan(3.275 + 7.401) 33.375 8. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A single threaded trapezoidal metric thread has a pitch of 4 mm, and a mean diameter of 18 mm. It is used as @ translation screw in conjunction with a collar having an outside diameter of 37 mm and an inside diameter of 27 mm. Find the required torque in N-m to raise 2 load of 400 kg if the coefficient of friction is 0.3 for both thread and collar. A. 34.6N-m C. 32.6 N-m B. 39.1N-m D. 38.5 N-m Sclation: 14) _ ; (18) 0.070736 Solving for the torque required to raise the load: 7 = On| $= 60881804 |, where :6 = 15° > for Trapezoidal Thread "2 coso-Ftand | 400(18)/_0.3+0.070736¢0515° | _ 1493 58 xgmm -13769Nmm /=—~2- | cosi5? - 0.3(0.070736) | Solving for the torque required to overcome collar friction: Le SWOL. + where: D, = £(D +d) wiio+ a) f= 5 (400) 3037 +27) (0.3) = 1920 kgmm = 18835 20mm Solving for the required torque: T=T,+T, = 13769 + 18835.20 = 32604.20N mm = 32.6Nm Machine Design Reviewer by Mandawe nh AONE CE SOTERA “ & Capot “ cy 7 past BOARD PROBLEM Iv-17 ss custo MER reccarisetce sata aeens 18 load A. 3166 in-Ib c int - 3425 ind B, 3455 I D. 3213 in-lb Solving for the pitch: p Leap “2 thread . 1 D,=D,-h — where: h=op for ACME Threads 1 14 D,=D,-5P=2.5- (3) = 2.25in lL 12 D,, 2(2.25) Solving for the torque required to raise the load: - WO,,| f+ cosptand | _, where :g = 14.5° for ACME Thread cos¢-ftand tana = = 0.070736 0 7 = 10000(2.25) 0.2 +0.070736c0814.5°_| _ 3466in-Ib f 2 5°-0.2(0.070736) 10. PAST BOARD PROBLEM sed to raise a load of 20,000 Ib at a velocity of 3 d pitch are 2 7/8 in. and 1 in. respectively. Collar tion coefficient is 0.10. Mean diameter of collar 5 drive the screw. A double square thread screw is U fpm. Outside diameter of thread an friction coefficient is 0.12, thread frie in, Determine the power required t c.4.29 hp A 345 hp Dp. 5.02 hp 8. 4.65 hp Chapter 04 ~ Threaded ng ‘Olving for the mean diameter, , D, =D. m=0,-h : 7 where :h= 7g? > for Square Threads B= 7 og P =25 -— (1) =2.4375in Solving for tana : tang-_b _ ny aD,, 21) aD,, 2(2.4375) = 0.261177 " E “Po| Eten _ 20000(2.4375)[_0.10+ 0.261177 ] 2 (i-ftana 2 T—0.10(0.261177) |= 90255, 1 1 . T= 5 WDE = 5 (20000)(5)¢0.12) = 6000inIb V = LN =(np)N 3 (#200). 2thread/, _ in y min Ft rev (° thread N=18rpm TN Poy = “J :T=T,+T, Wer = as ooe > Where: T=T, + T, _ (T.+T.JN _ (9039.80 + 6000)(18) _ 4.2954hp 63025 63025 Alternate Solution: Use the above Da: Loo 2(1) = ee = 0.261177 — A = 14.637° tan4 = 5" aD,” 2(2.4375) > g, = tan” (0.10) =5.71° exiei * tana =" 0.26117 aims 0.4233 tan(a+a)+o® tan(14.637 + 5.71) + 52S FY _ 20000(3) = = OO) = 1 818 hy Poa = 33,000 33,000 e 1.818 = = 4.2948 hy Poot = 04033 P 13. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Two 2% in sellers standard square thread screws are used to raise and lower a hydraull? gate weighing 30 tons. A 570 rpm electric motor operates the screws. The coefficients 0! collar and thread friction are 0.03 and 0.14 respectively. The mean diameter of the cola 4in. if the gate rises at the rate of 2fpm, determine the size of the motor required to lift th gate if the mechanical efficiency is 85% for the speed reducing equipment. Note: p =1/2: A. 14hp C. 30 hp, B. 34hp D. 24 hp Machine Design Reviewer by Mandawe & Capote Golotion: Solving for the mean diameter, D, =0,-h he 2 > where :h= 7g P for square Threads 3 7/1 =23 7 (1 on wa(3) tana= t= 8 __ (112) AD, 7D, 5313) Solving for the torque required (T, ) by each screw to raise the load Te WoD,, | f+tana ] 30(2000)(2.5313)[ 0.14+ 2 [1-ftanz| 2 li T, = 15542.72inib, Solving for the torque required (T,) by each screw to overcome collar friction, ). 