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2nd Semester , Quarter 2, Week 2, May 31 – June 4, 2021

I. Title:Branding

II. Background Information for Learners:

What Is Branding?
Branding means “the use of a name, term, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, to identify a
product” (Caanon, Perrault, and Mc Carthy (2008). It comprises the use of brand names, trademarks, and any
other system of product identification. This is to help identify and distinguish products and services offered
from your competitors. Branding plays a big role because it does not only give an impression on the company
but it also allows potential market to know what to expect from the product and services as well as from the
company itself. Your brand represents your identity in the business world and how you want your customer to
perceive who you are.
A brand gives differentiation and distinction from that of the offering of other company designed to
meet similar need. This is to identify product and services. A brand name connects a product with the benefit
expectation of a customer. A brand name can be a word, letter or a group of words or letter. Examples of a
brand names are: Palawan; LBC; ABS-CBN; PAL; Puregold; Jollibee; Cherry Mobile; Metrobank; and CSI.

On the other hand, trademark is a legal term. The Philippine Intellectual Property Code (IP Code)
defines a trademark as “any visible sign capable of distinguishing the goods(trademark) or services (service
mark) of an enterprise and shall include stamped or marked container of goods”. Thus a mark (1) must be a
visible sign and (2) must be capable of distinguishing one’s good and services from those of another. A
trademark includes only those words, symbols, or marks that are registered for the use by a single company.

Moreover, brand logos are graphic marks or symbols commonly used by commercial enterprises,
organizations and even individuals to promote instant public recognition. This will serve as visual identity of
the company that will leave a lasting impression with your market.

Below are samples of possible local trademarks/logos.

Figure 1: Brand Logos

Why Branding is Important in Your Business?
Branding is ultimately a taxing task in a business because of the overall impact it creates on
your company. Branding can change people perception on your brand; it can drive new opportunities
and increase brand cognizance.

A. Branding Increase Awareness and Recognition

The ultimate reason why branding is being done in a company is increases recognition and
awareness thus letting your brand be known to the public. The logo is the utmost component
of branding, especially for this factor; it serves as the face value of the company.

B. Branding Intensifies Corporate Value

Branding is important when you are seeking for new opportunities or even thinking for future
business investment. A well-established brand increases corporate value by giving the
company more control in the industry it belongs. This paves way to more appealing
investment opportunities because of its strong position in the marketplace.

C. Branding Creates New Customers

A strong brand connects easily with people because of the positive impression it creates about
the company. Due to this very reason, they are likely to do business with you. A brand that
emanates reliability and trustworthy easily captures the heart of a customer. Once the brand
gained strong place in the marketplace, word of mouth will be the best and most effective
marketing strategy to generate customer.

D. Improves Employee Pride and Satisfaction

Working for a strong and well-established branded company gives a feeling of satisfaction
and higher degree of pride for the work they do. Knowing the company serves with full
honesty and for the benefit of the public makes working with them more fulfilling and

E. Creates Trust within the Market Place

Building trust with customers, potential markets, and consumers is not easily achieved
overtime, however with proper branding it can be easily reached and accomplished. A well-
planned appearance and strategized branding help the company to build trust among
consumers and other stakeholders. Brand representation being done by the professionals can
easily gain trust, thus, creating a positive impression that makes people do business with you.

F. Branding Supports Advertising

Advertising is one element of branding and advertising techniques mirror the brand and its
anticipated image you want the public to capture. A properly branded product or service can
easily match organized and interesting advertising strategies that coincide with your branding
goals and objectives. Branding supports and compliments advertising.
What are the Characteristic of a Good Brand Name?
Identity of products and services should always be unique and different from that of the
competitors. Having discussed and understood the meaning and importance of branding, now let’s
take a look on the characteristics of a good brand name.


It should be unique, short, simple and It can be pronounced in all languages. (For
distinctive. international markets)
It should be extendable. It has no unattractive imagery.
It should be easy to identify and recall. It is adjustable to any advertising
It should suggest about product’s It is adaptable to packaging and labelling needs.
qualities and benefits.
It should be capable of legal protection and It is easy to pronounce.
It should not portray bad or wrong meanings in It is up-to-date and timely.
other categories.
It should suggest product/service It is easy to read and spell.

How to Brand Products or Services?

