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Work Instructions Authoring

KeyUser Training

Swiss Aviation Software Ltd.

Username: tu09
Password: training
Copyright Notice Training

Copyright Notice Training

Copyright © 2000 - 2020 Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd.
All rights reserved
The training handout contains proprietary information of Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd.; it is provided
under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by
copyright law.
Due to continued product development this information may change without notice. The information
and intellectual property contained herein is confidential between Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd. and the
client and remains the exclusive property of Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd. If you find any problems in
the training handout, please report them to us in writing. Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd. does not warrant
that this document is error-free.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior written permission of Swiss AviationSoftware
In accordance with the standard contract between the Customer and Swiss Aviation Software Ltd. no
part of this training can be recorded by any means including video or audio.

The content of this handout enables the participant to have a hands-on training demonstrating some of
the primary functions of the relevant program or module.
We have built exercises for the participant to perform in AMOS and the trainer will cover many more
details and points of interest that are not contained within the handout.
The objective is that a combination of hands on experience and presentation will ensure a complete
training, preparing the participant to use AMOS in accordance with their company processes.

Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd.

P.O. Box
4002 Basel
Tel.: +41 (61) 582 4020

Page 2
Additional Services

Additional Services
We are where you are!
In addition to classroom training, we offer alternatives that can be used to apply a "blended learning"

 E Learning. Swiss-AS has produced a range of E Learning courses that are ideally suited to large
user groups such as Technicians or Stores or as an introduction to AMOS with our Basics E-
We also have E-Learning courses available that serve as introduction to complex modules or to
focus on specific subjects such as counters and time requirements.
 VCT. Virtual Classroom Training has been developed to cover small but important topics such as
Approval control set up or Worksteps and Work Templates. Many more are available on request.

A full range of the training options that we offer can be found at

Page 3
Additional Services

Copyright Notice Training 2

Additional Services 3

Space for your own notes 5

Concept & Aim of Key User Training 6

Work Instruction Authoring Introduction 7

Work Template Manager (APN1848) 8

Creation of a Work Template in Work Template Manager (APN1848) ...............................................9
Creation of a workorder linked to a Work Template from Work Template Manager (APN1848). .....11
Revisioning of a Work Template in Work Template Manager (APN1848) ........................................12

Work Step Repository (APN1904) 14

Linking a Repository Work Step to an existing Workorder ................................................................15
Revising a linked Work Step .............................................................................................................16

General Notes 17
Work Template: ..................................................................................................................17
Workstep: ...........................................................................................................................17
Combination Work Template Workstep: ............................................................................17

Work Template Manager - JC 18

Work Template Manager - Job Cards 21

Only for demonstration ...........................................................................................21

Course Rating 24

Index 25

Page 4
Space for your own notes

Space for your own notes

Page 5
Concept & Aim of Key User Training

Concept & Aim of Key User Training

Objectives of the Key User Training:
Identify the differences between the current legacy system and AMOS.
Understand how AMOS manages the business processes of the topics of the training.
Comprehend the interactions between the different modules of AMOS in relation to the topic of the
training. Furthermore the training will enable the key users to set up the Basic Data needed to work
with the modules shown in the topic of the training. The training also contains a short introduction in
topic relevant parameters and Workflows through scenario based exercises.
Most important - the training will prepare the Key users for the workshops and help them to identify the
topics which need to be discussed.

Key User role

The idea of a Key user in AMOS is that this person is responsible for several modules, e.g. Logistics,
Engineering etc. and is ultimately a reference point for their colleagues.
This person will get a more in depth training including user rights, workflows, parameters to setup the
programs according to their company business flows.
The training will enable the Key user to define which parameters have to be set, which workflows will
be used, which users will get access to which programs and inside these programs which special
The key user will be the person addressed by users if they have questions / problems with the
programs within AMOS, they will also be the person contacted if a user is confronted with an error
message. If needed the key user will forward the error message to the AMOS Administrator who will
then take further actions.
The key user is also responsible to ensure that the programs in AMOS enable users to follow their
internal business flow. Therefore they should create detailed descriptions of the internal business flow
which will help to identify possible gaps and take further actions (workshops, additional trainings,
Request for Extension or Request for Modification).
The key user is also responsible for testing new releases of AMOS in accordance with the programs
they are responsible for. It might also be their duty to keep up with the development of new programs,
of changes inside the existing programs and any additional functions implemented in the programs
they are responsible for.

