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Ways of Studying at High Schools and Universities

Education plays an important role in a person’s life. High school and university are two
important levels of education. Although the ways of studying at high schools and the ways of studying at
universities are different, there are some similarities between them.

The first similarity is the guidance of teachers or lecturers. Teachers or lecturers are people who
help students make use of course books or other sources of information and acquire knowledge.
Moreover, they are supervisors who give assessments about students’ learning process. Another
similarity is sitting for exams. Both high school students and university students have several different
tests on their terms.

Despite their commonalities, the ways of studying at high schools differ from that of studying at
universities in some aspects. A key difference is independent learning. Due to the supervision of their
parents and teachers, high school students are more passive in learning than university students. Living
far from home sometimes is a factor that makes university students become more responsible for
everything, even their learning process. Besides, the schedule is a difference. While a high school
student’s schedule is fixed, a university student’s schedule is flexible. Many universities let their
students arrange their schedules so that they can have time to relax or go to work. Another difference
between the ways of studying at high schools and the ways of studying at universities is the curriculum.
The curriculum between high schools and universities is different because they are designed to be
suitable for students' stages of age and abilities.

In conclusion, the ways of studying at high schools and the ways of studying at universities have
not only differences but also similarities. Understanding that, a student would have a good preparation
for their transition from high school to university.

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