Sahayaraj & Muthukumar - 2011 - Zootoxic Effects of Reduviid Rhynoscoris Marginatus (Hemitera-Reduviidae) Venomous Saliva On Spodotera Litura

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Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425

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Zootoxic effects of reduviid Rhynocoris marginatus (Fab.) (Hemiptera:

Reduviidae) venomous saliva on Spodoptera litura (Fab.)
K. Sahayaraj*, S. Muthukumar
Crop Protection Research Centre, Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai 627 002,
Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rhynocoris marginatus is a predominant and potential reduviid predator of many
Received 22 December 2010 economically important pests in India. The venomous saliva (VS) was collected by milking
Received in revised form 3 June 2011 method and diluted with HPLC grade water to prepare different concentrations (200, 400,
Accepted 6 June 2011
600, 800 and 1000 ppm). The VS from R. marginatus was found to be toxic and the LD50 of
Available online 18 July 2011
the VS in Spodoptera litura third instar were 768 and 929 ppm at 48 and 96 h for micro-
injection and oral toxicity studies, respectively. Level of hydrolase and detoxification
enzymes significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner after treating the host with
Venomous saliva
Microinjection VS for 96 h. A decrease in carbohydrate (21%) and lipid (46%) contents and an increase in
Oral administration the protein content (50%) were prominent in the experimental category. The VS reduced
Mortality the relative growth rate, approximate digestibility, efficiency of conversion of ingested and
Macromolecules digested food of S. litura in the oral toxicity study. Salivary venom inhibits the haemocytes
Enzyme level from aggregation and affects spreading behavior of haemocytes separated from the fifth
Haemocytes aggregation stadium larvae of S. litura. The result showed that VS toxins caused mortality, changed the
nutritional indices, and altered the levels of macromolecule quantity and digestive
enzymes of S. litura. We concluded that the VS of R. marginatus is venomous to a prey
species, S. litura.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction hemipterans, reduviids constitute an important predator,

distributed worldwide and have been utilized in the bio-
The venom of arthropods has attracted considerable logical control of cotton, soybean, groundnut and coconut
interest as a potential source of bioactive substances. Their pests. Venoms of reduviid predators are known to possess
biological properties and proteinaceous nature render long-term, non-lethal paralytic effects on their prey. The
them useful in biological pest management as suggested immobilized or partially digested (Blum, 1978; Cohen,
early in the 1990s (Maeda et al., 1991; Mc Cutchen et al., 1990; Sahayaraj, 2007) prey are then used to feed by the
1991; Stewart et al., 1991; Tomalski and Miller, 1991; reduviid predator. Such unique paralytic activity (Edwards,
Hammock et al., 1993). The venom of poisonous predators 1961; Haridass and Ananthakrishnan, 1981; Mc Mahan,
has novel peptides which have been isolated from snakes, 1983; Maran and Ambrose, 2000) was due to the pres-
scorpions, marine cone snails, spiders and other animals ence of novel neurotoxin compounds in the venom of
including predatory insects. In arthropods, enormous reduviid predators (Corzo et al., 2001). To date, only few
information is available about the insecticidal activity for neurotoxin compounds have been isolated and character-
spiders, scorpions and parasitoids. Among the predatory ized from reduviid predators (Corzo et al., 2001).
Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) is one of
the most destructive pests of about 120 species of plants
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 4624264376; fax: þ91 4622561765. belonging to 44 families (Qin et al., 2004; Nandagobal and
E-mail address: (K. Sahayaraj). Gunathilagaraj, 2008). The use of insecticides for the

0041-0101/$ – see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
416 K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425