Page 6
Work Instruction Authoring Introduction

Work Instruction Authoring Introduction

Business Processes:
 03.09 - Work Instruction Authoring
 03.04 - Modification Control
 03.02 - Part Definition
 08.03 - Base Maintenance, Heavy Checks

AMOS Modules:
 Work Step Repository (APN 1904)
 Work Template Manager (APN 1848)
 View/Edit Modification (APN 63)
 Part Administration (APN 59)
 Part Requirements Administration (APN 2773)
 Maintenance Programs Administration (APN 249)
 Form Configuration (APN 1444)
 Maintenance Forecast (APN 1844)
 Workorder (APN 1418)
 View / Edit Workpackage (APN 58)

Basic Tables
Many AMOS tables are defined in Basic-Data Administration, APN 18.
For this training, the following table is specific to Work Templates:
-Meta Data Key
Other tables which are shared with many other programs, will also be important:
- Aircraft Type
- ATA Chapter
- Position

1663 - Taskcard Worktemplate editing in Maintenance Program Administration

ID230: Worktemplate Modification
ID 390: Work Template Update Revision Workflow

Work Template Authoring

Work Templates are the origin of many executable documents within AMOS. Once available within the
Work Template Manager the Work Template can be controlled centrally without the need to have
access to the individual programs defining and managing the events themselves.
On an individual level the Work Steps are considered to be the smallest plannable and executable
element within AMOS regardless of the event type. A Work Step contains not only performance
instructions but also links, classifications, manhours, parts as well as many other elements.
1 or more Work Steps can be used to create a Work Template that is either available as an unlinked
Work Template to use in the Workorder when created in the Work Template Manager or if created in
Engineering programs such as View/Edit Modification and be viewed and managed centrally.
Work Steps and Work Templates can be copied and pasted between maintenance events and
controlled by revision if required.

Page 7
Work Template Manager (APN1848)

Work Template Manager (APN1848)

The Work Template Manager program allows you to create predefined templates used in Workorders,
JC's and Customer Requirements.
In this training we will focus here on Workorder and JC templates. Customer Requirement templates
are covered in the Quotation Manager training.

Page 8
Work Template Manager (APN1848)

Creation of a Work Template in Work Template

Manager (APN1848)
In this exercise we will create a very basic Work Template with 2 Work Steps.
This Work Template will be used in a workorder later in the exercise. We will then revise one of the
worksteps in the Work Template and explain how it effects the workorder.

Open program Work Template Manager (APN 1848).

Select: New - New Standalone Work Template

Number: WT09


Rev. No. 00

Rev. Date: today

ATA Chapter: 05

Select: Next

Select: AOG Risk - Next

Headline: WORK STEP 1

Description: PERFORM WORK STEP 1

Select: Next (3x)

Select: Add

Part Number: 2A1422

Qty: 1

Select: OK - Next

Resource Request: Staff - New

Planning Qualification: A

Total Hours: 2:00

Quantity: 2

Sign Off Configuration: Performed

Select: OK - Finish

Write down the Work Template


Select: + Add Entry - Create Work Step

Headline: WORK STEP 2

Description: PERFORM WORK STEP 2

Select: Finish

Page 9
Work Template Manager (APN1848)

Move cursor to the grey bar of Work

Resource Requirement - Resource Request
Step 2. Click Right and select:
Staff - New - Planning Qualification: A, Total Hours: 00:30,
Select and complete:
Quantity: 1, Sign Off Configuration: Performed - OK - Save

Revisions Section - Select: Activate

WT09Write down the Work Template


Meta Data Tab: This tab allows you to add more search options.

Meta Key: ATA Reference

Select: Choose

Select: 05 - Periodic Inspections - OK

Meta Key: Aircraft Type

Select: Choose

Select: 32S - OK

Page 10
Work Template Manager (APN1848)

Creation of a workorder linked to a Work Template

from Work Template Manager (APN1848).

