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Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / t r a c

Challenging applications for multi-element analysis by laser-induced

breakdown spectroscopy in agriculture: A review
Jiyu Peng, Fei Liu *, Fei Zhou, Kunlin Song, Chu Zhang, Lanhan Ye, Yong He *
College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou 310058, China


Toxic metal contamination and nutritious elements detection are two main issues in agriculture, as these
relate to the development of agriculture and human health. Among the investigated techniques, laser-
Agricultural products and food
induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has the potential to become a fast and effective analytical tool
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the application in agriculture. Herein is a review of the recent developments and applications of LIBS
Nutrient elements in the field of agriculture. We discussed the LIBS instruments and quantitative analytical methods, and
Plants introduced signal enhancement methods for expanding the elements detection capability. For detailed
Precision agriculture aspects of applications, we reviewed the recent progress in soil, plants, agricultural products and food.
Soil To solve the severe “matrix effect” problem and to meet high demands in agriculture, we recommended
Toxic metals the development of robust and practical LIBS instruments, exploiting the chemometric methods and signal
enhancement methods for quantitative analysis.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 261

2. Instruments ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 261
2.1. Laboratory and fieldable LIBS system ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 261
2.2. Commercial LIBS system ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 262
3. Relevant techniques for signal enhancement ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 263
3.1. Dual-pulse LIBS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 263
3.2. Spatial-confinement LIBS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 263
3.3. Resonance-enhanced LIBS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 264
3.4. Nanoparticle-enhanced LIBS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 264
4. Methodological approaches for quantitative analysis .......................................................................................................................................................................... 264
4.1. Univariate analysis .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 265
4.2. Multivariate analysis .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 265
4.3. Calibration-free analysis ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 265
5. Applications in agriculture ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 265
5.1. Soil ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 266
5.2. Plants ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 267
5.3. Agricultural products and food ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 268

Abbreviations: AAS, atomic absorption spectroscopy; ANN, artificial neural network; CF, calibration-free; CRM, certified reference material; C-T, Czerny–Turner; DPLIBS,
dual-pulse LIBS; ICP-OES, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy; ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; LA-ICP-MS, laser
ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; LIBS, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy; LIF, laser induced fluorescence; LODs, limits of detection; MLR, mul-
tiple linear regression; NELIBS, nanoparticle-enhanced LIBS; NIR, near infrared spectroscopy; PCR, principal component regression; PLEAF, plume laser-excited atomic fluorescence;
PLS, partial least squares; RELIBS, resonance-enhanced LIBS; RM, reference material; RMSEP, root mean square error of prediction; RSD, relative standard deviation; SVM,
support vector machine; XRF, X-ray fluorescence; UV, ultra-violet.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 571 88982825; Fax: +86 571 88982143.
E-mail addresses: (F. Liu); (Y. He).
0165-9936/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272 261

6. Summary and future prospect ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 269

Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 269
References ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 269