control of S. litura has limitations due to its resistance Host colony was maintained on fresh cotton leaves up to
against many insecticides (Kodandaram and Dhingra, second instars, and then transferred in to the freshly prepared
2007) including pyrethroids (Munir et al., 2009). The artificial diet (Mani and Rao, 1998) for further rearing.
reduviid predator, Rhynocoris marginatus (Fab.) is an ento-
mophagous insect distributed in many agroecosystems and 2.2. Venom collection and preparation
feeding on more than twenty economically important
insect pests in India (Sahayaraj, 2007). The potential of R. The venomous saliva (VS) was collected from the 10-day
marginatus as a biocontrol agent under laboratory old freshly emerged adult reduviid as described by
(Sahayaraj, 2000; Sahayaraj and Balasubramanian, 2009; Sahayaraj et al. (2006b) and Sahayaraj and Kanna (2009).
Sahayaraj et al., 2003, 2004) and field conditions The salivary venom collected from more than 50 reduviid
(Sahayaraj, 1999; Sahayaraj and Martin, 2003; Sahayaraj predators were pooled and then stored on ice until their
and Ravi, 2007) has been reported earlier. Maran (2000) use in our toxicity experiments within 12 h VS was
studied the paralytic potential of R. marginatus salivary collected from each predator only once. Concentrations of
gland extract against selected pests. In our previous study, the VS (200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 ppm) (1 ppm ¼ 1 ml of
the antimicrobial activity of R. marginatus salivary venom crude venom in 1000 ml phosphate buffer) were prepared
against selected human pathogens has been recorded by diluting with HPLC grade water (Qualigens, India).
(Sahayaraj et al., 2006a). However, none of them has
studied the toxicological, physiological and immunological 2.3. Determination of toxicity
activities of this reduviid venomous saliva on any pests.
The true venoms of arthropods possesses insecticidal The toxicity of R. marginatus VS was evaluated against
activity against many economically important pests third instar larvae of S. litura using microinjection
(Wudayagiri et al., 2001; Parkinson et al., 2002; Tedford et al., (Escoubas et al., 1995) and oral toxicity (Fitches et al., 1997)
2004; Dani et al., 2005; Ergin et al., 2006; de Lima et al., 2007; methods. In microinjection method, different concentra-
Nicholson, 2007; Chaim et al., 2011; Baeka et al., 2011). The tions of the VS were tested for toxicity by injecting 1.0 ml of
venoms saliva of hunter reduviids possesses insecticidal VS into third stadium S. litura larvae of approximately
activity against many crop pests (Edwards, 1961; Ambrose 120 mg in weight. Control category larvae were injected
and Maran, 2000; Maran, 2000; Corzo et al., 2001). with HPLC grade water. Salivary venom and water-injected
However, studies of the effects of venomous saliva on various larvae were placed individually in a plastic container
gut enzymes in the insect have been seriously neglected. (5.5 cm h  3.8 cm d) and maintained in Biological Oxygen
There is a vast literature regarding the stage and age variation Demand (BOD) incubator with artificial diet. Larval
of digestive enzymes in whole gut preparations of all groups mortality was observed at 24 h interval up to 96 h.
of insects (see Terra et al.,1996a, b; Chapman,1998; Guo et al., Behavioral changes if any, in the host insect was observed
2011). In most insects, food digestion largely occurs in the and recorded up to 3 h post-injection. A soybean seed
alimentary canal, in which most of the enzymes are produced based artificial diet (Mani and Rao, 1998) was used to assay
and secreted, including protease, lipases, carboxylases, VS by oral delivery against newly hatched third stadium S.
amylase, invertases, and maltases. Insect gut also produces litura larvae (starved for 6 h prior to exposure to diet). For
a variety of detoxification enzymes which play important each treatment, thirty larvae were maintained in sterilized
roles in adapting to an environment altered by endo and plastic container containing moist filter paper to prevent
exogenic compounds (Zhu et al., 2011). There is, however, diet desiccation. For oral toxicity bioassay, 1 ml of VS of
relatively little known about the factors controlling the different concentrations (200, 400, 600, 800 and
release of digestive enzymes in insects. This knowledge is 1000 ppm) was blended thoroughly with the 100 mg of
a prerequisite for developing methods of control of pests artificial diet separately and provided to the larvae. Diets
based on inactivation of digestive enzymes. The chief aim of containing an equal amount of HPLC grade water were
this research therefore was to determine what extrinsic controlled. Survival was monitored daily up to 96 h. Then,
factors (incorporating venom into the diet) are most impor- all the live insects were used for estimating macromole-
tant in the regulation of enzyme release and food cules and enzyme profile analysis.
consumption indices. The second aim was to examine the
action of mixture of neurotoxic components in the venomous 2.4. Macromolecular studies
saliva of R. marginatus adult’s on mortality, whole body total
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids and inhibition of haemo- Live insects obtained from the previous study have been
cytes aggregation and spreading of S. litura third instar larvae. used for the estimation of whole body total carbohydrates,
proteins and lipids. The total carbohydrate (Sadasivam and
2. Materials and methods Manickam, 1997), protein (Lowry et al., 1951) and lipids
(Bragdon,1951) were estimated using glucose, bovine serum
2.1. Insect collection and rearing albumin (BSA) and cholesterol as standards, respectively.

Laboratory colonies of the host species, S. litura and 2.5. Preparation and quantification of enzymes
reduviid predator were established from individuals that
were collected from cotton fields of Tamil Nadu, India. R. Third instars of VS treated S. litura larvae were used to
marginatus were reared on the larvae of the host, S. litura at quantify enzyme activities. Enzyme extracts were prepared
30  2  C, 70–80% RH and with a photoperiod of 11:13 h D:L. by the method of Applebaum (1964) and Applebaum et al.
K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425 417