Open APN: 1418.

Click on: New Template W/O

The Wizard will take you into APN: 1848 Work Template Manager where you can search the existing

Click on: Search

Select: WT09
Select: Next
Write down the Workorder Type:
Select: Next
Enter A/C Reg.: AAI
Enter and Click: Finish

Now the Workorder is created you will see an next to the Workorder number in the header which
is indicating that it is linked to an Active Template from the Work Template Manager.
Currently it is still possible to edit the Work Steps.

Double click in the grey bar and on the Work Step Icon.
Select Work Step 1:
We will not make any changes.
Select: OK

Page 11
Work Template Manager (APN1848)

Revisioning of a Work Template in Work Template

Manager (APN1848)
Our next step is to make changes in the original Work Template WT09.
Go back to Work Template Manager (APN1848).

Click on: Search

Select: WT09
Revisions Section (right hand side)
Select: New Revision
Select: Work Step 1 and Double Click (2x)
Add to the original text: CHANGES
Select: Save - OK
Select: Activate
Review the pop up and select: : Sync Revision WT

Go back to the Workorder Program (APN1418)

Select: Load
Verify the changes in Work step 1

Go back to Work Template Manager (APN1848).

Click on: Search

Select: WT09
Revisions Section
Select: New Revision - OK
Select: Work step 1 and Double Click (2x)
Add to the original text: CHANGES PART 2
Select: Save - OK
Select: Set Active
Review the pop up and select: : Exit

Go back to the Workorder Program (APN1418).

Select: Load
Review the Icon in front of the
Workorder number:
This indicates there is a new Work Template Revision available for your Workorder which is not yet
Select: Sync Revision WT - OK
Review the Icon in front of the
Workorder number:

Page 12
Work Template Manager (APN1848)

General Note:
When a revised Work Template in Work Template Manager is synchronized with a workorder and
thereafter the Work Template revision is deleted then the link between the Work Template and the
workorder is also deleted.
In other words, the workorder is now a standard workorder without an "A" in front of the workorder

Page 13
Work Step Repository (APN1904)

Work Step Repository (APN1904)

The Work Step Repository program allows you to store individual Work Steps that are often used.
There are 2 ways to create a Work Step in AMOS.
The most common way is via the Work Template wizard for any maintenance event (Workorder,
Taskcards....). At the Work Step level you have the option to save the Work Step in the Repository.
Once saved it is possible to link or import the Work Step to any maintenance event Work Template.
You can edit an imported Work Step however a linked Work Step needs to be revised in the Work
Step Repository program.
The second option is to create a Work Step in the program Work Step Repository itself.
The creation of the Work Step is exactly the same as explained in the exercise of the Work Template
Manager program.

Open Work Step Repository (APN1904)

Click on: Search

Select Work Step No: 5309

Verify the Revision Status: N

Select: Activate
If you want to prevent that the end user makes changes to the repository Work Step then it is
important that only activated Work Steps are linked to a workorder.

Page 14
Work Step Repository (APN1904)

Linking a Repository Work Step to an existing

Go back to APN1418 and find your Workorder.
We will add another Work Step. This time from the Work Step Repository.
In the Planning View of the Workorder:

Click on: + Add Entry

Click on: Link Repository Work Step

The wizard will take you into APN:1904 Work Step Repository where you can search for stored Work

Click on: Search

Select Work Step No: 5309

Select: Save

The Work Step is added to the workorder. The Work Step also has the indicating that it is linked
to an active Work Step linked to the Work Step Repository (APN1904)
While the Work Step is linked, no Editing is possible on the Work Step.
The advantage here is that if the Work Step is revised in the repository, as long as no Action has been
performed on the Workorder Work Step, it can be updated during the revision process.

Double Click on: Work Step No: 5309

Review the pop up OK

Page 15
Work Step Repository (APN1904)

Revising a linked Work Step

Select your Repository Work Step and go to the Work Step Repository as described in below steps:

Left click on the words: "Work Step"

Select: Open With - Work Step Repository

Work Step Repository (APN1904)

Select: New Revision

"Create Work Step Revision" Wizard will show up.