1 1 T. = 5 WDE. = 5 (30)(2000)(4)(0.03) = 3600inIb Solving for the rotational speed(N): 2.5313in = 0.062876 V=LN = (np)N (220) _ re in_) main fe rev (2 thread) N= 48rpm Solving for the power (P) required by each screw: po NjT=T+T 63025 p_ (TN _ (15542.72 + 3600)(48) _ 14 sehp 63025 63025 Solving for the power(P,...) required by two screws = 2(P) = 2(14.58) = 29.16hp size of the motor; based on the speed reducing device: 29.16 . so 9, Pout 100% <= 85% =B5~x100% BP - 34.30hp PAST BoaRD PROBLEM Prorat. Solving for the e, uilley to a 2 in, shaft while transmits 3 Agel cre is neces pe hang oce the fcr of safety i 3 or rotates ai Steady loading). A c. 3980 Ibf B a0 Pt D. 2468 Ibf Chapter 04 _ Ade Fe T wi, > Note: 7 = 83025p r 7 = 105 Rub Fa Mine (2) = 1260 tb holding = ing = factor of safety x Force = 3 (1260) = 3780 | 15. PAST Boar PROBLEM A. 0.2255 in2 B. 0.2345 in2 Fase ne Solutions The force on the cylinder head (F): 8, (A. 2 Fy = ee (6x 1571)" —— | =0.2255in? \ 88,000 ) Anwwo: 0.2255 in? 16. PAST BOARD PROBLEM The oylinder head of a 10 in. x 18 in. freon compressor is attached by bolts made of SAE grade 5. The cylinder pressure is200 psi. What approximate tightening torque should be used to induce a tightening stress ($7 0.90 times the proof stress if the diameter of the bolt is 5/8 in. and coeffcie* 7 collar friction c = 0.2? A. 0.2256 in.? C. 0.3455 in.2 B. 0.2345 in? D. 0.3345 in.2 Soletion: For tightening torque (T): CDF; where: Fi = AS, ).20 ( 5/8) (0.226 )[ (0.90)(85,000) ] = 2161 in-lbr 161 in-lb 4 yooine Design Reviewer by Mandawe & Capote 10 past JOARD PROBLEM wonianmees * ae root diameter of a double square thi reompute the outakle dlamater. 220 IS 0.55 in. The screw has a pitch of 0.20 0.87 in C. 0.50 in B. 0.75in D. 0.85in Seton: 1 1 D, = Dou * {Z)p=0 55+2{ Zoo 20) D, = 0.75 in. 14, PAST BOARD PROBLEM The root diameter of a double square thread is 0.55 in. The screw has a pitch of 0.20 in. Compute the number of threads per inch. A4 Cc. 2 B.S D. 10 Solation: 1 TPl=-=—— =5 , p 0.20 19. PAST BOARD PROBLEM The root diameter of a double square thread is 0.55 in. The screw has a pitch of 0.20 in, Compute the lead. C. 0.20 A 0.40 B. 0.80 D. 0.30 Selatan: L = 2p + for double square thread L = 2(0.20)=0.40 20, PAST BOARD PROBLEM What is the working strength of 1 inch bolt which is screwed up tightly in packed joint When the allowable working stress is 13000 ps. Ca 0 Ib » 3700 Ib Cc. 345 3900 Ib D. 3650 Ib Slaton: ‘seinem Cnapter 04 - Threagea menwers » From machinery's Handbook Wes, (0.55°-0.25d) = (13000)[0.55(1)’-0.25(1) | W =3,900 Ib 21. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A tumbuckle has M10 x15 threads. The coefficient of friction for the threads is 0.20 ang the basic pitch diameter is 9,026 mm. Assuming that neither rod turns as the lurnbuckie is tightened, what is the extemal torque needed to produce a force of 2,500 N on the rods? (Metric threads are considered as V-type) A, 5.48 N-m C. 6.48 N-m B. 4.48 N-m D. 7.48N-m Solution: WOm [0.866L + 10M) (>) _, ote : L = (1,0)(1.5) = 1.5 2 | 0.8660m-f | _ 2500(9.026) { 0.866(1.5) + 0.2(9.02 ~ 2 _0.866(9.026) - 0.2(1. T=648N -m T 22. PAST BOARD PROBLEM the length of a nut such that the shearing failure of the threads shall equal the Caleta tallure load of the bolt when the shearing strength is 70 percent of the tensile Sronath. Assume pitch diameter of the threads to be the same as the bolt diameter. 0.7144 Cc. 0.7414 3 o4i7d D. 0.4714 Solution a? =——St 0.70zdhS, 4 - ew Seemann anne a . 