(1961). Individuals were anaesthetized with cotton soaked determined from the amount of total food ingested per
in chloroform and the entire digestive tract was dissected feeding day. Relative growth rate (RGR) was calculated
out in ice cold insect Ringer’s solution (NaCl2 – 6.5 g; KCl2 – from the CR per mean body mass after test larva (RGR ¼ mg
0.25 g; CaCl2 – 0.25 g; Na2Co3 – 0.25 g in 1000 ml distilled wt gained per mg initial larval wt per day). Efficiency of
water). The malpighian tubules, adhering tissue and gut conversion of ingested food [ECI ¼ (wt gained/food
contents were removed carefully. Then the gut was split ingested)  100], efficiency of conversion of digested food
into foregut, midgut and hindgut regions, weighed and [ECD ¼ (wt gained/food ingested  wt of faces)  100] and
each region was homogenized for 3 min at 4  C in ice cold approximate digestibility [AD ¼ (food ingested  wt of
citrate–phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) (0.1 M citric acid and faces)/wt of food ingested  100] were calculated as sug-
0.1 M sodium citrate) using a tissue homogenizer with gested by Waldbauer (1968). Data from dead insects were
a Teflon pestle. Homogenized gut sections were suspended not considered during calculation.
in buffer and diluted into 4 ml. The homogenate was
centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 15 min and supernatant was
used as enzyme source. 2.8. Inhibition of haemocytes aggregation and spreading
The amylase and invertase (Bernfeld, 1955; Ishaaya and
Swriski, 1970), trehalose (Ishaaya and Swirski, 1976), acid In another study, fifth instar larvae of S. litura insect
phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphates (ALP) (Beaufay were individually swabbed with 95% ethanol (v/v), dried
et al., 1954), protease (Morihara and Tsuzuki, 1977), lipase and a small cut was made in mid-proleg with a minute
(Cherry and Crandall, 1932), lactate dehydrogenase (King, sterile pin under sterilized conditions. Haemolymph was
1965), asparate (AAT) and alanine aminotransferases collected into a sterile Eppendorf tube containing a few
(ALAT) (Bergmeyer and Bernt, 1965), Glutathione S-Trans- crystals of anticoagulant (1-phenyl-2-thiourea – PTU). The
ferase (Yu, 1982), and esterase (Van Asperen, 1962) were haemocytes sample was prepared for aggregation bioas-
quantified using standard procedures. says according to the method described by Richards and
Dani (2008), and Dani and Richards (2009), with a slight
2.6. Esterase assay in gel electrophoresis modification i.e., the haemocyte concentration increased to
2  105 cells per well. Ten microliters of crude venom was
SDS (non-native) discontinuous polyacrylamide gel diluted to 100 fold with phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). Twenty
electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) was performed using a vertical microlitres of the diluted venom was added into each well
electrophoresis kit (BioTech, India), and a 6.5% acrylamide of 12-well strip ELISA plate containing 100 ml of haemo-
separating gel with Tris–glycine buffer system (Cho et al., cytes per well. Then Ampicillin (Hi-Media) and phenolox-
1999). Prior to electrophoresis, samples (gut region idase inhibitor phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) (Hi-Media)
enzyme extract) were diluted with the sample buffer [40% were added to each well to make the final concentration of
sucrose, 0.154% dithiothreitol, 0.0372% EDTA and 0.2% 100 mg/ml and 20 mM respectively. Heamocytes with and
Triton X-IOO in Tris-glycine buffer (pH 8.3)] at 1:1 ratio. without venom treatments were incubated at 20  C, 65%
Thirty microliters of the sample was loaded on each well relative humidity until observations were made. After
routinely and electrophoresis was performed at a constant incubation for 20 h, the aggregation of heamocytes was
voltage of 25 mV. Gel was calibrated using Geni broad observed using a phase contrast microscopy at 40
range molecular weight marker (Geni, Bangalore) and magnification (Olympus CX41, Japan). The haemocytes
stained with 0.2 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.5) were then visualized by fixing and staining them in 0.1%
containing 1% a-naphthyl acetate, 1% b-naphthyl acetate Commassie Brilliant Blue G250 in acetic acid and methanol
and 0.13% fast blue RR salt [4-Benzoylamino-2,5- in 1:4 ratio. After staining, cells were destained with 1:4
dimethoxybenzenediazonium chloride hemi(zinc chlo- ratio of acetic acid and methanol mixture. Then the
ride) salt]. The gel was then processed with destaining monolayer of haemocytes were covered with sterile phos-
solution (10% acetic acid and 50% methanol). phate buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4, 0.138 M NaCl, 0.0027 M
KCl, 0.0073 M Na2HPO4, 0.00147 M KH2PO4) and the
2.7. Nutritional indices aggregation of haemocytes was observed in four randomly
chosen fields of view at 200 magnification. The degree of
In another study, VS mixed artificial diet (500 mg) was aggregation (DA) was recorded as the difference in the
provided to the preweighed third stadium larvae (1 larvae/ transmittance (T) calculated from A405 before and after
petriplate), the weight gain, food consumption and eges- incubation [(T405)20  (T405)0] using an ELISA strip
tion by host animals were recorded. Fresh weight of each reader (SR 601-Qualisystems) and calculated using the
larva was measured after 24 h up to 96 h after the treat- following formula: DA ¼ [(T405)20  (T405)0].
ments. All uneaten food and faeces were collected and Impact of VS on the haemocytes spreading was studied
immediately placed in the hot air oven at 60  C for 12 h and as described by Zhang et al. (2005) and Yu et al. (2007) with
weighed using a monopan balance. Fresh food was accu- slight a modification. Haemocytes with or without venom
rately weighed and supplied in 500 mg portions. To treatment were incubated at 27  C. After 30 min and
measure dry weight of the food supplied and to avoid 240 min of incubation, the spreading of haemocyte was
inaccuracy due to desiccation, food was along maintained observed using phase contrast microscope (Olympus CX 41,
in a Petridish, its dry weight measured the next day and Japan). Spreading and non-spreading plasmatocytes (PC)
used as a reference to determine the amount food and granular cells (GC) (Gupta, 1979) were counted from
consumed by the insects. Consumption rate (CR) was three randomly chosen fields of view at 40 magnification.
418 K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425

Approximately 80 cells were counted in each field of to 96 h in all VS concentrations. Lowest RGR (F ¼ 5.2;
view and a total of 240 cells were counted. The spreading df ¼ 9,30; P < 0.05), AD (F ¼ 2; df ¼ 9,30; P < 0.05), ECI
percentage and spreading inhibitory ratio of Plasmatocytes (F ¼ 7.74; df ¼ 9,30; P < 0.05) and ECD (F ¼ 3.2; df ¼ 9,30;
and granular cells respectively were calculated as follows: P < 0.05) was observed at 96 h for 1000 ppm concentration.