Add following text: New text...

Select: Finish - Activate

Workorder (APN1418)

Select: Load

3rd Work Step: Find icon - R

Move cursor to the Work Step Left Click and select Action - Update Revision - OK

Verify the Work Step text and the icon (A)

Revising a linked Work Step via the workorder:

The only way to revise a linked Work Step via a workorder is by unlinking the Work Step from the

Right Click on the Work Step.

Select: Unlink Revision.

This only allowed if the user has the license for this function.

Now the Work Step is unlinked, and editing is possible.

Page 16
General Notes

General Notes

Work Template:
A workorder linked to a Work Template from the Work Template Manager (APN1848) contains an "A"
in front of the Workorder number.
If a new revision is available in the Work Template Manager, all Maintenance Events linked to that
Work Template will be requested to be synchronized to the latest revision.
If you choose not to synchronize the linked Work Template then the "A" in front of the workorder
number becomes an "R" after reloading.
The newest revision of that template can then be updated by selecting the "Sync Revision WT" button
on the left hand section of the Workorder Program (APN1418).

A workorder Work Step linked to a Work Step from the Work Step Repository (APN1904) contains an
"A" in front of the Work Step number and is by default not editable.
If a new revision is available in the Work Step Repository, workorders linked to that Work Step but not
to any worktemplate will be requested to be synchronized to the latest revision.
If you choose not to synchronize the linked Work Step, then the "A" in front of the Work Step number
becomes an "R" after reloading the workorder.
The newest revision of that Work Step can then be updated in the Workorder Program (APN1418) by
selecting the grey bar of that Work Step," left click - select "Action - Synch Revision WT".

Combination Work Template Workstep:

A workorder linked to a Work Template from the Work Template Manager (APN1848) contains an "A"
in front of the Workorder number and in addition a Work Step is linked to a Work Step from the Work
Step Repository (APN1904) then the work step contains an "A" in front of the Work Step number.
If a new revision is available in the Work Template Manager, synchronization will update the Work
Template of the workorder to the latest revision and will remove the added repository Work Step from
the workorder (since this is not a part of the work template). The same applies if a workorder is linked
to a Work Template from any maintenance requirement like Modification, Taskcard, Check, Part
If a new revision is available in the Work Step Repository, the workorder linked to that Work Step will
not be requested to be synchronized to the latest revision.The newest revision of that Work Step can
then be updated in the Workorder Program (APN1418) by selecting the grey bar of that Work Step,"
left click - select "Action - Update Revision" .

Page 17
Work Template Manager - JC

Work Template Manager - JC

In this exercise we will create a JC (Job Card) that can be utilised to provide a step by step
maintenance inspection JC. We will create a JC to instruct the maintenance personnel on the steps
required to perform a cabin inspection.
Open the program Work Template Manager, APN 1848

Click: New
Select: New Jobcard Template
Number: SWS-CI-09
Title: Interior Cabin Inspection
Rev. No.: 00
Rev. Date: today
ATA Chapter: 25-00
Click: Next until step 3
Click: Next until step 7
Click: New (with Staff selected in the drop down)
Constraint: Scope
Planning Qualification: MECH
Total Hours: 00:15
Quantity: 1
Click: OK
Click: Finish
The Work Template is now displayed on the righthand side under the Work Template tab, sub tab
Work Template Revision.
Currently we have a single Work Step and the status of the Work Template is "New". Before we set
the Work Template "Active" we will add some additional Work Steps.

Within the Work Template Revision Tab, click: Add Entry...

Select: Create Work Step



Click: Next until Resource Request

Click: New (with Staff selected in the drop down)

Constraint: Scope

Page 18
Work Template Manager - JC

Planning Qualification: MECH

Total Hours: 00:10

Quantity: 1

Click: OK

Click: Finish

Within the Work Template Revision Tab, click: Add Entry...

Select: Create Work Step



Click: Next until Resource Request

Click: New (with Staff selected in the dropdown)

Constraint: Scope

Planning Qualification: MECH

Total Hours: 02:00

Quantity: 2

Click: OK

Click: Finish

Now that we have the JC prepared we will activate the revision. Click Activate.

