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•Name - Narrator
•Name - Joshua
•Name - Alyssa/Aly
•Name - Eliza/Ellie
•Name - Raven
•Name - Wendy / Registrar person / Pari

Scene 1 -Meeting-

Narrator: The story of Joshua and Alyssa...

It all started at a hallway, With Ellie and Alyssa chatting.

Ellie: So! Luke saw Rosa with Vyn yesterday and–

*Someone Calls out to Ellie*

Wendy: Huyy!! Ellie!! I need your help

Ellie: Wendy? What do you need?
Wendy: Hi Aly! Can I borrow Ellie for a minute? Thank you!!!!
Ellie: Huy!!–

*Runs with Ellie

Narrator: Aly was confused with the commotion but she continued on walking
through the hallways... till she bumped with Joshua

*Aly and Joshua bumps to eachother*

-/ Aly falls due to the impact and Joshua extended his hand to Aly

Joshua: Are you okay?

Aly: Yes Im fine, ! I'm sorry for bumping in to you !!

*Aly stands up and yeah eye contact

Joshua: Aly?
Aly: Joshua?..
Narrator: Alyssa and Joshua froze for a moment..
Joshua: Oh it is you! Do you want to grab lunch sometime, Aly?
Aly: Oh Joshua!! Sure

*Aly and Joshua walks together somewhat*

Aly: Did you grow taller?

Narrator: From there on, Joshua and Alyssa have been hanging out for the past week
to catch up. Whether it would be eating lunch together, studying, or talking in the

Ellie: So?~ Who's that guy?

Aly: An old friend
Ellie: You sure?
Aly: Yes I'm sure
Ellie: Your veryy sure?
Aly: Yes im VERY.. VERY sure
Ellie: Uhuh.. oh well if you keep denying about your relationship we won't get
anywhere yknow
Aly: I'm not denying ellieee!!

Narrator: Alyssa didn't think she felt something for her old friend. But the more they
hang out the more their feelings intertwined with eachother.

Scene 2 -Hanging out/Confession-

*After class*

Ellie: Aly! Do you want to walk home together?

Aly: Ayy, sorry Ellie, I'm waking home with Joshua
Ellie: WHAT?!!

*Nanghapakhapak Kay Alyssa*

Ellie: I didn't know you were THAT close with him
Alyssa: We are close tho?.

*Nanghapak2 na pud*

Alyssa: Ellie!
Ellie: Okok I'll stop...!

*Joshua arrives*

Joshua: Aly! What's taking you so long ?

*Nanghapak na pud SI Ellie*

Ellie: Jusko sis!

Alyssa: Oh sorry Joshua, I'm coming!

Narrator: Joshua and Alyssa were hanging out most of the time at school, but this is
the first time for them to be walking to their houses

Alyssa: Oh this is my block! Youre path is there right?

Joshua: Yeah
Alyssa: Then, I'll be going now..
Alyssa: Byebye

Narrator: Joshua thought for a moment, that this was the right time and if he doesn't
move or speak he'll lose his chance and both of them will still be friends

*Alyssa turns around and.. Joshua grabs her hands*

Alyssa: Joshua?..
Joshua: Alyssa..
Alyssa: Do you want to say something Josh?..
Joshua: Alyssa,... I.. like you


Joshua: Ofcourse I know you don't want to pursue a relationship right now..
Joshua: But I can wait.. until you... Or both of us are ready.
Alyssa: Joshua.. I'm sorry, but as you said, I'm not interested being in a relationship
right now, I want to focus more on my studies.. but if your willing to wait, then..
Joshua: Yes I am! I'll wait until we are both ready I promise!

Narrator: Joshua and Alyssa focused on themselves, and also both of them wanted to
get to know the other person better, whether it would be their weaknesses,
strengths, dislikes or likes. They explored it all throughout the years.

Scene 3 - Promise -

*School setting / studying*

Joshua: Do you know the answer to number 4?

Alyssa: Ahh, on math?
Joshua: Yeah
Alyssa: Then no, I haven't started doing that homework
Joshua: oh...


Joshua: You know, I have something I'm curious about

Alyssa: What is it?
Joshua: How would I know if your ready to be in a relationship with me?
Alyssa: Hmm.. Then..

