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Change Management

Further reading

Switch in 16 minutes
Focussing on people’s behaviours and how to influence them, Switch by Chip & Dan Heath is one
of the most influential and useful books on leading change yet written. This video is a very brief
summary of its key ideas. (You need to register on their website to access the video, but this is free
to do.)

Making the emotional case for change

An interview with organizational-behaviour expert and Switch author, Chip Heath.

10 Questions Employees will have about any Change

This article shares 10 of the most frequently asked questions people affected by a change have, as
well as suggested answers.

Information and resources themed around PROSCI’s change management planning tool – ADKAR.

How to Deal with Resistance to Change

This TedTalk explores the reasons people resist change. The reasons for resistance to change are
not always what you might think.

The Power of Believing That You Can Improve

A growth mind-set is essential for successful change. The theory of growth mind-set is explained in
this TedTalk by its author, Carol Dweck.

Black Box Thinking – TEDx video summary

In this TedTalk, Matthew Syed summarizes the key concepts of his book which focusses on the
importance of learning from mistakes, a growth mind-set, and iterative development.

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