Developing your brand is like a journey of making a difference in business world. There are
essential factors to consider in creating your own brand. To brand a product or a services, at the very
least, then you have to answer the following questions:

1. What is your company’s mission?

The company’s mission serves many purpose. It defines its culture, values, ethics, objectives,
and ultimate goals. It imparts “WHO” the company is. (e.g BDO Mission Statement, “We are
in business for our customers, shareholders and employees. We shall deliver creatively
innovative products and cross-sell the BDO Uniband Group’s services supported by
procedures, systems and processes which will ensure utmost customer satisfaction.)” This
mission statement serves as the identity of the company.

2. What are the benefits and features of your products or services? Essential characteristics of products or
services offered are clearly evident for the benefits of the customer. This allows the customer to know
“WHAT” the product or service does. The benefits and features should be always for customer’s
benefits and satisfaction.
1. What do your customers and prospects already think of your company? Don’t
think about what you think but rather know about what they think. Focus and start
from the needs of your market, hence you are answering “HOW” you care. If
markets known, you from a service oriented company don’t offer them a product instead
provide them something they need.

2. What qualities do you want customers to perceive about your company? Customer
perception regarding the image of the company is very important because the
personality and identity depend upon them. Your company is a promise to your
customer. Thus, answer “WHY YOU EXIST”.

A brand personality is a set of human characteristics that makes you human in the eyes
of your customer. By having this set of attributes it increases brand loyalty and equity. Having a
well-defined personality, you are giving reason customers to conclude you are the one for them.
This personality is a value-added feature that brand gain in addition to each purposeful benefits.
Below is a mind map of brand personality that can be of great help in developing an effective
brand name.



Strong Daring
Ruggedness Up-to-date


Classy Competence


Figure 2: Brand Personality

III. Learning Competency with code:
1. Know the meaning and importance of branding; and
2. Develop a brand name (CS-EP11/12ENTREP-Oh-j-11).

IV. Directions:
Test your knowledge in recognizing the importance of marketing mix in the development of marketing
strategy by doing the following activities:

V. Exercises/Activities:

Activity 1: NAME THAT BRAND!

Are you familiar with the taglines of the famous companies? Let us see. Below are selected taglines flashed in
commercials. Identify which company popularized it. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. “We find ways.”

2. Heart of the Filipino!

3. Langhap-Sarap!
4. We’ve Got It All for You!
5. “May Liwanag ang Buhay”
6. “We take pride in our courteous and safe drivers.”
7. “How thoughtful, how Goldilocks”
9. “In the Service of the Filipino”

10. “Hari ng Padala”

Activity 2: Directions: Read carefully and perform what is being asked. Use long bondpaper with folder

You are a budding businessman and is finally done with the initial step in establishing a
business. You came up with a “Milktea Product” to be marketed in your province. Develop a brand
name using the following format.

Branding Worksheet for Your Business

I. Your Identity

II. Your Company

1. WHAT is your business category?
2. WHERE is your business located?
3. WHO are you?
4. HOW do you offer your product or services?
5. WHEN did you start your business?

III. Your Potential Market


IV. Your Competitors (List at least top 2)

Competitor 1:
A. How are you similar with your competitor?____________________________________________
B. How are you different with your competitor? __________________________________________
C. What is your edge?
Competitor 2:
A. How are you similar with your competitor?
B. How you are different with your competitor?
V. What is your edge?


Brand Identity. List at least three (3) adjectives that describe your product.



Brand Logo (Draw an eye-catching logo suitable in the situation above).

VI. Grading Factors:

Rubric for Wor kShe e t

CATEGORY 10 pts. 9 pts. 8 pts 7 pts or

Content Expresses Opinion s and Unclear Does not
& opinion and ideas are connection to express
Presentation ideas in a clear stated clearly the topic. opinions or
and concise with Evidenced in ideas clearly,
manner with occasional minimal no connection
obvious lack of express of to the topic.
connection with connection to opinions or
the topic. the topic. ideas
Originality Ideas and Ideas and Uses ideas and Uses ideas and
& illustrations illustrations illustration of illustration of
Uniqueness shows a large shows original other people. others and no
amount of thoughts. There is a evidence of
original Works shows slight evidence original
thoughts. Ideas new idea and of original thinking.
is unique and perception. thinking.

VII. Reference:
AIRs – LM in Entrepreneurship

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Ever Lyn R. Navarro, DBA Lovelie V. Verceles PhD. CYNTHIA B. TABLANG EdD
Teacher III Master Teacher I OIC-Asst. Principal II, Academics

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