ðNo of spreading PC or GC observedÞ

% spreading ¼  100
ðTotal no of spreading and non  spreading PC or GC observedÞ

ð% spreading of PC or GC without venom treatment as the

control  %spreading of PC or GC with venom treatmentÞ
Spreading inhibitory ratio ¼  100
% spreading of PC or GC of the control

Five wells were evaluated for each venom concentration in 3.3. Macromolecules of S. litura
three replicates.
Carbohydrate and lipid contents decreased with the
2.9. Statistical analysis increase in the concentration of VS, whereas protein
content increased significantly (F ¼ 8.3; df ¼ 2,12; P < 0.05)
The LD50 value was calculated following Finney (1971). with the increasing concentration of R. marginatus VS. In VS
Control animal data was compared with different concen- treated insects, both carbohydrate (F ¼ 21.0; df ¼ 1,13;
trations of VS. All data were subjected to one way ANOVA and P < 0.05) and lipid (F ¼ 1.4; df ¼ 2,12; P < 0.05) contents
post hoc Tukey’s test using the SPSS statistical software were lower than control and an opposite trend was recor-
(Version 11.5). The significance was expressed as df, F and P [df ded for protein (Table 2).
– degrees of freedom, F – Fisher distribution and P ¼ 5% level].
3.4. Digestive enzyme profile S. litura
3. Results
Amylase, invertase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phos-
3.1. Determination of toxicity phatase, alanine aminotransferase, asparate aminotrans-
ferase, protease, lactate dehydrogenase trehalase and lipase
Individual S. litura injected with minimum concentrations activities in foregut, midgut and hindgut of control and VS
(200 and 400 ppm) exhibited no initial response, after treated S. litura larvae are shown in Table 3. While
90 min, wriggling and restless movement, rapid mastication comparing the control with other categories, the enzyme
action of mandible began and fell on the lateral side and activity was decreased from low to high concentrations.
became motionless. The onset of these symptoms seemed to Among the three regions, all enzymes showed high activity
occur faster (30–40 min) with increasing concentrations. in the midgut. There was reduction in amylase activity of
None of the control injections of 1.0 ml HPLC grade water 1000 ppm concentration at 90% (F ¼ 1.1; df ¼ 2, 12;
resulted in fatality or symptoms of envenomation within P < 0.05), 87% (F ¼ 4.7; df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05) and 86% (F ¼ 4.7;
96 h, the maximum period of observation. Larvae injected df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05) in mid, hind and foregut respectively
with VS died within 48 h and showed an LD50 value of while compared to the control. Similarly, in the same
768 ppm. However, in oral toxicity bioassay method, at 96 h concentration, the lipase activity was reduced more in
observation, dose-dependent mortality was observed (40.0%, midgut (82%) (F ¼ 2.6; df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05), than in foregut
50.0%, 60.0%, 90.0% and 90.0% for 200, 400, 600, 800 and (79%) (F ¼ 6.3; df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05) and in hindgut (64%)
1000 ppm respectively) and the LD50 value was 929 ppm. (F ¼ 4.3; df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05). Furthermore, 23% (F ¼ 7.9;
df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05), 61% (F ¼ 4.0; df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05), 33%
3.2. Food consumption indices (F ¼ 1.2; df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05), and 40% (F ¼ 6.3; df ¼ 2, 12;
P < 0.05) reduction were more in the foregut than midgut
Relative growth rate (RGR), approximate digestibility and hindgut for invertase, acid phosphatase, AAT and tre-
(AD), efficiency of conversion of ingested (ECI) and digested halase respectively. Similarly for AP, ASAT, protease and LD,
food (ECD) of S. litura larvae fed with VS mixed artificial diet 53% (F ¼ 7.3; df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05), 65% (F ¼ 5.9; df ¼ 2, 12;
(Table 1) were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those of P < 0.05), 30% (F ¼ 1.7; df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05) and 25% (F ¼ 9.4;
an insect fed with non-VS diet. RGR, AD, ECI and ECD were df ¼ 2, 12; P < 0.05) reduction respectively were recorded in
decreased in dose-dependent manner. However, RGR, AD, hindgut rather than foregut and midgut.
ECI and ECD increased from 24 h to 96 h in control category.
Highest RGR (F ¼ 1.2; df ¼ 9,30; P < 0.05), AD (F ¼ 1.23; 3.5. Detoxification enzymes
df ¼ 9,30; P < 0.05), ECI (F ¼ 1.42; df ¼ 9,30; P < 0.05) and
ECD (F ¼ 2.2; df ¼ 9,30; P < 0.05) were observed at 96 h in Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) activity in the foregut,
non-venomous saliva category. But it decreased from 24 h midgut and hindgut of the 3rd instar stadium larvae
K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425 419

Table 1
Nutritional indices of third instar larvae of S. litura after the treatments (oral toxicity assay) of salivary venom of R. marginatus.