5 mm/s “orem APter 04 ~ Threaded Members » 7 mm/s Cc émme anne D. 5.5 mmis Solsticon; For the linear speed of the screw V: Vn = N (L) = (60 rpm)(6 mm/rev) Vn = 360 mm/min = 360 mm/60 s = 6 mmis ee 26. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A double thread ACME screw driven by a motor at ‘of 900 kg at a speed of 10 mimin. The screw has a pitch diameter ‘of 36 mm; the Coefficient of friction on threads is 0.15. The friction torque on the thrust Bearing of he motor is taken as 20 % of the total input. Compute the lead angle. 400 rpm raises the attached loeg | A. 12.46° c. 11.65° | B. 13.42° D. 10.52° ' Solution: The lead (L) : v LN 10. _ 0.025 m L=—57 L =25 mm The lead angle X Lk. ae tan D, RD PROBLEM a7. eas fare thread power screw is to raise a load of 70 KN. The screw has a mao’ SF'6 mm. The coefficient of thread friction and cola ively. If the collar mean diameter is 90 mm and the screw and collar. ingle Sau! A simeter ‘of 36 mm and a pitch lamer re 0.13 and 0.10 respect r ft ims ot 80 rpm, find the combined efficiency of the 1.32 % C. 12.53% B. 1652 % D. 13.74 % _p nstine Design Reviewer by ss BOARD PROBLEM — . head of a steam engine is held ir oylinder by 14 bolts. The diameter of the cylinder is 14 t gndthe steam pressure is 125 psi. What size of bolts is required if tensile tea is 3,000 7. o.76in C. 0.56in B. 0.86 in. D. 0.46 in. slekons F 85K where: r-[G oan =19250Ib pp = 19250 _ 13751 14 then: d=0.76in. 1M, PAST BOARD PROBLEM Asingle square thread power screw is to raise a load of 70 kN. The screw has a major diameter of 36 mm and a pitch of 6 mm. The coefficient of thread friction and collar fiction are 0.13 and 0.10 respectively. If the collar mean diameter is 90 mm and the screw turns at 60 rpm, find the axial linear speed of the screw. A. 5mmis Cc. 6mmis B. 7 mms. D. 55mmis Selatan: For the linear speed of the screw V: Va =N (L) = (60 rpm)(6 mmirev) Vo = 360 mm/min = 360 mmi/60 s = 6 mmis 35. PaST BOARD PROBLEM Asingle 4 power screw i 0 rise load of 70 KN. The screw has a major daanale square thread pow ch of 6 mm. Find the linear speed of the screw, f the cosficient of thread friction and collar friction are 0.13 ‘and 0.10 respectively and the colar men diosater is 90 mm and the screw tums at 60 rm Design Reviewer by Mandawe & Capote 2 sons ten se depth of the thread (h): ne[5P 4 2|-|(6)=3 mm 39) e mean diameter of the screw (Dm): D,=0.-h =36-3=33 mm the Lead angle (A): ata t -tan'{ 2) =p ‘The A=tan” (& #)- 3.3123° ‘The Efficiency: tana(1—ftana) e= x 100% tana otf (1-ftana) D, (tan3.3125°) oe tan3.3125°) trates 0104) Bo } (1-0.13 tan3.3125°) 2=12.53% Alternate Solution: e= ——tan4_____, note : @, = tan'(0.13) = 7.4069 tania +4) + 5% 0.06787 Feats annals Oe tan(3.3123+7.4069) + — 0" a © = 12.53 % Iv-28 Chapter 04 - Threaded Members , 28, PAST BOARD PROBLEM The root diameter of a d jouble square thread is 0.55 in' h. Th inch. Find the number of thread per inch. m e screw has a pitch of 9; A. 2 threads/inch Cc. 12 ir i a threads/inch B. 5 threads/inch D. 1.5 threads/inch Solution: The number of threads per inch: TPI pplz t-—-=5 threads/inch 29. PAST BOARD PROBLEM e Hp lost when a collar is loaded with 2000 Ib, rotates at 50 rpm, and has@ is 4 inches and the Compute the coefficient of friction of 0.15. Note: the outside diameter of the collar i inside diameter is 2 inches. _ 0.7134 Hp Cc. 0.3714 Hp B. 0.3513 Hp D. 0.4231 Hp Solution: fxWxr xn xn 2 Hp, = G00 63000 0.15(2000)(1.56)(50) =——~ 63000 Hp, = 03714

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