1. Introduction performance. Therefore, more reliable and rugged instruments with

more stable quantitative methods are required.
Toxic metals contamination and nutrients management are two The objectives of this paper are to present the applications and
main issues in agriculture. Toxic metals can bind to sulfer-, nitrogen- relevant developments of LIBS in agriculture, and to provide the sub-
and oxygen-containing functional groups in biological molecules, stantial prior knowledge of instruments, quantitative methods and
such as structural proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids, etc., inter- relevant techniques with regard to agricultural application. The paper
fering with their normal function [1]. Chronic exposure to toxic mainly focuses on research over the years 2008–2015. After the in-
metals can cause severe health problems to humans, plants and troduction of LIBS instruments, the relevant methods for LIBS signal
animals if critical levels are exceeded. Of main concern are the met- enhancement were presented. Then, we focused on the method-
alloids arsenic (As), selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), ological approaches for quantitative analysis, which are the basic
chromium (Cr) and mercury (Hg). In contrast to toxic metals, nu- for multi-element analysis in agriculture. With aforementioned tech-
trients including macronutrients [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), nology, the applications of LIBS were introduced concerning toxic
potassium (K), etc.] and micronutrients [iron (Fe), boron (B), copper and nutrient elements detection in soil, plants, agricultural prod-
(Cu), etc.] are essential for plants growth. These nutrients play dif- ucts and food. Finally, we summarized the recent advances of LIBS
ferent roles in plant metabolism, and the concentration of which in agriculture and listed the potential applications and problems to
may remain changing in different life stages. What’s more, because be solved.
of management practices and weather conditions, spatial varia-
tion of nutrients in soil and plants exist in a single agricultural field. 2. Instruments
As an important part of precision agriculture, a sensor for fast ac-
quisition of toxic metals and nutrients information in agriculture This section attempts to introduce the features of different LIBS
is highly required [2]. systems, including laboratory and fieldable LIBS, and to discuss
Traditionally, analytical techniques such as inductively coupled strengths and weaknesses of each system. A typical LIBS system con-
plasma with mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled sists of laser, optics for guiding the laser pulse onto the sample and
plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), atomic absorp- transferring the emitted light into a light disperse system, spec-
tion spectrometry (AAS) have been used to detect toxic metals and trograph for producing the spectra and detecting system for recording
nutrients. However, these methods are limited by complex sample the spectra and converting it to electronic signal. To compare the
preparation steps and may not meet the demand of real-time mea- differences among systems, commonly used LIBS systems in pub-
surement in agriculture. lished literature are listed in Table 1. Since researchers tend to
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a form of laser- assemble LIBS systems by themselves for their specialized use, we
based atomic emission technique. By analyzing spectral signal tried to cover the most common LIBS systems used in agriculture.
constituted by the light emission from laser plasma, multi-element Every row in Table 1 represents a LIBS setup mentioned in accord-
analysis is achieved. Since all that is required to create the plasma ing references.
is the focused laser pulse, LIBS has lots of well-known advantages
[3], which include (1) no or little sample preparation; (2) in-situ 2.1. Laboratory and fieldable LIBS system
and stand-off detection capabilities; (3) multi-element analysis avail-
ability; (4) micro analysis capability when connected to microscope; Benefiting from highly controlled conditions and specific re-
(5) ability to analyze gases, liquids, and solids; (6) simplicity. Thanks search demands, the laboratory LIBS systems are usually more
to abovementioned features, in the past decades, LIBS has been precise, stable and expensive, and cover various aspects of LIBS re-
applied in geochemical, environmental, biological, archaeological search. As shown in Table 1, lots of investigations have been reported
analysis, and achieved great progress in detection performance and on fundamental and feasibilities. The main concern in instru-
understanding of the mechanisms involved. Several reviews have ments is the effect of laser types. Different laser types including
been published to cover the applications and progress of LIBS tech- Nd:YAG, Ti:Sapphire, ArF excimer and CO2 lasers have been applied
nique. Specific attention was focused on explosives residues [4], in practice. These lasers have different pulse characteristics (e.g., pulse
geochemical and environmental materials [5], industrial materi- duration, wavelength, pulse width), which provide critical effects
als [6,7], and biomedical application [8,9]. on the formation of plasma. Pulse lasers are preferred in most cases
However, the application of LIBS in the field of agriculture is more because it is stable, focused, have high energy output and easy to
challenging than in other areas. These challenges are mainly due use. In addition, the performance of femtosecond lasers was also
to complex interaction between samples and sensors, as well as investigated in laboratory LIBS systems. Benefiting from its ultra-
adverse working conditions. The physical and chemical character- short pulse duration, no thermodynamic change, lower continuum
istics of samples (e.g., crops) often vary considerably over time and emission and little matrix effect can be found in fs-LIBS [63]. Thus,
space. As for other detected specimens, such as soil and agricul- fs-LIBS system can be used for biological elemental imaging because
tural products, the variation among samples may also differ greatly. of its good space and depth resolved capability [48]. In addition,
These may cause severe ‘matrix effect’, and the experimental pa- Khumaeni and the co-workers use CO2 laser pulse to directly analyze
rameters which perform well in other areas may not be suitable in minerals and toxic metals contained in food powder [55,56]. Due
agriculture. Furthermore, the regular standard for toxic metals, as to the long wavelength and duration of CO2 laser, the plasma can
well as the recommended nutrients, is usually around the level of be created more easily, and the food powder can be analyzed di-
ppm, even ppb. The detection demand is higher than that in in- rectly without pressing. The limits of detection (LODs) of Cr and Cd
dustry. On the other hand, the working conditions in agriculture in the powdered food were as low as 9 and 50 mg/kg, respectively
(usually outside the laboratory) have detrimental effects on detection [56].
262 J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272

Stand-off LIBS system and portable LIBS system are both fieldable (1) Czerny-Turner spectrograph and ICCD detector, (2) Echelle spec-
LIBS instruments, which are usually applied for industrial applica- trograph and ICCD detector, (3) multi-channel Czerny-Turner
tion, environmental diagnosis and hazardous work. A critical review spectrograph and CCD detector. Czerny-Turner spectrograph usually
has been given by Fortes et al., and the recent developments of offers high resolution with a limited spectral coverage, while the
fieldable LIBS were well introduced [64]. Different from laborato- limitation can be overcome with Echelle spectrograph, which has
ry LIBS system, telescopes are usually involved in stand-off LIBS the advantages of broad spectral range, compactness and high res-
system to focus the laser pulse and collect the signal. Chamcam’s olution. However, Echelle spectrograph also has some drawbacks,
LIBS instrument onboard the Curiosity rover is a successful appli- such as restricted working condition (e.g., temperature), low ac-
cable example for stand-off LIBS. A semi-quantitative or qualitative quisition rate and high cost. Thus, Echelle and Czerny-Turner
analysis for soil in Mars has been successfully achieved [57,58]. spectrographs combined ICCD detectors are often applied for fun-
However, when it comes to field application, the light transmitted damental research in laboratory. In addition, some multi-channel
in the atmosphere is affected by various factors (e.g., the presence compact spectrographs with relatively high resolution (usually
of particles, wind, humidity, and the travel distance). As for porta- around 0.1 nm) and broad spectral range (usually range from 200 nm
ble LIBS system, a more compact LIBS system is needed. As the to 1000 nm) have been marketed by a few manufacturers (e.g., Ocean
development of laser (featured by more powerful and compact con- optics Inc., Avantes). As for detectors, ICCD detector is composed
figuration and efficient cooling system), analysis of soil with portable of a microchannel plate and a CCD detector, and provides time-
LIBS becomes achievable [60,61]. LIBSCAN 25 + from Applied Pho- gated detection, and of course is more expensive than CCD detector.
tonics Ltd. and MobiLIBS III from IVEA are two kinds of commercial However, some arguments concerning the performance of these two
LIBS portable systems (for more potable LIBS devices, please refer detectors should be further investigated in aspects of agricultural
to Ref [65].). In addition, since the laser used in LIBS system is usually applications [69]. In conclusion, multi-channel spectrograph mounted
Class III or IV, eye safety should be considered [66]. with CCD is more suitable for fieldable LIBS systems (e.g., portable
Furthermore, there are some issues concerning both laborato- LIBS system), which offers compact configuration and acceptable
ry and fieldable LIBS systems. As shown in Table 1, different resolution with broad spectral range. For fundamental research in
wavelengths of nanosecond lasers were applied to analyze the laboratory, Echelle spectrograph combined with ICCD is preferred.
samples in agriculture. In general, shorter wavelengths have higher Since the specimens in agriculture are usually inhomogeneous, si-
mass ablation rates and lower penetration depths, which is attrib- multaneous measurement in broad spectral range is required to avoid
uted to higher photon energy for bond breaking and ionization shot-to-shot fluctuation. Besides, time-resolved analysis of spectra
[67]. It was also reported that ultra-violet (UV) pulse can help to is a critical point in fundamental research.
reduce the elemental fluctuation with lower relative standard de-
viation (RSD) compared with near infrared (NIR) pulse [67,68].
Besides, the use of NIR wavelength is limited in some cases when 2.2. Commercial LIBS system
the specimens have low absorbance in NIR region (e.g., glasses) or
when the specimens contain lots of fluid medium (e.g., fresh plant) Many companies which used to concentrate on spectrograph now
[69]. In this case, UV laser is more suitable for the analysis in ag- start to produce commercial LIBS systems. In general, commercial
riculture, especially for fresh plants or when mapping is required. LIBS systems tend to be more stable, have a good user interface, and
However, NIR laser is usually economic and powerful (the energy even provide basic data preprocessing software. As stated in Table 2,
reduces greatly when it changes to UV wavelength), and many mea- almost every type of LIBS system including laboratory, remote,
surements (e.g., soil, dried plant samples) were still carried by NIR potable, micro and stand-off LIBS is covered in the category of these
pulse. companies.
Choosing a suitable spectrograph-detector combination is im- In other words, the advantages of LIBS gave rise to the inter-
portant in self-assembled LIBS systems design. As shown in Table 1, ests of companies, which accelerated the developments of LIBS
there are three dominating spectrograph-detector combinations: devices. In agriculture, some specific attention should be paid to