Exposed hours Nutritional indices Concentrations of the venom in ppm

Control 200 400 600 800 1000

24 RGR 20.77  0.35 15.27  0.88* 13.15  0.73* 11.75  1.23* 10.75  0.95* 09.03  1.38*
AD 63.55  1.50 52.10  1.17* 38.60  1.26* 26.36  0.92* 25.30  1.18* 24.40  1.20*
ECI 31.37  0.61 29.10  1.18 * 15.18  1.11* 13.17  1.25* 11.35  1.36* 10.82  1.15*
ECD 80.77  0.74 69.97  2.28* 67.85  2.15* 63.16  1.24 * 61.66  0.98* 56.76  1.57*
48 RGR 21.85  1.02 14.48  0.80* 12.31  0.92* 11.29  1.17* 9.35  0.78* 8.48  1.12*
AD 65.42  1.26 38.40  3.05* 35.70  2.10* 25.34  1.19* 24.79  1.34* 20.69  0.86*
ECI 38.39  2.44 22.35  1.65* 19.06  0.75* 16.30  1.18* 13.65  1.20* 11.45  0.76*
ECD 83.40  1.24 68.87  2.46* 59.59  2.53* 63.00  0.87 * 62.46  0.85* 56.14  1.00*
72 RGR 23.30  0.79 13.45  1.10* 11.56  0.81* 10.49  0.77* 8.60  0.77* 7.03  0.91*
AD 68.41  1.46 35.65  1.08* 30.69  0.86* 25.76  1.21* 24.60  1.25* 17.69  1.07*
ECI 36.65  0.97 18.20  0.85* 16.61  0.86* 13.09  0.67* 11.19  0.93* 09.54  1.58*
ECD 85.49  1.33 65.25  2.11* 57.59  1.42* 51.50  1.04* 51.00  0.82* 47.60  1.07*
96 RGR 25.09  1.22 13.08  0.70* 10.93  0.9* 9.79  0.98* 7.43  0.93* 7.01  0.75*
AD 73.77  1.40 27.34  1.35* 21.73  1.18* 23.84  0.91* 23.64  0.88* 14.49  1.58*
ECI 39.07  2.30 16.29  1.20* 13.59  1.21* 12.39  1.14* 12.09  1.39* 10.79  1.04*
ECD 85.77  1.23 64.95  1.69* 56.58  1.46* 46.68  1.28* 45.60  1.18* 43.05  1.90*

Mean  SE, *The mean difference significance at 5% level (P < 0.05); RGR, relative growth rate; AD, approximate digestibility; ECI, efficiency of conversion of
ingested; ECD, efficiency of conversion digested food.

exposed to different doses of VS for 4 days are shown in the very clear when compared to control. The intensity of all the
Table 4. GST activity was high and low in midgut (1.4 times) bands was highly pronounced at 1000 ppm concentration.
(F ¼ 1.7; df ¼ 3, 12; P < 0.05) (1371 13 mmoles/min/mg
protein) and hindgut (0.64 times) when compared to the
3.6. Inhibition of haemocyte aggregation and spreading
foregut of the untreated control category. The activity was
recorded by VS ingestion at midgut (1.033 times). Similar to
When S. litura haemocytes were plated out at a suitable
GST activity, effects of VS doses in diet on esterase activities
density (i.e. 1.5  105 haemocytes) in the well of a 12-well
of the third instar stadium larvae were also more significant
strip, they attached to the surface of the well within min,
in the midgut region (F ¼ 1.7; df ¼ 3,12; P < 0.05)
and the majority of plasmatocytes and granular cells
(7.420  0.004 mmoles/min/mg protein in 1000 ppm) than
attached themselves within 1 h (Fig. 2a and b). During this
foregut and hindgut of S. litura (Table 4). A significant
time, these haemocytes extended small pseudopods
increase (P < 0.005) in GST and esterase activities were
(Fig. 2c and d). After 240 min, the pseudopods were larger
found in the third instar stadium larvae of S. litura fed on
(Fig. 2e) and some migration towards the neighboring cells
diets with various doses of VS in comparison with that from
had occurred, resulting in the appearance of small groups
the untreated control animals. Generally the hindgut shows
of cells. During the same period, VS treatment caused
lower GST and esterase activities than the foregut and
surface blebbing, and disintegration of the plasma
midgut of S. litura.
membrane in granulocytes (Fig. 2e and f). After 20 h, it was
Esterase band patterns of S. litura were also observed
clear that individual haemocytes had moved across the
using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
surface of the well and had formed clearly distinguishable
(Fig. 1). Three bands corresponding to masses of 50 kDa,
haemocyte aggregation which composed of 10 or more
37 kDa and 31 kDa were noticed in gel to emphasize the
cells. By contrast, in reduviid predator venom treated
detoxification activity in gut of S. litura. The band at 50 kDa
category, inhibition of haemocyte aggregation was
was observed in all lanes including control, whereas 37 kDa
observed. The transmittance difference obtained from
and 31 kDa were appeared from 400 ppm and 600 ppm,
venom added wells doesn’t make much difference (0%),
after respectively (Table 5). When the concentration of VS
whereas in control category, it was 60%. Same results were
increased the esterase bands became thicker and appeared
recorded when the experiment was repeated.
Table 2 Plasmatocytes were easily identified by their marked
Macromolecular profile (mg/mg) of Spodoptera litura fed with Rhynocoris spreading behavior on glass. The growth of pseudopodia
marginatus salivary venom mixed artificial diet at five different doses could be observed within 30 min after VS was added with
haemocytes of the host. Depending upon the venom
Venom concentrations Protein Carbohydrate Lipid concentrations, it significantly inhibits the spreading of S.
(in ppm) litura plasmatocytes and granulocytes. However, at 400 and
Control 123.3  0.2 83.8  0.7 93.2  1.8 600 ppm concentrations VS did not cause any change in
200 95.8  0.2* 78.0  0.9* 80.9  0.6*
plasmatocytes. On 30 min of observation, the spreading
400 149.0  1.8NS 73.9  1.2* 79.4  1.8*
600 163.7  1.0* 68.4  0.7* 73.0  1.8* percentage of plasmatocytes was decreased in dose-
800 179.6  1.3NS 67.5  0.4* 52.9  0.4* dependent manner. The spreading percentage was 98% in
1000 185.3  3.1* 65.8  1.2* 50.5  0.5* control category and significantly decreased in 400 ppm
*The mean difference significant at 5% level (P < 0.05); NS
, not significant (91%) (F ¼ 25.43; df ¼ 4, 18; P ¼ 0.05), 500 ppm VS (59%)
at 5% level (P > 0.05). (F ¼ 3.1; df ¼ 4, 18; P ¼ 0.05). At 240 min observation,
420 K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425

