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Provider Bias

Tips and Techniques

Knowledge alone does not change behaviour. People make

choices based on internal and external factors.

The way we present information, helps caregivers understand

that information, and the way we convey this information can
influence how caregivers weigh perceived threats, perceived
barriers, and benefits.

Humans make decisions based on facts, emotions and

perceptions. We are almost inevitably influenced by various
cognitive biases. Our communication needs to use emotions
as well as facts, to generate the momentum needed to move
people into action and change behaviours.

Explicit Bias Implicit Bias

•An explicit (or conscious) bias is when •An implicit (or unconscious) bias is
the person is very clear about their an attitude or stereotype we hold
feelings and attitudes, and related without being fully aware of it.
behaviours are conducted with intent. •Implicit bias operates outside of the
•Explicit bias is processed person’s awareness and can be in
direct contradiction to a person’s
neurologically at a conscious level as a
espoused beliefs and values.
memory and in words.
•Implicit bias can interfere with
clinical assessment, decision-making,
and provider-patient relationships.

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