Table 1
Commercial LIBS systems and self-assembled LIBS systems mentioned in published literature

Type Laser Spectrograph Detector Sample Ref.

Laboratory Ti:Sapphire, 800 nm; C-T ICCD Plant [10]

Nd:YAG, 1064, 532, 266 nm
Nd:YAG, 266, 355 nm Echelle ICCD Vegetables, Milk [11–13]
Nd:YAG, 266, 532 nm C-T ICCD Plant [14–20]
Nd:YAG, 532 nm Multi-channel, C-T CCD Plant, Food, Soil [21–34]
Nd:YAG, 532 nm C-T ICCD Vegetable oils [35]
Nd:YAG, 532 nm Echelle ICCD Plant [36]
Nd:YAG, 1064 nm Echelle ICCD Plant, Soil [37–43]
Nd:YAG, 1064 nm Multi-channel, C-T CCD Orange [44–46]
Nd:YAG, 1064 nm C-T PMT Algae [47]
Nd:YAG, 355 nm; C-T ICCD Sunflower seedling [48]
Ti:Sapphire, 790 nm
Ti:Sapphire, 795 nm Echelle ICCD Plant [49,50]
Ti:Sapphire, 800 nm C-T ICCD Poplar tree leaves [51]
Nd:YAG, 532 nm; Echelle; C-T ICCD Wheat Grains, Potatoes [52–54]
ArF Excimer, 193 nm
CO2, 10.6 μm C-T ICCD Food powder [55,56]
Stand-off ChemCam (Nd:KGW, 1067 nm; Multi-channel; CCD) Soil [57,58]
Nd:YAG, 1064 nm C-T ICCD Soil [59]
Portable IVEA, MobiLIBS III (Nd:YAG, 266 nm; Echelle; ICCD) Soil [60,61]
Nd:YAG, 1064 nm C-T ICCD Soil, Leaf mustard [62]

Abbreviations: ICCD, intensified charge-coupled device; CCD, charge-coupled device; PMT, photomultiplier tube; C-T, Czerny-Turner.
J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272 263

Table 2
the main commercial LIBS systems

Company Products Type Main features

Oxford Instruments mPulse Potable Total weight of 1.8 kg; Design for metal alloys sorting
Ocean Optics Inc. LIBS2500plus Laboratory
Applied Spectra Inc. J200 Laboratory
Bertin Technologies LIBSorter 300 Laboratory Analysis speed of 25 piece/s; Design for scrap metals sorting
LIBSlab Laboratory
Avantes AvaSpec-ULS2048-LIBS Laboratory
IVEA MobiLIBS Laboratory Total weight of 30 kg; A transportable system
RemoteLIBS Remote Working distance of 3–10 meters with telescope optic and 10–20 meters with fiber optic
EasyLIBS Potable Total weight of 7 kg with laser energy less than 25 mJ; Option dual-pulse
MEEP Micro Spatial resolution better than 8 μm; Energy range from 0.2 mJ to 1 mJ
Applied Photonics Ltd. ST-LIBS Stand-off Working distance more than 100 meters
LIBSCAN 25 + Potable Total weight of 14 kg; Laser energy up to 50 mJ

Note: Manufacturers usually provide laboratory system with customize adaption.

