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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Second Floor, COE Bldg., Andres Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, 9200 Iligan City
Tel.: (063) 221-4050 Local 130

Proposed Title of Research Interest
Exploratory data analysis on the energy consumption of Zamboanga Del Norte in relation to the
micro-scale form of correlated time series data

Area of Study

Electrical Engineering

Background of the Study

Energy consumption is a critical factor for economic development, sustainability, and the overall
well-being of communities (Dincer, 1999). Understanding energy consumption patterns is crucial
for policy-makers, energy planners, and stakeholders to develop effective strategies for energy
management and conservation (Moriarty & Honnery, 2017). In this regard, exploratory data
analysis (EDA) is pivotal in uncovering insights, patterns, and relationships within energy
consumption data (Tukey, 1977).

The province of Zamboanga Del Norte is well-known for its broad range of economic pursuits,
which include farming, fishing, and manufacturing (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2018). It is
crucial to evaluate and examine the regional patterns of energy use as the province's economy
continues to expand. By conducting an EDA on the energy consumption data of Zamboanga Del
Norte, researchers can gain valuable insights into the factors driving energy usage and identify
potential areas for improvement and optimization.

Moreover, analyzing energy consumption data at the micro-scale provides a more detailed
understanding of the underlying patterns and dynamics. Correlated time series data, which refers
to a collection of time-dependent observations that exhibit interdependencies, allows researchers
to explore the intricate relationships between various energy consumption variables (Hyndman &
Athanasopoulos, 2018). By considering these correlations, it becomes possible to identify
potential influencing factors, such as weather conditions, industrial activities, population growth,
and temporal trends.

Statement of the Problem

Unfortunately, in this progressive era, locally published forecast of energy is still lacking.
Consumers, especially those in the residential setting, are most likely to acquire a limited
understanding of the mechanism of it and the different factors involved. In this regard, this
research study hopes to present comprehensive findings to address the gaps mentioned above.
Additionally, recognizing various factors affecting electric consumption, the researcher study
sought to examine the dataset of the energy consumption of Zamboanga Del Norte to discover
patterns and anomalies.

It specifically seeks to respond to the following queries:

1. What are the important connections between the collected time series data set?

2. What are the important factors affecting Zamboanga Del Norte's energy consumption?

3. What factor has the biggest impact on Zamboanga Del Norte's energy consumption?

4. What conclusions may be drawn from the elements that have been discovered and their impact
on Zamboanga Del Norte's energy consumption?

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this research is to perform an exploratory data analysis on the energy
consumption of Zamboanga Del Norte with a particular focus on micro-scale analysis of correlated
time series data. The study aims to:

1. This research hopes to explore the energy consumption in Zamboanga del Norte and find
relationship between time series data set being involve in the study.

2. This also would like to identify significant variables involve that may be of great or a minute
effect to the energy consumption of Zamboanga del Norte.

3. Lastly, this research is being structured to provide a clear forecast of the energy demand of the
people of Zamboanga Del Norte that hopes to aid the gap regarding the information about the
research topic discussed.

Research Locale and Respondents

The study will be conducted in the long stretch of Zamboanga Del norte. But since this research
take data as a medium of study, specified organization and establishment will be tapped to be the
respondents. This includes the Zamboanga del Norte Electric Cooperative (ZANECO), Dipolog City
Water District and the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAG-ASA).

Literature Review

The following literature will give the researcher a thorough grasp of how exploratory data analysis
(EDA) can be used to deal with datasets. They will support the case for the importance of this
study's research and lay the groundwork for further investigation into Zamboanga Del Norte's
energy use.

a. Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis of Urban Rail Transit

This research by Toboada et al. 2020 titled Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Envelopment
Analysis of Urban Rail Transit, employed EDA to analyze data related to urban rail transit. It does
not directly discuss correlated time series data but keeps in touch with time series analysis
techniques and methodologies. Although the different variables and context somehow differ,
there are commonalities in terms of EDA application to uncover patterns, relationships, and
trends regarding datasets and insights into potential methods for handling correlated time series

b. A survey on cleaning dirty data using machine learning paradigm for big data analytics

In this study conducted by Jesmeen et al. 2018, the research focuses on data cleaning techniques
using machine learning approaches for big data analytics. It is being determined that the
cleanliness and quality of the data are crucial for accurate analysis. Understanding the techniques
presented in the paper could allow for opportunities to employ machine learning algorithms for
data analysis or prediction of energy consumption tasks.

c. Demand response scheduling algorithm for smart residential communities considering

heterogeneous energy consumption

This research study conducted by Fan et al. 2023, the study addresses energy consumption in the
context of smart residential communities. It considers heterogeneous energy consumption within
smart residential communities, highlighting the diversity in energy consumption patterns among
different households or individuals. This paper is also on track to developing a demand response
scheduling algorithm for optimizing energy consumption in residential communities. This paper
accounts for heterogeneity that is of great aid in handling similar variations in a specific area or

d. Data science and its relationship to big data and data-driven decision making

According to Provost et al., 2013 big data are large and complex datasets that are difficult to
process using traditional data analysis methods. This study that they have is an exploration of data
science, big data, and data-driven decision-making. It provides a better understanding of data
science's role in analyzing energy-related data, especially when dealing with correlated time series
data at the micro-scale. This study aligns with research dealing with a massive number of data.

e. EDA Scale - Assessing Awareness for Energy Dynamics

This study assesses awareness of energy dynamics using exploratory data analysis. It emphasizes
assessing awareness of energy dynamics which implies a focus on understanding the patterns,
trends, and relationships. This research study provides insights into various approaches and
techniques for exploring energy dynamics at a micro-scale level.

