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Quiz #1

I. Write the letter of the correct answer

1. Mental characteristic that allows a person to think outside of the box, which results in innovative or different approaches to
a particular task.
a. Creativity c. Innovation
b. Discovery d. Invention
2. Recognizing something that already exists for the first time, which nobody has found before.
a. Creativity c. Innovation
b. Discovery d. Invention
3. Designing of an item or a process which has never been existed before, with own ideas and developments.
a. Creativity c. Innovation
b. Discovery d. Invention
4. It is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and ideas, goods and services to create
exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
a. Marketing Concept c. Marketing Research
b. Marketing Myopia d. Marketing Strategy
5. Consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive.
a. Marketing Concept c. Production Concept
b. Product Concept d. Selling Concept
6. It believes in the pull strategy and says that you need to make your brand so strong that customers themselves prefer your
brand over every other competitor.
a. Marketing Concept c. Production Concept
b. Product Concept d. Selling Concept
7. Consumers will buy products only if the company aggressively promotes these products.
a. Marketing Concept c. Production Concept
b. Product Concept d. Selling Concept
8. The following are human resources management practices except.
a. Adopt a good selection process c. Implement an attractive compensation scheme
b. Conduct Performance Management d. Invest in Human Rights
9. Which of the following is not a right of a customer?
a. Right to be heard c. Right to compensation for damages
b. Right to choose d. Right to remain silent
10. Which of the following is not a way of sales promotion
a. Exhibits c. Lecture and demonstration
b. Fashion Shows d. Quality discounts
11. Consists of the interlocking functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an
organization's resources to achieve the policy's objectives.
a. Management c. Marketing Management
b. Marketing d. Human Resources Management
12. Everything has a right way to do and this right way is known as
a. Machine c. Method
b. Measurement d. Money
13. It is a quantified observation of some aspect or attribute of a process, product or project
a. Machine c. Method
b. Measurement d. Money
14. Which of the following is a way to persuade your customer using product descriptions?
a. Focus on every buyer c. Seduce with censored words
b. Justify using superlatives d. Tempt with special proof
15. Which of the following is a strategy for increasing your creativity?
a. Come up with ideas at the beginning of the innovation process ... and don’t stop.
b. Experience as least as you can.
c. Let your ideas “intubate” by taking a break from them.
d. Redefine the problem completely.
II. Enumeration
16-22 7M’S

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