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Accountability 2

Being accountable can help resolve issues and prevent

Behavior 3

Good behavior will keep the workspace from dividing

and creating issues which could affect work
Confidence 4

Confidence in one’s own abilities can affect how they work

and whether they complete a task given to them
Dependability 5

A dependable person can be relied on to complete a

task given to them
Empathy 6

A person who has a softer side and knows when to show it can
help connect with people more easily
Flexibility 7

A flexible person can adapt to different situations to find the best

way to go about doing something
Goal-Oriented 8

Goal orientation helps a person focus on a task to accomplish

Helpful 9

Willingness to help others can spread effort around and

allow and specialize in accomplishing certain objectives
Insightful 10

An insightful person, such as an elder, can supply others with

knowledge which could help them accomplish their goals more
Judgement 11

Good judgement allows one to make better decisions based on what

is, has and could happen around them
Keen 12

A keen person is more likely to expand their knowledge so

they can perform better
Lasting 13

Someone who can keep going for a long time can put more
work into projects before burning out
Mature 14

A mature person knows when they should focus on completing a task

and keep jokes to a minimum
Neat 15

A neat person will keep things organized which helps

with finding things later
Obedient 16

An obedient person will follow instructions given to them

without complaining or disrupting others
(I couldn’t find a good image for obedient so here’s the
HMS Obedient instead)
Persistent 17

A persistent person will continue to work even if they are

faced with large problems
Quality 18

A quality worker who can handle the job they have been
given is appreciated everywhere
Rational 19

A rational person can be reasoned with and will be more

open to changing their plans should a better one arise
Selfless 20

A selfless person will put everyone else before them and prioritize
others’ needs
Trustworthy 21

A trustworthy person can be trusted to handle sensitive tasks

without letting information spread too far
Unbiased 22

An unbiased person will not judge others or favor their

own opinion over others
Venturesome 23

A venturesome person will expand their experiences and seek out

new things to try
Wealth-Producing 24

Every company likes to have someone who can make

them money and improve their sales
Xenodochy 25

A xenodochial person is more accepting of

others that may be different from them
Yare 26

A yare person is always ready to do something

(Again, I could not find a good picture, so here’s
another boat)
Zealous 27

A zealous person will be very involved in a company

and will do what they can to ensure its success
Business & Technology 28

Thank you for your time. I hope there were some words that interested
Sources 29

 135+ positive adjectives that start with n in english • 7ESL. 7ESL. (2023, May 9).
 35 positive adjectives that start with x: X words to describe someone • 7ESL. 7ESL.
(2023a, May 9).
 52 positive adjectives that start with Q: Q words to describe someone • 7ESL.
7ESL. (2023a, May 9).
 Employment synonyms starting with letter G. (n.d.).
 Guild, T. (2022, February 22). An A-Z of the skills of the future. Guild blog:
community building best practices, trends and insights.
 Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Keen definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster.
 Stabler, K. W. (2017, March 31). The abcs of desirable traits: The top 10 soft skills
candidates need. Job Store Staffing.

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