developing commercial LIBS devices for agricultural use, such as soil calcium on slices of stems with orthogonal re-heating DPLIBS [14].
type sorting, agricultural products adulteration discrimination and With the combination of the information from LIBS and ICP-MS,
toxic metals detection. the quantitative result of elemental spatial distribution was suc-
cessfully obtained. However, further effort is needed to improve
the quantitative analytical ability of LIBS. Furthermore, the
3. Relevant techniques for signal enhancement
spatial resolution in this article is 150 μm, and higher resolution
can be achieved by the use of picosecond or femtosecond lasers
In order to further improve analytical performance comparing
to conventional methods (e.g., ICP-MS, XRF, AAS), signal enhance-
ment methods were introduced in this section. For most cases, the
LODs vary from 1 ppm to 100 ppm with conventional LIBS setup.
3.2. Spatial-confinement LIBS
The sensitivity of LIBS may not meet the demand in agriculture es-
pecially for trace elements detection. Therefore, a great effort has
Attracted by the effect of cavity induced by laser [79,80], many
been devoted to increasing the sensitivity, mainly including dual-
researchers tried to enhance the signal intensity of plasma emis-
pulse LIBS (DPLIBS), spatial-confinement LIBS, resonance-enhanced
sion using spatial confinement methods. By compressing the plasma
LIBS (RELIBS), nanoparticle-enhanced LIBS (NELIBS) and so on. No
expansion with a small obstacle (e.g., plate, cylindrical wall) across
attempt was done to list all signal enhancement methods. We mainly
the front propagation, the enhancement factor is range from a few
emphasize on the potential possibility of using signal enhance-
to tens folds. Thanks to its advantages of simplicity, cost perfor-
ment methods for agricultural application, and introduce the recent
mance and powerful enhancement capability, a great effort has been
development of these techniques.
devoted to improving the performance of spatial-confinement LIBS.
Different shape and materials of the cavity have been studied such
3.1. Dual-pulse LIBS as hemispherical cavity [81], cylindrical chamber with polished brass
walls [82], metal disks with 2 mm hole [83], etc. In addition, the
The dual-pulse LIBS (DPLIBS) was first introduced in 1969 by effects of size and depth of cavity were also investigated [84].
Piepmeier and Malmstadt when analyzing the plume of an alumi- However, these optimal factors are heavily dependent on the ma-
num alloy with single and multiple pulses [70], and then drew great terials of sample and experimental parameters, and general rules
attention among the researchers since 2000. By impinging on the of optimal parameter remain unstudied.
samples with two or more pulses in several microseconds delay, the Some pioneering work has been carried out on soil. Popov et al.
intensity of emission lines can be enhanced up to 100 folds. Al- [82] studied the performance of spatial confinement for trace el-
though the mechanism of DPLIBS has not been fully understood, ements determination in soil and found out that the LODs of As,
many researchers tried to explain the actual working factors, and Hg, Pb, Mn, V and Ba decreased with the range of 2–5 times (see
a great progress has been made [71–73]. Three reviews concern- Fig. 1). The authors also pointed out that the relative standard de-
ing the mechanism of DPLIBS have been published [74–76]. viation (RSD) of emission lines was increased in 1.5 times with spatial
According to the irradiation mode and the DPLIBS configurations, confinement, which was also mentioned in Ref. [85]. This phenom-
the DPLIBS can be classified into three modes (e.g., collinear, or- enon may be caused by the ignition of surrounding atmosphere
thogonal pre-spark and orthogonal re-heating). The mechanisms of which was formed by previous pulse. However, this detrimental effect
these three DPLIBS configuration are quite different, and have been can be eliminated by the optimization of experimental param-
well elaborated in Ref. [74]. eters (e.g., laser energy, lens to samples distance, delay time). As
Limited by the article, we mainly focused on the potential ap- proved by Hou and the co-workers, the RSD of C I 193.09 nm from
plication with these three DP-configurations in agriculture. Collinear the plasma spectrum of coal was even reduced with optimized laser
DPLIBS is more acceptable for practical application, since it’s easier energy and delay time [86]. In this case, study should be focused
to align compared with orthogonal configuration. Therefore, it may on carefully selecting experimental parameters, as well as under-
be more suitable for in-situ, stand-off detection of soil and plant standing the mechanism of spatial-confinement enhancement. A
in real time. As for orthogonal configuration, it allows researchers main problem for this technique with regard to practical applica-
to obtain quite strong spectral signal with low energy, resulting in tion is the impurities of micro particles depositing on the surfaces
high spatial resolution and little damage. This is particularly im- of chamber. Some attempts have been made by Popov et al., who
portant for mapping the elemental distribution of the plant. cleaned internal surfaces with ablation of pure aluminium before
Krajcarova et al. investigated the copper transport and accumula- every analytical measurement [82]. However, more efficient and
tion in spruce stems and mapped the distribution of copper and simple procedure should be involved in further study.
264 J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272

Fig. 1. Normalized emission spectra obtained in two spectral regions of 234–239 nm (a) and 430–439 nm (b) for soil No.2710 samples ablation. Profiles are obtained by
using chamber (1) and without it (2). Details of spectra obtained in spectral range for Hg I line observation in the soil sample are given in the inset of figure b.{based on