Table 3
Digestive enzyme activities in the foregut, midgut and hindgut of the third instar stadium larvae exposed to different does (in ppm) of salivary venom of
R. marginatus.

Enzymes Concentration (ppm) Parts of the digestive system

Foregut Midgut Hindgut

Amylase (mg maltose released/min/mg protein) Control 3.71  0.05a 6.14  0.02b 3.65  0.04c
200 1.44  0.04*a 1.42  0.04*a 0.48  0.02*c
400 0.88  0.02*a 0.97  0.02*b 0.73  0.02*c
600 0.73  0.03*a 0.82  0.02*b 0.63  0.45*c
800 0.62  0.03*a 0.74  0.03*b 0.57  0.02*c
1000 0.59  0.04*a 0.64  0.03*b 0.54  0.01*c
Invertase (mg glucose released/min/mg protein) Control 74  1a 95  2b 36  2c
200 65  2*a 93  1*b 34  2*c
400 64  1*a 87  1*b 34  2*c
600 63  1*a 82  1*b 32  2*c
800 61  1*a 79  2*b 31  1*c
1000 57  1*a 74  1*b 28  1*c
Acid phosphatase (mmol /mg/h1) Control 18.77  1.17a 25.55  1.15b 7.37  0.32c
200 16.51  0.71*a 23.62  1.68*b 6.46  0.37*c
400 15.85  0.83*a 21.24  0.88*b 4.23  0.12*c
600 11.98  0.83*a 17.16  1.05*b 4.36  0.27*c
800 10.60  0.76*a 17.74  0.37*b 3.33  0.18*c
1000 7.28  0.20*a 16.32  0.68*b 4.12  0.08*c
Alkaline phosphatase (mmol /mg/h1) Control 24.64  0.27a 32.33  0.68b 15.29  0.84c
200 23.05  0.82*a 32.48  0.47Ns b
14.57  0.70*c
400 21.18  0.78*a 29.31  0.45*b 11.47  0.51*c
600 20.72  1.61*a 25.13  2.61*b 10.83  1.48*c
800 17.40  2.28*a 21.36  1.38*b 8.22  0.41*c
1000 16.65  0.71*a 18.05  0.79*b 7.10  0.46*c
Protease (mg tyrosine/mg protein/min) Control 0.76  0.01a 0.94  0.01b 0.57  0.01c
200 0.73  0.02*a 0.89  0.02*b 0.53  0.01*c
400 0.69  0.02*a 0.85  0.01*b 0.49  0.01*c
600 0.66  0.01*a 0.80  0.01*b 0.48  0.01*c
800 0.63  0.01*a 0.75  0.01*b 0.46  0.01*c
1000 0.58  0.01*a 0.68  0.02*b 0.40  0.01*c
Trehalase (mg glucose released/min/mg protein) Control 4.27  0.08a 4.30  0.02a 3.30  0.04c
200 3.62  0.01*a 4.07  0.04*b 3.23  0.04*c
400 3.47  0.03*a 3.87  0.03*b 3.04  0.04*c
600 3.07  0.04*a 3.73  0.03*b 2.78  0.05*c
800 2.72  0.09*a 3.57  0.03*b 2.57  0.05*c
1000 2.55  0.03*a 3.34  0.02*b 2.36  0.03*c
Lipase (meq/min/g sample) Control 0.57  0.01a 0.77  0.01b 0.25  0.01c
200 0.45  0.02*a 0.64  0.03*b 0.30  0.02*c
400 0.33  0.05*a 0.51  0.01*b 0.27  0.04*c
600 0.22  0.02*a 0.41  0.02*b 0.16  0.01*c
800 0.23  0.06*a 0.30  0.01*b 0.15  0.03*c
1000 0.15  0.01*a 0.16  0.03*b 0.14  0.01*c

*For analysis between control to different concentrations. The mean difference significant at 5% level (P < 0.05); NS, not significant at 5% level (P < 0.05);
Means followed by the same letters between different column for same enzyme are not significant different (P < 0.05).