Theoretical Framework

In this research study, two key concepts will be involved to structure the theoretical framework. It
is the correlated time series analysis and exploratory data analysis (EDA).

 Exploratory data analysis (EDA)

The goal of exploratory data analysis is to find patterns, connections, and insights within a
dataset (Tukey, 1977). EDA involves various techniques such as data visualization,
summary statistics, and data transformation. It helps researchers gain a deeper
understanding of the data and identify potential factors and trends that influence energy
consumption patterns.
 Correlated Time Series Analysis
A statistical method called correlated time series analysis examines the relationships
between various time series variables (Hyndman & Athanasopoulos, 2018). Correlated
time series analysis enables the assessment of the correlations between several energy
consumption variables, including electricity, fuel consumption, and renewable energy
sources, in the context of this study. It aids in determining how these elements interact
and affect the overall patterns of energy consumption.

This research study will also employ the following components within the umbrella of the
aforementioned theoretical framework.

a. Energy Consumption Variables

b. Temporal Patterns and Trends

c. Potential Influencing Factors

d. Data Visualization and Statistical Techniques

This study attempts to provide a thorough understanding of the energy consumption trends in
Zamboanga Del Norte by combining EDA with correlated time series analysis. Energy planners,
policymakers, and stakeholders will be able to establish effective strategies to reduce energy use
and advance sustainable energy management thanks to its facilitation of evidence-based decision-

Proposed Methods/Procedures

This research study will undergo three phases: preparatory and data gathering, exploratory data
analysis, and finalization and presentation.

Phase 1- Preparatory and Data Gathering

In this phase, the researcher is required to prepare all the needed documents for the dataset
needed in the study. This includes letter of request, approved letter on the conduct of the study,
approved copy of proposed study and the like. These documents will now be sent to the specified
establishment involved in the said study. Once it is being approved by the establishment then
gathering the data comes next whether it is in a form of a hard or a soft copy or even if manual
writing is the only way of getting it.

Phase 2- Exploratory Data Analysis

During the second phase the researcher will be focusing on the exploratory data analysis
techniques, such as data visualization, statistical measures, and time series analysis which will be
employed to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations within the energy consumption data.
Statistical software and programming tools will be utilized to facilitate the analysis process and
derive meaningful insights from the dataset.

Phase 3- Finalization and Presentation

This third phase shall revolve on the finalization of the paper. The insights and anomalies that has
been observed during the analyzation of the second phase will now be consolidated, presented
with a concise summarize and with visualizations (e.g., charts, graphs, maps). It will be interpreted
in order to come up with a better and a concise form of presentation to what has been observed
during the entire run of the study.


Authority, P. S. (2018). Philippine statistics authority. Retrieved from Philippine Statistics Authority

Website: https://psa. gov. ph/vegetable-root-crops-main/tomato.

Dincer, I. (1999). Environmental impacts of energy. Energy policy, 27(14), 845-854.

Fan, X. M., Li, X. H., Ding, Y. M., He, J., & Zhao, M. (2023). Demand response scheduling algorithm
for smart residential communities considering heterogeneous energy consumption. Energy and
Buildings, 279, 112691.

Gödker, M., Dresel, M., & Franke, T. (2019). EDA scale-assessing awareness for energy dynamics.
In Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019 (pp. 683-687).

Hyndman, R. J., & Athanasopoulos, G. (2018). Forecasting: principles and practice.

Jesmeen, M. Z. H., Hossen, J., Sayeed, S., Ho, C. K., Tawsif, K., Rahman, A., & Arif, E. (2018). A
survey on cleaning dirty data using machine learning paradigm for big data
analytics. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 10(3), 1234-1243.

Moriarty, P., & Honnery, D. (2017). Sustainable energy resources: Prospects and policy. In Clean
energy for sustainable development (pp. 3-27). Academic Press.

Provost, F., & Fawcett, T. (2013). Data science and its relationship to big data and data-driven
decision making. Big data, 1(1), 51-59.

Taboada, G. L., & Han, L. (2020). Exploratory data analysis and data envelopment analysis of urban
rail transit. Electronics, 9(8), 1270.

Tukey, J. W. (1977). Exploratory data analysis (Vol. 2, pp. 131-160).

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