3.3. Resonance-enhanced LIBS

Resonance-enhanced LIBS (RELIBS), firstly proposed by Cheung

and co-workers in 2000 [87], has been proved as an efficient signal
enhancement approach with enhancement factors from a few to
hundreds folds. The configuration of RELIBS is similar to LIBS-LIF
(combination of LIBS and laser induced fluorescence), while the
wavelength of second pulse is tuned to the wavelength of reso-
nant excitation of the plasma. However, in LIBS-LIF, the second pulse
is applied to resonantly excite the interested analyte [88]. Unlike
LIBS-LIF, RELIBS is not restricted to the one-wavelength-one-
transition specificity, and can be applied for multi-element analysis.
Furthermore, RELIBS is particular suitable for trace elements de-
tection with minimal destruction, of which the ablation laser fluence
is often close to ablation threshold (usually several mJ). Because of
these unique advantages, RELIBS can be a potential tool for the de-
tection of trace elements in fresh plant.
Recently, a new signal enhancement approach named PLEAF
(plume laser-excited atomic fluorescence) has been proposed
[89–91]. As a variant of both LIBS-LIF and RELIBS, PLEAF can elim-
Fig. 2. Emission spectrum of Rhododendron obtusum with silver colloidal par-
inate the background emissions completely compared with RELIBS, ticles applied to the leaf. {based on [96]}.
and the LOD is as low as ppb. The excellent detecting capability of
PLEAF has been proved for analyzing lead in aqueous lead colloids
[89], aluminium alloys [92], ceramic and polymeric samples [93] the effect of NELIBS on different types of samples, and to under-
and laser printed ink [90]. The LODs can be as low as μg/g. However, stand the mechanism of laser-nanoparticle interaction.
the capability of PLEAF should be further investigated in agriculture. The use of metallic colloidal particle in LIBS has been reported
before in other literature. Ohta et al. and the co-workers investi-
3.4. Nanoparticle-enhanced LIBS gated the emission enhancement effect of metallic particles (which
they called as localized surface plasmon resonance) on LIBS when
In this section, we introduced a newly proposed signal intensi- analyzing plant nutrients [96]. As shown in Fig. 2, a great enhance-
ty enhancing method, which is called nanoparticle-enhanced laser- ment was observed in plasma spectrum with the help of silver
induced breakdown spectroscopy (NELIBS). NELIBS was firstly particle. Furthermore, both of the size, distribution and material of
proposed by De Giacomo et al. [94] in 2013 with the signal en- the metallic particles can affect the enhancement factor. It is nec-
hanced up to 1–2 orders of magnitude. The basic principle of NELIBS essary to clarify the dependence of emission enhancement on these
[95] is to increase the ablation efficiency by decreasing the mate- factors. Although the mechanism and influence factors of NELIBS
rial ablation threshold, which is mainly attributed to the presence haven’t been fully understood, this technique is still very promis-
of multiple ignition points and the instantaneous escape of elec- ing because of the preliminary results, simplicity and efficiency.
trons. With a drop of colloidal solution, the signal can be enhanced
up to several orders of magnitude. However, the enhancement factor 4. Methodological approaches for quantitative analysis
differs in various substrate types. Signal intensity increased to 1–2
orders of magnitude for metals, whereas no enhancement was ob- As referred to by Hahn and Omenetto [97], the quantitative anal-
served for insulators (including basalt mineral, soil sample, and Teflon ysis of LIBS is considered as its Achilles’ heel because of its complex
pellet) [94]. It may be attributed to high ablation threshold of these procedure of laser-sample and plasma-particle interactions. In other
samples. However, further investigation should be taken to verify words, quantification can be the main issue of LIBS which the
J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272 265