1000 ppm VS highly reduced the spreading of plasmato- 4. Discussion

cytes (57%) (F ¼ 5.0; df ¼ 3, 20; P ¼ 0.05). Similarly, gran-
ulocytes showed dose-dependent impact in spreading Results of this study show that the VS of the reduviid
activity. For instance, the spreading percentage of GC was predator is venomous to S. litura. Injection of venom caused
low (52%) (F ¼ 4.6; df ¼ 3, 14; P ¼ 0.05) and high (55%) wriggling and restless movement, rapid mastication action
(F ¼ 11.8; df ¼ 3, 14; P ¼ 0.05) at 30 and 240 min of obser- of mandible, falling off lateral and becoming motionless for
vation, respectively in 1000 ppm (Fig. 3). Generally, the 30 to 40 min and then resuming its routine activities.
spreading inhibitory percentage (SIP) was higher at Mortality of S. litura was observed at 48 and 96 h with LD50
240 min of incubation than at 30 min incubation, except at 768 and 929 ppm for microinjection and oral administra-
400 ppm venom concentration (Fig. 3). Plasmatocytes tion respectively. But, previously Corzo et al. (2001) tested
showed higher percentage of inhibition 39% (F ¼ 25.59; toxicity of three reduviids purified venom against S. litura.
df ¼ 3, 11; P < 0.05) and 40% (F ¼ 18.80; df ¼ 3, 14; P < 0.05) They have not recorded any toxicity against the insects
in 30 and 240 min of incubation respectively, which is showing that crude venom has more impact than purified
significant when compared to the data in lower concen- peptides like Ptul, Adl and Iobl.
tration (Fig. 3). The granulocytes showed the highest inhi- In the nutritional indices experiments, R. marginatus
bition (69%) at 600 ppm, which is not significant when salivary venom significantly reduced the RGR, AD, ECI and
compared to that in the lower concentration. ECD of S. litura as reported by Morales et al. (2007). This
K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425 421

Table 4
Detoxification enzyme activities in the foregut, midgut and hindgut of the third instar stadium larvae exposed to different does (in ppm) of salivary venom of
R. marginatus.

Enzymes Concentration (ppm) Parts of the digestive system

Foregut Midgut Hindgut

Alanine aminotransferase (mmol/min/mg protein) Control 5.56  0.17a 6.44  0.19b 3.67  0.09c
200 5.36  0.15Ns a 6.51  0.12Ns b 3.60  0.11Ns c
400 4.62  0.20*a 5.54  0.23*b 3.46  0.15*c
600 4.27  0.15*a 5.55  0.15*b 2.66  0.13*c
800 4.53  0.18*a 5.40  0.06*b 2.62  0.26*c
1000 3.74  0.15*a 4.59  0.21*b 2.49  0.09*c
Asparate aminotransferase (mmol/min/mg protein) Control 5.58  0.26a 7.39  0.14b 3.35  0.16c
200 5.52  0.14Ns a 7.36  0.24Ns b 2.91  0.15*c
400 5.37  0.14*a 6.70  0.16*b 2.62  0.15*c
600 4.62  0.07*a 6.59  0.10*b 2.41  0.19*c
800 4.85  0.09*a 6.32  0.08*b 1.71  0.12*c
1000 4.35  0.15*a 6.21  0.13*b 1.18  0.04*c
Lactate dehydrogenase (mIU/mg protein/min) Control 10.32  0.37a 13.47  0.11b 10.09  0.05c
200 9.91  0.17*a 12.74  0.09*b 9.67  0.01*c
400 9.56  0.04*a 12.61  0.04*b 9.54  0.03*a,c
600 9.32  0.06*a 12.29  0.09*b 8.40  0.12*c
800 8.36  0.04*a 11.94  0.06*b 7.84  0.04*c
1000 8.04  0.05*a 11.46  0.05*b 7.74  0.04*c
Glutathione S-Transferase (nmoles/min/mg protein) Control 634  4a 857  3b 406  2c
200 652  4*a 874  1*b 519  1*c
400 976  16*a 1002  2*b 788  3*c
600 1036  7*a 1115  7*b 1034  6*a,c
800 1171  4*a 1251  7*b 1035  5*c
1000 1327  5*a 1371  13*b 1266  7*c
Esterase (nmoles/min/mg protein) Control 1.743  0.004a 2.606  0.012b 0.373  0.004c
200 2.200  0.007*a 3.366  0.004*b 0.381  0.004*c
400 2.911  0.006*a 4.216  0.010*b 0.727  0.004*c
600 4.721  0.004*a 5.314  0.006*b 2.212  0.004*c
800 5.376  0.004*a 6.015  0.002*b 3.131  0.005*c
1000 6.547  0.006*a 7.420  0.004*b 5.203  0.004*c

*For analysis between control to different concentrations. The mean difference significant at 5% level (P < 0.05); NS, not significant at 5% level (P < 0.05);
means followed by the same letters between different column for same enzyme are not significant different (P < 0.05).

indicates that the ingestion of VS blended diets exhibited perhaps through a diversion of energy from biomass
some chronic toxic impact on the host larvae. The production into detoxification enzyme (Wheeler et al.,
percentage reduction in RGR AD, ECI and ECD results from 2001) as observed in our study. Total body carbohydrate
a food conversion deficiency, which reduces growth and lipid contents decreased in the VS mixed diet fed S.
litura, whereas protein content increased significantly. The
increase of protein quantity might be due to higher
conversion of nitrogen to body matter and lower conver-
sion of carbohydrates may be attributed to lesser nitrogen
and greater carbohydrate utilization for maintenance.
Moreover, increase of protein content clearly indicated the
influence of VS on the protein synthesis of this insect.
R. marginatus VS reduced the digestive enzymes in
foregut, midgut and hindgut of S. litura in dose-depended
manner. Enzymes are catalysts that regulate all reactions
in all cells in the body (Penzlin, 2003). To date, several
different classes of arthropod venomous salivary compo-
nents have been shown to be insecticidal towards a range
of economically important insect pests when tested in
artificial diets (Fitches et al., 2004; Nghia et al., 2006;
Mukherjee et al., 2006). There is, however, relatively little
known about the factors controlling release of digestive
enzymes in insects (Lehane et al., 1996; Lwalaba et al.,
2009). There are relatively few studies addressing the
direct effect of food in the gut on the release of digestive
Fig. 1. R. marginatus venomous saliva impact on the esterase band patterns
enzymes (prandial regulation), and very few studies on the
of S. litura haemolymph using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electro- direct effect of specific nutrients on enzyme release.
phoresis stained fast glue RR salt. However, there are almost no studies on the effect of VS on
422 K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425