To allow for enhanced filtering we will use Meta Data.

Tab sheet Meta Data

Meta Key: Aircraft Type

Click: Choose

Select: 32S - OK

We will now combine the Template Workorder and the JC.

This method allows the JC to be collected into the workpackage once the workorder has been

An alternative would be to link the JC directly to the Work Template using the selection and set
the JC to be printed along with the workorder.

Page 19
Work Template Manager - JC

Create a Work Template for the cabin inspection and link the JC to the template:

Click: New

Select: New Standalone Work Template

Number: SWS-WO-CI-09


Rev. No.: 00

Rev. Date: today

ATA Chapter: 25-00

Click: Next until Add Work Step



Click: Next until Resource Request

Click: New (with Staff selected in the dropdown)

Constraint: Skill
Planning Qualification: B1
Quantity: 1

Click: OK

Click: Finish

Click: Activate

Now that we have an active Work Template we will link the JC.

Within the Work Template tab select the Linked Jobcards tab.

Click: Add - Search

Select: The JC that you previously created

Click: OK

Now open Workorder, APN 1418, and create a New Template Workorder using your Template for
aircraft AAI.

Please note that there will be no JC reference on the generated workorder, only when the workorder
is planned in a workpackage the JC will be generated after selecting the "Collect JC" button
Your trainer will now lead you through the process on how to plan the workorder into a workpackage
using the Maintenance Forecast, APN 1844, and once planned collect the JC into the workpackage.
Now open View/Edit Workpackage, APN 58, select your JC in the Planning/Forecast tab and click on
Print to preview the JC layout.

Page 20
Work Template Manager - Job Cards

Work Template Manager - Job Cards

Only for demonstration
We would like to change a link to the AMM into a Jobcard to follow up all single steps to be performed.
We will add the AMM link to a Work Template:
Open View/ Edit Modifications (APN 63)

Document No A320-78-0011
Effectivity tab > Select Effectivity > Work Template tab
Select New Revision
Select Create / Edit Reference / Links icon

Reference Type AMM

Select AMM Reference
In the screen select the tab Search
Double click: Document
Select: the active AMM
Click on OK

AMM Reference 78-32-00-010-010

Select Search
Select one of the entries OK
In the next window select Save

Page 21
Work Template Manager - Job Cards

The link to the AMM should now appear within the Work Template.
Left-click on the header of the Work Template:

and select Open with ... Work Template Manager

Work Template Manager (APN 1848)

Select New (Revision of the Work Template)
Select the tab AMM Documents
AMM Select the active AMM
Select Document & AMM Reference

Click: Create Jobcard

The dialogue to create a Jobcard will open:

Rev. No.: 00
Rev. Date: today

Select NEXT until the last step:

In this example we will create a Jobcard that will be available to collect into the workpackage as an
event in its own right.

Click: Finish
Select: The New revision
Click: Activate

Page 22
Due to the fact that pending entries existed for several A/C AMOS will now ask you to select the
events that should be synchronised to the new revision and contain the link to the new Jobcard.
You must also ensure that the Jobcard Template itself is active.

You can do this by right mouse clicking on Template number and selecting Action / Activate

If this is not activated you will not be able to collect it into the workpackage.
The trainer will now demonstrate how this document can be planned in the Maintenance Forecast, into
a workpackage, and review the result of the job card.

Page 23
Course Rating

Course Rating
It is our aim to continuously improve the training and teaching methods.
Therefore, we kindly ask that you submit any constructive criticism by completing the online survey
that you will find in the "Content" section at the course page on our Learning Management System
You will also receive a link to the course page in the email sent after the course is successfully

Page 24

Additional Services ................................................ 3
Concept & Aim of Key User Training ................... 6
Copyright Notice Training ..................................... 2
Course Rating....................................................... 24
General Notes....................................................... 17
Space for your own notes ....................................... 5
Work Instruction Authoring Introduction .............. 7
Work Step Repository (APN1904) ...................... 14
Work Template Manager - JC .............................. 18
Work Template Manager - Job Cards .................. 21
Work Template Manager (APN1848) .................... 8

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