researchers should continuously focus on. Some methodological ap- determination of toxic metals in soil, plant and agricultural prod-
proaches including univariate analysis, multivariate analysis and ucts, which will be introduced in section 5.
calibration-free (CF) analysis have been proposed to improve the Although the benefits of chemometric methods have been em-
reproducibility and accuracy and to eliminate the matrix effect. phasized, there are some issues remaining unsolved. We listed some
advice below:
4.1. Univariate analysis
1 In order to develop a robust model, large and diverse training
Univariate analysis (also called calibration curve method) is a tra- samples or random effects are preferred [107]. This may greatly
ditional calibration method, which establishes calibration curves by extend practical application, and help to develop commercial LIBS
relating the detection signal with the concentration of element to systems in agriculture.
be detected. To develop calibration curve and eliminate matrix effects, 2 Fully understand of the capabilities and limits of chemometrics,
matrix-matched certified reference material (CRM) and reference as well as relating it to the mechanism of laser-sample and
material (RM) are often preferred. However, it’s challenging for ag- plasma-particle interactions.
ricultural application because of the lack of reference material and 3 More attention should be paid to deal with the overfitting. Since
severe matrix effects. Therefore, synthetic standards based on the the spectra of LIBS contain thousands of wavelengths, overfitting
main sample matrix component or spiked sample material can be can be a big issue when simply tens or hundreds of samples are
another choice, and these matrix-matched calibration samples have involved. To find a suitable method of chemometrics which can
been widely used in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass reduce redundant information (e.g., noise, irrelevant signal) while
spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) [98]. Silva Gomes and the co-workers [99] retaining the most important variables is recommended.
introduced a novel approach to prepare synthetic standards for the
analysis of plant specimens. They prepared the blank sample with 4.3. Calibration-free analysis
vortex-assisted acid extraction of plant materials, and then mixed
it with original materials in a certain proportion. Good perfor- Calibration-free method for LIBS analysis, which was first pro-
mance in calibration curves was achieved for Mg (correlation posed by Italian scientists Ciucci et al. to deal with matrix effect,
coefficient = 0.9998) and Si (correlation coefficient = 0.9999). has now provided a novel way for quantitative analysis. The main
Besides, the main job of univariate analysis is to maximize the advantage of this approach is to free the use of matrix matched stan-
signal-to-noise ratio and to eliminate the interference with irrel- dard and it is suitable for ‘unknown’ samples detection. These
evant spectral lines through optimizing the experimental parameters characteristics make CF method very promising in agriculture
(fluence, lens-to-sample distance, delay and integration time, etc.). because of the lack of matrix matched standard and the severe
These optimizations can be achieved by multivariate experimen- matrix effect in agricultural samples. However, depending on its
tal designs (including orthogonal test design [100], response surface modeling approach and assumptions (stoichiometric ablation, the
methodology [101], chemometrics [36], etc.) and univariate exper- existence of local thermodynamic equilibrium and optically thin
imental designs. Univariate experimental design usually requires a plasma), studies should be concentrated on avoiding or compen-
lot of experiments, and cannot clarify the relation between differ- sating for self-absorbed lines and accurate calculation of plasma
ent variables, which can be overcome in multivariate experimental temperature. More detailed information including the premise of
designs. Furthermore, internal calibration method is usually used application, limits and accuracy has been mentioned in a critical
in univariate analysis. By calibrating spectral lines to known ele- review [108].
mental concentration, the shot-to-shot variations (caused by sample In agriculture, since its beginning, CF method has been applied
heterogeneity, system error, etc.) can be corrected. However, this to determine elements in soil [109–111], sludge [112], fresh pota-
method is hard to realize in practical application, especially in ag- toes [113], food supplements [33], etc. Different from other
riculture, since it is difficult to find a constant element or to know specimens (e.g., metallic alloy), the samples in agriculture often
the concentration of element in advance. consist of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), which
are also the main elements in ambient air. Therefore, the analysis
4.2. Multivariate analysis of these elements in ambient air with CF method may cause large
error, and this can be avoided by analyzing in neutral environ-
Unlike univariate analysis, multivariate analysis involves more ment. In general, CF method is more suitable for the major elements
signal information, which can help to deal with matrix effect and detection, and the results of CF analysis for minor elements detec-
shot-to-shot fluctuation, and to predict even in the case of over- tion especially for trace elements may not meet the demand of
lapped spectral lines. After gaining a great achievement in near practical application. Herrera et al. [111] used CF method to analyze
infrared spectroscopy analysis, the use of chemometrics in LIBS has Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Si, Ti in soil. The best result was achieved for Si (ac-
drawn a great attention in recent years. Common multivariate curacy < 2%), which was the most abundant element in measured
methods for LIBS analysis were principal component regression (PCR), soil. As for the remainder of the elements, the relative errors were
partial least squares regression (PLSR), multivariate linear regres- distributed in the range of 20–120%. In order to improve the de-
sion (MLR), support vector machine (SVM), artificial neural network tection capability of CF method, some variants of conventional CF
(ANN), etc. For more comprehensive understanding of multivari- method have been proposed. Representative studies include an op-
ate analysis in LIBS, readers are referred to read Chapter 7 by timized calibration procedure for elemental ratios determination
Gottfried et al. in Cremers and Radziemski’s book [102]. As for prac- [114], and a one-point calibration approach for improving the true-
tical application, calibration and classification are two main targets ness of traditional CF-LIBS [115].
of chemometrics. In most cases, LIBS combined with chemometrics
has been proved to be an efficient tool for classification, mainly due 5. Applications in agriculture
to the ‘fingerprint’ feature of LIBS and ‘data mining’ capability of
chemometrics. Practical applications in agriculture comprise clas- Thanks to the development of LIBS instruments, relevant ana-
sification of soil types [103], contaminated food [104,105], plant lyzing techniques, methodological approaches, and the better
growing condition [106] and adulterated food [32], etc. On the other comprehensive understanding of mechanism, the application of LIBS
hand, multivariate analysis has been applied as a calibration strat- for complex matrix samples in agriculture become available. In this
egy to predict elemental concentration. Detailed applications include section, we mainly focus on the recent progress of toxic and growing
266 J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272

Fig. 3. The application of LIBS in agriculture.