Table 5
Spodoptera litura whole digestive system esterase bands molecular weight (Dalton) profile after feeding with R. marginatus saliva in various concentrations
(in ppm).

Venom concentrations in ppm

Control 200 400 600 200 200

53,246 (0.523) 51,202 (0.541) 50,748 (0.545) 51,997 (0.534) 53,700 (0.519) 55,857 (0.500)
– – 38,373 (0.654) 37,919 (0.658) 37,465 (0.662) 41,325 (0.628)
– – – 31,561 (0.714) 31,561 (0.714) 36,216 (0.673)

Values in parentheses indicates the relative mobility (Rf) of the bands.

Fig. 2. Phase contrast light field microphotographs showing S. litura haemocytes maintained without salivary venom of R. marginatus and subsequently stained
with Commassie Brilliant Blue G250. Note the aggregated haemocytes (arrow head) monolayer (a) (40) without salivary venom of R. marginatus. Haemocytes
incubated in 0.02 ml/ml of salivary venom (b–f). Note the absence of haemocytes aggregation on the haemocytes monolayer (b) (4). Note the extended pseu-
dopods (single arrow) (c, d, e, f) and disintegration of plasma membrane (double arrow) (c, f) (100).
K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425 423

Fig. 3. The spreading (SP) and spreading inhibitory percentage (SIP) of plasmatocytes and granulocytes with various concentrations of venom in vivo conditions
after 30 and 240 min of incubation at 27  C.

the release of digestive enzymes. Such studies can actually precursors of amino acids by enzymatic transamination
be best carried out with short-term (4 days) feeding in the reactions. Glutamic acid is formed by amino transfer from
third larval stage of S. litura with VS mixed artificial diet and aspartic acid by AAT or from alanine by ALAT. R. margin-
recorded digestive and detoxication enzymes. This is the atus salivary toxins interfere with the transformation of
first report of the direct inhibition of enzyme release. the amino acids and hence the AAT and ALAT level
Reduction of digestive enzyme secretion implies either decreased. Furthermore, normally, organisms primarily
a direct effect (entry into the cell) or indirect effect (docking spent more energy into the physiological responses with
on receptors) of components present in the VS of R. mar- high sensitivity and efficiency due to limited energy
ginatus, which then has an effect on the cell production reserves (Stone et al., 2002). Therefore, more energy might
(synthesis) and/or release of the enzyme (Lwalaba et al., be transferred to elevate the GST, esterase and LDH in
2010). This is not surprising, because there is already order to defend rapidly and stably the toxic response
considerable evidence for the effect of inhibitors on caused by toxin, indicated in S. litura these enzymes were
increased or altered trypsin variants in the gut epithelial acts as the prime detoxication enzymes rather than AAT
cells of Spodoptera frugiperda in response to acute feeding and ALAT. Aminotransferases are bioindicators of gluco-
of SBTI and BTI-CMe (Lara et al., 2000; Brioschi et al., 2007). neogenesis, the formation of carbohydrates from amino
We believed and concluded that the insecticidal and acids. The AST and ALT serve as a strategic linkage between
enzymatic inhibition activities of the VS is due to a low the carbohydrates and protein metabolism that are known
[MW ¼ 3798 Da (RmIT1) and 7500 Da (RmIT2)], and high to be altered during various physiological and pathological
(30 kDa) molecular weight components recorded from the conditions (Zibaee et al., 2008). There was no significant
venomous saliva of this predator using MALDI–TOFMS and increase of ALT and AST activities show the utilization of
GC-MS respectively (unpublished data). Moreover, the VS protein for gluconeogenesis was very low. It was also
of R. marginatus is even more toxic when injected directly evidence in the level of whole body protein and carbo-
into the insect haemocoel, which completely bypasses the hydrate (Table 2). When ingested by larvae, toxin proteins
gut. We think it is more likely that most of the reductions in bind to specific receptors in the midgut region and toxin
enzyme activity we observe are secondary consequences of binding in susceptible insects disrupts the insect metab-
a mixture of neurotoxic components in the venom olism, thereby causing overall toxic effects and ultimately
(consistent with the neuromuscular abnormalities we resulting in larval death.
observed after injection of VS). There are no reports in the literature describing the host
Generally activities of asparate (AAT) and alanine haemocyte aggregation behavior of reduviid predator
(ALAT) aminotransferase was low in S. litura larvae after venom. These results indicate that the haemocyte anti-
exposed to different doses of VS of the reduviid predator aggregation factor(s) present in R. marginatus venom
for four days. It was indicated that specific types of prevent aggregation occurring, rather than breaking up
proteins are synthesized in the haemolymph from aggregates after they have formed. This helps the predator
424 K. Sahayaraj, S. Muthukumar / Toxicon 58 (2011) 415–425

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