*Closes book*

Alyssa: When I give you a chocolate!

Joshua: Chocolate? That's it?
Alyssa: Yep Chocolate! But...
Joshua: But?
Alyssa: I don't want to be the only one giving, so I want you to give me something
Alyssa: Maybe chocolate? Or flowers? Books will do too!
Joshua: I'll remember that
Narrator: Alyssa didn't notice what he said.

Narrator: After that conversation if Joshua had a chance, he would give Alyssa
anything without expecting anything in return.. Both of them were waited for

Scene 4 -Graduation and Acceptance-

Alyssa: Congrats bestie!!

Ellie: Congrats to you too!!

*Nag hug Kay gusto ko physical contact*

Joshua: Congrats to the both of you!

Ellie: Ayiehhh!! *Nanghapak*
Joshua: And Alyssa.., *Pulls out roses/flowers any* this is for you..
Alyssa: Oh Joshua! Thank you!
Alyssa: I prepared something for you too! *Pulls out chocolates*
Joshua: Is this?..
Joshua: Does this mean that ?
Alyssa: Nods
Narrator: Joshua hugged Alyssa as tightly as he can, as if he waited a thousand years
for her answer.

Joshua: I'm happy

Alyssa: Me too
Joshua: Thank you..
Ellie: Congrats again bestie! *Nag emote*

Scene 5 -Dating-

Narrator: In their relationship they made sure to have some time for themselves and
their studies. They didn't want to stray away from their paths. But in their fruitful
relationship there will always be problems.


Joshua: YES I KNOW THAT!.... But... I just want us to have more time with eachother
Alyssa: *sigh*
Alyssa: Fine fine , I'm sorry..
Joshua: I'm sorry too, that was immature of me.
Alyssa: How about this then? What if we make a day just for ourselves? I won't
complain about my homework and you won't complain about how tired you are, it's
just us, both... Ok?
Joshua: Ok..

*Pinky promise type thing*

Narrator: But eitherways they overcame their struggles and problems..


Scene 6 - Engagement -

*Joshua covers Alyssa's eyes*

Alyssa: What's this for Josh? I can't see..

Joshua: That's the point..

*Nag pwesyto na Ang friend ni Joshua(Raven) and Alyssa(Ellie) nag hold up ug will
you marry me sign*

Joshua: Are you ready?

Alyssa: Our anniversary was months ago, yknow?
Joshua: Yeah it was,

*Joshua uncovers Alyssa's eye*

Alyssa: Joshua... Are you being?

*Alyssa turns around to Joshua*

Joshua: Will you marry me, Alyssa?
Alyssa: Joshua..
Alyssa: Yes.. yes!!

(If naay ring we can put the ring on Alyssa's fingers and hug, if Wala we can go
directly to hug)

Narrator: A day after they went to the church's office to file their marriage
application form..

Alyssa: This doesn't feel real..

Joshua: Well it is real

*After signing the form*

Registrar person: Congratulations on your marriage!

Narrator: And both of them told their parents about them being officially married.
Both of their parents were crying tears of joy within this development.

Scene 7 - Marriage -

-outside reception-

Joshua: Raven, I'm nervous

Raven: That's fine dude, its ok to be nervous..
Raven: But I'm happy that you both ended up being together
Joshua: Me too bro

*Joshua and Raven hugs*

Alyssa: I'm nervous, Elliee!

Ellie: That's ok sis, aren't you lucky that you got married earlier than me?
Alyssa: Haha..
Ellie: But I'm happy that you ended up with him
Alyssa: I am too, I'm a lucky girl..
Ellie: Yes you are
*Alyssa and Ellie hugs*.

Alyssa: My makeup siss

Pari: Will you Joshua, take Alyssa as your bride?
Joshua: Yes I do
Pari: Will you Alyssa, take Joshua as your husband?
Alyssa: Yes I do
Pari: You may now kiss the bride.

Raven and Ellie: Congratulations on your marriage!!!

Narrator: That is how Alyssa and Joshua's story started, but there are still many
pages to flip, there story is not done. There are still many moments, challenges,
struggles, they have to face. But what's important is that they are together and both
of them are facing these things with eachother.

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