elements detection in soil, plants, agricultural products and food. comparing with univariate analysis [61,130]. Although the ben-
A schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 3. Although the applications efits of multivariate methods are well known, the application should
of LIBS in agriculture are not limited to aforementioned aspects, we be cautious before fully understanding the capabilities and limita-
simply summarize the main research areas. tions of these methods as was recommended by Hahn et al [131].
LIBS has also been used to detect nutrients in soil, including Ca,
5.1. Soil Mg, Zn, Ba, N, P, K, C and other trace elements. Some trace ele-
ments (such as Zn, Ca, Ni) are considered as toxic elements if the
Soil is the basic element of traditional agriculture, which pro- concentration exceeds the demand of plant, and the analytical result
vides the nutrients (micronutrients and macronutrients) for the has been aforementioned. Therefore, we mainly focus on the anal-
growth of plants. However, caused by the atmospheric deposition ysis of total carbon and nitrogen in soil. A great effort has been
and contaminated irrigation waters, the toxic metals in soil would devoted to detecting the concentration of total carbon in soil. Emis-
be absorbed by plant and affect human health indirectly. Several sion lines of 247.86 nm and 193.03 nm are the feature lines of C,
reviews regarding the application of LIBS for soil are available [5,116]. which are commonly used in the quantitative determination of
Table 3 summarizes the recent applications of LIBS for soil. carbon content. Nguyen et al. compared the performance of these
The analysis of toxic and heavy metal in soil gains continuous two lines for detecting carbon content in soil, both lines can provide
attention for LIBS, with a great number of papers devoting to im- a good linear calibration curve [122]. However, the emission line
proving the detection performance and investigating the potential at 247.86 nm had an interference with Fe lines at 247.86 nm and
of in-situ measurement. Most researchers have drawn similar con- 247.95 nm. The detection of N content in soil is challenging due to
clusion that LIBS is suitable for most heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni, the high N content in atmosphere. Dong et al. investigated the re-
Ag, Mo, Zn, Hg, Cr) detection in soil, and the results are in accor- lationship between laser energy and time evolution spectral
dance with reference methods [e.g., atomic absorption spectroscopy characteristics, and good linear relationship was found between N
(AAS)] with the LODs around 1 ppm [120,123,124,127,129]. Several content and signal intensity at wavelength of 744.23 nm and
methods have been proposed to improve the sensitivity of LIBS and 746.83 nm in argon atmosphere [128].
reduce the matrix effect. Choosing a suitable data analysis method As the improvement of its performance, portable LIBS system
can help to solve this problem. Kim et al. proposed that Kriging in- attracts more and more attention with regard to the application in
terpolation method instead of calibration for Zn detection in soil agriculture. Cunat et al. used a portable LIBS analyzer to analysis
could reduce matrix effect and improve the results with determi- lead in road sediments in real time, and the LOD was 190 μg/g [118].
nation coefficient increasing from 0.94 to 0.99 [123]. Furthermore, Rakovský et al. presented a test report concerning home-made por-
multivariate methods (e.g., PLSR, ANN) have been proved helpful table LIBS on geological samples [132]. The total weight of this system
J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272 267

Table 3
A summary of the application of LIBS for soil

Samples Analytes LOD (ppm) Remarks Ref.

Soil Cd 1.3 Univariate [43]

Soil Hg 8 Stand-off, Univariate [59]
Soil Pb Portable, ANN [60,61]
Slurry Al, Ca, Fe, Ni, Si Univariate, MLR, PLS [117]
Road sediments Pb 190 Portable, Univariate, [118]
Soil Cu, Zn, Ca 4.785, 6, 4.35 Univariate [119]
Soil Pb, Cu, Fe, Ni 3.96, 0.33, 178.2, 2.11 Univariate [120]
Soil Ca, K, P, Mg, Fe, S, Ni, Ba 12, 9, 7, 9, 7, 10, 8, 12 Univariate [121]
Soil C Univariate [122]
Soil Pb 48 Univariate, CF [109]
Soil Zn Univariate, Kriging interpolation method [123]
Soil, ore Ag, Mo, Cu, P 0.3, 0.3, 0.6, 8 Univariate [124]
Soil Cr, Cu, Pb, V, Zn 17, 61, 20, 29, 55 Univariate [125]
Soil Cu Univariate, Microwave-assisted [126]
Soil Hg 483 Univariate [127]
Soil N Univariate [128]

Abbreviations: CF, calibration free; ANN, artificial neural network; MLR, multiple linear regression; PLS, partial least squares.

