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Pariser defined the reflection bubble in 2010 as a “personal ecosystem of

information” that isolates us from having meaningful intellectual debates with either
ourselves or others by limiting the content that we consume. Therefore, in the study
(Dahlgren, 2021), the filter bubble thesis extends far beyond technology and makes
additional claims about the long-term effects on humans, society, and, ultimately,

Accordingly, experts believe that blaming these problems on algorithms and

mechanisms of algorithm formation means ignoring the system's second most important
component - the people themselves, who provide a massive amount of data to the entire
chain of actions within the system, producing its dynamics and direction (Hosanagar and
Miller, 2020). Referring to, (Rhodes, 2021), these platforms' algorithmic filter bubbles and
echo chambers may also increase exposure to fake news.

While these studies are compelling, evidence of filter bubbles and their impact on
users is growing in which indicating the newsfeed algorithm decides the placement of
posts, and this placement greatly influences what users click and read.
Additionally, as stated in the study of, (Finnish and Danish, 2021), the algorithm
increases the diversity of exposure on social networks while still ensuring widely shared
content in which users maximize the spread of a diverse range of news and information

Provided that, (Gray,, 2020), they discovered how platform algorithm
characteristics and using online social networks can interact to shape user behavior. Thus,
they have concluded that the use of social media may limit the amount of information that
users encounter or consume online. Specifically, the concern is that social media
algorithms, combined with a proclivity to interact with others who share similar interests,
limit users' opportunities. Exposure to different points of view encourages the adoption of
more extreme ideological positions.  

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