Roid Rage

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Brayden Waldrip

Mr. McMichen



The Balco Scandal and how they failed to protect their consumers.

Though BALCO had many normal costumers where they mainly made their money was

the under the table selling of steroids to athletes in mostly the San Fransisco area.

BALCO had been going under the radar for a long time until one certain athlete messed it

all up. Barry Bonds infamous baseball player in San Fransisco area has caused quite the talk

around himself as he was playing amazing. But what really surprised people was how good he

was hitting for how late in his career he was. After his last season with the team some people

started a stir around if Barry had been using steroids to help him through his later seasons. Most

of the focus was around the last season. Most that believed he used steroids believed that it was

only a last season type of thing. But the talking got serious, people and companies were at sake

now. Barry Bonds career had been damaged because he was using illegal substances with no way

to tell how long he did. For all people could have known he could have been using all his career.
But naturally with this people wanted to know how he got them. And after a little while of people

searching for the supplier the Anti-Doping Agency received a tip from an unknown caller that

BALCO was the company that had supplied it and had done this with multiple others. This

ruined BALCO and all trust was lost for the company and its owner. The company closed soon

after this all came out.

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