was as light as 5 kg, with resolution of 0.4 nm and energy up to 40 enhancement methods can help to improve the LODs. Further-
mJ. The depth profile in geological samples was qualitatively de- more, the growing elements detection is also influenced by the
termined, and the performance is comparable to a portable X-ray matrix effect, which is rather severe in plant materials. Arantes de
Fluorescence (XRF). Haddad et al. dedicated to in-situ analysis of Carvalho et al. [10,136] proved that multivariate analysis as well as
lead in soil sample with portable LIBS – MobiLIBS III from IVEA SAS fs-LIBS was an effective way to reduce the matrix effect and to
[60]. A serial artificial neural networks were applied to establish improve the performance. Better accuracy and less uncertainty for
quantitative models according to the matrix feature of samples, re- nutrients in plants were found when using fs-LIBS, which was cred-
sulting the relative error of prediction close to 20%. ited to its special pulse feature (ultrashort laser pulse). As for ns-
LIBS, multivariate analysis can significantly improve the accuracy,
5.2. Plants with root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) two times lower
than univariate analysis. In addition, instrumental parameters (e.g.,
LIBS can also be used as a powerful analytical tool for the anal- laser focusing, fluence, wavelength) and sample preparation are also
ysis of growing elements and toxic metals in plant and tracing the important to the growing elements detection [39]. Smaller parti-
transport of the elements in plant. Kaiser’s group and Krug’s group cle size can help to enhance the emission signal intensity and to
are two main groups in this field, which come from Czech Repub- improve the measurement precision. It’s recommended by Arantes
lic and Brazil, respectively. Kaiser mainly focuses on the analysis of de Carvalho et al. [37] that samples particle size smaller than 100 μm
fresh plant samples with no preparation, while Krug is devoted to is decisive for plant pellets analysis. However, these kinds of re-
improving the performance of LIBS for laboratory use with the press searches may be applicable under special conditions, while the
of dried samples. Two interesting reviews [133,134] concerning the mechanism is in need of further study, and a universal rule remains
application of LIBS for plant and biological samples have recently unstudied.
published. Table 4 lists the main issues in recently published papers. Toxic metals detection in plant is also very important, which is
Growing elements detection is the main purpose of the appli- concerning the growing status of the plant and early protection. The
cation of LIBS in plant, and the growing elements can be divided analysis of toxic metals including Cr (VI) [21,23], Cu [14,17,19,47],
into micro-nutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Zn, etc.) and macro-nutrients (N, P, Pb [16,17,20,62], Ag [18,19] has been investigated. There are two
K, Mg, Si, etc.). Since the micro-nutrients in plant are usually in the main purposes of the application of LIBS for plants. One purpose
range of several ppm to tens of ppm, it is a little beyond the tra- is to monitor the metals accumulation in plant, and try to indicate
ditional LIBS detection limitation. As mentioned in section 4, LIBS the pollution of environment or alleviate the metal toxicity with
physical or chemistry methods. A portable LIBS device was suc-
cessfully used for the analysis of Pb in contaminated soils and in
Table 4 leaf mustard [62]. Leaf mustard played a role in restoring the pol-
An overview of main issues discussed with the application of LIBS in plant luted soil called as phytoremediation. Good correlation was found
Samples Main issues of the application of LIBS Ref. between LIBS and atomic absorption spectroscopy, with determi-
Spruce Monitor the transport of copper in [14] nation coefficient better than 0.7 for soil and determination
stems coefficient of 0.9738 for plant samples. LIBS has also been used to
Sunflower Map the distribution of elements [16–20,48] investigate toxic metals in algae [47,139], which can be applied as
Wheat seedling Monitor the transport of Cr in root, [23] an indicator of environmental pollution. Thanks to its space-
stem and leaves
resolved ability and minimal destructive feature, another purpose
Sugar cane Nutrient elements detection [38,41]
Bean Micronutrients detection [42] of LIBS is to trace the transport of elements in plant. Kumar et al.
Poplar tree Nutrient elements detection [51] used LIBS to monitor the Cr uptaking in different parts (shoot, stem,
Leaf mustard Toxic elements detection [62] leaf) of wheat seedling with chromium stress [23]. The Cr content
Crops Nutrient elements detection [10,135,136]
in different parts of wheat seedling was compared based on signal
Folium lycii Micronutrients detection [137]
Cotton Toxic and nutrient elements [138]
intensities at 357.8 nm, 359.3 nm and 360.5 nm. For further study,
detection the quantitative results compared with reference methods should
Algal Toxic element detection [47,139] be conducted for different parts of plants, as well as tracing the trans-
Capsicum annuum L. Map the distribution of lead and [140] port of metals in plant with several time periods. In addition, LIBS
nutrient elements
was also used to study the metal accumulation in plant leaf [16–20]
268 J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272

Fig. 4. The 3D map of the accumulation of Cu in Spruce Stems after cultivation in 50 mM CuCl2 for 4 hours. The X position of the top pane represents the distance from the
bottom stem. {based on [14]}.

and cross sections of plant stem [14], which was usually revealed 5.3. Agricultural products and food
by mapping of metal accumulation in these plant tissues. Krajcarova
et al. [14] revealed that a quantitative and spatial distribution of In addition, LIBS has also served as a powerful analytical tool for
Cu in stem was successfully obtained by combining with ICP-MS, agricultural products and food. Most investigations are concen-
LIBS and fluorescence (Fig. 4). Mapping of Mg, Pb, Cu accumula- trated on the nutrients diagnosis and safety control.
tion in sunflower’s leaf [17] was successfully achieved by Kaiser et al. Some efforts have been devoted to detecting the nutrient ele-
with LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. Although the accuracy of the spatial dis- ments in agricultural products and food, including milk powder
tribution of metal in plant leaf is difficult to validate, good correlation [12,13,141], rice [104] and food supplements [33]. Matrix effect
for overall concentration was found among AAS, LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. is a big issue that affects the analytical performance. Through
J. Peng et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85 (2016) 260–272 269

calculating the plasma parameters, matrix effect was obviously ob- application. Therefore, LIBS systems specifically designed for the very
served in milk powder [12]. However, acceptable results for Mg, K, target in agriculture with more compact configuration and better
Ca were achieved with CF-LIBS analysis. The performance of CF- performance are preferred. (4) The mechanism of laser-sample in-
LIBS was also proved by Agrawal et al. for determining the nutrient teraction for agricultural samples should be further studied for a
elements in food supplements [33]. better analysis and practical application. Although improved per-
LIBS has also been successfully used for the detection of glyce- formance has been achieved with the methods of signal
mic elements in Indian medicinal plants. High concentration of enhancement and data processing, the mechanisms beyond these
glycemic elements (e.g. Mg, Ca, Fe) was found to be associated with methods remain unclear. Only if the mechanisms are revealed will
antidiabetic potential in medicinal plants. A review concerning the it be the true maturity of LIBS analytical technique. In all, with the
application for glycemic elements detection has been recently pub- development of instruments and analytical approaches, LIBS will
lished [142]. play a more and more important role in future agriculture.
Another application of LIBS is in food safety control, including
the detection for pesticide residue [104,105,143], biological con- Acknowledgements
tamination [144], toxic metals [45,145], and other elements which
are important for food quality control (e.g., Ca, Na) [146,147]. The This study was supported by 863 National High-Tech Research
application of LIBS for pesticide residue detection was firstly pro- and Development Plan (2013AA102405), Natural Science Founda-
posed by Kim et al. in 2012, and now gains more and more attention tion of China (31671579), Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science
for its promising potential application. Previous studies mainly Foundation (LY15C130003) and Zhejiang Provincial Public Welfare
focused on qualitative analysis and classification according the Technology Research Projects (2014C32103).
amount of pesticide, and multivariate methods were applied to dis-
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