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Tips and Techniques

Trust is important in healthcare

because it involves a component of
Caregivers/vaccine recipients are
uncertainty and risk for some
more likely to open up and divulge
caregivers/vaccine recipients who
information if they trust their
are dependent on the competence
healthcare provider.
and intentions of the healthcare

High levels of trust have been linked

to many benefits: observation of
Better quality of interaction may better care, greater acceptance and
result in greater patient autonomy adherence to recommended
and shared decision-making. treatment, lower anxiety to
treatments taken, and access to
health services.

Emotions matter when building

How to build trust in vaccines

•Consider the caregiver’s/vaccine • Health workers can build trust in

recipient’s feelings and concerns: vaccines by being transparent and
•Provide the time and environment competent:
for caregivers/vaccine recipients to • Sharing data on vaccine
take in information and ask preventable diseases.
questions. • Sharing information on vaccine
•Acknowledge and validate the safety and risk.
views of caregivers/vaccine • Explaining vaccine
recommendations, schedules, and
recipients before counselling them.
•Listen and show the
• Explaining vaccine manufacturing
caregiver/vaccine recipient you safety standards and national
care. licensing.
•Tell the truth, admit if you do not • Building trust in the national
know something. decision-making process.

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